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While many uncertainties remain, a kinetic evaporation-condensation model is used to show that type A chondrules, and compact Type A and B calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) could have formed from CI-like precursors under conditions that are consistent with predictions for 2-3 AU in a canonical solar nebula. Type B and Al-rich chondrules, and Type C CAIs, on the other hand, may have formed from fractionated precursors. Based primarily on chondrule and CAI isotopic compositions, previous studies have reached different conclusions because they did not take into account the effects of gas-melt exchange.Assuming CI-like precursor compositions, equilibrium silicate melts with elemental compositions like those of type A chondrules could have formed over a wide range of conditions (T, Ptot, solid/gas/solar). Metal is not predicted to be stable when T ≥ 1600°C. When T < 1600°C, the abundances and compositions of metal in chondrules appear to be less successfully reproduced than the silicates, e.g., at a given temperature more metal is predicted in type II chondrules than is generally observed, and under some conditions type IIs are predicted to be more metal-rich than type Is. These differences could be overcome if type Is formed from precursors that were more reduced than CI, and if type IIs formed after significant metal-silicate fractionation.The formation conditions of molten CAIs are much more restricted than for chondrules, perhaps in part explaining their lower abundances. The Mg, Si and O isotopic mass fractionations in non-FUN CAIs can be reproduced if they formed between ∼1400 to 1500°C in regions where CAI-like equilibrium melts were stable, but they did not quite reach equilibrium with the gas. CAI formation times at Ptot = 10−4-10−3 bars are consistent with estimates of Type B CAI cooling times, but pressures much below this require formation times that are too long. The isotopic mass fractionations in FUN CAIs can be explained if they formed at or below the ranges of solid/gas/solar ratios where CAI-like equilibrium compositions are stable. Under these conditions, FUN inclusions undergo less gas-melt exchange than non-FUN CAIs. The FUN CAI formation temperatures are consistent with formation at 1400 to 1500°C, but may have been higher.Two general explanations for the distribution of O mass independent fractionations (MIF) in chondrules/CAIs have been explored: creation of the MIF before chondrule/CAI formation, and creation of the MIF during chondrule/CAI formation. If the MIF was established before chondrule/CAI formation, the most promising explanation is that H2O (presumably as ice) and silicate dust with MIFs of opposite sign are fractionated together from the remaining gas. On heating, the H2O now in the gas exchanges with the melt.If the MIF was generated during chondrule/CAI formation, it must be generated in the H2O, because it exchanges most rapidly with the melt, and mass balance requires creation of MIF of opposite sign in CO. Self-shielding from UV radiation is one possibility, but the effect may be quenched at high temperatures. Non-RRKM intramolecular kinetic isotope effects are another possibility, but a continuous source of radiation may be needed to prevent gas phase reactions from approaching equilibrium.  相似文献   

We have studied the formation conditions of Al-rich chondrules by doing isothermal and dynamic crystallization experiments at one atmosphere on four different chondrule analogue compositions within the pure CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system. For the dynamic crystallization experiments, we cooled from both liquidus and subliquidus peak temperatures (Tmax), at cooling rates from 5-1000 °C/h. The starting compositions include two with anorthite and two with forsterite as the dominant liquidus phases, all at or near spinel-saturation. One of each pair evolves towards diopside crystallization, and the others cordierite or enstatite crystallization, giving a total of four completely different crystallization sequences analogous to the four basic varieties of Al-rich chondrule recently proposed. Bulk composition is the main controlling factor, both in terms of mineralogy and texture. The textures of the anorthite-rich compositions are more sensitive to Tmax than they are to cooling rate, whereas the textures of the forsterite-rich compositions are more sensitive to cooling rate. Comparisons of natural Al-rich chondrules having similar compositions to our synthetic analogues indicate that the natural objects reflect a range of peak heating temperatures, ∼1400-1500 °C, and cooling rates of 10-500 °C/h for porphyritic chondrules and possibly higher (1000 °C/h) for barred chondrules. These conditions are consistent with the conditions inferred for ferromagnesian chondrules but differ from those inferred for some calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions.  相似文献   

We have conducted systematic investigations of formation age, chemical compositions, and mineralogical characteristics of ferromagnesian chondrules in Yamato-81020 (CO3.05), one of the most primitive carbonaceous chondrites, to get better understanding of the origin of chemical groups of chondrites. The 26Al-26Mg isotopic system were measured in fourteen FeO-poor (Type I), six FeO-rich (Type II) and two aluminum-rich (Al-rich) chondrules using a secondary ion mass spectrometer. Excesses of 26Mg in plagioclase (1.0-13.5‰) are resolved with sufficient precision (mostly 0.4-6.6‰ at 2σ level) in all the chondrules studied except one. Chemical zoning of Mg and Na in plagioclase were investigated in detail in order to evaluate the applicability of 26Al-26Mg chronometer. We conclude that the Al-Mg isotope system of the chondrules in Y-81020 have not been disturbed by parent-body metamorphism and can be used as chronometer assuming homogeneous distribution of 26Al. Assuming an initial 26Al/27Al ratio of 5 × 10−5 in the early solar system, 26Al-26Mg ages were found to be 1.7-2.5 Ma after CAI formation for Type I, 2.0-3.0 Ma for Type II and 1.9 and 2.6 Ma for Al-rich chondrules.The formation ages of ferromagnesian chondrules in Y-81020 are in good agreement with those of L and LL (type 3.0-3.1) chondrites in the literature, which indicates that common chondrules in the CO chondrite were formed contemporaneously with those in L and LL chondrites. The concurrent formation of chondrules of CO and L/LL chondrites suggests that the chemical differences between CO and L/LL chondrites might be caused by spatial separation of chondrule formation environments in the protoplanetary disk.  相似文献   

