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芯位重建是地面宇宙线探测实验开展物理分析的前提和基础。基于广延大气簇射(Extensive Air Shower, EAS)的对称性,结合探测器的特征,提出一种新的芯位重建算法——椭圆拟合法,用于模拟数据的芯位重建并与重心法对比。对于能量大于1 TeV的芯内宇宙线质子事例,芯位分辨率小于5 m,明显优于重心法;对于临近阵列边界20 m范围内能量大于1 TeV的事例,芯位分辨率小于10 m,与传统方法相比有显著优势。由于该方法能够在保证精度的前提下重建边沿事例和部分芯外事例,极大地增大了事例利用率,对于1~10 PeV质子事例的探测器阵列面积利用率比重心法增大1倍左右。  相似文献   

本文利用几种典型的银河系宇宙线分布律和星际氢分布律计算单漏模式和双漏模式中的弥散宇宙γ射线谱。结果表明,几种典型的宇宙线分布中,李惕碚的分布律优于其他作者的分布律;星际氢分子数量的取值应当比Gordon值除以1.7更小;只要适当地选择宇宙线分布和氢分布就可得到与观测γ谱相近的理论谱,宇宙线分布和氢分布均可在一定范围里选取。  相似文献   

Acceleration of charged particles by neutral gas turbulence in giant molecular clouds is considered. The gamma-ray emission from these clouds is estimated. It is shown that molecular clouds can be the counterparts of some of unidentified sources.  相似文献   

The ISOCAM detector is subjected to transient effects induced bycosmic rays, the so-called glitches. This paper is focused onthe ISOCAM long wave detector. The predicted glitch rates havebeen re-evaluated by taking into account secondary particlesproduction in the materials surrounding the LW detector. We showin this preliminary study that the difference between thepreviously predicted glitch rate and the observed rate may beexplained by secondary particles.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Cosmic Ray Isotope instrument launched aboard the HEAO-3 satellite on September 20, 1979. The primary purpose of the experiment is to measure the isotopic composition of cosmic ray nuclei from Be-7 to Fe-58 over the energy range 0.5 to 7 GeV/nucleon. In addition charge spectra will be measured between beryllium and tin over the energy range 0.5 to 25 GeV/nucleon. The charge and isotope abundances measured by the experiment provide essential information needed to further our understanding of the origin and propagation of high energy cosmic rays. The instrument consists of 5 Cerenkov counters, a 4 element neon flash tube hodoscope and a time-of-flight system. The determination of charge and energy for each particle is based on the multiple Cerenkov technique and the mass determination will be based upon a statistical analysis of particle trajectories in the geomagnetic field.Representing the Saclay-Copenhagen CollaborationOriginally submitted to the journalSpace Science Instrumentation.The Saclay-Copenhangen Collaboration consists of the authors and the following members.  相似文献   

