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A high‐temperature (T) metamorphic complex occurs in the Omuta district, northern Kyushu, Japan. Three metamorphic zones are defined based on pelitic mineral assemblage, i.e. chlorite–biotite zone, muscovite–andalusite zone and sillimanite–K‐feldspar zone with ascending metamorphic grade from north to south. Two isograds trend approximately east–west, which is oblique to the boundary between the metamorphic complex and the Tamana Granodiorite located on the southeast. The metamorphic condition of two pelitic rocks that occur in the muscovite–andalusite zone and sillimanite–K‐feldspar zone are estimated as 510 ±30 °C, 300 ±60 MPa and 720 ±30 °C, 620 ±60 MPa, respectively. Thermodynamic consideration reveals that use of the same geothermobarometer enables precise determination of the difference in pressure between the samples as 320 ±10 MPa. This indicates that the pelitic samples were metamorphosed at different depth by 11–12 km that is significantly larger than the geographic distance of 6.8 km between the sample localities. This also suggests that crustal thinning took place after the high‐T metamorphism. The high‐T metamorphic complex is, therefore, not of static contact metamorphism but of dynamic regional metamorphism. The present result combined with petrological and chronological similarities implies that this complex suffered the regional Ryoke metamorphism.  相似文献   

We have estimated the timescale of material circulation in the Sanbagawa subduction zone based on U–Pb zircon and K–Ar phengite dating in the Ikeda district, central Shikoku. The Minawa and Koboke units are major constituents of the high‐P Sanbagawa metamorphic complex in Shikoku, southwest Japan. For the Minawa unit, ages of 92–81 Ma for the trench‐fill sediments, are indicated, whereas the age of ductile deformation and metamorphism of garnet and chlorite zones are 74–72 Ma and 65 Ma, respectively. Our results and occurrence of c. 150 Ma Besshi‐type deposits formed at mid‐ocean ridge suggest that the 60‐Myr‐old Izanagi Plate was subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate at c. 90 Ma, and this observation is consistent with recent plate reconstructions. For the Koboke unit, the depositional ages of the trench‐fill sediments and the dates for the termination of ductile deformation and metamorphism are estimated at c. 76–74 and 64–62 Ma, respectively. In the Ikeda district, the depositional ages generally become younger towards lower structural levels in the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex. Our results of U–Pb and K–Ar dating show that the circulation of material from the deposition of the Minawa and Koboke units at the trench through an active high‐P metamorphic domain to the final exhumation from the domain occurred continuously throughout c. 30 Myr (from c. 90 to 60 Ma).  相似文献   

High‐grade mylonites occur in the Takahama metamorphic rocks, a member of the high‐pressure low‐temperature type Nagasaki Metamorphic Rocks, western Kyushu, Japan. Mafic layers within the mylonites retain reaction microstructures consisting of margarite aggregates armoring both corundum and kyanite. The following retrograde reaction well accounts for the microstructures in the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O system: 3Al2O3 + 2Al2SiO5 + 2Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH) + 3H2O = 2Ca2Al8Si4O20(OH)4 (corundum + kyanite + clinozoisite + fluid = margarite). Mass balance analyses and chemical potential modeling reveal that the chemical potential gradients present between kyanite and corundum have likely driven the transport of the CaO and SiO2 components. The mylonitization is considered to take place chronologically after peak metamorphism and before the above reaction, based on the following features: approximately constant thickness of the margarite aggregates, random orientation of margarite, and local modification of garnet composition at a boudin neck that formed during mylonitization. The estimated peak temperature of 640°C and the pressure–temperature conditions of the above reaction indicate that the mylonitization took place at temperature between 530 and 640°C at pressures higher than 1.2 GPa, approximately equivalent to the depth of the lower crust of island arcs.  相似文献   

