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The interaction of topography and ambient atmospheric conditions and their combined effect on surface climate are studied in the alpine fellfield on Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range. Insolation, net shortwave and all-wave radiation, surface and air temperatures, ground heat flux, wind speed, and evapotranspiration are analyzed in order to characterize moisture and energy exchanges. The spatial pattern of daily energy and moisture fluxes is influenced more by cloud cover than topographic position. The daily radiation load is usually highest on east-facing slopes because clear mornings are commonly followed by cumulus development during midday and early afternoon. In the dominant westerly wind regime, wind speeds on east-facing slopes are lower than elsewhere. Strong insolation produces high rates of evapotranspiration from the thin, sandy/gravelly fellfield soil when moisture is abundant. After a few consecutive precipitation-free days, large radiation loads produce high surface temperatures, especially on east-facing slopes where wind speed and thus the sensible heat flux are small. During the 1985 summer drought period, the impact of hot, dry weather on plant water stress was most pronounced on east-facing slopes. The well-defined distribution of Dryas octopetala on Niwot Ridge, near the southern extent of its circumpolar range, is an example of the control of topoclimate over plant distribution owing to water stress during periods of drought The absence of Dryas from south-facing slopes does not correspond well with present topoclimatic patterns. The present distribution of Dryas may be a consequence of topoclimatic patterns throughout the middle of the last millennium when the summer climate in the Colorado Front Range was hotter and drier than today. Summer droughts then were probably more prolonged, and a combination of clearer days, lower wind speeds, or an increased frequency of northerly wind would have created more intense water stress on south-facing than east-facing slopes. [Key words: Topoclimate, alpine tundra, Dryas octopetala, energy balance.]  相似文献   

高山林线交错带是亚高山森林与苔原之间、亚高山森林与无树草原之间的过渡带状区域,是生物多样性热点区域,具有营养物质输入源和低海拔生态系统的碳固存等不可替代的生态功能,提供着各种生态系统服务。与高山林线交错带相关的三种树线是树种线、林线和木材线。由于高山林线交错带占据了树种耐受温度极限的极端区域,对气候变化非常敏感,经常被用作植被对全球变暖响应的指标。随着全球气候变暖的加剧和不同气候区海拔梯度的变化,高山林线交错带中的树高和生物量也会发生显著变化。同时分布在全球不同气候带上的林线变化也表现出不同的规律,其中的原因包括温度升高程度的不一致、优势种和植物群落的不同、人为干扰程度的不同等。另外,关于林线推进的驱动因素也无一致的研究结果,不同气候区之间的研究结果可能会相互矛盾。然而,目前在气候变化下的高山林线发展领域,缺乏全面的综述。因此,本文从以下四个方面对此前的研究进行了总结,并探讨了高山林线动态变化的理论基础和挑战:(1)高山林线动态变化的生态功能和生态问题;(2)监测高山林线动态变化的研究方法;(3)全球不同气候区的林线迁移;(4)林线向上迁移的驱动因素。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The presence of a seasonal snowpack in alpine environments can amplify climate signals. A conceptual model is developed for the response of alpine ecosystems in temperate, midlatitude areas to changes in energy, chemicals, and water, based on a case study from Green Lakes Valley–Niwot Ridge, a headwater catchment in the Colorado Front Range. A linear regression shows the increase in annual precipitation of about 300 millimeters from 1951 to 1996 to be significant. Most of the precipitation increase has occurred since 1967. The annual deposition of inorganic nitrogen in wetfall at the Niwot Ridge National Atmospheric Deposition Program site roughly doubled between 1985–1988 and 1989–1992. Storage and release of strong acid anions, such as those from the seasonal snowpack in an ionic pulse, have resulted in episodic acidification of surface waters. These biochemical changes alter the quantity and quality of organic matter in high‐elevation catchments of the Rocky Mountains. Affecting the bottom of the food chain, the increase in nitrogen deposition may be partly responsible for the current decline of bighorn sheep in the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

Seven soil pits dug in a downhill sequence beneath Martinelli snow patch, Niwot Ridge, Front Range, Colorado, reveal that soils are coarse-grained with only limited evidence of silt translocation. Clay mineralogy within the pits exhibits a widespread and distinct change at a depth of ~15–20 cm. The most common characteristic of this change is a distinct increase in vermiculite in the lower layer, usually accompanied by a decrease in kaolinite and/or smectite. This pattern is interpreted to reflect decreased weathering intensity with depth. Microenvironments beneath the snow patch which exhibit high chemical weathering rates on coarse surficial debris also appear to experience high rates of clay production relative to referenced dry alpine sites, with specific clay mineralogies varying in a fashion commonly found in humid temperate environments. Data generated in this study appear to provide site-specific support for the regionally-developed Synthetic Alpine Slope Model. Spatial variations in eolian additions and meltwater produce complex patterns in chemical weathering of fines beneath large snow patches, although the nature of clay-mineral change is typical of humid, temperate, mid-latitude environments. [Key words: chemical weathering, alpine environments, clay mineralogy, Synthetic Alpine Slope Model.]  相似文献   