Based on their mineralogy and petrography, ∼200 refractory inclusions studied in the unique carbonaceous chondrite, Acfer 094, can be divided into corundum-rich (0.5%), hibonite-rich (1.1%), grossite-rich (8.5%), compact and fluffy Type A (spinel-melilite-rich, 50.3%), pyroxene-anorthite-rich (7.4%), and Type C (pyroxene-anorthite-rich with igneous textures, 1.6%) Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), pyroxene-hibonite spherules (0.5%), and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs, 30.2%). Melilite in some CAIs is replaced by spinel and Al-diopside and/or by anorthite, whereas spinel-pyroxene assemblages in CAIs and AOAs appear to be replaced by anorthite. Forsterite grains in several AOAs are replaced by low-Ca pyroxene. None of the CAIs or AOAs show evidence for Fe-alkali metasomatic or aqueous alteration. The mineralogy, textures, and bulk chemistry of most Acfer 094 refractory inclusions are consistent with their origin by gas-solid condensation and may reflect continuous interaction with SiO and Mg of the cooling nebula gas. It appears that only a few CAIs experienced subsequent melting. The Al-rich chondrules (ARCs; >10 wt% bulk Al2O3) consist of forsteritic olivine and low-Ca pyroxene phenocrysts, pigeonite, augite, anorthitic plagioclase, ± spinel, FeNi-metal, and crystalline mesostasis composed of plagioclase, augite and a silica phase. Most ARCs are spherical and mineralogically uniform, but some are irregular in shape and heterogeneous in mineralogy, with distinct ferromagnesian and aluminous domains. The ferromagnesian domains tend to form chondrule mantles, and are dominated by low-Ca pyroxene and forsteritic olivine, anorthitic mesostasis, and Fe,Ni-metal nodules. The aluminous domains are dominated by anorthite, high-Ca pyroxene and spinel, occasionally with inclusions of perovskite; have no or little FeNi-metal; and tend to form cores of the heterogeneous chondrules. The cores are enriched in bulk Ca and Al, and apparently formed from melting of CAI-like precursor material that did not mix completely with adjacent ferromagnesian melt. The inferred presence of CAI-like material among precursors for Al-rich chondrules is in apparent conflict with lack of evidence for melting of CAIs that occur outside chondrules, suggesting that these CAIs were largely absent from chondrule-forming region(s) at the time of chondrule formation. This may imply that there are several populations of CAIs in Acfer 094 and that mixing of “normal” CAIs that occur outside chondrules and chondrules that accreted into the Acfer 094 parent asteroid took place after chondrule formation. Alternatively, there may have been an overlap in the CAI- and chondrule-forming regions, where the least refractory CAIs were mixed with Fe-Mg chondrule precursors. This hypothesis is difficult to reconcile with the lack of evidence of melting of AOAs which represent aggregates of the least refractory CAIs and forsterite grains.  相似文献   

We report high precision SIMS oxygen three isotope analyses of 36 chondrules from some of the least equilibrated LL3 chondrites, and find systematic variations in oxygen isotope ratios with chondrule types. FeO-poor (type I) chondrules generally plot along a mass dependent fractionation line (Δ17O ∼ 0.7‰), with δ18O values lower in olivine-rich (IA) than pyroxene-rich (IB) chondrules. Data from FeO-rich (type II) chondrules show a limited range of δ18O and δ17O values at δ18O = 4.5‰, δ17O = 2.9‰, and Δ17O = 0.5‰, which is slightly 16O-enriched relative to bulk LL chondrites (Δ17O ∼ 1.3‰). Data from four chondrules show 16O-rich oxygen isotope ratios that plot near the CCAM (Carbonaceous Chondrite Anhydrous Mineral) line. Glass analyses in selected chondrules are systematically higher than co-existing minerals in both δ18O and Δ17O values, whereas high-Ca pyroxene data in the same chondrule are similar to those in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts.Our results suggest that the LL chondrite chondrule-forming region contained two kinds of solid precursors, (1) 16O-poor precursors with Δ17O > 1.6‰ and (2) 16O-rich solid precursors derived from the same oxygen isotope reservoir as carbonaceous chondrites. Oxygen isotopes exhibited open system behavior during chondrule formation, and the interaction between the solid and ambient gas might occur as described in the following model. Significant evaporation and recondensation of solid precursors caused a large mass-dependent fractionation due to either kinetic or equilibrium isotope exchange between gas and solid to form type IA chondrules with higher bulk Mg/Si ratios. Type II chondrules formed under elevated dust/gas ratios and with water ice in the precursors, in which the ambient H2O gas homogenized chondrule melts by isotope exchange. Low temperature oxygen isotope exchange may have occurred between chondrule glasses and aqueous fluids with high Δ17O (∼5‰) in LL the parent body. According to our model, oxygen isotope ratios of chondrules were strongly influenced by the local solid precursors in the proto-planetary disk and the ambient gas during chondrule melting events.  相似文献   

