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A chain of east‐west elongated lakes fringes the eastern flank of the Andes Mountains between 39 and 52°S in southern Chile and Argentina. These deep lakes fill valleys left by the retreat of outlet glaciers of the Patagonian Icefield about 16000 years ago. Two of the lakes, Lago General Carrera/Buenos Aires and Lago Cochrane, represent the shrunken remnants of a much larger lake (called here the predecessor lake) that developed in a moat alongside the icefield. A series of seven stepped lacustrine braid deltas on the southeastern shore of Lago General Carrera/Buenos Aires mark the progressive, punctuated drainage of the predecessor lake. The deltas were formed by the build‐out of fans of sand and gravel into the lake. They have the form of Gilbert deltas, with virtually flat subaerial topset beds and steeply inclined subaqueous foreset beds. The exposed delta fronts are marked by a series of small terraces produced by wave erosion during falling lake levels. On either side of the fans are embayments with beaches formed by deposition in the lee of the pro‐grading fans. These embayments are filled with ridges of well‐sorted gravel deposited by wave‐driven long‐shore drift. About 13 000 years ago the regional drainage underwent a remarkable change. Rivers flowing eastwards into the Atlantic reversed their direction to flow westwards through the Andes Mountains and into the Pacific Ocean. The watershed moved some 200 km to the east. The cause of this change, and the falling lake levels, was melting of the Patagonian Icefield. As the ice retreated the icefield split into north and south components. This broke the ice dam that impounded the western end of the predecessor lake. The stepped, progressive fall of the lake level suggests that as the ice melted a series of lower overflow sills of hard rock were exposed. Each of the major episodes of sudden drop in lake level was followed by a long period of up to thousands of years when lake level remained constant. Terraces on the delta fronts indicate that each major episode of fall in the lake level was punctuated by up to ten minor episodes possibly representing major storm events or annual cycles of freezing and melting, blocking the overflow sills.  相似文献   

Most of the last glacial maximum (LGM) glacier record west of the southern Andes (40–55° S) is today submerged under the Pacific Ocean and therefore the Archipiélago de Chiloé (42–43° S) provides an unusual opportunity to study local sediment and landform associations to help understand paleoglacial features of the former Patagonian ice sheet (PIS). In this context, this work presents the first comprehensive glacial geomorphologic mapping of the central region of the Archipiélago de Chiloé, which is located in a transitional geomorphic region between the Chilean Lake District (CLD, 39–41° S, 73° W) and northwest Patagonia (~43–48° S, 74° W). The Chilotan glacial geomorphology and sediment associations resulted from a warm‐based glacier that characterizes a typical active glacial temperate landsystem, which in central Chiloé combines deposits and landform units originated in subglacial and subaerial environments. Paleoglacial features that occur in central Chiloé are characteristic of an ice‐sheet style of glaciation, which differentiates it from a typical Alpine glacial style defined previously for the CLD. Therefore, the Archipiélago de Chiloé represents a geographical break point where the PIS became the large ice mass that occupied the Patagonian Andes during the last glacial period (Llanquihue Glaciation). A double ice‐contact slope on the east face of the Cordillera de La Costa provides evidence for the most extensive Early Llanquihue glacial advance on Isla Grande de Chiloé. The most prominent LGM advance in the area occurred at 26 000 cal yr BP, coincident with regional stadial conditions, and is defined by a big moraine along the east coast of the island.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘绿洲沙物质粒度特征   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
钱亦兵  张希明 《中国沙漠》1995,15(2):131-135
运用沉积物的粒度分析方法,研究了塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘绿洲不同类型沙样的粒度参数、粒度频率分布、平均粒径对标准差特性图等粒度特征及其空间关系,为查明沙源物质的性质和风力作用状况,分析风沙运动及风沙地貌形成,建立绿洲防护体系提供依据。  相似文献   

本文阐述了乔治王岛长城站区燕窝湖沉积物中微量元素及某些常量元素的含量、分布、富集系数和相关系数的变化规律 ,探讨了该湖岩芯物质来源及气候环境的阶段性变迁 ,认为一方面燕窝湖周围碎屑沉积岩 (包括火山沉积岩 )是进入沉积体系的主要物源 ;另一方面 ,地幔物质也是其物源之一 ;同时 ,并不排除南极大陆冰进期搬运来的陆源物质进入沉积体系。  相似文献   

荆江南岸主要河流入湖水沙及其对洞庭湖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李景保  刘晓清 《热带地理》1995,15(4):313-320
本文依据1951 ̄1991年实测的水文资料,全面估算了长江中游荆江南岸主要河流入湖径流量、输沙量;从多方面分析了径流泥沙的变化规律及其对当今洞庭湖所产生的一系列重大影响。  相似文献   