Supernova Remnants (SNRs) are the most likely sources of the galactic cosmic rays up to energies of about 1015 eV/nuc. The large scale shock waves of SNRs are almost ideal sites to accelerate particles up to these highly non-thermal energies by a first order Fermi mechanism which operates through scattering of the particles at magnetic irregularities. In order to get an estimate on the total amount of the explosion energy E SNconverted into high energy particles the evolution of a SNR has to be followed up to the final merging with the interstellar medium. This can only be done by numerical simulations since the non-linear modifications of the shock wave due to particle acceleration as well as radiative cooling processes at later SNR stages have to be considered in such investigations. Based on a large sample of numerical evolution calculations performed for different ambient densities n ext, SN explosion energies, magnetic fields etc. we discuss the final ‘yields’ of cosmic rays at the final SNR stage where the Mach number of the shock waves drops below 2. At these times the cosmic rays start to diffuse out of the remnant. In the range of external densities of10-2n ext/[cm-3] ≤ 30 we find a the total acceleration efficiency of about 0.15 E SN with an increase up to 0.24 E SN at maximum for an external density of n ext = 10 cm-3. Since for the larger ambient densities radiative cooling can reduce significantly the total thermal energy content of the remnant dissipation of Alfvén waves can provide an important heating mechanism for the gas at these later stages. From the collisions of the cosmic rays with the thermal plasma neutral pions are generated which decay subsequently into observable γ-rays above 100 MeV. Hence, we calculate these γ-ray luminosities of SNRs and compare them with current upper limits of ground based γ-raytelescopes. The development of dense shells due to cooling of the thermal plasma increases the γ-ray luminosities and e.g. an external density of n ext = 10 cm-3 with E SN = 1051 erg can lead to a γ-ray flux above 10-6 ph cm-2 s-1 for a remnant located at a distance of 1 kpc. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Three different models have been proposed for LiBeB production bycosmic rays: the CRI model in which the cosmic rays areaccelerated out of an ISM of solar composition scaled withmetallicity; the CRS model in which cosmic rays with compositionsimilar to that of the current epoch cosmic rays are acceleratedout of fresh supernova ejecta; and the LECR model in which adistinct low energy component coexists with the postulated cosmicrays of the CRI model. These models are usually distinguished bytheir predictions concerning the evolution of the Be and Babundances. Here we emphasize the energetics which favor the CRSmodel. This model is also favored by observations showing that thebulk (80 to 90%) of all supernovae occur in hot, low densitysuperbubbles, where supernova shocks can accelerate the cosmicrays from supernova ejecta enriched matter. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Results will be shown from the Astroneu array developed and operated in the outskirts of Patras, Greece. An array of 9 scintillator detectors and 3 antennas were deployed to study Extensive Air Showers (EAS) as a tool for calibrating an underwater neutrino telescope, possible other applications in muon tomography, education purposes, and last but not least, for the detection of air showers via their electromagnetic signature. In this work we concentrate to the electromagnetic detection of air showers presenting the operation of the RF system, as well as the analysis of the radio signals captured in coincidence with the scintillator detectors. We demonstrate the adequacy of the method to detect cosmic events even in the presence of high urban electromagnetic background, using noise filters, timing and signal polarization. The results are compared with well understood event reconstruction using the scintillator detectors and are indicating that cosmic showers were detected, proving that such small scale hybrid arrays can operate in strong background noise environments.  相似文献   

The data on primary cosmic ray fluxes at the top of the atmosphere are given for the period since 1937 till the present time. These data have been obtained from the regular cosmic ray flux measurements in the stratosphere and on the ground level. They have been used to find the relationship of cosmic ray fluxes with solar activity (sunspot number). On the basis of the deduced relationship the cosmic ray fluxes in the past have been recovered, as the sunspot number is known since 1500. The link between the smoothed data on Be-10 atom concentrations and cosmic ray fluxes is established which gives a possibility to calculate cosmic ray fluxes in the far past.  相似文献   

Monthly coronal mass ejection (CME) counts, – for all CMEs and CMEs with widths >?30°, – and monthly averaged speeds for the events in these two groups were compared with both the monthly averaged cosmic ray intensity and the monthly sunspot number. The monthly P i-index, which is a linear combination of monthly CME count rate and average speed, was also compared with the cosmic ray intensity and sunspot number. The main finding is that narrow CMEs, which were numerous during 2007?–?2009, are ineffective for modulation. A cross-correlation analysis, calculating both the Pearson (r) product–moment correlation coefficient and the Spearman (ρ) rank correlation coefficient, has been used. Between all CMEs and cosmic ray intensity we found correlation coefficients r=??0.49 and ρ=??0.46, while between CMEs with widths >?30° and cosmic ray intensity we found r=??0.75 and ρ=??0.77, which implies a significant increase. Finally, the best expression for the P i-index for the examined period was analyzed. The highly anticorrelated behavior among this CME index, the cosmic ray intensity (r=??0.84 and ρ=??0.83), and the sunspot number (r=+?0.82 and ρ=+?0.89) suggests that the first one is a very useful solar–heliospheric parameter for heliospheric and space weather models in general.  相似文献   

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