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WRF模式对弱强迫系统中雷暴预报个例研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
用WRF2.2版本,针对2006年7月13日洛阳市区,发生在副高边缘偏东南暖湿气流中的雷暴进行了模拟预报,结果表明WRF模式能描述弱强迫天气尺度系统中的中小尺度对流系统,能捕捉到常规天气图上难以分辨出来的雷暴单体。模式输出的中尺度要素场可以确定雷暴发生的地点;模式探空的对流有效位能、抬升指数、沙瓦特指数、K指数随时间演变曲线的拐点,能指示雷暴发生的时间。个例分析表明WRF模式在预报弱强迫天气系统雷暴时具有较好的性能,用WRF模式来作雷暴的分析预报早一条可行的徐径。  相似文献   

A study has been carried out on water soluble ions, trace elements, as well as PM2.5 and PM2.5–10 elemental and organic carbon samples collected daily from Central Taiwan over a one year period in 2005. A source apportionment study was performed, employing a Gaussian trajectory transfer coefficient model (GTx) to the results from 141 sets of PM2.5 and PM2.5–10 samples. Two different types of PM10 episodes, local pollution (LOP) and Asian dust storm (ADS) were observed in this study. The results revealed that relative high concentrations of secondary aerosols (NO3, SO42− and NH4+) and the elements Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and As were observed in PM2.5 during LOP periods. However, sea salt species (Na+ and Cl) and crustal elements (e.g., Al, Fe, Mg, K, Ca and Ti) of PM2.5–10 showed a sharp increase during ADS periods. Anthropogenic source metals, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and As, as well as coarse nitrate also increased with ADS episodes. Moreover, reconstruction of aerosol compositions revealed that soil of PM2.5–10 elevated approximately 12–14% in ADS periods than LOP and Clear periods. A significantly high ratio of non-sea salt sulfate to elemental carbon (NSS-SO42−/EC) of PM2.5–10 during ADS periods was associated with higher concentrations of non-sea-salt sulfates from the industrial regions of China. Source apportionment analysis showed that 39% of PM10, 25% of PM2.5, 50% of PM2.5–10, 42% of sulfate and 30% of nitrate were attributable to the long range transport during ADS periods, respectively.  相似文献   

WRF模式对江苏一次强降水过程的模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP最终分析资料,使用WRF模式模拟了2008年7月22—23日出现在江苏的一次强降水天气过程。结果表明:WRF模式能较好地模拟出这次降水的区域,对这种中尺度天气系统具有良好的预报能力。在这次降水过程中,低空风场切变线和冷空气以及与高空急流的合理配置加强了强降水区垂直环流的发展,使降水区对流发展;而高空辐散、低空辐合的流场特征也促进了强降水的产生;这次过程的水汽输送在850hPa上最强,850hPa的强水汽输送是产生强降水必需的水汽条件;从能量方面看,江苏全境都处于K指数高值区,特别是江苏中北部有相当高的能量聚集,为强降水提供了不稳定条件。暴雨区上空螺旋度呈低层正中心、高层负值区的分布,螺旋度的高低层耦合是触发并维持低压暴雨的动力机制。  相似文献   

The low frequency oscillation in both hemispheres and its possible role in the dust weather storm events over North China in 2002 are analyzed as a case study. Results show that the Aleutian Low is linked with the Circumpolar Vortex in the Southern Hemisphere on a 30-60-day oscillation, with a weak Circumpolar Vortex tending to deepen the Aleutian Low which may be helpful for the generation of dust storm events. The possible mechanism behind this is the inter-hemispheric interaction of the mean meridional circulation, with the major variability over East Asia. The zonal mean westerly wind at high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere in the upper level troposphere may lead that of the Northern Hemisphere, which then impacts the local circulation in the Northern Hemisphere. Thus, the low frequency oscillation teleconnection is one possible linkage in the coupling between the Southern Hemisphere circulation and dust events over North China. However, the interannual variation of the low frequency oscillation is unclear.  相似文献   

