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边坡稳定性极限平衡条分法的探讨   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
系统分析了常用的边坡稳定性极限平衡条分法,在任意滑而条件下,推导了瑞典条分法;讨论了它们的适用性与极限平衡条分法的发展方向,具有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

大量研究表明,主要且直接诱发边坡失稳的主要因数是降雨,雨水入渗对非饱和土质边坡稳定性的影响最大。分析非饱和黏土边坡基质吸力和渗流场影响,采用有限元软件FLAC2D建立非饱和黏土边坡的数值模型,研究计算在降雨强度不同条件下,降雨时间相同和降雨总量相同这两种情况对边坡稳定性的影响。结果表明:非饱和黏土边坡内部的剪应变增量随降雨强度的变大而增大,边坡的位移也和降雨强度呈正相关关系,降雨强度越大越容易造成黏土边坡表层失稳。  相似文献   

降雨入渗对非饱和土边坡稳定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
降雨往往是引起边坡失稳的主要促发因素.根据某算例,采用极限平衡分析方法,讨论了土体的初始体积含水率、降雨的强度、降雨时间对边坡稳定性的影响程度.  相似文献   

考虑降雨的非饱和土边坡稳定性分析方法   总被引:49,自引:13,他引:49  
陈善雄  陈守义 《岩土力学》2001,22(4):447-450
降雨往往是引起热带和亚热带的膨胀土、残积土边坡失稳的主要促发因素。地处热带和亚热带的膨胀土、残积土往往是非饱和的,由于吸力的存在,土体抗剪强度较高,土坡是稳定的,一旦发生降雨,雨水将渗入土体,土体饱和度增加,吸力锐减并引起抗剪强度大幅度下降,当持续降雨的历时和强度超过一定程度时,则可导致土坡失稳。采用极限平衡分析方法,建立了一套能考虑水分入渗的非饱和土边坡的稳定性分析方法,该方法考虑在降雨后土坡水分为一分布场及抗剪强度参数为饱和度的函数。给出了一个计算实例。计算结果表明,降雨引起的土坡失稳往往为浅层破坏。  相似文献   

对边坡稳定性分析圆弧条分法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边坡稳定性分析中的圆弧条分法在工程实际中被广为应用.但该方法在具体计算时存在两点困难一是计算过程繁琐,在搜索最危险滑动面时,每给定一个滑动面,都要重新确定分条的边界和高度、宽度和分条数目等参数;二是潜在滑动面的不确定性,针对这一问题已有许多学者提出多种搜索最危险滑动面的方法,这些方法各有优缺点.本文针对这两方面的问题作了一些改进.首先是将边坡的地面线用分段直线方程表示,将滑动面用一圆弧方程表示,这样可以将原公式中的求和部分化为积分式,从而推导出了求解稳定系数的解析式.另一方面是提出了一种搜索最危险滑弧滑动面的简洁方法,该方法先固定圆弧滑动面的后缘点和剪出点,则稳定系数随过这两点圆弧的曲率而变化,通过几何关系将稳定系数的转化为一个距离参数t的一元函数,令该该函数一阶导数为零,求得参数t,并获得稳定系数极小值及其对应的滑动面.若变动后缘点和剪出点,重复以上计算,可最终求得最危险滑动面的位置及相应的稳定系数.  相似文献   

边坡稳定分析中常用的方法有极限平衡法和有限元法,而瑞典条分法由于其原理简明、公式简单而成为应用广泛的边坡稳定分析方法之一。但瑞典条分法忽略了土条侧面的作用力,并不能满足所有的平衡条件,由此算出的稳定安全系数比其他严格的方法偏低。本文是基于瑞典条分法做了适当的改进研究,从而提高了其计算精度。  相似文献   

对于加筋土填方边坡圆弧滑动安全系数的计算,传统垂直条分法难以合理考虑水平向加筋力和地震力,造成计算结果偏保守;而基于Morgenstern-Price假设的水平条分法在验算加筋土边坡稳定性时,虽严格满足极限平衡条件,但需进行双重迭代,使计算过程过于复杂,不适合工程应用.本文参考Janbu假设来定义条间切向力Xi,简化了法向条间力Ei的计算,重新推导出只需单个迭代的加筋土边坡水平条分法安全系数计算公式,使计算过程更简洁.采用Bishop垂直条分法和简化水平条分法分别计算了某工程的两个实例,并进行了比较和分析,证明本文提出的方法合理易行.  相似文献   

