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Three types of tectonic settings are proposed for the Central Iranian Volcanic Belt (CIVB), namely, rift, continental margin, and post-collision settings. However, geochemical, tectonic, stratigraphic, and metallogenic evidence favor an ensialic island-arc setting. The discrimination diagrams that have been used in this study are useful for making a distinction between ensialic island-arcs and continental margin-arcs from which the ensialic island-arcs were derived.  相似文献   

A sequence of small earthquakes occurred in Central Mexico, at the northern edge of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) in the State of Queretaro, during the first 3 months of 1998. Medium to large events in the continental regime of central Mexico are not common, but the seismic history of the region demonstrates that faults there are capable of generating destructive events. The sequence was analyzed using data from a temporary network with the goals of identifying the causative fault and its relation to regional tectonics. Employing a waveform inversion scheme adapted from a method used for regional studies, we found that the source mechanisms conform to the style of faulting (i.e. extension in the E–W direction) representative of the Taxco–San Miguel Allende Fault system. This system has been proposed as the southernmost extension of the Basin and Range (BR) Province. The spatial distribution of hypocenters and source mechanisms indicate that the seismogenic segment was a fault with an azimuth of approximately 334° with almost pure dip slip. Since events which occurred just south from this region show features which are consistent with TMVB tectonics (i.e. extension in an N–S direction), the sequence may mark the boundary between the TMVB and BR stress domains.  相似文献   

Detrital volcanic and vein quartz, accompanied by felsic volcanic debris, occur as minor constituents in the Ordovician subduction‐related mafic volcanics of the Molong Volcanic Belt. In the western province of the Molong Volcanic Belt, detrital quartz is present in the three episodes of the mafic Volcanics. Volcanic quartz occurs in allochthonous limestone blocks in the Bendigonian Hensleigh Siltstone overlying the Mitchell Formation. The second volcanic episode (the Fairbridge Volcanics) commenced after a hiatus of approximately 20 million years and lasted around 10 million years from Darriwilian to Gisbornian time. Locally derived vein quartz, volcanic quartz and felsic detritus are concentrated at the bases of autochthonous Wahringa and Yuranigh Limestone Members of the volcanics and are extensive and abundant in basal beds of the regional Eastonian limestone body that transgressed over an eroded volcanic centre at Cargo. This early Eastonian debris, deposited early in an 8 million‐year volcanic hiatus preceding the final Ordovician Bolindian volcanism, establishes a pre‐Eastonian age for mineralisation at Cargo. It is inferred that the pauses in volcanism were preceded by magmatic fractionation, intrusion and hydrothermal activity and followed by erosion, subsidence and deposition of autochthonous limestones. Minor occurrences of vein and volcanic quartz are found in Bolindian volcanogenic sediments of the third volcanic phase. It is concluded that hydrothermal vein formation (and mineralisation by inference) was associated with pauses in volcanic activity throughout the Middle to early Late Ordovician over a wide area in the western province, culminating in the mineralisation at Cargo and Copper Hill near Molong. Volcanism in the eastern province of the Molong Volcanic Belt was continuous from at least Darriwilian to latest Ordovician time. Here, detrital hydrothermal vein quartz and volcanic quartz and felsic detritus are distributed through late Middle and early Late Ordovician turbidites of the Weemalla Formation. The possible existence of cycles in the source area like those of the Fairbridge Volcanics is masked by the distal nature of these deposits. Vein formation occurred in both provinces from late Middle Ordovician to early Late Ordovician, long before the formation of the world‐class mineral deposit at Cadia associated with the latest Ordovician Cadia Monzonite.  相似文献   

