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We have used cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating to determine apparent construction ages of late Pleistocene moraines in the Sierra Nevada, the White Mountains, and the Wind River Range, all in the western United States. The inferred glacial chronologies from the various localities all exhibit certain characteristics: (1) Local records are fragmentary and deposits of some glacial advances are always missing; no location has deposits of all glaciations and no glacial advance is recorded at all locations. This is due either to unfavorable conditions for glacier development at some times or to obliteration of earlier deposits by later, more extensive glaciers. (2) Most moraines have young apparent exposure ages, with only a few older than the last glacial cycle. This may be due to young true ages of these deposits, erosion of moraine surfaces, or obliterative overlap and covering of older deposits by younger ones. (3) Many deposits that were previously correlated (e.g., based on their stratigraphic positions) are not correlative; they may represent different stades and, sometimes, even different glaciations. Similarly, some previously uncorrelated deposits have the same exposure ages and may be correlative. (4) Clusters of several distinct moraines of nearly the same age are present at most locations. These clusters suggest that alpine moraines are formed during short deposition episodes that last between several hundred and several thousand years.  相似文献   

The White Mountains, astride the California-Nevada stateline, are the highest and westernmost of the Great Basin ranges. This range was extensively glaciated during the Quaternary Period. Glacial landforms and scattered erratics were identified in the field using primarily morpho-and lithostratigraphic criteria, and mapped on aerial photographs and topographic maps. Topographic characteristics of the glacial deposits were analyzed using standard statistical procedures. A sequence of glacial deposits was identified in terms of six glacial stages, these glaciations named according to type site, and relative ages inferred. With the exception of perched Stage I (early) deposits along the range crest, reconstructed equilibrium-line altitudes and elevation of the glacier termini increase to the present, with glacier length and inferred size decreasing through time. Preliminary data suggest that weathering and pedogenesis are also progressive, though environmental gradients mask some of these distinctions between deposits. It is hypothesized that the White Mountains have a similar glacial chronology to the adjacent Sierra Nevada, but that with the intensification of the Sierran rainshadow during the Quaternary, the extent of glaciation in the White Mountains apparently decreased through time owing to regional tectonic uplift. This had led to the preservation of a more complete sequence of glacial deposits than in the Sierra Nevada, making the delineation of multiple mid-Quaternary events possible in many valleys. Further radiometric and chronometric dating of these deposits is in progress. [Key words: Glaciation, Quaternary, glacial geomorphology, White Mountains, California, Nevada.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships among modern diatom species composition and physical and chemical characteristics of high-elevation lakes of the Sierra Nevada (California), to develop transfer functions that can be used to infer historic lake conditions. Data were collected from 50 lakes in National Parks and Forests of the central and southern Sierra Nevada. Multivariate statistical methods revealed that acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and nitrate accounted for significant variation in diatom taxa. A training set with 242 modern diatom taxa from a subset of 41 lakes was used to develop transfer functions for ANC and nitrate using weighted averaging techniques. ANC and nitrate calibration ranges were 23.0–137 μEq/L and 0.18–9.5 μM, respectively. Coefficients of determination for the models were: ANC: R2 = 0.76, and R jackknife 2  = 0.44; NO3: R2 = 0.67, and R jackknife 2  = 0.27. The ANC model was applied to the top 50 cm of sediments in Moat Lake to reconstruct ANC from ca. AD 350 to 2005. The reconstruction suggests that ANC declined by about 40 % (101–60 μEq/L) between the 1920s and the 1960s and then recovered to pre-1920s levels during 1980–2000. The magnitude of this ANC excursion was the largest observed during the past 1,600 years. We hypothesize that temporal variations in ANC were influenced by: (1) changes in rates of acid deposition, especially nitric acid and (2) variations in the timing and magnitude of snowmelt runoff.  相似文献   


In the county of Finnmark, northern Norway, Veiki moraines have been observed by air photo interpretation in the Gaissane mountain area ( Figs. 1 and 2 ). Veiki moraines in Fennoscandia have earlier been described mainly from northern Sweden and some sites in northern Finland. In the areas where Veikimoraines are found in Finnmark, northern Norway, some special erosion landforms also exist. At several places, the cover of basal till has been removed within well-defined patches, often with a size of 400-500 r m in cross-section. The material seems to have been stripped off and transported away, probably as a frozen layer incorporated in the glacier, and then deposited by ablation in the present positions of the Veiki moraines.  相似文献   