Many carbonaceous chondrites contain discrete olivine fragments that have been considered to be primitive material, i.e. direct condensates from the solar nebula or pre-solar system material. Olivine occurring in chondrules and as isolated grains in C3(0) chondrites has been characterized chemically and petrographically. Type I chondrules contain homogeneous forsterite grains that exhibit a negative correlation between FeO and CaO. Type II chondrules contain zoned fayalite olivines in which FeO is positively correlated with CaO and MnO. The isolated olivines in C3(0) chondrites form two compositional populations identical to olivines in the two types of porphyritic olivine chondrules in the same meteorites. Isolated olivines contain trapped melt inclusions similar in composition to glassy mesostasis between olivines in chondrules. Such glasses can be produced by fractional crystallization of olivine and minor spinel in the parent chondrule melts if plagioclase does not nucleate. The isolated olivine grains are apparently clastic fragments of chondrules. Some similarities between olivines in C3(0), C2, and Cl chondrites may suggest that olivine grains in all these meteorites crystallized from chondrule melts.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted under canonical nebular conditions to see whether the chemical compositions of the various chondrule types can be derived from a single CI-like starting material by open-system melting and evaporation. Experimental charges, produced at 1580 °C and PH2 of 1.31×10−5 atm over 1 to 18 hours, consisted of only two phases, porphyritic olivine crystals in glass. Sulfur, metallic-iron and alkalis were completely evaporated in the first minutes of the experiments and subsequently the main evaporating liquid oxides were FeO and SiO2. Olivines from short runs (2-4 hours) have compositions of Fo83-Fo89, as in Type IIA chondrules, while longer experimental runs (12-18 hours) produce ∼Fo99 olivine, similar to Type IA chondrules. The concentration of CaO in both olivine (up to 0.6 wt.%) and glass, and their Mg#, increased with increasing heating duration. Natural chondrules also show increasing CaO with decreasing S, alkalis, FeO and SiO2. The similarities in bulk chemistry, mineralogy and textures between Type IIA and IA chondrules and the experimental charges demonstrate that these chondrules could have formed by the evaporation of CI precursors. The formation of silica-rich chondrules (IIB and IB) by evaporation requires a more pyroxene-rich precursor.Based on the FeO evaporation rates measured here, Type IIA and IA chondrules, were heated for at least ∼0.5 and ∼3.5 h, respectively, if formed at 1580 °C and PH2 of 1.31×10−5 atm. Type II chondrules may have experienced higher cooling-rates and less evaporation than Type I.The experimental charges experienced free evaporation and exhibited heavy isotopic enrichments in silicon, as well as zero concentrations of S, Na and K, which are not observed in natural chondrules. However, experiments on potassium-rich melts at the same pressure but in closed capsules showed less evaporation of K, and less K isotopic mass fractionation, than expected as a function of decreasing cooling rate. Thus the environment in which chondrules formed is as important as the kinetic processes they experienced. If chondrule formation occurred under conditions in which evaporated gases remained in the vicinity of the residual melts, the extent of evaporation would be reduced and back reaction between the gas and the melt could contribute to the suppression of isotopic mass fractionation. Hence chondrule formation could have involved evaporative loss without Rayleigh fractionation. Volatile-rich Type II and volatile-poor Type I chondrules may have formed in domains with high and low chondrule concentrations, and high partial pressures of lithophile elements, respectively.  相似文献   