The influence of climate associated with El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on tree growth in the central Colorado Front Range is investigated through the analysis of two high altitude tree-ring chronologies. Dendrochronological techniques are used to determine if ENSO-related climatic effects are detectable in tree-ring width patterns in the central Colorado Front Range. The form of the tree-growth response is identified and the variability of the influence of these events on tree growth over time is investigated. Results indicate that tree growth in this area does respond to ENSO events, but the response varies with species and type of event. El Niño-influenced climate tends to result in larger tree rings the year of or year following the event, while La Niña-influenced climate tends to result in smaller rings the year after the event, reflecting spring moisture conditions. Trees have a more consistent response to La Niña events, but El Niño events seem to have a greater effect on extremes in growth. The relationship between the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and tree growth has varied over time, probably because of the fact that ENSO events, characterized by the SOI, vary in magnitude and amplitude. [Key words: ENSO, dendrochronology, Colorado Front Range.]  相似文献   

Landscapes in the ecotone between forest and tundra contain a mosaic of patches of trees, meadows, lakes, disturbed areas, and other features. The structure of this mosaic affects species habitat and potential ecotone response to global change. However, the alpine forest-tundra ecotone may be insensitive to climatic change if it is a climatic relict or is frequently disturbed. We used GIS and multivariate statistics to (1) analyze landscape structure in transects across the ecotone in Rocky Mountain National Park, (2) identify the major variants of forest-tundra ecotone, and (3) identify the influence of the environment and natural disturbances on variation in the landscape structure of the ecotone. There are six major types of ecotone varying in the amount of natural disturbances, permanent features (e.g., lakes), closed forest, patch forest, and krummholz. Variation is primarily related to slope, elevation, aspect, and geology associated with the morphology of the mountains and the disturbances they produce. The ecotone is not strongly structured by natural disturbances; thus, it may be more strongly controlled by and sensitive to climatic change than in areas where disturbance is more prevalent. Monitoring of potential ecotone response to global change is feasible, if tailored to the types of ecotone and their expected response.  相似文献   

Landscapes in the ecotone between forest and tundra contain a mosaic of patches of trees, meadows, lakes, disturbed areas, and other features. The structure of this mosaic affects species habitat and potential ecotone response to global change. However, the alpine forest-tundra ecotone may be insensitive to climatic change if it is a climatic relict or is frequently disturbed. We used GIS and multivariate statistics to (1) analyze landscape structure in transects across the ecotone in Rocky Mountain National Park, (2) identify the major variants of forest-tundra ecotone, and (3) identify the influence of the environment and natural disturbances on variation in the landscape structure of the ecotone. There are six major types of ecotone varying in the amount of natural disturbances, permanent features (e.g., lakes), closed forest, patch forest, and krummholz. Variation is primarily related to slope, elevation, aspect, and geology associated with the morphology of the mountains and the disturbances they produce. The ecotone is not strongly structured by natural disturbances; thus, it may be more strongly controlled by and sensitive to climatic change than in areas where disturbance is more prevalent. Monitoring of potential ecotone response to global change is feasible, if tailored to the types of ecotone and their expected response.  相似文献   

Jason R. Janke   《Geomorphology》2005,67(3-4):375-389
Permafrost distribution, or ground that remains frozen for at least 2 years, has been modeled using a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) variables, and land cover in alpine regions of the world. In the Front Range, however, no such empirical models have been developed, and field data are restricted in spatial extent, but rock glaciers are in abundance. Here, I present a probabilistic logistic regression model that is based on topoclimatic information (elevation and aspect) for rock glaciers derived from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 10-m DEMs. Classes of land cover, obtained from an Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) image classification, were assigned weights and were then multiplied by the regression results to refine estimates. The effectiveness of the model was evaluated by comparing mean probability scores with rock glacier activity categories, Mean Annual Air Temperature (MAAT) from climatic stations on Niwot Ridge, and Bottom Temperature of winter Snow (BTS) measurements, while a Monte Carlo simulation was used to detect uncertainty associated with the original DEM. Permafrost scores >50% covered about 8.9% (242 km2) of the study area (2722 km2) with the highest scores clustered around Longs and Rowe Peaks. Permafrost locations showed a strong correlation with rock glacier activity classes, the −1.0 °C MAAT isotherm, and BTS measurements less than −3.0 °C. The uncertainty analysis revealed that slight global differences exist between the original and error prone DEM; however, local variations in aspect caused the most uncertainty. These results indicate that the model accurately represents regional distribution of permafrost. Therefore, topoclimatic information from rock glaciers and land cover, when combined with an uncertainty analysis, can effectively be used to map the occurrence of Front Range permafrost, providing an imperative tool for cartographers, planners, and geocryologists.  相似文献   