The Quaternary Acatlán Volcanic Field (AVF) is located at the western edge of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). This region is related to the subduction of the Pacific Cocos and Rivera plates beneath the North American plate since the late Miocene. AVF rocks are products of Pleistocene volcanic activity and include lava flows, domes, erupted basaltic andesite, trachyandesite, trachydacite, and rhyolite of calc–alkaline affinity. Most rocks show depletion in high field-strength elements and enrichment in large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements as is typical for magmas in subduction-related volcanic arcs. 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.70361 to 0.70412, while Nd values vary from +2.3 to +5.2. Sr–Nd isotopic data plot along the mantle array. On the other hand, lead isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb=18.62–18.75, 207Pb/204Pb=15.57–15.64, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.37–38.67) give evidence for combined influences of the upper mantle, fluxes derived from subducted sediments, and the upper continental crust involved in magma genesis at AVF. Additionally δ18O whole rock analyses range from +6.35‰ in black pumice to +10.9‰ in white pumice of the Acatlán Ignimbrite. A fairly good correlation is displayed between Sr as well as O isotopes and SiO2 emphasizing the effects of crustal contamination. Compositional and isotopic data suggest that the different AVF series derived from distinct parental magmas, which were generated by partial melting of a heterogeneous mantle source.  相似文献   

In this study, zircon U-Pb ages, geochemical and Lu-Hf isotopic data are presented for the newly identified volcanic rocks which were considered as Bainaimiao group in Bainaimiao Arc Belt(BAB), Inner Mongolia, which could provide important constraints on the evolution of the northern part of North China Block(NCB) and BAB. Basalt to basaltic andesite and andesite to dacite were collected from two sections, which showed eruption ages of 278.2±4.1 Ma and 258.3±3.0 Ma respectively. All samples are characterized by high abundances in Al_2O_3, LREEs, and LILEs, but depleted in HFSEs. Together with high Mg# ratios and low K/tholeiite to calc-alkaline series, these features indicated that basalt to andesite was likely derived from relatively low degree partial melting of the subduction-fluid related mantle in the spinel phase. And dacite was mainly from the partial melting of crust, then affected by mantle. All samples barely went through fractional crystallization process with the slight Eu anomaly. Compared with the contemporary basalt in NCB, rocks in BAB have a complex composition of zircon and a more positive ε_(Hf)(t) value(-6.6–6.4), indicating that they had different magma sources of rocks. Though with different basements, NCB and BAB have become an integrated whole before 278 Ma. Therefore, it could be concluded that NCB and BAB belonged to the active continental margin and the PAO had not closed yet until late Permian and then it disappeared gradually and the CAOB developed into a condition of syn-post collision.  相似文献   

Volcanic terrains such as magmatic arcs are thought to display the most complex surface environments on Earth. Ancient volcaniclastics are notoriously difficult to interpret as they describe the interplay between a single or several volcanoes and the environment. The Early Miocene Tepoztlán Formation at the southern edge of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt belongs to the few remnants of this ancestral magmatic arc, and therefore is thought to represent an example of the initial phase of evolution of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. Based on geological mapping, detailed logging of lithostratigraphic sections, palaeocurrent data of sedimentary features and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, mapping of two‐dimensional panels from outcrop to field scale, and geochronological data in an area of ca 1000 km2, three periods in the evolution of the Tepoztlán Formation were distinguished, which lasted around 4 Myr and are representative of a volcanic cycle (edifice growth phases followed by collapse) in a magmatic arc setting. The volcaniclastic sediments accumulated in proximal to medial distances on partly coalescing aprons, similar to volcanic ring plains, around at least three different stratovolcanoes. These volcanoes resulted from various eruptions separated by repose periods. During the first phase of the evolution of the Tepoztlán Formation (22·8 to 22·2 Ma), deposition was dominated by fluvial sediments in a braided river setting. Pyroclastic material from small, andesitic–dacitic composite volcanoes in the near vicinity was mostly eroded and reworked by fluvial processes, resulting in sediments ranging from cross‐bedded sand to an aggradational series of river gravels. The second phase (22·2 to 21·3 Ma) was characterized by periods of strong volcanic activity, resulting in voluminous accumulations of lava and tuff, which temporarily overloaded and buried the original fluvial system with its detritus. Continuous build‐up of at least three major volcanic centres further accentuated the topography and, in the third phase (21·3 to 18·8 Ma), mass flow processes, represented by an increase of debris flow deposits, became dominant, marking a period of edifice destruction and flank failures.  相似文献   