Chondrules and isolated forsterites in five low-subtype ordinary chondrites [NWA 3127 (LL3.1), Sahara 97210 (LL3.2), Wells (LL3.3), Chainpur (LL3.4), and Sahara 98175 (LL3.5)] were studied using petrographic, EMPA, and SIMS techniques to better constrain the origin of chondrules and the olivine grains within them. Our results imply that igneous crystallization, vapor fractionation, redox effects, and open-system behavior were important processes. All olivine grains, including normal, relict, and isolated forsterite grains, show evidence for igneous fractionation under disequilibrium conditions, with olivine crystallizing during rapid cooling (closer to 2000 °C/h than to 100 °C/h). Vapor fractionation is manifested by anti-correlated abundances between refractory elements (Al, Sc, Y, Ti, Ca, V) and volatile elements (Cr, Mn, P, Rb, Fe) in olivine. Redox effects are evidenced in various ways, and imply that Fe, Co, Ni, and P were partitioned more into metal, and V was partitioned more into olivine, under reducing conditions in the most FeO-poor melts. There is no obvious evidence for systematic variations in olivine composition according to meteorite subtype, but shock melting in Sahara 97210 resulted in the injection of glass-derived melt into olivine, resulting in artificially high abundances of Ba, Sr, Na, Ti, and some other incompatible elements in olivine. Terrestrial weathering in a hot desert environment may have mobilized Ba and Sr in some glasses.Our data suggest that chondrules in ordinary chondrites experienced repeated thermal, chemical, and mechanical processing during a “recycling” process over an extended time period, which involved multiple episodes of melting under fluctuating redox and heating conditions, and multiple episodes of chondrule break-up in some cases. Forsterite grains, including normal grains in forsterite-bearing type I chondrules, the cores of isolated forsterites, and relict forsterite in type II chondrules, all crystallized from similar, refractory melts under reducing conditions; relict Mg-olivine and isolated forsterite grains were thus derived from type I chondrules. Olivine in type II chondrules, including normal grains and ferroan overgrowths on relict Mg-olivine, crystallized from more volatile-rich, oxidized, and relatively unfractionated melts. Relict dusty olivine grains in type I chondrules were derived from type II chondrules during incomplete melting episodes involving reduction and some vaporization, with clear (non-dusty) grains in dusty olivine-bearing chondrules crystallizing from the reduced and partly vaporized melts. Melt compositions parental to normal olivine grains in type I and II chondrules are systematically enriched in refractory elements compared to bulk chondrule compositions, implying that chondrules often experienced open-system exchange with more volatile-rich surroundings after some olivine had crystallized, possibly while the chondrules were still partly molten. Type II chondrules could have been derived from type I chondrules by the addition of relatively volatile-rich material, followed by re-melting and little evaporation under oxidizing conditions. In contrast, type I chondrules could have been derived from type II chondrules by re-melting involving more-or-less evaporation under reducing conditions. Chemical, oxygen isotope, and petrographic data are best accommodated by a model in which there were several (>2-3, sometimes ?4-5) melting episodes for most chondrules in ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Non-spherical chondrules (arbitrarily defined as having aspect ratios ≥1.20) in CO3.0 chondrites comprise multi-lobate, distended, and highly irregular objects with rounded margins; they constitute ∼70% of the type-I (low-FeO) porphyritic chondrules in Y-81020, ∼75% of such chondrules in ALHA77307, and ∼60% of those in Colony. Although the proportion of non-spherical type-I chondrules in LL3.0 Semarkona is comparable (∼60%), multi-lobate OC porphyritic chondrules (with lobe heights equivalent to a significant fraction of the mean chondrule diameter) are rare. If the non-spherical type-I chondrules in CO chondrites had formed from totally molten droplets, calculations indicate that they would have collapsed into spheres within ∼10−3 s, too little time for their 20-μm-size olivine phenocrysts to have grown from the melt. These olivine grains must therefore be relicts from an earlier chondrule generation; the final heating episode experienced by the non-spherical chondrules involved only minor amounts of melting and crystallization. The immediate precursors of the individual non-spherical chondrules may have been irregularly shaped chondrule fragments whose fracture surfaces were rounded during melting. Because non-spherical chondrules and “circular” chondrules form a continuum in shape and have similar grain sizes, mineral and mesostasis compositions, and modal abundances of non-opaque phases, they must have formed by related processes. We conclude that a large majority of low-FeO chondrules in CO3 chondrites experienced a late, low-degree melting event. Previous studies have shown that essentially all type-II (high-FeO) porphyritic chondrules in Y-81020 formed by repeated episodes of low-degree melting. It thus appears that the type-I and type-II porphyritic chondrules in Y-81020 (and, presumably, all CO3 chondrites) experienced analogous formation histories. Because these two types constitute ∼95% of all CO chondrules, it is clear that chondrule recycling was the rule in the CO chondrule-formation region and that most melting events produced only low degrees of melting. The rarity of significantly non-spherical, multi-lobate chondrules in Semarkona may reflect more-intense heating of chondrule precursors in the ordinary-chondrite region of the solar nebula.  相似文献   

We have investigated the Na distributions in Semarkona Type II chondrules by electron microprobe, analyzing olivine and melt inclusions in it, mesostasis and bulk chondrule, to see whether they indicate interactions with an ambient gas during chondrule formation. Sodium concentrations of bulk chondrule liquids, melt inclusions and mesostases can be explained to a first approximation by fractional crystallization of olivine ± pyroxene. The most primitive olivine cores in each chondrule are mostly between Fa8 and Fa13, with 0.0022–0.0069 ± 0.0013 wt.% Na2O. Type IIA chondrule olivines have consistently higher Na contents than olivines in Type IIAB chondrules. We used the dependence of olivine–liquid Na partitioning on FeO in olivine as a measure of equilibration. Extreme olivine rim compositions are ~Fa35 and 0.03 wt.% Na2O and are close to being in equilibrium with the mesostasis glass. Olivine cores compared with the bulk chondrule compositions, particularly in IIA chondrules, show very high apparent DNa, indicating disequilibrium and suggesting that chondrule initial melts were more Na-rich than present chondrule bulk compositions. The apparent DNa values correlate with the Na concentrations of the olivine, but not with concentrations in the bulk melt. We use equilibrium DNa to find the Na content of the true parent liquid and estimate that Type IIA chondrules lost more than half their Na and recondensation was incomplete, whereas Type IIAB chondrules recovered most of theirs in their mesostases.Glass inclusions in olivine have lower Na than expected from fractionation of bulk composition liquids, and mesostases have higher Na than expected in calculated daughter liquids formed by fractional crystallization alone. These observations also require open system behavior of chondrules, specifically evaporation of Na before formation of melt inclusions followed by recondensation of Na in mesostases. Within this record of evaporation followed by recondensation, there is no indication of a stage with zero Na in the chondrules, which is predicted by models for shock wave cooling at canonical nebular pressures, suggesting high PT.The high Na concentrations in olivine and mesostases indicate very high PNa while chondrules were molten. This may be explained by local, very high particle densities where Type II chondrules formed. The high PT, PNa and number densities of chondrules implied suggest formation in debris clouds after protoplanetary collisions as an alternative to formation after passage of shock waves through large particle-rich clumps in the disk. Encounters of partially molten chondrules should have been frequent in these dense swarms. However, in many ordinary chondrites like Semarkona, “cluster chondrites”, compound chondrules are not abundant but instead chondrules aggregated into clusters. Chondrule melting, cooling and clustering in dense swarms contributed to rapid accretion, possibly after collision, by fallback on the grandparent body and by reaccretion as a new body downrange.  相似文献   

