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段振豪  卫清 《地质学报》2011,85(7):1079-1093
本文介绍一个通过状态方程和特定粒子相互作用理论建立起来的气体在水溶液中的溶解度模型,用以计算气体(CH4、H2S、CO2)在纯水和含盐水溶液中的溶解度、流体包裹体的均一条件、成矿热液沸腾、流体不混溶性、水合物形成条件、CO2地质储藏量等.该模型不仅重现了上百套实验数据(约8000多个数据点),而且具有很强的外延能力.因...  相似文献   

该文将段振豪及合作者建立的单气体溶解度模型推广到混合气体系,建立了能够计算CO2-CH4-N2-C2H6-H2S混合气 体在电解质水溶液中溶解度的热力学模型。本模型将DMW92方程扩展到上述多组分混合气体系并使用其计算气体组分的 逸度系数,采用Pitzer活度系数模型描述液相并沿用段振豪及合作者以前确定的纯CO2、CH4、C2H6和H2S的溶解度模型参 数,而纯N2的溶解度模型参数由本研究确定。由于本模型不包含依赖混合气体溶解度实验数据确定的参数,因此对混合气 体溶解度的计算是预测性的。通过与实验数据的对比,证实了本模型能够在宽广的温度、压力范围内准确预测 CO2-CH4-N2-C2H6-H2S混合气体在水溶液中的溶解度(对于CO2和CH4的摩尔百分数超过90%的混合气体,本模型适用于 273~523 K和0~2000×105 Pa的温压范围)。本模型的计算表明,相对于纯CO2气相,少量CH4、N2或H2S的加入会降低CO2的溶解度。对于CO2-H2O-NaCl型流体包裹体,少量CH4的加入会增大流体包裹体的均一压力。相关的计算程序可从通讯作者 处获得。  相似文献   

运用热力学原理和方法,研究了CO2-H2O流体不混溶作用对Au的溶解度的影响。结果表明,贵州水银洞金矿床的成矿流体是一种富含挥发分( fCO 2=70.79MPa)、酸性(pH=3.71)、还原性(fO 2=0.50×10-36MPa)、中温(267℃)、具有超压(180MPa)性质的含Au(a∑Au=3.744×10-8mol/L)流体。当超压流体的封闭层——炭质页岩因断裂作用而被破坏时,热液体系的压力发生骤降(28.50~35.30MPa),CO2-H2O流体发生不混溶作用,并有大量CO2溢出。CO2的流失可使成矿溶液的CO2逸度和O2逸度降低(fCO 2=0.80MPa、fO 2= 2.512×10-42MPa),酸碱度升高(pH=4.32),同时伴随温度的下降(224℃),成矿热液中Au溶解度的降低(a∑Au=3.790×10-9mol/L),从而快速沉淀下来成矿。  相似文献   

淘锡坑矿床是赣南地区一大型黑钨矿矿床,为揭示成矿流体的早期演化特征,深入认识钨元素的富集机制,本文对淘锡坑钨矿床云英岩中流体和熔体包裹体进行了岩相学、激光拉曼光谱和显微测温研究。结果表明,云英岩中的流体包裹体可以划分为富液相两相水溶液包裹体、富气相含CO_2水溶液包裹体和纯气相包裹体三类,流体为中—高温、低盐度、低密度的NaCl-H_2O-CO_2-CH_4体系。熔体包裹体主要由钠长石、石英、少量流体相和气相组成,气相部分含有CH_4和微量CO_2。在岩浆热液演化早期阶段,流体氧化还原条件可能发生了改变,发生了CH_4到CO_2的转变,致使流体中CO_2含量增高。在流体演化过程中发生的以CO_2散逸为特征的流体不混溶作用可能是淘锡坑钨矿床形成的重要机制。CO_2对于钨元素的迁移和富集具有重要作用,CO_2的散逸是诱发黑钨矿沉淀富集的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

利用自行研制的高温高压反应釜,在不同温度、压力和矿化度条件下测试CO2在地层水中的溶解度。实验结果表明:温度一定的条件下,CO2在水中的溶解度随压力的增加而增加;压力一定的条件下,CO2在水中溶解度的主要变化趋势为随温度的增加而降低,当温度大于100℃、压力在22 MPa左右时,CO2在地层水中的溶解度将发生异常,出现低压(小于22 MPa)时随温度的增加而降低,高压(大于22 MPa)时随温度的增加而略微升高;在温度压力都一定的条件下,CO2在水中的溶解度随矿化度的增加而降低。并且,在新测得的实验数据和已有的实验数据的基础上,通过修正PR-HV状态方程中的参数,建立了一个能够精确计算CO2在水中溶解度的模型;并将该模型与其他模型对比。对比结果表明,该模型计算精度最高,平均相对误差仅为2.69%。  相似文献   

