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The frequency of barred spiral galaxies as a function of redshift contains important information on the gravitational influence of stellar discs in their dark matter haloes and may also distinguish between contemporary theories for the origin of galactic bulges. In this paper we present a new quantitative method for determining the strength of barred spiral structure, and verify its robustness to redshift-dependent effects. By combining galaxy samples from the Hubble Deep Field North with newly available data from the Hubble Deep Field South, we are able to define a statistical sample of 46 low-inclination spiral systems with I 814 W<23.2 mag. Analysing the proportion of barred spiral galaxies seen as a function of redshift, we find a significant decline in the fraction of barred spirals with redshift. The redshift distribution of 22 barred and 24 non-barred spirals with suitable inclinations is inconsistent with their being drawn from the same distribution at the 99 per cent confidence level. The physical significance of this effect remains unclear, but several possibilities include dynamically hotter (or increasingly dark-matter-dominated) high-redshift discs, or an enhanced efficiency in bar destruction at high redshifts. By investigating the formation of the 'orthogonal' axis of Hubble's classification tuning fork, our result complements studies of evolution in the early–late sequence, and pushes to later epochs the redshift at which the Hubble classification sequence is observed to be in place.  相似文献   

We report 21-cm H  i line observations of 161 galaxies located behind the Milky Way, in the Puppis region. The observations have been carried out with the Nançay radio telescope, resulting in 101 detections. Most of the galaxies observed appear in the ESO catalogue, and present apparent diameters larger than 1.6 arcmin. We show that the detection rate is strongly related to the apparent diameter; it is as high as 76 per cent for diameters larger than 1.6 arcmin. Half of the non-detections result, in fact, from an insufficient velocity coverage. Global parameters of the detected galaxies are computed, after a careful discussion of the correction for Galactic absorption. Our H  I data are then compared with those obtained by Kraan-Korteweg & Huchtmeier with the Effelsberg radio telescope for 20 galaxies observed in common: the agreement is excellent, implying respective uncertainties on recession velocities and on H  I fluxes lower than 10 km s−1 and 2 Jy km s−1 on average. Finally, we find that the detected galaxies follow well the correlation between the optical linear diameter and the H  I mass found by Haynes & Giovanelli. This result shows that our diameter corrections for Galactic absorption AB are quite good, except for eight objects which are heavily obscured ( AB 2.3), or have a very small diameter, lower than 0.5 arcmin.  相似文献   

We have compiled a sample of ∼ 9600 bright, i ≤18.95 , red, b J− r >2 , candidate galaxies in an area of 220 deg2. These are luminous, L > L * , field early-type galaxies with redshifts 0.3≲ z ≲0.6 . We present a redshift catalogue of a subsample of 581 targets. The galaxies were selected according to their broad-band b J ri colours from United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope plates, and have a surface density on the sky of only ∼ 50 deg−2. Such luminous field galaxies are virtually absent from published redshift surveys and the catalogue provides a large sample of the most luminous normal galaxies, at cosmological distances. The statistical properties of the galaxy spectra, including absorption-line and emission-line measures, are presented and a composite spectrum constructed. The nature of the sample, combined with the relatively bright apparent magnitudes, makes the galaxies suitable targets for several key investigations in galaxy evolution and cosmology.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a set of models to predict the colours of galaxies over a wide range of redshifts. We present examples of output from the simulations, and discuss their application to the selection of galaxies at high redshifts, particularly through identification of the Lyman break. Additionally we consider the optimal choices of filters for selection at a range of redshifts.
An interface to a subset of the simulations has been made available on the World Wide Web for the benefit of the community at the location http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~rejs/research/galcols.html/  相似文献   

The final two redshifts for radio sources from the equatorial BRL sample   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Best, Röttgering & Lehnert (BRL) defined a new sample of powerful radio sources from the Molonglo Reference Catalogue, for which redshifts were compiled or measured for 177 of the 178 objects. For the final object, MRC1059−010 (3C 249), the host galaxy is identified here using near-infrared imaging, and the redshift is determined from Very Large Telescope (VLT) spectroscopy. For one other object in the sample, MRC0320+053 (4C05.14), the literature redshift has been questioned: new spectroscopic observations of this object are presented, deriving a corrected redshift. With these two results, the spectroscopic completeness of this sample is now 100 per cent.
New redshifts are also presented for PKS0742+10 from the Wall & Peacock 2.7-GHz catalogue, and for PKS1336+003 from the Parkes Selected Regions. PKS0742+10 shows a strong neutral hydrogen absorption feature in its Lyman α emission profile.  相似文献   

We report the detection of seven candidate Lyα-emitting galaxies which have been found during the preliminary phase of the 'Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey' (CADIS). They are selected from 147 emission-line galaxies detected in a field of 60 arcmin2 with a Fabry–Pérot interferometer, following the exclusion of 140 sources identified as foreground galaxies by a combination of broad- and narrow-band filters. Although no conclusive spectroscopic confirmation is yet available, we expect from an analysis of possible residual contamination by foreground objects that two or more of the candidates will turn out to be genuine Lyα-emitting primeval galaxies at a redshift of z =5.7. For a flat universe ( q 0=0.5) this would be in perfect agreement with refined predictions of the abundance of primeval galaxies and various recent results on the space density of young galaxies at z ≤4.5.  相似文献   

