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Set in the broader context of increasing urban precarity and displacement of the urban poor and working classes, this paper examines the social and collective significance of housing precarity and eviction as it is experienced by Latin American, immigrant families living in informal hotels in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I analyze the internal dynamics, interactions and relationships between residents of informal hotels, the housing organization CIBA (Coordinadora de Inquilinos de Buenos Aires), which fights for housing rights for the poor in the city, and the city government sponsored housing subsidy. I argue that urban precarity severely limits opportunities for collective organization around better housing and political and social change. I show that despite CIBA’s objectives to transform social and political conditions for the poor in Buenos Aires, residents often operate under other assumptions and goals, in part because of the temporal and spatial restraints under which they live. Instead, residents of informal hotels work with CIBA in order to secure access to basic, urgent needs. These different expectations and understandings produce contentious relationships of dependence and subordination that are exacerbated by the eviction process and the city government housing subsidy.  相似文献   


In recent decades, urban policymakers have increasingly embraced the selling of naming rights as a means of generating revenue to construct and maintain urban infrastructure. This practice of “toponymic commodification” first emerged with the commercialization of professional sports during the second half of the 20th century and has become an integral part of the policy toolkit of neoliberal urbanism more generally. As a result, the naming of everything from sports arenas to public transit stations has come to be viewed as a sponsorship opportunity, yet such naming rights initiatives have not gone uncontested. This special issue examines the political economy of urban place naming through a series of case studies that consider how the commodification of naming rights is transforming the cultural landscapes of contemporary cities. In this introductory article, we provide an overview of the geographies of toponymic commodification as an emerging research focus within the field of critical urban toponymies and propose several theoretical approaches that can enhance our understanding of the commodification of naming rights as an urban spatial practice. We then discuss the main contributions in this special issue and conclude by exploring potential directions for future research on the geographies of urban toponymic commodification.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):239-260
Demonstrations shape the urban landscape and affect the normal functions of a city. They disrupt traffic, make marginalized people and neglected areas visible in city centers, and challenge élite designs of urban landscape both visually and functionally. Demonstrations question élite norms by using city space in nonconformist ways for making claims, and by charging places with demonstrators' own meanings. Differences between Buenos Aires and Seoul show that historically developed conventions and symbolic readings of city space matter in the strategic choice of places to protest. Yet most demonstration sites belong to the same major categories. Demonstrators may gather outside governmental buildings to communicate with the authorities; at centers of commercial activity to appeal to the public; to places that link them historically, culturally or morally with symbolically important events; or at places connected with a particular grievance. Along with local traditions, an internationally shared demonstration culture determines what kinds of places are suitable for demonstrations.  相似文献   

山西省文化旅游资源的特征与文化产业发展模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
孙玉梅  秦俊丽 《地理研究》2011,30(5):845-853
文化旅游是当今世界旅游发展主流,如何提升旅游资源中的文化底蕴,是世界各地旅游业长远发展的关键问题.山西省有着丰富多样的文化旅游资源,如何提升旅游资源中的文化底蕴,实现旅游与文化很好联姻,引领文化产业的发展,成为山西旅游业向前发展的必经之路.通过对山西文化旅游资源开发利用现状与特征的分析,提出了基于山西文化旅游资源合理开...  相似文献   


The paper is about the political life of a building: the Abasto. Located in what was called the “most porteño” neighborhood in the first part of the 20th century (“porteño” is someone from central Buenos Aires) when it functioned as the city's main food market, the Abasto became a massive shopping mall in 1998 amid rapid neoliberal restructuring. This paper charts the political life of this building in two steps. First, by drawing on theories of socio-spatial dialectics, this paper charts the history of the Abasto as an urban object in a wider political landscape of porteño modernity. Second, by incorporating recent theories of affect and presenting findings from field work carried out at the mall in 2010 and 2011, this paper develops a framework for understanding the politics of consumption in a “post-neoliberal” urban landscape.  相似文献   

