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In a four dimensional manifold formalism we study the evolutionary behavior as well as the ultimate fate of the universe, in the course of which the contribution of dark energy in these phases are investigated. At one stage we get a situation (a condition) where the dark energy contained dominates other types of energies available in this universe. In the model universes we obtain here the dark energy is found to be of ΛCDM and quintessence types-which bear testimony to being real universes. In one of the cases where the equation of state between the fluid pressure and density is of the type of the van der Waals equation, it is found that our universe may end in dust. And, also, it is seen that the behavior of the deceleration parameter is almost compatible with the recent observation.  相似文献   

It is well known that a C-field, generated by a certain source equation leads to interesting changes in the cosmological solutions of Einstein's equations. It is argued that different types of topological objects may have been created by the vacuum phase transitions in the early universe. In the cosmological arena, the defects have been put forward as a possible mechanism for structure formation. A global monopole is a heavy object formed in the phase transition of a system composed of a self coupling scalar field triplet φa whose original global 0(3) symmetry is spontaneously broken to U(1). In this article, we find a special solution for the space-time of a global monopole in presence of C-field. It is shown that the nature of the solution remains the same as in general relativity case i.e. monopole exerts no gravitational force on the matter surrounding it but space around it has a deficit solid angle. Pacs Nos: 98.80cq, 04.20jb, 04.50  相似文献   

In Section 1 of the paper the energy equation of the Friedmann universe, when matter dominates over radiation, is discussed. It is known that the value of the world potential is constant everywhere in the Universe, despite the pulsation motion of the Universe or a possible transformation of pulsation energy into matter or vice versa. The condition for the Universe being closed is deduced. Furthermore, the possibility to define the mass-energy of the Universe is discussed; and the conclusion is arrived at that the mass-energy of the Universe relative to an observer in the non-metric space outside the Universe is equal to zero; i.e. the Universe originated as a vacuum fluctuation. Finally, the view-point of an external observer is described. Such an observer can claim that our closed Universe is a black hole in a non-metric empty space. Besides, the differences between such a black hole and the astrophysical black holes are indicated.In Section 2 the origin of the gravitational force retarding the expansion is discussed, using the properties of the relativistic gravitational potential. In contradiction to Section 1, the view-point of an inner observer (inside the Universe) is used here. It is concluded that the boundary of the closed Universe is an unlocalizable potential barrier.In Section 3 of the paper the apparent discrepancy between Mach's principle and the general theory of relativity is resolved. The solution is based on the fact that, for the Euclidean open universe, the concept of mass is related to the potential of the background equal to –1, but the concept of the mass-energy is related to the zero-potential of the non-metric background. Because the universe is open and a potential barrier (a boundary of the universe) can be localized-i.e. is geometrically existing — by solution of the field equation, we have to refer to the background with zero-potential. The principal idea of the solution is then that the zero-density means the density of mass-energy, when simultaneously the mass density is equal to the critical value for which the Robertson-Walker metric becomes the Euclidean metric of the Minkowski (i.e., flat) space-time. Further a generalization of Newton's law of inertia is formulated, and the properties of nullgeodesics are touched upon. As a conclusion it is stated that this paper and the two previous ones (see Voráek, 1979a, b)de facto express Mach's principle.  相似文献   

It is shown that the primordial entropy of the universe can be generated in the residual phase prior to Calabi-Yau splitting and following the passing to the field theory limit of the heterotic super-string in ten space-time dimensions, wherein matter is represented by either a radiative equation of state or the equation of state for stiff matter.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a spatially homogeneous and isotropic FRW space-time filled with perfect fluid and dark energy components. The two sources are assumed to interact minimally, and therefore their energy momentum tensors are conserved separately. A special law of variation for the Hubble parameter proposed by Berman (Nuovo Cimento B 74:182, 1983) has been utilized to solve the field equations. The Berman’s law yields two explicit forms of the scale factor governing the FRW space-time and constant values of deceleration parameter. The role of dark energy with variable equation of state parameter has been studied in detail in the evolution of FRW universe. It has been found that dark energy dominates the universe at the present epoch, which is consistent with the observations. The physical behavior of the universe has been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We study quarkand strangequarkmatter in the contextof generalrelativity.For this purpose,we solve Einstein's field equations for quark and strange quark matter in spherical symmetric space-times. We analyze strange quark matter for the different equations of state (EOS) in the spherical symmetric space-times,thus we are able to obtain the space-time geometries of quark and strange quark matter. Also,we discuss the features of the obtained solutions. The obtained solutions are consistent with the results of Brookhaven Laboratory,i.e. the quark-gluon plasma has a vanishing shear (i.e. quark-gluon plasma is perfect).  相似文献   

