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Policy Performance and Brownfield Redevelopment in Milwaukee,Wisconsin*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The redevelopment of brownfield sites has become a central focus of government efforts aimed at developing and revitalizing urban areas in the U.S. This article examines brownfield redevelopment efforts in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, which gained momentum in the mid‐1990s, in order to determine how Milwaukee is performing in terms of redevelopment activities, what the effects of government support of such activities have been, and how performance outcomes are currently being measured. Through an examination of government data and interviews with key stakeholders, the Milwaukee case reveals that redevelopment is indeed progressing well as government becomes more effective at tackling the barriers to private‐sector redevelopment. However, progress in redeveloping brownfields is still being measured primarily in terms of economic development outcomes rather than in terms of the broader social, economic, and environmental objectives that both policy makers and private‐sector stakeholders associate with such redevelopment.  相似文献   

王敏  朱竑  王盈盈  丘小静  曹伟  朱绘霖 《地理科学》2018,38(12):2006-2013
以广州市永庆坊为例,研究采用内隐联想测验法、问卷以及质性访谈相结合的方法,探究其改造前后社区相关主体的社区感知,旨在探讨社区空间变化背后相关主体的感知态度差异。研究结果揭示了社区感知的外显态度和内隐态度的分离效应,且外显态度表现的差异性强于内隐态度。参与者对永庆坊改造前后的连贯性和积极性存在外显感知态度的显著差异,在内隐态度结果上,参与者对永庆坊改造前后的连贯性和积极性并未存在显著差异。实验结果表明:物质层面的更新并非引起居民等主体对改造热议的根本原因,社区更新重点应关注利益主体对权利、参与权的诉求,关注其利益分配的合理性。诚然,社区改造规划中不仅应重视公众参与和调查,也应深入挖掘社区公众对于社区改造的内隐感知态度,以提高社区规划的效力。研究采用内隐联想测验的神经科学认知方法对景观感知的探讨,以期开拓人文地理学研究方法神经科学转向的新方向。  相似文献   

曾迪  朱金  何深静 《热带地理》2021,41(3):449-460
选取新加坡和深圳的3个城中村作为实证研究对象,从文化身份的理论视角切入,剖析移民城市的城中村更新的文化塑造过程;指出要理解文化身份的内涵与本质,需要理解地方蕴含的全球性与在地性、过去与现在这两组关系.在解读宏观文化政策的内在政治和经济推动力的基础上,基于参与式观察和半结构化访谈资料,运用质性分析方法,比较探讨典型移民城...  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):461-482
We hypothesize that as the "global city" label becomes ever more central to a city's identity, local urban government policy increasingly supports those economic sectors that city leaders see as being congruent with the global and increasingly undermines sectors that serve primarily local markets. Through an in-depth study of small-scale manufacturers in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, in New York City, we examine the extent to which and the ways in which local policy undermines otherwise healthy locally oriented businesses. We find that the City's assumption that urban manufacturing is a dying breed becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, largely via the City's own treatment of its manufacturing businesses. Through a lack of enforcement of zoning codes, zoning variances and rezoning initiatives, and more quotidian policies of harassment over noise and other quality of life complaints, the City is making it more difficult to do business for small-scale manufacturers. These policies then create a conventional wisdom that sees the City as a difficult place to start and grow a business.  相似文献   

中国城市群形成发育的政策影响过程与实施效果评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
方创琳 《地理科学》2012,(3):257-264
中国城市群是中国未来经济发展格局中最具活力和潜力的核心地区,城市群的真正形成与发育始于20世纪80年代的改革开放初期,历经80年代的发育萌芽阶段、90年代快速成长阶段和21世纪前10 a的持续发展阶段,共三大阶段。城市群形成发育带有强烈的政府主导性,主要是国家及地方宏观调控政策和区域发展政策发挥作用的结果,体现在国家宏观调控政策的导向性和重点区域发展政策的倾向性两大方面。具体表现为,"六五"计划提出地区域协作和经济区政策开启了中国城市群建设的序幕,"七五"计划提出地三级经济区网络政策搭建了中国城市群建设的初步框架"八五"计划提出地横向联合与城乡统筹政策注入了中国城市群建设的一体化内容"九五"计划提出地区域协调发展政策推动了中国中西部地区城市群的形成发育"十五"计划实施地城镇化战略指明了中国城市群建设的基本方向"十一五"规划首次把城市群作为推进城镇化的主体空间形态,奠定了中国城市群建设的空间格局。与此同时,针对处在不同地区、不同类型和不同发育程度的城市群,国家相继因地制宜地实施了无数项差异化扶持政策,这些政策有力地推动着中国城市群朝着健康稳定的方向持续发展。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):370-400
This field-based case study examines recent changes in the built fabric of St. Petersburg, its urban planning system, and conservation management. The integral and highly regulated historical center, an important component of St. Petersburg's cultural landscape, has become a ground for (re)development and hence controversy. This study argues that mainly post-socialist forces (specifically, a persistent influence of the Soviet planning tradition combined with current entrepreneurial practices) have led to the current transformation of the built fabric of St. Petersburg. An examination of the processes underlying this transformation reveals that St. Petersburg is experiencing a sharpening dilemma between (re)development and conservation.  相似文献   

