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Mounting evidence indicates that large, world-class cities have expanded their spatial markets well beyond the regional urban systems in which they are located. This has led many observers to conclude that in the contemporary economy, interdependence, interaction, and connectivity are no longer fundamental characteristics of hierarchical urban systems. Virtually all research, however, deals exclusively with the changing role of large cities, while the spatial markets of medium- and smaller-sized cities comprising an urban system have been ignored. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate whether the spatial markets of medium- and smaller-sized cities in an urban hierarchical system continue to display a systematic relationship with city size, or whether they also reveal the absence of connection, or integration, with the regional system. The analysis uses survey data collected from 480 producer service firms located in an urban hierarchy comprising 15 midwestern cities of the United States. The results indicate that the spatial market of the largest city (Chicago) extends well beyond the Midwest urban hierarchy, while the spatial markets of smaller-sized cities are more integrated within the hierarchical system.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence indicates that large, world-class cities have expanded their spatial markets well beyond the regional urban systems in which they are located. This has led many observers to conclude that in the contemporary economy, interdependence, interaction, and connectivity are no longer fundamental characteristics of hierarchical urban systems. Virtually all research, however, deals exclusively with the changing role of large cities, while the spatial markets of medium- and smaller-sized cities comprising an urban system have been ignored. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate whether the spatial markets of medium- and smaller-sized cities in an urban hierarchical system continue to display a systematic relationship with city size, or whether they also reveal the absence of connection, or integration, with the regional system. The analysis uses survey data collected from 480 producer service firms located in an urban hierarchy comprising 15 midwestern cities of the United States. The results indicate that the spatial market of the largest city (Chicago) extends well beyond the Midwest urban hierarchy, while the spatial markets of smaller-sized cities are more integrated within the hierarchical system.  相似文献   

石忆邵  张雪伍 《地理学报》2008,63(4):386-394
随着中国市场经济的快速发展, 商品交易市场的空间集中化和专业化格局均发生了显 著变化。通过对2000-2005 年中国各地区亿元市场的数据分析, 发现亿元市场的空间集中度 与市场类型有关, 在特殊地理环境和资源基础上发育起来的亿元市场具有较高的空间集中度, 且集中度在不同空间尺度下相对稳定; 依靠高新技术和先进的工业基础发育起来的亿元市场 在地带性层面上具有较低的集中度, 而在省区层面上集中度有所升高; 具有普遍性消费需求 的亿元市场在各种空间尺度下的集中度均较小。亿元市场存在向东部沿海地区和大城市集中 的趋向。各省区亿元市场的专业化指数较高, 但总体上呈下降态势。统计分析表明: 城市化 水平、恩格尔系数、市场化水平对亿元市场专业化有较显著的影响, 工业行业集中水平、个 私经济发展水平和城镇居民可支配收入的影响不明显, 而贸易竞争力指数的影响甚微。  相似文献   

采用旅游流年际变动指数、年际集中指数、地理集中指数、基尼系数及空间重心模型,对2000年至2012年江西入境旅游流时空动态演变进行分析。结果表明:1入境旅游流年际波动较大,港澳客源市场表现最为稳定,其次是台湾和外国客源市场,港澳台近程入境旅游客源市场仍具有重要的开发价值,外国入境客源市场潜力还要进一步激发。2年际集中指数较高的美日韩等国,应在稳定基数效应的基础上,加强针对性营销;年际集中指数较低的新加坡、法国、俄罗斯等国,应进行重点开发,培育新兴市场。3港澳游客地理集中度高,外国游客呈现分散-集中趋势,为分散风险应加大对亚洲邻国市场的开拓力度;而城市入境旅游流空间分布相对均衡,客源结构更加完善,但由于交通、区位、资源禀赋、知名度及其客源国消费结构和水平等因素的影响,旅游流重心移动轨迹存在空间错位。  相似文献   

Locational Factors in the New Textile Industry: Focus on the U.S. South   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):193-203

