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Mapping by simple indicator kriging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The problem of predicting the type of an unsampled point in a two-type map is addressed using a procedure called simple indicator kriging. This procedure estimates the conditional probability that the point is of one type or the other given the types of sample points. Simple indicator kriging is applied to examples of certain map models. It is shown to perform well, and in some cases to be exact in a specified sense. Use of simple indicator kriging to estimate multivariate normal quandrant probabilities is explored.  相似文献   

An indicator kriging model for investigation of seismic hazard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Time domain probabilistic techniques most often are used for assessment of seismic hazard. Such techniques are based on the historic frequency of ground motion. Hazard is expressed as a probability of experiencing a particular level of seismic activity over a given length of time. One of these techniques utilizes frequency of extreme values for assessment of hazard. The major disadvantage of this technique, however, becomes evident when maximum seismic activity for two consecutive years occurs only a few weeks or months apart. In this case, the extreme value approach overestimates seismic hazard. A new approach for hazard assessment is founded on principles of indicator kriging. This technique evaluates seismic hazard as a simple frequency record, which is more realistic for regions of little to moderate seismicity.  相似文献   

Probability kriging is implemented in a general cokriging procedure (c.f. Myers, 1982) for estimatingboth the indicator and uniform transforms. Paired-sum semi-variograms are used to facilitate the modeling of the cross-covariance between the uniform transform and each indicator transform. Estimates of the uniform transform are averaged over all cutoffs, the average used to derive an estimate of the original data. This estimate can be biased with respect to the mean data value, but is unbiased with respect to the data median.  相似文献   

Indicator principal component kriging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An alternative to multiple indicator kriging is proposed which approximates the full coindicator kriging system by kriging the principal components of the original indicator variables. This transformation is studied in detail for the biGaussian model. It is shown that the cross-correlations between principal components are either insignificant or exactly zero. This result allows derivation of the conditional cumulative density function (cdf) by kriging principal components and then applying a linear back transform. A performance comparison based on a real data set (Walker Lake) is presented which suggests that the proposed method achieves approximation of the conditional cdf equivalent to indicator cokriging but with substantially less variogram modeling effort and at smaller computational cost.  相似文献   

Indicator kriging has been applied to the study of failure mechanisms in a mine slope in Minas Gerais, Brazil, to estimate potential failure risks in limited areas along this slope. Timbopeba Mine, Vale Company, is an open pit iron mine situated in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, a very important mining district in Minas Gerais. A slope excavated in quartzite with a maximum height of 200 m at the time of this study, has presented many failure problems involving the sliding of blocks formed by discontinuities. These blocks are of limited size in comparison to the dimensions of the overall slope. They appear along the entire slope, wherever discontinuity orientations have led to the kinematic feasibility of these blocks. Geostatistics permits the estimation of local failure probability distributions associated to these local failures, which would not be possible with traditional statistical models. The geostatistical method employed in this study, indicator kriging, is quite suitable because it is unnecessary to assume a particular global distribution of the phenomena being modeled. The model was used for locating areas with a great tendency for sliding failure, as it considers the local spatial variability of discontinuity orientations. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

含水层渗透性空间分布的指示克立格估值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋刚  万力  胡伏生  高茂生  张琦伟 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):146-151
详细介绍了指示克立格估值计算的理论和方法。以指示变异函数为基本工具分析了华北某地区第四系含水层渗透性空间分布的结构特征,结果表明该地区含水层渗透性存在明显的各向异性特征。水平方向上,X轴方向的相关性较Y轴方向的好,Z轴的相关性最差。用指示克立格法对未采样点处进行估值,估值结果显示含水层渗透性由山前向滨海逐渐变低,在垂直方向上,渗透性变化不明显,浅部比深部略好;同时给出了估计精度,并认为对估计精度不高的区域可通过增加适当的工程加以控制。最后用交叉验证法对估值结果进行了检验,证明建立的指示变异函数模型合理且估值效果较好。这一实际应用表明指示克立格法可以很好地描述第四系含水层渗透性的空间分布规律。  相似文献   

In geostatistics, factorial kriging is often proposed to filter noise. This filter is built from a linear model which is ideally suited to a Gaussian signal with additive independent noise. Robustness of the performance of factorial kriging is evaluated in less congenial situations. Three different types of noise are considered all perturbing a lognormally distributed signal. The first noise model is independent of the signal. The second noise model is heteroscedastic; its variance depends on the signal, yet noise and signal are uncorrelated. The third noise model is both heteroscedastic and linearly correlated with the signal. In ideal conditions, exhaustive sampling and additive independent noise, factorial kriging succeeds to reproduce the spatial patterns of high signal values. This score remains good in presence of heteroscedastic noise variance but falls quickly in presence of noise-to-signal correlation as soon as the sample becomes sparser.  相似文献   

A common problem in geostatistics is to determine whether or not the value of a random field at an unsampled location exceeds a specified threshold using observed values of the random field at sampled locations. Under the indicator approach, the only information used to classify the unobserved value is whether or not the observed values exceed the threshold. This note shows that the loss of information from applying the indicator approach may be modest in the case where the underlying random field is Gaussian.  相似文献   

长江中下游崩岸分布规律及窝崩的平面旋涡形成机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王媛  李冬田 《岩土力学》2008,29(4):919-924
基于遥感综合研究,论述了长江中下游条崩与窝崩的分布规律,在此基础上讨论了两类崩岸的形成机制,特别是对窝崩的平面旋涡形成机制进行了论述。窝崩是在特定岸段因平面旋涡的形成而发生的,通过流体力学的涡流理论分析,提出了用临界负压评价窝崩形成的原理与方法。  相似文献   

