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高旭征 《矿床地质》1985,4(3):10-18
一、引言及符号进行物理作用的空间范围称为场。地球空间中某物质系某相中某组分进行扩散时受到了扩散作用力,呈该性质的地球空间范围称为地球化学位场或扩散作用力场。本文从上述观点出发,以单一组分组成的理想气体为模型,应用了作者建议的光子原理化学热力学方法,  相似文献   

白银厂铜多金属矿田是上世纪五十年代初期在我国西部发现并勘探成功的大型铜矿区。随着现代测试分析技术的进步,矿床地球化学研究取得明显进展。本文主要论述了其中的几个方面,包括微量元素地球化学、矿床同位素地球化学、成矿年代学等方面的某些研究进展。  相似文献   

Ore mineralization is formed by postsedimentary (concentrated by evaporation to stage SW2) chloride brines metamorphosed in hydrogeochemical systems that are closed with respect to CO2, evolve according to “calcic” trend, and have high 2mCa2+ > mHCO 3 ? + 2mCO 3 2? ratios. In these situations at high R/W ratios (10–100) and temperatures (100–200°C), these brines concentrate ore elements (Zn, Pb, Fe, and Mn) that are geochemical analogues of Ca. The sulfide precipitation of these elements occurs under the effect of carbonate rocks at the abiogenic sulfate reduction of S(VI) of the original brines at low Eh values, which are created in carbonate rocks at higher (>100°C) temperatures. This origin of sulfide mineralization is intensified at decreasing R/W ratios during the dilution of the original brines by elision waters and an increase in the temperature. The hydrodynamics of these ore-forming brines is controlled by the elision hydrogeological regime, which is defined in hydrogeological structures by the geostatic pressure. The brines migrate into the zones of geochemical barriers during the relaxation of hydrogeological structures toward their equilibrium hydrostatic state. Hydrogeological structures, optimal for the precipitation of ore mineralization, are hydrodynamically active and able to maintain a steady (during 105-106 years) inflow of ore-forming brines into the zones of geochemical barriers and the maximum number of water-exchange cycles at these barriers. Modern analogues of these structures are miogeosyncline foredeeps with Cl-Na-Ca chloride brines with high concentrations of ore elements and overall flow rates ranging from 0.n to n m3/year. Stagnate hydrogeological platform structures in hydrostatic equilibrium cannot ensure water exchange needed for ore formation, and, hence, the brines of these structures are not able to deposit the ore elements contained in them, in spite of the high concentrations of these elements.  相似文献   

基于地球化学块体概念的中国锡资源潜力评价   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文详细介绍了根据地球化学块体的概念、利用中国区域化探扫面的成果对中国锡资源潜力评价的方法技术;给出了金属供应量、地球化学块体成矿率、资源量和潜在资源量的计算公式,并引入了校正系数来修正根据水系沉积物计算的地球化学块体中的金属供应量;描述了中国锡地球化学块体的空间分布特征,分析了这些地球化学块体与地质体和已知锡矿床的空间对应关系;确定了中国锡在8ug/g、10ug/g含量级次的地球化学块体成矿率为0.205%和0.208%。同时根据在中国大陆所圈定的锡地球化学块体的分布及其特征计算出中国锡的潜在资源量为1609万t和1406万t。  相似文献   

The Ordovician-Lower Carboniferous sequence of slightly metamorphosed gray carbonate-terrigenous rocks contains the Silurian black cherty shales enriched in carbon (6–9%), pyrite (6–7%), and uranium (∼30 ppm). The uranium ore is localized at the pinch-out of areal and linear zones of the Early Permian supergene (exogenic) oxidation of rocks expressed in reddening (hematitization). U, As, Sb, Cu, Ni, Mo, and Ag have been removed from the oxidized black shales and concentrated in the cementation zone in form of pitchblende and sulfides in wall-rock disseminations and veinlets largely hosted in carbonate-bearing rocks. In the Late Permian, during deposition of the upper Rotliegende and Zechstein, the fractures in the basement were filled with carbonates and sulfates; uranium was partly redeposited along with enrichment in Pb and Zn. Mesozoic and Cenozoic supergene processes altered uranium ore insignificantly.  相似文献   

天宝山多金属矿床地球化学模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天宝山铅锌矿山正处于资源枯竭状态,在该矿山附近寻找新的矿床对天宝山矿山来说是当务之急。我们对现有的区域地球化学和地质资料进行分析研究,总结出天宝山多金属矿床的水持地球化学异常特征、地球化学异常分带模式及地球化学找矿模式,在此基础上,提出了光新屯找远景区。  相似文献   