The tectonic affiliation of the Khanka Massif, in the easternmost section of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), is still a matter of debate. Here, we provide new constraints on the provenance and timing of deposition of Permian strata in the western margin of the Khanka Massif. The results, which include U–Pb dating of detrital zircon grains using laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), provide evidence regarding the tectonic position of the Khanka Massif and its role in the late Palaeozoic evolution of the eastern CAOB. Detrital zircon grains from a sublitharenite (Pingyangzhen Formation), a litharenite (Liangzichuan Formation), and a metamorphic siltstone (Qinglongcun Group) yielded multiple age populations ranging from Neoproterozoic (~914 Ma) to Permian (~272 Ma). Combined with age constraints from overlying/late-stage igneous rocks and other magmatism of the Khanka Massif, we conclude that the dated strata were deposited during the early–middle Permian and were sourced from the Khanka Massif. A comparison between the detrital zircon age populations and the history of magmatic activity in the neighbouring areas suggests that the Khanka Massif was tectonically linked to the Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif. Based on tectonic discrimination diagrams, we conclude that the western margin of the Khanka Massif was positioned in a convergent-boundary basin during the early–middle Permian. Strike-slip faulting along the Dunhua–Mishan Fault, in response to ridge subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean Plate, resulted in a north-eastward movement of the Khanka Massif. The occurrence of Precambrian detrital zircon grains (with ages of 1900–1700 and 900–700 Ma) implies the presence of an ancient basement within the Khanka Massif.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Late Cretaceous Khabr–Marvast tectonized ophiolite is located in the middle part of the Nain–Baft ophiolite belt, at the south-western edge of the central Iranian microcontinent. Although all the volcanic rocks in the study area indicate subduction-related magmatism (e.g. high LILE (large ion lithophile elements) / HFSE (high field strenght elements) ratios and negative anomalies in Nb and Ta), geological and geochemical data clearly distinguish two distinct groups of volcanic rocks in the tectonized association: (1) group 1 is comprised of hyaloclastic breccias, basaltic pillow lavas, and andesite sheet flows. These rocks represent the Nain–Baft oceanic crust; and (2) group 2 is alkaline lavas from the top section of the ophiolite suite. These lavas show shoshonite affinity, but do not support the propensity of ophiolite.  相似文献   

Studies of supercontinental cycle are mainly concentrated on the assembly, breakup and dispersal of supercontinents, and studies of continental crustal growth largely on the growth and loss (recycling) of the crust. These two problems have long been studied separately from each other. The Paleozoic–Mesozoic granites in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt have commonly positive Nd values, implying large-scale continental crustal growth in the Phanerozoic. They coincided temporally and spatially with the Phanerozoic Pangea supercontinental cycle, and overlapped in space with the P-wave high-V anomalies and calculated positions of subducted slabs for the last 180 Ma, all this suggests that the Phanerozoic Laurasia supercontinental assembly was accompanied by large-scale continental crustal growth in central Asia. Based on these observations, this paper proposes that there may be close and original correlations between a supercontinental cycle, continental crustal growth and catastrophic slab avalanches in the mantle. In this model we suggest that rapid continental crustal growth occurred during supercontinent assembly, whereas during supercontinental breakup and dispersal new additions of the crust were balanced by losses, resulting in a steady state system. Supercontinental cycle and continental crustal growth are both governed by changing patterns of mantle convection.  相似文献   

