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跨域水治理中的尺度重构:以东江为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水治理往往呈现地理空间上的跨区域性、组织制度上的多层级性以及管理单位上的跨部门性等多尺度特征。本文以珠江水系干流之一——东江的水资源跨域分配、开发与保护等治理过程为例,采用“物质-组织-表达”的尺度框架,分析了在不同的历史时期,东江水资源相关政策从出台到执行过程中所经历的多次尺度重构。主要结论如下:(1)总体上,国家在东江水供港和流域生态补偿政策等跨域水治理政策出台和执行过程的各个阶段都掌握着主导权,同时各级政府、民众和相关团体组织等也开展针对东江用水的尺度争夺。(2)物质空间上,随着时间的推移和社会政治背景的变迁,东江水治理在政治尺度和生态尺度之间切换并存。(3)组织空间上,横向和纵向的尺度重构在东江水跨域开发和治理的过程中同时发生。(4)话语表达空间上,国家和地方的众多行为体都在尝试塑造针对东江水治理的话语,这些话语将不同的主体纳入到东江水开发与治理的框架之内或将其排除在外,实现尺度的重组。  相似文献   

文章收集了428份由公共部门发布的粤港澳大湾区协同发展政策,根据政策主体拓扑关系测度城市间的大湾区协同政策供给强度,绘制基于协同发展政策关系的大湾区空间联系格局,结果发现:1)单向惠港惠澳的政策措施是当前主要的政策供给方向;2)政策供给高度集中于公共服务与产业领域;3)区县及以下层级和地方专业部门尚未充分进入大湾区协同发展政策网络;4)港、澳、广、深四大中心城市与大湾区其他主体间的政策关系与空间联系方式各异;5)大湾区城市间的政策联系在都市圈尺度内互动频密,跨都市圈政策联系相对松散。最后,提出以下建议:粤港澳大湾区可进一步加强邻域城市、邻域区县、专业部门间以及广深2个中心城市之间的双向政策联动,统筹对港、对澳政策,使得政策供给进一步适应大湾区的治理结构。  相似文献   

中国装备制造业产学研合作创新网络初探   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
王秋玉  曾刚  吕国庆 《地理学报》2016,71(2):251-275
产学研合作是区域创新的主要途径和重要来源.以中国装备制造产业为例,基于中国知识产权局1985-2012年间的合作发明专利数据,借助SPSS,UCINET,ArcGIS等定量分析工具,对中国装备制造产业合作网络的创新主体结构,空间结构及其演变,创新合作的空间尺度的影响因素进行了分析.研究发现,民营企业,高校在中国装备制造产业创新网络中的地位不断上升,数量不断增加,且已经成为重要的创新源泉;市域空间合作成为发达地区城市产学研创新合作最重要的空间单元,国家空间是欠发达地区城市产学研创新合作的主要空间载体;理工科高校等科技资源的空间集聚态势是导致创新网络层级特征的主要因子,科技资源富集的行政中心如直辖市,省会城市等发达城市成为最重要的资源集聚地,创新源泉和创新合作对象.  相似文献   

Astrid Wood 《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1238-1254
In this paper, I explore the variety of actors who circulate international best practice around the world. I trace the introduction and adoption of bus rapid transit (BRT) projects and policies across six South African cities through international and municipal policy actors, to expose the role of individuals moving policy within the messy and tangled process of policy circulation. The analysis demonstrates the particularly important role of local actors in localizing global practice. While cities may learn of circulated forms of knowledge through innovative and dynamic individuals, policy is adopted only through local actors with governmental support. This premise adds a critical dimension to the policy mobilities field by demonstrating that adopting localities are instrumental in cultivating a receptive ground for the application of circulated policy. Global best practice does not simply float around waiting to be selected, but rather local policymakers are actively seeking and transforming innovations such as BRT.  相似文献   

This article examines the political and spatial registers of struggles against exclusionary local immigration policies and for more welcoming policies in the Washington DC metropolitan area, one of the hotspots for both local anti-immigration policies and immigrant advocacy in the United States. We conceptualize immigrant advocacy not simply as an alliance, but instead as an assemblage that brings together a diverse set of differently positioned actors and nonhuman actants. The assemblage enacts a diverse politics that deploys different forms of activism, while engaging different publics (e.g., religious communities, unions, the larger public sphere in public spaces, etc.) and the state in complex ways. From acting outside the state to engaging in claims-making towards the state, immigrant advocates are making claims and actions that challenge and go beyond dominant conceptions of citizenship rights and liberal democratic politics. The spatial register is similarly diverse. The immigrant advocacy assemblage is confronted with and enacts a different politics of place in central cities and inner- and outer-ring suburbs. Contestations of exclusionary local policies, however, are not simply about a local politics of place. To the contrary, some actors and actants in the assemblage are actively involved in extra-local networking, collaborating across jurisdictional boundaries—between central cities and inner-and outer-ring suburbs within the Washington DC metropolitan area and across the United States. The complexities of these contestations call into question post-political narratives of “proper” politics, underscoring the need for an empirically grounded critical theory of democracy. This article contributes to this task by providing a geographically and historically sensitive analysis of the immigrant advocacy assemblage.  相似文献   


