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Chloride complexation of Cu+ controls the solubility of copper(I) oxide and sulfide ore minerals in hydrothermal and diagenetic fluids. Solubility measurements and optical spectra of high temperature CuCl solutions have been interpreted as indicating the formation of CuCl, , and complexes. However, no other monovalent cation forms tri- and tetrachloro complexes. EXAFS spectra of high temperature Cu-Cl solutions, moreover, appear to show only CuCl and complexes at T > 100 °C. To reconcile these results, I investigated the nature and stability of Cu-Cl complexes using ab initio cluster calculations and ab initio (Car-Parrinello) molecular dynamics simulations for CuCl-NaCl-H2O systems at 25 to 450 °C. Ab initio molecular dynamic simulations of 1 m CuCl in a 4 m Cl solution give a stable complex at 25 °C over 4 ps but show that the third Cl is weakly bound. When the temperature is increased along the liquid-vapour saturation curve to 125 °C, the complex dissociates into and Cl; only forms at 325 °C and 1 kbar. Even in a 15.6 m Cl brine at 450 °C, only the complex forms over a 4 ps simulation run.Cluster calculations with a static dielectric continuum solvation field (COSMO) were used in an attempt directly estimate free energies of complex formation in aqueous solution. Consistent with the MD simulations, the complex is slightly stable at 25 °C but decreases in stability with decreasing dielectric constant (ε). The complex is predicted to be unstable at 25 °C and becomes increasingly unstable with decreasing dielectric constant. In hydrothermal fluids (ε < 30) both the and complexes are unstable to dissociation into and Cl.The results obtained here are at odds with recent equations of state that predict and complexes are the predominant species in hydrothermal brines. In contrast, I predict that only complexes will be significant at T > 125 °C, even in NaCl-saturated brines. The high-temperature (T > 125 °C) optical spectra of CuCl solutions and solubility measurements of Cu minerals in Cl-brines need to be reinterpreted in terms of only the CuCl and complexes.  相似文献   

The influence of solution complexation on the sorption of yttrium and the rare earth elements (YREEs) by amorphous ferric hydroxide was investigated at 25 °C over a range of pH (4.0-7.1) and carbonate concentrations . Distribution coefficients, defined as , where [MSi]T is the total concentration of sorbed YREE, MT is the total YREE concentration in solution, and [Si] is the concentration of amorphous ferric hydroxide, initially increased in magnitude with increasing carbonate concentration, and then decreased. The initial increase of is due to sorption of YREE carbonate complexes , in addition to sorption of free YREE ions (M3+). The subsequent decrease of , which is more extensive for the heavy REEs, is due to the increasing intensity of YREE solution complexation by carbonate ions. The competition for YREEs between solution complexation and surface complexation was modeled via the equation:

The concentration and distribution of Pt and Au in a fluid-melt system has been investigated by reacting the metals with S-free, single-phase aqueous brines (20, 50, 70 wt% eq. NaCl) ± peraluminous melt at a confining pressure of 1.5 kbar and temperatures of 600 to 800 °C, trapping the fluid in synthetic fluid inclusions (quartz-hosted) and vesicles (silicate melt-hosted), and quantifying the metal content of the trapped fluid and glass by laser ablation ICP-MS. HCl concentration was buffered using the assemblage albite-andalusite-quartz and fO2 was buffered using the assemblage Ni-NiO. Over the range of experimental conditions, measured concentrations of Pt and Au in the brines (, ) are on on the order of 1-103 ppm. Concentrations of Pt and Au in the melt (, ) are ∼35-100 ppb and ∼400-1200 ppb, respectively. Nernst partition coefficients (, ) are on the order of 102-103 and vary as a function of (non-Henry’s Law behavior). Trapped fluids show a significant range of metal concentrations within populations of inclusions from single experiments (∼ 1 log unit variability for Au; ∼2-3 log unit variability for Pt). Variability in metal concentration within single inclusion groups is attributed to premature brine entrapment (prior to metal-fluid-melt equilibrium being reached); this allows us to make only minimum estimates of metal solubility using metal concentrations from primary inclusions. The data show two trends: (i) maximum and average values of and in inclusions decrease ∼2 orders of magnitude as fluid salinity () increases from ∼4 to 40 molal (20 to 70 wt % eq. NaCl) at a constant temperature; (ii) maximum and average values of increase approximately 1 order of magnitude for every 100°C increase temperature at a fixed . The observed behavior may be described by the general expression:

