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This paper explores the ad hoc networks that form to move policies to new sites by examining the process through which the city of Bandung, Indonesia adopted a creative city policy. As revealed through the Bandung case, attention to the formation of these networks highlights the way that power operates within them, privileging certain ideas and structuring the ways in which information flows through their channels. This insight suggests that the concept of policy mobilities would be enriched by a closer attention to the way power is used to construct networks that promote specific policies and places as sites of ‘best practice’. Furthermore, this paper extends the concept of policy mobilities to a city ‘off the map’. In contrast to most existing policy mobilities research that tends to focus on the stable, large‐scale networks through which policies travel and on the high‐profile cities constructed as policy models, the case of Bandung provides a study of how policy mobilities may occur differently outside of its well‐established locations.  相似文献   

Pleistocene deposits at Toronto, consisting of Don Formation (considered to be of Sangamonian interglacial age) and Scarborough Formation (interpreted to be Early Wisconsinan, >50 000 years B.P.) were examined at three sites: Don Valley Brickyard, Leaside, and at the south end of Brimley Road at the foot of the Scarborough Bluffs. Comparison of the cladoceran microfossil assemblages described from these sites has enabled reconstruction of the lacustrine environment of the region.Cladoceran microfossil evidence from each site confirmed the disparity in community composition and structure, and in environmental conditions that existed during deposition of the Don and Scarborough Formations. Cladocera community composition averaged 40–45% remains of littoral species in the warmer Don interval at all three sites. The Scarborough Formation contained a more homogeneous cladoceran assemblage, with higher community similarity across sites than observed in the Don Formation. However, there was greater variation in the littoral: planktonic ratio among sites, ranging from >0.90 at Leaside to <0.10 at Brimley Road.Stratigraphically constrained cluster analysis of cladoceran microfossil assemblages clearly separated the communities in the Don Formation from those in the Scarborough Formation at each site. During the interglacial, the Don Brickyard site appears to have been a shallow, protected embayment on the lake shore, whereas the other sites are more distinctly lacustrine. The Scarborough assemblage at each site is representative of deeper, oligotrophic, subarctic lakes.  相似文献   

2008年金融危机后东莞出现城市收缩现象,东莞城市政府出台了以户籍改革为核心的外来人口政策吸引人口定居、改善人口流失情况。然而,在政策实践中,不同特征人群对于外来人口政策的满意程度或有差异,但已有研究鲜有探讨这一问题。因此,文章从市民视角评价以户籍改革为核心的外来人口政策,重点对比未入户外来人口与已入户人口的政策满意度。基于2013年东莞外来人口工作生活的问卷调查数据,采用二元逻辑回归分析方法,探讨外来人口对于东莞城市政策的满意度及其影响因素。研究发现:全体外来人口中,高学历、没有因户口遇到教育/住房差别待遇、满意治安环境、参与公共政策制定的群体,对外来人口政策的满意度更高。对比未入户与已入户两类人群发现:已入户人群比未入户人群对于政策满意度更高;未入户人群对于住房、教育以及治安环境的关注更为明显;已入户人群则更为关注情感维度与社会融合。  相似文献   


Planning with things other-than-human and exploring the more-than-human dimensions of cities has failed to ignite within the discipline of planning. Humans and the human perspective remain privileged throughout both planning theory and practice. However, slowly over the course of the past two decades there has been a trickle of Actor Network Theory-based planning studies allowing the discipline to dip its toes into the more-than-human realm. This paper uses empirical evidence to demonstrate the role and influence of particular nonhumans as active mediators in the politics of planning processes and the production of more-than-human urban spaces. In doing so, the paper raises ethical questions around the existing anthropocentric approach to the assessment and deliberation of planned development where living nonhumans are affected. Utilising the case study of the proposed Mangles Bay Marina, in the southern suburbs of Perth, Western Australia, the paper will illustrate the influence of three types of nonhuman actors: living nonhuman species; discursive text and talk; and technical artefacts.  相似文献   