Tomokazu  Tokada 《Island Arc》1998,7(4):609-620
The Ina district of the Ryoke Belt is divided into two mineral zones, based on the mineral parageneses of the pelitic and psammitic rocks at the peak metamorphism. A biotite–muscovite zone (quartz + plagioclase + biotite + muscovite with or without K-feldspar) constitutes the northwestern part, and a biotite–cordierite–K-feldspar zone (quartz + plagioclase + biotite + cordierite + K-feldspar) comprises the central to southern and eastern parts. The isograd reaction between two mineral zones is defined by a divariant reaction: Mg-rich biotite + muscovite + quartz = Fe-rich biotite + cordierite + K-feldspar + H2O (1), which, in the K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (KFMASH) system, occurs at ∼ 590 °C at 0.2 GPa and 660 °C at 0.4 GPa. Fibrolite accompanied by andalusite porphyroblasts in aluminous pelitic rocks of the biotite–muscovite zone and the low-grade part of the biotite–cordierite–K-feldspar zone, suggests that sillimanite was the stable aluminosilicate at the peak metamorphic condition throughout the area. In the high-grade part of the biotite–cordierite–K-feldspar zone, fibrolite mostly occurs as inclusions in cordierite or in plagioclase. The phase relations and the compositional zoning of plagioclase in relation to fibrolite inclusions suggest that fibrolite was formed under relatively high-pressure conditions, and that partial melting took place.  相似文献   

The main tectono‐stratigraphic unit (Shirataki unit) of the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex in central Shikoku is characterized by abundant mafic schist layers that show the mid‐ocean ridge basalt (MORB) affinity. These MORB‐derived schist layers are absent in a southern (structurally lower) domain within the unit. Instead, sporadic occurrences of small metabasite lenses that contain relict igneous minerals (Ti‐rich augite and kaersutite) indicative of alkali basalt magmatism are newly recognized in the southern domain. Compositions of relict clinopyroxene in metabasalt are useful to identify the tectonic setting and origin of the protolith basalt, and those in each unit of the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex are presented. The metamorphic grade of the Shirataki unit generally increases structurally upwards in the southern side of the highest‐grade zone, and metamorphic zonation is subparallel to lithostratigraphic succession. The protolith assemblage of the Shirataki unit shows a distinct change from the southern low‐grade domain (lower Shirataki subunit) composed of terrigenous sedimentary rocks (mudstone and sandstone) with minor alkali basalt to the northern higher‐grade domain (upper Shirataki subunit) consisting of terrigenous and pelagic sedimentary rocks with abundant MORB. The youngest detrital zircon U–Pb ages (ca 95–90 Ma) suggest that both domains have Late Cretaceous depositional ages at the trench. Progressive peeling of oceanic plate stratigraphy during subduction can account for the observed change of lithological association in the Shirataki unit.  相似文献   

Abstract Zircon U–Pb sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe dating was carried out on three types of granitic rock (gneissose biotite granodiorite, biotite granite and two-mica granite) from the Cretaceous Ryoke belt of the Kinki district, Southwest Japan. The results give the ages of granitic magmatism in the Shigi-san area of between 87 and 78 Ma and suggest extensive melting of the Cretaceous Ryoke granitic crust to form the two-mica granite, probably at ca 80 Ma. Discrimination into older and younger granites based on development of gneissosity does not appear to represent the sequence of magma generation, although there is some scope in the interpretation of the zircon U–Pb data that would allow all three granites to form at 83 Ma. Compilation of chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron dating method ages, whole rock Rb–Sr isotope ages and U–Pb isotope ages indicates that most Ryoke plutonism occurred from ca 70 Ma to ca 100 Ma. Younger (85 Ma–70 Ma) plutonism with the formation of two-mica granite occurred only in the eastern sector of the Ryoke belt, including the Kinki District.  相似文献   

