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In Alaska, lichenometry continues to be an important technique for dating late Holocene moraines. Research completed during the 1970s through the early 1990s developed lichen dating curves for five regions in the Arctic and subarctic mountain ranges beyond altitudinal and latitudinal treelines. Although these dating curves are still in use across Alaska, little progress has been made in the past decade in updating or extending them or in developing new curves. Comparison of results from recent moraine-dating studies based on these five lichen dating curves with tree-ring based glacier histories from southern Alaska shows generally good agreement, albeit with greater scatter in the lichen-based ages. Cosmogenic surface-exposure dating of Holocene moraines has the potential to test some of the assumptions of the lichenometric technique and to facilitate the development of a new set of improved lichen dating curves for Alaska.  相似文献   

We have used cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating to determine apparent construction ages of late Pleistocene moraines in the Sierra Nevada, the White Mountains, and the Wind River Range, all in the western United States. The inferred glacial chronologies from the various localities all exhibit certain characteristics: (1) Local records are fragmentary and deposits of some glacial advances are always missing; no location has deposits of all glaciations and no glacial advance is recorded at all locations. This is due either to unfavorable conditions for glacier development at some times or to obliteration of earlier deposits by later, more extensive glaciers. (2) Most moraines have young apparent exposure ages, with only a few older than the last glacial cycle. This may be due to young true ages of these deposits, erosion of moraine surfaces, or obliterative overlap and covering of older deposits by younger ones. (3) Many deposits that were previously correlated (e.g., based on their stratigraphic positions) are not correlative; they may represent different stades and, sometimes, even different glaciations. Similarly, some previously uncorrelated deposits have the same exposure ages and may be correlative. (4) Clusters of several distinct moraines of nearly the same age are present at most locations. These clusters suggest that alpine moraines are formed during short deposition episodes that last between several hundred and several thousand years.  相似文献   

Alpine lakes near Mount Rainier are dammed by late-glacial moraines. Multiple cores show that sedimentation started less than 350 years after deglaciation. Numerous tephra layers provide excellent marker horizons that allow comparison of the stratigraphy without the errors associated with radiocarbon dating. Cores from different locations within a lake display the same stratigraphy and basal sediments. Core location therefore is not crucial to obtaining the oldest sediments. Continuous sedimentation in all cores is interpreted as evidence for stable lake levels throughout the Holocene. The cores are valuable tools for reconstruction and dating of glacier advances and volcanic activity.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon measurements on fossilized remnants of the aeolian biome, incorporated in glacial moraines in the Sierra Nevada of California, are consistent with the relative order of moraines at Bishop Creek, on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Holocene 14C ages correspond with periods of more effective moisture according to paleoecological and treeline data in the range, whereas Pleistocene ages are penecontemporaneous with Heinrich Events in the North Atlantic. These findings must be interpreted with caution, however, owing to a number of uncertainties, including: evidence that younger contaminants are added to till matrix; the possibility of older contaminants; the effects of pretreatment on aeolian biome remains; and processes by which organics undergo diagenesis within till matrices in different biogeochemical settings. [Key words: aeolian biome, Heinrich Events, moraines, radiocarbon dating, Sierra Nevada.]  相似文献   

The Aragón Valley glacier (Central Western Pyrenees) has been studied since the late nineteenth century and has become one of the best areas in the Pyrenees to study the occurrence of Pleistocene glaciations and the relationships between moraines and fluvial terraces. New morphological studies and absolute ages for moraines and fluvial terraces in the Aragón Valley allow a correlation with other Pyrenean glaciers and provide solid chronologies about the asynchroneity between global last glacial maximum (LGM) and the maximum ice extent (MIE). Six frontal arcs and three lateral morainic ridges were identified in the Villanúa basin terminal glacial complex. The main moraines (M1 and M2) correspond to two glacial stages (oxygen isotopic stages MIS 6 and MIS 4), dated at 171 ± 22 ka and 68 ± 7 ka, respectively. From a topographical point of view, moraine M1 appears to be linked to the 60 m fluvioglacial terrace, dated in a tributary of the Aragón River at 263 ± 21 ka. The difference in age between M1 moraine and the 60 m fluvioglacial terrace suggests that the latter belongs to an earlier glacial stage (MIS 8). Moraine M2 was clearly linked to the fluvioglacial 20 m terrace. Other minor internal moraines were related to the 7–8 m terrace. The dates obtained for the last glacial cycle (20–18 ka) are similar to other chronologies for Mediterranean mountains, and confirm the occurrence of an early MIE in the Central Pyrenees that does not coincide with the global LGM.  相似文献   

