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A hydrochemical investigation was conducted in the Ejina Basin to identify the hydrochemical characteristics and the salinity of groundwater. The results indicate that groundwater in the area is brackish and are significantly zonation in salinity and water types from the recharge area to the discharge area. The ionic ration plot and saturation index (SI) calculation suggest that the silicate rock weathering and evaporation deposition are the dominant processes that determine the major ionic composition in the study area. Most of the stable isotope δ18O and δD compositions in the groundwater is a meteoric water feature, indicating that the groundwater mainly sources from meteoric water and most groundwater undergoes a long history of evaporation. Based on radioactive isotope tritium (3H) analysis, the groundwater ages were approximately estimated in different aquifers. The groundwater age ranges from less than 5 years, between 5 years and 50 years, and more than 50 years. Within 1 km of the river water influence zone, the groundwater recharges from recent Heihe river water and the groundwater age is about less than 5 years in shallow aquifer. From 1 km to 10 km of the river water influence zone, the groundwater sources from the mixture waters and the groundwater age is between 5 years and 50 years in shallow aquifer. The groundwater age is more than 50 years in deep confined aquifer.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow modeling in the Zhangye Basin,Northwestern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Zhangye basin is in the middle reaches of the Heihe River, northwestern China. Heavy abstraction of groundwater since the 1970s in the area is for agricultural, industrial and drinking water supplies and has led to a substantial decline in the potentiometric surface. A three-dimensional regional numerical groundwater flow model, calibrated under transient conditions, has been developed and used to predict the drawdown for the period from 2000 to 2030 under two different groundwater management scenarios.  相似文献   

Water cycle and water quality in the Lake Baiyangdian watershed of the North China Plain have undergone great changes due to over-pumping of groundwater and wastewater discharge.In this paper,hydrogeochemical data was collected to analyze the hydrochemical characteristics and geochemistry evolution of groundwater.The study area was divided into two typical parts.One was in the upstream plain area,where over-pumping had resulted in significant decline of groundwater level;the other one was located in the downstream area near the Fu River and Lake Baiyangdian(Lake BYD region).In addition to the natural weathering of minerals,excessive fertilizer was also a main factor of higher ion concentration in groundwater.According to studies,due to good permeability,these regions were easy to be polluted even with deep groundwater depth.However,upstream shallow groundwater and surface water,including lake water,domestic along with industrial wastewater were all sources of present shallow groundwater in the Lake BYD region.Results indicated that anthropogenic activities rather than minerals much matter to the groundwater in these regions.Particularly,wastewater largely decided the groundwater quality,which suggested that the management and restoration of surface water quality was crucial to groundwater protection.  相似文献   

This paper covers the chemical and isotopic composition of river water, groundwater from wells (15–25 m), saline spring water and stagnant surface water providing evidence for controlling factors of water composition and water evolution process in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, western China. Analytical data for major and minor ions of totaling 537 water samples were obtained from both years of teamwork and old reference materials. It is found that the ion background value ratio SO4/Cl for river water (2.75) of the Tarim Basin is two times higher than that of the Qaidam Basin (0.88) and 18 times higher than seawater (0.14); K/Cl of these two basins (0.06 and 0.07) are all two times higher than seawater (0.02). This reveals that material sources of Lop Nur are relatively richer in potassium and sulfate, while poorer in chloride. Gradual changes of stable isotopic compositions in waters clearly indicate the effect of evaporation on water evolution of the basin. Besides evaporation and weathering of surrounding rocks, wide distribution of chloride type water, which commonly exist in saline springs/brines and seldom exist in other waters, indicates that hydrothermal Ca–Cl brines discharged from deep within the earth join water evolution of the basin.  相似文献   

