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It is widely acknowledged that fault rock capillary properties are important in controlling the distribution of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins, and methods exist for predicting the capillary seal capacity of prospect bounding faults. However, fault seal capacity is rarely incorporated into models of hydrocarbon migration. This paper presents the results of migration modelling of the Oseberg Syd area of the Viking Graben incorporating fault rock capillary properties. Seal capacity is calculated in the model as a function of Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR), i.e. the percentage shale in the sequence moved past a point on a fault. Over 3000 model realisations were run for different SGR to fault seal capacity relationships and the calculated hydrocarbon distributions were compared with known distributions. Realisations were ranked according to the closeness of fit between model and actual oil–water contacts for 7 traps. The best-fit to all 7 traps was provided by realisations with significant seal capacity at SGR values greater than ca. 0.2; a value which is in agreement with an independently derived fault-by-fault calibration between SGR and seal capacity. The level of fill calculated for an individual trap is extremely sensitive to minor changes in the seal capacity relationship because it is controlled not only by the seal capacities of the faults that bound the trap, but also by the pattern of fill–spill of upstream traps. This sensitivity to minor changes in seal capacity introduces large uncertainties when fault seal capacity relationships are used in a predictive mode and emphasises the requirement for migration modelling in fault seal prospect evaluation.  相似文献   

Top seals and faults represent key risks to trap integrity and therefore preservation of hydrocarbons in the frontier Ceduna Sub-basin, offshore Southern Australia. Due to a paucity of well data in the basin, to provide constraint to the stratigraphic distribution of the prospective Cretaceous deltaic and marine sequences, stratigraphic forward modelling was utilised to create facies, grain size and Vshale volumes. These modelled Vshale volumes were subsequently used to investigate the structural control(s) on potential hydrocarbon leakage and migration within key stratigraphic sequences in the sub-basin.A set of coarse (20 km horizontal resolution), large scale (1100 × 600 km) stratigraphic forward models simulated the deposition of Late Jurassic to Tertiary stratigraphic sequences in the sub-basin with an initial 1 Ma interval. Smaller (80 × 60 km), finer scale (0.5 km horizontal resolution, 200 ka interval), models focussing on the Tiger and Hammerhead Supersequences over the Trim 3D seismic survey were used to investigate fault seal and top seal frameworks, using shale gouge ratio and silt and shale thicknesses from Vshale volume. Four stratigraphic forward models were produced to match a range of estimates of Vshale derived from the Gnarlyknots-1A well, the only well penetrating the central Ceduna Sub-basin. These stratigraphies were in turn integrated into a geological model interpreted from the Trim 3D seismic survey creating a geocellular model to test potential migration and trapping scenarios for potential hydrocarbons generated in the sub-basin.Fault and top seal models from the most likely scenario suggest (i) restricted potential for structural trapping near the base of the Tiger Supersequence, (ii) the possible presence of a regional migration pathway associated with sandy shoreface deposits at the transition between the Tiger and Hammerhead Supersequences, and (iii) the association of intraformational top seals and increasing fault seal potential in the deltaic sediments of the Hammerhead Supersequence feasibly resulting in a series of stacked structural traps.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous coals and coaly source rocks are the main source of hydrocarbons in the Taranaki Basin, yet to date there have not been any hydrocarbon discoveries within Cretaceous strata, and sandstone distribution and reservoir quality for this interval have been poorly understood. The Late Cretaceous sediments were deposited in several sub-basins across Taranaki, with their distribution largely determined by sediment supply, subsidence, and sea level change. In this study, we describe potential reservoir facies in well penetrations of Cretaceous strata in Taranaki, as well as from outcrop in northwest Nelson, on the southern edge of the basin.  相似文献   

