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The southwest Hokkaido tsunami of July 12th, 1993, left continuous onshore sand deposits along the west coast of Oshima Peninsuka, Hokkaido, northern Japan. We investigated spatial distribution and lithofacies of the new tsunami deposits for its identification of ancient tsunami deposits. An eyewitness acount and bent plants helped our interpretation of the onshore tsunami behavior. We regard the following properties as typical of the coastal tsunami sand deposits: (1) The deposits cover the surface almost continuously on gentle topography. (2) Deposit thicknesses and mean grain sizes descrease with distance from the sea. (3) Deposit thicknesses and lithofacies vary greatly across local surface undulation. (4) Graded bedding reflecting tsunami runup and backwash is present in thick deposits. (5) The deposits are widely distributed along the coast and extend inland several tens of meters to 100 m. We examined a candidate for the paleo-tsunami deposits associated with the 1640 Komagatake eruption, and confirmed that the similar patterns are typical of ancient tsunami deposits.  相似文献   

Onshore tsunami deposits resulting from the 1993 Southwest Hokkaido and 1983 Japan Sea earthquakes were described to evaluate the feasibility of tsunami deposits for inferring paleoseismic events along submarine faults. Tsunami deposits were divided into three types, based on their composition and aerial distribution: (A) deposits consisting only of floating materials, (B) locally distributed siliclastic deposits, and (C) widespread siliclastic deposits. The most widely distributed tsunami deposits consist of the first two types. Type C deposits are mostly limited to areas where the higher tsunami runup was observed. The scale of tsunami represented by vertical tsunami runup is an important factor controlling the volume of tsunami deposits. The thickest deposits, about 10 cm, occur behind coastal dunes. To produce thick siliclastic tsunami deposits, a suitable source area, such as sand bar or dune, must be available in addition to sufficient vertical tsunami runup. Estimation of the amounts of erosion and deposition indicates that tsunami deposits were derived from both onshore and shoreface regions. The composition and grain size of the tsunami deposits strongly reflect the nature of the sedimentary materials of their source area. Sedimentary structures of the tsunami deposits suggest both low and high flow régimes. Consequently, it seems very difficult to identify tsunami deposits based only on grain size distribution or sedimentary structure of a single site in ancient successions.  相似文献   

Detailed field work at Okushiri Island and along the southwest coast of Hokkaido has revealed quantitatively (1) the advancing direction of tsunami on land, (2) the true tsunami height (i.e., height of tsunami, excluding its splashes, as measured from the ground) and (3) the flow velocity of tsunami on land, in heavily damaged areas. When a Japanese wooden house is swept away by tsunami, bolts that tie the house to its concrete foundation resist until the last moment and become bent towards the direction of the house being carried away. The orientations of more than 850 of those bent bolts and iron pipes (all that can be measured, mostly at Okushiri Island) and fell-down direction of about 400 trees clearly display how tsunami behaved on land and caused serious damage at various places. The true tsunami height was estimated by using several indicators, such as broken tree twigs and a window pane. The flow velocity of tsunami on land was determined by estimating the hydrodynamic force exerted on a bent handrail and a bent-down guardrail by the tsunami throughin situ strength tests.Contrary to the wide-spread recognition after the tsunami hazard, our results clearly indicate that only a few residential areas (i.e., Monai, eastern Hamatsumae, and a small portion at northern Aonae, all on Okushiri Island) were hit by a huge tsunami, with true heights reaching 10 m. Southern Aonae was completely swept away by tsunami that came directly from the focal region immediately to the west. The true tsunami height over the western sea wall of southern Aonae was estimated as 3 to 4 m. Northern Aonae also suffered severe damage due to tsunami that invaded from the corner zone of the sand dune (8 m high) and tide embankment at the northern end of the Aonae Harbor. This corner apparently acted as a tsunami amplifier, and tide embankment or breakwater can be quite dangerous when tsunami advances towards the corner it makes with the coast. The nearly complete devastation of Inaho at the northern end of Okushiri Island underscored the danger of tsunami whose propagation direction is parallel to the coast, since such tsunami waves tend to be amplified and tide embankment or breakwater is constructed low towards the coast at many harbors or fishing ports. Tsunami waves mostly of 2 to 4 m in true height swept away Hamatsumae on the southeast site of Okushiri Island where there were no coastal structures. Coastal structures were effective in reducing tsunami hazard at many sites. The maximum flow velocity at northern Aonae was estimated as 10 to 18 m/s (Tsutsumi et al., 1994), and such a high on-land velocity of tsunami near shore is probably due to the rapid shallowing of the deep sea near the epicentral region towards Okushiri Island. If the advancing direction, true height, and flow velocity of tsunami can be predicted by future analyses of tsunami generation and progagation, the analyses will be a powerful tool for future assessment of tsunami disasters, including the identification of blind spots in the tsunami hazard reduction.  相似文献   