CH4-H2O体系流体包裹体均一过程激光拉曼光谱定量分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对南黄海盆地二叠纪地层中某石英脉中的CH4-H2O体系流体包裹体均一过程进行了激光拉曼光谱定量分析。利用甲烷与水的拉曼峰面积比值计算不同温度下流体包裹体中水溶液相中甲烷的浓度,除了在100℃附近出现最小值,随温度增加甲烷浓度呈指数增大。包裹体在214℃完全均一,均一时甲烷的浓度为0·1347mol/L。同时利用甲烷的拉曼特征对流体包裹体均一过程的内压变化作了分析。压力变化可以分为三个区间:19~100℃,随温度升高压力增大;100~150℃压力随温度升高减小;150℃之后压力迅速增大。均一温度下的内压为21·92MPa。流体包裹体内压的变化主要是由甲烷溶解行为和封闭体系的热力学特征决定的。实验表明激光拉曼光技术可以作为定量分析含甲烷流体包裹体的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

CO2流体与金矿化:流体包裹体的证据   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
在世界的各种类型的金矿包括石英脉型、网脉型以及蚀变岩型金矿床中均见到H2O.CO2:和富含CO2的包裹体.在金矿的围岩蚀变中见到碳酸盐化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化和硅化,说明Au的成矿流体中有C2O和硫等这些组分.金矿床中的C2O流体包裹体有以下特点:(1)在金矿床中常见四类包裹体即水溶液包裹体、H2O-CO2包裹体、富CO2包裹体和含NaC1子矿物包裹体,但以前三者为主,这四类包裹体可以在一起分布,常见水溶液包裹体和CO2包裹体分别分开分布,常单独成行分布,显示出成矿流体的相分离.(2)CO2包裹体与自然金的关系,可以见到自然金与富CO2包裹体分布在同一行上,或者CO2流体与自然金产在一起,或者自然金分布于CO2包裹体中,说明Au是与CO2同时搬运和沉淀的.(3)对金矿中的流体包裹体成分分析表明,除Au、H2O和CO2是流体的主要成分外,还有少量的CH4、H2S和N2等.H2S和H2CO3的相图研究表明,Au的络合物可能是AuHS或AuH2S,这种Au的络合物只有在CO2作为缓冲剂的热液中其溶解度最大,这样的热液就是Au的成矿流体.这种流体在上升过程中与围岩发生交代作用形成蚀变,并且流体发生了相分离,分出相对富含H2O的流体和相对富含CO2的流体,Au在这种相分离的过程中与CO2一起沉淀下来,形成金矿.  相似文献   

运用热力学原理和方法,研究了CO2-H2O流体不混溶作用对Au的溶解度的影响。结果表明,贵州水银洞金矿床的成矿流体是一种富含挥发分(fCO2=70.79MPa)、酸性(pH=3.71)、还原性(fO2=0.50×10-36MPa)、中温(267℃)、具有超压(180MPa)性质的含Au(a∑Au=3.744×10-8mol/L)流体。当超压流体的封闭层——炭质页岩因断裂作用而被破坏时,热液体系的压力发生骤降(28.50~35.30MPa),CO2-H2O流体发生不混溶作用,并有大量CO2溢出。CO2的流失可使成矿溶液的CO2逸度和O2逸度降低(fCO2=0.80MPa、fO2=2.512×10-42MPa),酸碱度升高(pH=4.32),同时伴随温度的下降(224℃),成矿热液中Au溶解度的降低(a∑Au=3.790×10-9mol/L),从而快速沉淀下来成矿。  相似文献   

<正>To determine compositions,homogenization pressures and isopleths of CO2-H2O-NaCl fluid inclusions,an improved activity-fugacity model is developed to calculate CO2solubility in aqueous NaCl solutions.The model can predict the solubility of CO2in aqueous NaCl solutions from 273 K to 723 K,from1 bar to 1500 bar and from 0 to 4.5 mol kg-1of NaCl,within or close to experimental uncertainties.The average deviation between the solubility predicted by  相似文献   

