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Household structure is an important aspect of family change during China’s modernization process. Existing literature has demonstrated significant associations between various factors and household structure, but the spatial variation in these relationships has not been examined. Using the 2010 Chinese population census data and geographically weighted regression (GWR) model, this study explored the spatial patterns of three-generation lineal households, a functionally important household type in China, and its influencing factors. There was significant heterogeneity in the distribution of three-generation lineal households. Socioeconomic, demographic, and cultural factors were all significantly related to the proportion of three-generation lineal households, but the relationships are place-specific in terms of direction and magnitude. These results suggest that the distribution of Chinese household structures cannot be explained by a single framework of family modernization theory but is determined by the interplay of various local characteristics. Especially, population migration plays an equally important role in affecting household structure than socioeconomic development in China. This work contributes to the family literature by highlighting the spatial heterogeneity in the impact of varying factors on household structure. Beyond the classic modernization theory, it sets a contextualized framework for understanding how Chinese household change in response to the rapid social transformation.  相似文献   

石漠化已成为威胁人类生存的三大生态灾害之一,对其成功治理有赖于人文成因的解明。西南地区石漠化的人类活动驱动力就是作用于自家承包地之上的农户经济行为。以重庆市南川地区为例采用实地测量和问卷调查相结合的方法采集了自然一人文组合式样品,建立了一个农户一生态经济模型。结果表明人地矛盾并没有想象的那样明显地推动了生态环境的恶化,而是农户对土地的依赖要比对土地的负荷产生的环境影响更大;在土地格局已经固定了的情况下贫困农户更加依赖土地,更会采用可持续的土地利用方式,因而其承包地的石漠化率反而偏低,颠覆了前人认为的贫穷是导致石漠化发生原因的观点;石漠化形成的表层原因是外出务工的离心力造成农户对土地的依赖程度的降低,而更深层次的原因是土地产权制度的不完善造成的土地对农户吸引力的减弱。  相似文献   

李翠珍  徐建春  孔祥斌 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1039-1049
以北京市大兴区为例,采用农户调查数据,设计不同资源群体农户分类评价指标体系,利用非系统聚类方法将农户划分为5类(①中等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;②高等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;③中等资源禀赋,低等非农收入;④纯农户;⑤非农户),进而分析了不同资源群体农户的生计多样化特点及对土地利用的影响。研究表明:(1)在大都市郊区,农户类型1~3、纯农户和非农户分别采取了农业和非农兼顾、留在农业和脱离农业的生计策略。(2)农户类型1~3和纯农户中,70%农户生计多样化指数分布在2~3之间,且依然呈现粮食作物播种面积较大,选择比例最高,其次是经济作物。(3)农户类型1~3和非农户中,以就地转移方式非农就业是农户家庭劳动力安排的主要选择,且非农就业劳动力年龄最轻和教育水平最高。(4)大都市郊区土地非农化的转型特点促使农户从类型1~4被动地向类型5转化,土地利用效益低下也持续推动了农户生计多样化,同时,农户生计多样化会引发粮食生产能力停滞不前、土地流转和产权调整大规模顺势而生、土壤养分富集等土地利用现象。  相似文献   

利用大量农访数据,检查了家庭承包制度下农业土地利用的重要方面,测算了样点村现有土地流转状况及其农户解释。结果表明:流转规模,总体呈渝西经济走廊快于都市发达圈,更快于三峡库区生态经济圈;流转模式,转包已逐渐被农民所接受和采用,而以现金兑换的出租和转让方式,也渐渐被部分农民所喜欢;流转用途,都市发达圈土地流转后土地利用主要向非农用转变,而渝西经济走廊和三峡库区生态经济圈除小部分向非农用转变外,大部分土地流转后提高了土地利用的集约度。土地权属在总量上制约着土地流转的规模,但这一作用的区域差异不明显;农村土地市场发育程度不仅影响区域土地流转的总体规模,而且是导致不同区域流转规模各异和流转方式演化差异的根本原因;社会保障的完善程度对农民是否愿意离土和采取何种方式离土具有决定性作用;土地流转管理包括权益保障管理和流转后土地用途管理,是规范土地流转主体行为,减少流转纠纷,保障土地流转依法展开的基础性力量。土地流转中,把握宏观经济环境变化背景下的农户心理及其对现有土地流转驱动因素的响应,对安排遵循市场规律和贯彻以人为本价值取向的土地流转制度意义重大。  相似文献   

