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Synoptic-scale environments favorable for producing derechos in the cool season (September through February) are examined with the goal of providing useful techniques for identifying commonalities within derecho activity corridors. Fourteen derechos were identified from two activity corridors located in the southeastern United States and Atlantic seaboard regions between 1986 and 1995. The synoptic environment at the initiation and midpoint of each derecho was then evaluated using surface, upper-air, and the NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data sets. Models are provided in order to illustrate the synoptic-scale environment and to assist meteorologists in recognizing conditions favorable for cool-season derecho formation. Marginal instability and strong synoptic-scale forcing characterized the environments of events in both corridors. The overall synoptic patterns associated with cool-season derecho-producing mesoscale convective systems (DMCSs) resembled environments found with cool-season tornado episodes. Recognition of key elements in this environment could lead to improvements in cool-season severe weather prediction. [Key words: derecho, windstorm, mesoscale convective system (MCS), synoptic climatology, southeast United States.]  相似文献   

Although tornadoes are microscale meteorological features, their occurrence is linked to the larger synoptic-scale environment. Most conceptual models of synoptic situations that give rise to tornadoes are based on conditions prevalent in the Great Plains of the United States. However, tornadoes develop in many different synoptic environments, particularly when they form beyond the boundaries of “Tornado Alley.”

Tornado occurrences in the state of Virginia are identified from 1951 through 1992. Using upper air data for the nearest site and observation time, a synoptic classification is produced via application of principal components analysis and cluster analysis. The five resulting synoptic classes each exhibit distinctive thermodynamic and flow conditions that serve as air-mass paradigms for tornado occurrence in Virginia. The groups include thermodynamic/northwest flow air masses, a mixed thermodynamic/dynamic category, a polar front jet situation, cool season midlatitude cyclone events, and Great Plains type tornadic air masses. A sixth type, tornadoes spawned by tropical systems, is defined separately.

A variety of indices have been developed by forecasters to provide information about the likelihood of severe weather and tornadic activity. The lifted index, K-index, Showalter index, SWEAT, Totals index, and a wind shear index are calculated for each tornado event. Analysis of variance indicates that most of these indices are statistically different between synoptic classes.

These results suggest that the synoptic-scale mechanisms responsible for tornado occurrence in the mid-Atlantic states are quite variable. Enhanced predictive capability could be gained by considering the prevailing synoptic conditions associated with individual storms. [Key words: synoptic climatology, tornadoes, Virginia, classification, severe weather.]  相似文献   

The southeastern United States is routinely hit by tropical cyclones (TC). As TC track inland and dissipate their inland impacts can be substantial. This study examined the spatial patterns of societal impacts associated with tornadoes and high winds with 31 inland-moving TC that made landfall from 1985 to 2008. Hourly weather information was collected from all available first-order weather stations affected by each storm, as well as tropical cyclone preliminary reports issued from the National Hurricane Center. Societal impacts were identified through selected newspapers across the region and the National Climatic Data Center’s Storm Data. Geographic Information System (GIS) software was employed to make geometric measurements of the distance and direction of the impacts relative to storm center. From these measurements, the spatial distribution of the societal and meteorological impacts was plotted relative to the track (e.g., left vs. right) and location (forward vs. rear sector) of the cyclone center. Various tropical cyclone attributes, including size, strength, and forward speed of movement were then related to the occurrence of different impacts and their location relative to the cyclone track. The majority of tropical cyclone tornado and high wind impacts occur in the right-forward sector of the tropical cyclone. However, many TC produce impacts that occur in other sectors far from the center of circulation. These abnormalities are associated in many cases with interactions between the tropical cyclone circulation, topography, peripheral dry air, and extratropical synoptic weather features.  相似文献   

Contemporary research into extratropical cloud systems optimizes the increase in resolution of visible (VIS) and thermal infra-red (IR) sensors, and the ability to retrieve wind and atmospheric moisture variables at mesoscales using microwave radiometry. These passively-acquired remote sensing data are used to develop synoptic climatological (conceptual and simple statistical) ‘models’ of mesoscale cyclones in cold-air outbreaks (mesocyclones, ‘polar lows’) occurring over the otherwise data-void southern oceans. Mesocyclones present a limitation to successful weather forecasting for New Zealand and coastal Chile, southern Australia and South Africa, during the cold season. The synoptic climatological analyses show that: 1) the patterns of mesocyclone cloud vortex origins, movement and dissipation (‘mesocyclone regimes’), exhibit spatial dependence and have associations with upper-ocean conditions; 2) mesocyclone ‘outbreaks’ are embedded within characteristic larger-scale anomaly fields of tropospheric pressure, height, and layer thickness (mean temperature); and 3) composite (statistical average) models of cloud system structure based on the microwave retrievals of marine weather reveal mesocyclones to be relatively dry in comparison with synoptic cyclones, yet very windy. These analyses should permit the development of methods to better predict these important cold-season storms over southern middle latitudes, and a fuller assessment of their significance for the larger hydroclimatic system.  相似文献   