This paper explores the dynamics behind the changing regimes of urban renewal and its social impacts in Taiwan. Before the 1980s, the state was willing to solely shoulder the job of urban renewal with a wholly supportive financial budget and land appropriation law, while in the 1990s it became financially overburdened due to its renewal policy. Around the year 2000, the state turned towards promoting urban regeneration as a key business model. Through this historical exposition, the Taiwanese story of state transformation in urban renewal policy brings two issues to the fore. The first issue is the learning process concerning the policy of public-private partnership (PPP) initiatives. Trans-border policy mobility connects and constitutes cities, such as Taipei, with other places, such as London, through visits and seminars attended by policy makers and experts. However, policy transferred from abroad is “localized” in the learning process and used to prioritize the regeneration of public lands in the urban area. The PPP model is transformed in the face of domestic political struggles. The second issue is the social exclusion as a result of property-led regeneration. Rather than playing the role of an impartial institutional moderator, the state privileged landowners and developers and sacrificed the rights of tenants to stay put. By doing so, the state secures political support from landowner-cum-citizens and initiates a political culture of property in which local citizenship is predicated on ownership.  相似文献   


The zone of intersection between land and sea within an urban context has long been viewed as a special type of urban commons. The well-researched port-city interface, however, tells a rather tragic story about the use and management of this valuable resource. This study asks how four major regulatory-institutional issues in the interface – land ownership, activities allowed in port area, planning autonomy, and public access – affect the ability of ports and cities to preserve elements of “commons” in urban coasts? Furthermore, it assesses if and how Elinor Ostrom’s principles for overcoming commons-related tensions, could contribute to the management of port-city conflicts over land-uses in the Mediterranean urban coastline and the various questions that may derive from such an application. For these purposes the study combines a comprehensive literature review with the analysis of planning regulation and in-depth, semi-structured interviews of key-stakeholders in seven port cities across three Mediterranean countries. The common experience in these different cases suggests that through a strategy involving scaling-down spatial decisions or governance, and built-in mechanisms for spatial cooperation, ports and the cities that host them can find a new joint path, which will strengthen local synergies and the quality of urban, public space.  相似文献   

Approaches to improve the governance of social–ecological systems are difficult to define in situations where governance is weak, that is, involving limited interactions between the actors and weak management of natural resources. This article analyzes an action research process implemented in the Chaouia coastal region of Morocco, where weak governance of the social–ecological system led to a groundwater and agricultural crisis. A dialogue between local actors was set up with the aim of identifying strategies to address the crisis. First separately and then together, farmers’ groups and staff members of public organizations analyzed the existing situation, scenarios for the future of the area, and strategies to cope with the crisis. Contrary to the expectations of the participants, farmers and staff members of public organizations had productive discussions. This approach clarified how social learning can be achieved and governance improved in this situation of weak governance.  相似文献   


The global economic crisis exposed the instability of financialized urban governance at precisely the moment when governing coalitions have launched ambitious, expensive plans to reimagine urban transportation infrastructure, driven by the imperatives of restoring accumulation amid intensifying economic and regional competition. In Chicago and Toronto, processes of urban restructuring and state reterritorialization disclose contradictory tendencies in the city-regions’ modes of urbanization. Tracing the contingent path-dependencies of transportation crises highlights tensions between, and within, preexisting metropolitan dynamics and an ascendant neoliberal city-regionalism. The mobilization of collective regional agency appears necessary to overcome the inertia of divisive metropolitan politics, yet the specific political–economic contexts of the case city-regions significantly condition the structural capacity of actors producing, and the potential articulation of, emergent city-regional governance.  相似文献   

城市公共健康风险是当代城市研究的一个重要主题,在中国人文地理学界尚未得到充分关注。国内既有研究主要集中在两个维度——健康城市建设和城市风险治理,然而这些研究受到城市/自然二元论的影响。自20世纪90年代以来,城市政治生态学在西方人文地理学界迅速崛起,提出了以社会关系为核心的城市新陈代谢理论,在空间和联系两个层面将社会与自然,人类行为体与非人类行为体联系起来,实现了对二元论的超越。基于这一理论,本文从空间和联系层面对城市公共健康风险的具体形式进行分析,指出在空间层面上,存在空间流转和重叠的公共健康风险和空间生产和再生产活动的公共健康风险;就联系层面而言,存在“新陈代谢断裂”的公共健康风险和公众认知的公共健康风险。  相似文献   