尹珂  肖轶 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1123-1129
针对农户开发利用消落带耕地对三峡库区的环境影响,从意愿角度对重庆市涪陵区、丰都区247户农户进行实地调研,采用多项Logistic回归模型分析法,定量分析农户对生态休耕经济补偿需求的影响因素,为构建三峡库区环境保护经济补偿机制提供建议。研究结果表明:① 农户的经济补偿需求意愿存在较大差异;② 生态休耕比较效益、家庭人口数、家庭年人均纯收入、生态休耕意愿指数、经济补偿期望值对农户生态休耕经济补偿需求影响显著。研究结论:三峡库区消落带的受访农户对生态休耕经济补偿的需求意愿较强,构建适当的经济补偿机制满足该地区农户的补偿诉求势在必行。  相似文献   

中美在南亚地缘影响力的时空演变及机制   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
南亚是中美两国重要的地缘战略区,无论是对中国海上运输的安全和西部边疆的稳定,还是对美国实施"亚太再平衡"战略,都有着十分重要的作用。如何解析中美在南亚地缘影响力的变化及演变机制,是需要解决的关键科学问题。结合地理学、国际关系学和政治学研究视角,采用数学建模方法,构建国家地缘影响力的指标体系和模型,选取南亚为研究区域,探讨中美在南亚地缘影响力的时空演变,探寻地缘影响力演变的影响因素以及驱动机制。结果表明:1近10年,中美在南亚的地缘影响力在小幅波动中呈逐年上升趋势。从增幅比率看,中国在南亚地缘影响力的增速要比美国快。2国家地缘影响力演变是一个缓慢过程。2003-2012年间,中美在南亚国家和地区的地缘影响力变化幅度不大。3硬实力、软实力、相互依赖力和摩擦力是地缘影响力演变的主要影响因素。其中,硬实力和软实力是主导因素,起拉力作用;相互依赖力是辅助因素,起推力作用;而摩擦力是弱化因素,起反向力作用。4中美在南亚地缘影响力演变的驱动力包括地缘区位、地缘政治、地缘经济和地缘文化。地缘区位是国家地缘影响力演变的制约力,地缘政治是主导力,地缘经济是驱动力,地缘文化是辐射力。5国家硬实力不等于地缘影响力,国家硬实力强并不能代表其对外的地缘影响力就高,两者是非线性关系。硬实力虽起主导作用,但不能决定地缘影响力变化的强度和速度。  相似文献   

刘正桥  王良健 《地理研究》2013,32(4):683-690
经济、人口、资源与环境的协调发展是新型城市化战略的核心,也是国家主体功能区规划的重要内容。鉴于各类主体功能区在东北地区并存,考察其经济增长与城市化开发路径,可为全国提供较好借鉴。以东北地区城市暂住人口为切入点,探讨了城市暂住人口与经济增长相互影响的作用机制,进而构建暂住人口与经济增长联立方程,并使用东北地区34个地级城市的面板数据进行实证分析,考量以暂住人口吸纳与承载能力为标志的城市化潜力与经济增长的动力。研究表明:在国家主体功能区战略背景下,需充分尊重和考虑东北地区各类开发区域与城市的经济、社会、自然与生态状况,应通过中心城市产业结构调整、生态功能区人口迁出等途径进行集中均衡式的城市化开发,积极加快推进基本公共服务均等化和城市内部基础设施完善。  相似文献   

