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西方国家中产阶级研究进展及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方国家中产阶级整个研究进展可以分为3个阶段。20世纪60年代前,研究重点集中在中产阶级概念、形成原因,以及中产阶级聚居区等;20世纪60-80年代,研究重点主要集中在中产阶层化与内城居住选择以及中产阶层化形成机制;20世纪90年代以来,研究内容呈现多元化,重点集中在中产阶级概念再界定、中产阶层化形成机制的再讨论、创新阶层、中产社区与社会空间公平、消费行为、政治作用与环保意识等方面。本文结合中国中产阶级研究概况,参照西方相关研究,建议今后应重点关注社会转型下中产阶级形成机制、阶层特征、中产阶级聚居区以及中产阶层化等方面。  相似文献   

郭友良  李郇 《地理科学》2018,38(2):161-167
选择具有代表性的广州市金花街改造项目(1988~2003年)为案例研究对象,分析了政府主导下改造方案的调整过程和改造空间特征,探讨居民诉求和政府旧改政策对旧城空间的影响。研究表明:金花街居民的原地安置诉求和城市政府依此设计的以民生为导向的改造安排,乃是影响旧城空间的重要原因;在准市场化融资方式和福利化拆迁安置方式下,城市政府提出的有关提供公共服务设施、解决居民临时安置问题和让居民原地安置的要求,使改造规划多次提高改造容积率,以保持改造经济平衡;改造后的金花街在房屋和人口两个维度呈现空间加密化的态势,即存在原地安置房叠加融资商品房、原地安置居民叠加购房迁入居民的社会空间现象,金花街改造并未出现以外来中产人口大规模替代原住低收入人口为基本特征的绅士化过程。最后,从引入转让开发权和鼓励微改造两方面对当前广州的旧城改造提出政策建议。  相似文献   


The aim of the article is to present and discuss functions of public monuments in relation to different dimensions of geographical space. The authors discuss public spaces, monuments, public art, based on a mixed-method approach and an analysis of scientific literature as the main research method. The theoretical discussion is supplemented with the results of Internet searches and an analysis of media supplements, and specific examples are given, including some from Poland. An additional method was autoethnography, which involved an analysis of cultural phenomena based on the authors’ experience. The analysis revealed that monuments were part of public art and thus enriched public spaces in cities. They fulfilled different important functions: artistic, symbolic, commemorative, political, social, religious, marketing, and mixed. Additionally, the monuments reflected the contemporary transformation of ideas and social orders and therefore also reflected contemporary urban debates. They were products of social relations, powers, ideas, identities, and the collective memory reflected in the urban spatial structure of cities. The authors conclude that the examples presented in the demonstrate that monuments perform various functions in urban public spaces. From a spatial perspective, the role of monuments depends on their different impacts on people’s perceptions and interpretations of space.  相似文献   

胥夷  刘苏 《热带地理》2021,41(3):472-484
现象学着重关注人的经验问题.在绅士化失所研究领域里,当研究视角从关注物质空间转变为空间经验时,"生活世界"成为了基本的出发点,这体现为从"直接性失所"往"间接性失所"的转变.以列斐伏尔的"表征的空间"为基础,围绕象征要素对失所经验展开定性分析则成为主要的研究路径.以此方法论,对重庆市下浩历史文化社区经历绅士化凸显出的失...  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):239-260
Demonstrations shape the urban landscape and affect the normal functions of a city. They disrupt traffic, make marginalized people and neglected areas visible in city centers, and challenge élite designs of urban landscape both visually and functionally. Demonstrations question élite norms by using city space in nonconformist ways for making claims, and by charging places with demonstrators' own meanings. Differences between Buenos Aires and Seoul show that historically developed conventions and symbolic readings of city space matter in the strategic choice of places to protest. Yet most demonstration sites belong to the same major categories. Demonstrators may gather outside governmental buildings to communicate with the authorities; at centers of commercial activity to appeal to the public; to places that link them historically, culturally or morally with symbolically important events; or at places connected with a particular grievance. Along with local traditions, an internationally shared demonstration culture determines what kinds of places are suitable for demonstrations.  相似文献   

南京内城商业绅士化发育特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
商业绅士化是指城市中传统商业、居住或工业被更高价值商业取代和置换的现象,与居住绅士化互为因果。由于城市发展阶段、模式和管制环境不同,不同国家和地区商业绅士化社会空间特征表现出显著差异。20世纪末以来,在城市社会空间转型语境下,具有异域风情的餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆、健身房等高档消费场所置换传统住宅或社区商业并在城市特定空间中集聚,是中国最典型的商业绅士化现象。遴选出符合商业绅士化特征的六类高端商娱场所,采用空间核密度等方法,对2008年和2018年南京内城上述商娱场所空间集聚、演进模式和机理效应进行分析。研究发现:① 商业绅士化“热点区”首先出现在城市传统商业中心和文化历史街区,随后向商业中心周边和新兴商业地段跳跃式扩散;② 根据实践路径差异,可将南京内城商业绅士化分为整体植入式、侵入演替式和转型升级式三种模式,分别以1912街区、南京大学—南京师范大学(南大—南师大)片区和新街口地区为代表;③ 经济和文化力量在推动商业绅士化的发生演化中均发挥重要作用,其中地方政府、资本联手对“商业租差”的追逐,以及年轻、高收入绅士化群体日益增长的时尚、高端文化消费需求,从供需两端驱动着商业绅士化过程;④ 商业绅士化在提升城市商业活力和经济效益的同时,也在一定程度上产生对原住居民和低端商业的排挤和置换效应。  相似文献   