Tsunami deposits in Kyushu Island, Southwestern Japan, have been attributed to the 7.3 ka Kikai caldera eruption, but their origin has not been confirmed. We analyzed an 83-cm-thick Holocene event deposit in the SKM core, obtained from incised valley fill in the coastal lowlands near Sukumo Bay, Southwestern Shikoku Island. We confirmed that the event deposit contains K-Ah volcanic ash from the 7.3 ka eruption. The base of the event deposit erodes the underlying inner-bay mud, and the deposit contains material from outside the local terrestrial and marine environment, including angular quartz porphyry from a small inland exposure, oyster shell debris, and a coral fragment. Benthic foraminifers and ostracods in the deposit indicate various habitats, some of which are outside Sukumo Bay. The sand matrix contains low-silica volcanic glass from the late stage of the Kikai caldera eruption. We also documented the same glass in an event deposit in the MIK1 core, from the incised Oyodo River valley in the Miyazaki Plain on Southeastern Kyushu. These two 7.3 ka tsunami deposits join other documented examples that are widely distributed in Southwestern Japan including the Bungo Channel and Beppu Bay in Eastern Kyushu, Tachibana Bay in Western Kyushu, and Zasa Pond on the Kii Peninsula as well as around the caldera itself. The tsunami deposits near the caldera have been divided into older and younger 7.3 ka tsunami deposits, the younger ones matching the set of widespread deposits. We attribute the younger 7.3 ka tsunami deposits to a large tsunami generated by a great interplate earthquake in the Northern part of the Ryukyu Trench and (or) the Western Nankai Trough just after the late stage of the Kikai caldera eruption and the older 7.3 ka tsunami deposits to a small tsunami generated by an interplate earthquake or Kikai caldera eruption.  相似文献   

Runup data in Hokkaido and in three prefectures in the Tohoku District are described with a few witnessed arrival times and with comments of tide records. The highest runup of 31.7 m was found at the bottom of a narrow valley on the west coast of Okushiri Island. In order to explain high runups of 20 m at Hamatsumae in the sheltered area, roles of edge waves, refraction of the Okushiri Spur and tsunami generation by causes other than the major fault motion should be understood. An early arrival of the tsunami on the west coast of Hokkaido suggests another tsunami generation mechanism in addition to the major fault motion.  相似文献   

Finite element modeling of the July 12, 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-Oki tsunami   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fault plane model and a finite element hydrodynamic model are applied to the simulation of the Hokkaido Nansei-Oki tsunami of July 12, 1993. The joint performance of the models is assessed based on the overall ability to reproduce observed tsunami waveforms and to preserve mass and energy during tsunami propagation. While a number of observed characteristics of the waveforms are satisfactorily reproduced (in particular, amplitudes and arrival times at tidal gauges relatively close to the source, and general patterns of energy concentration), others are only marginally so (notably, wave periods at the same gauges, and wave heights along Okushiri); differences between observations and simulations are traceable to both the fault plane and the hydrodynamic models. Nonnegligible losses of energy occur throughout the simulated tsunami propagation. These losses seem to be due to a combination of factors, including numerical damping and possible deficiencies of the shallow water equations in preserving energy.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous fault motion of the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-Oki earthquake is studied by using seismic, geodetic and tsunami data, and the tsunami generation from the fault model is examined. Seismological analyses indicate that the focal mechanism of the first 10 s, when about a third of the total moment was released, is different from the overall focal mechanism. A joint inversion of geodetic data on Okushiri Island and the tide gauge records in Japan and Korea indicates that the largest slip, about 6 m, occurred in a small area just south of the epicenter. This corresponds to the initial rupture on a fault plane dipping shallowly to the west. The slip on the northernmost subfault, which is dipping to the east, is about 2 m, while the slips on the southern subfaults, which are steeply dipping to the west, are more than 3 m. Tsunami heights around Okushiri Island are calculated from the heterogeneous fault model using different grid sizes. Computation on the smaller grids produces large tsunami height that are closer to the observed tsunami runup heights. Tsunami propagation in the nearly closed Japan Sea is examined as the free oscillation of the Japan Sea. The excitation of the free oscillation by this earthquake is smaller than that by the 1964 Niigata or 1983 Japan Sea earthquake.  相似文献   