耕地比较效益低下引致耕地保护经济补偿成为破解耕地保护问题的客观选择,而影响经济补偿成败的关键因素之一在于补偿模式设计是否符合农户诉求,因此定量刻画农户生计资产差异对其补偿模式选择的影响便是补偿模式设计的核心.运用参与式农村评价法(PRA)对渝西方山丘陵3个样点村392户农户进行了实地调查,构建了农户生计资产六边形计量分析框架,运用灰色关联分析模型和Probit回归分析法对农户生计资产差异与补偿模式选择意愿间耦合关系的存在性和影响度进行了分析,并设计了差别化耕地保护经济补偿模式.研究结果表明:①农户生计资产存在属性差异和空间分异.农户生计总资产呈现由自给型纯农户到非农户递增的总体趋势,空间上存在海拔越高生计资产越低的趋势.②农户对耕地保护经济补偿模式的选择意愿存在随农户生计资产差异由“成都模式”向“佛山模式”过渡的趋势,不同地带农户模式选择意愿存在空间分异.③农户生计资产差异与耕地保护补偿模式选择间存在耦合关系,自然资产与农户模式选择意愿呈负相关,社会资产对农户的模式选择影响最小,金融资产对农户模式选择的影响较弱,人力资产和物质资产对农户决策均产生较显著影响,心理资产对农户的决策影响最为显著.④根据农户生计资产缺乏情况为7种类型农户设计了概念性的补偿模式体系,并就补偿方法、补偿依据、补偿标准和补偿资金来源问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Based on data collected over five years of monitoring the Lower Tarim River, we analyzed the variability of soil moisture content (SMC) and the relationship between SMC, groundwater table depth (GWD) and vegetation by using the methods of coefficient of variation (Cv), Pearson correlation and regression. The results of the variability of SMC indicate that it rose with increase in depth of soil layer – SMC in the soil layer of 0–60 cm was relatively small compared to SMC in the soil layer of 100–260 cm which showed a significant increase in variability. SMC and GWD before and after ecological water diversions exhibited significant differences at the site of the Yingsu transect and its vicinity of the watercourse, especially SMC in the soil layer of 100–260 cm increased significantly with a significant rise of GWD and reached maximum values at a GWD of about 4 m. Plant coverage and species diversity significantly improved with increases in SMC in the soil layer of 100–260 cm, both of them approached the maximum values and 92.3% of major plant species were able to grow when SMC was > 10%. To restore the ecosystem of desert riparian forest along the Lower Tarim River, the GWD must be maintained at < 4 m in the vicinity of the watercourse and at about 4 m for the rest of this arid region.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游土壤水分和地下水位变化对植被的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Based on data collected over five years of monitoring the Lower Tarim River,we analyzed the variability of soil moisture content (SMC) and the relationship between SMC,groundwater table depth (GWD) and vegetation by using the methods of coefficient of variation (Cv),Pearson correlation and regression. The results of the variability of SMC indicate that it rose with increase in depth of soil layer -SMC in the soil layer of 0-60 cm was relatively small compared to SMC in the soil layer of 100-260 cm which showed a significant increase in variability. SMC and GWD before and after ecological water diversions exhibited significant differences at the site of the Yingsu transect and its vicinity of the watercourse,especially SMC in the soil layer of 100-260 cm increased significantly with a significant rise of GWD and reached maximum values at a GWD of about 4 m. Plant coverage and species diversity significantly improved with increases in SMC in the soil layer of 100-260 cm,both of them approached the maximum values and 92.3% of major plant species were able to grow when SMC was > 10%. To restore the ecosystem of desert riparian forest along the Lower Tarim River,the GWD must be maintained at < 4 m in the vicinity of the watercourse and at about 4 m for the rest of this arid region.  相似文献   

