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Source rock studies are one of the key issues of petroleum exploration activities. In the supercontinent of Gondwana, ice ages related to the Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) and rising sea levels caused by glacial melting at the end of the Ordovician and Early Silurian (Llandoverian) created excellent source rocks along the margin of Gondwana. Investigations conducted in the Arabian Peninsula have been indicated indicating that the lower Qalibah Formation (the so-called Qusaiba Member or Hot Shale) is a good source rock for the Paleozoic petroleum system in this area. Likewise, the Sarchahan Formation was recently introduced as a source rock in the Zagros Basin of Iran, which is probably equivalent to the Qalibah Formation in the Arabian Peninsula. In this study, samples were prepared from surface and subsurface Paleozoic rock units in Iran's Zagros Basin. The emphasis of the paper was on the Sarchahan Formation in Kuh-e Faraghan, ranging in age from the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) to Lower Silurian (Llandoverian) to determine whether the high richness of organic matter in the Sarchahan Formation is related to the Late Ordovician or Lower Silurian. The basal part of the Sarchahan Formation belongs to the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) because of the presence of the persculptus graptolite biozone, while the remainder belongs to the Lower Silurian. The Ordovician and early Llandoverian parts of the Sarchahan Formation contain type II and III kerogen with TOC ranging from 2.94 to 7.19, but the rest of the Sarchahan Formation (late Llandoverian) has TOC ranging from 0.1 to 0.58. Therefore, the Hot Shale in Iran falls within the Hirnantian and early Llandoverian (Rhuddanian), and not the latest Llandoverian (Aeronian and Telychian). Utilizing organic petrography, kerogen type was found II/III. The carbon stable isotope studies revealed that the source rock of hydrocarbons in Dalan and Kangan reservoirs has been the Sarchahan Formation. Based on analytical data, the kerogenous shales in the lower part of the Sarchahan Formation are at end of gas window, and the gamma ray amount is approximately 180 API. This research indicates the differences between the source rocks in the southern and northern Persian Gulf and suggesting, the Hot Shale should be considered in different views and used in modeling studies of sedimentary basins for future exploration targets.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is the assessment of the hydrocarbon potential and maturity of Silurian intervals from the Călăraşi-Bordei Verde-Biruinţa perimeter – East Moesian Platform. All the information gathered from the wells drilled in the mentioned perimeter is used for the evaluation of the “shale gas” potential, too. This major sedimentary basin has all geological conditions for hydrocarbons generation, migration and accumulation. The main conclusions of the all geo-analyses are the following: the XRD analyses show that the samples consist of clay minerals with organic material, the organic matter contained in the samples of the wells shows widely distributed type of organoclasts. In absence of true vitrinite originating from higher plants in these Lower Paleozoic series, the various encountered organic remains consist of Tasmanites, microporous or homogeneous fragments, structured fragments of graptolites, oxidized or naturally rich in oxygen organoclasts inherited from the continent (phytoclasts, fungal remains). The maturity of the Silurian at Ţăndărei borehole is established taking into account the fluorescence of the Tasmanites and the reflectance of graptolites; the maturity increases with depth between 0.70 and 1% eq. VRo. The organic matter of Biruinţa and Călăraşi boreholes is overmature with maturity of around 1.40–1.55% at 400 m in Biruinţa and a maturity increase with depth between 1.85 and 2.05% eq. VRo in Călăraşi borehole. Those values are mainly deduced from vitrinite/graptolite correlation. According to the maturity trend deduced of Călăraşi and Ţăndărei boreholes, the high maturity of Biruinţa for such a low burial (around 400 m) indicates a possible erosion around 3400 m due to uplift. The Silurian studied samples consist of carbonated claystones with an organic matter of type II with relatively low residual TOC content: less than 1.2% weight for the overmature boreholes (Biruinţa and Călăraşi) and less than 1.6% weight in Ţăndărei borehole.  相似文献   

The sedimentary system of Kalimantan has undergone significant development since the Oligocene. Previous research have largely ignored the capacity of the Cretaceous–Eocene sediments to produce hydrocarbons,focusing instead primarily on the Oligocene–Miocene coal as the principal source rocks. Shales and coals from the outcrops in the northern margin of Kalimantan were analyzed with palynological and geochemical methods to characterize the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological differences bet...  相似文献   