Physical, chemical, and biological data were collected from a suite of 57 lakes that span an elevational gradient of 1360 m (2115 to 3475 m a.s.l.) in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, USA as part of a multiproxy study aimed at developing transfer functions from which to infer past drought events. Multivariate statistical techniques, including canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), were used to determine the main environmental variables influencing diatom distributions in the study lakes. Lakewater depth, surface-water temperature, salinity, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total phosphorus were important variables in explaining variance in the diatom distributions. Weighted-averaging (WA) and weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) were used to develop diatom-based surface-water temperature and salinity inference models. The two best diatom-inference models for surface-water temperature were developed using simple WA and inverse deshrinking. One model covered a larger surface-water temperature gradient (13.7 °C) and performed slightly poorer (r2 = 0.72, RMSE = 1.4 °C, RMSEPjack = 2.1 °C) than a second model, which covered a smaller gradient (9.5 °C) and performed slightly better (r2 = 0.89, RMSE = 0.7 °C, RMSEPjack = 1.5 °C). The best diatom-inference model for salinity was developed using WA-PLS with three components (r2 = 0.96, RMSE = 4.06 mg L–1, RMSEPjack = 11.13 mg L–1). These are presently the only diatom-based inference models for surface-water temperature and salinity developed for the southwestern United States. Application of these models to fossil-diatom assemblages preserved in Sierra Nevada lake sediments offers great potential for reconstructing a high-resolution time-series of Holocene and late Pleistocene climate and drought for California.  相似文献   

The proposal that climate change can drive the uplift of mountain summits hinges on the requirement that glacial erosion significantly enhances the relief of a previously fluvially sculpted mountain range. We have tested this hypothesis through a systematic investigation of neighbouring glaciated and nonglaciated drainage basins on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada, CA. We present a simple, objective method for investigating the relief structure of a drainage basin, which shows noticeable differences in the spatial distribution of relief between nonglaciated and glaciated basins. Glaciated basins on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada have only ∼80 m greater mean geophysical relief than nonglaciated basins. This “extra” relief, though, is attributable principally to the larger size of the glaciated basins, as geophysical relief generally increases with basin size. The glaciers on this side of the range were only responsible for relief production if they substantially increased headward erosion rates into low relief topography, such as an elevated plateau, and thus enlarged previously fluvial basins. We carried out a preliminary morphometric analysis to elucidate the importance of this effect and found that the glaciers of the eastern Sierra Nevada may have eroded headward at considerably faster rates than rivers, but only when they were not obstructed from doing so by either competing larger glaciers in adjacent valleys or transfluent ice at the head of the basin. Our results also suggest that, in temperate regions, alpine glaciers are capable of eroding downward at faster rates than rivers above the equilibrium line altitude (ELA). Although we can rule out significant peak uplift in response to local relief production, in the special case of the Sierra Nevada the concentration of mass removal above the ELA could have contributed to flexural uplift at the edge of a tilting block.  相似文献   

The recently observed recession of glaciers on King George Island is associated with decades of climate warming in the Antarctic Peninsula region. However, with only 60 years of glaciological observations in the study area ages of the oldest moraines are still uncertain. The goal of the study was to estimate ages of lichen colonization on the oldest moraines of the Ecology and White Eagle Glaciers on King George Island and on the Principal Cone of Penguin Island volcano. The first lichenometric studies on these islands from the late 1970s used rates that had about four to five times slower Rhizocarpon growth rates. We re‐examined the sites and measured 996 thalli diameters to establish the surface ages. To estimate the age we used (1) long‐term Rhizocarpon lichen group growth rates established by authors using data from a previous lichenometric study on King George Island, and (2) previous data of lichen growth rates from other sub‐Antarctic islands. Our results suggest growth rates between 0.5 and 0.8 mm yr–1. According to these rates the ages of the oldest moraine ridges are of the Little Ice Age and were colonized at the beginning of the twentieth century. The mid‐twentieth century age of lichen colonization on the historically active Penguin Island volcano might support the date of the last eruption reported by whalers in the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Sierra Nevada is a protected mountain in the Iberian Peninsula classified as a Biosphere Reserve (1986), Natural Park (1989) and National Park (1999). All these environmental protection programmers are a consequence of its unique landscape in the context of the mid-latitude semiarid mountains, with enclaves of exceptional scientific and cultural value. Thanks to its high altitude, Sierra Nevada held the southernmost Quaternary glaciers in Europe, as well as it happened during the Little Ice Age. In turn, Sierra Nevada is also singular thanks to its vast cultural heritage, since very early societies settled on its slopes and valleys and accommodate their lifestyles and economy to the characteristics of this mountain environment. Currently, Sierra Nevada has become an important tourist centre and receives a large amount of visitors. This process of change has conditioned the implementation of a different economic model: it brings benefits to the populations but it involves changes in the landscape as well, sometimes questionable. From this perspective, a critical revision of the legislation is required balancing the sustainable economic development of the population and the preservation and safeguarding of the heritage values of the landscape. With this goal, we suggest creating and implementing the Sites of Geomorphological Interest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Since 1960 California's Sierra Nevada counties have ranked among the regions with the strongest relative population growth in the state. Reassessment of peripheral areas has been the main force driving population and settlement growth in the central Sierra Nevada of California and Nevada, termed “amenity migration” or “counterurbanization.” This study analyzes the impacts of amenity migrants—“urban refugees”—on socioeconomic conditions in high‐mountain regions. We define these regions as the “High Sierra,” comprising zones at elevations more than 1,800 meters above sea level. People who migrate to the High Sierra tend to be white and well educated, with considerable household earnings. Unlike the population in the foothills, these migrants are not senior citizens. Their demand for periodic or permanent residences has caused housing prices to increase enormously. As a result, a majority of homes are now priced well beyond the reach of local salaries, which may lead to potential conflict between locals and newcomers. The massive settlement expansion in high‐mountain areas requires a new approach to land‐use planning, one that takes functional regions into account. Therefore, it is expedient to reassess existing jurisdictional boundaries.  相似文献   

