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一般认为,浊流是流体流,其内沉积物由流体的紊流支撑;而碎屑流是塑性流,其内沉积物由基质强度、分散压力以及浮力支撑。高密度浊流的概念指高浓度的、通常为非紊流的流体流动,其内沉积物主要由基质强度、分散压力和浮力支撑。但是,有关浊流和高密度浊流的概念相当混乱。此外,深海地区块状砂岩几乎毫无例外地解释为由高密度浊流形成。  相似文献   

高密度浊流和砂质碎屑流关系的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
裴羽  何幼斌  李华  肖彬 《地质论评》2015,61(6):1281-1292
高密度浊流和砂质碎屑流作为深水环境重要的地质营力,但如何区分两种流体及其沉积,一直存在着争议。通过探讨两种流体的关系,有助于澄清深水沉积过程的相关认识,有助于正确区分两种流体的沉积,也有利于开展相关砂岩储层的预测。在分别回顾高密度浊流和砂质碎屑流的概念、特征及具体实例的基础上,对比了两者的流体性质和沉积特征,结合触发机制、形成过程及影响因素,从理论运用和实际运用两方面探讨了两者的关系。高密度浊流沉积可划分为底部、中部和上部三部分,垂向上具逆——正粒序。砂质碎屑流沉积富砂质,具块状层理,垂向上可由块状砂岩叠置形成。碎屑流形成的触发机制多样,且相对于中等至弱粘性碎屑流,强粘性碎屑流不易向浊流转换。与砂质碎屑流相比,高密度浊流在术语使用上更合理。如果碎屑流发生了流体转换,形成高密度浊流沉积;如果未发生,且物源富砂质,可以形成砂质碎屑流沉积。块状砂岩与上覆泥质沉积物呈突变接触时,可能为砂质碎屑流成因;与上覆沉积物为渐变接触时,构成正粒序,为高密度浊流成因。  相似文献   

“高密度浊流”是砂质碎屑流吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
习惯上认为,浊流是一种液性流,其沉积物靠液态湍动支撑;而碎屑流是一种塑性流,其沉积物靠基质强度、分散压力和上浮力支撑。“高密度浊流”的概念是指高浓度的、通常是非湍动的液态流,其沉积物主要靠基质强度、分散压力和上浮力支撑。以往认为顶部带有湍流云的牵引毯代表高密度浊流其实是一个错误,因为牵引毯既不是液性流也不是湍流。碎屑流也可能在其顶部带有湍流云。牵引毯/碎屑流与其上面的湍流云在流变学、沉积物支撑机制  相似文献   

白云凹陷珠江组深水扇砂质碎屑流沉积学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
珠江口盆地白云凹陷深海水域的珠江组为油气勘探开发新领域,但珠江组厚层块状砂岩储层的成因仍存在很大争议。通过对砂岩储层的物质组分、沉积构造、粒度分布、古地形和古构造背景及地震与测井等资料的综合分析,确定白云凹陷珠江组属于深水扇沉积体系,扇体中广泛发育的厚层块状砂岩为深水扇沉积体系中内-中扇水道的砂质碎屑流沉积充填物。在详细描述砂质碎屑流沉积学特征和识别标志的基础上,确定砂质碎屑流与低位期陆架边缘三角洲前缘砂体与海平面大幅度下降期的某种触发机制作用下发生的重力滑塌和砂崩有关,具备“源-渠-汇”耦合关系的深水扇沉积模式。  相似文献   

深水重力流沉积研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深水重力流沉积研究经历了半个多世纪发展,从浊流及鲍马序列开始,到把深水砂岩普遍解释为浊流成因以及海底扇模式的建立,再到今天学者们对鲍马序列的质疑,深水重力流沉积的研究经历了认识上的螺旋式上升旋回。目前关于深水重力流沉积争议的焦点在于高密度浊流是否属于浊流的范畴,深水砂岩是否都是浊流成因。以Shanmugam为代表的学者认为,绝大多数的深水砂岩都是碎屑流成因而非浊流成因,并且提出了重力流分类新方案,同时建立了与其匹配的深水斜坡沉积模式。通过对前人成果的广泛调研,经过对比总结,认为:1根据流变学和沉积物搬运机制,重力流分为碎屑流(砂质碎屑流和泥质碎屑流)、颗粒流、浊流;2浊流的韵律结构特征为明显的正粒序且没有漂浮的碎屑颗粒,碎屑流自下而上呈逆-正粒序的两套韵律变化且发育有漂浮的碎屑颗粒;3Walker的综合扇模式与Shanmugam的斜坡沉积模式,二者是可以共存的,只是在某一地区适用性不同而已。  相似文献   

