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We examine the physics of growth of water bubbles in highly viscous melts. During the initial stages, diffusive mass transfer of water into the bubble keeps the internal pressure in the bubbles close to the initial pressure at nucleation. Growth is controlled by melt viscosity and supersaturation pressure and radial growth under constant pressure is approximately exponential. At later stages, internal pressure falls, radial growth decelerates and follows the square-root of time. At this stage it is controlled by diffusion. The time of transition between the two stages is controlled by the decompression, melt viscosity and the Peclet number of the system. The model closely fit experimental data of bubble growth in viscous melts with low water content. Close fit is also obtained for new experiments at high supersaturation, high Peclet numbers, and high, variable viscosity. Near surface, degassed, silicic melts are viscous enough, so that viscosity-controlled growth may last for very long times. Using the model, we demonstrate that bubbles which nucleate shortly before fragmentation cannot grow fast enough to be important during fragmentation. We suggest that tiny bubbles observed in melt pockets between large bubbles in pumice represent a second nucleation event shortly before or after fragmentation. The presence of such bubbles is an indicator of the conditions at fragmentation. The water content of lavas extruded at lava domes is a key factor in their evolution. Melts of low water content (<0.2 wt%) are too viscid and bubbles nucleated in them will not grow to an appreciable size. Bubbles may grow in melts with 0.4 wt% water. The internal pressure in such bubbles may be preserved for days and the energy stored in the bubbles may be important during the disintegration of dome rocks and the formation of pyroclastic flows.  相似文献   

Degassing through open paths such as bubble and/or fracture networks is considered to be the principal mode of degassing in silicic magmas. However, its detailed mechanisms remain unclear. To investigate the behavior of bubbles in a hypothetical open-system condition, we performed a series of vesiculation experiments on natural rhyolitic obsidian using a newly designed semipermeable cell, which artificially maintains a pressure difference between its inside and outside. The thick-wall cell maintains a constant volume within the sample chamber, while allowing water vapor to escape the cell during the experimental runs. The cells containing obsidian cores with ca. 0.66 wt.% initial water content were externally heated to 1000 °C for a period of 1–288 h. The run charges generally showed a zonal structure composed of two contrasting regions: a central region within which the bubbles were concentrated (bubble-rich core, BC) and a bubble-free melt region surrounding the BC (bubble-free margin, BFM). With increased heating duration, the thickness of the BFM increased via dissolution of the outermost bubbles in the BC. The water content was nearly uniform throughout the BC, whereas an outward-decreasing gradient was observed in the BFM. We found that diffusive dehydration occurred from the sample surface, and the bubbles were resorbed into the melt. Thus, the BFM–BC boundary moved inwards. These processes were modelled numerically, and the calculation results were in good agreement with the experimental data. If a “lifetime” of open paths is approximated as the relaxation time of a melt in a shallow volcanic environment, then the paths have to be pinched off quickly (1.2 h at maximum pressure difference between the open path and the melt) and thus the thickness of the bubble-free layer reaches at most ~ 0.1 mm. For the formation of bubble-free obsidian layers with a width of a few millimeters, which are often observed in natural obsidian flows, open paths should be maintained for at least a few hundred hours.  相似文献   