The 26Al-26Mg isotope systematics in 33 petrographically and mineralogically characterized plagioclase-rich chondrules (PRCs) from 13 carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) - one ungrouped (Acfer 094), six CR, five CV, and one CO - reveal large variations in the initial 26Al/27Al ratio, (26Al/27Al)0. Well-resolved 26Mg excesses (δ26Mg) from the in situ decay of the short-lived nuclide 26Al (t1/2 ∼ 0.72 Ma) were found in nine chondrules, two from Acfer 094, five from the CV chondrites, Allende and Efremovka, and one each from the paired CR chondrites, EET 92147 and EET 92042, with (26Al/27Al)0 values ranging from ∼3 × 10−6 to ∼1.5 × 10−5. Data for seven additional chondrules from three CV and two CR chondrites show evidence suggestive of the presence of 26Al but do not yield well defined values for (26Al/27Al)0, while the remaining chondrules do not contain excess radiogenic 26Mg and yield corresponding upper limits of (11-2) × 10−6 for (26Al/27Al)0. The observed range of (26Al/27Al)0 in PRCs from CCs is similar to the range seen in chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs) of low metamorphic grade (3.0-3.4). However, unlike the UOC chondrules, there is no clear trend between the (26Al/27Al)0 values in PRCs from CCs and the degree of thermal metamorphism experienced by the host meteorites. High and low values of (26Al/27Al)0 are found equally in PRCs from both CCs lacking evidence for thermal metamorphism (e.g., CRs) and CCs where such evidence is abundant (e.g., CVs). The lower (26Al/27Al)0 values in PRCs from CCs, relative to most CAIs, are consistent with a model in which 26Al was distributed uniformly in the nebula when chondrule formation began, approximately a million years after the formation of the majority of CAIs. The observed range of (26Al/27Al)0 values in PRCs from CCs is most plausibly explained in terms of an extended duration of ∼2-3 Ma for the formation of CC chondrules. This interval is in sharp contrast to most CAIs from CCs, whose formation appears to be restricted to a narrow time interval of less than 105 years. The active solar nebula appears to have persisted for a period approaching 4 Ma, encompassing the formation of both CAIs and chondrules present in CCs, and raising important issues related to the storage, assimilation and mixing of chondrules and CAIs in the early solar system.  相似文献   

We report experimentally determined 1 atm olivine/melt DNa partitioning data for low fO2, a variety of melt compositions and a temperature range of 1325-1522 °C. We demonstrated that high-current electron microprobe analyses (EPMA, I = 500 nA, 600 s on the peak) allow quantitative determination of Na2O in olivine down to ∼10 μg/g. The mean olivine/melt DNa from 12 experimental runs is 0.0031 ± 0.0007 (1σ). This is the recommended value for low pressures and a wide range of natural compositions.This result is applied to the problem of the origin of alkalis in chondrules and the formation of chondritic refractory forsterite grains. The data on Semarkona (LL3.0) chondrules show that Na2O is primordial and was present during olivine crystallization. For refractory forsterite grains from Murchison (CM2), we demonstrate that high CaO contents are not a result of equilibration with Na2O-rich melts, but require high activities of CaO during their formation.  相似文献   

Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in primitive (unmetamorphosed and unaltered) carbonaceous chondrites are uniformly 16O-enriched (Δ17O ∼ −20‰) and consist of forsterite (Fa<2), FeNi-metal, and a refractory component (individual CAIs and fine-grained minerals interspersed with forsterite grains) composed of Al-diopside, anorthite, ±spinel, and exceptionally rare melilite (Åk<15); some CAIs in AOAs have compact, igneous textures. Melilite in AOAs is replaced by a fine-grained mixture of spinel, Al-diopside, and anorthite. Spinel is corroded by anorthite or by Al-diopside. In ∼10% of > 500 AOAs studied in the CR, CV, CM, CO, CH, CB, and ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites Acfer 094, Adelaide, and LEW85332, forsterite is replaced to a various degree by low-Ca pyroxene. There are three major textural occurrences of low-Ca pyroxene in AOAs: (i) thin (<10 μm) discontinuous layers around forsterite grains or along forsterite grain boundaries in AOA peripheries; (ii) haloes and subhedral grains around FeNi-metal nodules in AOA peripheries, and (iii) thick (up to 70 μm) continuous layers with abundant tiny inclusions of FeNi-metal grains around AOAs. AOAs with low-Ca pyroxene appear to have experienced melting of various degrees. In the most extensively melted AOA in the CV chondrite Leoville, only spinel grains are relict; forsterite, anorthite and Al-diopside were melted. This AOA has an igneous rim of low-Ca pyroxene with abundant FeNi-metal nodules and is texturally similar to Type I chondrules.Based on these observations and thermodynamic analysis, we conclude that AOAs are aggregates of relatively low temperature solar nebular condensates originated in 16O-rich gaseous reservoir(s), probably CAI-forming region(s). Some of the CAIs were melted before aggregation into AOAs. Many AOAs must have also experienced melting, but of a much smaller degree than chondrules. Before and possibly after aggregation, melilite and spinel reacted with the gaseous SiO and Mg to form Ca-Tschermakite (CaAl2SiO6)-diopside (CaMgSi2O6) solid solution and anorthite. Solid or incipiently melted olivine in some AOAs reacted with gaseous SiO in the CAI- or chondrule-forming regions to form low-Ca pyroxene: Mg2SiO4 + SiO(g) + H2O(g) = Mg2Si2O6 + H2(g). Some low-Ca pyroxenes in AOAs may have formed by oxidation of Si-bearing FeNi-metal: Mg2SiO4 + Si(in FeNi) + 2H2O(g) = Mg2Si2O6 + 2H2(g) and by direct gas-solid condensation: Mg(g) + SiO(g) +H2O(g) = Mg2Si2O6(s) + H2(g) from fractionated (Mg/Si ratio < solar) nebular gas.Although bulk compositions of AOAs are rather similar to those of Type I chondrules, on the projection from spinel onto the plane Ca2SiO4-Mg2SiO4-Al2O3, these objects plot on different sides of the anorthite-forsterite thermal divide, suggesting that Type I chondrules cannot be produced from AOAs by an igneous fractionation. Formation of low-Ca pyroxene by reaction of AOAs with gaseous SiO and by melting of silica-rich dust accreted around AOAs moves bulk compositions of the AOAs towards chondrules, and provide possible mechanisms of transformation of refractory materials into chondrules or chondrule precursors. The rare occurrences of low-Ca pyroxene in AOAs may indicate that either AOAs were isolated from the hot nebular gas before condensation of low-Ca pyroxene or that condensation of low-Ca pyroxene by reaction between forsterite and gaseous SiO was kinetically inhibited. If the latter is correct, then the common occurrences of pyroxene-rich Type I chondrules may require either direct condensation of low-Ca pyroxenes or SiO2 from fractionated nebular gas or condensation of gaseous SiO into chondrule melts.  相似文献   