The White Mountains, astride the California-Nevada stateline, are the highest and westernmost of the Great Basin ranges. This range was extensively glaciated during the Quaternary Period. Glacial landforms and scattered erratics were identified in the field using primarily morpho-and lithostratigraphic criteria, and mapped on aerial photographs and topographic maps. Topographic characteristics of the glacial deposits were analyzed using standard statistical procedures. A sequence of glacial deposits was identified in terms of six glacial stages, these glaciations named according to type site, and relative ages inferred. With the exception of perched Stage I (early) deposits along the range crest, reconstructed equilibrium-line altitudes and elevation of the glacier termini increase to the present, with glacier length and inferred size decreasing through time. Preliminary data suggest that weathering and pedogenesis are also progressive, though environmental gradients mask some of these distinctions between deposits. It is hypothesized that the White Mountains have a similar glacial chronology to the adjacent Sierra Nevada, but that with the intensification of the Sierran rainshadow during the Quaternary, the extent of glaciation in the White Mountains apparently decreased through time owing to regional tectonic uplift. This had led to the preservation of a more complete sequence of glacial deposits than in the Sierra Nevada, making the delineation of multiple mid-Quaternary events possible in many valleys. Further radiometric and chronometric dating of these deposits is in progress. [Key words: Glaciation, Quaternary, glacial geomorphology, White Mountains, California, Nevada.  相似文献   

Lake Shewa in northeastern Badakhshan, Afghanistan, was dammed sometime in antiquity when a large rock avalanche (sturzstrom) from the fault‐shattered and strongly weathered Archean gneisses of the Zirnokh peaks to the north moved into the Arakht River valley. This rock avalanche dammed up the river and its tributaries to a dam thickness of c. 400 m, producing a 12‐km‐long lake that is as much as 270 m deep, leaving c. 80 m of freeboard to the top of the dam. At least four separate instances of slope failure have been mapped at the site of the landslide dam, as well as a rock glacier, using remotely sensed data, historical maps, and Google Earth?. Spring seepage through the dam face has caused several recent subsidiary debris slides, which if continued at a large enough scale for long enough, or with additional seismicity from the active strike‐slip faults that cross beneath the landslide dam, could threaten its integrity. Otherwise the clean water that emerges from the dam face could be the source of an unvarying mini‐hydroelectric power source, in addition to the agricultural irrigation that it provides at the present time.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of the wind-blown sand flux in a 40-cm flow layer above the ground surface was investigated through laboratory wind-tunnel tests and field measurements on the mobile dune surface during sand storms in the Taklamakan Desert of China. Results show that vertical distribution of the horizontal mass flux of drifting sand is a discontinuous function of height. More than 90% of the total material is transported in the flow layer from the surface to 14 cm. From 2 to 4 cm above the surface, a distinct transition zone occurs wherein mixed transport by creep, saltation, and suspension becomes saltation and suspension. The flow layer from 14 to 15 cm represents a further transition from saltation to suspension, where the distribution curves of the transport rate against height converge. The basic natural exponential function cannot describe well the vertical distribution of the saltation mass flux in the Taklamakan Desert. As a function of height, saltation mass flux follows a function qsalt = a'Z-bZ, and the distribution of suspension mass flux fits the power function very well. A total transport rate from surface creep to saltation and suspension in the measured flow layer, which is directly proportional to the effective wind speed squared (V - Vt)2, can be predicted by integrating Q = a'Z-bZ + cZ-d. The height distribution of the average quantities of transported materials varies as an exponential function of wind speed, and deceases with the increase in total transport quantity. Higher wind speed results in a higher transport rate and a higher vertical gradient for the particle concentration. The increment of relative transport quantity in the higher flux layer increases as wind speed increases, which generates a higher concentration of drifting particles in the upper flow layer. [Key words: aeolian geomorphology, aeolian transport, horizontal sand flux, sand dune, vertical sediment distribution, Taklamakan Desert.]  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Eight relict rock-slope failures (RSFs) on Skiddaw Group terrain in the Lake District, northwest England, are described. Five of the failures are rockslides, one is a product of slope deformation, and two are compound features with evidence for sliding and deformation in different sectors. As none appears to have been overrun and modified by glacier ice it is concluded that they all post-date the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM ; c. 21 ± 3 cal. ka bp ). Slope stress readjustments resulting from glacial and deglacial influences are considered to have weakened the slopes, and application of the term paraglacial is appropriate. Permafrost aggradation and degradation, seismic activity and fluvial erosion are among processes that may have contributed to failure at certain sites. The failures are significant as potential debris sources during future ice advances, contributing to valley widening and cirque enlargement and, possibly, for acting as sites of cirque initiation. Previously, Skiddaw Group rocks have been regarded as homogeneous and of limited resistance to the weathering and erosion associated with Quaternary glacial, periglacial and fluvial processes. These characteristics and processes have been used to explain the steep smooth slopes and rounded hills that dominate Skiddaw Group terrain. Rock-slope failure has also helped shape this terrain and should be incorporated in future interpretations of landscape development.  相似文献   