Perimeter shape of drainage basins is evaluated as a control of annual runoff depth from small Sierra Nevada basins underlain by granitic rocks. In contrast to three perimeter shape ratios, none of which contributes a statistical explanation of annual runoff depth, three terms of a Fourier expansion of the basin perimeter substantially improve the estimating model. When added to annual precipitation, the first, third, and seventh Fourier amplitudes increase statistical explanation by 15 percent and prediction accuracy by 10 percent. These improvements are much greater than corresponding gains atributable to other morphological variables. [Key words: basin runoff, basin shape, Sierra Nevada.]  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of relationships between drainage patterns and fractures in the part of Sierra Nevada, California, north of the Yosemite Valley. Bedrock is Cretaceous granite and cut by numerous lineaments of various orientation, length and geomorphic expression. We have mapped fractures and drainage lines from aerial photographs, 1:40 000 scale, in four test areas ranging in size from 32.5 to 266 km2. Azimuths are shown on rose diagrams for fractures and drainage lines and then visually and statistically compared. The coincidence of drainage and fracture patterns is strong, which implies causal relationships. In plan, the majority of valleys follow fractures even if this locally means a different orientation in respect to the regional slope arising from tectonic tilt of the range. Main streams occupy deeply incised troughs coincident with ‘master fractures’ of regional extent. Among two principal fracture directions, SSW–NNE to SW–NE and WSW–ENE, the former exerts more control on the drainage lines. The presence of a central zone of structural weakness within the major valleys provided significant constraints for the course of glacial erosion and may explain why multiple Pleistocene glaciers did not succeed in transforming valley cross-sections into expected U-shapes.  相似文献   

We measured in situ 10Be, 26Al and36Cl on glacial deposits as old as 1.1 Myr in the southernmost part of Patagonia and on northern Tierra del Fuego to understand boulder and moraine and, by inference, landscape changes. Nuclide concentrations indicate that surface boulders have been exposed for far less time than the ages of moraines they sit upon. The moraine ages are themselves constrained by previously obtained 40Ar/39Ar ages on interbedded lava flows or U-series and amino acid measurements on related (non-glacial) marine deposits. We suggest that a combination of boulder erosion and their exhumation from the moraine matrix could cause the erratics to have a large age variance and often short exposure histories, despite the fact that some moraine landforms are demonstrably 1 Myr old. We hypothesize that fast or episodic rates of landscape change occurred during glacial times or near the sea during interglacials. Comparison with boulder erosion rates and exhumation histories derived for the middle latitudes of semi-arid Patagonia imply different geomorphic processes operating in southernmost South America. We infer a faster rate of landscape degradation towards the higher latitudes where conditions have been colder and wetter.  相似文献   