Abstract The Ryoke metamorphic belt in south-west Japan consists mainly of I-type granitoids and associated low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic rocks. In the Yanai district, it has been divided into three structural units: northern, central and southern units. In this study, we measured the Rb–Sr whole-rock–mineral isochron ages and fission-track ages of the gneissose granodiorite in the central structural unit. Four Rb–Sr ages fall in a range of ca 89–87 Ma. The fission-track ages of zircon and apatite are 68.9 ± 2.6 Ma and 57.4 ± 2.5 Ma (1σ error), respectively. Combining the newly obtained ages with previously reported (Th–)U–Pb ages from the same unit, thermochronologic study revealed two distinctive cooling stages; 1) a rapid cooling (> 40°C/Myr) for a period (~7 Myr) soon after the peak metamorphism (~ 95 Ma) and 2) the subsequent slow cooling stage (~ 5°C/Myr) after ca 88 Ma. The first rapid cooling stage corresponds to thermal relaxation of the intruded granodiorite magma and its associated metamorphic rocks, and to the uplift by a displacement along low-angle faults which initiated soon after the intrusion of the magma. Uplift by the later stage deformation having formed large-scale upright folds resulted in progress of the exhumation during the first stage. The average exhumation velocity of the stage is ≥ 2 mm/yr. During the second stage, the rocks were not accompanied by ductile deformation and were exhumed with the rate of 0.1–0.2 mm/yr. The difference in the exhumation velocity between the first and second cooling stages resulted from the difference in the thickness of the crust and in the activity of ductile deformation between the early and later stages of the orogenesis.  相似文献   

The Higo metamorphic terrane situated in west-central Kyushu island, southwest Japan, is composed of greenschist- to granulite-facies metamorphic rocks. The southern part of the metamorphic terrane consists mainly of garnet–biotite gneiss and garnet–cordierite–biotite gneiss, and orthopyroxene or cordierite-bearing S-type tonalite with subordinate amounts of hornblende gabbro. Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd and K–Ar isotopic ages for these rocks have been determined here. The garnet–biotite gneiss gives an Sm–Nd age of 227.1 ± 4.9 Ma and a Rb–Sr age of 101.0 ± 1.0 Ma. The hornblende gabbro has an Sm–Nd age of 257.9 ± 2.5 Ma and a K–Ar age of 103.4 ± 1.1 Ma. These age differences of the same samples are due to the difference in the closure temperature for each system and minerals. The garnet-cordierite–biotite gneiss contains coarse-grained garnet with a zonal structure conspicuously distinguished in color difference (core: dark red; rim: pink). Sm–Nd internal isochrons of the garnet core and the rim give ages of 278.8 ± 4.9 Ma (initial 143Nd/144Nd ratio = 0.512311 ± 0.000005) and 226.1 ± 28.4 Ma (0.512277 ± 0.000038), respectively. These ages are close to formation of the garnet core and the rim. It has been previously suggested that the Higo metamorphic terrane belongs to the Ryoke metamorphic belt. But Sr and Nd isotopic features of the rocks from the former are different from those of the Ryoke metamorphic rocks, and are similar to those of the granulite xenoliths contained in the Ryoke younger granite.  相似文献   

Illite crystallinity, K–Ar dating of illite, and fission‐track dating of zircon are analyzed in the hanging wall (Sampodake unit) and footwall (Mikado unit) of a seismogenic out‐of‐sequence thrust (Nobeoka thrust) within the Shimanto accretionary complex of central Kyushu, southwest Japan. The obtained metamorphic temperatures, and timing of metamorphism and cooling, reveal the tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the complex, and related development of the Nobeoka thrust. Illite crystallinity data indicate that the Late Cretaceous Sampodake unit was metamorphosed at temperatures of around 300 to 310°C, while the Middle Eocene Mikado unit was metamorphosed at 260 to 300°C. Illite K–Ar ages and zircon fission‐track ages constrain the timing of metamorphism of the Sampodake unit to the early Middle Eocene (46 to 50 Ma, mean = 48 Ma). Metamorphism of the Mikado unit occurred no earlier than 40 Ma, which is the youngest depositional age of the unit. The Nobeoka thrust is inferred to have been active during about 40 to 48 Ma, as the Sampodake unit started its post metamorphic cooling after 48 Ma and was thrust over the Mikado unit at about 40 Ma along the Nobeoka thrust. These results indicate that the Nobeoka thrust was active for more than 10 million years.  相似文献   

The Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain of the study area is divided into two units, the Shirakura and Sejiri units. The metamorphic thermal structure is interpreted on the basis of the degree of graphitization (GD) of carbonaceous material in pelitic schists. The areal variations of the metamorphic grade are presented by the distribution of GD calculated using the Lc and d002 of carbonaceous material. As a result, the two units are classified into four metamorphic zones, respectively: A1, A2, B1 and B2 for the Shirakura Unit; and I1, I2, II1 and II2 for the Sejiri Unit. The metamorphic grades of A1, A2, I1 and I2 are included in the chlorite zone, and that of B1, B2, II1 and II2 in the garnet zone of the Sanbagawa metamorphism. The degree of graphitization at the boundary between A2 and B1 zones is the same as that between I2 and II1 zones. Detailed study on the variation of GD suggests that the present‐day structure of the study area is best interpreted as a model of shuffled‐cards structure. An estimated minimum thickness of a stack of continuous cards is about 25 m. The compositions of garnet in pelitic schists and of amphibole in basic schists are different from those in the identical metamorphic range of the Shirakura and Sejiri units. It is suggested that rocks of the Shirakura Unit were metamorphosed under higher P/T conditions than those of the Sejiri Unit.  相似文献   

Takeshi Ikeda 《Island Arc》2002,11(3):185-192
Abstract   The present paper is reporting on the regional occurrence of orthopyroxene-bearing basic rocks from the Ryoke Metamorphic Belt in the Yanai district, southwest Japan. Their localities are confined to the highest-grade zone of the area (i.e. the garnet–cordierite zone, where garnet coexists with cordierite, K-feldspar and biotite in pelitic rocks). Orthopyroxene coexists with quartz and hydrous minerals such as biotite, cummingtonite and hornblende, and in some cases with clinopyroxene, suggesting that the highest grade of the Ryoke metamorphism reached a low-temperature subfacies of the granulite facies, contrary to the upper amphibolite facies as previously asserted.  相似文献   

Accurate pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) paths of rocks from sedimentation through maximum burial to exhumation are needed to determine the processes and mechanisms that form high‐pressure and low‐temperature type metamorphic rocks. Here, we present a new method combining laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb with fission track (FT) dates for detrital zircons from two psammitic rock samples collected from the Harushinai unit of the Kamuikotan metamorphic rocks. The concordant zircon U–Pb ages for these samples vary markedly, from 1980 to 95 Ma, with the youngest age clusters in both samples yielding Albian‐Cenomanian weighted mean ages of 100.8 ± 1.1 and 99.3 ± 1.0 Ma (2σ uncertainties). The zircon U–Pb ages were not reset by high‐P/T type metamorphism, because there is no indication of overgrowth within the zircons with igneous oscillatory zoning. Therefore, these weighted mean ages are indicative of the maximum age of deposition of protolithic material. By comparison, the zircon FT data yield a pooled age of ca. 90 Ma, which is almost the same as the weighted mean age of the youngest U–Pb age cluster. This indicates that the zircon FT ages were reset at ca. 90 Ma while still at their source, but have not been reset since. This conclusion is supported by recorded temperature conditions of less than about 300 °C (the closure temperature of zircon FTs), as estimated from microstructures in the deformed detrital quartz grains in psammitic rocks, and no shortening of fission track lengths in the zircon. Combining these new data with previously reported white mica K–Ar ages indicates that the Harushinai unit was deposited after ca. 100 Ma, and underwent burial to its maximum depth before being subjected to a localized thermal overprint during exhumation at ca. 58 Ma.  相似文献   

