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wrmcrloxHuman activities related to the population growth and developrnent of industry and rnwhci-pality have led to the incrouing hadings of various POllutants into estudries during the past fewdecades. These increasing edlutant lOadings have caused declined estuallne hedth which can bemereured by a vdriety of indices. In order to obtain solutions to environrnent problerns, re-sources manageTnnt apencies are supporting a holistic approach to envirorirnental management.An effcient strategy t…  相似文献   

rmIoxThe averag annual dischaIge of the Zhujiang Xiver is 3. 32 x l0ll m3, which ranks theZhujiang River just end to the Changjiang River in China. The dischnye occutring duringthe fltal m between APril and ffepteTnber accounts for 80% of the yearly total. The Zhu-jiang hiver has a yeaIy sediment load of about 1 x l08 tons, which also concentrates in theM arn (Zhao, l990; Chen et al., 1998). The Zhujiang Xiver delta,which has l2 cities ofdifferent sizes and more than 40 towns with a po…  相似文献   

I\TRODLCTIO\In ootal enviroaments, the degradation of sedimentaIy organic matter was the main pro-cess of the biQgaxhemistry cyclc of nutrients, which controlled not only the bury efficiency oforganic carbon but a1so the nutrients flux to overlylng water (Aller, l980). The rnain mecha-nism of whneralization of sediment was organic rnatter degradation such a-s biolOgic and redOxprocesses, these reactions oould convert sedirnentary organic rnatter into nutrients, then releaseto the intersti…  相似文献   

To investigate organic matter source and reactivity in the Zhujiang River (Pearl River)Estuary and its adjacent areas, particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate hydrolysable amino acids (PHAA), and Chl a during two cruises in July 1999 and July 2000 were measured. The highest POC and PHAA concentration was observed in the waters with maximum Chl a. The spectra distribution,relative content (dry weight in milligram per gram), PHAA-C% POC and other indicators such as the ratios of amino acids vs. amino sugars (AA/AS) and glucosamine vs. galactosamine (Glum/Gal) suggested that particulate amino acids in the water column and sediments in the Zhujiang River Estuary were mainly derived from biogenic processes rather than transported from terrestrial erosion. In inner estuary where high turbidity was often observable, organic matter was mainly contributed by re-suspension of bottom sediments with revealed zooplankton, microbial reworked characteristics, which suggest that these organic matters were relatively “old“. In the estuarine brackish region, organic matter in water column is mainly contributed by relatively fresh, easily degradable phytoplankton derived organic matter.During physical - biological processes within the eastuary, organic matter derived from phytoplankton was subjected to alteration by zooplankton grazing and bacterial reworking.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEnvironmentalpollutionhasbecomeaveryseriousproblemwiththerapidindustrializa tion .Thepollutioncausedbypollutantssuchasnutrients ,heavymetalsandorganiccompounds(includingpesticides)etc .coulddamagethewell balancedcirculationofnaturalecosysteman…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONDissolvedorganiccarbon (DOC)makesupthesecondlargestofthebioactivepoolsofcar bonintheocean ,secondtothelargestpoolofdissolvedinorganiccarbon .Theglobaldissolvedorganiccarbonpoolisestimatedtobe 6 85Gt,avaluecomparabletothemassofCO2 intheat mosphere (Hedges,1 992 ) .Thesizeofthereservoir,aswellasitsdynamics ,indicatesthatDOCplaysacentralroleintheoceancarboncycle .AsitrelatestogreenhousegasessuchasCO2 andassociatesclimatecycle ,oceanicDOCbiogeochemicalcycleshavebeenoneoftheh…  相似文献   

I~IOWIn winter, on the impacts Of the Chriolis force and the current along the shore of the EastChina ho, the residual current from the Changjiang River flows south along the shore and enters the ~ Bay in the north, then it moves out of the bay in the south and flows southin the East China Sea (Su and Wang, 1989; Zhu and Shen, 1997). In recent years, scholars have made further analyse on obSerVed date, and have obtained more profound viewson the residual current and mass transport (Pn …  相似文献   

The Changjiang Estuary has been considered as one of the most polluted estuaries in the world due to high nitrate (NO-3) input, especially in spring and summer. In this study, δ15N and δ18O of NO-3 , along with other chemical parameters in this area, were measured in spring to evaluate NO-3 biogeochemical processes. A simple two end-members mixing model was used to examine the relative contribution of the Changjiang River Diluted Water and marine water to NO-3 sources in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea. The isotopic signals show that NO-3 behaved relatively and conservatively in Transect F and Transect P where assimilation was weak possibly due to vertical mixing, while active assimilation and weak nitrification occurred in Transect D. Spatial difference in assimilation was indicated by the~1:1 enrichment of δ15N and δ18O in the three transects, while spatial difference in nitrification was reflected by deviations of δ15 N and δ18O from assimilation line. Our results suggest that the input of the Changjiang River Diluted Water promoted NO-3 assimilation possibly by stratifying the water column which favored the phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

