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Seasonal and interannual variations in the East Sakhalin Current (ESC) are investigated using ten-year records of the sea level anomaly (SLA) observed by the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter. The T/P SLA clearly documents seasonal and interannual variations in the ESC along the east coast of Sakhalin Island, although sea ice masks the region from January to April. Estimates of surface current velocity anomaly derived from T/P SLA are in good agreement with drifting buoy observations. The ESC is strong in winter, with a typical current velocity of 30–40 cm s−1 in December, and almost disappears in summer. Southward flow of the ESC is confined to the shelf and slope region and consists of two velocity cores. These features of the ESC are consistent with short-term observations reported in previous studies. Analysis of the ten-year records of T/P SLA confirms that the structure of the ESC is maintained each winter and the seasonal cycle is repeated every year, although the strength of the ESC shows large interannual variations. Seasonal and interannual variations in the ESC are discussed in relation to wind-driven circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk, using wind stress and wind stress curl fields derived from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis data and a scatterometer-derived wind product. Seasonal and interannual variations of the anticyclonic eddy in the Kuril Basin are also revealed using T/P SLA.  相似文献   

Sea level data measured by TOPEX/POSEIDON over the Japan Sea from 1993 to 1994 is analyzed by assimilation using an approximate Kalman filter with a 1.5 layer (reduced-gravity) shallow water model. The study aims to extract signals associated with the first baroclinic mode and to determine the extent of its significance. The assimilation dramatically improves the model south of the Polar Front where as much as 20 cm2 of the observed sea level variance can be accounted for. In comparison, little variability in the northern cold water region is found consistent with the model dynamics, possibly due to significant differences in stratification.  相似文献   

Sea-surface geostrophic velocities for the Kuroshio region calculated from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry data together within situ oceanographic data are compared with surface velocities derived from drifting buoy trajectories. The geostrophic velocities agree well with the observed velocities, suggesting that the Kuroshio surface layer is essentially in geostrophic balance, within measurement error. The comparison is improved a little when the centrifugal acceleration is taken into account. The observed velocities are divided into the temporal mean and fluctuation components, and the partitioning of velocities between these two components is examined. For the Kuroshio region, most of the fluctuation components of the velocities derived from drifting buoys are found to be positive. This result suggests that Eulerian mean velocities for the Kuroshio region estimated from drifting buoy data tend to be larger than actual means, due to the buoy’s tendency to sample preferentially in the high-velocity Kuroshio.  相似文献   

使用调和分析方法分析了渤、黄、东海中的TOPEX/POSEIDON沿轨高度计资料,并利用基于最优插值理论的混合法把交叉点处的两个主要的半日分潮(M:和s1)同化到动力模式中。同化结果显示,两个主要半日分潮的分布特征与前人动力模式结果比较一致,在同化高度计资料以后模式结果M2分潮与167个实测站的“距离”为17.2cm,S2分潮为8.9cm,比单纯的动力模式结果精度分别提高14.9%和23.3%。  相似文献   

TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)卫星高度计数据信息中存在周期成分混淆问题.对其中的一类混淆引入差比关系方法对混淆的分潮进行分离.卫星轨道交叉点资料包括升轨和降轨资料,资料量比沿轨点资料多1倍,经分析发现:在已有为期6a多的观测资料时间序列中,在沿轨处混淆的分潮如K1和SSA在交叉点处不再混淆,可以直接分离.因此首先对交叉点资料进行调和分析.然后由交叉点的分析结果得到分潮间的差比关系,处理到相近的沿轨点处,从而得到沿轨点的调和常数.用引入差比关系方法,对西北太平洋海区6a多的T/P卫星高度计资料进行了潮汐分析,并与沿岸及岛屿验潮站资料进行了比较,所得结果较满意.  相似文献   

The difference-ratio relations are introduced to separate tidal constituents that are aliaseddue to the sampling interval and sampling span of the TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter. It is found that some tidal constituents such as K_1 and SSA, though aliased at along track points, are not aliased at crossover points Ixrausf the data at crossover points are double those at along track points. So the harmonic analysis method can be employed directly for the analysis of time series at crossover points. Then the difference-ratio relations from crossover points are introduced to analyze the time series at along track points. The TOPEX/POSEIDON data in the Northwest Pacific are analyzed with this method. The results from this method agree well with tidal constants from tidal gauges.  相似文献   