An analysis of the heavy snowfall that occurred on 11?C14 February 2011 in the Yeongdong region along the eastern coast is presented. Relevant characteristics based on observation and model simulations are discussed with a focus on the times of maximum snowfall in Gangneung (GN) and Daegwallyong (DG). This event was considered part of the typical snowfall pattern that frequently occurs in the Yeongdong region due to the prevailing northeasterly flow. The control simulation using the high resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model (1 km × 1 km) showed reasonable performance in capturing the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of precipitation. The area of precipitation maxima appeared to propagate from the plain coastal region further into the inland mountainous region, in relation to the location of convergence zone. In addition, a series of sensitivity experiments were performed to investigate the effect of topography and sea surface temperature (SST) on the formation of heavy snowfall. The change of topography tended to modulate the topographically induced mechanical flow, and thereby modify the precipitation distribution, which highlights the importance of an elaborate representation of the topography. On the other hand, the sensitivity experiment to prescribe positive (negative) SST forcing shows the enhanced (suppressed) precipitation amount due to the change of the sensible and latent heat fluxes.  相似文献   

周晶  刘蕾  霍飞  鲍婷婷 《气象科学》2018,38(3):342-350
利用中尺度数值模式WRF,分别选用新旧两种下垫面资料和不同城市冠层模型设计试验,以江苏一次秋末高温天气个例(2014年11月20—21日)为背景,研究城市化进程对气温的影响和可能机制。将模式结果与江苏国家气象观测站和地面加密区域自动站观测资料进行对比,并分析3组试验结果发现:(1)采用BEP城市方案对2 m气温、2 m相对湿度和10 m风速等物理量的日变化模拟最优。(2)相比USGS数据,MODIS较新地表覆盖变化数据能更真实反映研究区域当前地表类型分布情况,且能提高近地面风温湿要素空间分布的模拟。(3)分析不同试验模拟的地表能量平衡过程差异,发现相比UCM单层城市冠层方案,BEP多层城市冠层方案在白天能更好模拟出城市地区的温度升高以及相对应的地表感热通量和地面热通量的增加。  相似文献   

Significant anomalous tracks were observed when the severe tropical storm Goni(0907) and typhoon Morakot(0908) in September 2009 were evaluated in short distances.The relationship between the two is regarded as a case of binary interaction.Based on an MM5 model(fifth-generation mesoscale model of Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research),in this study a series of sensitivity experiments were designed to determine the binary interaction between them.The sensitivity of the storm characteristics to the binary interaction was demonstrated through modeling experiments with different TC intensities and sizes based on the bogus vortices initialization.Furthermore,the contributions of large-scale environmental flow and the effects of interaction between the motions of the cyclones were distinguished by numerical experiments using only one of the TC vortices.Results from these experiments show that Morakot(0908) had a greater impact on the motion of Goni(0907),whereas Goni(0907) had a relatively limited impact on Morakot(0908).At the upper level,the northeasterly jet flow in the third quadrant of Morakot(0908) enhanced the upper-level divergence of Goni(0907) and had an important role in maintaining and increasing Goni’s(0907) intensity.And at the lower level,Morakot(0908),with strong convergence and ascending airflow,made a stable transport channel of southwesterly warm and wet flow,thus supporting the lower-level water vapor convergence of Goni(0907).Goni(0907),which was located upriver of the southwesterly flow,intercepted part of the water vapor transportation in the southwesterly flow,causing the water vapor convergence to strengthen while the water vapor convergence of Morakot(0908) weakened.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to exemplify a means by which an integrated assessment can be made of global and regional effects on land use of climate change. This is achieved by use of data on the effects of climate change on world food prices as inputs to a regional land use allocation model.Data on world prices are drawn from a recent global study of climate change and crop yields. In a case study of England and Wales a land allocation model is used to infer changes of land use that are the product of the integrated effect of climate-induced global price changes and climate-related changes of yield in England and Wales. This combination of changed prices and yield potential is used to calculate the land use providing the highest returns for each of 155,235 1 km2 cells of land in England and Wales for a future assumed for the year 2060 (without climate change) and then for that same environment with climate change. The difference between these two is then treated as an estimated effect resulting from climate change.  相似文献   

Size-separated aerosol number concentrations and water-soluble constituents were measured in Toyama, the Hokuriku district, near the coast of the Japan Sea, during the spring and summer in 2003. The number concentrations of coarse particles were significantly high in April, which was due to Asian dust events called Kosa in Japanese. Particulate nssCa2+, which is mostly present in the coarse-mode particles, was significantly high in April. On the other hand, the concentrations of NH4+ and nssSO42−, which mainly exist as the accumulation-mode particles were not high in April. The mass-size distributions of water-soluble constituents were compared with the size-separated number concentrations of particles. Backward trajectory analysis was also employed to examine the transport process of the air mass in Toyama.  相似文献   

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