We describe an orthopyroxene–cordierite mafic gneiss from the Nomamisaki metamorphic rocks in the Noma Peninsula, southern Kyushu, Japan. The mineral assemblage of the gneiss is orthopyroxene, cordierite, biotite, plagioclase, and ilmenite. Thermometry based on the Fe–Mg exchange reaction between orthopyroxene and biotite yields a peak metamorphic temperature of 680°C. The stability of cordierite relative to garnet, quartz, and sillimanite defines the upper limit of the peak metamorphic pressure as 4.4 kbar. These features indicate that the Nomamisaki metamorphic rocks underwent low‐pressure high‐temperature type metamorphism. Although a chronological problem still remains, the Nomamisaki metamorphic rocks can be regarded as a western continuation of the Higo Belt. The Usuki–Yatsushiro Tectonic Line, which delineates the southern border of the Higo Belt, is therefore located on the east of the Nomamisaki metamorphic rocks in southern Kyushu.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb dating of the Tonaru metagabbro body in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, southwest Japan, suggests that igneous events at ca 200–180 Ma were involved in the protolith formation. The trace element compositions of the Tonaru zircons are enriched in U (a fluid‐mobile element) and Sc (an amphibole‐buffered element), and depleted in Nb (a fluid‐immobile element), suggesting that the parental magmas related to the Tonaru metagabbros formed in an arc setting. Integration of our results with previous studies of the metasedimentary rocks in the Tonaru body clearly indicates that the protoliths of the Tonaru body were produced by oceanic‐arc magmatism. With the previous geochronological and geological studies, the tectono‐magmatic–metamorphic history of the Tonaru and other mafic bodies in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt may be summarized as follows: (i) the protolith formation by the oceanic‐arc magmatic event had occurred at 200–180 Ma; (ii) the protoliths were accreted in the trench at ca 130–120 Ma; and (iii) they were completely subducted into the depth of the eclogite‐facies condition after 120 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract : The Hidaka metamorphic belt consists of an island-arc assembly of lower to upper crustal rocks formed during early to middle Paleogene time and exhumed during middle Paleogene to Miocene time. The tectonic evolution of the belt is divided into four stages, D0rs, D1, D2rs, and D3, based on their characteristic deformation, metamorphism, and igneous activity. The premetamorphic and igneous stage (D0) involves tectonic thickening of an uppermost Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary accretionary complex, including oceanic materials in the lower part of the complex. D1 is the stage of prograde metamorphism with increasing temperatures at a constant pressure during an early phase, and with a slight decrease of pressure at the peak metamorphic phase, accompanying flattening of metamorphic rocks and intrusions of mafic to intermediate igneous rocks. At the peak, incipient partial melting of pelitic and psammitic gneisses took place in the amphibolite–granulite facies transition zone, the melt and residuals cutting the foliations formed by flattening. In the deep crust, large amounts of S-type tonalite magma formed by crustal anatexis, intruded into the granulite facies gneiss zone and also into the upper levels of the metamorphic sequence during the subsequent stage. During D1 stage, mafic and intermediate magmas supplied and transported heat to form the arc-type crust and at the same time, the magmatic underplating caused extensional doming of the crust, giving rise to flattening and vertical uplifting of the crustal rocks. D2 stage is characterized by subhorizontal top-to-the-south displacement and thrusting of lower to upper crustal rocks, forming a basal detachment surface (décollement) and duplex structures associated with intrusions of S-type tonalite. Deformation structures and textures of high-temperature mylonites formed along the décollement, as well as the duplex structures, show that the D2 stage movement occurred under a N-S trending compressional tectonic regime. The depth of intra-crustal décollement in the Hidaka belt was defined by the effect of multiplication of two factors, the fraction of partial melt which increases downward, and the fluid flux which decreases downward. The crustal décollement, however, might have extended to the crust-mantle boundary and/or to the lithosphere and asthenosphere boundary. The subhorizontal movement was transitional to a dextral-reverse-slip (dextral transpression) movement accompanied by low-temperature mylonitization with retrograde metamorphism, the stage defined as D3. The crustal rocks from the basal décollement to the upper were tilted eastward on the N–S axis and exhumed during the D3 stage. During D2 and D3 stages, the intrusion of crustal acidic magmas enhanced the crustal deformation and exhumation in the compressional and subsequent transpressional tectonic regime.  相似文献   