中国东北地区蛇绿岩   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
我国东北地区位于中亚造山带的东段,经历了复杂的增生造山过程,其所属微陆块的基底属性及拼贴位置、洋-陆转换一直是地学界研究的热点。根据近年来的研究进展,我们将东北地区微陆块划分为额尔古纳地块、兴安增生地体、松嫩-锡林浩特地块和佳木斯地块。同时综述了东北地区蛇绿岩/蛇绿混杂岩带的时空分布、年代学及地球化学的新资料,讨论了其构造背景及俯冲-增生过程。东北地区增生造山不仅涉及古亚洲洋和古太平洋,还可能与泛大洋有关,包括早奥陶世-晚三叠世古亚洲洋主洋盆及古亚洲洋分支——新元古代-晚寒武世新林-喜桂图洋、早寒武世-晚石炭世嫩江洋、新元古代-晚志留世黑龙江洋和晚二叠世-中侏罗世牡丹江洋的演化。早石炭世末-晚石炭世初,东北地区古亚洲洋分支洋盆全部闭合,所有微陆块完成聚合形成统一的东北陆块群。晚二叠世-早三叠世时期,古亚洲洋主洋盆沿索伦-西拉木伦-长春-延吉缝合带自西向东从早到晚以剪刀式最终闭合,完成东北陆块群与华北板块的拼接。晚三叠世-早侏罗世时期古太平洋板块俯冲启动,东北地区进入古太平洋俯冲增生构造体系。  相似文献   

Nevado de Toluca Volcano (NTV), located in central Mexico, is a large stratovolcano, with an explosive history. The area is one of the most important developing centers (>2 millions) in Mexico and in the last 30 yrs large population growth and expansion have increased the potential risk in case of a reactivation of the volcano. As part of a study to assess volcanic risk, this paper presents the results of the volcanic hazard analysis for the NTV. A total of 150 stratigraphic sections were made in the field and three new ages were obtained. Eruptions from NTV produced a complex sequence of pyroclastic deposits that have affected the area at least 18 times during the last 100,000 yrs. Eight vulcanian, four plinian and one-ultraplinian eruptions as well as the destruction of at least three domes occurred in the last 42,000 yr BP as well as two sector collapses in the last 100,000 yrs. Isopach and isopleth maps for the main ulraplinian eruption were also made. The original cone height (5,080 m.a.s.l) was reconstructed through geomorphologic methods. The maximum distance calculated with the energy line for the block and ash flows was 41 km, 35 km for pumice flows and 45 km for debris avalanches. The dominant wind direction at altitudes of 20–30 km is to the east-northeast from November to March, west-northwest in April and west from May to October. Five hazards maps (block and ash flows, pumice flows, ash fall, debris avalanches, and lahars) were made for the NTV. The pyroclastic flows and lahars represent very high to medium hazard for Toluca, Villa Guerrero, Coatepec, Tianguistengo, Metepec, Tenango, Lerma and Zinacantepec. A new debris avalanche would probably affect the south and northeast because of active faulting (E–W and NW–SE) and existing topographic differences in height.  相似文献   

中亚造山带东段位于西伯利亚和华北克拉通之间,经历了多构造体系叠加和多旋回洋陆转换的复杂演化过程,目前大量研究均以构造带为核心来限定区域构造格局,但一直争议较大。本文以构造单元的构造属性及其形成过程为主线,结合区域构造带演化,重新厘定了中国东北地区基本构造格局,建立了中国东北山弯构造演化模型。研究表明,古生代时期中国东北地区的主要构造单元由两个具前寒武纪基底的古老地块——额尔古纳地块和佳木斯地块及其张广才岭陆缘弧与两个古生代增生地体——兴安增生地体和松辽增生地体组成,其间由古亚洲洋分支新林- 喜桂图洋、贺根山- 嫩江洋、龙凤山洋和索伦洋分割。早古生代,西部额尔古纳地块东南部为西太平洋型活动陆缘,发育有嘎仙- 吉峰- 环宇洋内弧和头道桥等洋岛,~500 Ma随着新林- 喜桂图洋的关闭,这些洋内弧和洋岛拼贴增生至额尔古纳地块东南缘。随后贺根山- 嫩江洋的俯冲和后撤形成了一系列沟- 弧- 盆体系,持续的俯冲导致弧陆碰撞和陆缘增生,形成兴安增生地体的主体。同时,东部佳木斯地块西侧发育有龙凤山洋的安第斯型俯冲活动陆缘,形成了张广才岭陆缘弧。伴随着各大洋的俯冲和陆缘增生,额尔古纳地块和佳木斯地块以及它们的陆缘增生带构成了一个早古生代近东西向展布的地块链。南部以锡林浩特- 龙江微地块为核心发生陆缘俯冲,形成松辽增生地体雏形。索伦洋发生双向俯冲,并通过弧陆碰撞产生陆缘增生。晚古生代,伴随着古亚洲洋的北向俯冲和后撤,早期形成的地块链逐渐发生向南弯曲。二叠纪末期—中三叠世古亚洲洋俯冲消减闭合以及西北部蒙古- 鄂霍茨克洋和东部泛大洋的俯冲挤压,导致地块链进一步弯曲,同时,早期的古老地块、增生地体、弧岩浆岩、沉积建造等发生汇聚,最终形成一个以额尔古纳地块和兴安增生地体为西翼,佳木斯地块和张广才岭陆缘弧为东翼,松辽增生地体为核心的大规模山弯构造——中国东北山弯构造。  相似文献   