基于瑞典条分法的应变软化边坡稳定性评价方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张嘎  张建民 《岩土力学》2007,28(1):12-16
引入简化的应变协调方程,基于瑞典条分法的基本原理,提出一个新的能够考虑土的剪应力-应变关系的应变软化边坡稳定性简化分析方法。推导了该方法的计算公式,提出了具体算法并编制了计算程序,分析了不同应变软化特性的边坡稳定性。实际应用表明,该方法简单可靠、效率较高,计算所采用的分条数量和初始滑裂面位置对计算结果精度的影响均很小。应变软化边坡的安全系数介于基于峰值强度和残余强度的极限平衡条分法计算结果之间,具体数值不仅取决于土的抗剪强度指标,还与其剪应力-应变关系密切相关。  相似文献   

基于土质边坡塑性极限分析条分法的可靠度计算方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从土塑性极限分析上限定理出发,以土质边坡塑性极限分析条分法为基础,在引入可靠性分析方法(JC法)后,建立了土质边坡塑性极限分析条分法可靠度极限状态方程,并推导得到了塑性极限分析条分法可靠度计算公式。这种方法实现了定值计算向不确定性计算的转变,同时可靠度指标的计算结果具有概率的意义。  相似文献   

降雨入渗下强风化软岩高填方路堤边坡稳定性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
降雨入渗是影响边坡稳定性、导致边坡失稳的最主要和最普遍的环境因素。强风化软岩用于高填方路堤填土边坡时,填土的压实度直接影响路堤土的渗透性和强度。利用饱和与非饱和渗流有限元模拟降雨入渗时高填方路堤的暂态渗流场,将计算得到的暂态孔隙水压力分布用于边坡的极限平衡分析,并考虑基质吸力对非饱和土抗剪强度的影响。探讨降雨强度、持时和压实度对边坡稳定性的影响。研究表明,强风化软岩用于高填方路堤压实度不能低于90 %;当暴雨强度为200 mm/d时,边坡就会失稳。其成果将为高填方路堤边坡防护设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

降雨入渗条件下非饱和路堤变形与边坡的稳定数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王协群  张有祥  邹维列  熊海帆 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3640-3644
对于常常处于非饱和状态的路堤在降雨入渗条件下变形问题的数值模拟研究,由于涉及到非饱和土力学,一直是个热点和难点。现有的强度折减有限元法一般仅对强度指标进行折减,但折减后得到的路堤变形场与实际变形场存在一定差异。论文分析认为,在降雨入渗影响下非饱和路堤不仅强度参数会降低,而且变形参数也会随着应力水平和强度参数的变化而变化。采用基于变模量的弹塑性强度折减法,对不同降雨入渗深度下路堤的变形规律进行数值模拟,并与室内模型试验结果进行比较;同时采用强度折减法和极限平衡法中的Bishop法,分析了不同降雨入渗深度对非饱和路堤稳定性和滑弧变化特征的影响规律。  相似文献   

Surficial slope failures in residual soils are common in tropical and subtropical regions as a result of rainfall infiltration. This study develops an analytical solution for simulating rainfall infiltration into an infinite unsaturated soil slope. The analytical solution is based on the general partial differential equation for water flow through unsaturated soils. It can accept soil–water characteristic curve and unsaturated permeability function of the exponential form into account. Numerical simulations are conducted to verify the assumptions of the analytical solution and demonstrate that the proposed analytical solution is acceptable for the coarse soils with low air entry values. The pore‐water pressure (pwp) distributions obtained from the analytical solution can be incorporated into a limit equilibrium method to do infinite slope stability analysis for a rain‐induced shallow slip. The analysis method takes into account the influence of the water content change on unit weight and hence on factor of safety. A series of analytical parametric analyses have been performed using the developed model. The analyses indicate that when the residual soil slope, consisting of a completely decomposed granite layer underlain by a less permeable layer, is subjected to a continuous heavy rainfall, the loss of negative pwp and the reduction in factor of safety were found to be most significant for the shallow soil layer and during the first 12 h. The antecedent and subsequent rainfall intensity, depth of a less permeable layer and slope angle all have a significant influence on the pwp response and hence the slope stability. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

