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Iron(III) (hydr)oxides formed at extracellular biosurfaces or in the presence of exopolymeric substances of microbes and plants may significantly differ in their structural and physical properties from their inorganic counterparts. We synthesized ferrihydrite (Fh) in solutions containing acid polysaccharides [polygalacturonic acid (PGA), alginate, xanthan] and compared its properties with that of an abiotic reference by means of X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, gas adsorption (N2, CO2), X-ray absorption spectroscopy, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, and electrophoretic mobility measurements. The coprecipitates formed contained up to 37 wt% polymer. Two-line Fh was the dominant mineral phase in all precipitates. The efficacy of polymers to precipitate Fh at neutral pH was higher for polymers with more carboxyl C (PGA ∼ alginate > xanthan). Pure Fh had a specific surface area of 300 m2/g; coprecipitation of Fh with polymers reduced the detectable mineral surface area by up to 87%. Likewise, mineral micro- (<2 nm) and mesoporosity (2-10 nm) decreased by up to 85% with respect to pure Fh, indicative of a strong aggregation of Fh particles by polymers in freeze-dried state. C-1s STXM images showed the embedding of Fh particles in polymer matrices on the micrometer scale. Iron EXAFS spectroscopy revealed no significant changes in the local coordination of Fe(III) between pure Fh and Fh contained in PGA coprecipitates. 57Fe Mössbauer spectra of coprecipitates confirmed Fh as dominant mineral phase with a slightly reduced particle size and crystallinity of coprecipitate-Fh compared to pure Fh and/or a limited magnetic super-exchange between Fh particles in the coprecipitates due to magnetic dilution by the polysaccharides. The pHiep of pure Fh in 0.01 M NaClO4 was 7.1. In contrast, coprecipitates of PGA and alginate had a pHiep < 2. Considering the differences in specific surface area, porosity, and net charge between the coprecipitates and pure Fh, composites of exopolysaccharides and Fe(III) (hydr)oxides are expected to differ in their geochemical reactivity from pure Fe(III) (hydr)oxides, even if the minerals have a similar crystallinity.  相似文献   

Recent research has revealed that siderophores, a class of biogenic ligands with high affinities for Fe(III), can also strongly complex Co(III), an element essential to the normal metabolic function of microbes and animals. This study was conducted to quantify the rates and identify the products and mechanisms of the siderophore-promoted dissolution of Co from synthetic Co-bearing minerals. The dissolution reactions of heterogenite (CoOOH) and four Co-substituted goethites (Co-FeOOH) containing different Co concentrations were investigated in the presence of a trihydroxamate siderophore, desferrioxamine B (DFOB), using batch and flow-through experiments. Results showed that DFOB-promoted dissolution of Co from Co-bearing minerals may occur via pH-dependent ligand-promoted or reductive dissolution mechanisms. For heterogenite, ligand-promoted dissolution was the dominant pathway at neutral to alkaline pH, while production of dissolved Co(II) for pH <6. It was not possible from our data to decouple the separate contributions of homogenous and heterogeneous reduction reactions to the aqueous Co(II) pool. Cobalt substitution in Co-substituted goethite, possibly caused by distortion of goethite structure and increased lattice strain, resulted in enhanced total dissolution rates of both Co and Fe. The DFOB-promoted dissolution rates of Co-bearing minerals, coupled with the high affinity of Co(III) for DFOB, suggest that siderophores may be effective for increasing Co solubility, and thus possibly Co bioavailability. The results also suggest that siderophores may contribute to the mobilization of radioactive 60Co from Co-bearing mineral phases through mineral weathering and dissolution processes.  相似文献   