Microbiological reduction of a biogenic sulfated green rust , was examined using a sulfate reducing bacterium (Desulfovibrio alaskensis). Experiments investigated whether could serve as a sulfate source for D. alaskensis anaerobic respiration by analyzing mineral transformation. Batch experiments were conducted using lactate as the electron donor and biogenic as the electron acceptor, at circumneutral pH in unbuffered medium. transformation was monitored with time by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission Mössbauer Spectroscopy (TMS), Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The reduction of sulfate anions and the formation of iron sulfur mineral were clearly identified by XPS analyses. TMS showed the formation of additional mineral as green rust (GR) and vivianite. XRD analyses discriminated the type of the newly formed GR as GR1. The formed GR1 was as indicated by DRIFTS analysis. Thus, the results presented in this study indicate that D. alaskensis cells were able to use as an electron acceptor. , vivianite and an iron sulfur compound were formed as a result of reduction by D. alaskensis. Hence, in environments where geochemical conditions promote biogenic formation, this mineral could stimulate the anaerobic respiration of sulfate reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, a significant research effort has focused on determining the feasibility of sequestering large amounts of CO2 in deep, permeable geologic formations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. Most models indicate that injection of CO2 into deep sedimentary formations will lead to the formation of various carbonate minerals, including the common phases calcite (CaCO3), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), magnesite (MgCO3), siderite (FeCO3), as well as the far less common mineral, dawsonite (NaAlCO3(OH)2). Nevertheless, the equilibrium and kinetics that control the precipitation of stable carbonate minerals are poorly understood and few experiments have been performed to validate computer codes that model CO2 sequestration.In order to reduce this uncertainty we measured the solubility of synthetic dawsonite according to the equilibrium: , from under- and oversaturated solutions at 50-200 °C in basic media at 1.0 mol · kg−1 NaCl. The solubility products (Qs) obtained were extrapolated to infinite dilution to obtain the solubility constants (. Combining the fit of these values and fixing  at 25 °C, which was derived from the calorimetric data of Ferrante et al. [Ferrante, M.J., Stuve, J.M., and Richardson, D.W., 1976. Thermodynamic data for synthetic dawsonite. U.S. Bureau of Mines Report Investigation, 8129, Washington, D.C., 13p.], the following thermodynamic parameters for the dissolution of dawsonite were calculated at 25 °C: , and . Subsequently, we were able to derive values for the Gibbs energy of formation (, enthalpy of formation ( and entropy ( of dawsonite. These results are within the combined experimental uncertainties of the values reported by Ferrante et al. (1976). Predominance diagrams are presented for the dawsonite/boehmite and dawsonite/bayerite equilibria at 100 °C in the presence of a saline solution with and without silica-containing minerals.  相似文献   

Although the stable oxygen isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate ion and H2O (hereafter ) is of physico-chemical and biogeochemical significance, no experimental value has been established until present. The primary reason being that uncatalyzed oxygen exchange between and H2O is extremely slow, taking 105 years at room temperature. For lack of a better approach, values of 16‰ and 31‰ at 25 °C have been assumed in the past, based on theoretical ‘gas-phase’ calculations and extrapolation of laboratory results obtained at temperatures >75 °C that actually pertain to the bisulfate system. Here I use novel quantum-chemistry calculations, which take into account detailed solute-water interactions to establish a new value for of 23‰ at 25 °C. The results of the corresponding calculations for the bisulfate ion are in agreement with observations. The new theoretical values show that sediment -data, which reflect oxygen isotope equilibration between sulfate and ambient water during microbial sulfate reduction, are consistent with the abiotic equilibrium between and water.  相似文献   