The state of Kerala in India is known for its active civil society and the massive decentralization campaign launched in 1996. However marginalization of tribal communities hampers the state's decentralized environmental management strategies. The proposed construction of a dam along the Chalakkudy River will displace two colonies of the Kadar tribe in Chalakkudy and Athirapilly towns, destroy habitats of local wildlife and devastate unique riverine vegetation endemic to the region. This brings to light issues of social and environmental justice as well as a wider responsibility to protect and preserve unique flora and fauna. The state's decentralization strategies, as they relate to tribal communities, lack consideration of local power distribution and cultural conditioning. This raises questions about the state's role in social justice as well as biodiversity conservation. In 2010 and 2011, the author's interviews in Chalakkudy and Athirapilly towns reveal that tribal communities perceive that their place in society restricts their contribution regarding natural resource management and use. The paper suggests that unless the culture of planning and decision making in the state are changed, decentralized strategies will be ineffective, resulting in a predominately top‐down approach towards natural resource management, and will negate Kerala's goal of democratic decentralization.  相似文献   

旅游文化产业实力差异分析及空间结构构建有助于提升区域旅游文化产业实力,对引导区域旅游文化产业协调发展具有重要意义。以陕西省10个地级市2001-2012年旅游文化产业相关数据为样本,选取26个指标构建旅游文化产业实力综合评价指标体系,利用空间分析和数理统计分析方法对2001-2012年陕西省旅游文化产业实力区域差异进行了分析。结果表明:2001- 2012年,陕西省旅游文化产业实力总体上升趋势明显,绝对差异呈现扩大趋势,相对差异变化不显著;空间分析表明陕西省旅游文化产业实力存在较大空间差异,西安占据首位;总体呈现东北-西南向空间分布格局,实力中心向东北发生偏移;泰尔指数分析表明陕北、关中和陕南三大地带差异呈现不同特点,但总差异有缩小趋势。在此基础上结合聚类分析探讨陕西省旅游文化产业空间结构演化特征,构建了“西安为发展极核;咸阳和渭南为次级核心城市;其余七个城市为节点;渭南-宝鸡、西安-延安为一级发展轴线,西安-汉中、延安-榆林为二级发展轴线,西安-商洛、西安-安康为三级发展轴线;陕北红色旅游文化产业区、关中历史旅游文化产业区和陕南生态旅游文化产业区”的“一核两心多节点三轴三区”旅游文化产业空间结构。  相似文献   

在旅游开发背景下,目的地社区文化记忆的代际延续与传承对居民的地方认同具有重要意义.本文借助文化记忆媒介的理论框架,依托23位本地居民的深度访谈,探究旅游影响下代际间记忆传承的时空媒介信息与延续性要素.研究发现:①在旅游开发影响下,虽然新一代与老一代居民在文化记忆空间的认知与表述上存在差异性,但记忆媒介在旅游发展中的保留...  相似文献   

基于机器学习的南京市旅游地个性及其文化景观表征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张郴  黄震方  张捷  葛军莲 《地理学报》2017,72(10):1886-1903
旅游地具有物质和精神双重属性。鉴于旅游地精神属性在量化表达和测量方面的困难,以往旅游地研究较少涉及。旅游地个性概念的提出为旅游地精神属性研究打开了思路。由于开展时间不长,当前旅游地个性研究大多基于营销学中的品牌个性研究思路展开,缺乏对地方适用性的考量,且尚未深入到对个性表征形式及表征机制的探讨。基于此,从地理学视角出发,选取城市旅游地作为研究对象,着眼地方特性,系统构建城市旅游地个性量表,在此基础上,开展针对案例地城市南京的个性测量和分析,并以城市文化景观作为表征媒介,深入探究城市旅游地个性的景观表征形式及表征机制。研究发现:城市旅游地个性主要包含态度、气质、性格、能力四大特征;城市文化景观是城市旅游地个性的重要表征媒介,包含现代空间景观、传统空间景观、生态景观、生活景观、社会景观五大维度;以上景观维度及其所辖景观元素在表征城市旅游地个性方面发挥不同作用。研究过程及结论为包括旅游地在内的地方精神属性研究提供了一种概念框架和方法体系,是对精神层面人地关系认识上的丰富。机器学习这一智能化探索型数据分析手段的运用为处理地理学中普遍存在的高维非线性噪声数据提供了有力的方法支撑。  相似文献   