Reductive dissolution of arsenic-bearing ferrihydrite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ferrihydrites were prepared by coprecipitation (COP) or adsorption (ADS) of arsenate, and the products were characterized using solid-state methods. In addition, the kinetics of reductive dissolution by hydroquinone of these well-characterized materials were quantified. Characterization and magnetism results indicate that the 10 wt% As COP ferrihydrite is less crystalline and possibly has smaller crystallite size than the other ferrihydrites, which all have similar crystallinity and particle size. The results from reductive dissolution experiments show similar reaction rates, reaction mechanism, and activation energy for ferrihydrite precipitated with or without added arsenate. However, a marked decrease in reactivity was observed for 10 wt% As ADS ferrihydrite. The decrease is not attributed to differences in activation energy but rather the preferential blocking of active sites on the ferrihydrite surface. Results demonstrate that arsenic may be released by the reductive dissolution of arsenic-bearing ferrihydrite regardless of whether the arsenic is coprecipitated with or adsorbed onto the ferrihydrite. However, under these reaction conditions, release from materials with adsorbed arsenate greatly exceeds that from materials with coprecipitated arsenate. In fact, a considerable amount of arsenic was released from the 10 wt% ADS ferrihydrite before reductive dissolution was initiated. Therefore, the characterization of arsenate-bearing iron oxide materials to determine the method of arsenate incorporation into structures—perhaps by quantification of Fe-Fe coordination with EXAFS spectroscopy—may lead to improved predictions of the large-scale release of arsenic within aquifer systems under reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Mining and metallurgical processing of gold and base metal ores can lead to the release of arsenic into the aqueous environment as a result of the weathering and leaching of As-bearing minerals during processing and following disposal. Arsenic in process solutions and mine drainage can be effectively stabilized through the precipitation of ferrihydrite. However, under anaerobic conditions imposed by burial and waste cover systems, ferrihydrite is susceptible to microbial reduction. This research, stimulated by the paucity of information and limited understanding of the microbial reduction of arsenical ferrihydrite, was conducted on synthetic adsorbed and co-precipitated arsenical 6-line ferrihydrite (Fe/As molar ratio of 10/1) using Shewanella sp. ANA-3 and Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 in a chemically defined medium containing 0.045 mM phosphate concentration. Both bacteria were equally effective in their reducing abilities around pH 7, resulting in initial rates of formation of dissolved As(III) of 0.10 μM/h for the adsorbed, and 0.08 μM/h for the co-precipitated arsenical 6-line ferrihydrite samples. The solid phases in the post-reduction samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), micro-XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron microprobe and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques. The results indicate the formation of secondary phases such as a biogenic Fe(II)–As(III) compound, akaganeite, goethite, hematite and possibly magnetite during bacterial reduction experiments. Holes and bacterial imprints measuring about 1–2 μm were observed on the surfaces of the secondary phases formed after 1200 h of reduction. This study demonstrates the influence of Fe and As reducing bacteria on the release of significant concentrations of more mobile and toxic As(III) species from arsenical 6-line ferrihydrite, more readily from the adsorbed than from the co-precipitated ferrihydrite.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(19-20):3261-3275
Studies on the dissolution kinetics of kaolinite were performed using batch reactors at 25°C and in the pH range from 1 to 13. A rapid initial dissolution step was first observed, followed by a linear kinetic stage reached after approximately 600 hr of reaction during which the kaolinite dissolves congruently at pH < 4 and pH > 11. The apparent incongruency between pH 5 and 10 was due to the precipitation of an Al–hydroxide phase. The true dissolution rates were computed from the amount of Si released into solution. The rate dependence on pH can be described by: r = 10−12.19aH+0.55 + 10−14.36 + 10−10.71aOH0.75Between pH 5 and 10, the rate is approximately constant, although a smooth minimum was observed at pH close to 9. mAn attempt was made to obtain a general rate law based on the coordination theory, which was first applied to the mineral dissolution studies by Stumm and co-workers. The kinetic data were combined with the results obtained for the surface speciation by Huertas et al. (1998). It is possible to express the linear dissolution rate as a simple power function of the concentration of the surface sites active in various pH ranges: r = 10−8.25 [>Al2OH2+] + 10−10.82 [>AlOH2+]0.5 + 10−9.1 [>Al2OH + >AlOH + >SiOH] + 103.78 [>Al2O + >AlO]3This equation assumes that the dissolution mechanism is mainly controlled by the two Al surface sites (external and internal structural hydroxyls, and aluminol at the crystal edges) under both acidic and alkaline conditions. The model reflects well the important contribution of the crystal basal planes to the dissolution of kaolinite.  相似文献   