2007年4月,为执行科技部科研院所社会公益课题 "中国沿海地区古海啸的定量研究",课题组部分成员访问了日本,并对日本东北地区宫崎县石卷海岸平原的海啸堆积物做了概略性的调查。2011年3月11日,该地区发生了9.0级大地震并引发海啸,造成了巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡。为了使人们对该地区过去的海啸历史有一个概略认识,并了解海啸堆积物的调查方法,对这次调查作一简要报道。这次调查揭示出3次海啸事件,最新一次发生在公元915年十和田火山喷发之前,对应于公元869年的贞观大海啸。  相似文献   

The Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki earthquake (M w 7.7) of July 12, 1993, is one of the largest tsunamigenic events in the Sea of Japan. The tsunami magnitudeM t is determined to be 8.1 from the maximum amplitudes of the tsunami recorded on tide gauges. This value is larger thanM w by 0.4 units. It is suggested that the tsunami potential of the Nansei-Oki earthquake is large forM w . A number of tsunami runup data are accumulated for a total range of about 1000 km along the coast, and the data are averaged to obtain the local mean heightsH n for 23 segments in intervals of about 40 km each. The geographic variation ofH n is approximately explained in terms of the empirical relationship proposed byAbe (1989, 1993). The height prediction from the available earthquake magnitudes ranges from 5.0–8.4 m, which brackets the observed maximum ofH n , 7.7 m, at Okushiri Island.  相似文献   

Tsunami deposits provide a basis for reconstructing Holocene histories of great earthquakes and tsunamis on the Pacific Coast of southwest Japan. The deposits have been found in the past 15 years at lakes, lagoons, outcrops, and archaeological excavations. The inferred tsunami histories span 3000 years for the Nankai and Suruga Troughs and nearly 10,000 years for the Sagami Trough. The inferred histories contain recurrence intervals of variable length. The shortest of these —100–200 years for the Nankai Trough, 150–300 years for the Sagami Trough — resemble those known from written history of the past 1000–1500 years. Longer intervals inferred from the tsunami deposits probably reflect variability in rupture mode, incompleteness of geologic records, and insufficient research. The region's tsunami history could be clarified by improving the geologic distinction between tsunami and storm, dating the inferred tsunamis more accurately and precisely, and using the deposits to help quantify the source areas and sizes of the parent earthquakes.  相似文献   

The 1771 Yaeyama tsunami is successfully reproduced using a simple faulting model without submarine landslide. The Yaeyama tsunami (M 7.4), which struck the southern Ryukyu Islands of Japan, produced unusually high tsunami amplitudes on the southeastern coast of Ishigaki Island and caused significant damage, including 12,000 casualties. Previous tsunami source models for this event have included both seismological faults and submarine landslides. However, no evidence of landslides in the source has been obtained, despite marine surveying of the area. The seismological fault model proposed in this study, describing a fault to the east of Ishigaki Island, successfully reproduces the distribution of tsunami runup on the southern coast of the Ryukyu Islands. The unusual runup heights are found through the numerical simulation attributable to a concentration of tsunami energy toward the southeastern coast of Ishigaki Island by the effect of the shelf to the east. Thus, the unusual runup heights observed on the southeastern coast of Ishigaki Island can be adequately explained by a seismological fault model with wave-ray bending on the adjacent shelf.  相似文献   