TOPEX/POSEIDON高度计浅海潮汐混淆的初步分析   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
根据对卫星轨道特征和观测结果的分析,对TOPEX/POSEIDON(简称T/P)星载高度计在我国近海的潮致混淆现象进行了初步研究.分析表明,在浅海区T/P高度计的观测结果存在很强的潮致高频混淆.NASA分发的地球物理记录中所提供的潮汐订正值虽适用于大洋,但不能有效地除去浅海潮汐.虽然如此,T/P潮致混淆的主要频段的周期小于90d,因而可以通过滤波方法提取周期较长的海面高度季节信号,从而用于季节环流(如南海季风环流)的研究.采用FFT/IFFT方法滤波试验的结果显示,T/P的海面高度观测结果有很高的精度,滤波处理后的海面高度距平变化和地面潮位观测结果一致性良好,上、下行轨道交叉处相邻测点间的标准偏差在3cm左右,可满足南海环流研究的需要.  相似文献   

黄海、渤海TOPEX/Poseidon高度计资料潮汐伴随同化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先将大约10a的TOPEX/Poseidon(T/P)高度计资料沿星下轨迹点做潮汐调和分析,提取得到各分潮的调和常数,利用伴随同化方法,同化到二维非线性潮汐数值模式中,模拟了黄海、渤海区域M2,S2,O1,K1等4个潮汐分潮,并根据计算结果给出了各分潮的同潮图.将计算值与观测值的进行偏差统计,结果表明计算值与验潮站资料符合良好.研究过程中做了两类试验:一类试验是针对不同的参数进行优化,一类试验是针对不同的资料进行同化.第一类试验表明:将开边界条件和底摩擦系数同时作为模型优化的控制参数,其结果明显优于单独优化开边界条件;第二类试验表明:同时同化高度计资料与验潮站资料,比单独同化其中任一种资料,对模式计算结果都有较好的改进.研究结果表明,采用伴随同化方法,利用T/P高度计资料和验潮站资料作为同化数据能有效改进模拟结果,用来反演黄海、渤海的潮波系统是可行的.  相似文献   

We present calibration results from Jason-1 (2001-) and TOPEX/POSEIDON (1992-) overflights of a California offshore oil platform (Harvest). Data from Harvest indicate that current Jason-1 sea-surface height (SSH) measurements are high by 138 ± 18 mm. Excepting the bias, the high accuracy of the Jason-1 measurements is in evidence from the overflights. In orbit for over 10 years, the T/P measurement system is well calibrated, and the SSH bias is statistically indistinguishable from zero. Also reviewed are over 10 years of geodetic results from the Harvest experiment.  相似文献   

The Kuroshio, one of the most energetic western boundary currents in the world, shows variations in its mesoscale features and recirculation gyres, providing an excellent test case of interactions between the mesoscale field and Kuroshio Extension (KE) states. A three-layer quasi-geostrophic model was used to reconstruct flow fields continuous in time and the horizontal plane from the TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data based on the variational method. Compared with the solutions obtained by the nudging method, the present results proved that the variational solution was closer to the real field. In the assimilation period, 1993–1997, the baroclinic instability index (BII) was defined to be the phase shift from the uppermost layer to the lowest layer with mesoscale features. In the first half of the assimilation period, the KE took the transition from the elongated to contracted states, in which BII decreased gradually, as a consequence of the KE state shift. In the second half period, BII increased in the downstream region just west of the Shatsky Rise, in which baroclinic instability contributed to the final stage of the contracted state, and was followed by rapidly weakened instability as a trigger of the opposite transition from the contracted to elongated states. The wind-driven recirculation gyre played an active role on the KE transition in the first half period, although not in the second half.  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):239-259
We present calibration results from Jason-1 (2001–) and TOPEX/POSEIDON (1992–) overflights of a California offshore oil platform (Harvest). Data from Harvest indicate that current Jason-1 sea-surface height (SSH) measurements are high by 138 ± 18 mm. Excepting the bias, the high accuracy of the Jason-1 measurements is in evidence from the overflights. In orbit for over 10 years, the T/P measurement system is well calibrated, and the SSH bias is statistically indistinguishable from zero. Also reviewed are over 10 years of geodetic results from the Harvest experiment.  相似文献   