降雨和蒸发对土质边坡稳定性的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
魏宁  茜平一  傅旭东 《岩土力学》2006,27(5):778-781
降雨入渗降低边坡的稳定性,蒸发增加边坡的稳定性,降雨和蒸发对边坡稳定性的定量研究是很有意义的。采用蒸发和降雨模型对边坡进行非饱和-非稳定渗流分析,用总凝聚力表示的Bishop极限平衡法计算边坡安全系数。采用数值方法对算例土质边坡进行了研究,得到了孔隙水压力随时间变化的关系、边坡安全系数随时间变化的关系。结果显示:土体中孔隙水压力与天气条件、边坡安全系数与天气条件之间存在滞后关系;降雨和蒸发对边坡的表层滑动稳定性影响非常大,对深层滑动稳定性影响相对较小;降雨过程中边坡的临界滑动面由较深位置向较浅位置转变,蒸发过程则相反。  相似文献   

基于非饱和土力学理论,利用有限元法对降雨条件下边坡的饱和-非饱和渗流及稳定性进行了探讨。数值分析表明,雨水入渗使边坡非饱和区土体的基质吸力减小,是导致边坡稳定性降低的主要因素。进而考察了基质吸力的不同取值及裂隙的不同位置对边坡稳定性的影响,结果表明:在降雨初期基质吸力取值越大,得到的边坡安全系数越高,但经过长时间降雨即边坡土体基本达到饱和后,基质吸力的取值不同对边坡安全系数基本上没有影响;裂隙的存在为雨水入渗提供了良好的通道,因而导致边坡稳定性相对于无裂隙状态来说有所降低。降雨初期下游裂隙使边坡稳定性降低较快,但随着降雨历时的增加,即下游土体逐渐变为饱和状态后,边坡的稳定性变化则主要由上游裂隙控制。  相似文献   

Conventional methods of slices used for slope stability analysis satisfying all equilibrium conditions involves generally solving two highly non‐linear equations with respect to two unknowns, i.e. the factor of safety and the associated scaling parameter. To solve these two equations, complicated numerical iterations are required with non‐convergence occasionally occurring. This paper presents an alternative procedure to derive the three equilibrium equations (horizontal and vertical forces equations and moment equation) based on an assumption regarding the normal stress distribution along the slip surface. Combination of these equations results in a single cubic equation in terms of the factor of safety, which is explicitly solved. Theoretical testing demonstrates that the proposed method yields a factor of safety in reasonable agreement with a closed‐form solution based on the theory of plasticity. Example studies show that the difference in values of factor of safety between the proposed method, the Spencer method and the Morgenstern–Price method is within 5%. Application of the proposed method to practical slope engineering problems is rather straightforward, but its solution is of the same precision as those given by the conventional rigorous methods of slices since it is still within the rigorous context. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall has been considered the cause of the majority of slope failures and landslides that happened in regions experiencing high seasonal rainfalls. The mechanism of the failures was mainly due to the lost of matric suction of soils by rainwater. This paper presents the results of a laboratory model study on the effect of slope angle and surface cover on water infiltration into soil and soil matric suction. A field infiltration test is carried out for comparison. A parametric study is also done to examine the effect of permeability ratio, development of perched water table and rainfall intensity on the factor of safety against instability of a soil slope. Results of the model study show that different surface covers on slopes have an effect on the water infiltration. Generally the covered surface (grass or geosynthetic net) has a lower infiltration rate compared with the bare (no cover) surface. On the effect of slope angle, it was observed that water infiltration decrease with increase in the slope steepness. With regards to the movement of the wetting front, it appears that water infiltration is more at the toe compared with the top of the model slope. Based on the parametric study, it is found factor of safety of the slope against instability drops for slope with higher ratio of permeability for the permeable and impermeable stratum. As the perched water table is formed, the factor of safety decreased. The rainfall intensity also has a marked effect on the slope factor of safety. The higher the intensity of the rainfall, the higher is the infiltration rate into the soil, hence the lower is the factor of safety against slope instability.  相似文献   

王成华  万正义 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):49-54
传统降雨入渗分析是以降雨强度在坡面上的正交分量作为边界条件,不符合实际降雨的非正交入渗规律。为了研究非饱和粉质黏土的非正交入渗规律性,首先通过对正交入渗理论的综述,揭示并分析目前降雨入渗理论在坡面流模型和边界条件方面的缺陷。采用自行研制的室内降雨试验装置对非饱和粉质黏土进行不同降雨强度、坡角和孔隙比的降雨入渗试验,结果表明,非饱和粉质黏土坡面降雨入渗是并非简单正交分解入渗而是非正交入渗;对于坡角和孔隙比为定值的土坡,具有最大坡面入渗的最优雨强;土的孔隙比越小,降雨初期入渗率随时间变化越快,入渗率趋于稳定状态越快;入渗率和累积入渗量并不是随坡角的增大呈单调变化,而存在对应入渗水量最少的最优坡角。  相似文献   

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