 To investigate the influence of microlites on lava flow rheology, the viscosity of natural microlite-bearing rhyolitic obsidians of calc-alkaline and peralkaline compositions containing 0.1–0.4 wt.% water was measured at volcanologically relevant temperatures (650–950  °C), stresses (103–105 Pa) and strain rates (10–5 to 10–7 s–1). The glass transition temperatures (T g ) were determined from scanning calorimetric measurements on the melts for a range of cooling/heating rates. Based on the equivalence of enthalpic (calorimetric) and shear (viscosity) relaxation, we calculated the viscosity of the melt in crystal-bearing samples from the T g data. The difference between the calculated viscosity of the melt phase and the measured viscosity for the crystal-bearing samples is interpreted to be the physical effect of microlites on the measured viscosity. The effect of <5 vol.% rod-like microlites on the melt rheology is negligible. Microlite-rich and microlite-poor samples from the same lava flow and with identical bulk chemistry show a difference of 0.6 log10 units viscosity (Pa s), interpreted to be due to differences in melt chemistry caused by the presence of microlites. The only major differences between measured and calculated viscosities were for two samples: a calc-alkaline rhyolite with 1 vol.% branching crystals, and a peralkaline rhyolite containing crystal-rich bands with >45 vol.% crystals. For both of these samples a connectivity factor is apparent, with, for the latter, a close packing framework of crystals which is interpreted to influence the apparent viscosity. Received: 14 March 1996 / Accepted: 30 May 1996  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to test concepts of porous flow degassing of rhyolitic magma during ascent and of the subsequent collapse of vesicles in degassed magma to form obsidian. Dense, synthetically hydrated, natural glasses were pressurized under water-saturated conditions and then decompressed to achieve a range of porosities in the presence of a tracer vapor, D2O. Rapid isotopic exchange indicative of vapor transport rather than of simple diffusion occurred at a porosity >60 vol.%, in accord with earlier gas permeability measurements on cold natural samples. In another series of experiments, natural and synthetic pumices, vesiculated by degassing to atmospheric pressure, rapidly collapsed to dense glass on repressurization to the modest pressures prevailing in lava flows. No relict bubble textures remained. These results support the hypothesis that effusive eruptions result from the syneruptive escape of gas from permeable magmatic foam, and that a process analogous to welding yields dense lavas when such foams are extruded.  相似文献   

Thermal diffusivity (D) was measured using laser-flash analysis on pristine and remelted obsidian samples from Mono Craters, California. These high-silica rhyolites contain between 0.013 and 1.10?wt% H2O and 0 to 2?vol% crystallites. At room temperature, D glass varies from 0.63 to 0.68?mm2?s?1, with more crystalline samples having higher D. As T increases, D glass decreases, approaching a constant value of ??0.55?mm2?s?1 near 700?K. The glass data are fit with a simple model as an exponential function of temperature and a linear function of crystallinity. Dissolved water contents up to 1.1?wt% have no statistically significant effect on the thermal diffusivity of the glass. Upon crossing the glass transition, D decreases rapidly near ??1,000?K for the hydrous melts and ??1,200?K for anhydrous melts. Rhyolitic melts have a D melt of ??0.51?mm2?s?1. Thermal conductivity (k?=?D·??·C P) of rhyolitic glass and melt increases slightly with T because heat capacity (C P) increases with T more strongly than density (??) and D decrease. The thermal conductivity of rhyolitic melts is ??1.5?W?m?1?K?1, and should vary little over the likely range of magmatic temperatures and water contents. These values of D and k are similar to those of major crustal rock types and granitic protoliths at magmatic temperatures, suggesting that changes in thermal properties accompanying partial melting of the crust should be relatively minor. Numerical models of shallow rhyolite intrusions indicate that the key difference in thermal history between bodies that quench to obsidian, and those that crystallize, results from the release of latent heat of crystallization. Latent heat release enables bodies that crystallize to remain at high temperatures for much longer times and cool more slowly than glassy bodies. The time to solidification is similar in both cases, however, because solidification requires cooling through the glass transition in the first case, and cooling only to the solidus in the second.  相似文献   

Gas accumulation in magma may be aided by coalescence of bubbles because large coalesced bubbles rise faster than small bubbles. The observed size distribution of gas bubbles (vesicles) in lava flows supports the concept of post-eruptive coalescence. A numerical model predicts the effects of rise and coalescence consistent with observed features. The model uses given values for flow thickness, viscosity, volume percentage of gas bubbles, and an initial size distribution of bubbles together with a gravitational collection kernel to numerically integrate the stochastic collection equation and thereby compute a new size spectrum of bubbles after each time increment of conductive cooling of the flow. Bubbles rise and coalesce within a fluid interior sandwiched between fronts of solidification that advance inward with time from top and bottom. Bubbles that are overtaken by the solidification fronts cease to migrate. The model predicts the formation of upper and lower vesicle-rich zones separated by a vesicle-poor interior. The upper zone is broader, more vesicular, and has larger bubbles than the lower zone. Basaltic lava flows in northern California exhibit the predicted zonation of vesicularity and size distribution of vesicles as determined by an impregnation technique. In particular, the size distribution at the tops and bottoms of flows is essentially the same as the initial distribution, reflecting the rapid initial solidification at the bases and tops of the flows. Many large vesicles are present in the upper vesicular zones, consistent with expected formation as a result of bubble coalescence during solidification of the lava flows. Both the rocks and model show a bimodal or trimodal size distribution for the upper vesicular zone. This polymodality is explained by preferential coalescence of larger bubbles with subequal sizes. Vesicularity and vesicle size distribution are sensitive to atmospheric pressure because bubbles expand as they decompress during rise through the flow. The ratio of vesicularity in the upper to that in the lower part of a flow therefore depends not only on bubble rise and coalescence, but also on flow thickness and atmospheric pressure. Application of simple theory to the natural basalts suggests solidification of the basalts at 1.0±0.2 atm, consistent with the present atmospheric pressure. Paleobathymetry and paleoaltimetry are possible in view of the sensitivity of vesicle size distributions to atmospheric pressure. Thus, vesicular lava flows can be used to crudely estimate ancient elevations and/or sea level air pressure.  相似文献   