赵珍  陆露  吴珍汉 《地学前缘》2019,26(2):249-263
本文综合磷灰石裂变径迹年龄(113~43 Ma)、锆石裂变径迹年龄(169~103 Ma)、锆石U-Pb年龄(215~206 Ma)、黑云母K-Ar年龄(186~178 Ma),通过磷灰石热史模拟,TASC图谱分析和矿物封闭温度年龄等手段,获得了中央隆起晚三叠世至今较为完整的冷却抬升历史。中央隆起主要经历了早侏罗世、晚侏罗世-早白垩世、晚白垩世-中新世早期和中新世晚期至今四期冷却事件,与南北羌塘板块后碰撞伸展、拉萨羌塘板块碰撞、新特提斯洋板片俯冲、印度欧亚板块碰撞以及中新世南北向走滑伸展存在动力学联系,造成11.4 km、2.85 km、4.3~5 km和0.85 km的抬升量。中央隆起在侏罗纪相对两侧盆地抬升,随着两侧盆地经历了侏罗纪的沉积增厚,与两侧盆地高差减小,在早白垩世早期可能位于海平面附近,随后快速抬升至2~2.5 km,统一接受晚白垩世红层沉积,并经历长期持续的逆冲推覆构造活动,进一步抬升至5 km,随后受到中新世古大湖夷平和南北向伸展作用影响,中央隆起相对盆地发生差异抬升。  相似文献   

The Late Silurian to Middle Devonian Calliope Volcanic Assemblage in the Rockhampton region is deformed into a set of northwest‐trending gently plunging folds with steep axial plane cleavage. Folds become tighter and cleavage intensifies towards the bounding Yarrol Fault to the east. These folds and associated cleavage also deformed Carboniferous and Permian rocks, and the age of this deformation is Middle to Late Permian (Hunter‐Bowen Orogeny). In the Stanage Bay area, both the Calliope Volcanic Assemblage and younger strata generally have one cleavage, although here it strikes north to northeast. This cleavage is also considered to be of Hunter‐Bowen age. Metamorphic grade in the Calliope Volcanic Assemblage ranges from prehnite‐pumpellyite to greenschist facies, with higher grades in the more strongly cleaved rocks. In the Rockhampton region the Calliope Volcanic Assemblage is part of a west‐vergent fold and thrust belt, the Yarrol Fault representing a major thrust within this system.

A Late Devonian unconformity followed minor folding of the Calliope Volcanic Assemblage, but no cleavage was formed. The unconformity does not represent a collision between an exotic island arc and continental Australia as previously suggested.  相似文献   

惠民凹陷普遍存在异常低压现象,低压发育层段为沙河街组二段、三段,且集中分布在中央隆起带周边。前人对异常低压成因研究尚存在于定性描述阶段,应用295口井试油实测地层压力数据,分析了惠民凹陷地层压力纵向、平面分布特征;从引起异常低压主要因素入手,定量分析了抬升地层剥蚀、地层温度降低、蚀变耗水作用、蚀变矿物体积变化对地层压力的影响。结果表明,地层剥蚀孔隙反弹引起地层压力降低0516 MPa;地温下降造成地层压力降低202~373 MPa;蚀变耗水引起地层压力降低864 MPa;蚀变矿物体积变化使得地层压力降低436 MPa;成藏期烃类充注,地层压力增加量小于32 MPa。以上各因素共同作用,使得中央隆起带压力演化呈现降压-增压-降压的旋回性,并最终形成现今压力分布格局。  相似文献   