经济全球化变革下的世界经济地理与中国角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱晟君  杨博飞  刘逸 《地理学报》2022,77(2):315-330
经济全球化浪潮下的世界经济地理格局和中国角色演变一直以来都是学术界关注的热点问题,然而当前学界偏重从国家经济模式和国际贸易角度来解释这种格局的变化,而较为缺乏基于生产组织视角的经济地理解释。因此,本文从经济地理视角出发,解析经济全球化浪潮下世界经济地理格局变动与中国角色的演变。本文揭示了在三次全球化浪潮的冲击下,世界经济地理格局从“核心—边缘”到“链式重构”再到“网络不均衡”的演变过程,以及经济全球化的驱动力如何从“贸易全球化”转变为“生产全球化”,继而朝“多元全球化”演进。本文还论述了中国如何通过战略耦合模式的动态调整实现从经济全球化的参与者到变革者的转变。本文认为这种角色转变,改变了西方发达经济体对后发经济体的预设发展路径,以及经典的产业梯度转移理论所预测的空间秩序,为全球化格局的变动带来新的重构动力与可能。最后,本文结合此次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情全球爆发带来的影响对未来经济全球化发展存在的可能路径进行分析,并从经济地理学视角为中国未来经济全球化发展道路选择提供了参考建议。  相似文献   

A study was conducted in 15 village territories of 3 regions in Niger. Among these sites, 4 were control and 11 had interventions comprising of farmer-managed tree natural regeneration (FMNR), water harvesting techniques (WHT) and windbreaks. The objective of the study was to determine the state of tree vegetation in terms of species diversity and harvestable volume and evaluate the environmental trend in the sites. An inventory of the vegetation was carried out during the rainy season using radial transects from the village centre, outwards, in addition to surveys with local communities.The results showed that tree diversity is enhanced in sites with interventions, and soil rehabilitation techniques and farmer-managed tree natural regeneration favor the rehabilitation and development of trees. The number of resprouts/seedlings varied with site, soil type and intervention. The number of harvestable trees depended on factors like caring, monitoring of cutting, types of intervention and ecological zone.Harvestable volume is a function of high regeneration rate, number of harvestable individual trees and site. Vegetation is improving in all the sites and local communities using tree products for their various needs. This study contributed to setting up a reference database for these sites.  相似文献   

以中国116个资源型城市为分析对象,从路径依赖、脆弱性和路径创造三个方面分析资源型城市经济演化的特点与路径分异,引入计量模型考察其对资源型城市经济增长与转型的作用,并分析其影响因素。研究发现:① 资源型城市的路径依赖水平北方较高,北方和内陆的脆弱性整体更高,路径创造水平由沿海向内陆递减。黑、晋、陕、甘和云、贵、川等地资源型城市的脆弱性较高,路径创造水平较低。② 中国资源型城市的演化路径可以划分为趋向锁定、趋向解锁、随机变化三种类型。③ 路径依赖、脆弱性和路径创造在不同宏观经济环境下对资源型城市经济增长和转型的作用不同,在宏观经济高速扩张时期,脆弱性有利于增长,路径创造能力强的城市反而增速较慢;而进入经济新常态阶段,路径依赖和脆弱性对增长的阻碍作用显现。④ 路径依赖和路径创造水平深受人口规模、国有企业比例的影响,脆弱性水平主要和人口规模有关。采矿业比例会影响资源类产业的路径创造,而对外开放水平则影响非资源类产业的路径创造。北方、内陆和煤炭型城市更易于形成高路径依赖。⑤ 提高人口集聚规模,降低国有企业比例,是降低路径依赖、提高路径创造水平的关键,人口集聚和扩大对外开放则分别有利于脆弱性的下降和路径创造能力的提升,应针对不同区域、资源类型和演化路径的资源型城市,制定差异化和精准的政策措施。  相似文献   