Samples taken from the top surfaces of boulders on the Lake Misery moraines at Arthur's Pass, in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, were analysed for 10Be by accelerator mass spectrometry. Exposure ages calculated with the currently accepted production rate, along with scaling corrections for sample latitude and elevation (42°50'S, 960 m), are: 9300 ± 990, 11,000 ± 1360, 11,410 ± 1030, 12,050 ± 960, and 12,410 ± 1180 years. We consider the date of 9300 years to be an outlier, not included in our mean exposure age of 11,720 ± 320 years for the Lake Misery moraines. Based on exposure ages and geomorphologic similarities, we compare the Lake Misery moraines with an Egesen moraine complex at Julier Pass in the Swiss Alps (46°30'N, 2200 m). Based on the 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl exposure ages of three boulders, we calculate a mean exposure age of 11,750 ± 140 years for the outer Egesen moraine at Julier Pass. Based solely on 10Be measurements, we obtain a mean exposure age of 11,860 ± 210 years for this outer moraine. Egesen moraines in the Swiss Alps represent glacier readvance during the Younger Dryas cold reversal, based on regional correlations and on basal radiocarbon dates from bogs located up-valley of Egesen moraines. The exposure dates from Arthur's Pass and Julier Pass show synchronous glacier advances both in the Southern Alps and in the European Alps during the European Younger Dryas chronozone of Mangerud et al .  相似文献   

Whereas the glacial geomorphology of lower and central Wright Valley is reasonably well understood, the upper valley region, including the North and South Forks and the Dais, has received little attention. Our studies suggest that a wet-based glacier overrode the area and deposited what has been mapped elsewhere as the Peleus till. While we did not observe this silt-rich till in the Labyrinth, it occurs on the Dais and in protected areas of the North and South Forks. Most importantly, our findings imply that the Wright Upper Glacier, an outlet glacier of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, deposited lateral moraines and lateral-moraine segments along the north and south walls of both the North and South Forks following deposition of the Peleus till. We argue that this drift is correlative with Taylor IVa drift in central Taylor Valley and Alpine III drift in central Wright Valley, based on landscape features, surface-boulder weathering, soil development, and stratigraphy. The presence of meltwater channels, outwash, kame moraines, esker-like features, and kames suggests that ice-marginal or supraglacial water may have accompanied this glaciation.  相似文献   

L. Allan James   《Geomorphology》2003,55(1-4):283
Pleistocene glacial erosion left a strong topographic imprint in the northwestern Sierra Nevada at many scales, yet the specific landforms and the processes that created them have not been previously documented in the region. In contrast, glaciation in the southern and central Sierra was extensively studied and by the end of the 19th century was among the best understood examples of alpine glaciation outside of the European Alps. This study describes glacially eroded features in the northwest Sierra and presents inferred linkages between erosional forms and Pleistocene glacial processes. Many relationships corroborate theoretical geomorphic principles. These include the occurrence of whalebacks in deep ice positions, roches moutonnées under thin ice, and occurrence of P-forms in low topographic positions where high subglacial meltwater pressures were likely. Some of the landforms described here have not previously been noted in the Sierra, including a large crag and tail eroded by shallow ice and erosional benches high on valley walls thought to be cut by ice-marginal channels.  相似文献   

Frich, Povl and Brandt, Erik: Holocene talus accumulation rates,—and their influence on rock glacier growth. A case study from Igpik, Disko—West Greenland. Geografisk Tidsskrift 85: 32–44 Copenhagen, October 1985.

The Igpik area is located ten km east of Godhavn on the south-coast of the island Disko. Geologically the area is dominated by Tertiary basalt formations.

A general geomorphological classification of this area, which covers approximately three square kms, has been made. Based on radiocarbon ages of former marine levels in the Disko Bugt area, the beginning of talus accumulation has been determined for two talus cones situated on raised beaches. They have ages of 5800 and 7900 14C y. B.P. Using theodolite readings, the volumes of three different talus cones have been determined and two average talus accumulation rates have been calculated for the cones located on raised beaches. These values are transformed into an average Holocene rockwall retreat rate of 0.0005 and 0.0015 m/year, respectively. The total volume of two lobate rock glaciers is calculated to be 2.2 mill, cu.m and as they are located inside 9000 years old local moraines, the average Holocene mass-transfer through the third talus cone has been estimated to 1.4 106 tons×m/sq.km/y. Finally the results are discussed, with reference to other areas, and as a possible threshhold for the initiation of rock glaciers.  相似文献   

Saline playas in north-western Nevada, U.S.A., remnants of pluvial periods of the Pleistocene, represent a tremendous source of unconsolidated sediments available for aeolian transport. This study investigated the transport of aqueous-soluble solutes in dust from July 1994 through June 1996 along a transect from a barren salt-encrusted playa surface (elevation=1224 m), to a former pluvial lake beach (elevation=1228 m), to a dune-mantled upland (elevation=1248 m). The content of aqueous-soluble solutes in aeolian dust showed a significant (p≤0·05) interaction with dust trap location (playa, beach, dune) and time of collection. Dust collectors on the playa surface generally contained significantly more aqueous-soluble solutes and had greater total flux of solutes than either the beach or the dune locations. The solute content of aeolian dust was usually higher, in some cases several orders of magnitude, than that in the surface 5 cm of soil. Recent changes in playa hydrology may explain this result. Pulses of nitrate-rich dust, synchronous with spring emergence, and other nutrient additions via aeolian dust may have stimulated invasion of dune-mantled uplands by the weedSalsola paulsenii (barb-wire Russian thistle).  相似文献   