Yasushi  Mori  Tadao  Nishiyama  Takeru  Yanagi 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):28-39
Abstract   Reaction zones of 0.5–10.0 m thick are commonly observed between serpentinite and pelitic schist in the Nishisonogi metamorphic rocks, Kyushu, Japan. Each reaction zone consists of almost monomineralic or bimineralic layers of talc + carbonates, actinolite (or carbonates + quartz), chlorite, muscovite and albite from serpentinite to pelitic schist. Magnesite + quartz veins extend into the serpentinite from the talc + carbonates layer, while dolomite veins extend into the pelitic schist from the muscovite layer. These veins are filled by subhedral minerals with oriented growth features. Primary fluid inclusions yield the same homogenization temperatures (145–150°C) both in the reaction zone and in the veins, suggesting their simultaneous formation. Mass-balance calculations using the isocon method indicate that SiO2, MgO, H2O and K2O are depleted in the reaction zone relative to the protoliths. These components were probably extracted from the reaction zone as fluids during the formation of the reaction zone.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group in the Amakusa‐Kamishima Island area, southwest Japan is subdivided into the Hinoshima and Amura Formations. In order to determine the numerical depositional age of the formations, zircon U–Pb ages were investigated using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) for acidic tuff samples from the lower part of the Hinoshima Formation and the upper part of the Amura Formation. Although the two samples contain some accidental zircons, the samples have a definite youngest age cluster and their weighted mean ages are 85.4 ± 1.3 and 81.5 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively (errors are 95 % confidence interval). These age data indicate that the Himenoura Group in the Amakusa‐Kamishima Island area was deposited mainly in the early Santonian to early Campanian which is consistent with biostratigraphic ages. Additionally, zircon age distributions of the two tuff samples from the upper part of the Hinoshima Formation do not show a distinct youngest peak of eruption age but characteristics of detrital zircons suggestive of maximum depositional age of the host sediments. These results demonstrate that the mean age of the youngest zircon age cluster of a tuff sample does not always indicate depositional age of the tuff, and statistical evaluation of age data is effective to determine depositional age of a tuff bed using zircon U–Pb ages.  相似文献   

The relationships between the intrusion of gneissose granitoids and the attainment of regional high‐T conditions recorded in metamorphic rocks from the Ryoke belt of the Mikawa area, central Japan, are explored. Seven gneissose granitoid samples (tonalite, granodiorite, granite) were collected from three distinct plutonic bodies that are mapped as the so‐called “Older Ryoke granitoids.” Based on bulk‐rock compositions and U–Pb zircon ages obtained by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, the analyzed granitoids can be separated into two groups. Gneissose granitoids from the northern part of the area give weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 99 ±1 Ma (two samples) and 95 ±1 Ma (one sample), whereas those from the southern part yield 81 ±1 Ma (two samples) and 78–77 ±1 Ma (two samples). Regional comparisons allow correlation of the northern granitoids (99–95 Ma) with the Kiyosaki granodiorite, and mostly with the Kamihara tonalite found to the east. The southern granitoids are tentatively renamed as “78–75 Ma (Hbl)?Bt granite” and “81–75 Ma Hbl?Bt tonalite” (Hbl, hornblende; Bt, biotite). and seem to be broadly coeval members of the same magmatic suite. With respect to available age data, no gneissose granitoid from the Mikawa area shows a U–Pb zircon age which matches that of high‐T metamorphism (ca 87 Ma). The southern gneissose granitoids (81–75 Ma), although they occur in the highest‐grade metamorphic zone, do not seem to represent the heat source which produced the metamorphic field gradient with a low dP/dT slope.  相似文献   

Reliable estimation of the volume and timing of snowmelt runoff is vital for water supply and flood forecasting in snow‐dominated regions. Snowmelt is often simulated using temperature‐index (TI) models due to their applicability in data‐sparse environments. Previous research has shown that a modified‐TI model, which uses a radiation‐derived proxy temperature instead of air temperature as its surrogate for available energy, can produce more accurate snow‐covered area (SCA) maps than a traditional TI model. However, it is unclear whether the improved SCA maps are associated with improved snow water equivalent (SWE) estimation across the watershed or improved snowmelt‐derived streamflow simulation. This paper evaluates whether a modified‐TI model produces better streamflow estimates than a TI model when they are used within a fully distributed hydrologic model. It further evaluates the performance of the two models when they are calibrated using either point SWE measurements or SCA maps. The Senator Beck Basin in Colorado is used as the study site because its surface is largely bedrock, which reduces the role of infiltration and emphasizes the role of the SWE pattern on streamflow generation. Streamflow is simulated using both models for 6 years. The modified‐TI model produces more accurate streamflow estimates (including flow volume and peak flow rate) than the TI model, likely because the modified‐TI model better reproduces the SWE pattern across the watershed. Both models also produce better performance when calibrated with SCA maps instead of point SWE data, likely because the SCA maps better constrain the space‐time pattern of SWE.  相似文献   

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