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太平洋富稀土深海沉积物中稀土元素赋存载体研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
太平洋深海沉积物中富含稀土(含Y,简称REY),尤其是(含)沸石粘土,其主要由粘土组分、沸石、鱼牙骨、微结核及生物残渣等组成,目前对于该类稀土矿床中REY的赋存载体存在争议。本文在中、西太平洋选取两个富REY的沸石粘土样品利用地球化学和矿物学对稀土赋存状态进行定量研究。矿物微区成分表明,鱼牙骨主要成分为磷灰石,含有最高的REY含量,为2497×10~(- 6)~18623×10~(- 6),微结核和沸石颗粒含有较低的REY含量,分别为246×10~(- 6)~333×10~(- 6)和29.36×10~(- 6)~256×10~(- 6)。通过三种矿物相在沉积物63~250μm粒级组分中各自所占质量比例,计算得出磷灰石对REY的贡献率可达90%以上,说明此粒级中磷灰石为主要REY赋存载体,然而相对全岩总的REY含量,该粒级中磷灰石的贡献仍较小。通过对全岩和粉砂级组分(小于63μm)主微量地球化学分析和XRD矿物相分析表明,2个样品中REY主要存在于粉砂级组分中,其中的磷灰石对全岩REY的贡献最高均可达70%左右。另外通过对粘土组分(2μm)研究发现2个样品粘土组分的REY含量相似,分别为530×10~(- 6)和631×10~(- 6),粘土组分对全岩沉积物的REY贡献意义不大,对整个沉积物REY而言其贡献率仅为2%~5%左右。因此认为磷灰石为整个沸石粘土中REY主要赋存载体。  相似文献   

Unconsolidated oozes, partially lithified oozes, recrystallized limestones, dolostones and crystalline aragonite are some of the varieties of carbonate sediment that have been found in the deep-sea; chemical and isotopic analyses of these varieties are presented here. The consolidated oozes and recrystallized limestones are low-Mg calcites and are often associated with basement rock (generally serpentinized peridotite or basalt) detritus. Lithification is suggested to arise from changes in the carbonate-equilibria system of the interstitial waters resulting from chemical degradation of the igneous rocks. When compared to unconsolidated oozes, lithification is seen to be accompanied by loss of Sr and a slight increase in B, Ba, Co, Cr, Ni and Y in most instances. The tuffaceous limestones are also low-Mg calcites, but are characterized by low Sr and relatively high B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, V, Y and Zn concentrations compared to the oozes. Three dolostones are described of very different isotopic and chemical composition, possibly indicating three different pathways of dolomitization. One with much depleted 13C and high Ba concentrations is probably derived from waters containing carbon from a fractionated organic source. Another is not greatly different from the consolidated limestones in minor and trace element composition and may be derived from them. The third variety is characterized by low concentrations of Sr, B, Ba, Cu and Y and relatively high concentrations of Pb: Crystalline aragonite is commonly found in many areas associated with serpentinized peridotite. This aragonite is characterized by relatively high concentrations of Sr and Ni; petrographic and isotopic analyses indicate precipitation from cold, carbonate-rich solutions percolating through the peridotite.  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments can contain relatively high concentrations of rare earth elements and yttrium (REY), with a growing interest in their exploitation as an alternative to land-based REY resources. To understand the processes that lead to enrichment of the REY in deep-sea sediments, we have undertaken a detailed geochemical study of sediments recovered from the Atlantic Ocean, on a transect along ~ 24°N that includes the deep Nares Abyssal Plain and the Canary and North America Basins.Total REY concentrations (ΣREY) range from 7.99 to 513 ppm, and total concentrations of the heavy REY (Eu - Lu) range from 0.993 to 56.3 ppm. REY concentrations are highest in slowly accumulating pelagic red clays, especially in samples that contain ferromanganese micronodules. Factor analysis reveals that hydrogenous Fe- and Mn-(oxyhydr)oxides are the primary REY carrier phase in the red clays. In situ analysis of individual micronodules confirms that they have high ΣREY (up to 3620 ppm). REY concentrations are higher in micronodules that have a hydrogenous source, characterised by higher Fe/Mn, compared to micronodules that have a diagenetic source.The ΣREY content of North Atlantic deep-sea sediments is ~ 4 times lower than in Pacific deep-sea sediments. We calculate that the area of seafloor required to extract ~ 10% of the global annual REY demand is ~ 100 km2, assuming removal of the upper 1 m of sediment.  相似文献   

