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马晓静  康英  杨选 《华南地震》2020,40(2):32-36
基于广东地震台网记录的地震观测报告和连续波形数据,应用双差地震定位算法,对2019年10月12日广西北流-广东化州M_S5.2地震序列进行重新精确定位。重新定位后结合震源分布和震源机制解发现:发震断层沿NWW方向展布,跨度约3.5 km,破裂深度4~10 km。震后25 h内的余震基本沿断层方向分布,有部分沿破裂面向深处发展。之后的余震有向地表、向北东向发展的趋势,根据震源深度剖面分布判断断层的倾角约75°。与震源机制解的断层形态基本一致。  相似文献   

结合波形互相关技术的双差算法在地震定位中的应用探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文致力于探讨在数字化地震监测大规模发展后,如何更好地将大量丰富的数字化波形信息应用到地震定位领域,从而更大程度地提高地震定位精度问题。笔者认为"结合波形互相关技术的双差定位算法"是一种比较有发展前景的方法,因此分别从基本理论、发展历程、台网实用化过程以及推广使用中可能存在的问题等角度进行分析,探讨该技术在地震定位领域中的发展方向及推广使用的可能性。  相似文献   

本文采用基于波形互相关算法的双差定位方法对三峡水库地震进行精定位和地震活动性分析。首先使用双谱互相关方法分析了三峡库区加密台网于2009年3月至2010年12月观测到的地震波形数据,并对波形互相关分析的结果进行了评价。基于结合获得的波形互相关数据使用双差定位方法对地震事件进行精定位研究,结果表明使用双谱法验证的波形互相关数据的定位精度要高于其他数据的结果,其东西向震源位置平均误差为3.2m、南北向为3.9m、垂直向为6.2m。重定位震中结果显示巴东神龙溪两岸微震分布明显呈现出3条近东西向的线性条带状,与地表小规模断裂和碳酸盐岩地层走向一致,揭示了库水主要沿着溶洞或者地下暗河渗透进而诱发地震活动,较强地震可能是微小地震贯穿活动面的结果。  相似文献   

汶川Ms8.0地震及余震序列重新定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵博  石玉涛  高原 《地震》2011,31(2):1-10
从2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震发震时刻起到2008年12月31日,四川省及其周边省区布设的区域台网、水库台网以及流动台共记录到10000余次余震序列(M≥2.0).我们采用双差定位法对主震及余震序列进行重新定位,得到7000多个地震的重新定位结果.结果表明,余震分布带长约350 km.在西南部,余震沿龙门山后山...  相似文献   

2012年9月7日彝良地震及余震序列双差定位研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了时域多通道相关检测函数并用其计算波形互相关走时差数据,采用双差定位法对2012年9月7日云南彝良地震和余震序列共944个地震进行重定位,得到652个重定位事件,并与目录数据的结果进行了对比.本文采用了多个准则对走时差数据进行筛选,确保定位结果稳定可靠.得到MS5.7主震的震中为27.516°N,103.951°E,震源深度6.9 km;MS5.6主震的震中为27.543°N,104.023°E,震源深度7.27 km;重定位结果显示,地震序列紧缩为条带状并沿附近断裂走向分布,深度总体分布较重定位前变浅,集中分布在5~8 km,地震群出现轻微倾斜.东西向、南北向、深度和发震时刻的平均相对误差分别为55.2 m,43.0 m,186.7 m和0.01 s,走时残差16ms.研究表明:互相关数据的结果要优于目录数据;震源深度与速度模型存在较大的相关性;确定彝良—会泽断裂为本次彝良地震序列的发震构造.  相似文献   

罗艳  倪四道  龙锋 《中国地震》2012,28(3):266-276
寻找并确认更深的余震,对认识汶川主震的深部构造环境、应力状态具有一定的意义.已有研究表明,绝大多数汶川地震余震深度在20km以内,但近期的研究提出了2个余震可能深于30km的证据,为了确认这2个疑似深震的震源深度,本文通过计算理论地震图测试了震源深度及震中距对P波偏振的影响,并与实际观测的P波偏振信息进行对比分析.此外,还使用近震深度震相sPL波拟合的方法来测定震源深度,确认了这2个地震的深度在10 ~ 15km范围.  相似文献   