中国城市就业结构的特征及其演变   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对 1 999年全国 6 6 7个城市就业结构的分析可以发现 ,我国就业仍然以工业为主 ,金融保险、房地产等第三产业就业比重较低。城市规模不同 ,就业结构也出现差异。规模越大 ,采掘业、建筑业、工业就业比重越小 ;金融保险、科教、行政等服务业比重越大。而商业、交通运输业比重相差较小。我国城市就业结构具有一定的地带差异 ,东部地带工业、金融保险、房地产业相对比较发达 ,从业职工比重较大 ;西部地带城市交通、文教及行政等方面所占比重较高。近 1 0年来 ,我国城市就业结构变化很大 ,总的趋势是科教文卫、商业等第三产业大幅增加 ,工业、行政等行业增长较慢。通过对全国各种行业就业的频率分布可知 ,除采掘业外 ,其它行业多呈正态分布 ,城市专业化程度较低。  相似文献   

Attitudes towards wolf policy are likely to be driven by perceived differences in political power between urban and rural groups. Using Swedish survey data collected in 2014 and structural equation modeling, I evaluated the effects of political alienation. Political alienation mediated the effect of having an urban or rural place of residence on attitudes towards wolf policy. Politically alienated individuals also preferred more extreme policy options than other respondents, while being less likely to approve of the current wolf policy in Sweden. These findings suggest that political alienation drives attitude polarization in wolf related social conflicts. Awareness of these underlying power asymmetries could possibly increase both policy legitimacy and management efficiency. This highlights the importance of accounting for social context in relation to policy-making and conservation efforts related to wolves.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):434-452
Principal components analysis of small-area data provided by China's 2000 Population Census shows that major new economic and social forces largely shape the spatial composition of housing in Guangzhou. This is generally manifested in a series of concentric rings: the old urban core, the middle zone of reform housing, and the outer ring of new commodity housing. In addition, urban villages punctuate the metropolitan landscape. Corresponding analysis of sociodemographic attributes depict a metropolis in transition, with market elements and choice-based housing decisions beginning to impinge on the urban fabric. However, the deeply entrenched socialist institutions established during the early years of the People's Republic ensure the continuing dominance of the workplace and occupational attributes as factors structuring China's metropolitan space.  相似文献   

China's reform and opening-up policy has brought the country a great development opportunity. The high-speed growth of the economy not only led China to a period of industrialization, urbanization, informatization and agricultural modernization, but also exacerbated the situation of the urban–rural dual structure. Based on the review of current studies, we first used the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method to evaluate the urban–rural development and transformation level by population transformation index, land transformation index, industrial transformation index and social transformation index between 1996 and 2012 around the Bohai Rim Region. Then, based on the results of each index, we used the exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA) method to investigate the spatial autocorrelation of the change in the urban–rural development transformation index during the 16-year period using Global Moran's I index and Local Moran's I index. Finally, we investigated the mechanism of change of the urban–rural development transformation index at county level, summarizing five main factors:(1) the radiation from the surrounding big cities,(2) the acceleration of the urbanization process,(3) the upgrading of the industrial structure,(4) the publishing and implementation of a macro development strategy and regional policy, and(5) natural factors such as topology.  相似文献   