Barremian–Aptian organic-rich shales from Abu Gabra Formation in the Muglad Basin were analysed using geochemical and petrographic analyses. These analyses were used to define the origin, type of organic matters and the influencing factors of diagenesis, including organic matter input and preservation, and their relation to paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate conditions. The bulk geochemical characteristics indicated that the organic-rich shales were deposited in a lacustrine environment with seawater influence under suboxic conditions. Their pyrolysis hydrogen index (HI) data provide evidence for a major contribution by Type I/II kerogen with HI values of >400 mg HC/g TOC and a minor Type II/III contribution with HI values <400 mg HC/g TOC. This is confirmed by kerogen microscopy, whereby the kerogen is characterized by large amounts of structured algae (Botryococcus) and structureless (amorphous) with a minor terrigenous organic matter input. An enhanced biological productivity within the photic zone of the water columns is also detected. The increased biological productivity in the organic-rich shales may be related to enhanced semi-arid/humid to humid-warm climate conditions. Therefore, a high bio-productivity in combination with good organic matter preservation favoured by enhanced algae sizes are suggested as the OM enrichment mechanisms within the studied basin.  相似文献   

Recently acquired (2005) multi-beam bathymetric and high-resolution seismic reflection data from the E–W-oriented Gulf of Gökova off SW Anatolia were evaluated in order to assess the uneven seafloor morphology and its evolution in terms of present-day active regional tectonics. Stratigraphically, the three identified seismic units, i.e., the basement, deltaic sediments deposited during Quaternary glacial periods, and modern gulf deposits, are consistent with those observed in previous studies. Structurally, the folds and faults with strike-slip and reverse components have been regionally mapped for the first time. Of these, NE–SW-oriented left-lateral strike-slip faults with compressional components forming the so-called Gökova Fault Zone intersect and displace two WNW–ESE-oriented submarine ridges and deep submarine plains. Thus, strike-slip faults are the youngest major structures in the gulf, and control present-day active tectonism. E–W-oriented folds on the inner and outer shelf, which are generally accompanied by reverse faults, delimit the margins of these submarine ridges, and deform the young basin deposits. These features also reveal the concomitant existence of a compressional tectonic regime. The compressional structures probably represent pressure ridges along left-lateral strike-slip fault segments. However, some E–W-oriented normal faults occur on the northwestern and partly also southern shelf, and along the borders of the adjacent deep submarine plains. They are intersected and displaced by the strike-slip faults. The lower seismicity along the normal faults relative to the NE–SW-oriented strike-slip faults suggests that the former are at present inactive or at least less active.  相似文献   

The abundance, biomasses, and population structure of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi were monitored in the coastal waters of the northern part of the Black Sea (Sevastopol Bay and the adjacent continental shelf regions) in 2004–2008. The abundance and species composition of the comb jelly’s food in the sea were obtained along with experimental data on the digestion time. Based upon these data, the feeding intensity of the ctenophore in situ was estimated. This information was used to calculate the predatory impact of the comb jelly population on certain groups of forage organisms and the forage zooplankton community as a whole. The predatory impact of the M. leidyi population on the bivalve veligers was the highest (up to 90% of the abundance a day) compared to the Copepoda and Cladocera (30% and 40%, respectively). In the summers of 2004–2008, the daily consumption rates of the zooplankton by the ctenophore population in the shelf zone and in the bay were similar to each other: up to 15% and 12% of the abundance a day, respectively. The highest pressure of the ctenophore upon the zooplankton was observed in 2004 and 2008, when M. leidyi was especially abundant in the plankton for a long time.  相似文献   

Sediment samples collected during expedition ARK XIII/2 in summer 1997 with the German ice-breaker R/V POLARSTERN were investigated to estimate benthic microbial activity and total biomass of the smallest sediment-inhabiting organisms (size range from bacteria to meiofauna) from the Yermak Plateau northwest of Spitsbergen and adjacent deep-sea areas. Stations covered water depths from about 500 m north of Svålbard and on top of the Yermak Plateau to 3250–4250 m in the Fram Strait and the Nansen Basin. The area of investigations is located in a region with permanent ice-coverage, but in summer 1997 stations along the southern transect crossing the Yermak Plateau at about 81°N lay 50–100 km from the ice-edge. The hydrography of the area is characterized by the inflow of relatively warm, nutrient-rich and particle-laden Atlantic Water into the Arctic Ocean. The input of organic matter from primary production was estimated by measuring concentrations of sediment-bound chloroplastic pigments. Benthic activities and biomasses were evaluated by analyzing a series of biogenic compounds (i.e. bacterial exoenzymes, total adenylates, phospholipids, particulate proteins) in the sediments. Bacterial numbers and biomasses, meiofauna abundances, and nematode biomasses were determined for direct comparison with biochemical parameters. Faunal and biochemical data suggest a high current-driven lateral input of particulate organic matter from the South associated with increased sedimentation rates along the western slope of the Yermak Plateau.  相似文献   

