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Summary Practitioners of the hydraulic fracture stress measurement technique commonly estimate the hydraulic fracture tensile strength as the difference between the initial formation breakdown pressure and the fracture reopening pressure. This method, first suggested by Bredehoeft et al. (1976), was developed with the assumption that the stress state in the cracked formation is identical to the stress state in the uncracked formation. In this paper, a relationship for the fracture reopening pressure based on Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics is developed that takes the hydraulically induced fracture into account. Situations in which the Bredehoeft technique can be appropriately applied are presented.  相似文献   

利用水压致裂地应力测试方法对实际工程区进行了地应力测量,确定了工程区隧道围岩现今的地壳应力状态,即原地应力的大小和方向.根据地应力分布特征,分析了隧道开挖过程中发生岩爆等地质灾害的可能性.地应力测量数据的分析结果可作为隧道衬砌的设计、断面的选择及轴线方位的确定的科学依据.  相似文献   

可考虑岩石本身渗透性的FDEM-flow方法充分利用原FEMDEM中节理单元和三角形单元独特的拓扑连接关系,将节理单元作为流体流动的天然通道,基于立方定律来表征流体在岩石本身及裂隙中的流动,而岩石本身渗透性则通过标定合适节理单元张开度来表征。用一个含解析解自由面稳态渗流算例初步验证了本文渗流算法及标定岩石本身渗透率方法的正确性。最后计算了一个水力压裂算例,验证了该FDEM-flow方法可同时考虑岩石本身的渗透性和裂隙的渗透性,用简单的纯裂隙渗流完成了对复杂问题的处理。研究结果表明:修改后的FDEM-flow方法能够很好地再现压裂过程中流体压力的分布及裂隙的扩展,可简洁地求解水力压裂这一复杂力学的问题,适用范围更广。为模拟页岩气开采、干热岩地热获取中的水力压裂问题提供新的求解工具。  相似文献   

基于FDEM-Flow研究地应力对水力压裂的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用提出的FDEM-Flow(考虑流固耦合的离散元-有限元耦合方法)方法作为工具,研究了地应力对水力压裂的影响。通过一个注水圆孔的算例,研究不同地应力状态对压裂裂隙的走向和形态的影响。研究结果表明,起裂压力的大小和压裂裂隙的方位均与地应力有密切关系。在竖向地应力v?保持不变的情况下,且侧压力系数?1时,随着?的增大,起裂压力和失稳压力均减小;?1时且取值较小时,主要产生水平向的裂隙,并有斜向裂隙产生;?1时且取值较大时,裂隙严格按照最大主压应力的方向扩展,不再出现斜向裂隙;?1时,主要产生竖向的裂隙;?=1时,水平地应力和竖向地应力相等,裂隙的扩展不存在优势方向。不同侧压力系数条件下,裂隙的扩展方向与最大主应力的方向一致,水力压裂裂隙的起裂和扩展主要由最大主拉应力控制,裂隙在拉应力集中的区域起裂。这些结果与已有的试验及理论认识是相符的,进一步验证了FDEM-Flow方法用于模拟水力压裂问题的有效性。  相似文献   

水力压裂法地应力测量中的几个问题   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
回顾了应用水力压裂法测量地应力的基本原理。简要地分析了对水力压裂法地应力测量结果的可靠性影响较大的几个参数。最后,对水力压裂法在深部地应力测量中的应用及其在深钻孔地应力测量方面的发展前景也做了讨论,指出了今后深部地应力测量研究努力的方向。  相似文献   

Zeng  Qingdong  Yao  Jun  Shao  Jianfu 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(6):2083-2101

The propagation of hydraulic fracture in elastic rocks has widely been investigated. In the paper, we shall focus on numerical modeling of hydraulic fracturing in a class of porous rocks exhibiting plastic deformation. The plastic strain of porous rocks is described by a non-associated plastic model based on Drucker–Prager criterion. The plastic deformation is coupled with fluid pressure evolution described by the lubrication theory. An extended finite element method is used for modeling the propagation of fracture. The fracture propagation criterion is based on the J-integral. The proposed numerical model is validated by comparisons with numerical and analytical results. The influence of plastic deformation on fracture propagation process is investigated.