One aspect of a recent restructuring of urban economies, societies, and spaces has been a change in urban planning practice. Planning is increasingly privatized and decentralized in U.S. cities. Private planning consultants are often hired by public‐private coalitions in order to shape the future of cities, while the planning processes they institute are frequently claimed to be consensus‐based, collaborative, and inclusionary, rather than elite‐centered and expert‐driven. This paper discusses the use of “visioning”—an increasingly popular technique that develops goals for the future of a city through consensus‐based meetings, open to all parties—as developed by New Century Lexington, a public‐private planning initiative in Lexington, Kentucky. It argues that: (1) new public‐private planning procedures, incorporating collaborative techniques, frequently become the institutional sites of political struggle over how future urban geographies are produced; (2) in order to understand the role of visioning in contemporary urban politics and in policy making outcomes, we must recognize the sociospatial context in which it is deployed; and (3) in the case of New Century, the way in which local elites controlled the mechanics of the visioning process made dissent difficult and, therefore, produced a vision of the future largely parallel to their standard economic development models.  相似文献   

Environmental justice is the principle that environmental costs and amenities ought to be equitably distributed within society. Due to the ethical, political, and public–health implications, and because many choices confront those researching environmental justice, standardized measures are needed to inform public dialogue and policy. We develop and test seven indices on three Colorado cities to measure the relationship between the distribution of environmental hazards and minority and poverty–stricken populations, and recommend the Comparative Environmental Risk Index as a preliminary, standardized measure for comparing urban areas. This index is particularly relevant to disadvantaged communities, regional planning organizations, environmental–justice networks and scholars, and state and federal agencies.  相似文献   

文章首先提出了一个国内政治性行为主体影响国家政局的分析框架,然后从“民意”“民意政治”“政治性民意”的视角,依据各民意集团的构成主体、利益诉求、行为方式等要素对缅甸国内的政治性民意集团进行梳理和划分,分析了缅甸政治性民意集团形成的时空环境,并对其形成的过程与机制进行探讨。。研究发现,在缅甸特殊的历史和地理环境背景下,形成了基于利益诉求而相互博弈的六大主要的政治性民意集团。各政治性民意集团或采取平等协商签订协议,或软硬兼施诱使妥协,或使用强力打击迫使接受等手段、方式进行权利博弈,成为缅甸国内主要的政治性行为主体。各政治性民意集团的借力博弈对缅甸政局产生了深远的影响,民意集团之间冲突的实质是其集团利益超越国家利益,这是缅甸国内长期冲突的主要致因。从“民意”“民意政治”的视域来研究一国内部的民主问题、民族问题、宗教问题和冲突问题是富有尝试性和探索性的,缅甸的实证研究也为研究特定国家的相关问题提供一个新的视野和参考借鉴。  相似文献   

从行政分权到跨域治理:我国地方政府治理方式变革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从集权到分权再到伙伴关系,从统治到治理再到跨域治理,西方发达国家地方政府治理方式呈现出螺旋式发展路径。我国的分权化改革打破了计划经济体制下地方政府被动羸弱的状态,在激发了地方政府发展经济的动力的同时,引发了"地方政府企业化"倾向,形成了分割的"行政区经济"。市场化改革在引入和整合体制外社会经济资源的同时,也导致政府与市场结合成"不受约束"的增长联盟,反而削弱了政府的权威。跨域治理理念旨在强化政府组织、市场组织和社会组织之间的资源整合,鼓励各种治理组织的参与,以共同应对跨行政区、跨部门、跨领域的公共事务。该文结合我国地方政府的实际情况,认为通过以下途径可以实现地方政府跨域治理:1)分权与赋权相结合,引进并整合体制外的社会经济资源,把决策权力向企业、社区和非营利组织转移;2)统筹协调各治理组织间的关系,促进城市政体内的权力平衡,以利益协调为基点,促使治理规则由支配性规则向共识性规则转变;3)综合运用行政化手段和市场化手段调整地方政府间关系,实现府际合作,促使地方政府由竞争型政府向合作型政府转变。  相似文献   

援引批判地缘政治学话语权和地缘政治想象分析方法,在对“民意”“政治性民意”“政治性民意势力”内涵界定的基础上,分析了2010—2015年中东北非地区相关国家政局变动中“政治性民意势力”的形成背景、过程及其影响。结果表明:中东北非国家“政治性民意势力”的形成有着深厚的国内背景和复杂的国际背景;“政治性民意势力”的形成经历了从民意事件客体的呈现,到民众聚集并上升为政治性议题,再到国内外势力借力博弈形成挑动抗议、推动政变的政治力量的过程;“政治性民意势力”形成以后,多行为体借力博弈下,在国别、区域上呈现不同的扩散轨迹和规律;“政治性民意势力”一方面造成了中东北非相关国家的政局变换,另一方面则推动区域地缘政治格局的变迁。这是对民意事件的地缘政治理论解读和分析,是一次较为有意义的尝试。  相似文献   

Barquet, K. 2015. Building a bioregion through transboundary conservation in Central America. Norsk Geografisk TidsskriftNorwegian Journal of Geography. Vol. 69, 265–276. ISSN 0029-1951.

