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Secondary micas after smectite, including mix illite-smectite phases, can form in sediments by three mechanisms, each being specific to particular environments. As the process develops, the newly formed phases undergo structure ordering. Two mechanisms involve transformation of 2:1 mixed-layer structures, and the third is the growth of screw dislocations, with formation of ordered mix phases having a Reichweite parameter of R = 1 or R = 2. We propose methods for identifying such phases when they are present in small amounts or when their XRD patterns lack well-pronounced superperiodic reflections, as well as mathematical formalism for illitization modeling. The theoretical issues are illustrated with field examples, and the illitization mechanisms are discussed in terms of their possible practical applications.  相似文献   

The continental area of Portugal is now entirely covered by a soil geochemical survey (1 site/135 km2), taking as the sampling media topsoils (upper mineral horizons, A) and organic horizons (humus, O). Standard methods for sampling, sample preparation and analysis were used in order to achieve high quality and consistent data. Each sample was analyzed for 32 chemical elements, pH, electrical conductivity and organic matter content.The main purpose of the survey was to obtain baseline levels for various chemical elements. The compilation of all data (nearly 45,000 individual data) in an organised way, led to the production of the first Soil Geochemical Atlas of Portugal. In this Atlas it is possible to find for each chemical element a set of information statistics (basic statistical parameters, boxplots, cumulative frequency curves, etc.), maps of spatial distribution, among other information of geochemical and environmental interest. This paper gives an overview of the Soil Atlas and examples of application. The data were used to calculate reference values for 9 elements of environmental importance and to obtain empirical formulae allowing the estimation of elements in the coarse fraction of soils (< 2.00 mm) from known concentration in a finer fraction (< 0.18 mm).  相似文献   

Geochemical study of clays used as barriers in landfills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a hydraulic and geochemical study on 2 materials: natural clay (AN) and a regenerated material made up of a sand-bentonite (SB) mixture. The hydraulic part allowed us to conclude that a 10% industrial bentonite content mixed with sand offers hydraulic properties that are similar to those of AN material and are lower than the required standards. The geochemical properties of both AN and SB matrixes are comparable with those of some of the synthetic leachates studied. Furthermore, the Langmuir model helped us to identify the adsorption capacities of both matrixes with the following selectivities: Pb > Cu > Cd > Zn.  相似文献   

Geochemical fingerprinting is a rapidly expanding discipline in the earth and environmental sciences. It is anchored in the recognition that geological processes leave behind chemical and isotopic patterns in the rock record. Many of these patterns, informally referred to as geochemical fingerprints, differ only in fine detail from each other. For this reason, the approach of fingerprinting requires analytical data of very high precision and accuracy.  相似文献   

Well-defined analytical interrelations exist between the geostatistical estimation variance performing an expression of degree of geological exploration and the task-oriented entropy as a concept of information theory. The example of normal distribution shows that this relationship can be expressed in mathematical terms. An extensive practical use could consist in the improvement of exploration optimization on the common basis of continuous geological parameters as is demonstrated by means of an example.  相似文献   

When karst lands are developed for residential or commercial purposes, sinkholes are to be properly managed or mitigated. This paper discusses various types of sinkholes and their possible formation mechanisms, presents some guidelines for sinkhole management, and summarizes several engineering measures for sinkhole remediation. Because a sinkhole is often not an isolated feature but a component of an integrated groundwater and surface water system, knowledge of the sinkhole geology and hydrology is essential in selection of the proper management tools and remediation options. Adverse effects including flooding, additional sinkholes, and groundwater contamination can result from poorly managed or improperly repaired sinkholes.  相似文献   