基于数值预报技术的日本新一代海啸预警系统   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
日本是世界上地震海啸发生最频繁的国家之一。从1941年开始,日本气象厅就建立了自己的海啸预警系统。自1993年又一次遭受海啸灾害后,这些经历促使日本气象厅(JMA)开始研制基于数值预报技术的新一代海啸预警系统。该海啸预警系统包括地震监测网、基于数据库技术的快速数值预报以及基于卫星通讯的海啸预警产品快速分发系统这三部分。  相似文献   

Sediments deposited by the AD 869 Jogan tsunami offer an opportunity to test the reliability of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of relatively old historical tsunami deposits. We collected a geoslicer sample from sand deposited on the Sendai Plain, northeastern Japan, by the Jogan tsunami and applied quartz OSL dating to it. We then compared the OSL ages with the known age of the tsunami event. In ascending order, the sedimentary sequence in the geoslicer sample consists of the beach–dune sand, lower peat, Jogan tsunami deposit, upper peat, pre-2011 paddy soil, and the 2011 tsunami deposit. To obtain equivalent dose (De,bulk), a standard single-aliquot renegerative-dose (SAR) protocol was applied to large aliquots of the 180–250 μm fraction of two samples from the beach–dune sand, and four samples from differing levels of the Jogan tsunami deposit. The OSL decay curves were dominated by the medium component; thus, for two samples from the Jogan deposit the fast-component OSL signal was isolated and used to determine the equivalent dose (De,fast). Using De,bulk, OSL ages of the tsunami deposit were underestimated by ∼40%, and even the beach–dune sand was dated younger than AD 869. In contrast, De,fast provided a robust age estimate with only slight underestimation. A pulse annealing test showed that the bulk and medium-component OSL signals were thermally unstable. The medium component in the natural OSL was clearly truncated in comparison to the regenerated OSL; the medium component is thus considered to be the main cause of the underestimated ages. Similar effects of a dominant medium-component OSL have been reported in tectonically active regions, which are also prone to tsunamis. The effect of this dominance should be carefully considered in quartz OSL dating of tsunami deposits.  相似文献   

Abstract A tsunamigenic sand layer is present in coastal sequences of the Masuda Plain, southwest Japan. The radiometric age of the layer has been estimated at 930 ± 80 years BP. It is proposed that the deposit is the product of a large historic tsunami believed to have occurred in the Japan Sea on 16 June 1026 AD.  相似文献   

The 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami caused large-scale topographic changes along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. More than 10 years have passed since the tsunami waves struck the area. Today, because of reconstruction work, very few places exist where natural post-tsunami topographic changes can be monitored continuously. For this study, the authors investigated topographic changes caused not only by the 2011 tsunami but also by natural and artificial activities during the 50 years before and after the tsunami based on aerial photographs, excavations and subsurface explorations using ground-penetrating radar at the Osuka coast in Aomori prefecture, Japan. The site is rare because it is a protected area with few and superficial engineering activities, making it suitable for continuous observation of pre-tsunami, syn-tsunami and post-tsunami topographic changes. The findings indicate that the 2011 tsunami waves generated large topographic changes: depositional and erosional features produced by the tsunami can be recognized, respectively, as tsunami deposits and erosional channels across the sand dunes. During the post-tsunami phase, the sand volume at the coast quickly recovered naturally. Tsunami deposits and the erosional channels were well preserved underground even at 10 years after the event. However, dynamic movement of the dunes started after the tsunami. The shifting was attributable to the artificial clearing of coastal forests rather than the tsunami effects on the coast. Our results first indicate not only that the sedimentary features of paleo-tsunamis but also the erosional features have some probability of being preserved in the subsurface of the beach and sand dunes at tsunami-affected areas. Also, artificial activities such as deforestation are much more crucially undermining of the stability of the coastal geomorphology than the tsunami effects: the coast is now reaching a different status from its pre-tsunami situation.  相似文献   