The Kaimiro Formation is an early to middle Eocene, NE-SW trending reservoir fairway in Taranaki Basin, and comprises a range of coastal plain through to shallow marine facies. A time of regional transgression is observed across the Paleocene–Eocene transition, which is linked to a general global warming trend and to regional thermal relaxation-related subsidence in New Zealand. The earliest Eocene transgressive deposits pass upwards into a series of cyclically stacked packages, interpreted as 3rd and 4th order sequences. Maximum regression occurred within the early Eocene and was followed by punctuated retrogradational stacking patterns associated with shoreline retreat and subsequent regional transgression in the middle Eocene.The Kaimiro Formation is considered a good reservoir target along most of the reservoir fairway, which can largely be attributed to a consistently quartz-rich, lithic-poor composition and reasonably coarse sand grain size. Correlations demonstrate that within the early Eocene the main reservoir facies are channel-fill sandstones overlying candidate sequence boundaries in paleoenvironmentally landward (proximal) settings, and upper shoreface/shoreline sandstones in relatively basinward (distal) settings. Middle Eocene reservoir facies are not represented in distal wells due to overall transgression at this time, yet they form a significant target in more proximal well locations, particularly on the Taranaki Peninsula.Depositional facies is one of the principal controls on sandstone reservoir quality. However, while reservoir facies have been proven along the length of the reservoir fairway, it is evident that diagenesis has significantly impacted sandstone quality. Relatively poor reservoir properties are predicted for deeply buried parts of the basin (maximum burial >4.5 km) due to severe compaction and relatively abundant authigenic quartz and illite. In contrast, good reservoir properties are locally represented in reservoir facies where present-day burial depths are <4 km due to less severe compaction, cementation and illitisation. Within these beds (<4 km) the presence of locally occurring authigenic grain-coating chlorite (shallow marine facies) and/or well-developed secondary porosity are both favourable to reservoir quality, while pervasive kaolinite and/or carbonate are both detrimental to reservoir quality.These results illustrate how an interdisciplinary approach to regional reservoir characterisation are used to help reduce risk during prospect evaluation. Assessment of both reservoir distribution and quality is necessary and can be undertaken through integrated studies of facies, sequence stratigraphy, burial modelling and petrography.  相似文献   

Deep-water channel systems are important petroleum reservoirs, and many have been discovered worldwide.Understanding deep-water channel sedimentary elements and evolution is helpful for deep-sea petroleum exploration and development. Based on high-resolution 3D seismic data, the Miocene channel system in the deep-water Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, was analyzed by using seismic interpretation techniques such as interlayer attribute extraction and strata slicing. The channel system was divided int...  相似文献   

Diadromous fish species dominate the New Zealand freshwater fish fauna and make up 15 of the 17 native fish species found on the Taranaki Ring Plain. Trajectories of occurrence in relation to elevation and distance from the sea are described for 11 diadromous and 2 non‐diadromous species using data from the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database and data collected over the summer of 1997/ 98. Distinctive distributions were found for most of the species related to their differing migratory strategies and abilities. The species were ranked based on components of these trajectories to compare their penetrative ability. Comparison of the ranking methods used revealed they produced similar results. The ranking of the 11 diadromous species in Taranaki relative to each other revealed similar rankings to those for the same species from the West Coast of the South Island. The non‐migratory native fish, Cran's bully (Gobiomorphus basalis), was not found on the western side of the mountain. This distribution is thought to be the result of the local extinction of non‐migratory species in high gradient or unstable streams.  相似文献   

Faults and their associated damage zones in sedimentary basins can be sealing, impeding fluid flow and creating permeability barriers, or open, creating fluid pathways. This impacts the reservoir potential of rocks in fault damage zones. Stylolitization and fracturing severely impacted permeability through compartmentalization and cementation of Apium-1, an exploration hole drilled in the northern Perth Basin, Western Australia. Apium-1 is located 1 km into the hanging wall block damage zone of a major NNW-trending normal fault. The drill core consists of fine- to medium-grained quartz arenite overlain by a coarse-grained lag and capped by impermeable shale. It was quantitatively characterized by sedimentary and structural logging, and microstructural and porosity-permeability analysis. Fractures and stylolites in the damage zone of the major fault are shown to have been sealed. Extensional cracks have been sealed by quartz precipitation; shear fractures that locally preserve brecciation are always quartz and siderite cemented; stylolites are common and contain halos of quartz cementation. In each case, porosity was reduced to approximately 1%, with concomitant reduction of permeability to <<0.01 mD. These structures are observed to be interconnected in the core and are likely to form a larger-scale 3D network of steeply-dipping fractures and shallowly-dipping stylolites. The bulk permeability of the damage zone would reflect the permeability of the fractures and stylolites, compartmentalizing the Mesozoic rocks in the northern Perth Basin into elongate NW-SE trending blocks if the magnitude of stress does not exceed the cemented rock strength.  相似文献   