The European Alps is the birthplace of glaciology and in particular Quaternary glaciology and for over one hundred years has been a model region for studying mountain glaciations. In this paper, we review the achievements from this region, which will benefit glaciological studies of the Tibetan Plateau, China. According to new evidences of glaciofluvial de- posits discovered in valleys and forelands of the Alps, researchers have progressed from an original four Pleistocene gla- ciations to seven glaciations: Biber, Donua, Gtinz, Haslach, Mindel, Riss and WOrm. The earliest one Biber possibly oc- curred between the Pliocene and Pleistocene, but the chronology before Riss is still in doubt. Recent years, Riss and Wtirm glaciations have been supported by a large numbers of cosmogenic exposure dating. In particular, cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating has been carried out for different moraine boulders in numerous valleys, which reveals a series of climatic change events, and they are comparable to post-glacial age records of northern Europe. The advancement of glaciological studies in the Alps is important in promoting glaciological research in the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Deposits of debris fans and bottom gullies in Southwestern Cisbaikalia have been studied and subjected to radiocarbon dating. The study identified six development stages of a 500–1000-year-long rank for erosion-accumulation processes in gully-draw systems of Southwestern Cisbaikalia uring the Holocene.  相似文献   

Seggedim is a remote site in NE Niger where previous studies demonstrated the presence of Holocene paleolake deposits beneath an existing sabkha. In 2005, we retrieved a 15-m core that contains a high-resolution record of early to middle Holocene environmental change. Mineralogical, chemical and petrographic data were used to infer paleoenvironmental conditions recorded by successive lake stages. An exceptionally stable lake regime existed from 10.6 to 7.3 cal ka BP. This regime, reflecting moist conditions, was characterized by deposition of continuously laminated diatomite with high organic matter content, formed under meromictic conditions, with very low detrital input. A lake regime shift occurred at 7.3 cal ka BP, interpreted as the beginning of a transition to arid conditions. This shift was initially marked by a change to predominantly clastic sedimentation, followed by increased sand input during later stages, culminating in the onset of the sabkha stage. Because of the presence of reworked organic material in the deposits, reliable radiocarbon dating of the succession of lake stages could not be achieved.  相似文献   

One of the major goals of geomorphology is to understand the rate of landscape evolution and the constraints that erosion sets on the longevity of land surfaces. The latter has also turned out to be vital in modern applications of cosmogenic exposure dating and interpretation of lichenometric data from unconsolidated landforms. Because the effects of landform degradation have not been well documented, disagreements exist among researchers regarding the importance of degradation processes in the dating techniques applied to exposures. Here, we show that all existing qualitative data and quantitative markers of landform degradation collectively suggest considerable lowering of the surface of unconsolidated landforms over the typical life span of Quaternary moraines or fault scarps. Degradation is ubiquitous and considerable even on short time scales of hundreds of years on steeply sloping landforms. These conservative analyses are based entirely on field observations of decreasing slope angles of landforms over the typical range of ages in western North America and widely accepted modeling of landscape degradation. We found that the maximum depth of erosion on fault scarps and moraines is on average 34% of the initial height of the scarp and 25% of the final height of the moraine. Although our observations are limited to fault scarps and moraines, the results apply to any sloping unconsolidated landform in the western North America. These results invalidate the prevailing assumption of no or little surface lowering on sloping unconsolidated landforms over the Quaternary Period and affirm that accurate interpretations of lichen ages and cosmogenically dated boulder ages require keen understanding of the ever-present erosion. In our view, the most important results are twofold: 1) to show with a large data set that degradation affects universally all sloping unconsolidated landforms, and 2) to unambiguously show that even conservative estimates of the total lowering of the surface operate at time and depth scales that significantly interfere with cosmogenic exposure and lichen dating.  相似文献   