The Sierra Nevada is the highest mountain system on the Iberian Peninsula (Mulhacén 3482 m; Veleta 3308 m) and is located in the extreme SE region of Spain (lat 37°N, long 3°W). Bibliographic resources, particularly from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, provide insights into the changing summit landscape as the effects of cold, ice, snow and wind shaped its morphology. The selected references emphasize the Sierra's evolving climate reflected in the glaciers and snow hollows, and in the sparse vegetation above certain altitudes. Scientists had established bioclimatic conditions for the entire range in the early nineteenth century, and their works reflect the progression of ideas, particularly in the area of natural sciences, that influenced the period chosen for this study. This information, in addition to current knowledge about the morphogenetic dynamics of the Sierra Nevada, provides the basis for a comparison of the dominant environments from the Little Ice Age to the present, using the most significant high mountain morphological features as a guide. The most relevant findings indicate that cold climate processes (soli‐gelifluction, frost creep and nivation) were more predominant during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries than they are today.  相似文献   


This study investigated the late Quaternary climate and environmental characteristics of two tributary valleys (Xingmu and Depu Valleys) in the Parlung Zangbo Valley, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples collected from moraines at the mouth of Xingmu Valley produce a wide age range from 13.9 ka to 76 ka. The ages measured from the lenticular sand are consistent with the relative geomorphic sequence of the landforms. Lenticular sand layers below the moraine were dated to 37.9 ka and 44.7 ka, indicating that fluvial processes were likely dominant in the valley during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The outer moraine ridges at the valley mouth were formed during 13.9 ka and 26.5 ka, corresponding to MIS2. At Depu Valley, OSL samples from two sets of lateral and terminal moraines close to the modern glacier, provide ages from 1.4 ka to 29.2 ka. The paleosol layer widely developed during 2.6 cal ka BP and 8.7 cal ka BP in the study area, reflecting a relatively warm condition during the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   

Tanzhuo Liu   《Geomorphology》2003,53(3-4):209-234
Rock varnish is a manganiferous dark coating ubiquitous in desert landscapes. To test the validity of varnish microstratigraphy as a chronometric indicator, varnish samples were collected from radiometrically dated and undated late Quaternary lava flows in Amboy, Cima, and Pisgah volcanic fields (AVF, CVF, PVF) in the Mojave Desert of California, western United States. Varnish microstratigraphies show a replicable layering sequence that appears to record regional climate changes that likely correspond in time to the Younger Dryas and Heinrich events in the North Atlantic region. Microstratigraphic patterns on these volcanic fields match patterns found in varnishes from other western US sites with available radiometric age constraints. Based on this regional chronology, varnishes from the A flow, H flow, and a stone pavement surface in the Cima volcanic field were estimated to be 16.5–24, 74–85, and 74–85 ka, respectively; these ages are consistent with previously published cosmogenic 3He ages of 18–20, 72–74, and 80–85 ka for these geomorphic surfaces. Varnishes from the I flow at Cima yielded a puzzling age estimate of 39 ka, which is consistent with an older 3He age of 37±6 ka reported for the I flow, but inconsistent with a younger 3He age of 31±7 ka and a cosmogenic 36Cl age of 27±1.3 ka for the same flow. Reinterpretation of the original varnish age data, with knowledge of then available field mapping results of the I flow, suggests that the I cone is polycyclic and different flow units were probably unintentionally sampled in the field. The revised varnish ages of 30 and 39 ka for the I flow thus may be in good agreement with their corresponding 3He and 36Cl ages. In a blind test of the method, varnishes from the Phase 1 flow at Pisgah, an unnamed flow (called here the I′ flow) at Cima, and the Amboy flow were estimated to be 24–30, 46–60, and 74–85 ka, respectively; these ages agree well with 36Cl ages of 22.5±1.3, 46±2, and 79±5 ka reported for the same flows by Phillips [Geomorphology (2002).]. These test results provide convincing evidence that varnish microstratigraphy, once radiometrically calibrated, can be used as a valid dating tool to estimate surface exposure ages of desert landforms in the western US drylands.  相似文献   

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