Ore formation is considered in the paper. The consideration is based on the topology of chemical elements that was discovered by the authors in 2007 as a result of the study of the Fibonacci distribution of chemical elements. On thoroughly analyzing the physical background of ore formation, we have concluded that spin effects play the leading role in the formation of paragenetic assemblages. The nuclear properties of elements should be taken into account in elucidating this problem.  相似文献   

矿集区找矿预测有着不同于典型矿床和区域性成矿预测的规律和特点,是在厘定区内主要类型矿床的成因类型基础上,以"三位一体"(即成矿地质作用与成矿地质体、成矿构造与成矿结构面、成矿作用特征标志)和成矿系统为主要内容开展工作。文章以辽宁青城子铅锌-金-银矿集区为例,系统总结了矿集区的矿床类型、岩浆-成矿系统、"三位一体"找矿预测要素等关键科学问题。青城子矿集区是中国重要的铅锌-金-银矿集区,由于多年的开采,青城子等矿山濒临危机,如何取得该地区找矿突破,是一个亟待解决的问题。对前人研究成果分析表明,该矿集区内铅锌矿床和金、银矿床的成因类型可能均属于岩浆热液型,而非元古代喷流沉积型,矿床的"层控"现象实为特定岩性界面控制的有利成矿结构面;成矿作用主要与印支期花岗斑岩有关,铅锌矿和金、银矿可能是同一岩浆系统演化的产物。在未来的找矿预测中,应重点开展以下5方面工作:(1)查明矿床的具体成矿地质体;(2)进一步提炼成矿期构造控矿规律和成矿结构面样式;(3)凝练有效的成矿作用特征标志,重点是与成矿有关的远程蚀变标志;(4)构建和完善矿集区中生代岩浆-成矿系统,并注意新矿种、新矿床类型的寻找;(5)探索研究矿集区的自然边界,扩大找矿范围和深度。  相似文献   

The results of detailed mineralogical, geochemical, and thermobarogeochemical studies of the Kalguty complex greisen deposit are presented. The chemical compositions of ore veins, greisens, and other geological bodies have been determined. A wide range of chemical elements from Li to U (48 elements, including noble metals and REE) has been determined in ore minerals. Graphite in association with quartz and sulfides was identified in ore veins for the first time. Graphite is enriched in a light carbon isotope. The δ13C value varies from ?26.3 ± 0.4 to ?26.6 ± 0.3‰. High Au, Ag, Hg, Te, Sb, Bi, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, and S contents were detected in graphite grains with a microprobe. The graphite content increases regularly with depth; the spatial correlation of graphite with W, Mo, Cu, Au, Pt, Pd, and other metals is established. The highest Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, and Os contents are characteristic of minor intrusions of albitized granite porphyry (γπ2J1vk), intramineral dikes of hydrothermally altered kalgutite (γπ3J1vk), ore veins, their greisen selvages, and autonomous ore-bearing greisen bodies of the Mo stock type. Gold occurs in native form, while silver is contained largely in sulfides and sulfosalts. High PGE contents are characteristic of pyrite, wolframite, and molybdenite. The major components of fluid inclusions in quartz (H2O, CO2, CO, and H2) have been studied, as well as hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, C5H12, C6H14, C2H2, and C2H4) contained therein. Two-phase fluid inclusions are predominant, while single-and three-phase inclusions are less abundant. The homogenization temperatures of primary and secondary inclusions are 290–340 and 140–160°C, respectively. The concentration of dissolved salts (NaCl and KCl) in two-phase inclusions amounts to 11.6–14.0%. The H2O and CO2 contents decrease with depth, whereas the CO, H2, and HC concentrations increase in the same direction. Graphite is regarded as a product of reactions with participation of fluid (gas) components. The ore mineralization was formed under contrasting conditions related to the oxidation of a primary reduced deep metalliferous fluid.  相似文献   

吉林集安金厂沟矿田岩石化学及地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金厂沟矿田以金矿床为主,矿体与矿化点分布于燕山期中酸性杂岩体的内外接触带上。岩石化学及地球化学特征表明集安变质岩系遭受中级变质,含有较高的金等金属成矿元素; 中酸性杂岩体是地幔熔浆与壳源物质混杂形成,各成矿物质为幔源,同时汲取壳源,金来源于变质岩系和中酸性岩浆岩。  相似文献   