A 3-D numerical model is set up in a large domain covering the Hang zhou Bay and the Changjiang Estuary based on the ECOM model in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.The numerical schemes for baroclinic pressure gradient (BPG) terms and convective terms are improved in the paper according to the characteristics of velocity field and mass transport in the area.The model is validated by the simulations of residual current and salinity transport in the Hangzhou Bay and the Changjiang Estuary.  相似文献   

RelationshipbetweenbiogeochemicalfeaturesofbiogenicelementsandflocculationintheChangjiangEstuary¥LinYi'an;TangRenyou;LiYan;Do...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBystudyingchlorophyllandprimaryproductivityinocean ,eitherinthebig scaleorinthesmallscale ,theproductivitydistributionandvariationofmarineorganicmaterialinthetempo ralandspatialcanbeunderstood .Theseaareas ,situatinginthewesterntropicalPacific…  相似文献   

The distributions of chlorophyll a concentration, primary production and new productionwere observed in the Laizhou Bay of the Bohai Sea in both spring and neap tides during July 1997. The results showed that there were marked features of spatial zonation in the surveyed area, due to the differences between the geographic environment and the hydrological conditions. Chlorophyll a, primary production and new production were all higher in spring tides than that in neap tides in the Laizhou Bay. The highest values of these parameters were encountered in the central regions of the bay. At most stations, chlorophyll a concentrations at the bottom were higher than that at the surface. The results of size-fractionated chlorophyll a and primary production showed that contributions of nano-combining pi-coplankton ( > 20 μm) to total chlorophyll a and primary production were dominant in phytoplankton community biomass and production of the Laizhou Bay. The environmental factors, primary production and new product  相似文献   

INTRoDUCTIONAdiagnosticmodel(WangandYuan,1997)hasbeenusedtocalculatethecurrentintheTaiwanStrait(TS)duringsummer.Astothesemidiagnosticmodel,SarkisyanandYu(1983)firstlysetupasemidiagnosticmodel,whichisalsocalledanadjustablem0del,andtheyusedittocalculatethecirculati0n0vertheAtlanticOcean.YuanandPan(l995)alsodevelopedathree-di-mensi0nalsemidiagnosticmodelandcalculatedthecirculationovertheEastChinaSea.Theprog-mpticm0dlfortheoceans,whichissimilartothesemidiagnosticmodel,wasstudiedearlierby…  相似文献   

Some of the results about vertical profile of heavy metals of seawater to the south of Japan in Oct. 1990 are presented and discussed in relation to the concentration of dissolved Cu, Cd and Ni to biogeochemical environments. It points out that the distribution of dissolved Cu is higher in surface water than that in/upper 500 m layer, and maxima value attains the 8. 2 n mol/dm3 in depth of 4 000 m. The concentrations of dissolved Ni ranges from 3. 4 n mol/dm3 in surface seawater to 8. 5 n mol/dm3 in the deep to the south of Japan. The highest values are observed in the colder waters. This paper shows also that the vertical profile of dissolved Cd is perfect nutrient-type distribution. And dissolved Cd and Phosphate are linearly correlated by the regression equation. The ·Cd : ·N : ·P atomic ratio is 3. 5 × 10-4 : 14 : 1.  相似文献   

Mollusks are well known for their detailed recording of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes in their carbonate shells. In this study, we constructed 18-year blue color intensity and oxygen isotope profiles of a 14 C dated(AD 990±40) fossil giant clam, Tridacna gigas, from Shidao Island, South China Sea. The δ18O profile of the T. gigas specimen displayed regular annual cycles and was probably controlled by seasonal variations of the climatic parameters. The blue color intensity profile showed good agreement with the δ18O series, and both had 18 clear annual cycles in accordance with the 18 visually identified annual growth bands. The annual shell growth rate determined from the blue color intensity and oxygen isotope profiles indicated that the annual shell increment of the Tridacna specimen was stable after the onset of sexual maturity. Spectral analysis of the δ18O and blue color intensity time series suggested that the El Nio–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) period observed in the instrumental temperature and precipitation records of the South China Sea during the past 50 years also existed in medieval times. Our results showed that fossil giant clams could provide a good archive of historical intra-seasonal to decadal climate variations.  相似文献   

I~IOWDuceetal.(1980)calculatedthattheair-seaexchangeprocesscouldsupply80%--90%ofthediforedironinputtothephotcrzoneoftheSargassoAsfromairand16%--76%tothecentralNorthPacific.CuisessentialtotheTnarineorganisms,butexcessiveCuistoxictOtheOrganisms.CdandPh...  相似文献   

Studyonshort-rangenumericalforecastingofoceancurrentintheEastChinaSea—II.Three-dimensionaldiagnosticmodelanditsapplicationint...  相似文献   

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