2009年10月9日-11日,由中国石油勘探开发研究院等单位主办的"全球深水沉积储层国际学术研讨会"在北京召开,会议主要目的是研究讨论国内外深水沉积区大规模储层形成机制分布规律,为我国在海陆深水区油气勘探提供理论指导.  相似文献   

砂质碎屑流是近年来日益受到重视的一种新的砂体成因类型,其相关理论是对"鲍玛序列"和"浊积扇"等深水沉积理论的部分否定和完善.阐述了砂质碎屑流概念精华与存在问题,指出只有进一步结合我国陆相盆地沉积不断完善该理论,才能提高勘探成功率,从而促进我国石油工业的发展.同时运用砂质碎屑概念,将鄂尔多斯盆地湖盆中心深水区延长组长6段...  相似文献   

阐述了砂质碎屑流沉积特征、研究现状及其与其他深海碎屑沉积的区别,认为西藏特提斯喜马拉雅上休罗统-下白垩统深海沉积背景下的块状砂岩具有砂质碎屑流沉积性质,指出深海相中的块状砂岩可以预测。  相似文献   

浊积岩神话与砂质碎屑流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在浊积岩研究中,著名的鲍马层序是1962年通过对法国东南部阿尔卑斯山脉地区Annot砂岩浊流沉积研究基础上提出来的,组成该层序的Ta、Tb、Tc、Td、Td段应是一次浊流事件的产物。浊流又有高密度浊流和低密度浊流之分。此后,特别是在Walker(1978)提出海底扇相模式之后,以鲍马层序为代表的经典浊积岩和海底扇相模式在沉积地质学界广泛流行,甚至几乎在所有的深水砂岩研究中,都用它来进行描述并解释浊流沉积。  相似文献   

国外深水沉积发展了50年,从浊流定义的普遍应用,到今天对鲍马序列、约克扇等经典模式持否定态度,深水沉积研究经历了一个推陈出新的过程。目前国外流行的砂质碎屑流理论是经典浊流理论的部分否定与新发展。本研究阐述国外砂质碎屑流的概念、实验、鉴别特征、沉积模式等最新认识,以运用砂质碎屑流理论解释鄂尔多斯盆地湖盆中部厚砂岩的成因机制为例,揭示我国陆相湖盆中心坡折带砂体分布特征与形成机制,为开拓陆相勘探领域提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Groundwater processes and sedimentary uranium deposits   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 Hydrologic processes are fundamental in the emplacement of all three major categories of sedimentary uranium deposits: syngenetic, syndiagenetic, and epigenetic. In each case, the basic sedimentary uranium-enrichment cycle involves: (1) leaching or erosion of uranium from a low-grade provenance; (2) transport of uranium by surface or groundwater flow; and (3) concentration of uranium by mechanical, geochemical, or physiochemical processes. Although surface flow was responsible for lower Precambrian uranium deposits, groundwater was the primary agent in upper Precambrian and Phanerozoic sedimentary uranium emplacement. Meteoric or more deeply derived groundwater flow transported uranium in solution through transmissive facies, generally sands and gravels, until it was precipitated under reducing conditions. Syndiagenetic uranium deposits are typically concentrated in reducing lacustrine and swamp environments, whereas epigenetic deposits accumulated along mineralization fronts or tabular boundaries. The role of groundwater is particularly well illustrated in the bedload fluvial systems of the South Texas uranium province. Upward migration of deep, reducing brines conditioned the host rock before oxidizing meteoric flow concentrated uranium and other secondary minerals. Interactions between uranium-transporting groundwater and the transmissive aquifer facies are also reflected in the uranium mineralization fronts in the lower Tertiary basins of Wyoming. Similar relationships are observed in the tabular uranium deposits of the Colorado Plateau. Received, May 1998 · Revised, July 1998 · Accepted, September 1998  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地南部延长组长8-长6油层组沉积相为曲流河三角洲-半深湖、深湖,重力流沉积发育。以前认为这些重力流沉积物是浊流沉积。本文通过对旬邑地区延长组岩心、测井资料的研究,认为研究区长8-长6油层组发育砂质碎屑流沉积。岩心中常见大段块状砂岩、面状碎屑组构、顶底突变接触、漂砾、底部剪切带及滑塌变形构造等,相应测井曲线特征以箱型为主。砂质碎屑流为风暴诱因,可见丰富的风暴沉积特征,如侵蚀构造、底模、浪成沙纹层理、波痕、生物逃逸迹等。研究区理想的风暴沉积单元由下向上可概括为:块状层理段(A);滞留沉积段(B);平行层理段(C);丘状交错层理或浪成沙纹层理段(D);泥页岩段(E)。根据岩心风暴沉积特征总结出风暴岩的3个垂向沉积序列组合。砂质碎屑流及风暴作用的研究对于研究区油气勘探及古地理、古气候研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In the Alps, debris flow deposits generally contain <5% clay‐size particles, and the role of the surface‐charged <2 μm particles is often neglected, although these particles may have a significant impact on the rheological properties of the interstitial fluid. The objective of this study was to compare debris flow deposits and parent materials from two neighbouring catchments of the Swiss Alps, with special emphasis on the colloidal constituents. The catchments are small in area (4 km2), 2·5 km long, similar in morphology, but different in geology. The average slopes are 35–40%. The catchments were monitored for debris flow events and mapped for surface aspect and erosion activity. Debris flow deposits and parent materials were sampled, the clay and silt fractions extracted and the bulk density, <2 mm fraction bulk density, particle size distribution, chemical composition, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and mineralogy analysed. The results show that the deposits are similar to the parent screes in terms of chemical composition, but differ in terms of: (i) particle size distribution; and (ii) mineralogy, reactivity and density of the <2 mm fraction. In this fraction, compared with the parent materials the deposits show dense materials enriched in coarse monocrystalline particles, of which the smallest and more reactive particles were leached. The results suggest that deposit samples should not be considered as representative of source or flow materials, particularly with respect to their physical properties.  相似文献   