After a brief examination of the geographic shift in the U.S. textile industry from New England to the South in the early twentieth century, this article focuses on the location of contemporary textile mills, which continue to be heavily concentrated in the U.S. South. The industry is analyzed cartographically by types of mills and number of mill workers. The new dynamics of the industry are expressed through modern corporate management strategies that recognize increased integration between manufacturing and markets, especially apparel and home furnishings retailing. Electronic technology, substituted for traditional low-cost labor, has led to the growing importance of localization economies in accounting for the spatial concentration of the industry in the core state of North Carolina and its extensions along the Piedmont into Alabama to the south and Virginia to the north. Economies of scope, flexible production, and quality output characterize the contemporary U.S. textile industry, which operates under increased global competition.  相似文献   

As part of the global ‘rights to the city’ movement and mounting concern over food waste, results are presented here of an ethnographic study of young people in Australia who choose to glean food from supermarket ‘dumpster bins’ and open markets primarily for political reasons. These youth form part of an international ‘freegan’ subculture: the belief in ‘minimising impact on the environment by consuming food that has literally been thrown away’ (Macmillan English Dictionary Online 2002). The study explores the emergence of two related subcultures: ‘Dumpster Diving’ (the act of procuring food from a supermarket dumpster bin for individual consumption) and ‘Food Not Bombs’ (a global-spanning group who collect left-over food from markets to cook and serve to people on the street). The analysis focuses on the ethics embedded within their alternative consumption diets. These findings are analysed in terms of the creation of their alternative identities performed on temporal–spatial terrains, exemplifying the role of the contemporary activist's use of space, place and culture in relation to social issues.  相似文献   

广州大都市批发市场空间分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广州市为例,对大都市批发市场的空间分布规律进行了初步研究.研究发现,大都市批发市场的集聚分布是一种常见现象;广州市批发市场的空间分布类型可大致分为老城区传统型、交通枢纽导向型、城市内部交通主干道沿线型和城市外围快速干线沿线及交叉口型4种;批发市场的空间分布主要受区位、交通、集聚度、城市规划等因素影响;批发市场的功能、分布与其所面向的市场需求密切相关.  相似文献   

丁存振 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2585-2604
玉米市场空间关联是反映玉米市场运行效率的关键指标,价格支持政策的实施及改革对玉米市场空间关联产生重要影响。本文基于中国省际玉米市场价格数据,分析了价格支持政策改革背景下玉米市场空间关联及其时变情况,并运用社会网络分析法刻画了玉米市场空间关联网络特征,最后,通过QAP分析考察了影响玉米市场空间关联的主要因素。研究发现:① 中国玉米市场总体空间关联程度较高,且近年来整体呈上升趋势,玉米临时收储政策的实施并未改变其上升趋势,但导致政策实施省份玉米市场与其他地区玉米市场间关联程度下降。② 玉米市场空间关联呈现多线程、复杂的网络结构形态,网络结构较为紧密、整体关联性强且较为稳定;中东部地区玉米消费量较大的省份在玉米市场空间关联网络中处于中心位置,在网络中扮演着中心行动者角色,而实施玉米支持政策的区域以及西部地区在玉米市场空间关联网络中影响力较小,处于边缘和弱势地位,扮演着边缘行动者角色。③ 地理位置邻接、市场距离、销区市场势力、信息传递效应以及实施临时收储政策是决定和影响玉米市场空间关联的主要因素,其中,销区市场势力及信息传递效应对玉米市场空间关联的影响不断上升。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲都市圈国内旅游者空间行为模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆林  汤云云 《地理科学》2014,34(1):10-18
以珠江三角洲(下称珠三角)都市圈国内主要客源地2009~2011年度中国100强旅行社官网旅游线路报价单为基础数据,研究了珠三角都市圈发展较为成熟阶段的旅游者空间行为模式及目的地类型,发现:① 珠三角都市圈旅游者空间行为模式总体上以营区基地式和完全环游式为主。不同客源地旅游者行为模式差异较大,广东省内旅游者以单目的地式和港澳小环游为主,其余客源地旅游者多采用营区基地式、往返式、区域环游式和完全环游式等旅行模式;② 珠三角都市圈各城市在旅游线路中出现的频次存在较大差异,总体呈现出3个等级层次关系,不同城市在大小珠三角都市圈以及不同客源地旅游线路中的角色与地位不同,据此得出珠三角都市圈各客源地的空间行为模式图;③ 比较大小珠三角都市圈在空间行为模式上的差异,发现港澳与珠三角地区在旅游发展上逐渐成为一个联系紧密的整体,但实现三地旅游一体化尚待时日。  相似文献   