Reduction of As(V) and reductive dissolution and transformation of Fe (hydr)oxides are two dominant processes controlling As retention in soils and sediments. When developed within soils and sediments, Fe (hydr)oxides typically contain various impurities—Al being one of the most prominent—but little is known about how structural Al within Fe (hydr)oxides alters its biotransformation and subsequent As retention. Using a combination of batch and advective flow column studies with Fe(II) and Shewanella sp. ANA-3, we examined (1) the extent to which structural Al influences reductive dissolution and transformations of ferrihydrite, a highly reactive Fe hydroxide, and (2) the impact of adsorbed As on dissolution and transformation of (Al-substituted) ferrihydrite and subsequent As retention. Structural Al diminishes the extent of ferrihydrite reductive transformation; nearly three-orders of magnitude greater concentration of Fe(II) is required to induce Al-ferrihydrite transformation compared to pure two-line ferrihydrite. Structural Al decreases Fe(II) retention/incorporation on/into ferrihydrite and impedes Fe(II)-catalyzed transformation of ferrihydrite. Moreover, owing to cessation of Fe(II)-induced transformation to secondary products, Al-ferrihydrite dissolves (incongruently) to a greater extent compared to pure ferrihydrite during reaction with Shewanella sp. ANA-3. Additionally, adsorption of As(V) to Al-ferrihydrite completely arrests Fe(II)-catalyzed transformation of ferrihydrite, and it diminishes the difference in the rate and extent of ferrihydrite and Al-ferrihydrite reduction by Shewanella sp. ANA-3. Our study further shows that reductive dissolution of Al-ferrihydrite results in enrichment of Al sites, and As(V) reduction accelerates As release due to the low affinity of As(III) on these non-ferric sites.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(6):941-954
The formation of Fe oxide and Mn incrustations seriously affects the performance of wells, piezometers and drains. Chemical dissolution can be a valuable tool for their removal. Standardized dissolution experiments were performed to study the efficiency of different chemicals on synthetic Fe oxides. They showed that buffered Na-dithionite and oxalic acid are the most effective agents, followed by ascorbic, malonic and sulfamic acid. Citric acid and especially NaOH proved to be ineffective. As expected, a strong dependency of the dissolution rates on the surface area of the individual Fe oxides was observed, goethite being far less soluble than ferrihydrite. In many cases linear, zeroeth order rate laws were sufficient to model the measured dissolution curves. In other cases more advanced model approaches had to be applied. Sometimes different models were equally well suited to describe a dissolution process.  相似文献   