We present a visco-elastic bubble growth model, accounting for viscous and elastic deformations and for volatile mass transfer between bubbles and melt. We define the borders between previous bubble growth models accounting for incompressible viscous melt, and our new model accounting also for elastic deformation; this is done by a set of end-member analytical solutions and numerical simulations. Elastic deformation is most prominent for magma of small vesicularity, where the growth regime depends on the shear modulus. For high shear modulus, bubble growth is slow and follows an exponential law in a viscous growth regime, while for low shear modulus bubbles quickly follow a square-root diffusive solution. Our model provides all the elastic components (stresses, strains and strain rates) required for defining criteria for failure and magma fragmentation. We suggest two failure criteria, a stress related one based on the internal friction and the Mohr-Coulomb failure theory, and a strain related one based on fibre elongation experiments. We argue that both criteria are equivalent if we consider their shear modulus dependency and its effect on magma rheology. Last, we apply our model to the process of bubble nucleation. In the incompressible case, following nucleation, growth is slow and leads to long incubation times during which bubbles may be dissolved back into the melt. The elastic response in magmas with low shear modulus results in a short incubation time, increasing the probability of survival. The above effects emphasize the significance of visco-elasticity for the dynamic processes occurring in magmas during volcanic activity.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering - The new energy-saving perforated shale (ESPS) block is suitable for buildings in cold regions. In order to explore the seismic performance and reinforcement...  相似文献   

In this investigation, the seismic torsional response of a multi-storey concentrically braced frame (CBF) plan irregular structure is evaluated numerically and experimentally through a series of hybrid tests. CBF structures have become popular in seismic design because they are one of the most efficient types of steel structures to resist earthquake loading. However, their response under plan irregular conditions has received little focus mostly in part due to their complex behaviour under seismic loading conditions. The majority of research on the seismic response of plan irregular structures is based purely on numerical investigations. This paper provides much needed experimental investigation of the seismic response of a CBF plan irregular structure with the aim of characterising the response of this class of structure. The effectiveness of the Eurocode 8 torsional effects provision as a method of designing for low levels of mass eccentricity is evaluated. Results indicate that some of the observations made by purely numerical models are valid in that; torsionally stiff structures perform well and the stiff side of the structure is subjected to a greater ductility demand compared to the flexible side of the structure. The Eurocode 8 torsional effects provision is shown to be adequate in terms of ductility and interstorey drift however the structure performs poorly in terms of floor rotation. Importantly, stiffness eccentricity occurs when the provision is applied to the structure when no mass eccentricity exists and results in a significant increase in floor rotations.  相似文献   

 We used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study magmatic crystals in the Ben Lomond rhyolite lava dome, Taupo Volcanic Center, New Zealand. Using TEM and SEM to investigate the size distributions of these crystals, we identified three size populations: microphenocrysts (>1.2 μm wide), microlites (>0.6 μm wide), and smaller crystals (<0.6 μm wide) which we term "nanolites". The predominant mineral phases of the microlites and nanolites are augites, pigeonites, and hypersthenes. The compositions and microstructures within these pyroxenes indicate disequilibrium crystallization at approximately 850–900  °C and undercoolings as high as 300  °C from equilibrium crystallization temperatures. Complex microstructures resulting from subsolidus reactions in augite and pigeonite are consistent with moderate cooling rates within the upper obsidian layer of the Ben Lomond rhyolite dome. This study demonstrates the existence of sub-micron magmatic crystals in a rhyolite and illustrates the potential of TEM to provide unique information about the crystallization and cooling histories of glassy volcanic rocks. Received: May 8, 1995 / Accepted: November 27, 1995  相似文献   

