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RANDY W. DIRSZOWSKY JOSEPH R. DESLOGES 《Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography》2010,92(3):393-410
This study assesses Little Ice Age (LIA) lake sediment morphological and geochemical records and moraine chronologies in the upper Fraser River watershed, British Columbia, Canada, to resolve differences in paleoenvironmental interpretation and to clarify sediment production and sediment delivery processes within alpine geomorphic systems. Moose Lake (13.9 km2), situated at 1032 m a.s.l., contains a partially varved record indicating variable rates of accumulation during the last millennium that, in general, coincide with previously documented LIA glacial advances in the region and locally. Dendrochronological assessment of forefield surfaces in the headwaters of the catchment (Reef Icefield) shows that periods of moraine construction occurred just prior to ad 1770, ad 1839 and ad 1883, and some time before ad 1570. Taken collectively, increases in varve thickness within eight Moose Lake sediment cores coincide with documented glacier advances over the twelfth through fourteenth centuries, the eighteenth century, and nineteenth through twentieth centuries. Glacial activity during the sixteenth century is also indicated. While varve thickness variations in proximal and distal sediments clearly reflect glacial activity upstream of Moose Lake, the intermediate varve record is relatively insensitive to these decadal and longer‐term catchment processes. Variations in Ca and related elements derived from glaciated carbonate terrain within the Moose River sub‐catchment (including Reef Icefield) indicate gradually increasing delivery from these sources from the twelfth through twentieth centuries even where the varve thickness record is unresponsive. Elevated carbonate concentrations confirm glacial activity c. ad 1200, ad 1500, ad 1750, and ad 1900. 相似文献
我国太阳辐射量区域性变化特征研究* 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
对我国近35年来到达地面的太阳辐射量观测资料进行方差分析和统计检验,结果表明:从70年代开始,我国太阳直接辐射和总辐射量普遍减少,变化趋势分别为-246MJ/m2·10a和-16.8MJ/m2·10a,减少量最大中心在长江流域。太阳散射辐射量在东北、华北以及南方地区增加,在长江流域和西北地区减少。此外,用太阳辐射量倾向率的形式归纳出我国四种典型的区域性太阳辐射量季节变化特征。 相似文献
Roger W. Stump 《The Professional geographer》1987,39(4):438-449
This study examines the hypothesis that the determinants of denominational switching vary regionally among white American Protestants. Data for the analysis are taken from the National Opinion Research Center's General Social Survey for 1974 through 1984. Using logistic regression, the analysis compares the determinants of switching among respondents residing in the nine Census regions of the U.S. Results reveal significant regional differences in the determinants of switching, especially in the effects of conversion, childhood affiliation and interdenominational marriage. 相似文献
《Urban geography》2013,34(1):55-79
Relatively few factorial ecologies have explored either the consistency of the social dimensionality of urban areas in more than a few cities or the separation of city-specific from general effects. This study of almost 3,000 census tracts in all 24 Canadian metropolitan areas (CMAs) used 35 variables from 198 1 census data to solve these problems. It shows there is a persistent similarity in six of the seven to nine dimensions found in separate analyses of three city size categories: over 1 million; 0.5-1 million; 100-500 thousand people. From this basis a combined study of all the centers shows that 85% of the variability can be summarized by nine dimensions called Economic Status, Impoverishment, Ethnicity, Early and Late Family, Family/Age, Pre-Family, Non-Family, Housing, and Migrant Status. The evidence for several different family-related axes illustrates the increasing complexity of the social dimensionality of modern cities based on family differentiation. F-ratio values and Eta coefficients are used to show that all the first-order axes, except Migration and Ethnicity, have much greater variability within, rather than between the cities, demonstrating the general rather than the city-specific nature of these dimensions. An analysis of the highest scoring tracts on the axes demonstrates the way in which some CMAs have relatively high incidences of some of the characteristics, thereby identifying the particular characteristics of many centers. 相似文献
运用叠加谱比法,对分布于新疆地区的5个台站所记录的51个地震数据进行分析,得出与各射线路径相对应的Lg尾波Q0(Lg尾波在1Hz处的Q)值。结果表明:Q0值呈现出明显的区域性变化特点,与构造活动关系紧密。在较为稳定的塔里木地台,Q0呈现出高值,在350~450之间。在南部构造活动较为激烈的昆仑褶皱系,Q0呈现出较低的值,约为200~250。在构造活动最为激烈的帕米尔地区,Q0值在170~200之间。在北部的天山褶皱系,Q0值约为220~270。准葛尔褶皱系比天山褶皱系的Q0值略高,约为260~290。 相似文献
Roger Hayter 《The Professional geographer》1978,30(3):240-249
Based on interviews with corporate executives, this paper examines several decisions to locate pulp and paper mills in British Columbia during the 1960's and early 1970's. It emphasizes locational evaluations of regions, communities, and sites interpreted as parts of wider investment decision processes and longer-run corporate strategies. Relationships between initial locational decisions and post-locational assessments and adjustments are also identified. 相似文献
Lawrence C. Nkemdirim 《The Professional geographer》1988,40(1):65-76
Results of analyses of 86 years of precipitation records for Calgary, Canada, showed that there were three periods of above normal precipitation and three periods of precipitation significantly below normal. This pattern gave the precipitation climate a quasi-periodic appearance. The average number of precipitation-days was 134 per annum. The reduction in the frequency of precipitation-days in dry years was not as significant as the equivalent reduction in precipitation amounts. A significant upward trend in the frequency of precipitation-days, which correlated with a similar trend in cloud cover, was not repeated in precipitation amounts. The upward trend in both cloud cover and precipitation-day frequency is believed to be related to urban growth and the corresponding heat island. This enhancement is more pronounced in the fall and winter months than in the spring and summer. 相似文献