The identification of past connection routes between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara, other than the traditional one through to the Bosphorus Strait, would be of considerable interest to the international scientific community. Nazik et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 31:75?C86 (2011) doi:10.1007/s00367-010-0216-9) suggest the possibility of two alternative waterway connections via lakes Sapanca and ?znik. Their Black Sea to Sea of Marmara multi-connection hypothesis, which is based on undated marine fossils collected in both lakes from surficial grab samples, conflicts with many earlier studies. In this contribution, the hypothesis and the underlying data are discussed in the light of previous tectonic, sedimentological and limnological findings showing that it is impossible to have had marine connections through lakes Sapanca and ?znik during the last 11.5?ka. Global sea-level trends and tectonic uplift rates would accommodate a connection between the Sea of Marmara and Lake ?znik in the middle Pleistocene. Uplift rates for the northern block of the North Anatolian Fault, when compared with the global sea-level curve, clearly indicate that there cannot have been a connection through the ?zmit Gulf?CLake Sapanca?CSakarya Valley for at least the past 500?ka. Moreover, borehole sediments along the western shores of Lake Sapanca, which reach down to the bedrock, do not contain any marine fossils.  相似文献   

In their discussion of our 2011 paper dealing with possible waterways between the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea in the ??late?? Quaternary, based on data from ostracod and foraminifer assemblages in lakes ?znik and Sapanca, Turkey, Yalt?rak et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 32:267?C274, 2012) essentially reject the idea of any links whatsoever, be they between the Marmara Sea and the lakes ?znik and Sapanca, or further to the Black Sea via the valley of the Sakarya River. The evidence they provide in support of their view, however, is essentially circumstantial, in part conjectural, and also inconclusive considering the findings in favour of linkage between the Marmara Sea and the lakes at the very least, while the proposed connection with the Sakarya River valley remains speculative because of the lack of unambiguous data. On the other hand, Yalt?rak et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 32:267?C274, 2012) do raise valid points of concern which deserve careful future investigation, the most important being the possibility of sample contamination from dumped marine sediment used for construction purposes along some parts of the shore of Lake ?znik. We agree that a concerted multidisciplinary effort is required to address the many unresolved issues in connection with the potential waterways proposed by us and others before us.  相似文献   

In this study, the fossil microfaunal composition of 28 Recent sediment samples from Lake İznik and 19 samples from Lake Sapanca was investigated. The presence of at least ten marine ostracod and 23 foraminifer species in the sediments of Lake İznik, and at least one marine ostracod and two foraminifer species in the sediments of Lake Sapanca confirm that these lakes must have been connected to the world ocean sometime during the late Quaternary. The most obvious former link between these lakes and the Mediterranean Sea would have been via the Marmara Sea with an eastward extension of the Gemlik and İzmit bays. The proximity of Lake Sapanca to the lower course of the Sakarya River, however, also supports earlier suggestions that there may have been a temporary connection with the Black Sea via this river valley. Whatever the case, the findings of this study clearly demonstrate that vertical tectonic movements need to be taken into account when reconstructing the late Quaternary sea-level history of this region.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of organic matter in the profiles of Dukla, Silesian, Sub-Silesian and Skole units of the Polish Outer Carpathians and of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement in the Dębica-Rzeszów-Leżajsk-Sanok area were established based on Rock-Eval, vitrinite reflectance, isotopic and biomarker analyses of 485 rock samples. The Oligocene Menilite beds have the best hydrocarbon potential of all investigated formations within the Dukla, Silesian, and Skole units. The Ordovician, Silurian, Lower Devonian and locally Middle Jurassic strata of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement are potential source rocks for oil and gas accumulated in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic reservoirs. Thirty one natural gas samples from sandstone reservoirs of the Lower Cretaceous-Lower Miocene strata within the Outer Carpathian sequence and eight from sandstone and carbonate reservoirs of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement were analysed for molecular and isotopic compositions to determine their origin. Natural gases accumulated both in the Outer Carpathian and the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement reservoirs are genetically related to thermogenic and microbial processes. Thermogenic gaseous hydrocarbons that accumulated in the Dukla and Silesian units were generated from the Menilite beds. Thermogenic gaseous hydrocarbons that accumulated in the Sub-Silesian Unit most probably migrated from the Silesian Unit. Initial, and probably also secondary microbial methane component has been generated during microbial carbon dioxide reduction within the Oligocene Menilite beds in the Dukla Unit and Oligocene-Lower Miocene Krosno beds in the Silesian Unit. Natural gases that accumulated in traps within the Middle Devonian, Mississippian, Upper Jurassic, and Upper Cretaceous reservoirs of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement were mainly generated during thermogenic processes and only sporadically from initial microbial processes. The thermogenic gases were generated from kerogen of the Ordovician-Silurian and Middle Jurassic strata. The microbial methane component occurs in a few fields of the Dukla and Silesian units and in the two accumulations in the Middle Devonian reservoirs of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement.  相似文献   