Nathan Young  Ralph Matthews 《Area》2007,39(2):176-185
This paper argues that the current literature on neoliberalism in advanced capitalist societies has concentrated primarily on urban issues, and has thus failed to see resource economies and regions as theoretically significant sites of neoliberal reform. Using research from British Columbia, Canada, we argue that resource regions are often targets of intense neoliberal experimentation. The neoliberal project in British Columbia involves an extreme shift in state policy from a strong Fordist-Keynesian programme to recent efforts to 'liberate' corporate actors from non-market social and spatial obligations (to environment, labour and community). We argue that such policy shifts have exceptional consequences in resource regions due to strong and direct state influence in corporate-resource and community-level economies. We draw several theoretical lessons from this research for the mainstream literature on neoliberal reform.  相似文献   

城市文化旅游发展兼顾文化和旅游的双重导向,提升城市文化旅游竞争力是实现旅游转型发展与文化发展繁荣的重要任务。本文阐述了城市文化旅游竞争力理论,构建城市文化旅游竞争力评价指标体系。基于熵值法,从动态演变的视角对长三角地区城市群2009年~2015年的文化旅游竞争力进行测评。结果表明:城市文化旅游竞争力总体上有所提高,位序较为稳定;苏州文化旅游品牌资源竞争力排名第一,其余指标上海均排名第一;上海、杭州、苏州和南京四地具有较强的综合竞争力。基于分析结果,提出了提高城市文化旅游竞争力的对策建议。  相似文献   

 通过文献分析法和专家咨询,在分析和总结国内外已有文化旅游开发模式的基础上,运用层次分析法构建了喀什民族文化旅游开发模式评价指标体系,并确定了各评价指标的权重;对喀什市、疏附县、疏勒县构建的“喀什金三角”14个文化旅游景区(点)进行评价,选择出各景区(点)最优开发模式;根据评价结果探讨了6种开发模式的内涵,提出了各景区(点)文化旅游开发的对策和建议。由于采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,提高了研究结果的准确性,为喀什民族文化旅游开发模式选择提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以新疆非物质文化遗产资源为研究对象,基于实地调研与文献史料,系统分析了新疆非遗旅游活化发展现状、模式及存在的问题,并运用GIS空间分析技术探索新疆非遗的空间分布特征,借助SPSS软件探析了非遗与旅游发展之间的相关关系,进而归纳了非遗旅游活化发展的机制与模式。结果表明:(1) 新疆非遗资源类型结构、数量分布具有较为显著的差异化特征。新疆非遗旅游活化发展态势良好,且活化模式逐渐多元化。(2) 国家级非遗与自治区级非遗在省域空间层面以极核区、高度密集区、次级密集区和面状区域为主要分布特征,呈现出不均衡的集聚特征格局。(3) 不同地区的非遗资源丰裕度对旅游业发展有显著的正向影响,非遗资源密集地区的旅游业发展水平相对较好,而非遗资源稀缺地区的旅游发展相对缓慢。依据上述分析结果,提出新疆非遗旅游活化发展机制,以旅游为载体对文化遗产进行活化,推动非遗与旅游的良性互动发展。  相似文献   

陶伟  徐辰 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1143-1154
社会资本具有识别社会结构的功能,这种识别既有助于解释微观现象的差别,又有助于实现微观到宏观的过渡。转型期中国社会资本的研究主要关注经济快速发展中,传统社会资本的冲击解体和现代社会资本的建构过程,研究视点很少放在以旅游为导向的社区空间,对其旅游从业者的群体研究也缺乏关注。本文对平遥单位制解体后下岗职工进入旅游业及塑造相关社会资本网络的过程中,社会资本所发生的变化进行实证研究。重点分析了每个阶段社会资本的状况、运作策略及作用。研究发现社会资本对旅游从业者的形成与发展具有重要作用,社会资本的差异会导致社会差距的进一步拉大。世界文化遗产地平遥古城作为一个典型的案例,为了解社会资本在旅游目的地下岗职工再就业中的作用提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Ian Bailey 《Area》2007,39(4):431-442
The neoliberalisation of international climate policy through devices such as emissions trading has led to a significant restructuring of governance competencies between supranational, national and non-state actors. This article explores the implications of this restructuring for the scalar politics of climate governance by examining the European Union emissions trading scheme, the world's largest multi-state carbon-trading scheme. Analysis shows that although the member states were prepared to accede to a common legal framework for emissions trading, its implementation has been characterised by intense sovereignty disputes over emissions allowances. The article concludes by reflecting on the scalar politics of international climate governance in an unevenly regulated and competitive world.  相似文献   