对中印度洋海盆14个站位的表层沉积物进行了稀土元素(REE+Y,简称REY)分布特征和富集规律研究.结果表明,样品中REY主要富集于沸石黏土和远洋黏土中(稀土元素总量最高为1239×10?6),且明显富集钇(Y)等重稀土元素(Y富集系数高达14.1,重稀土元素和Y富集系数最高为11.6);富稀土沉积物呈明显Ce亏损,发...  相似文献   

The rare earth element (REE) contents of sixteen surficial calcareous sediments from the southwestern Carlsberg Ridge, Indian Ocean, have been determined. The total REE vary from 35 ppm to 126 ppm and are inversely related to the calcium carbonate content. REEs show a strong positive correlation with Al + Fe + K + Mg + Na (r 2= 0.98) and Mn + Fe + Cu + Ni (r 2= 0.86) suggesting that the REE is associated with a combined phase of clays (mainly illite) and Mn-Fe oxyhydroxides. The aeolian input into these sediments is suggested from the weak positive Eu/Eu* anomaly. Shale-normalized (NASC) pattern along with La(n)/Yb(n) ratio suggest enrichment of heavy REE (HREE) relative to the light REE (LREE) with a negative Ce/Ce* anomaly implying retention of a bottom water REE pattern. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of iodine, bromine and organic carbon has been examined in sediment cores from a range of environments on the Namibian shelf. The relationship between Br and C org. is linear, and that between I and C org. is variable, for all surface sediments; I/C org. ratios show a decrease of about one order of magnitude between the outer shelf oxidising sediments (250 × 10?4) and the organic-rich inner shelf sediments (20 × 10?4). The contrasting behaviour of the halogens in surface sediments is explained by differences in the amount of halogen absorbed by living organisms within the euphotic zone and on seston on the seabed. It is suggested that sorption by seston occurs only in oxidising sediment where free O2 is available. Hence, iodine is sorbed by seston in the outer shelf environment, but is not sorbed by the reducing sediments of the inner shelf. Here the iodine in the sediment represents only that taken up by plankton. On the outer shelf, 50–80% of the total iodine in the organic matter is sorbed by seston. The principal site of Br uptake is not known.The distribution of C org. in subsurface sediments broadly reflects that found at the surface, although there is a slight decrease with depth in the outer shelf cores due to dilution by terrigenous materials. In the inner shelf cores, there is no change in the relationship of iodine and bromine to organic carbon at depth. Those from the mid shelf, and especially the outer shelf, on the other hand, show decreases in both I/C org. and Br/C org. ratios, reaching values at about 70 cm depth that are similar to those in surface reduced sediments from the inner shelf. Over this depth interval I/C org. ratios decrease by a factor of five while Br/C org. ratios show a two fold decrease. These changes in the ratios at depth imply that diagenesis within the reducing cores is negligible compared with that of oxidised sediments. The implications of diagenesis with regard to halogen recycling in sediments are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