陈诚 《地理科学》2020,40(4):563-571
全球化是推动乡村地方重组的重要因素,但国家政策深刻影响乡村地方参与全球化的过程与景观。立足已有研究,围绕"全球化-国家乡村政策-乡村地方重组"之间的关联,通过梳理全球化与中国乡村政策演化的互动关系,分析乡村政策的地方实施过程,总结乡村地方工业化、休闲旅游化和农业现代化等典型重组类型及其面临的不确定性。认为早期农村改革耦合全球化引致的城镇化进程,解决了农村温饱和人口"过密化"问题,推动部分乡村工业化,参与国际分工;持续的深化改革与地方动员,加快了先进技术和生产要素的应用,促进了农业规模化与专业化,并嵌入国际市场;乡村旅游的兴起,促进部分乡村复兴和国际元素的进入。农业收益的增长与稳定、老年农民有序退出以及新业态的就业容量将是乡村振兴的潜在制约因素。  相似文献   

范建红  莫悠  谢涤湘 《热带地理》2018,38(5):699-706
城市化的快速推进和市场经济的迅速发展使得资本循环周期缩短,城市空间的过度开发为资本积累再生产提供了场所,导致城市空间蔓延式增长的矛盾突出。在新型城镇化的背景下,增量主义的城乡发展已不再适应当前的社会环境,中国城乡转型发展迫在眉睫。以新马克思主义资本循环理论为切入点,分析了城乡发展与资本的逻辑关系。首先探究资本循环理论在中国城乡转型背景下的适用性,运用该理论剖析中国城乡转型发展的作用机制;然后从当前面临的各类空间矛盾出发,探讨在新型城镇化过程中政府、规划师、公众三方主体的角色变化,力求引发相关主体对城乡规划转型中的规划思路、管理方式以及制度的思考;最后提出以空间正义为核心,使中国城乡转型发展逐步走向社会公平的价值体系,推动城乡社会空间的相对公正发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the dislocations produced when competing understandings of public space come into contact. Focusing on Montpellier, France, where an urban renewal program has seen portions of the city-centre renovated, the article considers the breaking apart of a North African commercial cluster under the guide of French heritage protection. Arguing that such action is tiedto municipal urban politics and wider trajectories that place diverse identities in a separate category, I trace the process through which a plaza encompassed in the urban renewal program has been labelled as “empty” and “dead” space. Suggesting that the relocation of a well-used outdoor food market is an instance of public space being deliberately emptied of its social and civic function, I argue that such sites are better defined as “municipal spaces”, entities that are firmly in the realm of the state, rather than ones within the purview of diverse publics.  相似文献   

In recent years urban geographers have devoted considerable attention to the dynamics of policy mobility. After reviewing the progress achieved in this literature, in this article I offer two distinctive contributions. First, I draw on the “argumentative turn” in policy studies and related fields in order to develop an alternative conceptualization of urban policy mobility that pays greater attention to its discursive and argumentative aspects. I thus reassert the significance of democratic processes in the negotiation of urban policy. Second, I outline an alternative methodology for the study of urban policy mobility, focusing on the analysis of argumentation. I apply this methodology to historical instances of urban policy mobilities arising from a recent research project that aimed to historicize the phenomenon of the “model city,” defined as the local deployment of another city’s experience as an argumentative resource supporting particular policy claims.  相似文献   

职住分离的空间差异性及其影响因素研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
柴彦威  张艳  刘志林 《地理学报》2011,66(2):157-166
制度转型与空间重构背景下,中国大城市的居住与就业空间关系发生明显变化,职住分离 现象逐渐凸显。尽管城市地理学者逐步关注转型期城市居住与就业空间关系的变化对居民通 勤行为的影响,然而深入探讨微观个体所承受的职住分离程度的差异性及其影响因素的实证研 究仍然缺乏。基于对北京城市520 户家庭、806 个通勤样本的问卷调查数据,本文借助多元回归 模型验证了居住区类型、家庭及住房状况、以及其他社会经济属性等居民职住分离程度差异性 的影响,从而折射城市转型过程中宏观制度性及结构性因素(如土地市场化改革、住房政策、单 位制度改革、城市空间扩展等) 对个体日常生活经历差异性的影响。  相似文献   

广东城市国际化发展的水平与过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先建立了衡量城市国际化水平的综合指标体系,对改革开放以来广东省21个地级(或以上)城市1985、1990、1995、2000、2003年等5个主要年份国际化水平进行了统计分析,探讨了城市国际化的变化过程,归纳出了城市国际化发展的三种类型。研究表明:近20年来广东省所有城市的国际化水平均在不断提高,可见国际化不是少数世界城市或全球城市的独有现象。国际化水平的提高不是一个线性过程,大部分城市会出现波动和反复。  相似文献   