The adsorption of uranyl (UO22+) on ferrihydrite has been evaluated with the charge distribution (CD) model for systems covering a very large range of conditions, i.e. pH, ionic strength, CO2 pressure, U(VI) concentration, and loading. Modeling suggests that uranyl forms bidentate inner sphere complexes at sites that do not react chemically with carbonate ions. Uranyl is bound by singly-coordinated surface groups present at particular edges of Fe-octahedra of ferrihydrite while another set of singly-coordinated surface groups may form double-corner bidentate complexes with carbonate ions. The uranyl surface speciation strongly changes in the presence of carbonate due to the specific adsorption of carbonate ions as well as the formation of ternary uranyl-carbonate surface complexes. Data analysis with the CD model suggests that a uranyl tris-carbonato surface complex, i.e. (UO2)(CO3)34−, is formed. This species is most abundant in systems with a high pH and carbonate concentration. This finding differs significantly from previous interpretations made in the literature. At high pH and low carbonate concentrations, as can be prepared in CO2-closed systems, the model suggests the additional presence of a ternary uranyl-monocarbonato complex. The binding mode (type A or type B complex) is uncertain. At high uranyl concentrations, uranyl polymerizes at the surface of ferrihydrite giving, for instance, tris-uranyl surface complexes with and without carbonate. The similarities and differences between U(VI) adsorption by goethite and ferrihydrite are discussed from a surface structural point of view.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) analysis of sorption complexes has the advantages of high sensitivity (10- to 20-fold greater than extended X-ray absorption fine structure [EXAFS] analysis) and relative ease and speed of data collection (because of the short k-space range). It is thus a potentially powerful tool for characterization of environmentally significant surface complexes and precipitates at very low surface coverages. However, quantitative analysis has been limited largely to “fingerprint” comparison with model spectra because of the difficulty of obtaining accurate multiple-scattering amplitudes for small clusters with high confidence.In the present work, calculations of the XANES for 50- to 200-atom clusters of structure from Zn model compounds using the full multiple-scattering code Feff 8.0 accurately replicate experimental spectra and display features characteristic of specific first-neighbor anion coordination geometry and second-neighbor cation geometry and number. Analogous calculations of the XANES for small molecular clusters indicative of precipitation and sorption geometries for aqueous Zn on ferrihydrite, and suggested by EXAFS analysis, are in good agreement with observed spectral trends with sample composition, with Zn-oxygen coordination and with changes in second-neighbor cation coordination as a function of sorption coverage. Empirical analysis of experimental XANES features further verifies the validity of the calculations. The findings agree well with a complete EXAFS analysis previously reported for the same sample set, namely, that octahedrally coordinated aqueous Zn2+ species sorb as a tetrahedral complex on ferrihydrite with varying local geometry depending on sorption density. At significantly higher densities but below those at which Zn hydroxide is expected to precipitate, a mainly octahedral coordinated Zn2+ precipitate is observed. An analysis of the multiple scattering paths contributing to the XANES demonstrates the importance of scattering paths involving the anion sublattice. We also describe the specific advantages of complementary quantitative XANES and EXAFS analysis and estimate limits on the extent of structural information obtainable from XANES analysis.  相似文献   

This work is immediate continuation of Part I, using an identical method and evaluation for kinetic studies. The systems chalcocite-ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid and chalcocite-ethylene diamine were studied. It was necessary to refine the geometrical model method for chalcocite in order to establish dissolution kinetics of polydispersions. This work confirms that chalcocite leaching proceeds through covellite even in the medium of complex-forming agents and kinetic equations for both leaching stages were evaluated with an attempt at physical interpretation.  相似文献   

In order to find distributions other than infinitely divisible distributions which are suitable for disjunctive kriging, infinitesimal generators are used. In addition to distributions developed in Part I, this leads to development of suitable models for the beta (), hypergeometric, and binomial distributions.  相似文献   

The Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse (IGG), on behalf and with the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), prepared eight geological materials (three natural waters and five rocks and minerals), intended for a blind interlaboratory comparison of measurements of boron isotopic composition and concentration. The materials were distributed to twenty seven laboratories - virtually all those performing geochemical boron isotope analyses in the world -which agreed to participate in the intercomparison exercise. Only fifteen laboratories, however, ultimately submitted the isotopic and/or concentration results they obtained on the intercomparison materials. The results demonstrate that interlaboratory reproducibility is not well reflected by the precision values reported by the individual laboratories and this observation holds true for both boron concentration and isotopic composition. The reasons for the discrepancies include fractionations due to the chemical matrix of materials, relative shift of the zero position on the δ11B scale and a lack of well characterized materials for calibrating absolute boron content measurements. The intercomparison materials are now available at the IAEA (solid materials) and IGG (waters) for future distribution.  相似文献   