张掖盆地水文地质特征与稳定同位素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张徽  安永会  韩双宝  何锦  李旭峰 《地下水》2009,31(6):123-125
论述了张掖盆地地下水赋存分布特征与地下水补给、径流、排泄条件,利用水化学、同位素调查的方法,重点对张掖甘州平原区地下水水化学类型及其演化过程进行了研究。结果表明:张掖盆地由源于南部祁连山和北部龙首山的水系沉积物组成,其冲洪积平原规模、含水层富水性、导水性与地下水水化学特征等方面存在差异;同时地下水稳定同住素特征分析印证了水文地质条件的差异。祁连山前沉积物与龙首山前沉积物中地下水有着不同的补给来源和径流路径。浅层地下水和龙首山前深层承压水主要补给源为大气降水和山区河流入渗补给,祁连山前深层承压地下水系统可能有冰雪融水补给。  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability is a cornerstone in evaluating the risk of groundwater contamination and developing management options to preserve the quality of groundwater. Based on the professional model (DRASTIC model) and geographical information system (GIS) techniques, this paper carries out the shallow groundwater vulnerability assessment in the Zhangye Basin. The DRASTIC model uses seven environmental parameters (depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity) to characterize the hydrogeological setting and evaluate aquifer vulnerability. According to the results of the shallow groundwater vulnerability assessment, the Zhangye Basin can be divided into three zones: low groundwater vulnerability risk zone (risk index <120); middle groundwater vulnerability risk zone (risk indexes 120–140) and high risk zone (risk index >140). Under the natural conditions, the middle and high groundwater vulnerability risk zones of the Zhangye Basin are mainly located in the groundwater recharge zones and the important cities. The high, middle and low groundwater vulnerability risk zones of the Zhangye Basin cover around 17, 21 and 62% of study area, respectively.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous shallow Plio-Quaternary formations of the Souss Plain represent the most important aquifer in southern High Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The present work was conducted in the Souss Upstream Basin to identify the chemical characteristics and the origin of groundwater in an aquifer under semi-arid climate. Isotopic and hydrochemical compositions combined with geological and hydrogeological data were used for this purpose. The total dissolved solids vary from 239 to 997 mg l−1, and the following groundwater types are recognized: Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3, Ca2+–Mg2+–SO42− and Ca2+–Mg2+–Cl. The groundwater is saturated and slightly supersaturated with respect to carbonate minerals and undersaturated with respect to evaporite minerals, which means that the groundwater composition is largely controlled by the dissolution of carbonate rocks known in the basin. The isotopic contents of groundwaters ranged from −8‰ to −5.2‰ for δ18O, from −52‰ to −34‰ for δD, and from 0 to 5.5 TU for tritium. The hydrogen (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope signatures reveal a significant infiltration before evaporation takes place, indicating a major recharge directly from fractures in the crystalline and limestone formations of Atlas Mountains (above 800 m a.s.l.) and infiltration of surface water in the alluvial cones at the border of the Atlas basins. The very low tritium values suggest that the groundwater recharge follows a long flow path and a mixing between old and modern water is shown. However, a slight evaporation effect is noted in the southern part of the basin close to the Anti-Atlas Mountains.  相似文献   

珲春盆地地下水水化学特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
郭晓东  赵海卿 《中国地质》2014,41(3):1010-1017
为查明珲春盆地地下水化学特征,对珲春盆地地下水进行了取样测试,对测试结果采用Aquchm、SPSS和MAPGIS等软件进行了水化学特征分析。结果表明珲春盆地地下水中TFe、Mn~(2+)和NO_3~-超标比较严重,总体珲春河南区比珲春河北区水质差。地下水化学类型以HCO_3-CaMg为主,部分地区为C1HCO_2、ClSO_4CO_3、SO_4C1HCO_3等型水。地下水中TDS、Ca~(2+)、Cl~-、Mg~(2+)、SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-(以N记)相关性较高,地下水化学演化过程主要是溶滤作用。  相似文献   

The Ejina Basin underlying complex aquifers is located in the lower reaches of the Heihe River with an arid climate and 40 mm mean annual precipitation. As the balance of the natural ecosystem in the Ejina Basin is fragile and easily upset, it is very important to estimate and rationally use the limited groundwater resources to maintain the balance. Water samples were collected from the Heihe River and wells for chemical and isotopic measurements across the basin. The Piper diagram gives two main types of hydrochemical features. Against the background of the regional geology, combining isotope 18O, tritium, and chemical analysis with groundwater flows indicated by a shallow groundwater level contour map, different kinds of groundwater sources and ways to replenish groundwater were discovered. North of the study area are artesian wells that are replenished by the mountainous area at the boundary between China and Mongolia. Replenishment for most of the groundwater resources of the Gurinai oasis comes from the Heihe River seepage flow of the highly conductive paleochannel, not from the Badain Jaran Desert as indicated by TDS and tritium analysis. The different groundwater ages which are younger than 35 years were approximately estimated by radioactive isotope tritium (T). By such efforts, groundwater resources can be effectively evaluated with the engineering impact of the Heihe River Project.  相似文献   