Ammonium fixed in micas of metamorphic rocks is a sensitive indicator both of organic-inorganic interactions during diagenesis as well as of the devolatilization history and fluid/rock interaction during metamorphism. In this study, a collection of geochemically well-characterized biotite separates from a series of graphite-bearing Paleozoic greenschist- to upper amphibolite-facies metapelites, western Maine, USA, were analyzed for ammonium nitrogen () contents and isotopic composition (δ15NNH4) using the HF-digestion distillation technique followed by the EA-IRMS technique. Biotite separates, sampled from 9 individual metamorphic zones, contain 3000 to 100 ppm with a wide range in δ15N from +1.6‰ to +9.1‰. Average contents in biotite show a distinct decrease from about 2750 ppm for the lowest metamorphic grade (∼500 °C) down to 218 ppm for the highest metamorphic grade (∼685 °C). Decreasing abundances in are inversely correlated in a linear fashion with increasing K+ in biotite as a function of metamorphic grade and are interpreted as a devolatilization effect. Despite expected increasing δ15NNH4 values in biotite with nitrogen loss, a significant decrease from the Garnet Zones to the Staurolite Zones was found, followed by an increase to the Sillimanite Zones. This pattern for δ15NNH4 values in biotite inversely correlates with Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios in biotite and is discussed in the framework of isotopic fractionation due to different exchange processes between or , reflecting devolatilization history and redox conditions during metamorphism.  相似文献   