胡家文 《地球化学》2002,31(4):389-394
为了计算高温,高压和高密度流体的热力学性质,提出了一个具有19个参数的维里型状态方程,其中参数与温度间的函数关系采用由Sutherland位能函数导出的维里系数近似式。除临界点附近以外,在已报道的pVT数据所覆盖的大部分超临界区域内,该方程均可适用。用该方程对H2O,CH4,H2,CO2,CO和O2等流体pVT关系的计算结果令人满意,其中pVT上限分别为:91-610GPa,1.6-11.0cm^3/mol,4000-5000K。计算体积的平均偏 小于0.8%,最大偏差小于5.4%。  相似文献   

Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details.  相似文献   

Gas adsorption isotherms of Akabira coals were established for pure carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrogen (N2). Experimental data fit well into the Langmuir model. The ratio of sorption capacity of CO2, CH4, and N2 is 8.5:3.5:1 at a lower pressure (1.2 MPa) regime and becomes 5.5:2:1 when gas pressure increases to 6.0 MPa. The difference in sorption capacity of these three gases is explained by differences in the density of the three gases with increasing pressure. A coal–methane system partially saturated with CH4 at 2.4 MPa adsorption pressure was experimentally studied. Desorption behavior of CH4 by injecting pure CO2 (at 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 MPa), and by injecting the CO2–N2 mixture and pure N2 (at 3.0 and 6.0 MPa) were evaluated. Results indicate that the preferential sorption property of coal for CO2 is significantly higher than that for CH4 or N2. CO2 injection can displace almost all of the CH4 adsorbed on coal. When modeling the CH4–CO2 binary and CH2–CO2–N2 ternary adsorption system by using the extended Langmuir (EL) equation, the EL model always over-predicted the sorbed CO2 value with a lower error, while under-predicting the sorbed CH4 with a higher error. A part of CO2 may dissolve into the solid organic structure of coal, besides its competitive adsorption with other gases. According to this explanation, the EL coefficients of CO2 in EL equation were revised. The revised EL model proved to be very accurate in predicting sorbed ratio of multi-component gases on coals.  相似文献   

Sulfate fluids are common fluids in nature, and their salinity studies can provide important information for the evolution of ore-forming fluids, migration and enrichment of ore-forming elements, and the classification of deposit types. Considerable research has been carried out to investigate the solubility of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 in hydrothermal fluids, however most of the literature reported experimental data were under saturated vapor pressure or the water supercritical region. A few data have been reported for the low temperature hydrothermal mineralization region. Thermodynamic model is a useful method to study the properties of hydrothermal geofluids, especially for mineral solubility. Pitzer interaction model is one of the most widely used model to calculate the thermodynamic properties of hydrothermal fluids, but few work have ever been carried out to calculate the solubility of sulfate at high temperature and pressure. With Pitzer specific interaction model, using the literature reported density data of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solutions at high temperature and pressure, the pressure effect on Pitzer activity coefficient of sulfate and the standard partial molar volume change during sulfate dissolution process were evaluated and related parameters were obtained. The standard partial molar volumes of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 calculated with these parameters agreed well with those reported in the literature. Combined with the relevant parameters in the literature under saturated vapor pressure, a thermodynamic model for Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solubility calculation with temperature up to 250 ℃ and pressure up to 40 MPa was developed. The model gave very good agreement with the experimental solubility data. With this model, Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solubility was calculated at high temperature and pressure. The calculation results showed that pressure had a positive effect on both the average activity coefficient and solubility product of Na2SO4 and K2SO4, but the solubility of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 decreased with pressure due to the larger change of the average activity coefficient with pressure. And as the temperature increased, the degree of such reduction became larger. The results herein can provide instructions for the compositional analysis of sulfate fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

油藏中注入CO2可形成CO2原油地层水三相动态平衡,CO2在油水系统中的溶解度将直接影响CO2驱油效果和封存潜力。为了对CO2在油水系统中的溶解度模型进行研究,以吉林油田某油水系统为例,利用高温高压PVT分析仪开展CO2在不同体积比例油水系统中的溶解度实验,明确了CO2在油水系统中的溶解规律,并基于实验数据,分别利用网格搜索法(GS)和贝叶斯优化算法(BOA)对核岭回归算法(KRR)的参数进行优化,建立了CO2在油水系统中的溶解度预测模型。研究结果表明:CO2在油水系统中的溶解度随CO2注入量的增加而增大,也随油水体积比升高而增大;基于KRR算法的优化模型中,GSKRR模型和BOAKRR模型平均相对误差分别为6.758%和1.998%,说明BOAKRR具有更高的预测精度。利用BOAKRR模型预测并绘制不同温度、不同油水体积比下的CO2在油水系统中的溶解度图版,可为CO2碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)技术的应用提供支持。  相似文献   