Chondrule formation models involving precursors of granoblastic olivine aggregates (GOA) of either planetesimal or nebular origin have recently been proposed. We have therefore conducted chondrule simulation experiments using mixtures of 100 h-thermally annealed GOA and An + En to test the viability of GOA as predecessors of porphyritic olivine (PO) chondrules. Isothermal runs of less than 5 min at 1350–1550 °C result in GOA disaggregation and Fe–Mg exchange; runs of 0.5–4 h show textures superficially similar to granular and PO chondrules, but with reversely zoned olivine. Charges isothermally heated at 1550 °C for 1 and 4 h before being cooled at 10 and 100 °C/h undergo olivine crystallization and yield classical PO textures. Although most evidence of origin from GOA is erased, the cores of normally zoned euhedral crystals are relict. As ‘phenocrysts’ in Type I chondrules can be relict such chondrules could have experienced similar peak temperatures to those of Type II chondrules.Chondrules containing GOA with olivine triple junctions resemble experimental charges heated for minutes at temperatures between 1350 and 1450 °C and Type I chondrules with subhedral to anhedral olivine plus GOA relicts resemble charges heated at the same temperatures but for longer duration. Type I chondrules with a mass of granular olivine or irregular, anhedral olivine grains in the center, and much glass nearer the margin, on the other hand, require limited heating at high temperature (1550 °C) while Type I chondrules with euhedral olivines, resemble charges heated at 1550 °C for 4 h. The majority of Type I chondrules in CV chondrites display evidence of derivation from GOA. Many finer-grained chondrules in CR and UOC on the other hand, could not have been derived from such coarse-grained precursors, but could have formed from fine-grained dustballs as stipulated in the standard paradigm. Thus, both GOA and dustballs represent viable chondrule precursors of coarser and finer-grained Type I PO chondrules, respectively.  相似文献   

The surface chemistry of natural wollastonite, diopside, enstatite, forsterite, and albite in aqueous solutions was characterized using both electrokinetic techniques and surface titrations performed for 20 min in batch reactors. Titrations performed in such reactors allow determination of both proton consumption and metal release from the mineral surface as a function of pH. The compositions, based on aqueous solution analysis, of all investigated surfaces vary dramatically with solution pH. Ca and Mg are preferentially released from the surfaces of all investigated divalent metal silicates at pH less than ∼8.5-10 but preferentially retained relative to silica at higher pH. As such, the surfaces of these minerals are Si-rich and divalent metal poor except in strongly alkaline solutions. The preferential removal of divalent cations from these surfaces is coupled to proton consumption. The number of protons consumed by the preferential removal of each divalent cation is pH independent but depends on the identity of the mineral; ∼1.5 protons are consumed by the preferential removal of each Ca atom from wollastonite, ∼3 protons are consumed by the preferential removal of each Mg or Ca atom from diopside or enstatite, and ∼4 protons are consumed by the preferential removal of each Mg from forsterite. These observations are interpreted to stem from the creation of additional ‘internal’ adsorption sites by the preferential removal of divalent metal cations which can be coupled to the condensation of partially detached Si. Similarly, Na and Al are preferentially removed from the albite surface at 2 > pH > 11; mass balance calculations suggest that three protons are consumed by the preferential removal of each Al atom from this surface over this entire pH range. Electrokinetic measurements on fresh mineral powders yield an isoelectric point (pHIEP) 2.6, 4.4, 3.0, 4.5, and <1, for wollastonite, diopside, enstatite, forsterite, and albite, respectively, consistent with the predominance of SiO2 in the surface layer of all of these multi-oxide silicates at acidic pH. Taken together, these observations suggest fundamental differences between the surface chemistry of simple versus multi-oxide minerals including (1) a dependency of the number and identity of multi-oxide silicate surface sites on the aqueous solution composition, and (2) the dominant role of metal-proton exchange reactions on the reactivity of multi-oxide mineral surfaces including their dissolution rate variation with aqueous solution composition.  相似文献   