邱云  胡建宇 《海洋科学》2006,30(6):59-65
利用1992年10月~2002年7月的TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)卫星高度计月平均格点数据分析了热带大西洋(15°S~25°N,5°~50°W)海面高度距平的低频变化。由热带大西洋大约10 a海面高度距平变化的标准差分析得到:在赤道附近海区(2°~5°N,25°~45°W)、非洲沿岸海区(11°~16°N,16°~18°W)海面高度波动剧烈。对海面高度距平进行经验正交函数(EOF)分析,得到EOF的3个模态分别占有方差比例为51.5%,13.2%和7.9%。第一模态揭示的是热带辐合带(ITCZ)的季节性迁移导致海面高度距平沿着ITCZ平均位置经向倾斜的1 a周期变化,第一模态还显示了太阳辐射的季节差异引起南北两个海盆海面高度的整体升降。第二模态描述了中心分别位于(3°N,40°W)和(7°N,45°W)附近两个涡漩的变化。第三模态表征的是几内亚海湾上升流和赤道北部下降流在6~7月强度达到最大。对EOF时间系数曲线的经验模态分解(EMD),结果表明热带大西洋低频变化包含的成分主要有:0.5,1,2,4和6 a。其中1 a周期是热带大西洋海面高度变化最主要的周期成分,0.5 a周期和2 a周期也是热带大西洋海面高度变化的重要形式;而4 a和6 a周期所占的比例较小。另外EMD方法还分解出1997~1998年太平洋El Nino事件对热带大西洋海面高度的影响。  相似文献   

A sequential updating method for assimilating Geosat altimeter data into an eddyresolving, quasi-geostrophic model is examined using simulated data of mesoscale features taken from a control run solution. The upper-layer streamfunction in the model is updated by the altimeter data on satellite tracks (at 110 km intervals) at times of observations (with 17-day cycles). To evaluate data suitability, the correlation between the data and the assimilation solution just before update is compared with the correlation between the two data with a 1-cycle separation: i.e., predictability is compared with persistence. The assimilation method is tested on mesoscale features such as linear Rossby waves, unstable mesoscale meanders in a jet and dipole eddies over realistic deep ocean topography. The assimilation method is successful for reconstructing the mesoscale features that evolve gradually or extend over more than one track. Assimilation is degraded by quick evolution of smaller scale features; i.e the unstable meanders that have short wavelengths and are not well captured by the altimeter with the low cross-track resolution, and the mesoscale features, whose lower layer component receives effects of bottom topography in the data but is underestimated due to inefficient downward transfer of the surface data in the assimilation.  相似文献   

Jason, the successor to the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) mission, has been designed to continue seamlessly the decade-long altimetric sea level record initiated by T/P. Intersatellite calibration has determined the relative bias to an accuracy of 1.6 mm rms. Tide gauge calibration of the T/P record during its original mission shows a drift of -0.1 ± 0.4 mm/year. The tide gauge calibration of 20 months of nominal Jason data indicates a drift of -5.7 ± 1.0 mm/year, which may be attributable to errors in the orbit ephemeris and the Jason Microwave Radiometer. The analysis of T/P and Jason altimeter data over the past decade has resulted in a determination of global mean sea level change of +2.8 ± 0.4 mm/year.  相似文献   

基于内波动力学方程,提出利用TOPEX/Poseidon高度计资料提取内潮的方法.利用该方法,结合1992年10月到2002年6月共10a的TOPEX/Poseidon高度计资料和Levitus(1998)资料,给出了整个太平洋M2内潮能通量的分布,并与观测资料进行比测,两者符合较好.同时也发现沿整个太平洋边界M2内潮能通量向大洋内部输入的总功率为58.4GW,其中北太平洋对此贡献为30.2GW,南太平洋为28.2GW,可见南、北太平洋的贡献是基本相等的.东太平洋的总量为17.8GW,而西太平洋为40.6GW,两者差异较大(以160°W作为东、西太平洋分界线).  相似文献   

热带大西洋表层环流及其月变化特征的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱云  胡建宇 《海洋学报》2004,26(6):1-12
应用1993年4月至2001年3月的TOPEX/Poseidon卫星高度计遥感资料,分析了8 a平均热带大西洋(15°S~25°N,5°~50°W)表层环流结构的月变化特征.研究结果表明:热带大西洋表层环流中高纬度海区流速较小,赤道附近流速较大,表层环流系统大部分流系月变化不明显,部分流系月际波动较显著.具体来说,西南向的北赤道流下半年的纬向流速分量比上半年大.非洲沿岸流在5~11月流向为东北向,在其他月份主要为东南向.北赤道逆流可以分成两部分:25°W以东海区,北赤道逆流常年流向向东,到9月份前后流速达到最大值(约0.25 cm/s);25°W以西海区,7月至翌年1月流向向东,2~6月北赤道逆流减小,并有西向流产生.2°S~2°N,15°W以东海区的南赤道流在1~3月、9~10月流向向东,其他月份流向向西.南赤道流可认为是由南、北两支西向的海流构成,这两支海流的流轴分别位于6°S和1°N,在6~7月北支流速达到最大值0.6 m/s.南美洲纳塔耳东部西北向的北巴西海流流速月际变化不大,在5~6月份流速达到最大值0.3~0.4 m/s.相应的卫星风场遥感资料的分析表明热带大西洋表层环流结构的月变化特征与风场的分布及变化有较好的对应关系.用World Ocean Atlas 2001的月平均温盐数据反演出来的表层地转流场以及卫星跟踪ARGOS漂流浮标观测进行的对比验证表明,上述遥感分析的地转流场结果与水文数据以及海上观测结果一致.  相似文献   