汶川Ms 8.0地震部分余震重新定位及地震构造初步分析   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:33  
利用双差地震定位法对5月12日汶川MS8.0地震至6月26日四川地震台网整理形成观测报告的2741个余震进行了重新定位。在此基础上,初步探讨了汶川地震的地震构造及其余震的破裂扩展。重新定位后震源深度主要分布在0~20km间的上地壳,25~40km的下地壳也有少量地震发生,与下地壳存在脆性变形的断裂活动相对应,在20~25km深度范围内的上下地壳之间存在一个明显的缺震层,推测其可能构成推覆构造的滑脱面。从震源分布与震源机制解在空间的变化上,地震破裂由南向北单侧破裂且存在明显的分段活动性,推测可能存在逆冲推覆与右旋走滑破裂相互转换的过程:逆冲推覆滑动主要发生在高川以南的段落上,震源机制解表现为以逆冲为主;地震破裂向北并未沿龙门山推覆构造带北段扩展,而是斜切青川断裂,震源分布刻画的结构面陡直,震源机制解表现为以右旋走滑错动为主  相似文献   

双差定位方法在山东地区的应用   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
运用双差定位法和波形互相关技术,对2003年6月5日发生的青岛震群和1974年以来的潍坊(36°~37°N,118°~120°E)地区发生的地震进行重新定位,同时使用多种震相,对深度进行控制。并对GENETIC遗传算法、交切法和双差定位法的结果进行比较。应用结果表明,该方法较传统的定位方法得到的结果可能更切合实际,在山东地区的应用得到了较好的结果。  相似文献   

本文利用双差定位法对发生在吉林区域317次中小地震进行重新定位,得到265次地震定位结果,显示震中分布总体格局变化不大,但局部地区地震有向构造带及其交汇处集中的变化,震群分布更加集中,震源深度主要集中在0~25km。对乾安—前郭M5.0级地震余震序列双差定位,结果显示地震更加集中于极震区,方向呈北偏东,深度分布在10KM左右。研究结果初步表明该方法定位精度比较高,无论在残差、测定误差、震中分布还是震源深度方面,都比原来定位结果有较大改进。  相似文献   

以中国地震台网中心地震目录中的事件为模板地震,通过滑动窗口的波形互相关方法对布设在灌县—安县断裂周边17个流动地震台的连续地震记录进行处理,识别ML0.0以上的重复地震. 然后使用结合波形互相关技术的双差算法对这些地震进行重定位,获得了243次地震的重定位结果. 结果表明: 在研究时段内,灌县—安县断裂的地震活动性呈减弱趋势; 地震震源的优势分布深度为5—15 km,震源深度剖面显示地震呈高角度向西倾斜分布; 地震震中沿NE向分布,与龙门山前山断裂的走向基本一致; 研究区内南、 北两段的地震活动性及b值存在差异,这可能与龙门山断裂带中段区域应力方向由南到北发生的WNW向到ENE向转换的构造作用密切相关.   相似文献   

时培建  刘杰  杨振 《地震学报》2009,31(5):506-515
为了探索汶川余震发生的时空规律,采用时空点格局的分析方法,分别对汶川Msge;4.0,Msge;4.5,Msge;5.0的余震数据进行了分析,发现在一定距离尺度和一定时间尺度上余震数据存在时空聚集.在前两组余震序列中这种时空互动在余震相距60km、260小时的范围内明显增强,而后一组余震序列中这种时空互动在余震相距80km、150小时的范围内明显增强.若不考虑余震发生的时间因素,采用完全空间随机化分析方法,得到余震在相距60km范围内聚集性明显增强.上述结果为研究汶川地震发生规律和强余震预测提供了参考.   相似文献   

Earthquake early warning system (EEWS) is one of the effective ways to mitigate earthquake damage and can provide few seconds to tens of seconds of advanced warning time of impending ground motions, allowing for mitigation measures to be taken in the short term. After the devastating Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, hundreds of M4-6 earthquakes occurred with depth range of 2–24 km. We explore a practical approach to earthquake early warning in Wenchuan area by determining a ground-motion period parameter τc and a high-pass filtered vertical displacement amplitude parameter Pd from the initial 3 s of the P waveforms of these aftershocks with M≥4.0. The empirical relationships both between τc and M, and between Pd and peak ground velocity PGV for the Wenchuan area are presented. The τc result shows that it is systematically greater for slow earthquakes, leading to a possible false alarm. The moment rate function is used to handle the fact that the Pd parameter alone miss the M=8.0 mainshock. These two relationships can be used to detect the occurrence of a major earthquake and provide onsite warning in the area around the station where onset of strong ground motions is expected within seconds after the arrival of the P wave. The robustness of onsite early warning can be increased by using multistation data when the station density is high or by combing τc and Pd as a single indicator.  相似文献   