本文对苏尼特左旗北部沙尔塔拉地区原定早二叠世大石寨组火山岩进行了系统的岩相学、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年、主微量元素和锆石Hf同位素研究。定年结果显示,该套地层中火山岩的形成时代可分为~3465Ma和3351Ma两期,其岩石组合分别为玄武安山岩-安山岩-英安岩-流纹岩和英安岩-流纹岩,其形成时代为早石炭世,而非前人认为的早二叠世。玄武安山岩具有高Al_2O_3( 17%),低MgO含量(243%~270%)和Cr、Co、Ni的特点,可能是高温低压和含少量水条件下母岩浆经历了橄榄石和辉石(早)以及斜长石(晚)等分离结晶作用的产物;相对富集轻稀土元素、大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Ba、Sr)以及Pb、Zr和Hf,亏损重稀土元素和Nb、Ta和Ti,具有较高的正ε_(Hf)(t)值(892~1379),同时存在大量434~490Ma的捕获锆石,表明早石炭世早期玄武安山岩的原始岩浆应起源于陆内伸展机制下受早期俯冲流体交代的亏损岩石圈地幔部分熔融,并经历了一定程度的地壳混染。英安岩和流纹岩的主微量元素特征(富硅、铝,贫铁、镁,富集LREEs和LILEs,亏损HREEs和HSFEs等)和锆石Hf同位素组成(ε_(Hf)(t)值分别为797~1214和835~1471,t_(DM2)分别为838~577Ma和812~407Ma),暗示它们的原始岩浆主体来源于新元古代末期和早古生代新增生的地壳部分熔融,同时,335Ma英安岩和流纹岩显示出高温(平均值为876℃)和A型花岗岩的特征,表明它们形成于陆壳伸展环境。安山岩的地球化学特征显示其岩浆可能是上述中基性和酸性岩浆混合的产物。另外,研究区石炭纪以新增生地壳的部分熔融为主,而且酸性火山岩锆石Hft_(DM2)整体随岩浆活动时代变新而变年轻。综上所述,早石炭世早期玄武安山岩表现出板内成因特点,安山岩具有岩浆混合成因,玄武安山岩与同时代英安岩-流纹岩共同构成了双峰式火山岩组合,从而表明研究区早石炭世早期已经处于陆内伸展环境;而早石炭世中期酸性火山岩的形成也进一步揭示了伸展作用的持续进行。结合前人沉积、变质作用等方面的研究成果,本文认为研究区石炭纪所记录的拉张环境可能与古亚洲洋在泥盆纪闭合后的伸展环境有关。  相似文献   

铷是重要的关键金属矿产资源,是未来各国资源争夺的焦点。虽然我国铷矿资源总量丰富,但主要为低品位难以加工利用的花岗岩型铷矿床,而以铁锂云母、锂云母和铯沸石等作为矿石矿物的高品位易加工花岗伟晶岩型铷矿床非常有限。因此,富铷花岗岩及相关铷矿床的形成过程、元素分异机制以及铷在不同矿物相中的赋存状态和控制因素是铷矿床成矿机制研究和找矿工作的关键。本文在对花岗(伟晶)岩铷矿主要研究进展进行综述的基础上,简介中亚造山带东、西段典型天河石花岗岩及相关铷等稀有金属矿床的主要特征和时空分布,并对未来研究重点进行了展望。本文认为,中亚造山带是全球最重要的天河石花岗岩和相关稀有金属矿床成矿域,其西段大量发育三叠纪天河石花岗岩,而东段大量发育晚侏罗至早白垩世天河石花岗岩。两者形成时代和构造背景分别与古亚洲洋向古特提斯洋构造域,以及古亚洲洋向古太平洋构造域的巨大转折相对应,铷等稀有金属成矿潜力巨大,值得开展深入的年代学、岩石学和矿床成因研究。  相似文献   