Proponents of transboundary conservation argue for the formation of a bioregional scale of governance. How such rescaling should be done remains an undiscussed issue. Through a study of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor in Central America and Si-A-Paz, a transboundary protected area in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, the author investigates how a transboundary scale of conservation is enacted. The study shows that in order to meet the conditions of a bioregion, actors involved in transboundary conservation in Central America produced accounts of social and ecological integrity that did not entirely match local narratives. Moreover, transboundary conservation provided actors with increased mobility across governance scales and sources of funding. In turn, this scalar mobility enhanced the power of already powerful actors in the area, helped states to attract international sources of funding, and empowered previously marginalized local groups at the expense of others. The author concludes that actors involved in transboundary conservation attempt to create new meanings of nature and understandings of society in order to produce a new scale of conservation. However, the study highlights the problems of matching discourses of nature to accounts of social unity, and underlines the political nature of scalar projects.  相似文献   

全球价值链绿色化的概念性认知及其研究框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈静  曹媛媛 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1462-1472
随着全球国际分工的深化和对环境问题的广泛关注,全球价值链的研究框架也成为西方学界研究环境问题中跨区域性、全球-地方联系和环境权力博弈的重要工具。论文将绿色化问题引入全球价值链的分析框架中,在梳理相关文献的基础上,凝练全球价值链绿色化的内涵;并对全球价值链绿色化的驱动机制、全球价值链经济主体的升级带动的绿色化、全球价值链不同治理模式中管理绿色化等基本问题域进行讨论,初步构建全球价值链绿色化的研究框架;并辨析了不同空间尺度下全球价值链绿色化研究的主题和特点;进而提出未来研究需重点关注环境权力关系的界定、绿色化治理的模式以及全球尺度的绿色化网络等方面,旨在为全球价值链下环境问题的分析提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Policy Boosterism,Policy Mobilities,and the Extrospective City   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

This study develops the notion of “policy boosterism,” a subset of traditional branding and marketing activities that involves the active promotion of locally developed and/or locally successful policies, programs, or practices across wider geographical fields as well as to broader communities of interested peers. It is argued that policy boosterism is (1) an important element of how urban policy actors engage with global communities of professional peers and with local residents, and (2) a useful concept with which to interrogate and understand how policies and policy knowledge are mobilized among cities. A conceptualization of policy boosterism and its role in global-urban policymaking is developed by combining insights from the burgeoning “policy mobilities” literature with those of the longstanding literature on entrepreneurial city marketing. It is supported by illustrative examples of policy boosterism in Vancouver: the city's Greenest City and Green Capital initiatives, the use of the term “Vancouverism” among the city's urban design community, and demonstrations of new urban technologies during the 2010 Winter Olympics that were used to market a particular vision of the city's governance to people from elsewhere, but also—crucially—to local audiences. The article concludes by highlighting four foci that might frame future work at the intersections of policy boosterism and policy mobilities.  相似文献   

This paper identifies contrasting environmental discourses on bushfire from the public debate that followed the Victorian fires of 2002–03. Submissions to the inquiry into the 2002–03 Victorian bushfires provide a particularly rich source of documentation. It is argued that environmental events such as bushfire only become political issues, or problems, when they are constituted as such through environmental discourse. Through the analysis, three contrasting discourses on bushfire are identified—here labelled the ‘conservationist’, ‘ruralist’ and ‘wise use’ discourses. In examining how different ‘constructions’ of bushfire have led to conflict, each discourse is shown to consist of a range of actors who draw on shared storylines. Having established a better understanding of the different attitudes, beliefs, interests and values that underpin debates about bushfire, the paper concludes with a brief discussion of the prospects for compromise among the discourses and the potential for improved land and fire management outcomes.  相似文献   

Focusing on the growth of Real Estate Investment Trusts in Brazil, the paper explores how financializing policy instruments intertwine financial markets and the urban built environment. It studies the career of REITs and questions the role of financial market capital and actors in urban dynamics. The paper uncovers three processes usually considered separately: i) how a network of public and private financial market actors coaxes state bodies into using their regulatory powers and financial resources to transform real estate into an asset class; ii) how the government-run financial market authority and banks lure urban households into liquid real estate through marketing and education campaigns; and iii) how asset managers are “applied economic geographers” insofar as they channel households’ capital into a selected cities and properties. The active role played by financial actors in the design, enhancement and implementation of such a policy instrument leads us to conclude on their role as urban policy-makers.  相似文献   

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