This article investigates the birth and evolution of a Business Improvement District (BID) in Talimhane, Istanbul, which is the first case of use of this instrument of neoliberal governance in the Turkish city. The distinctive nature of the Talimhane BID consists in the fact that it has been developed through a series of informal and piecemeal arrangements. The article first reviews the evolution, characteristics, and critical aspects of BIDs. It then focuses on the case study of this “informal BID” in Talimhane, analysing its origins, features, and outcomes. The informal nature of this BID is stressed as a key factor in understanding its features and outcomes, and it emerges as a fundamental component of urban neoliberalism in Turkey: it allows a centralized and authoritarian government to maintain complete control over public space and private actors and activities, while promoting a process of devolving powers in favour of the private sector.  相似文献   

This paper argues that much scholarly work on civil society and alternative development has three weaknesses: it understates the diversity among popular organizations and their ideas about development alternatives; it pays insufficient attention to the economic dimensions of alternatives; and it understates the potential importance of the local state. Drawing on experiences from highland Bolivia, we suggest that a closer engagement with the dilemmas encountered in practical attempts to pursue development alternatives can suggest ways forward in each of these areas. Linking scholarly and practical work is thus important for theoretical reasons as well as ones of relevance.  相似文献   

文旅融合背景下,分析文化旅游地社会-生态系统恢复力年际变化及影响因素,能够为文化旅游地可持续发展提供较好的理论和实践指导。以敦煌市为典型案例地,从社会、经济、文化和生态环境4个方面构建文化旅游地社会-生态系统恢复力评价指标体系,运用灰色关联TOPSIS、耦合协调度模型、BP神经网络等方法,探究了2007—2018年案例区社会-生态系统恢复力时序变化及影响因素。结果表明:(1) 2007—2018年敦煌市社会-生态系统恢复力处于较良好的状态且可划分为波动-缓慢增长-快速上升阶段。(2) 文化和生态环境子系统在决定敦煌市社会-生态系统恢复力程度方面起到主导作用。(3) 社会-生态系统及各子系统间的耦合度和协调度均呈上升趋势,子系统间对系统总体的协调度普遍起正向推动作用且作用强度随时间推移不断增大。(4) 各因子的贡献率大小为敦煌百度指数>敦煌研究院研究生数量>各类文物保护单位>旅游业碳总排放量>文化产业经营单位。  相似文献   

罗文斌  谭荣 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1103-1110
根据对城市旅游与城市发展协调性概念的界定,从城市经济水平、社会发展、公共交通、城市绿化、环境保护和旅游水平等6个方面,构建了城市旅游与城市发展协调性评价指标体系,并运用熵权TOPSIS法,对杭州市2001~2009年的城市旅游与城市发展协调性进行了定量评价。结果发现:杭州市9年间城市旅游与城市发展协调系数呈现持续递增趋势,2009年为0.8043,达到"非常协调"等级水平。尽管如此,但各年之间的改善系数却并未呈现出逐年递增的趋势。随着城市发展水平的提高,杭州市旅游与城市发展存在同步推进规律,两者之间协调状态会持续朝着理想最优方向推进。然而,各年协调状态改善程度非持续递增现象说明杭州城市旅游与城市发展协调状态存在"恶化"的风险,需要对其密切关注。  相似文献   

汪明峰  周媛 《地理研究》2022,41(2):373-289
近年来,旧城更新形成的文化创意产业园向旅游目的地转型已成为普遍趋势。既有研究对文创园区和旅游地形成的空间生产机制有所挖掘,但对文创产业园旅游转向的内生性动力的认识有待深入。本文结合列斐伏尔的三元空间理论和福柯的权力空间思想,采用实地调研、深度访谈与半沉浸式观察相结合的综合方法,从宏观-微观互动的角度对田子坊文创旅游空间的生产和演化机制进行研究。结果表明:① 各行动主体基于社会关系和空间主权形成权力-空间关系;② 为实现增长的集体目标,城市政府引导了具有生产性逻辑的空间制度设计,并与微观行动者进行权力的分配与互动,形成空间规训和生产机制;③ 在表征的空间中,商户的日常生活实践通过多样化的服从与抵抗的能动性策略,形成差异化的微观空间生产,推动文创旅游的空间实践与演化。研究还针对文创园区旅游化进程中存在的问题提供了治理启示。  相似文献   

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