The altitudinal treeline ecotone is a windy environment where wind velocities and directions are controlled by local mountain topography and also by the distribution pattern and structures of tree stands. Wind may override the role of heat deficiency in determining treeline position, spatial pattern, ecological conditions, and tree growth. Regular strong permanent winds restrict tree height and usually cause asymmetric and suppressed growth forms that are common in the treeline ecotone. Apart from direct physiological and mechanical effects on trees and ground vegetation, wind also disperses seeds, relocates snow, and locally erodes soils in the treeline ecotone. Wind effects must be considered an important factor that may delay or even preclude establishment of seedling trees on wind-swept terrain. Discussions of a potential climatically driven upward shift of the treeline at the landscape and smaller scales should give greater attention to the varying wind effects because warming cannot compensate for these other factors. The relative importance of microsite facilitation providing shelter from the wind will increase in parallel with the upslope migration of the tree limit into a much windier environment.  相似文献   

Soil distribution in high mountains reflects the impact of several soil-forming factors. Soil geomorphologists use key pedological properties to estimate ages of Quaternary deposits of various depositional environments, estimate long-term stability and instability of landscapes, and make inferences on past climatic change. Once the influence of the soil-forming factors is known, soils can be used to help interpret some aspects of landscape evolution that otherwise might go undetected.The Front Range of Colorado rises from the plains of the Colorado Piedmont at about 1700 m past a widespread, dissected Tertiary erosion surface between 2300 and 2800 m up to an alpine Continental Divide at 3600 to over 4000 m. Pleistocene valley glaciers reached the western edge of the erosion surface. Parent rocks are broadly uniform (granitic and gneissic). Climate varies from 46 cm mean annual precipitation (MAP) and 11 °C mean annual temperature (MAT) in the plains to 102 cm and −4 °C, respectively, near the range crest. Vegetation follows climate with grassland in the plains, forest in the mountains, and tundra above 3450 m. Soils reflect the bioclimatic transect from plains to divide: A/Bw or Bt/Bk or K (grassland) to A/E/Bw or Bt/C (forest) to A/Bw/C (tundra). Corresponding soil pH values decrease from 8 to less than 5 with increasing elevation. The pedogenic clay minerals dominant in each major vegetation zone are: smectite (grassland), vermiculite (forest), and 1.0–1.8 nm mixed-layer clays (tundra). Within the lower forested zone, the topographic factor (aspect) results in more leached, colder soils, with relatively thin O horizons, well-expressed E horizons and Bt horizons (Alfisols) on N-facing slopes, whereas soils with thicker A horizons, less developed or no E horizons, and Bw or Bt horizons (Mollisols) are more common on S-facing slopes. The topographic factor in the tundra results in soil patterns as a consequence of wind-redistributed snow and the amount of time it lingers on the landscape. An important parent material factor is airborne dust, which results in fine-grained surface horizons and, if infiltrated, contributes to clay accumulation in some Bt horizons. The time factor is evaluated by soil chronosequence studies of Quaternary deposits in tundra, upper forest, and plains grassland. Few soils in the study area are >10,000 years old in the tundra, >100,000 years old in the forest, and >2 million years old in the grassland. Stages of granite weathering vary with distance from the Continental Divide and the best developed is grus near the sedimentary/granitic rock contact just west of the mountain front. Grus takes a minimum of 100,000 years to form.Some of the relations indicated by the soil map patterns are: (1) parts of the erosion surface have been stable for 100,000 years or more; (2) development of grus near the mountain front could be due in part to pre-Pennsylvanian weathering; (3) a few soil properties reflect Quaternary paleoclimate; and (4) a correlation between soil development in the canyons and stream incision rates.  相似文献   

Particle-size distribution, mineralogy, sphericity, and weathering characteristics from eolian material deposited on four snow patches in the alpine zone of the Colorado Front Range are reviewed against information available on the role of eolian transport. A comparison is also made with particle-size distributions from various tundra surfaces and other soil-loss processes. The eolian deposits exhibit properties intermediate between those of loesses and cover sands. Eolian transport exhibits a sharp drop in competence from alpine ridge crest to valley bottom.  相似文献   