Carbon stable-isotope compositions of coexisting carbon dioxide and methane from geothermal springs across the Central Andes of northern Chile and Bolivia are reported. A total of 60 samples were analyzed for δ13CCO2 and, of these, 10 were selected for δ13CCH4 analyses. The Central Andes are characterized by an active volcanic arc and an unusually thick (up to 75 km) continental crust behind the arc, beneath the high plateau region of the Altiplano. Furthermore, helium-isotope evidence suggests active mantle degassing in a 350-km-wide zone beneath the thick continental crust in the Central Andes (Hoke et al., 1994).

The present results show a wide range of δ13CCO2 (-14.9 to -0.6‰) and a surprisingly heavy δ13CCH4 (?20.9 to ?12.3‰). The difference between δ13CCO2 and δ13CCH4 13CCO2-CH4 ) for individual samples varies between 1.5‰ and 13.5‰. The δ13CCO2 results show wide and overlapping ranges in the samples collected from the Precordillera, the Volcanic Arc (or Western Cordillera), the Altiplano, and the Eastern Cordillera. The widest ranges occur in the Eastern Cordillera (?15.0 to ?4.8‰) and the Altiplano (?20 to ?6‰). The δ13CCO2 results for geothermal samples from the Volcanic Arc range between ?8.0‰ (Surire) and ?0.6‰ (Abra de Nappa), whereas δ13CCO2 measured in gases collected from geothermal springs in the Precordillera range from ?10 to ?5‰.

The relationships between 3He/4He, δ13CCO2 , and δ13CCH4 are used to distinguish between crustal and mantle origins. The wide (21‰) range in the is interpreted to reflect contributions from different CO2 sources that include organic and inorganic crustal and mantle carbon. Assuming isotopic equilibrium between coexisting methane and carbon dioxide, Δ13CCO2-CH4 suggests very high equilibrium temperatures, in excess of 530°C, for some geothermal systems that also are characterized by a high (up to 63%) mantle-derived helium component.

δ13CCH4 results suggest that methane has not formed by bacteriogenic processes or by thermal decomposition of organic matter, but rather abiogenically through the high-temperature reaction between H2 and CO2. The δ13CCH4 results for the samples from the Volcanic Arc and from two CO2-rich geothermal springs in the Altiplano (Coipasa-2 and Belen de Andamarca) are similar to those reported from hydrothermal fluids emitted from the East Pacific Rise (Welhan, 1988) and White Island, New Zealand (Hulston and McCabe, 1962), suggesting a mantle-derived carbon component in the methane.  相似文献   

硫酸参与的长江流域岩石化学风化速率与大气CO2消耗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
流域的岩石化学风化过程是全球碳循环中的重要环节。以往的流域水化学碳汇通量估算大多是基于碳酸的风化作用。而实际上,硫酸和碳酸一样,也参与了流域碳元素的地球化学循环,从而对全球碳循环过程产生影响。长江流域水体近几年出现酸化现象,大部分河段SO42-和Ca2+含量增高,其对应的岩石风化过程和大气CO2消耗速率也发生变化。文章对长江干流及主要支流2013年不同季节的离子组成进行监测,利用水化学平衡法和Galy估算模型,对长江流域岩石化学风化速率和CO2消耗通量进行了估算,对硫酸参与下的长江流域岩石风化和碳循环过程进行了分析。结果表明,长江流域水体离子主要来源于硅酸盐岩风化和碳酸盐岩风化。其中碳酸盐岩风化对河水离子贡献率为92%。在硅酸盐岩广泛分布的赣江流域,碳酸盐岩风化离子贡献也达85%。分析表明,硫酸参与了长江流域的岩石风化过程,对水体中离子产生一定影响。硫酸的参与加快了碳酸盐岩的化学风化速率,平均提高约30%,但是使流域大气CO2消耗速率降低。在不考虑蒸发岩溶蚀作用下,平均从516×103 mol/km2·a降至356×103 mol/km2·a,降低约31%。在各支流中,硫酸对乌江流域碳酸盐岩的风化和碳循环的影响最大,而对雅砻江的影响最小,这与乌江流域的含煤地层、矿床硫化物及大气酸沉降有关。  相似文献   

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