主体功能区规划是新世纪以来我国在地域空间规划方面的一次重大创新和实践,"十二五"规划上升为国土空间开发和区域协调发展领域的国家战略之一。本文从改革开放以来我国区域发展失衡的三大主要问题:区域发展差距扩大、城镇化盲目、国土开发无序的分析入手,论述了通过地域空间规划确定合理的地域功能格局和国土空间开发结构的客观需求。进而探讨了地域功能的科学内涵和形成机制,揭示了自然生态本底功能和人类活动需求功能复合形成地域功能的过程;并结合主体功能区规划编制中的关键科学问题,如主体功能识别的指标体系选择、功能区的空间组织以及功能开发导向的确定等关键科学问题,探究了解决的具体路径和相关方案,并就支撑主体功能区规划实施的相关政策导向和改革框架进行了阐述。最后,从规划职责体系、空间规划体系和科技支撑体系三个方面对今后的实施、发展和完善主体功能区战略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):217-240
An international comparative urban analysis requires an effort to reconcile not only the variables, but also the units of observation from each country. In a multivariate analysis, failure with regard to the former jeopardizes the validity of the results while failure with regard to the latter risks a priori bias in the interpretation of the results. This comparative, multivariate analysis of urban quality-of-life variables from Canada and the United States calls into question the distinctiveness of the Canadian City in the North American City debate because of such potential bias. As a point of departure from past research, not only is an attempt made to harmonize the set of urban quality-of-life variables with regard to definition, year, and geography, but also to control for the definitional, geographic, and hierarchical differences between the Canadian and U.S. urban systems. Such efforts reveal the Canadian City is indeed distinct from the U.S. City, but also distinct from the North American City, which is a regional entity encompassing Canada and the United States.  相似文献   

In this article, we use parcel-based land-use data to analyze 50 years of residential development in the Toronto region. We test two hypotheses: (1) Toronto’s form does not conform to conventional definitions of suburban sprawl and (2) Toronto’s suburban development shows high levels of continuity over time with relatively high densities and mixed housing types. Contrary to recent research suggesting a convergence of urban forms among North American metropolitan regions, Ontario’s robust planning system has created a distinctive, highly consistent pattern of residential development that has, for half a century, achieved many of the core goals of smart growth including relatively compact, contiguous, and concurrent development. This form continues to be automobile dependent, however, and is not producing many of the benefits ascribed to smart growth. Rather than continuing to adopt United States-inspired smart growth policies, a more ambitious set of initiatives will be required to address current regional challenges.  相似文献   

西藏农牧区农户土地决策与土地覆被变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查农户土地决策,均质化处理农户决策因子,形成土地决策空间图;制作土地覆被图和农户土地决策空间图,通过图像叠加处理,来分析土地覆被变化与农户土地决策度政策因子间的空间联系。西藏农牧区案例研究结果表明:农户土地决策决定了土地覆被变化方向,政策因子起修正作用;农户土地决策与土地覆被在空间上和属性上能互相体现;农牧区政策的制定应立足于农户土地决策,在满足农户追求最大经济效益的基础上引导农户顾及生态环境建设;农户土地决策、社会经济发展政策与土地覆被在空闻上能互相体现,可通过观察土地覆被变化来监测农户土地决策及政策因子效果。  相似文献   

海岸带的空间功能分区与管制方法——以宁波市为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孙伟  陈诚 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1878-1889
海岸带空间资源的合理开发和利用关系到海洋经济发展质量和优质资源利用效率,成为影响沿海城市区域可持续发展的重要内容。根据区域自然、经济、社会特征,运用相关分区方法,划分海岸线和海岸带开发与保护的适宜性空间,获取较高的空间资源配置效率,成为地理学研究关注的热点。大部分学者从经济和生态两个方面要素构建指标体系,并对分区方法进行了有益探索和尝试,但是由于海岸带具有自然地理的特殊性,所以在指标选择上有较大不同。以宁波海岸带为例,讨论海岸线及海岸带的空间区划指标体系选择和方法应用问题。在借鉴已有区划方法的基础上,重点讨论评价单元划分、评价指标选择与处理等技术方法,在评价海岸线开发适宜基础上,做进一步的海岸带空间功能分区,将宁波市海岸带空间划分为生态空间、生产空间和生活空间,并结合宁波市空间开发现状,提出不同类型区域空间布局调整引导方向和管制要求。  相似文献   

Jillian Anable  Jon Shaw 《Area》2007,39(4):443-457
The transport sector is consistently responsible for around 30 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions in developed countries and is one of few sectors where emissions continue to increase as a result of apparently insatiable demand for road and air travel. This paper examines how the formulation of transport policy fits into the exposition of UK climate policy, focusing on three principal areas of tension: policy priority (congestion and carbon reduction); strategies to reduce emissions (technological and behavioural solutions) and timescale (short- and long-term vision). We suggest that in overcoming such tensions government ministers will need to devolve significant policy formulation and implementation powers to an appropriate scale of governance – in this case the city-region – to fashion a 'convergence space' capable of promoting meaningful action with regard to transport's climate impact.  相似文献   