The sea-surface height (SSH) signatures of internal tides extracted from the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) altimeter data along satellite tracks are fitted with superposition of several plane waves which have different wavenumber vectors. The key problem of plane wave fitting with iterative method is how to determine the initial value of wavenumber of each plane wave. The previous solving method is to analyze the internal tidal SSH signatures along each track with wavenumber spectrum. But it is found that the problem cannot be solved completely with the wavenumber spectrum analysis method only. The method based on the combination of wavenumber spectrum analysis method and the exhaustive method is proposed to determine the initial values of wavenumbers for iteration. Numerical results indicate that the proposed method is not only reasonable and feasible but also better than the previous method. The proposed method is an improvement of the previous one, which is beneficial to improving the precision of plane wave fitting of the T/P internal tidal SSH signatures and deepening the understanding of the internal tides in ocean.  相似文献   

Planetary waves are key to large-scale dynamical adjustment in the global ocean as they transfer energy from the east to the west side of oceanic basins; they connect the forcing in the ocean interior with the variability at its boundaries; and they change the local heat content, thus coupling oceanic, atmospheric, and biological processes. Planetary waves, mostly of the first baroclinic mode, are observed as distinctive patterns in global time series of sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and heat storage. The goal of this study is to compare and validate large-scale SSHA signals from coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate (MIROC) with TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter observations. The last decade of the models’ time series is selected for comparison with the altimeter data. The wave patterns are separated from the meso- and large-scale SSHA signals by digital filters calibrated to select the same spectral bands in both model and altimeter data. The band-wise comparison allows for an assessment of the model skill to simulate the dynamical components of the observed wave field. Comparisons regarding both the seasonal cycle and the Rossby wave field differ significantly among basins. When carried within the same basin, differences can occur between equal latitudes in opposite hemispheres. Furthermore, at some latitudes the MIROC reproduces biannual, annual and semiannual planetary waves with phase speeds and average amplitudes similar to those observed by the altimeter, but with significant differences in phase.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse acoustic-propagation character in the front area of Kuroshio Extension (KE). By analysing Argo data and the Sea surface height (SSH) data in this KEF area, a two-dimensional (2D) sound-speed feature model (SSPFM) characterising the KEF is proposed. The SSPFM has a transition zone with a width about 100 km and the sound channel changes from 1000 m south of KEF to 300 m north of KEF, resulting in a sharp gradient about 7 m/km. Along with the meandering character of the KEF axis, the sharp gradient results in a rather complicated acoustic environment in the KEF area. With reanalysis data from the hybrid coordinate ocean model, a three-dimensional (3D) sound-speed environment is established. The acoustic propagation character in the KEF area is then analysed with the 2D SSPFM and the 3D acoustic environment. Results show that the KEF affects acoustic propagation mainly by modifying the sound channel depth. Given that acoustic propagation in the KEF area is influenced mainly by the meandering KEF, with the near-real-time SSH data to locate the KEF, the 2D SSPFM is able to provide a near-real-time estimate of the underwater 3D acoustic environment.  相似文献   

基于T/P 和Jason-1 高度计数据的渤黄东海潮汐信息提取   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
仲昌维  杨俊钢 《海洋科学》2013,37(10):78-85
对19 a 的TOPEX/POSEIDON(以下称T/P)和Jason-1 卫星高度计测高数据进行调和分析, 得到渤黄东海海域的8 个主要分潮(M2、S2、N2、K2、K1、O1、P1 和Q1)。提出一种将两类卫星高度计数据统一的方法, 消除了因两类卫星高度计校正算法等不同所导致的相互之间的偏差。变轨后的T/P与Jason-1 卫星加密了高度计对潮汐观测的空间分布。通过对交叉点处升轨与降轨的潮汐调和分析结果进行比较, 检验调和分析方法及高度计数据的可靠性; 将基于高度计数据的调和分析结果与验潮站资料进行比较, 以检验其正确性。4 个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1)振幅之差的均方根介于1.0~1.8 cm, 迟角之差的均方根介于4.1°~7.8°。与已有研究结果相比, 调和分析结果的精确性有所提高。在此基础上, 综合变轨前后两类高度计测高数据的调和分析结果, 给出并分析了渤黄东海4 个主要分潮的同潮图。  相似文献   

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