The double-difference earthquake relocation algorithm (DD algorithm) has been applied to the accurate relocation of 10057 earthquakes in the central-western China (21°-36°N, 98°-112E°) during the period of 1992-1999. In total, 79706 readings for P waves and 72169 readings for S waves were used in the relocation, and the source parameters of 6496 events were obtained. The relocation results revealed a more complete picture of the hypocentral distribution in the central-western China. In several seismic belts the relocated epicenters present a more defined lineation feature, reflecting the close correlation between the seismicity and the active tectonic structures. The relocated focal depths confirmed that most earthquakes (91 percent of the 6496 relocated events) in the central-western China were located at shallower depths not deeper than 20 km. The distribution of focal depths indicates that the seismogenic layer in the central-western China is located in the upper-mid crust with its thickness no deeper than 20 km.  相似文献   

The double-difference earthquake relocation algorithm (DD algorithm) has been applied to the accurate relocation of 10057 earthquakes in the central-western China (21°-36°N, 98°-112E°) during the period of 1992-1999. In total, 79706 readings for P waves and 72169 readings for S waves were used in the relocation, and the source parameters of 6496 events were obtained. The relocation results revealed a more complete picture of the hypocentral distribution in the central-western China. In several seismic belts the relocated epicenters present a more defined lineation feature, reflecting the close correlation between the seismicity and the active tectonic structures. The relocated focal depths confirmed that most earthquakes (91 percent of the 6496 relocated events) in the central-western China were located at shallower depths not deeper than 20 km. The distribution of focal depths indicates that the seismogenic layer in the central-western China is located in the upper-mid crust with its thickness no deeper than 20 km.  相似文献   

Based on the formulation of a multiple non-isotropic scattering process, a characteristic source time is introduced to define the initial impulse width of energy density at the source. An analytical expression of the initial intensity spectral density of a seismic wave is incorporated into the integral equation of seismic wave energy density. And, a recursive formula of Green’s function is derived to obtain the higher order Green’s function, which is included to describe the stronger non-isotropic scattering process. Then, the effect of the scattering pattern on the energy density envelope is investigated by the modified scattering theory. Significant differences are found in the decay of the energy density envelopes with distances using different scattering patterns. The envelope synthesized by the forward dominated scattering pattern is larger than the results obtained by the isotropic and backward dominated scattering pattern. Different scattering patterns are also used to fit the observation data from the aftershocks of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. It is concluded that the envelopes synthesized by the forward scattering pattern can match the data better than the isotropic and backward dominated scattering cases, and a new interpretation of the coda wave is given. Finally, using the forward dominated scattering pattern, the envelope broadening of the observed data is reproduced.  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0地震余震震源机制时空分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用CAP波形反演方法,获取了汶川MS8.0地震序列中312个具有较高信噪比波形资料的4级以上余震的震源机制解和震源深度. 基于震源深度空间分布与震源机制时空分布,分析了主震后余震区断层行为特征与应力场时空变化,并对龙门山断裂带中北段的发震断层面几何形态进行了初步探讨. 获得的主要认识如下:(1)余震震源深度分布存在显著的空间分段差异. 绵竹以西的余震区南段与平武以东的北段余震深度范围大于中段(绵竹-平武段),但深度小于5 km的5级以上超浅源地震主要分布在明显偏离龙门山断裂带走向的理县NW向分支与余震区北端NNE向分支,而中段余震主要分布在7~19 km深度. (2)余震机制类型存在明显的时空差异. 余震区中段逆冲型地震占绝对优势,理县NW向分支余震则以走滑型为主,机制类型随时间变化不显著. 沿龙门山断裂带走向的余震区南段,早期(2008年8月底前)逆冲型地震比例高于走滑型、晚期走滑型地震比例显著升高并超过逆冲型;而余震区北段早期走滑型地震占绝对优势、晚期逆冲型地震比例大幅上升且超过走滑型. 南、北两段余震机制类型比例的显著变化,可能是余震区两端断层调整性运动的表现. (3)节面走向及P轴方位优势方向均存在显著的空间差异. 南段NWW向P轴方位与区域应力场一致,中段及理县NW向分支P轴优势方向NEE,而北段具NWW和NEE两个优势方向,这种差异反映了余震活动除了受区域应力场控制外,还受到主震引发的局部应力场的控制. 节面走向的多方位分布则反映不同走向的构造参与了主震后的余震活动. (4)沿龙门山断裂带走向,余震区南段具深部缓倾角、浅部高倾角的铲形断面特征;中段深部倾角均值较稳定、浅部倾角均值随深度减小而增大;北段倾角均值相对稳定,显示其断面几何形态相对简单. 上述不同区段倾角均值随深度的变化揭示龙门山断裂带中北段断层面几何形态复杂.  相似文献   