徐备  徐严  栗进  李群生 《地学前缘》2016,23(6):120-127
内蒙古西部的温都尔庙群下部为含铁石英岩、变质火山岩与绢云石英片岩,上部由各类绢云石英片岩、石英岩组成,局部夹碳酸盐沉积。利用SHRIMP和ICP-MS定年方法,获得该群下部的变质火山岩时代为(460±4) Ma,上部绢云石英片岩中最年轻的峰值年龄为417 Ma和444 Ma。结合已有的锆石年龄分析结果,本文认为温都尔庙群的发育时代可能为500~415 Ma。根据温都尔庙群的物质组成,推测其形成于松辽-浑善达克地块周围的大陆边缘海域并命名为温都尔庙洋,代表我国境内早古生代时期的古亚洲洋。根据碰撞造山带理论探讨了温都尔庙群的构造位置,提出在早-中古生代时期,以温都尔庙群为代表的古亚洲洋发生了向南部华北地块和向北部兴安-艾力格庙地块的双向俯冲,其主体部分形成南、北两个加积楔,而其边缘部分卷入南、北混杂岩带成为基质,因此温都尔庙群的褶皱及变质历史记录了中亚造山带东段的演化过程。对碎屑锆石年龄分布的研究表明,温都尔庙群的前寒武纪物源特征与蒙古国下古生界的相似,而与华北陆块显著不同,表明温都尔庙群的物源很可能来自华北陆块之外的前寒武纪古陆。  相似文献   

沿中央造山带存在一条巨大的超高压变质带,其西起阿尔金-祁连,往东经秦岭,延至大别苏鲁,全长超过4000 km.柴北缘片麻岩中含柯石英锆石的SIMS离子探针原位微区U-Pb定年获得超高压变质年龄452±1 3.8 Ma,锆石的退变质年龄419±6.7 Ma.SHRIMP U-Pb定年获得秦岭含金刚石片麻岩中锆石的下交点年龄502±45 Ma,上交点年龄1545±100Ma,认为前者代表超高压变质年龄,后者为原岩岩浆锆石年龄;获得榴辉岩锆石的上交点年龄1381±82 Ma和下交点493±170 Ma,认为上交点代表榴辉岩原岩年龄,下交点代表超高压变质年龄;获得江苏东海县青龙山榴辉岩含柯石英等超高压矿物锆石的年龄为441±9 Ma,449±9 Ma,和442±9Ma,平均444±9 Ma,核部含斜长石+磷灰石锆石年龄为761±13 Ma,认为前者代表超高压变质年龄,后者代表榴辉岩原岩结晶年龄.认为中国中部沿中央造山带中存在两期超高压变质作用,第一期为加里东期,第二期为印支期,两期超高压变质事件在时空分布方面是不同的,加里东期超高压变质事件由西部阿尔金-柴北缘延至东部大别-苏鲁,印支期超高压变质事件没有在大别以西发现.认为中央造山带应是一个多期活动的造山带,较早形成罗德尼亚大陆的格林威尔造山运动可能留下了10亿年左右的构造岩浆事件记录,如中央造山带中大量10亿年左右的花岗岩及基性超基性岩类;罗德尼亚大陆之后第一次裂解作用可能发生在8亿年左右;其后早古生代加里东期的洋盆裂开,蛇绿岩和超高压变质岩石的大量出现是一次十分强烈的板块构造事件,从东到西,沿中央造山带均有分布;加里东期造山事件之后印支期沿该造山带又有一次大的板块裂解和俯冲碰撞作用,表现在勉略蛇绿岩洋壳及大别-苏鲁印支期超高压变质带的存在.中央造山带保留和记录了多期裂解、会聚事件,通过对其解剖,不仅可以认识中国大地构造格局和演化,并由此理解全球的大陆漂移、一系列大裂解和大会聚等重大地质事件.  相似文献   

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