西南印度洋中脊(SWIR)平均扩张速率约为14 mm/yr,是全球洋中脊系统的重要组成端元,因其具有慢速-超慢速扩张特征,引起全球科学家的广泛关注。基于前人对SWIR的综合研究成果,从构造和岩浆作用两个角度出发,系统地回顾了SWIR的形成和演化历史,探讨了岩浆的分布特征和地幔不均一性成因。SWIR的形成始于冈瓦纳大陆的裂解,中段洋脊区域(26~42°E)是印度洋最早开启的窗口,历经多次洋脊跃迁和扩展作用形成了斜向扩张展布,多分段的构造格局。地幔热点在冈瓦纳大陆裂解过程中扮演了关键角色,并对SWIR的洋底地貌和岩浆作用具有显著影响,其中Bouvet和 Marion热点在SWIR的西段和中段岩浆均留下了地球化学印迹。SWIR西段岩浆除却Bouvet热点影响之外表现出与大西洋-太平洋型玄武岩相似的同位素地球化学特征。在SWIR中段,39~41°E附近的岩浆具有显著的DUPAL异常特征,与冈瓦纳大陆的初始形成、裂解紧密相关。受俯冲改造的中—新元古代的造山带岩石圈地幔拆沉是造成SWIR中段地幔不均一性的重要根源。在SWIR东段,46~52°E区域内的局部岩浆组成异常,推测具有大陆地壳物质混染的成因。而在Melville转换断层以东,洋脊形成时间最晚,玄武岩的地幔源区受到了富集组分的交代作用,其同位素组成与相邻的中印度洋中脊(CIR)和东南印度洋中脊(SEIR)地幔源区具有亲缘性。  相似文献   

The present review deals with the distributions of dissolved trace metals in the Indian Ocean in relation with biological, chemical and hydrographic processes. The literature data-base is extremely limited and almost no information is available on particle processes and input and output processes of trace metals in the Indian Ocean basin and therefore much research is needed to expand our understanding of the marine chemistries of most trace metals. An area of special interest for future research is the Arabian Sea. The local conditions (upwelling induced productivity, restricted bottom water circulation and suboxic intermediate waters) create a natural laboratory for studying trace metal chemistry.  相似文献   

There is a long-standing controversy of what triggered the extinction at the Permian-Triassic boundary, the most severe mass extinction in the geologic record, including flood basaltic volcanism and/or bolide impact hypothesis. In order to clarify various pieces of evidence for the mass extinction event at the Permian-Triassic boundary, some researchers from some laboratories throughout the world have made a comprehensive study on a group of samples from the Meishan area of China. Some fresh core samples from the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Meishan area were analyzed in this study. The results showed that there is no Ir anomaly, Moreover, the PGEs patterns of those samples show obvious differentiation characteristics, that is different from the case encountered in meteorites. So no evidence supports the hypothesis of extraterrestrial impact. In contrast, the PGEs patterns are similar to those of Siberian and Emeishan basalts, which indicates that those PGEs are derived mainly from the basalts, lending a support to the correlation between mass extinction at the Permian-Triassic boundary and flood basaltic volcanism. This study has also confirmed the results for samples from section C prior to the analysis of the samples.  相似文献   

Diatoms from surface sediment samples collected from Enderby Basin of Indian Sector of Southern Ocean were analyzed to determine the relative abundance and distribution of seven key indicator diatom species viz. Sea ice related species Fragilariopsis rhombica, F. separanda, F. curta, F. ritscheri, Thalassiosira tumida and Actinocyclus actinochilus and Open Ocean species F. kerguelensis on the basis of modern physico-chemical parameters. The relative abundances of different species observed viz. F. rhombica — 6.25%; F. separanda — 12.5%; F. curta — 10.53–13.33%; F. ritscheri — 4.55–12.5%; F. kerguelensis — 6.25–63.64%; T. tumida — 3.13% and A. actinochilus — 9.38–13.33%. The increasing abundance of F. kerguelensis consecutively suggests the effect of Antarctic bottom water in the study area which is further substantiated by the presence and increasing abundance of F. ritscheri. The gradual decrease in abundance or absence of sea ice related species from the sampled stations indicates the summer and winter sea ice extent concentration in the study area. The nutrient concentration correlates with the distribution and abundances of diatom species.  相似文献   