Miguel Kanai 《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1111-1117
In this paper, I problematize the connections between global tourism, urban redevelopment and cultural policy in Buenos Aires. Market-oriented approaches to urban growth have continued after Argentina’s economic collapse of 2001–2002. Devaluation produced unprecedented international affordability, which triggered a tourism boom. City government capitalized on this through cultural initiatives. Yet tourist-oriented cultural entrepreneurialism promoted forms of disjointed redevelopment that exacerbate socio-spatial inequality and fragmentation. Moreover, Mayor Macri has been advancing a cultural politics of scale that recasts Buenos Aires as a world-class city, while mobilizing localist identities to oppose national efforts towards income redistribution and intercultural recognition. Particularly important have been the recent appropriations of tango as a cultural commodity. Deployed for city marketing and selective reinvestment, tango also emboldens Eurocentric narratives of cosmopolitan urbanity that legitimize racialized exclusion and geographical elitism. Concluding remarks suggest that socio-political uses of tango are not the exclusive domain of neoliberal urbanism, and research implications are discussed beyond Buenos Aires.  相似文献   

Wen Lin 《Urban geography》2013,34(7):901-922
While local governments have been one of the major user groups of GIS, there is still little research on how GIS development in local government might be intertwined with urban governance, particularly in non-Western contexts. Drawing upon insights from GIS implementation, critical GIS, and governmentality studies, this article seeks to bridge this gap by examining the implications of Chinese urban government GIS practices amidst China's changing urban governance. Through an in-depth case study of Shenzhen, this article analyzes how urban GIS has been transformed from a practice involving internal organizational workflow automation, into a more active dimension of the governance of urban spaces—reflected in the expanding practice of “geo-coding” the urban landscape. “Geo-coding” here refers to a broadly defined spatial practice of carving and reconstructing a rational urban space. GIS practices have constituted a particular form of geographic rationality that seeks to govern at a distance while simultaneously regulating the urban environment, intersecting with the broader transformations of China's urban governance. These GIS developments have been largely government-centric rather than citizen-centric, yet they provide possibilities for new forms of spatial knowledge production for citizen participation in urban governance.  相似文献   

陈世栋  袁奇峰 《地理科学》2015,35(7):852-859
在城市区域化下,基本农田保护区(农保)成为都市区生态保育的重要空间载体及划定城市增长边界依据。以广州市白云区为例,以镇和行政村为基本空间单元,研究了1997年以来基本农田保护区空间演变过程,并构建指标体系,建立不同产权主体农保转用的数理模型,揭示农保政策对不同主体管制的差异及其影响因素。研究发现:① 广州都市边缘区农保被大量转用,并以转为集体建设用地为主;② 农保政策对不同主体的空间管制效果差异较大,可分为管制有效型、集体转用失效型、国有转用失效型三种类型;③ 国有转用主要位于镇区周边,是城镇化所需代价,集体转用主要分布于靠近城市中心而远离镇区的村庄;④ 区位及村庄对非农经济收入的追求是农地集体转用的主要原因,而社会变迁因素影响并不显著。总之,基本农田制度对政府的管制有效,对集体则失效,说明了对基本农田的保护不仅需要划定刚性的物理边界,还需协调集体产权所有者的利益。  相似文献   

田小波  胡静  张志斌  贾垚焱  吕丽  徐欣 《地理科学》2021,41(8):1371-1379
借助史料、历史地图及谷歌POI数据,运用空间句法和GIS空间分析探讨天水古城自明清以来空间和功能的演化过程及其内在关联。研究发现:① 明清以来,天水古城的旅游化经历了传统游憩的普及(明清)、衰落(民国)、停滞(1949—1987年)阶段,现代旅游兴起与传统游憩恢复(1988—2000年)及融合创新(2001年至今)阶段。古城传统格局逐渐消失,但是历史轴线的主轴线地位延续,可达性、穿越性最好,协同度最高,“空间结构惯性”规律作用明显。② 在不同施动主体的共同作用下,天水古城由安全防御、军事政治、集市商贸等传统功能向工业生产,进而向现代旅游、居住功能转变,游憩休闲功能显著增强。③ 居民和游客共享公共活动空间,但服务功能相互分离。游客活动空间与功能服务协调性较好,居民公共活动空间与服务设施一致性较差。  相似文献   

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