According to the glacial landforms and deposits with the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results, two glacial stages of the last glacial cycle (LGC) and Late Glacial were identified. The Late Glacial stage (Meteorological Station glacier advance) took place about 11 ka (11.3±1.2 ka), and the last glacial maximum (LGM), named Black Wind Mouth glacier advance, occurred at 20 ka (20.0±2.1 ka). Based on the Ohmura’s formula in which there is a relationship between summer (JJA) atmospheric temperature (T) and the annual precipitation (P) at ELA, the present theoretical equilibrium line altitude (ELAt) in Changbai Mountains was 3380±100 m. Six methods of accumulation–area ratio (AAR), maximum elevation of lateral moraines (MELM), toe–to headwall altitude ratios (THAR), the terminal to summit altitudinal (TSAM), the altitude of cirque floor (CF), and the terminal to average elevation of the catchment area (Hofer) were used for calculation of the former ELAs in different stages. These methods provided the ELA for a range of 2250–2383 m with an average value of 2320±20 m during the LGM, which is 200 m higher than the value of previous investigation. The snowlines during the Late Glacial are 2490 m on northern slope, and 2440 m on western slope. The results show that the snowline on northern slope is 50 m higher than that on western slope during the Late Glacial, and the average snowline is 2465m. The ELA △ values were more than 1000 m during the LGM, and about 920 m lower than now during the Late Glacial stage respectively. Compared with Taiwanese and Japanese mountains in East Asia during the LGM, the effect of the uplift on ELA in Changbai Mountains during the glaciations (i.e. 20 m uplift in the LGM and 11 m in the Late Glacial) is not obvious.  相似文献   

Jansson and Glasser (Jansson, K.N., Glasser, N.F., 2008. Modification of peripheral mountain ranges by former ice sheets: the Brecon Beacons, southern UK. Geomorphology 97, 178–189.) have recently provided unconventional interpretations of selected glacial erosional and depositional landforms in the Brecon Beacons, UK, based on remotely sensed imagery. These new interpretations contradict well-established and reliable evidence for the origins and ages of certain glacial landforms of this upland area and elsewhere. They suggest that during a post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice-sheet event ice flowed up supposed, essentially “fluvial” valleys producing “glacial lineations” and depositing marginal moraines at the valley heads and on cirque floors. We argue that their interpretations of some key landforms are incorrect and that they have ignored much of the previous dating and field geomorphological evidence. Sedimentary and morphological evidence (e.g., lack of erratic content; convex planform with respect to the headwall; relatively large height range of moraines; and close association with headwall extent, height, and steepness) all indicate that higher level cirque-floor and valley-head moraines in the Brecon Beacons (> c. 400 m) were formed by cirque glaciers. Available dating evidence indicates a Younger Dryas age. We demonstrate that the supposed “fluvial” valleys, comprising trough heads with steep headwalls, have more nearly parabolic than V-shaped cross profiles indicating substantial glacial modification. Field evidence shows that proposed key exemplar post-LGM glacial lineations are in fact debris flow deposits. We conclude that whilst the adoption of a macroscale approach can shed new light on large-scale, ice-sheet movements, this approach should not be undertaken without consideration of the associated field evidence.  相似文献   