地下水在干旱/半干旱地区的生态环境保护中起着主导作用.柴达木盆地北缘的大柴旦湖地处西北干旱区,其生态环境较为脆弱,了解该地区的地下水水化学演化特征,对这一生态敏感地区的地下水可持续利用至关重要.本研究通过采集该地区28个具有代表性的水样,运用数理统计、Piper图、Gibbs图、离子比值、饱和指数和反向水文地球化学模拟...  相似文献   

Hydrochemical framework of groundwater in the Ankobra Basin,Ghana   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hydrochemical and stable isotope (18O and 2H) analyses of groundwater samples were used to establish the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the Ankobra Basin. The groundwater was generally mildly acidic, low in conductivity and undersaturated with respect to carbonate phases. Major ions except bicarbonate were low and dissolved silica was moderately high. Silicate minerals weathering is probably the main process through which major ions enter the groundwater. Groundwater samples clustered tightly along the Global Meteoric Water Line suggesting integrative, smooth and rapid recharge from meteoric origin. The majority of the boreholes and a few hand dug wells cluster towards the Ca–Mg–HCO3 dominant section of the phase diagram, in conformity with the active recharge and short residence time shown by the isotope data. Aluminium, arsenic, manganese, iron and mercury were the only trace metals analysed with concentrations significantly above their respective detection limits. Approximately 20%, 5%, 40% and 25% respectively of boreholes had aluminium, arsenic, iron and manganese concentrations exceeding the respective WHO maximum acceptable limits for drinking water. The relatively large percentage of boreholes with high concentration of aluminium reflects the acidic nature of the groundwater.  相似文献   

We present the first systematic hydrogeological analysis to grain insights on the evolution of the Gonghe Basin in North China. Two hundred and forty seven water samples were collected from the Gonghe East Basin, Gonghe West Basin and Chaka Basin. The three groundwater systems of Gonghe Basin from west to east display different geochemical signatures. Based on Na/Cl ratios and Langelier-Ludwig diagram, it is inferred that the groundwater recharge potential of the Gonghe East Basin is much prosperous than the other areas. The renewability of the aquifers in alluvial-proluvial fan of Wahonghe and Gonghe East Basin margin is much faster than in the other basins. The groundwater quality in Chaka Salt Lake,Shazhuyu and Qiabuqia River Valley plains is low due to strong evaporation and cation exchange. The groundwater quality of the phreatic aquifers in the Qiabuqia River Valley plain is further deteriorated by mixing of high-arsenic and high-mineralization water from the deep fault structures.  相似文献   

为研究太湖流域北部地下水的化学特征及成因,以水文地质研究为基础,综合利用数理统计、Piper三线图和离子比等方法,对不同含水层地下水的化学特征和控制因素进行分析。结果表明:研究区潜水的水化学类型较多,总体以Ca·Na-HCO3型和Ca·Na-HCO3·SO4型为主;承压水的水化学类型较简单,阴离子以HCO3型为主,阳离子以Ca、Ca·Na、Na为主;地下水主要受矿物风化-溶滤作用影响,其中含钠硅酸盐岩溶解对地下水化学特征影响较大;潜水受人类活动影响,工矿活动的影响大于农业、生活污水的影响;承压水中发生了阳离子交换,使Ca2+和Mg2+浓度降低而Na+浓度增高;潜水与承压水的离子特征在垂向上具有明显的分层性。  相似文献   

The Salí River hydrogeological basin is one of the most productive artesian basins in Argentina. It is located in the southeastern part of the province of Tucumán, northwestern Argentina, and its groundwater resources are developed for water supply and irrigation. The chemical composition of the water is strongly influenced by the interaction with the basinal sediments and by hydrologic characteristics such as the flow pattern and time of residence. Three hydrochemical zones are defined in the study area and the processes that control the chemical composition of the water are manifestly different in each zone. The dissolution of halite, sodium sulphate, and gypsum explains part of the contained Na+, K+, Cl, SO4 2–, and Ca2+, but other processes, such as cation exchange, calcite precipitation, weathering of aluminosilicates, and gas exchange with the atmosphere, also contribute to the water composition. The assessment of contamination indicators, such as pH, dissolved organic matter, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, and nitrate, indicates that the groundwater is suitable for human consumption. However, biological contamination has been detected in samples from some wells, especially those near the Salí River. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