Silicate melts are very active in the interior of the Earth and other terrestrial planets, and are important carriers for the transport of material and energy. The determination of the equation of state(EOS) for silicate melts and the acquisition of a precise quantitative relationship between molar volume(or density) and temperature, pressure, and composition is essential for simulating the generation, migration, and eruption processes of magmas and the evolution of the magma ocean stage during the early formation of the Earth and other terrestrial planets, for calculating and modeling the phase equilibria involving silicate melts, and for revealing the variation of the microstructure of silicate melts with pressure. However, it is experimentally challenging to determine the volumetric properties of silicate melts and the accumulated density data at high pressure are still very limited due to a series of problems such as: the high liquidus temperature of silicate rocks; proneness for silicate melts to react with sample capsules to change the melt composition; and proneness for melts to flow and leak during the high pressure and high temperature experiments. In recent years, there is rapid progress in the high pressure and high temperature experimental techniques, in terms of not only the extension of temperature and pressure ranges but also the improvement on the accuracy of measurements, and the emergence of new methods for in-situ measurements. Here, we review the widely-used theoretical models of ambient-pressure and high-pressure EOS for silicate melts, and illustrate some problems that need to be solved urgently:(1) the room pressure EOS for iron-and titanium-bearing silicate melts needs to be improved;(2) the partial molar properties of the H2 O and CO2 components in silicate melts containing volatile components may vary markedly with the melt composition, which need to be addressed in high-pressure EOS;(3) how the formulation and applicable range of EOS correspond to changes in melt structure and compression mechanism requires further study. We highlight the basic principle and applicable range of various methods for determining the EOS for silicate melts, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of doublebob Archimedes method, fusion curve analysis, shock compression experiments, sink-float method, X-ray absorption, X-ray diffraction and ultrasonic interferometry. Future trends in this field are to develop experimental techniques for in situ measurements on melt density or sound velocity at high temperature and high pressure and to accumulate more experimental data,and on the other hand, to improve the theoretical models of the EOS for silicate melts by a combination of research on the microstructure and compression mechanisms of silicate melts.  相似文献   

Prolonged and heavy exposure to particles of respirable, crystalline silica-rich volcanic ash could potentially cause chronic, fibrotic disease, such as silicosis, in individuals living in areas of frequent ash fall. Here, we show that the rhyolitic ash erupted from Chaitén volcano, Chile, in its dome-forming phase, contains increased levels of the silica polymorph cristobalite, compared to its initial plinian eruption. Ash erupted during the initial, explosive phase (2–5 May 2008) contained approximately 2 wt.% cristobalite, whereas ash generated after dome growth began (from 21 May 2008) contains 13–19 wt.%. The work suggests that active obsidian domes crystallise substantial quantities of cristobalite on time-scales of days to months, probably through vapour-phase crystallisation on the walls of degassing pathways, rather than through spherulitic growth in glassy obsidian. The ash is fine-grained (9.7–17.7 vol.% <4 μm in diameter, the respirable range) and the particles are mostly angular. Sparse, fibre-like particles were confirmed to be feldspar or glass.  相似文献   

Soil bulk density (ρb) is commonly treated as static in studies of land surface dynamics. Magnitudes of errors associated with this assumption are largely unknown. Our objectives were to (a) quantify ρb effects on soil hydrologic and thermal properties and (b) evaluate effects of ρb on surface energy balance and heat and water transfer. We evaluated 6 soil properties, volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, soil thermal diffusivity, water retention characteristics, hydraulic conductivity, and vapour diffusivity, over a range of ρb, using a combination of 6 models. Thermal conductivity, water retention, hydraulic conductivity, and vapour diffusivity were most sensitive to ρb, each changing by fractions greater than the associated fractional changes in ρb. A 10% change in ρb led to 10–11% change in thermal conductivity, 6–11% change in saturated and residual water content, 49–54% change in saturated hydraulic conductivity, and 80% change in vapour diffusivity. Subsequently, 3 field seasons were simulated with a numerical model (HYDRUS‐1D) for a range of ρb values. When ρb increased 25% (from 1.2 to 1.5 Mg m?3), soil temperature variation decreased by 2.1 °C in shallow layers and increased by 1 °C in subsurface layers. Surface water content differed by 0.02 m3 m?3 for various ρb values during drying events but differences mostly disappeared in the subsurface. Matric potential varied by >100 m of water. Surface energy balance showed clear trends with ρb. Latent heat flux decreased 6%, sensible heat flux increased 9%, and magnitude of ground heat flux varied by 18% (with a 25% ρb increase). Transient ρb impacted surface conditions and fluxes, and clearly, it warrants consideration in field and modelling investigations.  相似文献   