城市新区在发展过程中面临教育设施供给不足和不均衡的问题,可达性与空间优化方法能够为解决该问题提供科学依据。以深圳市坪山区为例,从供需关系出发,运用高斯两步移动搜寻法和改进的p-中位模型,探讨城市新区教育设施的可达性评价与空间优化,提出优化迫切度概念,分析得到教育设施优化区位和规模。结果表明:坪山区各层级教育设施可达性均存在明显空间差异;优化迫切度结果能够为设施配置的重点区域及优先次序提供依据;优化后各层级教育设施分布比较均衡,与人口分布较为契合;优化结果反映出相关规划标准存在不适用性,应注重规划标准差异化的研究。将城市教育设施空间布局评价和区位优化相结合,能为深圳市坪山区教育设施布局规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The Wahiba Sands in northeastern Oman are bordered on the north, south and west by highlands. Remote sensing data are used to characterize the region between 19–23.5°N and 56.5–60°E by mapping surface and near-surface drainage, faults and fractures and aeolian features. It is suggested that the sands were originally deposited with surface runoff from the principal wadis and fluvially reworked fault zones, which define the northeastern and southwestern margins. These fluvial processes resulted in the accumulation of the vast groundwater resources now stored there. During dry climates, wind became the principal modification regime and it began to sort and shape the sediments into the dune forms that characterize today's Wahiba region. The thickness of the sands reflects the depth of the basin in which they lie. The center of the basin is filled with the thickest sand (the High Sands) and contains the highest groundwater concentrations. Presently, aeolian reworking dominates in the Wahiba region, although the Low and the Peripheral Sands continue to experience some fluvial action from occasional, seasonal rainfall. Even though dry conditions dominate today, it is clear that similar to the Sahara of North Africa, the surface sands of the Wahiba basin are indicators of groundwater occurrence.  相似文献   

三峡库区消落带土地整理利用——以重庆市开县为例   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
三峡工程建成后随水库年度运行将在库区两岸形成垂直落差30m的永久性消落带,最大出露面积达11000hm^2,通过各种途径开展土地整理,合理利用消落区内土地资源不仅可在一定程度上缓解人地矛盾,而且对于改善库区生态环境也有积极意义。重庆市开县消落带土地面积达4250hm^2,利用潜力巨大,且其开发利用模式极具代表性。在总结国内水库消落带利用的成功经验基础上,结合开县实际,提出4种消落带土地整理利用模式,即工程防护模式、季节性农耕模式、生物工程模式、水产养殖模式。  相似文献   

Santa Rosa Island is an 85 km-long, wave-dominated low-lying barrier island situated along the northwestern Florida coast, facing the Gulf of Mexico. The entire island was severely impacted by Ivan, a strong category 3 hurricane that made landfall about 45 km to the west in September of 2004. Ten months later in July of 2005, Dennis, another category 3 hurricane, made landfall about 30 km east of the western tip of the island. Santa Rosa Island is characterized by well-developed but relatively low dunefields, described in this paper as incipient and established dunes, based on the presence of grassy and woody types of vegetation, respectively. The dunes were severely eroded by the two hurricanes. This paper investigates the factors controlling the regional-scale destruction and survival of the dunefields.Dune survival is controlled by: 1) hurricane characteristics, including intensity, duration, and frequency, and 2) morphological parameters including width of the barrier island, height and width of the dunefields, vegetation type, distance of the dunes to the ocean, and continuity of the dunefields. Three processes of dune destruction are described including, from most to least severe, inundation, overwash, and scarping. The interaction of all the above factors determines the different dune responses to the storm impacts. In general, the extensive and densely woody vegetated dunefields near the bay-side shoreline survived the storms, while the discontinuous dunes with grassy vegetation near the Gulf shoreline were almost completely destroyed.  相似文献   

This study concerns the behavior and practices of real estate agents in the housing search process. The research investigates whether the information provided and houses recommended by agents working for Portuguese firms differ from the recommendations of agents working for firms owned by non-Portuguese brokers in the cities of Toronto and Mississauga (a western suburb of Toronto), Canada. Data for the study were obtained from a participant observation study of a sample of real estate agents. Empirical evidence indicates that the ethnicity of real estate agents (Portuguese versus non-Portuguese) and the brokers for whom they work (Portuguese-owned firms versus non-Portuguese-owned firms) determine to a considerable extent the marketing strategies of agents and the neighborhoods they recommend.  相似文献   