The formation and temporal variability of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the Arabian Sea is a subject of intense research. We contribute to the discussion by studying modern seawater profiles of the Indian Ocean (salinity, O2, pH, aragonite saturation, nitrate deficit, nutrients), which show that Subantarctic Mode and Antarctic Intermediate Waters (SAMW-AAIW) have a strong influence on the OMZ characteristics of the Arabian Sea. To obtain a better grasp of the range of possible OMZ variations, we studied a 50-kyr record in the NE Arabian Sea (core MD042876) from a site at 828 m water depth within the thermocline. In this core, aragonite is preserved during North Atlantic Heinrich events (HEs) and Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) stadials, while it is absent during DO interstadials and most of the Holocene. Considering the excellent correlation between aragonite content and Sr/Ca ratio, as well as the presence of fine-grained aragonitic needles and the isotopic composition (δ13C) of carbonates in the fine fraction, we infer that essentially all aragonite originates as fine Sr-rich debris from shallow water. A comparison with other records from the NE Arabian Sea (Sr/Ca, δ15N) indicates that aragonite variability in the cores is rather controlled by OMZ intensity variations as forcing mechanism while changes in aragonite supply seem to play a minor role. The strong correlation of aragonite content with changes in millennial-scale ventilation of the Indian Ocean, as well as a comparison with modern oceanographic conditions, supports the theory that OMZ intensity variations are controlled by changes in the formation of SAMW-AAIW, and are not only due to monsoonal changes. Thus, during HEs and DO stadials, the thermocline Arabian Sea experienced a strengthened influx of O2-rich SAMW-AAIW. On the other hand, OMZ conditions during DO interstadials and the Holocene seem best explained by analogy with the present-day situation: low supply of O2 combined with elevated O2 demand controlled by monsoon-related productivity.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(6):845-861
Recent sediments of the Andaman Backarc Basin, Indian Ocean, between the Andaman Nicobar islands and the Malay Peninsula have been analyzed for biomarker lipids. Three cores were selected: one each from the fault zone in a deep basin (a graben between two fault systems), another from a location adjacent to the fault, and the third from the topographic high in the rift valley. The molecular composition of the lipid classes (n-alkanes, isoprenoids, alkylbenzenes, alkylcyclohexanes, hopanoids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, steranes, alcohols, sterols and fatty acids) was examined by gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry to understand the nature and source of the hydrocarbons present and the processes of maturation of organic matter. The data show that the hydrocarbons are of hydrothermal origin, derived from thermal alteration of sedimentary organic matter, consisting of a mixture predominantly of marine-derived components with some terrestrial inputs. Normal alcohols and fatty acids also corroborate the distribution of n-alkanes. The distribution profiles and various parameters computed from the concentration of the target compounds suggest that oxidative reactions and microbial degradation in this environment are insignificant. Triterpane and PAH compositions indicate that the thermal maturity of the bitumen in the samples is comparable to or lower than that found at other hydrothermal regions such as the Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, Guaymas Basin and Escanaba Trough.  相似文献   

中国多金属结核开辟区沉积物中微量元素地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了中国多金属结核开辟区沉积物中Ba、Ce、Co、Cr、Cu、Mo、Ni、Sr、V、Y和Zn等11个微量元素的含量。研究表明,开辟区沉积物中微量元素在不同沉积单元中的分布特征存在明显差异,反映了地质历史上沉积环境的不同。沉积物中的Zn、Ni和Mn具有共同来源,反映铁锰氧化物、氢氧化物对这些元素的吸附控制作用;Sr、Ba以及Ce和Y等元素在东区主要与岩源碎屑有关,而西区则主要来自生物碎屑;Cu具有多种来源,东区主要与生物组分和岩源碎屑有关,西区则主要与自生铁锰氧化物的吸附有关。而通常认为与有机物有关的Cr、V等元素在研究区内则主要来自岩源碎屑。  相似文献   