Although much research has been done linking meteorological variables individually with various aspects of human health, few studies have considered the collective impact of weather. This study examines the relationship among ten synoptic-scale weather patterns and daily cause-specific human mortality rates for metropolitan areas in the central United States during the 1978 to 1998 autumn and spring seasons. The results show that distinctive changes in mortality rates are often associated with one or two of the more moderate synoptic types, displaying notable spatial and temporal variability. The occurrence of the Eastern Zonal (EZ) pattern during spring and the East Coast Trough (ECT) pattern during autumn seems to invoke the most significant increased mortality response across all causes of death and metropolitan statistical areas. For the EZ and ECT types, the largest adverse response occurs for locations influenced by cold, anticyclonic situations and atmospheric stability.  相似文献   

Contemporary research into extratropical cloud systems optimizes the increase in resolution of visible (VIS) and thermal infra‐red (IR) sensors, and the ability to retrieve wind and atmospheric moisture variables at mesoscales using microwave radiometry. These passively‐acquired remote sensing data are used to develop synoptic climatological (conceptual and simple statistical) ‘models’ of mesoscale cyclones in cold‐air outbreaks (mesocyclones, ‘polar lows’) occurring over the otherwise data‐void southern oceans. Mesocyclones present a limitation to successful weather forecasting for New Zealand and coastal Chile, southern Australia and South Africa, during the cold season. The synoptic climatological analyses show that: 1) the patterns of mesocyclone cloud vortex origins, movement and dissipation (‘mesocyclone regimes’), exhibit spatial dependence and have associations with upper‐ocean conditions; 2) mesocyclone ‘outbreaks’ are embedded within characteristic larger‐scale anomaly fields of tropospheric pressure, height, and layer thickness (mean temperature); and 3) composite (statistical average) models of cloud system structure based on the microwave retrievals of marine weather reveal mesocyclones to be relatively dry in comparison with synoptic cyclones, yet very windy. These analyses should permit the development of methods to better predict these important cold‐season storms over southern middle latitudes, and a fuller assessment of their significance for the larger hydroclimatic system.  相似文献   

Regional-scale middle- and upper-tropospheric troughing over the southwestern United States represents a departure from the modal circulation pattern for western North America. Once developed, southwestern troughs often are associated with positive vorticity advection aloft, surface cyclone formation, and moisture advection over areas of the western Great Plains and Intermountain West. These trough systems may play an important role in the precipitation climatology of the western and central United States. However, very little work has focused on the temporal climatology, developmental characteristics, or climatic impacts of southwestern troughs. This study provides a detailed climatology of southwestern troughing that focuses on: (1) the temporal frequency of these events; (2) the teleconnective circulation changes that are associated with their development; and (3) the importance of these systems in the precipitation climatology of the western and central United States.

The temporal climatology of southwestern troughs reveals that most of these systems occur during spring and autumn, with somewhat fewer events in winter and very few events in summer. An examination of 500-mb geopotential height and 24-hr height change composites during trough development shows that much of the wave-train activity that accompanies trough onset is limited to the North Pacific and North American regions. These changes are characterized by the amplification and eastward movement of a ridge/trough couplet over the eastern Pacific, which is preceded by synoptic-scale transient wave activity over the western and central Pacific. While southwestern troughs occur less than 30% of the time, southwestern trough-derived precipitation comprises over 60% of the monthly totals for some sites.  相似文献   

This study documents the spatial and temporal characteristics of northeast United States tornadoes and the synoptic patterns associated with their development. Daily 1200 UTC surface pressure, 500 mb height and 850 mb temperature data are used in a compositing analysis to indicate the general conditions on tornado-producing days during four quasi-seasonal periods. Temporally, two-thirds of all northeast tornadoes occur between the hours of 1800 UTC and 0000 UTC. Annually, greater than 75% occur during the four-month period from May through August. During the period of study (1950 through 1986) the region had an average of 30 tornado occurrences per year. Spatially, three preferred areas of tornadic development are identified across the northeast region. These areas include western and southeastern Pennsylvania and north-central Massachusetts. The general synoptic patterns associated with tornadic events in the northeast United States remain consistent throughout the year. The composite analyses indicate that the presence of a strong surface low pressure system moving through the Great Lakes, coupled with significant upper-level divergence associated with a vigorous shortwave feature and a cold frontal boundary, are the synoptic features most common during the initiation of tornadic storms in this region. [Key words: synoptic climatology, tornadoes, northeastern United States.]  相似文献   