Modern climate research has shown that the Asian summer monsoon water vapor transport is limited to the eastern part of the Qilian Mountains. On the Holocene millennial-scale, whether the northwest boundary of the summer monsoon varies according to climate change is a key scientific issue. Yanchi Lake is located in the northern Qilian Mountains and the middle of the Hexi Corridor, where the modern climate is less affected by the Asian summer monsoon. It is a key research area for examining the long-term variations of the Asian summer monsoon. Paleoclimatic data, including AMS ^14C dates of pollen concentrates and bulk organic carbon, lithology, grain-size, mineral composition and geochemical proxies were acquired from sediments of Yanchi Lake. The chronological results show that the lower part of the lacustrine section is formed mainly in the Late Glacial and early Holocene period, while the proxies' data indicate the lake expansion is associated with high content of mineral salts. The middle part of this section is formed during the transitional period of the early and middle Holocene. Affected by the reworking effect, the pollen concentrates AMS^14C dates from the middle part of the section are generally older than those from the lower part. Since the mid-Holocene, Yanchi Lake retreated significantly and the deposition rate dropped obvi- ously. The Yanchi Lake record is consistent with the Late Glacial and Holocene lake records in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the climatic records in typical monsoon domain, which indicate the lake expansion and the strong Asian summer monsoon during the Late Glacial and early Holocene. The long-term monsoonal pattern is different from the lake evolution in Central Asia on the Holocene millennial-scale. This study proves the monsoon impacts on the northwestern margin of the summer monsoon, and also proves the fact that the northern boundary of the summer monsoon moves according to millennial-scale climate change.  相似文献   

On April 27, 1993, a large landslide in the Tully Valley, Onondaga County, NY, destroyed three houses and resulted in the evacuation of four others; it also triggered a loss of potable drinking water for about 15 homes north of the slide area and affected a total of 20 ha of land. In the 7 years following this slide, several studies have been conducted by federal and state environmental agencies and by local universities. The goal of these investigations has been to determine what caused this slide, document the history of past landslides in the region, and establish whether future slides are likely to occur. This paper reports on the results of these investigations and examines their effect on the Tully Valley community.  相似文献   

Mark Whitehead 《Area》2003,35(1):6-14
This paper explores the relationship between political hierarchy and the complex webs of political organization associated with urban governance. Deploying the concept of meta-governance and a study of urban policy reform in the West Midlands region of England, this paper claims that state and governmental hierarchies continue to have a crucial role in coordinating the activities of governance regimes in the UK. This paper concludes by considering the effects of hierarchical power on the systems of political participation and representation that are associated with urban governance.  相似文献   

Insufficient spatial coverage of existing land-cover data is a common limitation to timely and effective spatial analysis. Achieving spatial completeness of land-cover data is the most challenging for large study areas which straddle ecological or administrative boundaries, and where individuals and agencies lack access to, and the means to process, raw data from which to derive spatially complete land-cover maps. In many cases, various sources of secondary data are available, so that land-cover map assimilation and synthesis can resolve this research problem. The following paper develops a reliable and repeatable framework for assimilating and synthesizing pre-classified data sets. Assimilation is achieved through data reformatting and map legend reconciliation in the context of a specific application. Individual maps are assessed for accuracy at various geographic scales and levels of thematic precision, with an emphasis on the ‘area of overlap’, in order to extract information that guides the synthesis process. The quality of the synthesized land-cover data set is evaluated using advanced accuracy assessment methods, including a measure describing the ‘magnitude of disagreement’. This method is applied to derive a seamless thematic map of the land cover of eastern Ontario from two disparate map series. The importance of assessing data quality throughout the process using multiple reference data sets is highlighted, and limitations of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

张毓  孙根年 《地理科学》2016,36(12):1877-1884
以“揭示规律、验证规律”为研究逻辑起点,提出“城市规模-旅游成长-城市级别”数理空间分布模型及其时空演变模型,以长江三角洲地区城市体系为例,系统搜集1995~2014年系列基础数据,探讨城市规模与旅游成长的空间关系及其演变机理。结果表明:20 a来长三角地区城市规模、旅游成长、城市级别的数理空间分布呈三段“金字塔”式结构,城市级别越高,分布数量越少; 三元空间关系在演变中,1995~2009时期内的三阶段符合演变模型的A线关系趋向,2010~2014阶段呈“核”式分布,旅游对城市规模存在倒逼效应; 依据城市4个基本象限类分布,级别高的城市分布在类区,类区与类区间存在单向转换与演变关系;对驱动因子剖析,政府政策的倾斜、城市规模效应以及旅游的快速发展共同促成三元关系的演变格局。  相似文献   

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