A coupled 2D mathematical modelling study of landslide dam failure and flood is presented, complementing our experimental investigation presented in the companion paper. The model is built upon the shallow water hydrodynamic equations. The governing equations are numerically solved using the total-variation-diminishing version of the second-order weighted-average-flux method along with the HLLC (Harten, Lax and van Leer with Contact wave restored) approximate Riemann solver. Two parameters related to bed-load sediment transport and critical slope stability are calibrated using the measured stage hydrographs from two runs of the flume experiments. The calibrated model is then applied to other independent runs of the experiments featuring different inflow discharges, dam geometry, dam composition and initial breach dimensions. It is found to be able to satisfactorily reproduce the measured stage hydrographs and the widening of initial breach. The experimental observation of the prime role of the inflow discharge and initial breach in dictating the dam failure process and flood is unequivocally resolved, along with the impacts of dam geometry as well the content of cohesive clay and gravel in the dam. Interestingly, the downstream peak discharge and stage of the flood are substantially reduced by initial breach, which clearly exemplifies its role in modulating the flooding.  相似文献   

The poorly crystalline Fe(III) hydroxide ferrihydrite is considered one of the most important sinks for (in)organic contaminants and nutrients within soils, sediments, and waters. The ripening of ferrihydrite to more stable and hence less reactive phases such as goethite is catalyzed by surface reaction with aqueous Fe(II). While ferrihydrite within most natural environments contains high concentrations of adsorbed or co-precipitated cations (particularly Al), little is known regarding the impact of these cations on Fe(II)-induced transformation of ferrihydrite to secondary phases. Accordingly, we explored the extent, rates, and pathways of Fe(II)-induced secondary mineralization of Al-ferrihydrites by reacting aqueous Fe(II) (0.2 and 2.0 mM) with 2-line ferrihydrite containing a range of Al levels substituted within (6-24 mol% Al) or adsorbed on the surface (0.1-27% Γmax). Here, we show that regardless of the Fe(II) concentration, Al substituted within or adsorbed on ferrihydrite results in diminished secondary mineralization and preservation of ferrihydrite. In contrast to pure ferrihydrite, the concentration of Fe(II) may not in fact influence the mineralization products of Al-compromised ferrihydrites. Furthermore, the secondary mineral profiles upon Fe(II) reaction with ferrihydrite are not only a function of Al concentration but also the mode of Al incorporation. While Al substitution impedes lepidocrocite formation and magnetite nucleation, Al adsorption completely inhibits goethite formation and appears to have a lesser impact on magnetite nucleation. When normalized to total Al content associated with ferrihydrite, Al adsorption results in greater degree of ferrihydrite preservation relative to Al substitution. These findings provide insight into mechanisms that may be responsible for ferrihydrite preservation and low levels of secondary magnetite typically found in sedimentary environments. Considering the preponderance of cation substitution within and adsorption on ferrihydrite in soils and sediments, the reactivity of natural (compromised) ferrihydrites and the subsequent impact on mineral evolution needs to be more fully explored.  相似文献   

An important feature of natural ice, in addition to the obvious relevance of glaciers and ice sheets for climate-related issues, is its ability to creep on geological time scales and low deviatoric stresses at temperatures very close to its melting point, without losing its polycrystalline character. This fact, together with its strong mechanical anisotropy and other notable properties, makes natural ice an interesting model material for studying the high-temperature creep and recrystallization of rocks in Earth's interior. After having reviewed the major contributions of deep ice coring to the research on natural ice microstructures in Part I of this work (Faria et al., 2014), here in Part II we present an up-to-date view of the modern understanding of natural ice microstructures and the deformation processes that may produce them. In particular, we analyze a large body of evidence that reveals fundamental flaws in the widely accepted tripartite paradigm of polar ice microstructure (also known as the “three-stage model,” cf. Part I). These results prove that grain growth in ice sheets is dynamic, in the sense that it occurs during deformation and is markedly affected by the stored strain energy, as well as by air inclusions and other impurities. The strong plastic anisotropy of the ice lattice gives rise to high internal stresses and concentrated strain heterogeneities in the polycrystal, which demand large amounts of strain accommodation. From the microstructural analyses of ice cores, we conclude that the formation of many and diverse subgrain boundaries and the splitting of grains by rotation recrystallization are the most fundamental mechanisms of dynamic recovery and strain accommodation in polar ice. Additionally, in fine-grained, high-impurity ice layers (e.g. cloudy bands), strain may sometimes be accommodated by diffusional flow (at low temperatures and stresses) or microscopic grain boundary sliding via microshear (in anisotropic ice sheared at high temperatures). Grain boundaries bulged by migration recrystallization and subgrain boundaries are endemic and very frequent at almost all depths in ice sheets. Evidence of nucleation of new grains is also observed at various depths, provided that the local concentration of strain energy is high enough (which is not seldom the case). As a substitute for the tripartite paradigm, we propose a novel dynamic recrystallization diagram in the three-dimensional state space of strain rate, temperature, and mean grain size, which summarizes the various competing recrystallization processes that contribute to the evolution of the polar ice microstructure.  相似文献   