We examined the geochemical characteristics and temporal changes of deposits associated with the 2011 Tohoku‐oki tsunami. Stable carbon isotope ratios, biomarkers, and water‐leachable ions were measured in a sandy tsunami deposit and associated soils sampled at Hasunuma, Kujukuri coastal plain, Japan, in 2011 and 2014. At this site, the 2011 tsunami formed a 10–30 cm ‐thick layer of very fine to medium sand. The tsunami deposit was organic‐poor, and no samples contained any detectable biomarkers of either terrigenous or marine origin. In the underlying soil, we identified hydrocarbons and sterols derived from terrestrial plants, but detected no biomarkers of marine origin. In the samples collected in 2011, concentrations of tsunami‐derived water‐leachable ions were highest in the soil immediately beneath the tsunami deposit and then decreased gradually with depth. Because of its finer texture and higher organic content, the soil has a higher water‐holding capacity than the sandy tsunami deposit. This distribution suggests that ions derived from the tsunami quickly penetrated the sand layer and became concentrated in the underlying soil. In the samples collected in 2014, concentrations of water‐leachable ions were very low in both soil and sand. We attribute the decrease in ion concentrations to post‐tsunami rainfall, seepage, and seasonal changes in groundwater level. Although water‐leachable ions derived from seawater were concentrated in the soil beneath the tsunami deposit following the tsunami inundation, they were not retained for more than a few years. To elucidate the behavior of geochemical characteristics associated with tsunamis, further research on organic‐rich muddy deposits (muddy tsunami deposits and soils beneath sandy tsunami deposits) as well as sandy tsunami deposits is required.  相似文献   

Abstract The Himeji–Yamasaki region in the Inner Zone of southwest Japan is underlain mainly by Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks called the Ikuno Group or the Hiromine and Aioi Groups. A new stratigraphic and geochronological study shows that the volcanic rocks in this area consist of 15 eroded caldera volcanoes between 82 and 65 Ma; they are, in order of decreasing age, the Hiromine, Hoden, Ibo, Okawachi, Seppikosan, Hayashida, Shinokubi, Fukusaki, Kurooyama, Ise, Fukadanigawa, Nagusayama, Matobayama, Yumesaki and Mineyama Formations. These calderas vary in diameter from 1 to 20 km and are bounded by steep unconformities; they coalesce and overlap each other. The individual caldera fills are composed mainly of single voluminous pyroclastic flow deposits, which are often interleaved with debris avalanche deposits and occasionally underlie lacustrine deposits. The intracaldera pyroclastic flow deposits are made up of massive, welded or non‐welded tuff breccia to lapilli tuff, and are characterized by their great thickness. The debris avalanche deposits are ill‐sorted breccia, generated by the collapse of the caldera wall toward the caldera floor during the pyroclastic‐flow eruption. The large calderas that are more than 10 km in diameter contain original values of approximately 100 km3 of intracaldera pyroclastic flow deposits. These large calderas are similar to the well‐known Valles‐type calderas in their dimensions, although it is uncertain whether their caldera floors are coherent plates or incoherent pieces. Conversely, the small calderas have diatreme‐like subsurface structures. The variety of the caldera volcanoes in this area is caused by the difference in the volume of caldera‐forming pyroclastic eruptions, as the large and small calderas coexisted. The caldera‐forming eruption rates in Late Cretaceous southwest Japan, including the studied area, were similar to those in late Cenozoic central Andes and northeast Honshu arc, Japan, but obviously smaller than those of late Cenozoic intracratonic caldera clusters in western North America and the Quaternary extensional volcanic arcs in Taupo, New Zealand. The widespread Late Cretaceous felsic igneous rocks in southwest Japan were generated by a long‐term accumulation of low‐rate granitic magmatism at the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   