中国第四纪冰川演化序列与MIS对比研究的新进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
赵井东  施雅风  王杰 《地理学报》2011,66(7):867-884
近年来,随着多种可对冰川地形进行直接定年的测年技术的发展与应用,中国第四纪冰川研究取得了新进展,较为突出的是获得了大量与地貌地层关系相符的年代学资料、建立了冰川演化若干典型范例以及进一步确立了青藏高原构造隆升与冰川发育的耦合关系。中国第四纪冰川演化序列与海洋氧同位素阶段(Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage,MIS) 比较经历了2000 年、2002 年两次立案与改进。笔者基于近年来新测得的年代学数据、已建立的冰川演化序列以及青藏高原隆升与冰川发育的耦合关系等新的研究资料,提出了中国冰期与海洋氧同位素阶段比较的2011 年改进方案,包括近百万年冰川变化的15 个特征时段及其对应的时间与中国冰期名称等信息。  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰山东段冰碛物光释光测年研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾彬彬  周亚利  赵军 《地理学报》2018,73(5):957-972
冰川是塑造地表形态最积极的外营力之一,对冰川地貌的年代学研究是重建古冰川发展史的关键,也是研究气候变化的重要途径。冰碛物是冰川作用的直接产物,代表过去发生的冰川事件,对冰碛物进行准确测年能够为重建古冰川的进退、理解区域古气候变化提供年代学支撑。本文在新疆阿尔泰山东段采集了8个冰碛物样品以进行光释光测年,利用单片再生剂量法对90~125 μm的石英颗粒进行等效剂量的测定。通过等效剂量值频率分布特征及De(t)坪区图分析得出大部分冰碛物的光释光信号晒退不彻底,所以利用一阶动力学公式对持续激发的光释光信号晒退曲线(CW-OSL)进行多组分拟合拆分,得到快速、中速、慢速3种组分,依据分离出的快速组分确定等效剂量值。研究结果显示,距今32 ka以来阿尔泰山东段区域在MIS3阶段、MIS2阶段、8.2 ka左右、全新世大暖期及新冰期等5个时段有冰川发育,冰川发育与气候变化密切相关。  相似文献   

A New Lichenometric Dating Curve For Southeast Iceland.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a new lichenometric dating curve for southeast Iceland. The temporal framework for the curve is based on reliably dated surfaces covering the last 270 years, making it the best constrained study of this nature conducted in Iceland. The growth of lichen species within Rhizocarpon Section Rhizocarpon is non-linear over time, with larger (older) thalli apparently growing more slowly. The linear 'growth' curves derived previously by former authors working in Iceland represent only part of a curve which has an overall exponential form. Reasons for the non-linearity of the new dating curve are probably physiological, although climatic change over the last three centuries cannot be ruled out. Use of linear 'growth' curves in Iceland is problematic over time-spans of more than c . 80 years. Pre-20th century moraines dated using a constant, linear relationship between lichen size and age are probably older than previously believed. Those moraines lichenometrically 'dated' to the second half of the 19th century in Iceland may actually pre-date this time by several decades (30–100 years), thus throwing doubt on the exact timing of maximum glaciation during the 'Little Ice Age'.  相似文献   

The Mt Anne massif is characterised by spectacular erosional landforms of glacial origin. Evidence of at least two separate Pleistocene glaciations is preserved in valleys that extend east and south of the massif, and also on nearby Schnells Ridge. There is evidence of a much older glaciation beneath the western slopes of the Mt Anne massif. Dense vegetation in the eastern valleys has inhibited mapping of the Quaternary geology there. These glaciations have influenced postglacial evolution of the landscape, including the advent of prominent karst features and Holocene landslip activity.  相似文献   

The retreat record of the Stabre Glacier into the Norra Storfjället mountains, after separation from the massive Tärnaån Glacier at some undetermined time in the Atlantic Chron, is documented by recessional moraines in the foreland. While poorly constrained by radiometric dating, the age of the middle group of moraines averages out to less than 4000 cal 14C yr BP, the older moraine group probably of Late Atlantic age, with the youngest deposits of Little Ice Age (LIA). Soils/paleosols range from Entisols (youngest) and Inceptisols (middle group) to mature Spodosols (outer group), existing either as single‐story profiles or within pedostratigraphic columns, buried pedons either surfaced with weathered glacial or mass wasted deposits. Some profiles exhibit convoluted properties which could place them in the Cryosolic order. The physico‐mineral‐chemical properties of soils/paleosols in recessional deposits across this sequence provide weathering indices over the mid to Late Holocene in the Swedish sub‐Arctic climate. It is likely the middle group of deposits represents stillstand of the retreating glacier offset by climatic deterioration with the onset of Early Neoglacial climate which altered the glacial mass balance, at least until termination of the LIA. Correlation to other alpine areas in the middle and tropical latitudes with similar records is attempted and discussed. While the Stabre Glacier disappeared after the LIA, the nearby Tärna Glacier remains extant on the land surface, a presumed result of slight elevation differences between the two cirques which affects storm tracks and resultant variations in glacial mass balances.  相似文献   