郭进修 《极地研究》1991,3(1):39-46
本文用澳大利亚墨尔本气象中心,苏联南极青年站地面天气图和NOAA-10,NOAA-11极轨卫星云图确定了东南极普里兹湾及其附近海域1990年1—2月份气旋中心位置;讨论了这些气旋的活动特征。分析了实测大风对应的天气系统,天气形势和卫星云图特征,指出普里兹湾沿海存在气旋、锋面以及锋面云和气旋先后相继的影响。锋面及锋面、气旋先后相继影响与500hPa上的强高压脊天气形势、强风与锋面带中纹理非常不均匀区域有密切关系。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have documented that the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern is the dominant extratropical response to ENSO forcing affecting the circulation over North America. However, the PNA is not the sole pattern that occurs during ENSO events. This study identifies the dominant synoptic circulation patterns and associated temperature and precipitation departures that occur during ENSO winters. Using standardized departures of 500 mbar heights over North America and the North Pacific Ocean, a subjective classification of the anomaly maps for winter months identified as warm ENSO events identifies three basic categories of 500 mbar standardized anomaly patterns: Variations of the PNA pattern, the reverse PNA pattern, and patterns with no PNA signature. Composite standardized anomaly maps of the synoptic categories of 500 mbar heights as well as composites of standardized temperature and precipitation departures for the contiguous United States were constructed. Three variations of the PNA, accounting for nearly half of the ENSO winters, are presented, identifying various configurations of the 500 mbar anomaly field and their effect on precipitation and temperature distribution. Similar composites are presented for reverse PNA and non-PNA winters. [Key words: climatology, climate change, El Nińo/Southern Oscillation, troposphere.]  相似文献   

The climatology of winter cyclones crossing the western Great Lakes was investigated. Data concerning storm strength, place of origin, and surface and 500 mb level synoptic characteristics were obtained from the months of October through February, 1955–1976, for 469 cyclones. November cyclones had the lowest mean pressure and strongest pressure gradient of the 5 months examined, but cyclonic frequencies were greatest in December and January. In all months, cyclones originating in the southwestern United States were significantly deeper than storms of northern origins, and these cyclones crossed the western Lakes most frequently in November. In November, cyclogenesis in the southwest was related to departures of the observed flow from the mean monthly mid-tropospheric circulation with trough development over the west. Yearly variations in the number of severe November cyclones were related to differences of mean monthly 500 mb flow.  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess interstorm cyclone variations in intensity and motion for heavy-snow events at three north-central U.S. stations: Minneapolis, Madison, and Indianapolis. Daily data for the period from 1966 to 1996 were used to select the 157 storm events. Heavy-snow cyclone track location (latitude and longitude) and intensity (central pressure) means and standard deviations are calculated for each station and related to snowfall magnitude. The most northwesterly of the three stations, Minneapolis, had the largest median heavy-snowfall total and also the largest standard deviation in heavy-snowfall amount. Statistical analysis of surface cyclone parameters reveals significant interstation differences in storm trajectory and intensity measures for all cyclones and cyclogenesis group subsets. Chi-square tests suggest that the distribution of storms by month and cyclogenesis type is significantly nonrandom for all stations. Summary findings indicate that Midwestern heavy-snow events are dominated by southern Great Plains cyclones and that storms from secondary cyclogenic regions contribute to significant differences at the three selected locations. [Key words: cyclones, snowfall, Midwest.]  相似文献   

This research analyzes the relationship between tropical cyclones and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) for landfalling Atlantic tropical cyclones from 2000 to 2015. Daily mean PM2.5 concentrations were collected from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Tropical cyclone data were acquired from Tropical Prediction Center Best Track Reanalysis in Unisys weather. GRIdded Binary (GRIB formatted) data were downloaded from the Data Support Section of the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Tracks of tropical cyclones were overlaid with the interpolated daily mean PM2.5 concentration value. Results suggest that, in general, tracks are distant from areas with the largest PM2.5 concentrations. To examine the cause-effect nature of this relationship, simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model suggests that the intensity of Hurricane Lili was weakened only after passing the most PM2.5-polluted area in Louisiana. This result suggests that aerosol loading may weaken the intensity of tropical cyclones, at least in some cases.  相似文献   