The micromechanisms of tensile fracture are reviewed, with particular emphasis on the influence of chemical effects on fracture controlled by pre-existing cracks (stress corrosion). A fracture mechanism map for quartz is presented which was constructed using a combination of theoretical insights and experimental data. The manner in which stress corrosion will modify the predictions of fracture mechanism maps is discussed by reviewing the numerous theories of stress corrosion. Experimental data are presented on stress corrosion in tensile deformation of quartz, quartz rocks, calcite rocks, basaltic rocks, granitic rocks and other geological materials. Although the experimental evidence for stress corrosion is overwhelming, very few data were obtained under conditions that simulate those in the bulk of the earth's crust and so the extent of its geophysical significance is yet to be fully established. Examples are given, however, of how invoking stress corrosion as a rate-controlling deformation mechanism sheds new light on extremely diverse geophysical phenomena, such as: predicting the strength and sliding friction properties of rocks, modelling earthquake rupture, the stability of hot, dry-rock geothermal reservoirs, stimulation of oil and gas reservoirs, the crack-seal mechanism of rock deformation and low stress dilatancy, fracture mechanics of lunar rocks, magmatic intrusions and the relaxation of internal stresses in rock.  相似文献   

Results of comprehensive geochemical mapping and thematic studies of the Slovak territory (rocks, soils, stream sediments, groundwaters, biomass, and radioactivity) in the first half of the 1990s led to several new research programmes in Slovakia, within the frame of which new methodologies for geochemical data evaluation and map visualization were elaborated. This study describes the application and elaboration of data from the Geochemical Atlas of the Slovak Republic at national and regional levels. Based on the index of environmental risk (IER = ΣPEC/PNEC), the level of contamination for the geological component of the environment in Slovakia was evaluated. Approximately 10.5% of Slovakia’s territory was characterized as being environmentally disturbed to highly disturbed. In the areas where environmental loadings have accumulated, 14 regions where environmental risks existed due to high element concentrations were defined. The model calculations of health risk estimates based on the databases of the Geochemical Atlas for groundwater and soils indicate that the possible risk occurrence of carcinogenic diseases from groundwater arsenic contents is high in more than 10% of Slovakia, whereas the chronic risk is negligible. To determinate the background and threshold levels a combined statistical–geochemical approach was developed and applied as an example for groundwater at the national level as well as for single groundwater bodies. The results of statistical method application for the whole groundwater body (GBW) were compared with the background values for anthropogenically non-influenced areas in GBW. Final background value took into account time variations and spatial distribution of the element in GBW. Furthermore, based on the database from the Geochemical Atlas for groundwater, groundwater bodies potentially at qualitative risk were delineated for the whole of Slovakia. From a total of 101 groundwater bodies 17 were characterized as being at risk and 22 as being at possible risk.  相似文献   

The use of covers with capillary barrier effects (CCBEs) for reducing acid mine drainage (AMD) from sulphidic mine tailings is simulated using the MIN3P finite volume model for coupled groundwater flow, O2 diffusion and multi-component reactive transport. The model is applied to simulate five pilot-scale in situ test cells containing reactive tailings from the Manitou mine site, Val d’Or, Que., Canada. Four of the cells were constructed with CCBEs over the tailings, while the fifth tailings cell was left uncovered. Observed and simulated discharge from the base of each cell showed that the capillary barrier covers significantly reduced sulphide oxidation and AMD. Compared to acidic discharge from the uncovered cell, discharge from the four CCBE-covered cells had neutral pH levels and 1–7 orders of magnitude lower concentrations of SO4, Fe, Zn, Cu and Al. The simulations showed that the moisture retaining layer of the CCBEs reduced AMD by inhibiting O2 diffusion into the underlying reactive wastes. Provided the moisture-retention layer of the CCBE remains close to saturation, its thickness had a relatively minor effect. Under such near-saturated conditions, O2 availability is limited by its diffusion rate through the bulk porous medium and not by the diffusion rate through the oxidized grain shells. The model is providing important new insights for comparing design alternatives for reducing or controlling AMD.  相似文献   

