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迅速发展的地震技术为油气勘探提供了有力的技术支持。近年来全三维地震解释技术、储层反演技术、地震属性提取技术、谱分解技术、AVO分析技术等综合解释技术在油气勘探中起着重要的作用。通过JDZ2区块目标区地震综合解释应用效果分析,总结出适合本地区储层预测的关键有效的几种技术。  相似文献   

7月龄方斑东风螺形态性状对体质量的通径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)形态性状对体质量的影响程度,对7月龄方斑东风螺的体质量(Y)和11个(X_1-X_(11))形态性状进行了测量。结果显示,7月龄方斑东风螺体质量与各形态性状间呈正相关,相关系数均达到极显著水平(P0.01);通径分析发现壳宽(X_2)对体质量的直接作用最大(0.373),其次为体螺层高(X_7)、壳口高(X_3),而次螺层宽(X_(10))主要通过X_2、X_3及X_7间接影响体质量;决定系数分析显示,这4个性状对体质量的共同决定系数之和为0.852,说明体质量主要受这些性状的影响;经多元回归分析,建立了7月龄方斑东风螺形态性状对体质量的回归方程。将回归方程中的X_2、X_3、X_7和X_(10)等4个形态性状与体质量分别进行模型拟合,最优拟合模型分别为:Y=0.0034X_2~(2.5128),Y=0.0034X_3~(2.4349),Y=0.0015X_7~(2.5967),Y=-6.4964+1.3293X_(10)。  相似文献   

The Abadan plain in southwestern Iran has important petroleum reservoir potential but poorly defined structural setting. It is located at the Mesopotamian foredeep basin, bounded by the Arabian plate and the Dezful Embayment. The main reservoir in this field is the Fahliyan formation, composed of reef carbonates. Most of the Abadan area is flat and covered by recent alluvial deposits with no outcrops. Studies of the structures in this area have provided information about the structural history and allowed better reservoir and drilling management. Seismic spectral decomposition techniques have been utilized as a quick and effective interpretation tool. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) have been used to convert time to frequency domain, and have been applied to detect fault systems in the reservoir. Application of the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) indicate that the Abadan reservoir consists normal extensional system of the reservoir which display paralleling of contour common depth in two sides of extensional system in some regions and large displacement between two sides of contours indicate that system is normal in which hanging wall moved over footwall. Various displacements between sides indicate parallel strike-slip movements which are associated with reverse faulting and inversion tectonics.  相似文献   

Defining the 3D geometry and internal architecture of reservoirs is important for prediction of hydrocarbon volumes, petroleum production and storage potential. Many reservoirs contain thin shale layers that are below seismic resolution, which act as impermeable and semi-permeable layers within a reservoir. Predicting the storage volume of a reservoir with thin shale layers from conventional seismic data is an issue due to limited seismic resolution. Further, gas chimneys indicative of gas migration pathways through thin shale layers, are not easily defined by conventional seismic data. Additional information, such as borehole data, can be used to aid mapping of shale layers, but making lateral predictions from 1D borehole data has high uncertainty. This paper presents an integrated workflow for quantitative seismic interpretation of thin shale layers and gas chimneys in the Utsira Formation of the Sleipner reservoir. The workflow combines the use of attribute and spectral analysis to add resolution to conventional seismic amplitude data. Detailed interpretation of these analyses reveals the reservoirs internal thin shale architecture, and the presence of gas chimneys. The comprehensive interpretation of the reservoirs internal structure is used to calculate a new reservoir storage volume. This is done based on the distribution of sand and interpreted shale layers within the study area, for this active CO2 storage site.  相似文献   