过去的几十年里,三维地震技术已经成为描述地下地层和沉积体系必不可少的工具。地震地层学和地震地貌学的快速发展大幅度提升了应用3D地震数据解释深水区沉积地层的能力。时间切片和层属性分析等技术能够增强对古地貌的解释,并且当与地层分析手段相结合时,能够对储层和盖层分布进行预测。多属性叠加技术能够进一步突出其常规技术方法容易忽视的地质现象。本文提出将频谱分解的不同组分与相干属性叠加突出深水水道沉积要素的边界和砂体分布,进而精细描述水道结构要素。通过应用该技术在研究区识别出四种沉积要素(1)点坝,(2)迁移的曲流环,(3)侵蚀水道,(4)决口。研究发现深水水道平面上从低弯曲度向高弯曲度变化。这个技术方法有助于解释人员识别复杂的沉积要素并且可以定性预测水道富砂要素,这对于勘探和开发中降低钻井风险是至关重要的。  相似文献   

Calcite veins and cements occur widely in Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs of the Hongche fault zone, northwestern Junggar Basin in northwest China. The calcites were investigated by fluid inclusion and trace-element analyses, providing an improved understanding of the petroleum migration history. It is indicated that the Hongche fault behaved as a migration pathway before the Early Cretaceous, allowing two oil charges to migrate into the hanging-wall, fault-core and footwall reservoirs across the fault. Since the Late Cretaceous, the Hongche fault has been sealed. As a consequence, meteoric water flowed down only into the hanging-wall and fault-core reservoirs. The meteoric-water incursion is likely an important cause for degradation of reservoir oils. In contrast, the footwall reservoirs received gas charge (the third hydrocarbon event) following the Late Cretaceous. This helps explain the distribution of petroleum across the fault. This study provides an example of how a fault may evolve as pathway and seal over time, and how reservoir diagenetic minerals can provide clues to complex petroleum migration histories.  相似文献   

A study of normal faults in the Nubian Sandstone Sequence, from the eastern Gulf of Suez rift, has been conducted to investigate the relationship between the microstructure and petrophysical properties of cataclasites developed along seismic-scale faults (slip-surface cataclasites) and smaller displacement faults (deformation bands) found in their damage zones. The results help to quantify the uncertainty associated with predicting the fluid flow behaviour of seismic-scale faults by analysing small faults recovered from core, a common procedure in the petroleum industry. The microstructure of the cataclasites was analysed as well as their single-phase permeability and threshold pressure. Faulting occurred at a maximum burial depth of ∼1.2 km. The permeability of deformation band and slip-surface cataclasites varies over ∼1.5 orders of magnitude for a given fault. Our results suggest that the lowest measured deformation band permeabilities provide a good estimate for the arithmetic-mean permeability of the major slip-surface cataclasites. This is because the cataclastic permeability reduction is mostly established early in the deformation history. Stress at the time of faulting rather than final strain appears to be the critical factor determining fault rock permeability. For viable predictions it is important that the slip-surface cataclasites and deformation bands originate from the same host. On the other hand, a higher uncertainty is associated with threshold pressure predictions, as the arithmetic-mean slip-surface cataclasite threshold pressure exceeds the highest measured deformation band threshold pressure by at least a factor of 4.  相似文献   