Sigmoid wave transitions at alpine treeline   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecotones that are controlled by a single environmental gradient or a set of correlated environmental factors are hypothesized to show a sigmoid wave form in percentage cover as the ecotone is crossed. This study investigates the sigmoid wave hypothesis at the alpine treeline in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. We find that approximately half of the sampled locations exhibit a sigmoid wave form in percentage cover across the ecotone. These results indicate that in some cases treeline is controlled by a single environmental gradient or a set of correlated environmental factors. However, in other cases, additional factors that are not correlated with the primary controlling gradient act to change the form of the transition. We investigated surficial geology as a possible controlling factor that would not be correlated with the primary climatic gradients found along transects across the alpine treeline. In at least some of the cases, surficial geology type was shown to be significantly associated with differences between sigmoidal and non‐sigmoidal transitions. These results support previous evidence for sigmoid wave transitions at the boreal forest—tundra ecotone, but also show that the alpine treeline case is more complex. We argue that in cases where ecotones are used as sites for monitoring the effects of climate change on vegetation, care should be taken to utilize only sites that exhibit a sigmoidal transition so as to minimize the effects of non‐climate‐related controlling factors on the interpretations.  相似文献   

太白山高山林线植被的数量分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
唐志尧  戴君虎 《山地学报》1999,17(4):294-299
通过对太白山南坡高山林线(alpinetimberline)及其附近的草本植物群落的聚类,排序,物种多样性以及生态种组等研究分析表明:1.太白山高山植物群落的物种多样性随着海拔高度的升高而增加;2群落交错带(ecotone)的物种多样性要比相邻群落内部高;3.在太白山高山带,随着海拔升高,种一面积相关值呈波动增加,但在群落交错带比相邻群落的内部小。  相似文献   

Gary John Brierley 《Area》2010,42(1):76-85
The imprint of the past upon contemporary landscape forms and processes is differentiated in terms of geologic, climatic and anthropogenic memory. Geologic memory refers to controls exerted upon relief, erodibility, erosivity and accommodation space (areas in landscapes where sediments are stored and reworked). These factors set the imposed boundary conditions within which contemporary landscape-forming processes operate. Climatic memory refers to the influence of past climatic conditions upon contemporary landscape forms and processes. Climatic controls exert a primary influence upon the nature of geomorphic processes, while the influence of climate upon ground cover affects the effectiveness of these processes. Climate change may induce profound alterations to the flux boundary conditions under which contemporary landscapes operate. This is exemplified by the variable imprint of glacial/interglacial cycles in differing parts of the world. Anthropogenic memory refers to the imprint of past human activities on contemporary landscapes, whereby human disturbance in the past altered landscape forms, processes and associated flow/sediment fluxes in a manner that continues to affect the way the contemporary landscape works. Contrasting examples from a tectonically stable landscape (Australia) and a tectonically uplifting landscape (New Zealand) are used to highlight the variable influence of geologic, climatic and anthropogenic memory upon the persistence and erasure of landscape forms and resulting implications for sediment flux in differing settings.  相似文献   

在哈萨克斯坦东北部的阿尔泰山南坡,位于森林上限的西伯利亚落叶松的树轮宽度对生长季初期温度敏感,且在近年来气候变暖的背景下对温度的响应较为稳定,可以作为该区域温度变化的良好替代材料.利用森林上限区的树轮资料,从树轮宽度中提取初夏温度信息,建立了树轮宽度年表与卡通卡拉盖气象站6月平均温度的转换方程,重建了这一区域310年来的初夏温度变化历史,重建方程的方差解释量达到42.7%.由于校准期较长,利用独立检验方法对重建方程进行检验,各项检验的参数表明重建方程是稳定可靠的.重建序列与相邻的中国阿勒泰地区西部和阿尔泰山北坡树轮反映的温度变化序列的冷暖阶段是一致的,其中19世纪的温度波动较为明显,持续时间最长的冷期(1842-1871年)和暖期(1872-1906年)都出现在这个阶段.重建温度序列存在11a左右的周期,与太阳活动的周期一致.  相似文献   

Despite the growing risk of avalanche-related death and property damage associated with the burgeoning tourist industry in the Colorado Front Range, no dendro-geomorphological studies have been conducted to assess avalanche history in this region. In this study, dendrogeomorphological techniques are used to develop avalanche event chronologies and to reconstruct past slide magnitude at two sites located near Loveland Pass. At Mount Bethel, historical data compiled by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Westwide Data Network for the period between 1974 and 1996 corroborate four of eight dendrochronologically dated event years. At Grizzly Peak, four of five dendrochronologically determined event years occurring between 1981 and 1996 are supported by historical data kept by CDOT, the Westwide Data Network and the Arapaho Basin Ski Patrol. Avalanche path reconstruction and the examination of vegetative indicator species reveal periodic fluctuations in slide magnitude at both sites, suggesting that larger avalanches have run outside the present tracks multiple times. The chronicling and assessment of each path's slide history informs of past occurrences and alerts us to future risks. [Key words: avalanche, dendrogeomorphology, Colorado Front Range.]  相似文献   