始于1980年代的环境公平研究近年来重点转向环境资源,尤其是公园绿地在不同族群和不同收入人群中的空间分布。经过对国内外文献的梳理,从绿地空间环境公平研究主题、绿地公平性影响因素及其测度指标和方法进行了系统综述。分析发现:1)国内外关于绿地空间环境公平的研究主要集中在近十年,呈现稳步增长的态势。总体上从环境公平视角来关注城市绿地空间的研究仍不多,案例绝大多数来自发达国家的城市,更多集中在美国;2)研究主题集中在可进入性与环境公平、绿地空间改造与环境绅士化、绿地使用中的文化公平与环境公平问题以及绿地环境公平感知与地方依恋四个方面;3)城市绿地公平性的测度最常用的是可达性、服务面积等绿地供给性指标,近年越来越多研究开始使用绿地供给与使用者需求的综合测度指标。最后,基于中国快速城市化和快速工业化带来日益紧张的土地利用冲突与经济发展压力,再加上中国特殊的人口、环境特征与文化背景,中国城市普遍面临着对绿地空间需求的日益增长,未来应特别重视城市绿地空间的环境公平问题。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):276-298
This paper analyzes the relationship between postwar urban redevelopment and the more recent transition that fused subsequent gentrification with tourism strategies in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). First, it examines the long endeavor of local government to foster neighborhood change in coalition with tourism and commercial development planning, and documents the intimate connection between gentrification and displacement. Second, it sheds light on the entwined effects of gentrification and tourism in the transformation of this urban outpost of the European Union.  相似文献   

This essay is a revision of a paper prepared for an NSF workshop on race and geography. Participants in the workshop were asked to offer their views on the topic and our suggestions for further research. This contribution explores some aspects of the relationship and relevance of geography to the question of race in North America. It touches on three “places” that constitute the discipline: the place of research, the place of teaching, and the workplace. With respect to research, it suggests some promising lines of inquiry. Among these are studies of the relationship of scale to the politics of identity and studies of “passing” in connection with studies of geographies of experience and geographies of power.  相似文献   

This essay is a revision of a paper prepared for an NSF workshop on race and geography. Participants in the workshop were asked to offer their views on the topic and our suggestions for further research. This contribution explores some aspects of the relationship and relevance of geography to the question of race in North America. It touches on three “places” that constitute the discipline: the place of research, the place of teaching, and the workplace. With respect to research, it suggests some promising lines of inquiry. Among these are studies of the relationship of scale to the politics of identity and studies of “passing” in connection with studies of geographies of experience and geographies of power.  相似文献   

创意再生视域宁波老工业区绅士化动力机制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
绅士化成为全球各类城市更新的核心现象,受地理、城市和规划等学科关注。以宁波和丰创意广场形成为例,运用问卷调查和访谈数据,借助扎根理论和结构方程模型分别构建和验证涵盖空间生产、推拉模式和创意集群孕育在内的老工业区绅士化动力机制。研究发现:① 生成和丰创意广场的创意修复过程呈现典型绅士化现象,且该现象具有高端写字楼主导的开放性和多元景观特征,入园企业私营化、生产要素创意化和生产关系外向化的业态特征以及年轻化、情怀化、创意化和服务化的群体特征;② 和丰绅士化现象是老工业区以推拉方式形成的社会空间置换,权力、资本和创意联结而成的再生产关系主导空间实践;建筑规划师和创意阶层主导的物质性空间营造和创意实践形成空间表征;空间表征推动创意集群内生发展和演化,催化了基于文化、理想和情感体验的文化共识和身份认同,升华为表征性空间,形成了“地方元素的感性认可→资本要素和关系力量的理性约束→地方元素、资本要素和关系力量协同→关系力量的反馈”逻辑路径,激活了老工业区空间演化。③ 和丰创意集群育成取决于文化氛围、办公环境、经济区位、政府政策和社会关系网络等要素相互作用。  相似文献   

宋伟轩  袁亚琦  谷跃  徐旳  刘春卉  汪毅 《地理研究》2021,40(4):1008-1024
中国2008年开始推进的城市棚户区改造运动,是一项针对城市住房困难群体的重要民生工程,也是有利于拉动投资与消费需求,推动新型城镇化建设的发展工程,深刻影响着城市社会空间的转型升级与分异重构.根据2008-2020年南京主城区434个棚户区改造前后的社会空间属性差异,在整体掌握南京棚户区改造时空特征的基础上,重点探讨棚户...  相似文献   