We consider generalized teleparallel gravity in the flat FRW universe with a viable power-law f(T) model. We construct its equation of state and deceleration parameters which give accelerated expansion of the universe in quintessence era for the obtained scale factor. Further, we develop correspondence of f(T) model with scalar field models such as, quintessence, tachyon, K-essence and dilaton. The dynamics of scalar field as well as scalar potential of these models indicate the expansion of the universe with acceleration in the f(T) gravity scenario.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a cosmological application of the new agegraphic dark energy density in the f(R) gravity framework. We employ the new agegraphic model of dark energy to obtain the equation of state for the new agegraphic energy density in a spatially flat universe. Our calculations show, taking n<0, that it is possible to have w Λ crossing −1. This implies that one can generate a phantom-like equation of state from a new agegraphic dark energy model in a flat universe in the modified gravity cosmology framework. Also, we develop a reconstruction scheme for the modified gravity with f(R) action.  相似文献   

We study the validity of the generalized second law (GSL) of gravitational thermodynamics in a non-flat FRW universe containing the interacting in f(T) gravity. We consider that the boundary of the universe to be confined by the dynamical apparent horizon in FRW universe. In general, we discuss the effective equation of state, deceleration parameter and GLS in this framewok. Also, we find that the interacting-term Q modifies these quantities and in particular, the evolution of the total entropy, results in an increases on the GLS of thermodynamic, by a factor $4\pi R_{A}^{3} Q/3$ . By using a viable f(T) gravity with an exponential dependence on the torsion, we develop a model where the interaction term is related to the total energy density of matter. Here, we find that a crossing of phantom divide line is possible for the interacting-f(T) model.  相似文献   

In this work, we have studied the model of modified Chaplygin gas and its role in accelerating phase of the universe for anisotropic model. We have assumed that the equation of state of this modified model is valid from the radiation era to ΛCDM model. We have obtained the possible relation between the hessence and the modified Chaplygin gas. We have also use the statefinder parameters for characterize different phase of the universe diagrammatically.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have used a square root formulation of the Wheeler-De Witt equation to quantize a minisuperspace model consisting of the Bianchi-I type universe with a radiation field source. We have derived a wavefunction with a conserved current and a positive-definite probability density.

We have also explored the third quantization of the Bianchi type universe using a procedure usual in the quantum field theory of curved space-time. We have given the wave function that satisfies the Wheeler-De Witt equation. By regarding the wave function as the universe field operator in a minisuperspace, we have not only circumvented the difficulty of a probabilistic interpretation in quantum cosmology, we have also reached the conclusion that multiple universes would result. We have estimated the average number of universes produced from ‘nothing’, and have given their distribution, which turned out to be a Planck distribution.  相似文献   