为探明陆基养殖和离岸养殖尖吻鲈(Lates calcarifer)形态性状与体质量的关系及形态差异,在海南省陵水县室内车间及南沙美济礁深水网箱对同一批次15月龄尖吻鲈的体质量Y和头长X1、躯干长X2、体长X3、全长X4、体高X5、眼径X6、吻长X7、尾柄高X8、尾柄长X9等9个形态性状进行了测量,并进行了相关分析、通径分析和回归分析。结果显示,2个养殖条件下尖吻鲈在眼径和吻长等2个方面无显著差异,但在体质量、头长、躯干长、体长、全长、体高、尾柄高、尾柄长和体高与全长的比值等方面呈极显著差异(P<0.01)。陆基养殖尖吻鲈各主要性状间的相关关系达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01);除眼径X6与吻长X7无显著相关性外,美济礁离岸养殖尖吻鲈的其他各性状间的相关性达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01)。通径分析结果表明,陆基养殖群体的X4和X5对尖吻鲈体质量的直接作用达显著水平(P<0.05),而X3、X5和X9对美济礁离岸养殖群体体质量的直接作用达显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01)。决定系数分析显示,陆基养殖群体的X4和X5对体质量的共同决定系数之和为0.971,美济礁离岸养殖群体的X3、X5和X9对体质量的共同决定系数之和为0.864,说明2个尖吻鲈养殖群体的体质量分别主要由这些形态性状决定;通过逐步回归分析,建立了2个养殖群体尖吻鲈多元回归方程:Y陆基养殖=-1 128.61+3.143X4+6.418X5,Y美济礁离岸养殖=-2 054.81+7.377X3+9.196X5-10.041X9。研究表明,2种养殖模式下尖吻鲈的形态存在显著差异,美济礁离岸养殖尖吻鲈在体型上更具优势。  相似文献   

浅剖和单道地震是大范围研究新近纪以来沉积特征的主要技术方法,由于地震资料分辨率的限制,往往只能划分大的沉积单元,不能识别亚相、微相等,而地震资料的瞬时属性可以更加精细地刻画地层信息。基于2013年在南黄海陆架获得的单道地震资料,对南黄海中西部海域第四系进行了分析,并利用单道资料的三瞬属性对地层进行地震地层单元划分、沉积环境分析,总结出该区域不同沉积相的三瞬波阻特征。研究结果表明,在测线的Qc2钻孔位置处,根据三瞬属性在海底以下74.64m深度内划分了7个地震地层沉积单元,并划分出多个亚相。它所反映的沉积相与该区已知Qc2钻孔的地层对应度较高。瞬时相位较为清楚的显示地下地层的接触情况,更好地展示了地震层序在空间上的关系,解决了该测线在常规地震剖面上无法清晰、精细识别沉积相的问题。三瞬属性的应用可以在缺少钻井资料时提高在地震资料剖面划分地层、识别接触面的能力,为大陆架科学钻探项目中未知井位选址提供参考。  相似文献   

南黄海苏北近岸西洋水道水沙输运机制分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于2008 年3 月份在南黄海辐射沙脊群西洋水道内5 个站位大潮期间的观测数据(包括流速与悬沙质量浓度的垂向剖面), 利用机制分解法计算了西洋水道内的水与悬沙通量。结果表明, 水体在多数时段内均处于分层向混合过渡的状态, 中下层水体的理查德森数(Ri)与瞬时悬沙输运量中的平均流输沙项及流速的潮周期变化相关项之间存在显...  相似文献   

为了明确东海陆架盆地西部瓯江凹陷的构造单元属性,指导下步油气勘探部署,本文在前人中生代构造单元划分和构造演化的研究基础上,开展了地震剖面解释、平衡剖面分析、海陆对比研究等工作。综合研究认为,瓯江凹陷为白垩纪断陷红盆,缺少侏罗纪地层,其断裂构造特征、白垩纪沉积建造和火山岩活动等类似于浙闽隆起带,而瓯江凹陷以东的闽江凹陷为白垩纪和侏罗纪的断坳转换盆地,沉积环境为海陆过渡相—海相。地震剖面上闽江凹陷与其东侧的基隆凹陷构成一个向东倾斜的整体。海陆对比显示,瓯江凹陷与浙闽隆起侏罗纪时均处于隆升剥蚀,白垩纪时均处于断裂拉张。因此,推测瓯江凹陷与浙闽隆起带具有相似的构造单元属性,属于浙闽隆起带的一部分,其中生代的油气资源潜力可能比闽江凹陷差。  相似文献   