From 1990 to 2010, white tracts fell from 82% to 70% of all metropolitan tracts. This loss was concentrated among the most segregated white tracts – those with low diversity. White tracts that were moderately diverse actually doubled in number between 1990 and 2010 although this increase was insufficient to cancel the loss of low diversity white tracts. We model the effects of metropolitan characteristics on white-tract change by metropolitan area. Greater metropolitan-scale diversity increases the probability that low-diversity white tracts transition to moderate-diversity white. Moderately diverse white tracts, however, become more stable with increased diversity. A large metropolitan percentage of blacks or the foreign born reverses this stabilizing effect, increasing the probability that moderately diverse white tracts transition to non-white tracts. Overall, the results suggest a reconfiguration rather than a dissolving of white dominated neighborhood space in response to increased metropolitan area diversity.  相似文献   

On April 16, 1993, a group of male students at the University of Colorado got into a fight with another group of males not associated with the university; this fight unleashed a broader debate over who should have access to the public spaces surrounding the university. We examine this debate in terms of its implications for citizenship, public space, and community. We discuss conflicts over public space and the role these conflicts have played in defining a citizenship that rejects notions of equal membership in a larger polity. This strategy is examined using newspaper accounts, interviews, and participant observation techniques to understand the conflict over access to “the Hill” in Boulder, Colorado. Central to these conflicts is the issue of how “the public” is constituted. As we detail the actions of agents involved in the Hill, it will become clear that this fight is about competing definitions of who belongs to the public, who is a citizen, and what should be the criteria for membership in the public or community.  相似文献   

This article draws from the recent relational turn in geography to develop a model of relational racialization. It argues that racism functions through the legal and discursive production of linked, interdependent, and unequal places. By comparing two social movements in Los Angeles, the South Central Farmers and the Shadow Hills homeowners, I examine two spatial discourses through which race is relationally reproduced: unequal abilities to mobilize the entitlements of “property rights” and unequal claims to represent hegemonic forms of local heritage. When materialized and naturalized in land use policy, these discourses re-create racial disparities in wealth and poverty and reproduce the qualitative nature of the physical places on which racism depends.  相似文献   

Challenges arising from changing demographics, expensive housing, and precarious labor have prompted recent interest in the residential geographies of young adults. Yet, despite attention to young adults' diverse housing pathways, I argue that greater focus is needed on the place-based and spatial underpinnings and effects of particular housing pathways: Connections to urban processes of “youthification”—the concentration of young adults in dense neighborhoods—and “studentification”—whereby an area becomes dominated by university students—remain underdeveloped, as do linkages between these phenomena and gentrification. I explore these connections through a critical review of extant literature to show that the enactment of some pathways is associated with particular urban processes, which might foreclose certain pathways for other individuals. Finally, I identify three crucial areas of inquiry: (1) how youthification, studentification, and gentrification interact; (2) how these processes shape and are shaped by diverging individual housing pathways; and (3) how differences among young adults such as race, ethnicity, and gender intersect with age in the course of these processes.  相似文献   

In 1992, Puerto Rico's governor and police superintendent incorporated the National Guard with local police in a militarized battle against crime. Mano dura contra el crimen (strong arm/iron fist against crime) policies led to the gating of 82 public housing communities in the island. Simultaneously, privileged private communities organized and petitioned municipalities to retrofit their neighbourhoods with gates in the name of safety. These enclosures followed the privatized management of all public housing communities in the island only a few years before. Based on ethnographic research, I examine the sociospatial outcomes of these policies, how they reframe community participation and deploy a discourse of self‐responsibility that distributes power unequally across private and public housing communities. While in the privileged communities these policies have cultivated community leaders and invigorated social life as residents take control over public space, the gates in the communities of the poor reflect a skeletal structure of democracy. Private management companies impose increasingly restrictive regulations in attempts to organize the community and the only recourse to participation is to engage in small acts of everyday resistance, from apathy to subversion. As part of larger neoliberal tendencies to retrench the ‘public’ in favour of the ‘private’, the mano dura policies curtail democracy as the voices of the poor are silenced and the scope of efficacy of the rich expands.  相似文献   

转型期城市公共纪念空间从神圣空间向居民休闲空间的转变成为学界和社会的关注热点。以广州起义烈士陵园为例,运用空间生产理论以及观察法、访谈法等质性研究方法,探讨广州起义烈士陵园在城市转型中从神圣纪念空间向市民休闲空间的转变过程、空间主体所起的作用及其内在机制。研究发现:1)广州起义烈士陵园在发展过程中经历了2次空间转换,1954―1978年烈士墓园的空间生产阶段以及1978年到现在公共纪念与休闲空间生产的阶段。2)政府自上而下的主导作用和居民自下而上的休闲需求是推动烈士陵园空间生产的主要动力。3)政府和居民的共同作用,塑造了烈士陵园多样化空间局面。从政府角度来看,不论是空间规划还是符号化空间的建构都是为了更好地强化其神圣空间特质,公共休闲只是一种衍生功能。从居民角度看,休闲需求在居民生活中占据更为重要的位置,由此形成了混合公共空间。  相似文献   

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