We have identified an ash layer in association with Australasian microtektites of ∼0.77 Ma old in two sediment cores which are ∼450 km apart in the central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB). Morphology and chemical composition of glass shards and associated microtektites have been used to trace their provenance. In ODP site 758 from Ninetyeast Ridge, ash layer-D (13 cm thick, 0.73–0.75 Ma) and layer-E (5 cm thick, 0.77–0.78 Ma) were previously correlated to the oldest Toba Tuff (OTT) eruptions of the Toba caldera, Sumatra. In this investigation, we found tephra ∼3100 km to the southwest of Toba caldera that is chemically identical to layer D of ODP site 758 and ash in the South China Sea correlated to the OTT. Layer E is not present in the CIOB or other ocean basins. The occurrence of tephra correlating to layer D suggests a widespread distribution of OTT tephra (∼3.6 × 107 km2), an ash volume of at least ∼1800 km3, a total OTT volume of 2300 km3, and classification of the OTT eruption as a super-eruption.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectroscopy was applied to characterize the valence states Fe(II) and Fe(III) in sedimentary minerals from a core of the Peru Basin. The procedure in unraveling this information includes temperature-dependent measurements from 275?K to very low temperature (300?mK) in zero–field and also at 4.2?K in an applied field (up to 6.2?T) and by mathematical procedures (least-squares fits and spectral simulations) in order to resolve individual spectral components. The depth distribution of the amount of Fe(II) is about 11% of the total Fe to a depth of 19?cm with a subsequent steep increase (within 3?cm) to about 37%, after which it remains constant to the lower end of the sediment core (at about 40?cm). The steep increase of the amount of Fe(II) defines a redox boundary which coincides with the position where the tan/green color transition of the sediment occurs. The isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in the sediment are consistent with hexacoordination by oxygen or hydroxide ligands as in oxide and silicate minerals. Goethite and traces of hematite are observed only above the redox boundary, with a linear gradient extending from about 20% of the total Fe close to the sediment surface to about zero at the redox boundary. The superparamagnetic relaxation behavior allows to estimate the order of magnitude for the size of the largest goethite and hematite particles within the particle-site distribution, e.g. ~170?Å and ~50?Å, respectively. The composition of the sediment spectra recorded at 300?mK in zero-field, apart from the contributions due to goethite and hematite, resembles that of the sheet silicates smectite, illite and chlorite, which have been identified as major constituents of the sediment in the <2?μm fraction by X-ray diffraction. The specific “ferromagnetic” type of magnetic ordering in the sediment, as detected at 4.2?K in an applied field, also resembles that observed in sheet silicates and indicates that both Fe(II) and Fe(III) are involved in magnetic ordering. This “ferromagnetic” behavior is probably due to the double-exchange mechanism known from other mixed-valence Fe(II)–Fe(III) systems. A significant part of the clay-mineral iron is redox sensitive. It is proposed that the color change of the sediment at the redox boundary from tan to green is related to the increase of Fe(II)–Fe(III) pairs in the layer silicates, because of the intervalence electron transfer bands which are caused by such pairs.  相似文献   

To understand Holocene climatic development and to determine drivers of climatic changes and climate variability, high-resolution marine proxy records are required from key oceanic locations. However, information on the Holocene climate development from the Southern Hemisphere is still rare and mainly based on terrestrial archives. Here, we present data with a high-resolution of circa 35 years from sediment cores taken east of the Great Australian Bight, where it is possible to determine Southern Ocean Holocene climate and the longer-term trends of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) conditions. For this purpose, we used the oxygen-isotope records of two planktonic foraminifer species Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerina bulloides which inhabit different water masses as well as faunal counts of planktonic foraminifers. After the ocean frontal systems off southern Australia were pushed northward by orbitally-forced insolation changes during the early Holocene, the data indicate increasing ENSO variability during the mid to late Holocene when the fronts shifted polewards again. A strong circa 1550 year cycle is found in the Globigerina bulloides record which reflects the wider Southern Ocean signal with prominent cold phases centred at circa 9.2, 7.3, 5.8, 4.3, 2.7, 1.4 ka BP and, possibly the Little Ice Age, which have global counterparts.  相似文献   

No systematic variations in concentrations with depth were found for 1O trace elements in samples from the Apollo 15 deep drill. Presence of a significant amount of KREEP is indicated.  相似文献   

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