在储层地震属性预测技术研究方面,过去人们关注的焦点主要集中于地震关键面时窗选取、地震属性选择和地震属性优化及融合等方面,很少注意到地震资料极性对储层预测效果的影响。实际应用表明,地震资料的极性判断错误,可能导致储层地震属性预测失败。针对这些问题,文章在论述如何判别地震极性的基础上,利用地震属性技术对渤海海域某构造储层的横向展布进行预测,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

多子波地震道分解是一种新的地震道分解技术,它是以分解算法将地震道分解成不同形状,不同频率的子波。利用多子波地震道分解等技术,对东海平湖油气田花港组油藏地震数据体进行多子波地震道分解与重构、频谱衰减和数据体波形分解等应用研究,找出了与钻井资料吻合,并含有地质意义的属性,勾画出该地区主要油藏的含油气范围和有利目标,取得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

生物礁碳酸盐岩油气藏储层具有丰度大、产能高的特点,一直以来是油气勘探重点探索的目标。南海北部大部分的油气发现均位于新近系,生物礁油气田也是该区勘探发现最大的亮点。其中东沙隆起区LH11生物礁是我国近年来发现的最大规模的同类型油气田。但其作为复杂的一类岩性油气藏,其非均质性和隐蔽性,使得在常规地震剖面上往往难以识别。本研究从地震频域属性角度出发,通过提取地震剖面频域图谱并结合测井孔隙度数据,分析生物礁储层频域特征,并结合正演模拟加以验证,认为研究区生物礁碳酸盐岩储层总体偏薄,导致了频率和衰减的异常,另外也证实薄层调谐效应方法可以较准确地估计层厚。  相似文献   

徐粲  高建华  杨旸  汪亚平  高抒 《海洋学报》2014,36(11):150-162
根据南黄海辐射沙脊群定点站位的流速和浊度数据,利用通量分解方法,分析了潮汐水道的悬沙输运特征和输运机制。结果表明,辐射沙脊群海域潮汐水道中潮流为往复流,悬沙浓度较高,属于强潮流控制的悬沙浓度相对较高的陆架浅海环境;悬沙输运主要受欧拉余流和潮汐捕捉效应控制,再悬浮的沉积物通过平流作用进行输运。其中,陈家坞槽和西洋水道的悬沙输运以潮汐捕捉效应占优,沉积物向潮汐水道外输运,处于冲刷状态;苦水洋水道以欧拉余流输运为主,水道内的再悬浮的沉积物在强潮流作用下向陆输运,主要堆积在蒋家沙和西洋西侧岸滩等浅滩和潮间带上。由此可见,在陆源物质供应减少背景下,南黄海辐射沙脊群内部的物质充当了新的物源,短期内能够维持近岸潮滩和沙脊的持续增长。  相似文献   

Seismic attribute study for gas hydrates in the Andaman Offshore India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismic data from the Andaman offshore region has been examined to investigate for the presence of gas hydrates. The seismic data displays reflection characteristics such as blanking, enhanced reflection patterns, shadows in instantaneous frequency, and increase in amplitude with the offset, which are indicative of gas hydrates and underlying free gas. A prominent bottom-simulating reflection, BSR, coupled with reverse polarity is observed around 650–700 ms. Seismic attributes such as the reflection strength and instantaneous frequency are computed along this reflector in order to probe for the presence of gas hydrates or free gas in this region. The reflection plot shows a strong reflector paralleling the seafloor. In addition, attenuation of the high frequency signal is noticed, indicating the presence of free gas below the BSR.  相似文献   