As worldwide hydrocarbon exploration has extended from shallowly to deeply buried strata, reservoir quality has attracted substantial and persistent interest in petroleum geology. In particular, deeply buried strata (>5500 m) in the Tarim Basin have attracted considerable attention because carbonate reservoirs that have experienced fracture or dissolution have also been shown to demonstrate considerable hydrocarbon potential. Therefore, it is necessary to determine how these reservoirs are developed and distributed in detail from both scientific and practical standpoints.In this paper, we address this issue using a case study in the southern Tahe area, which is contained within the largest Palaeozoic marine oilfield in China. In the northern Tahe area, mega-paleokarst systems developed in the Ordovician strata; however, the reservoir quality in the southern part of the Tahe area is relatively poor because it is covered by insoluble formations during karstification. Observations of cores and analyses of images of well logging demonstrate that these reservoirs are dominated by caves, vugs and fractures that have developed near faults. We speculate that the faults penetrating insoluble formations represent the main dissolution passages that originally developed these karstic fault systems. Additionally, we analyse a series of outcrops, seismic data, and structures to characterize the spatial geometry of these major faults and their surrounding fractures in detail. Most of these are strike-slip faults, and their subsequent reservoirs can be divided into three categories based on their development, including dendritic, sandwich and slab reservoirs. Recent studies demonstrate that karstic fault reservoirs are most common traps in the study area. Although various types of carbonate karstic fault reservoirs are represented in this region, the dendritic karstic fault reservoir is the most hydrocarbon-rich.Guided by these initial results, 108 wells were drilled from 2013 to 2014, producing 485 thousand tons of oil and yielding success ratios greater than 89%. The average production of dendritic reservoirs is 37.4 tons per day (t/d), while those of sandwich and slab types are 20.2 t/d and 14.0 t/d, respectively. These results represent significant references for future hydrocarbon exploration and the development of similar deeply buried karstic fault reservoirs in the Tarim Basin and elsewhere.  相似文献   

To distinguish the manner of spread of upwelling effects in the Cook Strait/Taranaki Bight (New Zealand) region, nitrogen uptake and the distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll a are described. NO3 concentrations were closely linked to upwelled water, but this was distributed irregularly and not necessarily with the upwelling focus. NH4, SRP, and chlorophyll a showed varying degrees of association with recycling processes, but linear correlations were not present. NO3 uptake was strongly inhibited by ambient NH4, but not completely. There was no evidence of either N or P limitation of total planktonic biomass, and there was indirect evidence from C/N uptake and cellular ratios that a high growth rate prevailed. N uptake increased with irradiance (= decreasing depth) similar to photosynthesis, but without high light inhibition, and could be related to light by a simple equation. The irregularity of distribution of features suggests that future modelling of the phytoplankton biomass in the region could benefit from analysis of event occurrence rather than of evenly progressive changes.  相似文献   

Eocene carbonate deposits of the Barru area, Sulawesi, Indonesia, provide a rare insight into sedimentation prior to and during propagation of normal faults to the surface. Three main successions; late prerift, latest prerift/earliest synrift and synrift, are characterised by distinctive facies associations and sequence development. Shallow water foraminiferal shoals and intervening lower energy depositional environments occurred during the late prerift in areas which latter formed footwall highs and hangingwall depocentres, respectively. During the latest prerift/earliest synrift, shallow water shelves deepened laterally into slope environments in developing hangingwall depocentres. In both these sequences, sections in developing hangingwall areas are thickest, deepen up-section and thin laterally towards growing footwall highs. Active faulting resulted in rapid drowning of hangingwall depocentres and massive reworking of material derived from collapse of the platform margin and adjacent shallow water/emergent footwall highs.Differential subsidence, controlling water depths and accommodation space, types of carbonate producers and active faulting were the main factors affecting depositional environments and facies distributions. Carbonate producers are extremely sensitive indicators of depositional water depth and energy, hence rapid lateral and vertical facies variations in the Barru area provide quantifiable insight into environmental changes prior to and during active faulting.  相似文献   