Where should we take cores for palaeotsunami research? It is generally considered that local depressions with low energy environments such as wetlands are one of the best places. However, it is also recognized that the presence or absence of palaeotsunami deposits (and their relative thickness) is highly dependent upon subsoil microtopography. In the beach ridge system of Ishinomaki Plain, Japan, several palaeotsunami deposits linked to past Japan Trench earthquakes have been reported. However, the number of palaeotsunami deposits reported at individual sites varies considerably. This study used ground penetrating radar (GPR) combined with geological evidence to better understand the relationship between palaeotopography and palaeotsunami deposit characteristics. The subsurface topography of the ~3000–4000 bp beach ridge was reconstructed using GPR data coupled with core surveys of the underlying sediments. We noted that the number (and thickness) of the palaeotsunami deposits inferred from the cores was controlled by the palaeotopography. Namely, a larger number of events and thicker palaeotsunami deposits were observed in depressions in the subsurface microtopography. We noted a total of three palaeotsunami deposits dated to between 1700 and 3000 cal bp , but they were only observed together in 11% of the core sites. This result is important for tsunami risk assessments that use the sedimentary evidence of past events because we may well be underestimating the number of tsunamis that have occurred. We suggest that GPR is an efficient and invaluable tool to help researchers identify the most appropriate places to carry out geological fieldwork in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of past tsunami activity. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Takehiko  Suzuki  Dennis  Eden  Toru  Danhara  Osamu  Fujiwara 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):666-678
Abstract A Middle Pleistocene widespread tephra referred to here as Hakkoda–Kokumoto Tephra (Hkd–Ku) has been newly recognized. Hkd–Ku, derived from the Hakkoda Caldera located in northernmost Honshu Is. of northeast Japan, covers much of Honshu Is. At the type locality in the proximal area, Hkd–Ku comprises Plinian pumice deposits and an immediately overlying ignimbrite. The fine vitric ash nature of the distal ash‐fall deposits of Hkd–Ku suggests that they are coignimbrite ash‐fall deposits. Hkd–Ku was identified using a combination of refractive indices and chemical compositions of major, trace and rare earth elements of glass shards, heavy mineral content, refractive indices of orthopyroxene and paleomagnetic polarity. On the basis of these properties, Hkd–Ku was identified in Oga and Boso Peninsulas and Osaka Plain, 830 km southwest of the source. Stratigraphic positions in Boso Peninsula and Osaka Plain within marine sediments that have a reliable chronology based on oxygen‐isotope, and litho‐, bio‐, magneto‐ and tephrostratigraphy indicate that the age of Hkd–Ku is ca 760 ka, positioned in the transition between marine oxygen‐isotope stages 19.1 and 18.4. The widespread occurrence of Hkd–Ku providing a tie line between many different Pleistocene sections over a distance of 800 km is a key marker horizon in the early part of the Middle Pleistocene. This tephra gives a time control point of ca 760 ka to marine sediments in the Oga Peninsula – where no datum plane exists between the Brunhes–Matuyama chron boundary and oxygen‐isotope stage 12 – and to the volcanostratigraphy of the Hakkoda Caldera. The distribution of Hkd–Ku showing emplacement of coignimbrite ash‐fall deposits in the area 830 km southwest of the source emphasizes the upwind transport direction, relative to the prevailing westerly winds, typical of other coignimbrite ash‐fall deposits in the Japanese islands.  相似文献   

This study investigates the distribution of boulders at Miyara Bay of Ishigaki Island, Japan. These boulders were deposited on a reef flat extending approximately 400–1300 m in width. Most boulders were rectangular to ellipsoidal, without sharp broken edges. They are reef and coral rock fragments estimated as <335 m3 (<633 t). Locally in the bay, the relationship between the boulder weight and position shows that boulders of a given weight have a clear limit on seaward distribution on the reef flat. For example, more than 1, 10, and 100 tons of boulders were deposited, respectively, more than 500, 300, and 100 m from the reef edge. The line is consistent with the possible landward transport limit by maximum storm waves at the Ryukyu Islands, suggesting that the line was formed by the reworking of some boulders by maximally strong storm waves, although we can not exclude the possibility that the line was formed by tsunamis. Furthermore, 68% of boulders at the bay are deposited beyond this line. Therefore, the presence of these boulders at their present positions is difficult to explain solely by storm waves, implying the possible tsunami origin of these boulders. The boulders are characteristically concentrated along the high‐tide line, suggesting the drastic reduction of the tsunami hydraulic force along the line. Previous studies using radiocarbon age dating, as well as our study, imply that at least 69 boulders at Miyara Bay were probably deposited at their present positions by the 1771 Meiwa tsunami, although some of these boulders might have been emplaced and displaced on the reef flat by prior tsunami or storm surges.  相似文献   

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