近50余年来南海西沙海域冬季风强度的变率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用南海西沙永兴岛海洋观察站1958~1997年12~2月实测的北东向冬季风风速的平均值作为冬季风强度指数 (WMI),与南海北缘滨珊瑚的相应年月份的实测δ18O平均值进行相关分析,得到线性回归方程WMI (m/s) = - 4.913- 2.138δ18O (‰),r = 0.83, n = 40。在计算(后报) 所得的1944~1997年代际变化序列中,WMI在40~60年代呈下降趋势,70年代略有上升,而80~90年代又呈下降趋势。在年际变化序列中,WMI呈显著的下降趋势,所得线性回归方程为WMI = 79.67-0.0377 Year, r = 0.68, n = 54。由斜率看出,WMI每10年平均下降约0.4 m/s。用Daniell功率谱法分析,近54年来WMI的变化存在2.5~7年的周期,与季风的QBO周期为2~2.4年,以及ENSO活动的3~8年周期密切相关。WMI连续下降的趋势是与全球持续变暖相映,南海海域冬季风强度的变化受到了全球变化的制约。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to reassess the land degradation and desertification problem in South Africa. The country has a wide range of interrelated environmental and development challenges existing in a socio–political context recently subject to substantial change. The paper outlines the fundamental environmental constraints and opportunities that underlie degradation phenomena and illustrates the nature, extent and geographical distribution of the major forms of soil and vegetation degradation in the country. The principal causes of degradation are identified and some important land use and land tenure questions that need to be addressed in the near future are posited.  相似文献   

We analyzed seasonally aggregated observations of temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon from Soppensee (District of Lucerne, Switzerland) for the yrs 1980 to 1993. Holomictic Soppensee is characterized by a strong summer stratification with a thin epilimnion separated from an anoxic hypolimnion by a strong pycnocline formed by thermal and chemical gradients. A vertical one-dimensional model was developed to simulate the observed seasonal cycles of carbon and oxygen. The processes of net community production, mineralization of organic matter, precipitation and dissolution of calcite, gas exchange, in- and outflow, sedimentation and vertical eddy diffusion are included. According to the model, the annual net community production is estimated to about 110 g C m-2 yr-1 and the annual net primary production to about 330 to 440 g C m-2 yr-1, which is a typical value for eutrophic lakes. A mass balance of the carbon cycle indicates that most of the inflow comes from groundwater which is super-saturated with respect to atmospheric CO2. Therefore the surface waters exhibit a large capacity for calcite precipitation. The results of the model are used to constrain the conditions that favor the formation of varved sediments in Soppensee during thousands of yrs. Model calculations show that the deep waters would still turn anoxic even if the sedimentation rate of organic matter were decreased to 25%. Several physical factors such as biogenic stabilization of the deep waters due to calcite dissolution and low input of wind energy are responsible for the long term anoxia in Soppensee.  相似文献   

Dew and fog were measured periodically during the years 1992–1995 at the Hallamish dune field, western Negev Desert (average annual rain precipitation ca. 95 mm). A major portion of the dunes are covered by cyanobacterial and moss-dominated microbiotic crusts. Chlorophyll- a measurements and microscopic examination were carried out in order to detect the possible changes in crust biomass and phenological changes of the mosses following the occurrence of dew and fog. Dew and/or fog were present in over 50% of the late summer and fall mornings with an average yield of 0·1 mm on cloth attached to glass plates. This corresponds to ca. 0·03 mm for the upper 0·5 cm of the crust, and is less than the 0·1 mm threshold which implies liquid water and which was also found necessary for net photosynthesis of the cyanobacterial crust. This threshold was met only during heavy dew or fog events, during which 10–40% of the crust surface area was moistened. It was estimated that dew and fog could account for upto 3·2–9·4% of the total annual time of crust wetness and consequently activity due to liquid water. Nevertheless, microscopic examination of the dominant moss species at Nizzana, Bryum dunense, disclosed phenological changes, mainly resulting in growth of vegetative reproduction organs (bulbils), and sexual organs, gametangia (antheridia and archegonia). B.dunense may thus be adapted to the utilization of dew and fog precipitation for the production of nearly mature sexual organs. The moss may thus be capable of already utilizing the first winter rains for fertilization and sporophyte formation.  相似文献   

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