以南京市夫子庙景区为例,分析其国内309个地级及以上客源城市受重大公共卫生事件的冲击影响,构建损失指数,量化评估疫情对客源地需求的影响强度及空间差异,并通过双变量空间自相关方法探索需求受损差异的驱动因素。研究发现:①疫后客源市场空间集聚特征及近程化趋势更加明显,客源需求受损程度在空间上分异明显,中远程客源地在疫情冲击下表现出更高的脆弱性;②疫情对客源市场规模的影响大于市场空间格局,疫情前后客源市场空间格局演化具有较强一致性及正向空间整合性,局部区域结构稳定性高;③各客源城市疫情严重程度与损失指数之间无空间关联性;引力模型优化的经济联系强度指标与损失指数在空间上存在较明显负相关性,局部空间关联模式以低?高集聚为主,且以南京为中心250 km范围内的近程客源地及900 km范围内的中程客源地的各项空间关联特征存在明显分异。更加精细化的量化评估可为目的地针对不同客源市场制定恢复策略提供指导。  相似文献   

王效梅  余正颖  刘小勇 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1636-1645
利用广东省2001—2017年121个区县的空间面板数据,对广东省区域发展格局进行了空间探索性分析。并从经济发展水平、区域经济差异和行政等级网状布局3个视角,采用3种中心?次级?外围划分模式,构建基于空间分解的空间计量模型实证检验了扩散回流和市场区效应。研究发现:广东省区域经济发展正在向广深?珠三角非广深?非珠三角的格局演变;上级区域对下级区域的影响仍以回流效应为主,扩散效应逐渐显现;次级区域和外围区域的发展仍受制于行政区划层级的制约,行政区划下的城市等级体系依然显著影响区域经济的扩散回流和市场区效应;下级区域对上级区域的市场区效应依赖于下级区域的经济发展水平,当经济发展水平相差较大时,下级区域难以形成支撑上级区域经济发展的消费市场,广州和深圳2个城市的市场主要是全国和国际市场,珠三角其他城市和非珠三角地市中心城区的市场依然是本地市场。  相似文献   

Patterns and processes of industrial restructuring in the Australian clothing industry are examined, utilising a ‘circuits of capital’ approach in which the interrelationships between labour markets, labour processes and product markets are emphasised. Changes in product markets (where import competition is intensifying under the trade liberalisation policies of the Hawke government and where an increasingly concentrated retail sector has accrued enormous bargaining power in its dealings with clothing manufacturers) and changes in labour markets (where competition for the industry's traditional inner urban labour supply has intensified considerably) are argued to have provided the driving force behind the process of clothing industry adjustment. This process of adjustment has been characterised by: (i) increased use of outworking, which enables clothing manufacturers to reduce production costs and provides a means for new sources of home‐based labour within the urban labour market to be tapped; and (ii) the evolution of a spatial division of labour, as some of the labour‐intensive components of the industry have been relocated to non‐urban sites where a stable and plentiful labour supply is available. In contrast to experiences in Europe and the United States, there is little evidence in Australia at the present time of significant technical change nor of specialisation in the high quality/high fashion niche of the garment market.  相似文献   

Stall markets on open air, suburban sites are an important new form of retailing in Sydney. The existing literature on petty commodity forms of production argues that stall markets are conserved in underdeveloped economies for a variety of reasons but the relevance of these ideas to the markets in many cities in advanced economies has not been considered. This paper identifies the basic types of stall markets in Sydney, establishes that these markets are not ephemeral and shows that they have characteristics and parameters which are similar to those of conventional shopping centres. Thus the way is open to compare stall markets with conventional retailing, to assess the role of stall markets in post‐industrial societies and to investigate the reasons for their recent appearance in Sydney.  相似文献   

Understanding geospatial technologies (GSTs) and spatial thinking is increasingly vital to contemporary life including common activities and hobbies; learning in science, mathematics, and social science; and employment within fields as diverse as engineering, health, business, and planning. As such, there is a need for a stand-alone K–12 curriculum in this area rather than the more piecemeal integration of GSTs and spatial thinking that is more common in today's schools. This article discusses the development of a systematic GST/spatial thinking course and analyzes how this course promoted student learning in these areas as well as developing problem-solving skills in other fields and applications.  相似文献   