Summary A correct interpretation of in situ stress measurements by means of the doorstopper technique in cross anisotropic rocks requires that 10 stress concentration factors at the bottom of the borehole be known instead of the 3 which are needed for isotropic rocks. In order to analyse the data obtained in a site investigation in a gneiss of the Alpine region, these factors were determined by a three-dimensional high-order finite-element model. The results are presented and compared with those obtained by means of first approximation methods. The feasibility of carrying out measurements in anisotropic rock by means of only 2 boreholes is discussed and it is shown that in practice 3 properly oriented boreholes are needed in this case too.  相似文献   

刘跃东  林健  冯彦军  司林坡 《岩土力学》2018,39(5):1781-1788
为了揭示水压致裂法和巴西劈裂法测量岩石抗拉强度的关系,开展了理论和现场试验研究。基于经典的水压致裂法理论,推导了不同围压下钻孔破裂压力和抗拉强度。利用断裂力学理论建立了水压致裂法和巴西劈裂法测得抗拉强度的关系。利用预制切槽方法模拟天然裂纹,对水力裂缝的起裂压力进行了研究。结果表明:围压为最大主应力等于3倍最小主应力测得的抗拉强度大于围压为0测得的抗拉强度;水压致裂法和巴西劈裂法测量抗拉强度关系与应力场、裂纹长度、断裂韧度3个变量有关;通过在晋城矿区王台铺矿的预制切槽试验,运用断裂力学建立的抗拉强度计算式更为符合现场实际。研究结果可为坚硬难垮落顶板预制切槽的水力压裂设计提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates stress changes resulting from fracturing in a weak formation and estimates the reduced risk of formation failure. The analysis is based on fracture propagation and closure of a plane strain elasto–plastic fracture. It is shown that during fracture propagation the area near the fracture tip undergoes plastic deformation, with the result that the in situ stresses there are significantly reduced from the original compressive state. The stress relief is driven by the reduction of the minimum in situ stress and the consistency condition which requires the stress state to remain on the yield or failure envelope. After fracture closure, due to permanent deformation the stress state does not return to its original state, as in the case of elastic material. The risk of formation failure, which is quantified with the introduction of a yield factor, is significantly reduced after fracturing and closure. The residual width from plastic deformation results in a non-uniform closure stress on proppant with higher values near the tip and lower value near the wellbore which is detrimental to the stability of proppant. The closure stress becomes more uniform with increasing fracture length. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The formulation, development, implementation and application of a complete three-dimensional hydraulic fracturing simulator, 3DHFRAC, is described. The simulator consists of two principal components: the first represents the solid deformation, crack opening and propagation, using a surface integral scheme, hybridised with finite-elements as needed, and a condition of critical stress-intensity-factor or energy-release-rate to track the motion of the fracture perimeter; the second captures the fluid flow along the open fracture, and into the reservoir. The simulator has been tested extensively by comparison to analytical results, simpler models and laboratory experiments for which good agreement is obtained. It is finally used to study the general growth of 3-D fracture propagation under different fluid and reservoir conditions.  相似文献   

煤层定点水力压裂防冲的机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯宇  姜福兴  翟明华  王博  郭信山  成功 《岩土力学》2015,36(4):1174-1181
为实现在掘进或回采前对冲击危险煤层的一次性卸压,达到区域防冲的目的,提出了煤层定点水力压裂技术。为了从理论上说明煤层定点水力压裂技术防治冲击地压的可行性和有效性,首先,通过建立煤层压裂力学模型,从定性和定量两方面分析煤层定点水力压裂防冲的机制,认为煤层压裂通过增阻和降能2方面实现冲击地压的防治;提出了基于压裂效能指数In的压裂防冲效果评价方法以及关键冲击块临界体积的估算公式,为煤层压裂施工参数的选择提供参考;最后,在华丰煤矿1412工作面成功应用该项技术,从现场观测、管路压力、微震事件和应力变化4方面验证了煤层定点水力压裂技术防治冲击地压的效果。  相似文献   

郑安兴  罗先启 《岩土力学》2018,39(9):3461-3468
危岩是三峡库区典型的地质灾害类型之一,而主控结构面受荷断裂扩展是危岩发育成灾的关键核心。将危岩主控结构面类比为宏观裂纹,利用扩展有限元法在模拟裂纹扩展方面的优势,基于考虑裂纹面水压力作用的虚功原理推导出了采用扩展有限元法分析水力劈裂问题的控制方程,给出了危岩主控结构面水力劈裂问题的扩展有限元实现方法,对重庆万州太白岩危岩主控结构面的水力劈裂进行了数值模拟分析。计算结果表明:暴雨是威胁危岩稳定性的最敏感因素,随着裂隙水压力上升,裂端拉应力会急剧升高,危岩的稳定性降低;I型裂纹扩展是危岩主要的结构面扩展形式,结构面一旦发生开裂,将处于非稳定扩展状态。  相似文献   

A simple method for an in situ measurement of susceptibility and low-field hysteresis on rock bodies like dykes and flows is described. Extensive use of this method indicates that in some dykes and flows, the nature of the magnetic grains varies rapidly across the bodies. Making use of such observations, it seems possible to select stable rock samples for palaeomagnetic work and also understand to some extent the origin of remanent magnetization in different types of rock bodies.  相似文献   