Wildlife tourism (including pinniped tourism) offers people the opportunity to see wildlife in their natural environment. It can provide positive outcomes for the animals, through improved resources for conservation, or negative outcomes, such as inducing the animals to move away. This study assessed the impacts and sustainability of a novel but growing tourism industry, swimming with seals, based on interactions with New Zealand fur seals (Arctophoca australis forsteri) in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, between December 2011 and March 2012. The behaviour of all seals in the water (interaction, neutral, and avoidance) was monitored at 1 min intervals, during 16 seal-swim events. Seals mostly ignored the swimmers (54% of records), some interacted with swimmers (41%); seals rarely avoided the swimmers (5%). Interactions peaked in frequency at 6 min into the swims, then declined. They occurred most frequently during December, corresponding with the pupping period when juvenile seals—the age class most likely to interact—are excluded from breeding areas and so spend much of their time in the water. Compliance of tour operators to regulations was also monitored during seal-swim activities and the industry was found to be highly compliant. The results suggest the activities monitored had minimal impact on seals in the water, and are likely to be sustainable in relation to seal conservation. Tourism can be site and time specific, and it is recommended that approaches such as those trialled here be adopted to monitor other wildlife tourism activities to ensure their sustainability. Further research needs to examine potential impacts of the tours on seals ashore.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the Upper Miocene Upper Mount Messenger Formation, Taranaki Basin, to characterize its architecture and interpret its environmental evolution. Analysis of stratal architecture, lithofacies distributions, and paleotransport directions over the 250 m thick formation shows the outcrops provide a nearly dip parallel section displaying the lateral relationships between contemporaneous channel-levee and overbank depositional environments. At least five 30–40 m thick upward fining units are recognized in the north-central parts of the outcrop and are interpreted as large-scale overbank avulsion cycles. Each unit consists of thick- to medium-bedded predominantly planar laminated sandstone turbidites at the base that fine upward into thin- to very thin-bedded, planar laminated and ripple cross-laminated mud-rich turbidites. The units are traceable laterally over a distance exceeding 3 km where they are cut by channels that show basal mudstone draped by medium- to thin-bedded sandstone, and onlapped by thick-bedded planar laminated sandstone at the margin. The channels are separated by tapered packages of medium- to thin-bedded turbidites containing climbing-ripple cross-lamination interpreted as levees. The individual channel-levee and overbank avulsion cycles formed through four stages: 1) a channel avulsion spread sand into the overbank as an unconfined splay, 2) preferential scouring in one area of the splay led to development of a channel with small levees that prograded across the splay, 3) a deep incision followed by abandonment of the channel deposited a mud lining. Alternatively, the mud lining was formed during the first stage as the downdip portion of the channel was abandoned. 4) The channel filled at first by thick-bedded planar laminated and then by climbing-ripple cross-laminated sand. At this time, the growth of constructional levees progressively limited sand into the overbank. Ratios of Bouma division thicknesses calculated over a stratigraphic interval present a new method to distinguish deep-water depositional environments.  相似文献   

黄涛  张灿  蔡思盈 《海洋学报》2015,37(8):117-125
稳定同位素比值分析已成功用于示踪动物的食物来源研究,近年来已发展了多个同位素混合模型用于计算混合物中多来源物质的组成比例。本文以过去百年来南极菲尔德斯半岛南极毛皮海豹(Arctocephalus gazella)毛发的C、N同位素数据为基础,运用同位素混合模型中的欧几里得距离法、线性模型和贝叶斯模型进行计算、分析和比较,得到毛皮海豹食谱中南极磷虾(Euphausia superb)、南极电灯鱼(Electrona antarctica)和尼氏裸灯鱼(Gymnoscopelus nicholsi)所占比例随时间的变化趋势。各模型计算得出的结果可分为两组,分别是欧几里得距离法公式(1)和(2)的结果,表现为近百年来毛皮海豹食谱中Euphausia superb比例与其毛发稳定N同位素比值呈同步上升的趋势;第二组为欧几里得距离法公式(3)、线性模型和贝叶斯模型的结果,Euphausia superb比例与毛皮海豹毛稳定N同位素比值呈反相关关系。综合对比研究区域气候、海冰环境变化背景和已有的南极磷虾种群密度调查资料分析,第二组模型结果与实际情况较为相符,可用于讨论食物比例的时间变化趋势。近百年来,菲尔德斯半岛毛皮海豹食谱中Euphausia superb的比例显著下降,很可能是由于区域气候快速变暖和海冰的消退造成的。本文的计算结果指示西南极半岛气候变暖已显著影响到区域海洋食物链变化。  相似文献   