The theory of divariant reactions is investigated in some detail and approaches involving simultaneously operating reactions and X Mg isopleths are combined. Using the Gibbs' method (Spear et al. 1982), a general equation is derived for X Mg isopleth slopes in FMAS and CFMAS, which may be applied to any divariant assemblage in these systems. Isopleth slopes are calculated for a number of divariant FMAS and CFMAS reactions inferred to have operated in Sri Lankan granulites, giving more rigorous constraints on the local P-T path. Isopleth slopes are also calculated for the trivariant CFMAS reaction orthopyroxene + plagioclase = garnet + quartz. The resulting dP/dT range from +8 to +18 bar/K. Application to Sri Lankan granulites confirms an earlier hypothesis (Faulhaber and Raith 1991) that a retrograde path with a dP/dT of ~10–15 bar/K may cause garnet growth in charnockites and garnet breakdown in metabasites. It is shown here that dP/dT depends primarily on the Ca contents of garnet and plagioclase. Large variations in isopleth and reaction line slopes are possible, due to the thermodynamic effect of additional components in solid solutions, e.g. albite in plagioclase. This has a good potential for the assessment of the exact form of P-T paths. Equations to calculate isopleth slopes could be included in software packages aimed at defining P-T estimates, enabling geologists to derive realistic P-T paths.  相似文献   

多目标区域地球化学调查:分析测试面临的机遇和挑战   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
周国华 《岩矿测试》2010,29(3):296-300
文章简要地回顾了多目标区域地球化学调查与生态地球化学评价的发展历史,以及近年来多目标区域地球化学调查样品测试方法及质量监控方面取得的主要成就。指出随着生态地球化学评价逐渐成为研究的重点和核心,作为关键支撑技术的分析测试面临重大机遇和挑战:一是要求分析测试具有更高的准确度和精密度,以满足区域地球化学编图、环境监测及变化研究的需要,建议以现有54项指标分析测试方法及质量监控体系为基础,进一步提高某些介质及测试指标的分析测试水平;二是要求开发形成能满足多介质分析、多指标测定、经济有效的一整套分析测试方法体系,以适应生态地球化学评价的需要。  相似文献   

地球化学填图与地球化学勘查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢学锦  刘大文 《地质论评》2006,52(6):721-732
在中国与西方国家,地球化学填图的目的与做法并不相同,西方的地球化学填图是由研究机构开展的,使用等离子焰光量计、X射线荧光光谱仪等大型仪器进行多元素分析,目的是取得多种元素在地球表层分布的基础性资料。地球化学勘查则由矿业公司主要分析少量成矿元素,目的是为了找矿。而中国的地球化学填图计划却做出了巨大努力,使地球化学填图取得的资料既有学术价值又对矿产勘查具有重大的实用意义。本文详细讨论了西方国家与中国地球化学填图与地球化学勘查的思路、方法与技术的演变,并瞻望了地球化学填图在21世纪的巨大发展前景。  相似文献   

地壳全元素探测——构建“化学地球”   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
地壳物质探测是地壳探测工程的重要组成部分。化学元素是地球物质组成的最基本单位,被称为地球的基因。矿产资源是由化学元素组成的,环境是受化学元素行为制约的,因此,对地壳中所有元素精确含量和分布的探测,对解决人类所面临的资源和环境问题具有重大意义。地壳全元素探测项目拟发展4种地球化学探测技术,包括地壳中所有天然元素的精确分析技术,中下地壳物质成分识别技术,穿透性地球化学探测技术,海量地球化学数据和图形显示技术。建立1个覆盖全国的地球化学基准网,系统采集代表性岩石样品10000件,疏松物样品6000件,按标准化的方法分析其主量元素和微量元素含量(包含78种元素),建立中国大陆地球化学基准值,为研究化学元素的分布、演化和成矿物质背景提供基准参考数据。进行总长度3300km的3条地球化学走廊带的实验与示范,采集各类代表性岩石样品5000件,进行元素和同位素测定,构建走廊带地壳地球化学模型、跨越不同大地构造单元的元素空间变化和大型矿集区成矿物质背景。为开展全国地壳探测工程奠定基础,并为最终建立"化学地球"进行技术准备和先导性实验。  相似文献   

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