In situ strength measurements on natural upper-mantle minerals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using in situ strength measurements at pressures up to 10 GPa and at room temperature, 400, 600, and 700°C, we examined rheological properties of olivine, orthopyroxene, and chromian-spinel contained in a mantle-derived xenolith. Mineral strengths were estimated using widths of X-ray diffraction peaks as a function of pressure, temperature, and time. Differential stresses of all minerals increase with increasing pressure, but they decrease with increasing temperature because of elastic strain on compression and stress relaxation during heating. During compression at room temperature, all minerals deform plastically at differential stress of 4–6 GPa. During subsequent heating, thermally induced yielding is observed in olivine at 600°C. Neither orthopyroxene nor spinel shows complete stress relaxation, but both retain some stress even at 700°C. The strength of the minerals decreases in the order of chromian-spinel ≈ orthopyroxene > olivine for these conditions. This order of strength is consistent with the residual pressure of fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths.  相似文献   

为了研究水压致裂过程中裂缝的扩展机制,在北京房山花岗岩体中开展了大型水压致裂试验。试验是在一个深 301 m的岩石新鲜完整的FR钻孔中进行的,其周围半径约40 m的范围内布置了4个120 m深的声发射观测孔。在FR孔中深度60 m至140 m的范围内选取了7段没有天然节理的部位进行了水压致裂。在所有的试验中,发现水压致裂形成的裂缝通过天然节理与AE孔连通,只在深度118.5 m进行的试验,观测到由水压致裂产生的AE事件。由声发射的震源机制解得到的P轴和T轴的方向与水压致裂应力测量的方向一致。  相似文献   

New in situ data based on hydraulic fracturing and overcoring have been compiled for eastern Australia, increasing from 23 to 110 the number of in situ stress analyses available for the area between and including the Bowen and Sydney Basins. The Bowen Basin displays a consistent north‐northeast maximum horizontal stress (σH) orientation over some 500 km. Stress orientations in the Sydney Basin are more variable than in the Bowen Basin, with areas of the Sydney Basin exhibiting north‐northeast, northeast, east‐west and bimodal σH orientations. Most new data indicate that the overburden stress (σV) is the minimum principal stress in both the Bowen and Sydney Basins. The Sydney Basin is relatively seismically active, whereas the Bowen Basin is relatively aseismic. Despite the fact that in situ stress measurements sample the stress field at shallower depth than the seismogenic zone, there is a correlation between the stress measurements and seismicity in the two areas. Mohr‐Coulomb analysis of the propensity for failure in the Sydney Basin suggests 41% of the new in situ stress data are indicative of failure, as opposed to 13% in the Bowen Basin. The multiple pre‐existing structural grains in the Sydney Basin further emphasise the difference between propensity for failure in the two areas. Previous modelling of intraplate stresses due to plate boundary forces has been less successful at predicting stress orientations in eastern than in western and central Australia. Nonetheless, stress orientation in the Bowen Basin is consistent with that predicted by modelling of stresses due to plate boundary forces. Variable stress orientations in the Sydney Basin suggest that more local sources of stress, such as those associated with the continental margin and with local structure, significantly influence stress orientation. The effect of local sources of stress may be relatively pronounced because stresses due to plate boundary forces result in low horizontal stress anisotropy in the Sydney Basin.  相似文献   

Microscopic modelling of the hydraulic fracturing process   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A microscopic perspective is introduced in this study which offers a detailed insight at the inter-particle level to the geo-mechanical responses caused by fluid injection and the resulting pressure build-up. This was achieved by employing the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to model the pressure development and the subsequent fracturing and/or cavity propagation. This technique represents the formation material as an assembly of discrete particles linked to each other through contacts. Numerical experiments were carried out on two sample materials. For the first instance, tests were carried out on a bulk material, representative of a generic intact rock, with the breakage of inter-particle bonds indicating the formation of cracks. The second series of tests was carried out on granular type materials such as sand, where particle separation signified cavity initiation and separation. It was observed from the DEM modelling results that the intact rock material showed a predominance of mode II fracturing at high fluid velocities. However, when the fluid velocity is reduced considerably the fracturing behaviour tended towards more of mode I. Also, records of the pressure development were taken from the numerical results and were used to monitor the fracturing events. The outcome of this study highlights important aspects of the hydraulic fracturing process especially at the particle–particle scale, and thus provides a strong basis for more exhaustive studies involving larger scale reservoir modelling and more complex fracturing scenarios.  相似文献   

利用断裂力学进行突水判别,必须求出临界应力强度因子。由于岩体结构复杂,很难获取符合临界应力强度因子测试的岩样。文中对水压致裂技术进行了断裂力学解释,建立了断裂力学模型,应用叠加原理推导了临界应力强度因子的计算公式。并应用这一结果,对葛店煤矿水压致裂测试底板原位地应力资料进行了分析,求得底板岩体的临界应力强度因子。  相似文献   

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