The Incremental Differential Quadrature Method (IDQM) was applied to a tidal and surge model of the Bristol Channel, UK. The method is considered as an alternative new numerical technique in the field of marine hydraulics and its performance was examined through this case study. For validation of the simulated results, tide gauge data along the Bristol Channel was used. Another well known 1D model (MIKE11) and a quasi-3D model (POLCOMS) provided more insight into the flow pattern of the estuary and additional validation data. Similar to MIKE11, IDQM is unconditionally stable and so time steps of around 45 min achieved good results for the Bristol Channel, whereas for methods which are restricted to the CFL criterion (e.g. explicit finite differencing schemes), the time step is limited to around 3 min. Since there is no stability constraint in IDQM, the time step must be selected with reference to accuracy rather than stability. The usefulness of IDQM was also demonstrated by using a small number of grid points (11 along the 110 km length of the Bristol Channel) to produce accurate results. Based on the results of this case study, it is concluded that IDQM can be successfully implemented for 1D modelling of tidal elevations and surges in non-prismatic irregular channels.  相似文献   

A parametric study of wave loads on trimaran ships traveling in waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we present a spectral analysis based on wave loads to select suitable side-hull arrangements for a trimaran ship traveling in waves. Neglecting the steady flow effect, the three-dimensional source-distribution method, using a pulsating source potential incorporating the panel method, is adopted to solve the corresponding hydrodynamic coefficients. The significant values for wave loads, including shear forces, bending moments, and torsion moments at different locations on the main hull and connected deck with respect to different staggers and clearances, are derived by the spectral analysis. Several ship speeds and wave headings are also considered for comparison. This study offers more information for selecting the side-hull arrangement from the viewpoint of wave loads on trimaran ships, which may be regarded as helpful references for seakeeping design of these types of ships.  相似文献   

琴文蛤形态性状对体量的影响效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从广西琴文蛤(Meretrix lyrata)养殖群体中随机选取87颗成贝,测量其活体重(y)、壳长(x1)、壳高(x2)、壳宽(x3)及外韧带长(X4),计算相关系数。采用通径分析方法计算了以体长性状为自变量对体重做依变量的通径系数、决定系数及相关指数,对各性状的影响大小进行剖分,明确影响琴文蛤体重的主要外部形态性状...  相似文献   

为探讨长江口南港的水动力结构及悬沙侧向输运特征,本文从解析解的角度构建了潮汐河口水沙输运数学模型,并将其应用到长江口南港某横断面上。南港水动力主控于半日潮流,余流主要由陆相径流及本地非线性对流项驱动,悬沙分布上北侧副槽远大于南侧主槽,水沙分布的计算结果与实测结果在结构上基本一致。通过输沙函数进一步分析表明,潮流输沙和余流输沙是南港侧向输沙函数的两个主要部分。南港中强劲径流削弱了涨潮流,增强了落潮流,使得向河槽南侧的涨潮流输沙小于向河槽北侧的落潮流输沙,潮流输沙指向河槽北侧。径流驱动的南港侧向余流在涨潮流方向上为一逆时针环流结构,余流输沙指向河槽北侧。扩散输沙指向南侧主槽,因其总是指向悬沙浓度梯度的负方向。在各输沙因子的综合作用下,南港中大量悬沙捕集于河槽北侧,使得河槽北部底层潮平均含沙量值达到最大值。  相似文献   

A numerical study of the summertime flow around the Luzon Strait   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Luzon Strait, a wide channel between Taiwan and Luzon islands, connects the northern South China Sea and the Philippine Sea. The Kuroshio, South China Sea gyre, monsoon and local topography influence circulation in the Luzon Strait area. In addition, the fact that the South China Sea is a fairly isolated basin accounts for why its water property differs markedly from the Kuroshio water east of Luzon. This work applies a numerical model to examine the influence of the difference in the vertical stratification between the South China Sea and Kuroshio waters on the loop current of Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait during summer. According to model results, the loop current’s strength in the strait reduces as the strongly stratified South China Sea water is driven northward by the southwest winds. Numerical results also indicate that Kuroshio is separated by a nearly meridional ridge east of Luzon Strait. The two velocity core structures of Kuroshio can also be observed in eastern Taiwan. Moreover, the water flowing from the South China Sea contributes primarily to the near shore core of Kuroshio.  相似文献   

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