We measured major, minor, and trace-element compositions for eleven Al-rich chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites to investigate the relationships between Al-rich chondrules, ferromagnesian chondrules, Ca-, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs). Phase equilibrium considerations show that, for the most part, mineral assemblages in Al-rich chondrules are those expected from melts of the observed compositions. The diversity of mineral assemblages and Al-rich chondrule types arises mainly from the fact that the array of compositions spans both the spinel-saturated anorthite-forsterite reaction curve and a thermal divide defined by where the anorthite-forsterite join crosses the reaction curve. The reaction curve accounts for the two principal varieties of Al-rich chondrule, plagioclase-phyric and olivine-phyric, with or without aluminous spinel. The thermal divide influences the subsequent evolution of each variety. A third variety of Al-rich chondrule contains abundant sodium-rich glass; trace-element fractionation patterns suggest that these glassy Al-rich chondrules could have been derived from the other two by extensive alteration of plagioclase to nepheline followed by remelting. The bulk compositions of Al-rich chondrules (except sodium-rich ones) are intermediate in a volatility sense between ferromagnesian chondrules and type C CAIs. The combined trend of bulk compositions for CAIs, Al-rich chondrules, and ferromagnesian chondrules mirrors, but does not exactly match, the trend predicted from equilibrium condensation at PT ∼ 10-3 atm; the observed trend does not match the trend found for evaporation from a liquid of chondritic composition. We thus infer that the bulk compositions of the precursors to CAIs, Al-rich chondrules, were ferromagnesian chondrules were controlled primarily by vapor-solid reactions (condensation or sublimation) in the solar nebula. Some Al-rich chondrules are consistent with an origin by melting of a compound CAI-ferromagnesian chondrule hybrid; others cannot be so explained. Any hybrid model is restricted by the constraint that the CAI precursor consisted dominantly of pyroxene + plagioclase + spinel; melilite cannot have been a significant component. Amoeboid olivine aggregates also have the inferred mineralogical characteristics of Al-rich chondrule precursors—they are mixtures of olivine with plagioclase-spinel-pyroxene-rich CAIs—but the few measured bulk compositions are more olivine-rich than those of Al-rich chondrules.  相似文献   

We report in situ ion microprobe analyses of oxygen isotopic compositions of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, high-Ca pyroxene, anorthitic plagioclase, glassy mesostasis, and spinel in five aluminum-rich chondrules and nine ferromagnesian chondrules from the CR carbonaceous chondrites EET92042, GRA95229, and MAC87320. Ferromagnesian chondrules are isotopically homogeneous within ±2‰ in Δ17O; the interchondrule variations in Δ17O range from 0 to −5‰. Small oxygen isotopic heterogeneities found in two ferromagnesian chondrules are due to the presence of relict olivine grains. In contrast, two out of five aluminum-rich chondrules are isotopically heterogeneous with Δ17O values ranging from −6 to −15‰ and from −2 to −11‰, respectively. This isotopic heterogeneity is due to the presence of 16O-enriched spinel and anorthite (Δ17O = −10 to −15‰), which are relict phases of Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) incorporated into chondrule precursors and incompletely melted during chondrule formation. These observations and the high abundance of relict CAIs in the aluminum-rich chondrules suggest a close genetic relationship between these objects: aluminum-rich chondrules formed by melting of spinel-anorthite-pyroxene CAIs mixed with ferromagnesian precursors compositionally similar to magnesium-rich (Type I) chondrules. The aluminum-rich chondrules without relict CAIs have oxygen isotopic compositions (Δ17O = −2 to −8‰) similar to those of ferromagnesian chondrules. In contrast to the aluminum-rich chondrules from ordinary chondrites, those from CRs plot on a three-oxygen isotope diagram along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line and form a continuum with amoeboid olivine aggregates and CAIs from CRs. We conclude that oxygen isotope compositions of chondrules resulted from two processes: homogenization of isotopically heterogeneous materials during chondrule melting and oxygen isotopic exchange between chondrule melt and 16O-poor nebular gas.  相似文献   

We develop a physical model of the thermal history of the ureilite parent body (UPB) that numerically tracks the history of its heating, hydration, dehydration, partial melting and smelting as a function of its formation time and the initial values of its composition, formation temperature and water ice content. Petrologic and chemical data from the main group (non-polymict) ureilite meteorites, which sample the interior of the UPB between depths corresponding to pressures in the range 3-10 MPa, are used to constrain the model. We find that to achieve the ∼30% melting inferred for ureilites from all sampled depths, the UPB must have had a radius between ∼80 and ∼130 km and must have accreted about 0.55 Ma after CAI formation. Melting began in the body at ∼1 Ma after CAI, and the time at which 30% melting was reached varied with depth in the asteroid but was always between ∼4.5 and ∼5.8 Ma after CAI. The total rate at which melt was produced in the UPB varied from more than 100 m3 s−1 in the very early stages of melting at ∼1 Ma after CAI to ∼5 m3 s−1 between 2 and 3 Ma after CAI, decreasing to extremely small values as the end of melting was approached beyond ∼5 Ma. Although the initial period of high melt production occupied only a short time around 1 Ma after CAI, it corresponded to ∼half (16%) of total silicate melting, and all strictly basaltic (i.e. plagioclase-saturated) melts must have been produced during this period.A very efficient melt transport network, consisting of a hierarchy of veins and larger pathways (dikes), developed quickly at the start of melting, ensuring rapid (timescales of months) transport of any single parcel of melt to shallow levels, thus ensuring that chemical interaction between melts and the rocks through which they subsequently passed was negligible. Volatile (mainly carbon monoxide) production due to smelting began at the start of silicate melting in the shallowest parts of the UPB and at later times at greater depths. Except at the very start and very end of melting, the volatile content of the melts produced was always high - generally between 15 and 35 mass % - and most of the melt produced was erupted at the surface of the UPB with speeds well in excess of the escape velocity and was lost into space. However, we show that 30% melting at the 3 MPa pressure level was only possible if ∼15% of the total melt produced in the asteroid was retained as a small number (∼5) of very extensive, sill-like intrusions centered at a depth of ∼7 km below the surface, near the base of the ∼8 km thick outer crust of the asteroid that was maintained at temperatures below the basalt solidus by conductive heat loss to the surface. The horizontal extents of these sills occupied about 75% of the surface area of the UPB, and the sills acted as buffers between the steady supply of melt from depth and the intermittent explosive eruption of the melt into space. We infer that samples from these intrusions are preserved as the rare feldspathic (loosely basaltic) clasts in polymict ureilites, and show that the cooling histories of the sills are consistent with these clasts reaching isotopic closure at ∼5 Ma after CAI, as given by 26Al-26Mg, 53Mn-53Cr and Pb-Pb age dates.  相似文献   