湖北省A级旅游景区的空间格局与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了充分利用、整合湖北旅游资源,运用图表法、空间计量分析法研究了湖北省125家A级旅游景区的空间结构特征及其与资源、行政区、交通、水系等要素之间的关系。结果表明:湖北省旅游景区趋于集聚型分布,以武汉市为中心呈现出一定的集聚规律;绝大多数旅游景区属于自然资源导向型;各地市(州、林区)景区的数量和等级组成、空间结构特征不同;旅游交通网不够完善;旅游景区有较明显的沿长江及其支流分布的趋势。进一步探讨了湖北省旅游景区空间布局中存在的问题,并提出优化方案。  相似文献   

The northern uplands of Vietnam are witness to rapidly developing commodity markets for a range of forest and agricultural products. Since the early 1990s the cultivation of black cardamom (Amomum aromaticum) has become a source of cash income for a growing number of ethnic minority households in these uplands. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, and utilizing a commodity chain and livelihoods approach, this article investigates the contemporary dynamics surrounding the cultivation, harvesting and trade of dried cardamom fruit from Hmong cultivators in Lao Cai province to consumers elsewhere in Vietnam and beyond to China and the global market. We analyse the spatial and social structures of these commodity chains, drawing attention to a range of mechanisms of access. We find that these mechanisms are reliant upon specific ethnic relations as well as different forms of capital that together sustain economic advantages for particular actors. While focusing on the ethnic minority cultivators active in these commodity chains, we also call for more nuanced understandings of how the trade in forest products fits within local agricultural systems and household livelihood decision making processes in the Vietnam uplands.  相似文献   

This article integrates community gardens and farmers' markets into a spatial analysis of food deserts in the City of Edmonton, Canada. Our results show that community gardens and farmers' markets can improve fresh food accessibility and help relieve food desert problems to some extent, especially for mature, inner-suburban neighborhoods. However, based on the minimum road network distance and high need indicators, four neighborhoods throughout the city can still be considered as food deserts even after farmers' markets and community gardens are taken into consideration. Regression results reveal that community gardens tend to cluster with supermarkets, so that neighborhoods that have poor access to supermarkets also tend to have limited access to community gardens.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原秦汉遗址空间分布及环境指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄银洲  王乃昂  付娇  唐菊 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2165-2176
人类活动遗址是反映过去人类生产、生活环境的重要指标。基于野外调查、文献资料整理和城市地理学相关理论,分析了鄂尔多斯高原168处秦汉聚落遗址的空间分布特征。结果表明,遗址空间结构呈典型的十字模式分布,其中心为今东胜区、伊金霍洛旗所在。秦汉遗址的分布密集区,以鄂尔多斯高原东部的黄土丘陵山地、毛乌素沙地和库布齐沙漠的中间地带为主。库布齐沙漠流动沙丘区没有遗址分布,毛乌素沙地内部尽管分布有不少遗址,但规模相对较小,不存在大型遗址,可能只是区域连接的中转站,不具备区域中心功能。这一分布模式或表明毛乌素沙地在秦汉时期的环境并不宜居,该研究为长期以来鄂尔多斯高原秦汉时期人类活动的环境影响争论提供了新视角。  相似文献   

Relatively little research has explored spatial structure in modern major Canadian regions. Three common models are monocentricity, polycentricity, and dispersion, but these are not always mutually exclusive in the complex spatial structures of contemporary city-regions. Shifts between these models are discussed in the context of three explanations of economic growth and restructuring: accessibility, municipal competition, and globalization. All three explanations suggest a trend away from monocentricity. While this appears clearly in US cities, disagreement surrounds whether Canadian cities are following the same path. This study uses cross-sectional data from InfoGroup in 2011 to estimate the relative strengths of monocentricity, polycentricity, and dispersion for characterizing eight major regions. Results indicate that elements of each model are evident in all eight study regions, but each tends to dominate in different contexts. When focusing on Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, results imply that all three forces which guide spatial structure play a role and that job centers appear to play a particularly important structural role in larger regions.  相似文献   

李立勋 《热带地理》1998,18(2):182-187
探讨了广州市荔湾商贸旅游发展战略,主要包括:商贸旅游区建设的依据与发展目标;以创新、市场、特色为核心的发展指导思想;商贸旅游一体化的发展模式;多元化的商贸;富有岭南特色的旅游;发展推进策略。  相似文献   

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