This is the second paper of a series where we study the clustering of luminous red galaxies (LRG) in the recent spectroscopic Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data release, DR6, which has 75 000 LRG covering over  1 Gpc3  h −3  for  0.15 < z < 0.47  . Here, we focus on modelling redshift-space distortions in  ξ(σ, π)  , the two-point correlation in separate line-of-sight and perpendicular directions, at small scales and in the line-of-sight. We show that a simple Kaiser model for the anisotropic two-point correlation function in redshift space, convolved with a distribution of random peculiar velocities with an exponential form, can describe well the correlation of LRG on all scales. We show that to describe with accuracy the so-called 'fingers-of-God' (FOG) elongations in the radial direction, it is necessary to model the scale dependence of both bias b and the pairwise rms peculiar velocity σ12 with the distance. We show how both quantities can be inferred from the  ξ(σ, π)  data. From   r ≃ 10 Mpc  h −1  to   r ≃ 1 Mpc  h −1  , both the bias and σ12 are shown to increase by a factor of 2: from   b = 2  to 4 and from  σ12= 400  to  800 km s−1  . The latter is in good agreement, within a 5 per cent accuracy in the recovered velocities, with direct velocity measurements in dark matter simulations with  Ωm= 0.25  and  σ8= 0.85  .  相似文献   

A new sample of very powerful radio sources, defined from the Molonglo Reference Catalogue, was recently compiled by Best, Röttgering & Lehnert. These authors provided redshifts for 174 of the 178 objects in the sample, making the sample 98 per cent spectroscopically complete. Here, redshifts for three of the remaining galaxies are presented, confirming the optical identifications and raising the spectroscopic completeness of the sample to 99.5 per cent; only 1059−010 (3C 249) is currently without redshift.  相似文献   

We measure the autocorrelation function, ξ , of galaxies in the IRAS Point Source Catalogue galaxy redshift (PSC z ) survey and investigate its dependence on the far-infrared colour and absolute luminosity of the galaxies. We find that the PSC z survey correlation function can be modelled out to a scale of 10  h −1 Mpc as a power law of slope 1.30±0.04 and correlation length 4.77±0.20 . At a scale of 75  h −1 Mpc we find the value of J 3 to be 1500±400 .
We also find that galaxies with higher 100 μm/60 μm flux ratio, corresponding to cooler dust temperatures, are more strongly clustered than warmer galaxies. Splitting the survey into three colour subsamples, we find that, between 1 and 10  h −1 Mpc, the ratio of ξ is a factor of 1.5 higher for the cooler galaxies compared with the hotter galaxies. This is consistent with the suggestion that hotter galaxies have higher star formation rates, and correspond to later-type galaxies which are less clustered than earlier types.
Using volume-limited subsamples, we find a weak variation of ξ as a function of absolute luminosity, in the sense that more luminous galaxies are less clustered than fainter galaxies. The trend is consistent with the colour dependence of ξ and the observed colour–luminosity correlation, but the large uncertainties mean that it has a low statistical significance.  相似文献   

Redshifts of several galaxies thought to be associated with NGC 326 are determined. The results confirm the presence of a cluster and find a mean redshift of     and a line-of-sight velocity dispersion σ z =599 (+230,−110) km s−1. The velocity dispersion and previously measured X-ray gas temperature of kT ≃1.9 keV are consistent with the cluster σ z kT relation, and NGC 326 is seen to be a slowly moving member of the cluster.  相似文献   

Measurements of the velocities of galaxies thought to be associated with the giant radio galaxy NGC 6251 confirm the presence of a poor cluster with a systemic redshift of and a line-of-sight velocity dispersion of z =283(+109,52) km s1. This suggests a cluster atmosphere temperature of T =0.7(+0.6,0.2) keV, which is not enough to confine the radio jet by gas pressure. The core of NGC 6251 shows strong emission lines of [O  iii ] and H +[N  ii ], but there is no evidence for line emission from the jet (detected in optical continuum by Keel).  相似文献   

We describe the current status and recent results from our Swift/VLT legacy survey, a VLT Large Programme aimed at characterizing the host galaxies of a homogeneously selected sub‐sample of Swift gamma‐ray bursts (GRBs). The immediate goals are to determine the host luminosity function, study the effects of reddening, determine the fraction of Lyα emitters in the hosts, and obtain redshifts for targets without a reported one. We have defined a very carefully selected sample, obeying strict and well‐defined criteria: 68 targets in total. Among the preliminary results is a large optical detection rate, the lack of extremely red objects (only one possible case in the sample), and 10 new GRB redshifts with the mean redshift of the host sample assessed to be 〈z 〉 ≳ 2 (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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