In rivers draining the Himalaya-Tibetan-Plateau region, the 26Mg/24Mg ratio has a range of 2‰ and the 44Ca/42Ca ratio has a range of 0.6‰. The average δ26Mg values of tributaries from each of the main lithotectonic units (Tethyan Sedimentary Series (TSS), High Himalayan Crystalline Series (HHCS) and Lesser Himalayan Series (LHS)) are within 2 standard deviation analytical uncertainty (0.14‰). The consistency of average riverine δ26Mg values is in contrast to the main rock types (limestone, dolostone and silicate) which range in their average δ26Mg values by more than 2‰. Tributaries draining the dolostones of the LHS differ in their values compared to tributaries from the TSS and HHCS. The chemistry of these river waters is strongly influenced by dolostone (solute Mg/Ca close to unity) and both δ26Mg (−1.31‰) and (0.64‰) values are within analytical uncertainty of the LHS dolostone. These are the most elevated values in rivers and rock reported so far demonstrating that both riverine and bedrock values may show greater variability than previously thought.Although rivers draining TSS limestone have the lowest values at −1.41 and 0.42‰, respectively, both are offset to higher values compared to bedrock TSS limestone. The average δ26Mg value of rivers draining mainly silicate rock of the HHCS is −1.25‰, lower by 0.63‰ than the average silicate rock. These differences are consistent with a fractionation of δ26Mg values during silicate weathering. Given that the proportion of Mg exported from the Himalaya as solute Mg is small, the difference in 26Mg/24Mg ratios between silicate rock and solute Mg reflects the 26Mg/24Mg isotopic fractionation factor () between silicate and dissolved Mg during incongruent silicate weathering. The value of of 0.99937 implies that in the TSS, solute Mg is primarily derived from silicate weathering, whereas the source of Ca is overwhelmingly derived from carbonate weathering. The average value in HHCS rivers is within uncertainty of silicate rock at 0.39‰. The widespread hot springs of the High Himalaya have an average δ26Mg value of −0.46‰ and an average value of 0.5‰, distinct from riverine values for δ26Mg but similar to riverine values. Although rivers draining each major rock type have and δ26Mg values in part inherited from bedrock, there is no correlation with proxies for carbonate or silicate lithology such as Na/Ca ratios, suggesting that Ca and Mg are in part recycled. However, in spite of the vast contrast in vegetation density between the arid Tibetan Plateau and the tropical Lesser Himalaya, the isotopic fractionation factor for Ca and Mg between solute and rocks are not systematically different suggesting that vegetation may only recycle a small amount of Ca and Mg in these catchments.The discrepancy between solute and solid Ca and Mg isotope ratios in these rivers from diverse weathering environments highlight our lack of understanding concerning the origin and subsequent path of Ca and Mg, bound as minerals in rock, and released as cations in rivers. The fractionation of Ca and Mg isotope ratios may prove useful for tracing mechanisms of chemical alteration. Ca isotope ratios of solute riverine Ca show a greater variability than previously acknowledged. The variability of Ca isotope ratios in modern rivers will need to be better quantified and accounted for in future models of global Ca cycling, if past variations in oceanic Ca isotope ratios are to be of use in constraining the past carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Ammonium was injected from the subseafloor hydrothermal system at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, into the deep-sea water column resulting in an -rich (?177 nM) neutrally buoyant hydrothermal plume. This was quickly removed by both autotrophic ammonia oxidation and assimilation. The former accounted for at least 93% of total net removal, with its maximum rate in the neutrally buoyant plume (?53 nM d−1) up to 10-fold that in background deep water. Ammonia oxidation in this plume potentially added 26-130 mg into the deep-sea water column. This oxidation process was heavily influenced by the presence of organic-rich particles, with which ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) were often associated (40-68%). AOB contributed up to 10.8% of the total microbial communities within the plume, and might constitute a novel lineage of β-proteobacterial AOB based on 16S rRNA and amoA phylogenetic analyses. Meanwhile, assimilation rates were also substantially enhanced within the neutrally buoyant plume (?26.4 nM d−1) and accounted for at least 47% of total net removal rates. The combined oxidation and assimilation rates always exceeded total net removal rates, suggesting active in situregeneration rates of at least an order of magnitude greater than the particulate nitrogen flux from the euphotic zone. Ammonia oxidation is responsible for turnover of 0.7-13 days and is probably the predominant in situ organic carbon production process (0.6-13 mg C m−2 d−1) at early stages of Endeavour neutrally buoyant plumes.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional (2D) reactive transport model is used to investigate the controls on nutrient (, , PO4) dynamics in a coastal aquifer. The model couples density-dependent flow to a reaction network which includes oxic degradation of organic matter, denitrification, iron oxide reduction, nitrification, Fe2+ oxidation and sorption of PO4 onto iron oxides. Porewater measurements from a well transect at Waquoit Bay, MA, USA indicate the presence of a reducing plume with high Fe2+, , DOC (dissolved organic carbon) and PO4 concentrations overlying a more oxidizing -rich plume. These two plumes travel nearly conservatively until they start to overlap in the intertidal coastal sediments prior to discharge into the bay. In this zone, the aeration of the surface beach sediments drives nitrification and allows the precipitation of iron oxide, which leads to the removal of PO4 through sorption. Model simulations suggest that removal of through denitrification is inhibited by the limited overlap between the two freshwater plumes, as well as by the refractory nature of terrestrial DOC. Submarine groundwater discharge is a significant source of to the bay.  相似文献   

Potentiometric measurements of the stoichiometric constants for the dissociation of carbonic acid in NaCl solutions ( and ) have been made as a function of molality (0-6 m) and temperature (0-50 °C). The results have been fitted to the equations