The generalized inversion of S-wave amplitude spectra from the free-field strong motion recordings of the China National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS) are used to evaluate the site effects in the Wenchuan area. In this regard, a total of 602 recordings from 96 aftershocks of the Wenchuan earthquake with magnitudes of M3.7-M6.5 were selected as a dataset. These recordings were obtained from 28 stations at a hypocenter distance ranging from 30 km to 150 km. The inversion results have been verified as reliable by comparing the site response at station 62WUD using the Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT) and the Standard Spectral Ratio method (SSR). For all 28 stations, the site predominant frequency F p and the average site amplification in different frequency bands of 1.0–5.0 Hz, 5.0–10.0 Hz and 1.0–10.0 Hz have been calculated based on the inversion results. Compared with the results from the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method, it shows that the HVSR method can reasonably estimate the site predominant frequency but underestimates the site amplification. The linear fitting between the average site amplification for each frequency band and the V s20 (the average uppermost-20 m shear wave velocity) shows good correlation. A distance measurement called the asperity distance D Aspt is proposed to reasonably characterize the source-to-site distance for large earthquakes. Finally, the inversed site response is used to identify the soil nonlinearity in the main shock and aftershocks of Wenchuan earthquake. In ten of the 28 stations analyzed in the main shock, the soil behaved nonlinearly, where the ground motion level is apparently beyond a threshold of PGA > 300 cm/s2 or PGV > 20 cm/s, and only one station coded 51SFB has evidence of soil nonlinear behavior in the aftershocks.  相似文献   

The presence of man-made explosions in a seismic catalogue leads to errors in statistical analyses of seismicity. Recently, the need to monitor man-made explosions used for mining, road excavating, and other constructional applications has been become a demanding challenge for the seismologists. In this way, we gain new insight into the cross-correlation technique and conduct this approach to discriminate explosions from seismic datasets. Following this, improved P-wave arrival times are used for more precise relocation. In this study, the waveform cross-correlation technique provides a reliable means for discriminating explosions which have cross-correlation coefficients (CC) of 0.6 or greater with their own corresponding stacked waveforms. The results illustrate that approximately 80 % of seismicity of southeast of Tehran, recorded by the Iranian Seismological Center (IRSC), includes events which have cross-correlation coefficients of ≥0.6 with their corresponding stacked waveforms. Furthermore, with improved P-wave arrival time, there is a better chance to relocate explosions precisely in the region under study.  相似文献   

余震触发机制的Dieterich解析模型被广泛应用于区域地震活动性的定量分析以及依赖时间的概率地震预测模型的建立等方面.基于滑移速率和状态相依赖的摩擦定律和弹簧-滑块模型,从Dieterich断层滑移速率方程出发,给出了静态应力扰动下触发地震的时钟提前或推后的近似解,从而明确地阐明了触发地震的产生机制与断层的演化过程密切相关,并与传统位错模型下库仑应力扰动时间提前或推后量作了比较.采用对数线性拟合方法求得了汶川Mw7.9主震后余震序列持续时间,符合Dieterich理论结果.以汶川余震序列为例,给出了两种不同的应力扰动模式在该余震序列中的应用.结果表明,经典Dieterich扰动解无法给出主震发生后即时余震数量的异常增加,而考虑主震前后剪应力速率变化的Dieterich分段解则可反映出余震发生率及个数随时间的演化特征.  相似文献   

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