以内蒙古东南部白音罕山落叶松样芯为研究对象,建立研究区124年(1895—2018年)树木年轮晚材蓝光强度差值年表.通过选取年表(1895—1998年)与气象因子的响应分析发现:落叶松晚材蓝光强度年表与6—8月的温度(r=0.42,P<0.01)存在显著的正相关,与6—8月的降水(r=-0.39,P<0.05)和7—1...  相似文献   

利用开都河流域中段采集的雪岭云杉树芯样本,采用研究区域森林上下限2个采样点的树轮宽度年表,分析该地区两个树轮宽度年表的基本特征,建立与气象因子的关系模型,探讨树轮宽度生长与北大西洋涛动的关系。结果表明:(1)森林上限树木生长的一致性要强于森林下限,并且上限树轮宽度年表可能含有更多的气候信息;(2)森林上、下限树轮宽度年表在全频域、高频域及低频域上均存在显著正相关;(3)森林上、下限树轮宽度年表的气候响应结果基本一致,均表现出对上年9月至当年3月的逐月平均气温呈显著正相关,且均与上年12月的平均气温相关最高。树轮宽度年表与气象因子关系的模拟结果也证明了上年9、12月份和当年2、3、4月份的月平均气温与研究区树轮宽度生长间的密切关系;(4)研究区域树轮宽度生长与冬季北大西洋涛动指数的变化趋势较为一致。  相似文献   

高山林线对于气候变化的影响非常敏感。气候变化首先从个体的水平影响林线的内部结构,然后才影响到作为整体的林线的推移,因此研究乔木个体生理活动与气候条件之间的关系,对于研究高山林线对气候变化的响应具有重要意义。本文通过对们于中国东部暖温带的五台山、关帝山、太白山森林上限附近白杆(Picea meyeri)、华北落叶松(Larix principis-ruprechtii)和太白红杉(L.chinensis)生理活动与环境因子的野外测定,分析了光合作用与环境因子之间的关系,得出以下初步结论:(1)研究区内林线乔木的光合作用不存在单一的限制因子;(2)有关研究表明,光照与温度共同作用于高山林线乔木的光合作用,在光照较低的情况下,温度成为光合作用的限制因子,本研究进一步证实了这一现象;(3)树线、林缘、郁闭林内三种不同生境条件下乔木光合作用的对比表明,林缘的生境条件最适合植物光合作用。虽然林缘的湿度条件中等,但良好的光照和温度条件对光合作用有促进作用。  相似文献   

贺志刚  董兆乾 《极地研究》2006,18(4):235-244
本文利用WOCE塔斯马尼亚岛至南极大陆断面连续6年(1993-1998年)南半球夏季的上层温度数据确定了各锋位置,并对ERS-1/2卫星风场数据进行处理,获得该断面多年平均月风应力和风应力旋度,以及该断面风应力变化的时间序列。将各锋位置与局地的风应力和风应力旋度变化进行对比分析,探讨了两者之间的关系。结果显示,该断面纬向风应力和经向风应力均有周期为半年的季节变化,经向风应力变化超前于纬向风应力变化约1个月。风应力旋度有周期为2个月左右的变化。第一极锋(PF1)位置的经向季节变化幅度远小于气候月平均零旋度线的经向季节变化幅度,但位于零旋度线的平均位置附近。在PF1以北,向北输送的南极表层水(AASW)开始辐聚下沉,在下沉并北移的过程中与亚南极模态水(SAMW)相遇,SAMW与AASW之间温盐特征的巨大差异可能是导致亚南极锋(SAF)形成的主要原因。极锋区(PFZ,指极锋PF与亚南极锋SAF之间的区域)中辐聚大于辐散,部分辐聚的水体必定来自极锋以南向北输送的温度更低的上层水,对SAF水平温度梯度的形成和维持做出贡献。风应力旋度负最大值很可能决定了南极绕极流锋(SACCF)的强度:负最大值越大,埃克曼抽吸越强,南极绕极深层水(CDW)向海面涌升程度越大,CDW与变性南极绕极深层水(MCDW)之间温盐梯度的深度范围越大,锋强度越强。  相似文献   

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