In contrast to the abundant evidence of former shorelines on the sea floor of the Sahul Shelf in northern Australia, little evidence has been reported for late Pleistocene coastal landforms along the modern coast of north Australia. Using radiocarbon, thermoluminescence and uranium/thorium dating techniques, however, it can be shown that the present coastal morphology on the Cobourg Peninsula is partly inherited from features both deposited and eroded during the late Quaternary. Shore platforms, in particular, are veneered with ferricretes, some of which can be U/Th dated. In places bedforms are preserved within the ferricrete, suggesting that the platform existed at, and was modified during, the Last Interglacial, and probably formed during earlier interglacials. TL dating indicates that sands around Cape Don were deposited when sea level was lower, but may have been reworked during a Holocene high stand. A sequence of beach ridges at Smith Point indicates Holocene progradation over an earlier planation surface, and also provides support for slight Holocene emergence.  相似文献   

通过对珠江口岛屿小型海湾如珠海淇澳岛和澳门黑沙滩一级阶地上的古沙坝/沙丘进行光释光(OSL)年代测定、粒度分析,结果表明,全新世潮间带砂体沉积的底部年代根据光释光测年结果和沉积速率推算,超过9 ka。海岸带形成的古沙坝或风成砂质沉积的光释光测年结果大部分老于新石器文化堆积的器物年代,表明全新世高海面期砂质滨海相沉积的形成先于新石器人类活动遗迹。潮间带砂质滨海相沉积的上覆地层常在6.5 ka左右快速转变为潮上带的风成沉积-人类活动混合堆积,导致文化层中沉积物粒度分选变差,参数波动较大。淇澳岛小沙澳湾9―4.3 ka的滨海相砂质沉积的顶部目前位于海拔+4.8 m,这一高程可能与构造抬升运动有关。  相似文献   

北疆地区全新世气候波动与水热组合特点   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
叶玮 《中国沙漠》2000,20(2):185-191
湖沼沉积、黄土沉积和冰积等地质记录的研究表明,北疆地区全新世气候受地理位置和大气环流影响,气候变化较为复杂。整个北疆地区早全新世气候暖干,中全新世至现代,气候特点因地因时而异。受西风控制地区,代表暖干环境的黄土沉积可一直延伸到晚全新世,而可能受夏季风影响的地区和偏北的阿尔泰山,环境的好转早于西风区,并且气候的波动也较西风区更为频繁。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地貌演变模拟模型的构建   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
信忠保  谢志仁 《地理学报》2006,61(5):549-560
从海面-地面系统出发,对三角洲地貌演变模拟模型进行了完整构建,它是包括地面高程、沉积厚度、地壳垂直运动速率与古海面波动等在内的多变量地学过程模拟模型。根据长江三角洲地区的实际资料,运用该模型对长江三角洲全新世时期的地貌演变过程进行了初步模拟,从模型输出的各时期古地貌图来看,效果良好。模拟结果表明:以太湖平原为主体的长江三角洲平原南部区域的地貌演进过程可大致以7000 a BP和3000 a BP为界划分为早期快速海侵,中期岸线反复摆动,晚期迅速海退三个阶段;太湖平原核心区始终未曾遭受过大规模海侵,基本保持为陆地环境,但太湖平原西缘和太湖湖盆等部分区域可能曾数度受到过海侵的影响。分别利用304个分文化期考古点数据和73个考古点测年数据对模拟结果进行了定性和定量验证,验证结果表明:模型对全新世长江三角洲古地貌和海陆关系演变的模拟结果有较好的可信度。  相似文献   

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