Universal kriging is an interpolation method for producing contour maps from irregularly spaced sample points, taking into account the trend (or polynomial drift), which is of known form. It assumes a known covariance model to express correlation of points a short distance apart. A sensitivity analysis examines how the fitted surface will change for given perturbations in the covariance model. We develop a simple approximate analysis in preference to exact analysis and show that it is adequate for small perturbations. For large data sets, a dramatic reduction in computer time is possible using approximate analysis. Possible extensions of this work are noted.  相似文献   

Indicator cokriging is an alternative to disjunctive kriging for estimation of spatial distributions. One way to determine which of these techniques is more accurate for estimation of spatial distributions is to apply each to a particular type of data. A procedure is developed for evaluation of disjunctive kriging and indicator cokriging for such an application. Application of this procedure to earthquake ground motion data found disjunctive kriging to be at least as accurate as indicator cokriging for estimation of spatial distributions of peak horizontal acceleration. Indicator cokriging was superior for all other types of earthquake ground motion data.  相似文献   

Indicator kriging (IK) is extended to analyze three-dimensional random unit vectors and evaluate the local probability distribution of rock joint orientations in geological formations. The pole vector representing joint orientations is regionalized and projected on a plane normal to the mean attitude of the joint family and centered at the mean. A two-dimensional cutoff system is developed to define the indicator variable, and corresponding indicator variograms and indicator kriging. The cutoff system defines probability regions similar to those of a bivariate distribution, concentric rings sliced into radial sectors. A case study made on an open pit mine proved positively the efficiency of IK and encourages its applications to localized probabilistic structural modeling for geotechnical or geohydrological analysis and oil and gas reservoir analysis.  相似文献   

Efficient updating of kriging estimates and variances   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This short note presents a method for efficiently updating ordinary kriging estimates and variances when one or more additional samples are incorporated into the kriging system. First, the foundation linear algebra result is presented. Then the update equations are derived. Finally, an illustrative application of updating is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Ordinary kriging is well-known to be optimal when the data have a multivariate normal distribution (and if the variogram is known), whereas lognormal kriging presupposes the multivariate lognormality of the data. But in practice, real data never entirely satisfy these assumptions. In this article, the sensitivity of these two kriging estimators to departures from these assumptions and in particular, their resistance to outliers is considered. An outlier effect index designed to assess the effect of a single outlier on both estimators is proposed, which can be extended to other types of estimators. Although lognormal kriging is sensitive to slight variations in the sill of the variogram of the logs (i.e., their variance), it is not influenced by the estimate of the mean of the logs.This paper was presented at MGUS 87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 14 April 1987.  相似文献   

For earthquake ground motion studies, the actual ground motion distribution should be reproduced as accurately as possible. For optimal estimation of ground motion, kriging has been shown to provide accurate estimates. Although kriging is accurate for this application, some estimates it provides are underestimates. This has dire consequences for subsequent design for earthquake resistance. Kriging does not provide enough information to allow an analysis of each estimate for underestimation. For such an application, disjunctive kriging is better applied. This advanced technique quantifies the probability that an estimate equals or exceeds particular levels of ground motion. Furthermore, disjunctive kriging can provide improved estimation accuracy when applied for local estimation of ground motion.  相似文献   

A regionalized variable, thickness of the reservoir layer, from a gas field is decomposed by factorial kriging analysis. Maps of the obtained components may be associated with depositional environments that are favorable for petroleum exploration.  相似文献   

The National Hydrochemical Survey of Bangladesh sampled the water from 3,534 tube wells for arsenic throughout most of Bangladesh. It showed that 27% of the shallow tube wells (less than 150 m deep) and 1% of the deep tube wells (more than 150 m deep) exceeded the Bangladesh standard for arsenic in drinking water (50 µg L–1). Statistical analyses revealed the main characteristics of the arsenic distribution. Concentrations ranged from less than the detection limit (0.5 µg L–1), to as much as 1,600 µg L–1, though with a very skewed distribution, and with spatial dependence extending to some 180 km. Disjunctive kriging was used to estimate concentrations of arsenic in the shallow ground water and to map the probability that the national limit for arsenic in drinking water was exceeded for most of the country (the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the southern coastal region were excluded). A clear regional pattern was identified, with large probabilities in the south of the country and small probabilities in much of the north including the Pleistocene Tracts. Using these probabilities, it was estimated that approximately 35 million people are exposed to arsenic concentrations in groundwater exceeding 50 µg L–1 and 57 million people are exposed to concentrations exceeding 10 µg L–1 (the WHO guideline value).  相似文献   

岩溶塌陷型水库地震的形成条件分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前,在我国发生岩溶塌陷型水库地震的震例已有10余座,震级不大,但对库区居民影响较深,个别地方还造成房屋的轻微破坏.本文通过对塌陷型水库地震的特点、岩溶发育的规律、影响岩溶发育的因素进行分析,归纳出不同的岩溶发育阶段与水库地震的关系.并结合多年实际工作经验,总结出根据岩体性状和空间展布、岩溶水文地质及岩溶管道系统与库水的关系等评价岩溶塌陷型水库地震的可能性、可能地点及震级上限的方法.  相似文献   

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