湖南省锰矿资源丰富,类型多样,沉积型锰矿是最重要的类型,主要沉积成锰期集中在早南华世大塘坡期、中奥陶世烟溪期及晚二叠世孤峰期.通过对三个主要成锰期代表性锰矿石电子探针分析显示,三个主要成锰期所成锰矿床,矿石组分类似,组成矿石的锰矿物主要为锰的碳酸盐,包括菱锰矿、钙菱锰矿、镁菱锰矿、锰白云石、锰方解石等.三个主要成锰期代表性锰矿石及地层稀土元素地球化学标准化参数与配分模式显示,各成矿期含锰地层与锰矿石之间无显著差异,暗示了它们是相似的沉积环境下形成的产物,为正常沉积与热水沉积的复合.一方面,各成矿期岩、矿石稀土元素总量中等偏高,表现为正常沉积物的稀土元素特征.另一方面,在北美页岩标准化配分曲线上,呈现出水平或重稀土相对富集的左倾配分曲线,Ce的负异常,又是典型热水沉积成因呈现出的稀土元素地球化学特征.δCe异常特征,指示了成锰作用处于波动的缺氧还原/氧化沉积环境.  相似文献   

文章研究了北京市密云县西白莲峪大西沟北沟泥石流的堆积物特征及其演变过程,指出该堆积物是在泥石流及山体崩塌综合作用下形成,具有泥石流堆积物的典型特征。此外,该文还提出必须加强泥石流危险区的制图及沟道治理工程的建设,才能防治泥石流的发生及现存堆积物的复活。  相似文献   

Nora Noffke   《Earth》2009,96(3):173-479
The identification of fossils or biogenic sedimentary structures in rocks of Archean age is difficult, because similar lithological features could rise from purely physical or chemical processes alone. Therefore it is important to define criteria that serve the secure definition of a fossil or structure in question as of biological origin. Such criteria have been established for stromatolites and microfossils.This contribution discusses the 6 criteria of biogeneicity of ‘microbially induced sedimentary structures’ (MISS). Those structures are found in sandy deposits of early Archean age to the present, and rise from the interaction of benthic microbiota with physical sediment dynamics. The six criteria for their biogeneicity are: (i) MISS occur in rocks of not more than lower greenschist facies; (ii) in stratigraphic sections, MISS correlate with turning points of regression–trangressions; (iii), MISS correlate with a characteristic depositional facies that enhances the development and the preservation of microbial mats; (iv), the distribution of MISS correlates with the ancient average hydraulic pattern; (v), the geometries and dimensions of fossil MISS correspond to that of the modern ones; (vi), the MISS include at least one of 9 specific microtextures.  相似文献   