近百余年上海气温变化的若干特征 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文根据1873—1990年上海的年、冬、夏平均气温资料,并利用1956—1990年其郊区气温资料,对城市热岛效应对气温的影响作了处理,重建了近118a的上海气温序列。在此基础上对上海的气温变化特征进行分析,并与同期的北半球气温变化作了比较。结果表明,上海的气温变化有其明显的阶段性、跃变性和周期性。近百余年上海气温变化的总体特征与北半球相似,呈缓慢变暖趋势,但具体的变化过程和幅度有差别,尤其近20多年来的变化与北半球不一致,没有明显的增温现象。 相似文献
本文从经济区的空间系统特征,经济组成与空间组成特征,动态演进特征及功能特征上重新介定经济区的定义,由此定义和经济区形成的本质特征出发,提出广东经济区划四项原则;并提出了与发展广东外向型经济相适应的7个经济区划分意见,在此基础上论证了此分区方案的科学性。 相似文献
KAMEL KHANCHOUL MARGARETA B. JANSSON 《Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography》2008,90(3):227-236
The focus of the present study was to estimate suspended sediment load from the Mellah catchment (550 km2 ) during storms. Suspended sediment rating curves were developed on data from a 23-year period. The regression technique of this paper involves a division of data into discharge-based classes, the mean concentrations and discharges of which are used to develop power regressions through log-transformation. Sediment rating curves were also developed on means of data grouped into seasons and stages. Sediment loads estimated by rating curves uncorrected for bias involved underestimations of down to 9% compared with loads from measured concentrations. Correction for bias reduced underestimations to a range from 0.79 to 3%. Rating curves divided into rising and falling stages had the lowest underestimation and were used to estimate load during periods without concentration measurements. During the 23-year study period, the mean annual suspended sediment yield was 373 TI km2 .
Sediment transport is dominated by winter storms accounting for 61% of the annual load. A high exponent 'b' of the power regression equations during the winter season confirms the intense geomorphic work by winter season storms caused by high intensity rainfall, low vegetation cover, and heavy machine activity in the fields. 相似文献
Sediment transport is dominated by winter storms accounting for 61% of the annual load. A high exponent 'b' of the power regression equations during the winter season confirms the intense geomorphic work by winter season storms caused by high intensity rainfall, low vegetation cover, and heavy machine activity in the fields. 相似文献
Susan M. Cunningham 《The Professional geographer》1981,33(1):48-62
The long-established role of foreign interests in Latin America, and specifically Brazil, has been perpetuated since 1945 by multinational corporations. This article analyzes five industries where foreign direct investment has been especially important. These industries tend toward spatial concentration, particulary in metropolitan locations and at growth poles offering special attractions. A comparative study of private Brazilian enterprises suggests that these may offer greater opportunities for regional development than do the MNC's but that such concerns are dependent to some extent upon both MNC's and governmental assistance for their growth. 相似文献
Charles C. Ryerson 《The Professional geographer》1984,36(3):345-352
Access to the sun for space heating of structures is controlled, in part, by topographic shadowing in high-relief regions. A simple graphic procedure is presented for mapping shadows on topographic maps for any date and time of day. Comparisons of computed shadows and shadows measured from aerial photography confirm that the mapping procedure is reliable and accurate. Use of the procedure as a solar access inventory tool is illustrated in an area of the Green Mountains, VT. 相似文献
《Urban geography》2013,34(2):105-122
During the 1990s, urban geographers have become fascinated with what are termed “neotraditional landscapes,” yet have ignored the broader cultural contexts of neotraditionalism. In this paper, I use a more encompassing and culturally based conception of neotraditionalism to demonstrate a salience of neotraditionalism in the suburban landscape beyond strict neotraditional developments. My argument is that neotraditionalist beliefs are transforming “ordinary” suburban landscapes in subtle but distinctive ways beyond the presence of neotraditional developments. This different reading of suburban neotraditionalism is filtered through qualitative material collected during in-depth interviews in two suburban neighborhoods in Vancouver, Canada. Though the research is suggestive rather than definitive, I suggest that it has important implications for rethinking geographies of suburban exclusion. 相似文献
John Swauger 《The Professional geographer》1980,32(4):446-453
By delineating voting regions directly from Congressional statistics, geographers can help identify legislative voting patterns more precisely. Analysis of 1977 Senate roll calls using three measures of agreement reveals deep cleavages separating liberal Northeastern and Upper Middle Western senators from conservatives representing Southern and Western states. Senators from the same region often voted alike despite differences in party affiliation. 相似文献
龙良富 《云南地理环境研究》2011,23(3):53-58
随着区域旅游合作成为世界旅游业发展的一种趋势,"珠中江"区域旅游合作在"珠中江"经济一体化的背景下应运而生。空间利益驱动力、市场驱动力和利益驱动力从宏观角度推动3地区域旅游合作,在此基础上,3地政府应该逐步建立合作制度体系、建立利益补偿机制、加强区域旅游协同规划机制、建设完整的旅游企业合作等机制,推动3地旅游形成横向、纵向、多层次的联合协作,加快3地区域旅游的转型升级,以期获得最大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,最终提升区域旅游的竞争能力。 相似文献