Unseasonable floods are floods that occur in the season of lowest flood frequency, or dry season. Such floods pose a unique problem to flood planners and forecasters, yet little research has investigated the physical processes associated with unseasonable floods. The purpose of this study is to construct a synoptic climatology of extreme unseasonable floods for the southeastern United States. Results indicate that the types of storms creating unseasonable floods are location specific, with four unique regions across the study area: Carolina (tropical storms/hurricanes), Georgia Coastal Plain (Gulf depressions), Gulf-Atlantic (frontal), and Tennessee (frontal with upper-air enhancement). The precipitation created by these storms is low to moderate, rarely exceeding the 10-year 24-hour storm total. The precipitation levels suggest that a combination of meteorological conditions and land-surface conditions create the extreme events. A statistical analysis indicates that high soil-moisture levels combine with the moderate rains to produce extreme unseasonable floods. [Key words: unseasonable floods, synoptic climatology, land-surface conditions, southeastern United States.]  相似文献   

Although previous climatological studies have investigated the relationship between cyclone frequency and trajectory and regional weather, analyses of structural airflow features and precipitation have been confined to meteorological case studies. In the following paper, the influence of Colorado cyclone airstreams on Midwestern snowfall is investigated using isentropic streamline maps for five cold season months. Results indicate that Colorado cyclones account for a minor percentage of Midwestern snowfall events and amounts. When snowfall is induced by Colorado cyclogenesis, diffluence and instability in the cold sector portions of the cyclone are the dominant lifting mechanisms.  相似文献   

Mean annual snowfall in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) exhibits considerable spatial variability, ranging from 30 cm in the valleys to 254 cm at higher elevations. Snowfall can be tied to a variety of synoptic classes (e.g., Miller A or B cyclones, 500 hPa cutoff lows), but the frequency and significance of different synoptic classes have not been fully assessed, particularly at higher elevations. In this paper, we manually classify all snowfall events during the period 1991 to 2004 according to a synoptic classification scheme, calculate mean annual snowfall by 850 hPa wind direction and synoptic class, and develop composite plots of various synoptic fields. Hourly observations from nearby first-order stations and 24 hr snowfall totals from five sites within the GSMNP are used to define snowfall events. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data are used to develop composite plots of various synoptic fields for cyclones passing south and then east of the area (e.g., Miller A cyclones). Results indicate that over 50% of the mean annual snowfall at higher elevations occurs in association with low-level northwest flow, and that Miller A cyclones contribute the greatest amount to mean annual snowfall at all elevations.  相似文献   


Although previous climatological studies have investigated the relationship between cyclone frequency and trajectory and regional weather, analyses of structural airflow features and precipitation have been confined to meteorological case studies. In the following paper, the influence of Colorado cyclone airstreams on Midwestern snowfall is investigated using isentropic streamline maps for five cold season months. Results indicate that Colorado cyclones account for a minor percentage of Midwestern snowfall events and amounts. When snowfall is induced by Colorado cyclogenesis, diffluence and instability in the cold sector portions of the cyclone are the dominant lifting mechanisms.  相似文献   

This paper examines the synoptic climatology and seasonality of heavy rainfall across the southeastern United States. Frontal systems (particularly cold fronts) were found to be the dominant mechanism that induces heavy rainfall across the study area, but tropical disturbances and air-mass storms also contribute, especially at the more coastal locations. Annual regimes were found to vary dramatically from one site to another, and seven of the eight sites investigated exhibited statistically significant seasonality. Generally, peaks in heavy rainfall are bimodal in the western portion of the region, occurring in the transitional seasons. The central portion of the region peaks in late winter and spring, whereas the area east of the Appalachians (including Florida) has summer peaks. This spatial pattern is likely related to patterns of mid-tropospheric air flow and positions of the Bermuda High in summer, and the seasonality of cyclogenesis in North America. [Key words: synoptic climatology, seasonality, heavy rainfall, storms, southeastern United States.]  相似文献   

袁国波 《干旱区地理》2017,40(3):549-554
根据21 世纪15 a 来出现在内蒙古的沙尘暴个例,归纳形成沙尘暴的高空环流背景和地面天气系统,提炼预报指标。结果显示:沙尘暴是强冷空气爆发南下的过程,具有冷空气强、锋区强、高空急流强的特征;造成内蒙古沙尘暴的高空环流背景可分为高脊移动型、冷槽下滑型、横槽型和低涡旋转型等四个类型;强烈发展的蒙古气旋和冷锋是造成沙尘暴的主要地面天气系统。沙尘暴预报应主要着眼于高空急流轴的位置、乌拉尔山高压脊、高空锋区、蒙古气旋及冷锋、地面变压中心、高空正涡度平流中心与地面气旋相叠置的区域等方面。  相似文献   

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