The Seminar on the Development of Port and Coast in the Mainland and Taiwan was heldfrom October 15th to 20th, 1993 in Hohai University, Nanjing, China, under the sponsorship ofHohai University and National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, and under the co-sponsorshipof Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute and Jiangsu Society of the Mainland and Taiwan Rela-tionship. The aim of the Seminar is to strength the academic exchanges in the fields of port andcoastal engineering, to promote cooperation in science and technology, to benefit the develop-ment of construction as well as science, technology and education in port and coastal engi-neering in the Mainland and Taiwan of China. The main topics covered are in four aspects:  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInordertostudythemarinesedimentationoftheChukchiSeaandBeringSeaandgathertheinformationofpaleoceanographyandpaleoenvironment,theFirstChineseNationalArcticResearchExpeditionTeamcollectedbenthonicmolluscansamplesintheChukchiSea ,BeaufortSeaandBeringSeafromJuly 1sttoSeptember 9th ,1 999byicebreakerXuelong .ItwasnotonlythefirstsamplingthatChinesescientistscollectedmolluscaremainsinabove mentionedar eas,butalsooneofinvestigationsinasinglecruisewithhighersamplingrateandalotofb…  相似文献   

1Introduction Heterotrophicmicrobesarenowconsideredtobe significantcomponentsofthestructureandfunctionof marinepelagicecosystems.Heterotrophicbacteriacon- stituteamajorpoolofbiomassinopenecosystem (WilhelmandSuttle,1999).Theyconsumealargepor- tionofprimaryproduction(Li,1998;Sherryetal., 2002;Lietal.,2004),andtheymineralizemostofthe dissolvedorganiccarbonthattheyconsume(Azamet al.,1983;Richetal.,1997;Azam,1998).Therolesof planktonicprotists,suchasheterotrophicflagellates andciliates,inmicro…  相似文献   

Diatoms are major primary producers of microbial biomass in the Antarctica. They are found in the water and sea ice. The distribution, abundance of the ice diatoms and their relation to the environmental factors inside and outside the ice have been studied for its special role in the Antarctic Ocean ecology. In this paper we describe the abundance, distribution and composition of diatom assemblages in  相似文献   