陆钧 《极地研究》1997,9(3):9-15
对南极普里兹湾NP93-2和NP95-1两柱样沉积硅藻进行了定量分析。两柱样分别可划分出3个和7个硅藻组合带。前者的优势种是Nitzschiacurta和Thalasiosiraantarctica,次优势种是N.kerguelensis和N.ritscheri;后者常见的优势种有N.kerguelensis,N.curta,Denticulopsisspp.和T.lentiginosa,常见的次优势种有Eucampiabablaustium,T.antarctica和T.gracilis。利用N.curta/N.kerguelensis比值并结合14C测年数据,可将15000年以来南极气候的变化划分出8个古气候带,其中完好地记录了Heinrich1事件、波令-阿德罗暖期、新仙女木冰期、全新世低温期等重大的气候变化事件,而南极的全新世低温期是首次报道。  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of grain-size parameters of drifting sand flux during sand storms in the Taklamakan Desert, Central Asia, were investigated through field observation and laboratory wind-tunnel tests. The results show that grain-size parameters of the drifting sands near the ground surface are similar to those of the source deposits. Fine and very fine sands in the flux layer near the ground surface (from zero to 20 cm high) comprise more than 85% of the sample's weight, with a mean diameter of 0.09 mm. The distributions of transported particles are mainly negatively skewed, with good sorting. The creep population consists of poorly sorted coarser particles. In the saltation layer, particle size becomes finer as a power function of height from 4 to 14 cm. Sorting in the saltation layer is good and improves as a logarithmic function of height. The higher the transport layer, the more negatively skewed the particle distribution becomes as a logarithmic function of height. It becomes more leptokurtic as a power function of height in the transport layer from zero to 12 cm high. Grain-size parameters change irregularly at heights above 14 cm. Regional differences in the vertical distribution of grain-size compositions are affected by source deposits, wind speeds, and transport rates, but source has more influence on the sorting of the drifting material than wind velocity.  相似文献   

碧痕营洼地中的湖相层是在末次冰期盛冰期之前的温暖期中发育的.时代为距今3万年到2万年前后,当时洼地附近的山地上生长着以落叶阔叶林为主的针阔混交林,小有波动.这一时段,年均气温较今低1-6℃.距今3万年到2.6万年前后,生长含高比例水青冈的针阔混交林,气温较今约低2-6℃;距今2.3万年前后,附近山地生长常绿阔叶、落叶混交林,气温较今约低1-3℃;在距今2.6万年到2.3万年和距今2.3万年以后一段时期,本地区发育针阔混交林;步入盛冰期的过程中,气候转向干冷,蕨类植物蔓生;湖相层之后是混杂泥砾堆积,气温降低幅度更大.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):684-704
This paper examines a social movement among affluent homeowners in Los Angeles. It argues that the social movement is highly institutionalized and durable, and that it has achieved many important citywide and statewide goals during the past 20 years. The paper further argues that this social movement should rightly be considered a stable branch of the urban elite along with local business and local government. However, the homeowners movement pursues a fundamentally different sociospatial agenda than either local business or local government, and those differing agendas suggest the absence of a unified governing regime in the city. The paper examines the structure, agenda, and political alliances of the movement through the case study of the debate surrounding the spatial and political reorganization of the City of Los Angeles, the most salient element of which is the possibility of San Fernando Valley secession.  相似文献   

夏季南大洋南极大磷虾种群分布、结构及生长研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2007/2008年和2008/2009年南极夏季高速采集器和IKMT网走航采样样品,结合同步环境调查资料,研究了南极大磷虾(Euphausia superba)的水平分布、生长状况及种群结构。结果表明,南极大磷虾在威德尔海域丰度高于普里兹湾海域,两个海域的磷虾丰度都低于历史同期。从两个年度南极考察的整个调查海区来看,南极大磷虾处于正常生长状态,但也存在个别生长状况较差站位,推测与海冰回退时间较晚或叶绿素浓度较低有关。利用高速采集器采集的大磷虾样品,在海冰边缘区域站位,未成体磷虾占有很大比例;而在海冰已经消退较长时间的海域,成体磷虾占比例较大,这反映了大磷虾未成体与成体不同的分布特征。南极大磷虾在不同海域种群结构存在一定的差异,对种群补充产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

在 CHINARE- 1 5考察期间对中山站及毗邻地区的湖泊和冰雪进行了采样。它们的CODMn指数与中国《地面水环境质量标准》相比 ,可分为三类 :一类水质所占比重最大 ,大约为56% ,二类和三类分别为 37%、7%。各类水体的 CODMn指数主要为自然源所贡献 ,人为污染不明显。湖水的 CODMn指数是生物生长状况、有机质含量、盐度和水体氧化还原程度的综合体现 ,新鲜降雪样的 CODMn指数指示了该地区的大气洁净度。  相似文献   

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