The forsterite-bearing Type B (FoB) CAI SJ101 consists of three major structural units: (1) light patches of sector-zoned, poikilitic Al-rich clinopyroxene (Cpx) with numerous inclusions of small spinel grains and aggregates and subordinate amounts of Mg-rich melilite (Mel) and anorthite (An) (Sp-Cpx lithology), (2) dark sinuous bands of Al-rich clinopyroxene with large (up to ∼300 × 60 μm) poikilitically enclosed euhedral forsterite (Fo) crystals (Fo-Cpx lithology), and (3) the external Cpx-Sp-An rim overlying the entire inclusion. The two major lithologies are always separated by a transition zone of clinopyroxene poikilitically enclosing both forsterite and spinel. The patches of the Sp-Cpx lithology exhibit significant textural and mineralogical variability that is size-dependent. Small patches typically consist of Cpx and spinel with minor remnants of melilite and/or its alteration products. Large patches contain Mel-An-rich cores with either equigranular-ophitic-subophitic or ‘lacy’ textures reminiscent of those in Types B or C CAIs, respectively. All silicates poikilitically enclose numerous spinel grains of identical habit. Both melilite and anorthite gradually disappear toward the boundary with the Fo-Cpx lithology. Neither the evaporation mantle of Al-rich melilite typical of other FoBs nor the Wark-Lovering rim is present. Secondary minerals include grossular, monticellite, magnetite, and a few grains of wollastonite, andradite, and nepheline.Being a rather typical FoB mineralogically and chemically, texturally SJ101 differs from other FoBs in displaying the nearly complete segregation of forsterite from spinel which occur only in the Fo-Cpx and Sp-Cpx lithologies, respectively. The complex, convoluted internal structure of SJ101 suggests that the coarse-grained Sp-An-Mel-Cpx cores and Fo-Cpx lithology represent the precursor materials of FoBs, proto-CAIs and Fo-rich accretionary rims. While the inferred chemistry and mineralogy of the Fo-rich rims are fairly typical, the high Åk content in SJ101 melilite (78.7-82.3 mol.%) implies that the SJ101 proto-CAIs represent a new type of CAIs that has not been sampled before. This type of CAIs might have formed by remelting of spinel-rich condensates.The Group II REE pattern, slightly negative δ29Si and δ25Mg values, and nearly solar ratios of the major elements in the bulk SJ101 suggest that its precursors, proto-CAIs and Fo-rich rims, could have formed by a non-equilibrium condensation in a closed system of solar composition somewhat depleted in a super-refractory evaporation residue. The proposed formation scenario of SJ101 invokes a non-steady cooling and condensation of the nebular gas interrupted by at least two distinct melting episodes required to account for the igneous textures of the Mel-An-Cpx-rich cores (proto-CAIs) and the Fo-Cpx lithology.  相似文献   

The iron-rich olivine end-member, fayalite, occurs in the matrix, chondrules, Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), silicate aggregates, and dark inclusions in the Kaba and Mokoia oxidized CV3 chondrites. In most occurrences, fayalite is associated with magnetite and troilite. To help constrain the origin of the fayalite (Fa98-100), we measured oxygen and silicon isotopic compositions and Mn-Cr systematics in fayalite from two petrographic settings of the Kaba meteorite. One setting consists of big fayalite laths embedded in the matrix and radiating from a core of fine-grained magnetite and sulfide, while the other setting consists of small fayalite-magnetite-sulfide assemblages within or at the surface of Type I barred or porphyritic olivine chondrules. Oxygen in the big fayalite laths and small chondrule fayalites falls on the terrestrial fractionation line, and is distinct from that in chondrule forsterites, which are enriched in 16O (Δ17O = ∼−4‰). Oxygen in the big fayalite laths may be isotopically heavier than that in chondrule fayalites. Silicon isotopes suggest that forsterite is ∼1‰/amu heavier than adjacent fayalite within Kaba chondrules. However, we were unable to confirm large silicon isotopic differences among fayalites reported previously. The Mn-Cr data for big Kaba fayalites give an initial 53Mn/55Mn ratio of (2.07 ± 0.17) × 10−6, consistent with literature results on Mokoia chondrule fayalites. The combined data suggest that fayalites in both petrographic settings formed at about the same time, ∼9.7 Ma after the formation of CAIs. Our data indicate that those fayalite-magnetite-troilite assemblages replacing metal inside and around chondrules formed by aqueous alteration on the meteorite parent body. The formation site and mechanism for the big fayalite laths is less clear, but the petrographic setting indicates that they did not form in situ. None of the models that have been suggested for formation of these fayalites is entirely satisfactory.  相似文献   

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