We consider a spatially homogeneous and isotropic flat Robertson-Walker model filled with a scalar (or tachyonic) field minimally coupled to gravity in the framework of higher derivative theory. We discuss the possibility of the emergent universe with normal and phantom scalar fields (or normal and phantom tachynoic fields) in higher derivative theory. We find the exact solution of field equations in normal and phantom scalar fields and observe that the emergent universe is not possible in normal scalar field as the kinetic term is negative. However, the emergent universe exists in phantom scalar field in which the model has no time-like singularity at infinite past. The model evolves into an inflationary stage and finally admits an accelerating phase at late time. The equation of state parameter is found to be less than −1 in early time and tends to −1 in late time of the evolution. The scalar potential increases from zero at infinite past to a flat potential in late time. More precisely, we discuss the particular case for phantom field in detail. We also carry out a similar analysis in case of normal and phantom tachyonic field and observe that only phantom tachyonic field solution represents an emergent universe. We find that the coupling parameter of higher order correction affects the evolution of the emergent universe. The stability of solutions and their physical behaviors are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In this communication, we studied the aspects of bulk viscous fluid cosmological model with quadratic equation of state in the presence of strings loaded with particles in a higher dimensional (5- dimensional) Bianchi type-III geometry in Lyra’s Manifold (Lyra, 1951). Using physically plausible circumstances, an exact model of the universe is presented by obtaining the solutions of the Einstein’s field equations. Important geometrical and dynamical parameters of the model universes are premeditated and physical significance regarding their prospect in modern cosmology are discussed in details. Interestingly it is seen that both bulk viscosity and quadratic equation of state are acting crucial jobs throughout the evolution of the model which is expanding with acceleration so it represents dark energy model universe. Hence our model can be thought as a realistic universe.  相似文献   

Of all the possible ways to describe the behavior of the universe that has undergone a big trip the Wheeler-DeWitt equation should be the most accurate—provided, of course, that we employ the correct formulation. In this article we start by discussing the standard formulation introduced by González-Díaz and Jimenez-Madrid, and show that it allows for a simple yet efficient method of the solution’s generation, which is based on the Moutard transformation. Next, by shedding the unnecessary restrictions, imposed on aforementioned standard formulation we introduce a more general form of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. One immediate prediction of this new formula is that for the universe the probability to emerge right after the big trip in a state with w=w 0 will be maximal if and only if w 0=−1/3.  相似文献   

Motivated by the holographic principle, it has been suggested that the dark energy density may be inversely proportional to the area A of the event horizon of the universe. However, such a model would have a causality problem. In this work, we consider the entropy-corrected version of the holographic dark energy model in the non-flat FRW universe and we propose to replace the future event horizon area with the inverse of the Ricci scalar curvature. We obtain the equation of state (EoS) parameter ω Λ, the deceleration parameter q and WD¢\Omega_{D}' in the presence of interaction between Dark Energy (DE) and Dark Matter (DM). Moreover, we reconstruct the potential and the dynamics of the tachyon, K-essence, dilaton and quintessence scalar field models according to the evolutionary behavior of the interacting entropy-corrected holographic dark energy model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the behavior of equation of state parameter and energy density for dark energy in the framework of f(T) gravity. For this purpose, we use anisotropic LRS Bianchi type I universe model. The behavior of accelerating universe is discussed for some well-known f(T) models. It is found that the universe takes a transition between phantom and non-phantom phases for f(T) models except exponential and logarithmic models. We conclude that our results are relativity analogous to the results of FRW universe.  相似文献   

We have analysed the finite temperature λφ4 model in the Robertson Walker metric, taking into consideration spontaneous symmetry breaking, particle production and symmetry recovery through phase transition under a high temperature, and found that it is possible to have a cosmological model free of singularities. Such a model begins in the singularity-free, horizon-free, Beltrami-Anti-de Sitter state. Continual production of particles keeps on raising its temperature until a critical temperature TC is reached, when a phase change takes place, and the universe is transformed into a radiation-dominated, thermally-expanding Friedmann state. This phase transition corresponds to a big-bang without, however, an antecedent singularity.  相似文献   

Considering power-law for of scale factor in a flat FRW universe we reported a reconstruction scheme for f(G) gravity based on QCD ghost dark energy. We reconstructed the effective equation of state parameter and observed “quintessence” behavior of the equation of state parameter. Furthermore, considering dynamical apparent horizon as the enveloping horizon of the universe we have observed that the generalized second law of thermodynamics is valid for this reconstructed f(G) gravity.  相似文献   

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