在野外实地调查张掖盆地地热资源的基础上,对研究区地热田特征、热储特征、热储温度以及温度场特征进行了分析和研究。研究结果表明:张掖盆地属张扭性盆地,有利地热运移和富集,属中低温地热资源;地热田热储为新近系及白垩系砂岩、砂砾岩、含砾砂岩等,厚度为536 m;经钾镁地热温标估算,热储温度60℃;盖层为新近系上新统疏勒河组泥岩、泥质砂岩层;热源来自地壳深部的热传导。通过对研究区地热田特征、热储特征、热储温度以及温度场特征的分析和研究,可以为当地政府进一步研究、勘探及开发地热资源提供依据。  相似文献   

利用包气带环境示踪剂评估张掖盆地降水入渗速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
降水入渗补给速率是干旱半干旱地区地下水资源评价和保护中的重要参数。长期以来在河西走廊中游盆地地下水资源评价中,一直认为地下水位埋深>5m的地带难以产生降水入渗补给。本文在黑河流域中游的张掖盆地分别选择沙丘区和裸地区,综合运用包气带同位素和水化学信息,开展了降水入渗补给研究。包气带氯质量平衡法结果表明:现代气候条件下,张掖盆地地下水位埋深>5m的地带仍存在降水入渗补给,在沙丘覆盖区,地下水位埋深6.3m时,降水入渗补给速率为13.3~14.4mm/a,入渗系数0.10~0.11;在裸地区,地下水位埋深8.6m时,降水入渗补给速率为16.8~18.4mm/a,入渗系数0.13~0.14。  相似文献   

The Ejina Basin, located in arid northwest China, is one of the most arid areas in the world. In recent years, rapid development has created a greater demand for water which is increasingly fulfilled by groundwater abstraction. Detailed knowledge of geochemical evolution of groundwater and water quality can improve the understanding of a hydrochemical system, and promote sustainable development and effective management of groundwater resources. To this end, a hydrochemical survey was conducted in the Ejina Basin in order to identify the major hydrochemical characteristics. The results of chemical analysis indicate that groundwater in the area is brackish. The major ions, TDS, and hydrochemical types of different areas are highly variable and show an obvious zonation from the recharge area to the discharge area. Saturation index (SI), calculated according to the ionic ration plot, indicates that the gypsum-halite dissolution reactions take place under the condition of the rock weathering to some extent, and evaporation is the dominant factor to determine the major ionic composition in the study area.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed regional hydrogeochemical evolution characteristics of groundwater with respect to hydrogeological conditions in the Guanzhong Basin, China. Coefficient variation in the subregion between the Shichuan River and Luo River of the Guanzhong Basin is larger than other subregions, reflecting the more complicated hydrogeological conditions of this subregion. The hydrochemical components and hydrodynamic conditions of this area have distinct horizontal zoning characteristics, and hydrodynamic conditions play a controlling role in the groundwater’s hydrochemistry. The relationship between ions, and between ions and TDS (total dissolved solids) can give an indication of many charteristics of grounwater such as evaporation intensity, ion exchange, and the sources of chemical components. Results indicated that for the coefficient of variation (the coefficient of variation is a statistical measure of the distribution or dispersion of data around mean. This measure is used to analyze the difference of spread in the data relative to the mean value. Coefficient of variation is derived by dividing the standard deviation by the mean), the minimum value of pH parameters is 0.03-0.07, the minimum value of HCO3- parameters is 0.24, while the maximum is the SO42- coefficinet at 1.67. A PHREEQC simulation demonstrated that different simulation paths roughly have the same trend in dissolution and precipitation of minerals. Along the direction of groundwater flow, the predminant precipitation is of calcite and gypsum and the cation exchange of Na+ and Ca2+ in some paths. However, in other paths, the precipitation of calcite and dissolution of gypsum and dolomite are the main actions, as well as the exchange of Mg2+ and Ca2+ in addition to Na+ and Ca2+.  相似文献   

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