The Songliao Basin is a large-scale petroliferous basin in China. With a gradual decline in conventional oil production, the exploration and development of replacement resources in the basin is becoming increasingly important. Previous studies have shown that the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K2qn) has favorable geological conditions for the formation of shale oil. Thus, shale oil in the Qingshankou Formation represents a promising and practical replacement resource for conventional oil. In this study, geological field surveys, core observation, sample tests, and the analysis of well logs were applied to study the geochemical and reservoir characteristics of shales, identify shale oil beds, build shale oil enrichment models, and classify favorable exploration areas of shale oil from the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation. The organic matter content is high in shales from the first member of the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K2qn1), with average total organic carbon (TOC) content exceeding 2%. The organic matter is mainly derived from lower aquatic organisms in a reducing brackish to fresh water environment, resulting in mostly type I kerogen. The vitrinite reflectance (Ro) and the temperature at which the maximum is release of hydrocarbons from cracking of kerogen occurred during pyrolysis (Tmax) respectively range from 0.5% to 1.1% and from 430 °C to 450 °C, indicating that the K2qn1 shales are in the low-mature to mature stage (Ro ranges from 0.5% to 1.2%) and currently generating a large amount of oil. The favorable depth for oil generation and expulsion is 1800–2200 m and 1900–2500 m, respectively as determined by basin modeling. The reserving space of the K2qn1 shale oil includes micropores and mircofractures. The micropore reservoirs are developed in shales interbedded with siltstones exhibiting high gamma ray (GR), high resistivity (Rt), low density (DEN), and slightly abnormal spontaneous potential (SP) in the well-logging curves. The microfracture reservoirs are mainly thick shales with high Rt, high AC (acoustic transit time), high GR, low DEN, and abnormal SP. Based on the shale distribution, geochemical characteristics, reservoir types, fracture development, and the process of shale oil generation and enrichment, the southern Taikang and northern Da'an are classified as two favorable shale oil exploration areas in the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

The Moray Firth Seal Management Plan (MFSMP) was introduced in Scotland in 2005 as a pilot for resolving conflict between Atlantic salmon fisheries and conservation imperatives for protected harbour and grey seals. This adaptive co-management model is now being applied nationally through the Marine (Scotland) Act (2010). However, no information exists on salmon fishery stakeholders’ perceptions of seal predation impacts and related costs, which could influence the success of the MFSMP and other similar initiatives. In 2006 a questionnaire survey of the 95 salmon rod fisheries in seven major Moray Firth rivers was undertaken, and all 20 active salmon netting stations in the Firth. Forty-five fishery owners, 39 ghillies, 120 anglers and 11 netsmen (representing 17 netting stations) responded. The majority (81%) believed that seals had a significant or moderate impact on stocks and catches, 77% believed that all seals were responsible and 47% supported seal culling. Seals were sighted by 38% of rod fisheries, and 18% lost angler days from seal interference. Overall, 0.2% of total reported angler days were lost annually. The estimated direct cost of seal interference for responding rod fisheries was £14,960 annum−1, and losses of catches and damage to nets was £16,500 annum−1 for responding netsmen. Stakeholders’ perceptions were largely inconsistent with their low direct costs and the aims of the MFSMP. Possible reasons for this are discussed, and implications for the governance of future adaptive co-management initiatives for seal-fishery conflict.  相似文献   

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