Dehydration melting of tonalites. Part II. Composition of melts and solids   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 Dehydration melting of tonalitic compositions (phlogopite or biotite-plagioclase-quartz assemblages) is investigated within a temperature range of 700–1000°C and pressure range of 2–15 kbar. The solid reaction products in the case of the phlogopite-plagioclase(An45)-quartz starting material are enstatite, clinopyroxene and potassium feldspar, with amphiboles occurring occasionally. At 12 kbar, zoisite is observed below 800°C, and garnet at 900°C. The reaction products of dehydration melting of the biotite (Ann50)-plagioclase (An45)-quartz assemblage are melt, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, amphibole and potassium feldspar. At pressures > 8 kbar and temperatures below 800°C, epidote is also formed. Almandine-rich garnet appears above 10 kbar at temperatures ≥ 750°C. The composition of melts is granitic to granodioritic, hence showing the importance of dehydration melting of tonalites for the formation of granitic melts and granulitic restites at pressure-temperature conditions within the continental crust. The melt compositions plot close to the cotectic line dividing the liquidus surfaces between quartz and potassium feldspar in the haplogranite system at 5 kbar and a H 2O = 1. The composition of the melts changes with the composition of the starting material, temperature and pressure. With increasing temperature, the melt becomes enriched in Al2O3 and FeO+MgO. Potash in the melt is highest just when biotite disappears. The amount of CaO decreases up to 900°C at 5 kbar whereas at higher temperatures it increases as amphibole, clinopyroxene and more An-component dissolve in the melt. The Na2O content of the melt increases slightly with increase in temperature. The composition of the melt at temperatures > 900°C approaches that of the starting assemblage. The melt fraction varies with composition and proportion of hydrous phases in the starting composition as well as temperature and pressure. With increasing modal biotite from 20 to 30 wt%, the melt proportion increases from 19.8 to 22.3 vol.% (850°C and 5 kbar). With increasing temperature from 800 to 950°C (at 5 kbar), the increase in melt fraction is from 11 to 25.8 vol.%. The effect of pressure on the melt fraction is observed to be relatively small and the melt proportion in the same assemblage decreases at 850°C from 19.8 vol.% at 5 kbar to 15.3 vol.% at 15 kbar. Selected experiments were reversed at 2 and 5 kbar to demonstrate that near equilibrium compositions were obtained in runs of longer duration. Received: 27 December 1995 / Accepted: 7 May 1996  相似文献   

The present work is a follow-up of the investigation on the decomposition reaction of kaolinite as a function of the defectivity of the starting material and the temperature of reaction. In the present work we study the high temperature reaction of mullite synthesis from kaolinite, from the starting point of the results obtained in the first part.Time resolved energy-dispersive powder diffraction patterns have been measured using synchrotron radiation in isothermal conditions. The apparent activation energy for mullite nucleation and growth is found to be related to the defective structure of the starting kaolinite, which thus must have an influence on the chemical homogeneity of the amorphous intermediate phase.  相似文献   

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