Modern ground water characterization and remediation projects routinely require calibration and inverse analysis of large three-dimensional numerical models of complex hydrogeological systems. Hydrogeologic complexity can be prompted by various aquifer characteristics including complicated spatial hydrostratigraphy and aquifer recharge from infiltration through an unsaturated zone. To keep the numerical models computationally efficient, compromises are frequently made in the model development, particularly, about resolution of the computational grid and numerical representation of the governing flow equation. The compromise is required so that the model can be used in calibration, parameter estimation, performance assessment, and analysis of sensitivity and uncertainty in model predictions. However, grid properties and resolution as well as applied computational schemes can have large effects on forward-model predictions and on inverse parameter estimates. We investigate these effects for a series of one- and two-dimensional synthetic cases representing saturated and variably saturated flow problems. We show that "conformable" grids, despite neglecting terms in the numerical formulation, can lead to accurate solutions of problems with complex hydrostratigraphy. Our analysis also demonstrates that, despite slower computer run times and higher memory requirements for a given problem size, the control volume finite-element method showed an advantage over finite-difference techniques in accuracy of parameter estimation for a given grid resolution for most of the test problems.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the formation of river bedforms under sediment supply-limited conditions, i.e. when a motionless substratum is bared by the dynamics of the mobile sediments. Three series of experiments were organized in a laboratory flume by fixing all the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic parameters but varying the thickness of the initial layer of mobile sediments which covers the rigid bottom of the flume. At the end of all the experiments, which lasted for the same amount of time, the formation of transverse sand dunes was observed. For decreasing , the rigid bottom of the flume was bared progressively earlier during the experiment and the measurements showed a clear tendency of the bedforms to lengthen, i.e. to increase their crest-to-crest distance. Moreover, under strong supply limitation, the two-dimensional transverse dunes turned into three-dimensional barchanoid forms and into isolated barchan dunes characterized by an abrupt reduction in bedform heights. A two-dimensional Fourier analysis of the bottom profile was performed, providing the amplitude of the main streamwise and spanwise harmonic components of the bottom morphology as a function of . © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The behavior of braced excavation in dry sand under a seismic condition is investigated in this paper. A series of shake table tests on a reduced scale model of a retaining wall with one level of bracing were conducted to study the effect of different design parameters such as excavation depth, acceleration amplitude and wall stiffness. Numerical analyses using FLAC 2D were also performed considering one level of bracing. The strut forces, lateral displacements and bending moments in the wall at the end of earthquake motion were compared with experimental results. The study showed that in a post-seismic condition, when other factors were constant, lateral displacement, bending moment, strut forces and maximum ground surface displacement increased with excavation depth and the amplitude of base acceleration. The study also showed that as wall stiffness decreased, the lateral displacement of the wall and ground surface displacement increased, but the bending moment of the wall and strut forces decreased. The net earth pressure behind the walls was influenced by excavation depth and the peak acceleration amplitude, but did not change significantly with wall stiffness. Strut force was the least affected parameter when compared with others under a seismic condition.  相似文献   

Dike breaking is a disaster that could cause extensive damage. It could lead to flood flows outside the dike and induce water level fluctuations in the main channel. Numerical models are increasingly used to simulate flood flows due to dike-break, because direct observations from field surveys and physical models are rather limited. Existing knowledge concerning dam-break flows cannot be applied directly to dike-break flows because the effect of channel discharge cannot be neglected in the latter. In this study,physical experiments are done in a large laboratory flume to simulate the process of dike-break induced flood wave propagation in the floodplain and flow fluctuations in the main channel. The variations of water levels and velocities are measured and recorded using an array of pressure sensors and two acoustic Doppler velocimetry devices. A numerical model has been set up according to the experimental layout. The experiments have high repeatability and the numerical model predictions agree closely with the physical model data. The experimental results provide reliable information for improving the understanding of dike-break flow dynamics and for the verification of numerical models.  相似文献   

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