The ambiguity of genetic interpretations of uranium ore formation at Mo-U deposits of the Strel’tsovka ore field led us to perform additional geochemical, mineralogical, and thermobarogeochemical studies. As a result, it has been established that closely related U and F were progressively gained in the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks from the older basic volcanics (170 Ma) to the younger silicic igneous rocks (140 Ma). The Early Cretaceous postmagmatic hydrothermal epoch (140–125 Ma) is subdivided into preore, uranium ore, and first and second postore stages. The primary brannerite-pitchblende ore was formed in association with fluorite. At the first postore stage, this assemblage was replaced by a U-Si metagel, which was previously identified as coffinite. The metagel shows a wide compositional variation; its fine structure has been studied. The preore metasomatic alteration and related veined mineralization were formed under the effect of sodium (bicarbonate)-chloride solution at a temperature of 250–200°C. The uranium ore formation began with albitization and hematitization of rocks affected by supercritical fluid at 530–500°C; brannerite and pitchblende precipitated at 350–300°C. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of pitchblende hosted in trachybasalt, trachydacite, and granite demonstrate a pronounced Sm-Nd discontinuity and a statistically significant tetrad effect of W type. These attributes were not established in REE patterns of rhyolites derived from the upper crustal magma chamber. This circumstance and a chronological gap of 5 Ma between silicic volcanism and ore formation do not allow us to suggest that uranium was derived from this magma chamber. According to the proposed model, the evolved silicic Li-F magma was a source of uranium. U4+, together with REE, was fractionated into the fluid phase as complex fluoride compounds. The uranium mineralization was deposited at a temperature barrier. It is suggested that hydromica alteration and the formation of molybdenum mineralization were genetically unrelated to the uranium ore formation.  相似文献   

黑龙江省呼玛县西部兴隆-基座山地区为瓦拉里-兴隆金矿带中重要的金矿化集中区。区内水系沉积物测量主要组合异常区地质特征与呼玛矿集区已知浅成低温热液金矿床地质特征具有可比性,在岩性条件、构造环境、矿化蚀变等方面和矿集区矿床地质特征相一致。区内水系沉积物及土壤测量均发现存在Au、Ag、As、Sb、Bi、Cu组合异常,异常分带清晰,具有明显的浓集中心。水系沉积物主要异常元素组合与矿集区已知浅成低温热液金(银)矿床周围异常元素组合相一致,金异常及其伴生元素异常均受次级断裂构造、岩体与地层接触带及破碎带控制。依照类比结果,区内划分了3个异常远景区,对部分远景区进行工程揭露,发现蚀变矿化带金含量明显增高,局部可见金矿化体,表明区内寻找浅成低温热液型金矿床具有广阔前景。  相似文献   

福建某稀有金属伟品岩以富铌、钽而著称,并含锂、铍、铷、铯等稀有金属。本文着重对该区地质特征、控矿构造、伟晶岩类型、成矿阶段划分、空问分布规律、稀有元素地球化  相似文献   

库姆托尔金矿是吉尔吉斯最大的金矿,是中亚著名金矿之一。应用吉尔吉斯斯坦9幅1∶5万化探资料(3万条数据)进行系列地球化学编图和地球化学信息提取,结合在吉尔吉斯天山成矿带成矿规律研究所取得的认识,建立了库姆托尔金矿的地质地球化学模型。在相似类比理论指导下,借助计算机技术对吉尔吉斯斯坦中天山成矿带库姆托尔型金矿的找矿潜力进行科学评价,在吉尔吉斯库姆托尔地区圈定库姆托尔型金矿找矿预测区2个。  相似文献   

张晶  李宝强  孟广路  李慧英 《地质通报》2015,34(04):726-733
库姆托尔金矿是吉尔吉斯最大的金矿,是中亚著名金矿之一。应用吉尔吉斯斯坦9幅1∶5万化探资料(3万条数据)进行系列地球化学编图和地球化学信息提取,结合在吉尔吉斯天山成矿带成矿规律研究所取得的认识,建立了库姆托尔金矿的地质地球化学模型。在相似类比理论指导下,借助计算机技术对吉尔吉斯斯坦中天山成矿带库姆托尔型金矿的找矿潜力进行科学评价,在吉尔吉斯库姆托尔地区圈定库姆托尔型金矿找矿预测区2个。  相似文献   

对栗木矿田3个花岗岩体进行了岩石主量元素、微量元素的地球化学研究和分析,岩石化学成分具高铝高硅碱特征,属于高钾钙碱性岩系列;微量元素总量明显偏低,Eu强烈亏损,以富含Li、Rb贫Sr、Ba为特征,花岗岩浆分异度高或岩浆发生过充分的结晶分异作用;推断花岗质岩浆熔出后源区残留相为石榴石+斜长石+钾长石±角闪石±黑云母等组成的麻粒岩相,具深源的特征,在中高—高压条件下部分熔融形成的,同时,受氧逸度(f O 2)较低、水活度(αH 2 O)较低、水逸度(f H 2 O)较高的制约因素影响.通过对华南地区岩石圈深部动力学背景分析,认为岩石圈减薄合理地解释了本区栗木花岗岩体的形成机制.  相似文献   

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