Theoretical study on the reactivity of sulfate species with hydrocarbons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The abiotic, thermochemically controlled reduction of sulfate to hydrogen sulfide coupled with the oxidation of hydrocarbons, is termed thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR), and is an important alteration process that affects petroleum accumulations in nature. Although TSR is commonly observed in high-temperature carbonate reservoirs, it has proven difficult to simulate in the laboratory under conditions resembling nature. The present study was designed to evaluate the relative reactivities of various sulfate species in order to provide greater insight into the mechanism of TSR and potentially to fill the gap between laboratory experimental data and geological observations. Accordingly, quantum mechanics density functional theory (DFT) was used to determine the activation energy required to reach a potential transition state for various aqueous systems involving simple hydrocarbons and different sulfate species. The entire reaction process that results in the reduction of sulfate to sulfide is far too complex to be modeled entirely; therefore, we examined what is believed to be the rate limiting step, namely, the reduction of sulfate S(VI) to sulfite S(IV). The results of the study show that water-solvated sulfate anions are very stable due to their symmetrical molecular structure and spherical electronic distributions. Consequently, in the absence of catalysis, the reactivity of is expected to be extremely low. However, both the protonation of sulfate to form bisulfate anions () and the formation of metal-sulfate contact ion-pairs could effectively destabilize the sulfate molecular structure, thereby making it more reactive.Previous reports of experimental simulations of TSR generally have involved the use of acidic solutions that contain elevated concentrations of relative to . However, in formation waters typically encountered in petroleum reservoirs, the concentration of is likely to be significantly lower than the levels used in the laboratory, with most of the dissolved sulfate occurring as , aqueous calcium sulfate ([CaSO4](aq)), and aqueous magnesium sulfate ([MgSO4](aq)). Our calculations indicate that TSR reactions that occur in natural environments are most likely to involve bisulfate ions () and/or magnesium sulfate contact ion-pairs ([MgSO4]CIP) rather than ‘free’ sulfate ions () or solvated sulfate ion-pairs, and that water chemistry likely plays a significant role in controlling the rate of TSR.  相似文献   

Sedimentary S cycling is usually conceptualized and interpreted within the context of steadily accreting (1-D) transport-reaction regimes. Unsteady processes, however, are common in many sedimentary systems and can result in dramatically different S reaction balances and diagenetic products than steady conditions. Globally important common examples include tropical deltaic topset and inner shelf muds such as those extending from the Amazon River ∼1600 km along the Guianas coast of South America. These deposits are characterized by episodic reworking of the surface seabed over vertical depths of ∼0.1-3 m. Reworked surface sediments act as unsteady, suboxic batch reactors, unconformably overlying relict anoxic, often methanic deposits, and have diagenetic properties largely decoupled from net accumulation of sediment. Despite well-oxygenated water and an abundant reactive organic matter supply, physical disturbance inhibits macrofauna, and benthic communities are dominated by microbial biomass across immense areas. In the surficial suboxic layer, molecular biological analyses, tracer experiments, sediment C/S/Fe compositions, and δ34S, δ18O of pore water indicate close coupling of anaerobic C, S, and Fe cycles. δ18O- can increase by 2-3‰ during anaerobic recycling without net change in δ34S-, demonstrating reduction coupled to complete anaerobic reoxidation to and a δ18O- reduction + reoxidation fractionation factor?12‰ (summed magnitudes). S reoxidation must be coupled to Fe-oxide reduction, contributing to high dissolved Fe2+ (∼1 mM) and Fe mobilization-export. The reworking of Amazon-Guianas shelf muds alone may isotopically alter δ18O- equivalent in mass to?25% of the annual riverine delivery of to the global ocean. Unsteady conditions result in preservation of unusually heavy δ34S isotopic compositions of residual Cr reducible S, ranging from 0‰ to >30‰ in physically reworked deposits. In contrast, bioturbated facies adjacent to physically reworked regions accumulate isotopically light S (δ34S to −20‰) in otherwise similar decomposition regimes. The isotopic patterns of both physically and biologically reworked regions can be simulated with simple diagenetic models. Heavy S isotopic signatures are largely a consequence of unsteady diffusion and progressive anaerobic burndown into underlying deposits, whereas isotopically depleted bioturbated deposits predominantly reflect biogenic diffusive scaling and isotopic distillation/diffusive pumping associated with reoxidation in burrow walls immediately adjacent to reduced zones. The S isotopic transition from unsteady physically controlled regions of the Amazon delta moving laterally into bioturbated facies mimics the transition of S isotopic patterns temporally in the geologic record during the rise of bioturbation. No special role for S disproportionation is required to explain these differences. The potential role of unsteady, suboxic diagenesis and dynamic reworking of sediments has been largely ignored in models of the evolution of surficial elemental cycling and interpretations of the geologic record.  相似文献   

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