The sandy deposits produced by tsunamis and liquefaction share many sedimentary features, and distinctions between the two are important in seismically active coastal zones. Both types of deposits are present in the wetlands bordering Puget Sound, where one or more earthquakes about 1100 years ago caused both tsunami flooding and sediment venting. This co‐occurrence allows an examination of the resulting deposits and a comparison with tsunami and liquefaction features of modern events. Vented sediments occur at four of five wetland field localities and tsunami deposits at two. In comparison with tsunami deposits, vented sediments in this study and from other studies tend to be thicker (although they can be thin). Vented sediments also have more variable thickness at both outcrop and map scale, are associated with injected dykes and contain clasts derived from underlying deposits. Further, vented sediments tend to contain a greater variety of sedimentary structures, and these structures vary laterally over metres. Tsunami deposits compared with vented sediments are commonly thinner, fine and thin landward more consistently, have more uniform thickness on outcrop and map scales, and have the potential of containing coarser clasts, up to boulders. For both tsunami deposits and vented sediments, the availability and grain size of source material condition the characteristics of the deposit. In the cases presented in this paper, both foraminifera and diatom assemblages within tsunami deposits and vented sediments consisted of brackish and marine species, and no distinction between processes could be made based on microfossils. In summary, this study indicates a need for more careful analysis and mapping of coastal sediments associated with earthquakes to avoid misidentification of processes and misevaluation of hazards.  相似文献   

A supergene REE deposit closely interrelated with the weathering of the Emeishan basalt formation was produced in the Xuanwei formation, the overlying stratum of the late Permian Emeishan basalt formation in West Guizhou, China. The host strata consist primarily of offwhite kaolinite clay rock and/or grayish black carbonaceous shale. Mineralogical analyses reveal that kaolinites are the major minerals in REE ores with small amounts of smectite, illite, boehmite, hornblende, pyrophyllite, calcite, dolomite and/or iron-bearing minerals, with a certain proportion of feldspar, quartz crystal debris and noncrystal debris. Geochemical analyses reveal high enrichment of trace elements like Cu, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. The host strata feature considerable lithological variability, close interrelation of the REE grade with the lithology and uneven spatial distribution of the REE ores, which are mostly found in Lufang, Maojiaping and Zhangsigou profiles of Weining County and can be as thick as 20 m. Of the five stratigraphic profiles, 48% have their whole-rock ∑REE higher than 1000 ppm. The REE in this framework consists primarily of ion adsorbed phases and REE-rich residual independent mineral phases. Comprehensive analyses suggest that the source may not only include the Emeishan basalt, but the intermediate acid volcanic rocks evolved from the Emeishan basalt in the later periods; the hydrothermal alteration subsequently imposed on the host strata might have boosted the mineralization of the rare earth. The preliminary genetic model should have been: the denudation product from the weathering of the parent rock was migrated to the sea-continental margin at the continent side carrying huge quantities of REE with it and was preserved by the quick marine transgression. The host strata consist primarily of kaolinite clay rock and/or carbonaceous shale, which are so far believed to be a sedimentary type REE deposit closely interrelated with weathering effect.  相似文献   

In an active fold-and-thrust belt, sediment is commonly transported in the form of debris and colluviums, and the ages of such deposits can be important for seismic hazard assessment. These sediments are mainly transported by high concentration flows that travel very short distances before burial, and therefore have very few opportunities for daylight exposure and bleaching, which limits the application of luminescence dating in such environments. Luminescence studies on modern debris flow deposits and channel sediments in central Taiwan indicate a mixed population of bleached and unbleached grains. The well bleached grains constitute a small proportion of the sediments and could only be identified using the single grain dating technique; doing single aliquot analysis may result in overestimation of the age of such sediments by 3–25 ka. The data reveal that outwash sediments are better bleached than debris flow sediments. Our results show that quartz that has experienced partial resetting can be used for luminescence dating only through the use of the single grain technique.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a river bend: a study in flow and sedimentary processes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Comprehensive field measurements of flow and sedimentary processes have been made with the aid of stable scaffolding bridges spaced along the length of a bend of the River South Esk, Scotland. At river stages between about two-thirds full and bankfull, channel width, mean depth and mean flow velocity at a cross-section vary little in the streamwise direction. Flow resistance reaches a maximum at these stages, and the bed topography is stable and in equilibrium with flow and bedload transport. Stable flow geometry is thus related in some way to energy conservation, and to maximization of flow resistance. Detailed observations over a large range of river stages of mean velocity distributions, secondary circulation, water surface configuration, bed shear stress and resistance to flow, bed configurations and bed load transport rates agree with much (but not all) of the comparable published experimental studies and selected theoretical work. Generalized physical models of flow and sediment transport in natural curved channels (Engelund, 1974; Bridge, 1977) are demonstrated to be sound in basis and can simulate the bend studied very well. Although there is a pressing need for further development of these models, the results lend confidence to their use in simulating ancient river sedimentation. Sediment deposited on point bars is the result mainly of bedload transport over a range of near-bankfull stages. The areal distribution of grain-size characteristics and bed configurations at these stages give rise, with lateral deposition, to vertical facies sequences that vary substantially in the streamwise direction.  相似文献   

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