Diagenesis in the uppermost Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous deltaic sandstones and shales of the Scotian Basin is an important control on reservoir quality. Ferruginous zone (sub-oxic) marine pore-water diagenesis controls the initial formation of Fe2+-silicates that are the precursors of grain-rimming chlorite that preserves porosity. This study assesses the regional controls on the type of marine pore-water diagenesis by studying the sedimentology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the retrogradational units and underlying progradational units in parasequences from conventional cores in two wells in different parts of the basin. Coated grains preserve a record of whether marine pore-water diagenesis below the seafloor was dominantly in the ferruginous or sulphidic geochemical zone. Four types of coated grain were distinguished, each with a different mineral paragenesis. Mineralogical and chemical evidence of ferruginous zone diagenesis includes the presence of diagenetic chlorite and siderite, and the correlation of P with Fe or Ti. Pyrite and Fe-calcite are found where the sulphidic zone is more significant than the ferruginous zone. Ferruginous zone diagenesis was common in low-sedimentation rate retrogradational sediments with low organic carbon, and in delta-front turbidites and river-mouth sandstones. Estuarine, tidal flat and prodeltaic facies that are directly supplied by riverine sediments have a lower Fe:Ti ratio than do fully marine shoreface and open shelf facies as a result of input of detrital ilmenite and its alteration products. The relative contribution of colloidal iron (hydr)-oxides appears greater in distal low-sedimentation rate environments. Where large changes in sedimentation rate occurred at ravinement surfaces, the underlying progradational rocks have evidence of ferruginous zone diagenesis, whatever their facies. Rapid upward migration of the pore-water profile resulting from the change in sedimentation rate reduced the time available for mineral products to form in the deeper pore-water zones. This study has shown that the availability of Fe and organic carbon varying in a complex manner in marine deltaic sediments, but that the resulting diagenesis by marine pore-water can be predicted from facies and paleogeographic setting.  相似文献   

The Kazhdumi Formation of the Bangestan Group is a well-known source rock that has produced abundant oil in most petroleum fields in the Zagros Basin, which stretches from northwest to southwest Iran over hundreds of kilometres. The formation reaches a thickness of 230 m at the type section in northwest Zagros but thins out to 40–50 m in wells studied from the South Pars giant petroleum field, where it comprises mainly grey shales with occasional intercalations of marls and sandstones. South Pars, best known as the Iranian part of the world's largest non-associated gas field, contains small quantities of oil above and below the Kazhdumi Formation.  相似文献   

Although there are many research studies on the northern and southern branches of the North Anatolian fault, cutting through the deep basins of the Sea of Marmara in the north and creating a series of pull-apart basins on the southern mainland, little data is available about the geometrical and kinematical characteristics of the middle strand of the North Anatolian fault. The first detailed geometry of the middle strand of the North Anatolian fault along the southern Marmara shelf, including the Gemlik and Band?rma Bay, will be given in this study, by a combined interpretation of different seismic data sets. The characteristic features of its segments and their importance on the paleogeographic evolution of the southern shelf sub-basins were defined. The longest one of these faults, the Armutlu-Band?rma segment, is a 75-km long dextral strike-slip fault which connects the W–E trending Gençali segment in the east and NE–SW trending Kap?da?-Edincik segment in the west. In this context, the Gemlik Bay opened as a pull-apart basin under the control of the middle strand whilst a new fault segment developed during the late Pleistocene, cutting through the eastern rim of the bay. In this region, a delta front forming the paleoshoreline of the Gemlik paleolake was cut and shifted approximately 60 ± 5 m by the new segment. The same offset on this fault was also measured on a natural scarp of acoustic basement to the west and integrated with this paleoshoreline forming the slightly descending topset–foreset reflections of the delta front. Therefore the new segment is believed to be active at least for the last 30,000 years. The annual lateral slip rate representing this period of time will be 2 mm, which is quite consistent with modern GPS measurements. Towards the west, the Band?rma Bay is a rectangular transpressional basin whilst the Erdek Bay is a passive basin under the control of NW–SE trending faults. When the water level of the paleo-Marmara lake dropped down to ?90 m, the water levels of the suspended paleolakes of Band?rma and Gemlik on the southern shelf were ?50.3 (?3.3 Global Isostatic Adjustment—GIA) and ?60.5 (?3.3 GIA) m below the present mean sea level, respectively. As of today a similar example can be seen between the Sea of Marmara and the shallow freshwater lakes of Manyas and Uluabat. Similarly, the paleolakes of Gemlik and Bandirma were affected by the water level fluctuations at different time periods, even though both lakes were isolated from the Sea of Marmara during the glacial periods.  相似文献   

This paper undertakes a critical assessment of the present state of fisheries insurance in India. Various factors that contribute to the poor performance of fisheries insurance in the country were identified and ranked based on the responses of fishermen and fish farmers in major maritime states. In the light of the findings, measures such as leveraging the potential of technological interventions, developing innovative institutional mechanisms, bridging the trust deficit amongst the stakeholders and bringing about attitudinal changes through awareness drives are suggested as way forward towards harnessing the potential of insurance as a safety net tool in fisheries sector of India.  相似文献   

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