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Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales of the Madbi Formation from the Marib-Shabowah Basin in western Yemen were analysed to evaluate the type of organic matter, origin and depositional environments as well as their oil-generation potential. Results of the current study establishes the organic geochemical characteristics of the Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales and identifies the kerogen type based on their organic petrographic characteristics as observed under reflected white light and blue light excitation. Kerogen microscopy shows that the Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales contain a large amount of organic matter, consisting predominantly of yellow fluorescing alginite and amorphous organic matter with marine-microfossils (e.g., dinoflagellate cysts and micro-foraminiferal linings). Terrigenous organic matters (e.g., vitrinite, spores and pollen) are also present in low quantities. The high contributions of marine organic matter with minor terrigenous organic matter are also confirmed by carbon isotopic values. The organic richness of the Kimmeridgian shales is mainly due to good preservation under suboxic to relatively anoxic conditions, as indicated by the percent of numerous pyritized fragments associated with the organic matter. The biomarker parameters obtained from mass spectrometer data on m/z 191 and m/z 217 also indicate that these organic-rich shales contain mixed organic matter that were deposited in a marine environment and preserved under suboxic to relatively anoxic conditions.The Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales thus have high oil and low gas-generation potential due to oil window maturities and the nature of the organic matter, with high content of hydrogen-rich Type II and mixed Type II-III kerogens with minor contributions of Type III kerogen.  相似文献   

The Yanshiping section, which includes the Quemo Co, Buqu, Xiali, Suowa and Xueshan Formations (Yanshiping Group) exposes organic-rich Middle to Late Jurassic deposits in the Qiangtang Basin of northern Tibet. The biostratigraphic data, from bivalves, brachiopods as well as dinoflagellate cysts, define a Bajocian to Tithonian age. This study focuses on the biomarkers present in these mudstones and limestones to determine the sources, thermal maturity and depositional environment of the organic matter. Most samples show a clear dominance of short-chain (C15–C20) n-alkanes with a maximum at C19 or C19 with a secondary maximum at C23 except for the sample BP01(22)S1 where the predominant range is C22 to C26 with a maximum at C24, significant CPI and odd-to-even predominance. The hopanoids and steroids suggest that the sources of organic matter were dominated by phytoplankton, especially algae, as the primary source. Furthermore, the Pr/Ph, Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18, with relatively low values plus high abundance of 17α(H)-hopanes, support deposition in dysoxic to reducing, relatively shallow-water depositional settings, and the presence of gammacerane indicates normal marine salinity and/or water-column stratification. All samples are fairly mature with respect to petroleum generation, a conclusion supported by maturity parameters such as C31 22S/(22S + 22R) hopanes and C29 ααα20S/(20S + 20R) steranes.  相似文献   

The Akyaka section in the central Taurus region in the southern part of Turkey includes the organic matter and graptolite-rich black shales which were deposited under dysoxic to anoxic marine conditions in the Early Silurian. A biostratigraphical analysis, based on graptolite assemblages, indicates that the sediments studied may well be referable to the querichi Biozone and early Telychian, Llandovery. A total of 15 samples have been subjected to Leco and Rock-Eval pyrolysis and graptolite reflectance measurements for determination of their source rock characteristics and thermal maturity. The total organic carbon content of the graptolite-bearing shales varies from 1.75 to 3.52 wt% with an average value of 2.86 wt%. The present Rock-Eval pyrolytic yields and calculated values of hydrogen and oxygen indexes imply that the recent organic matter type is inert kerogen. The measured maximum graptolite reflectance (GRmax %) values are between 5.04% and 6.75% corresponding to thermally over maturity. This high maturity suggests a deep burial of the Lower Silurian sediments resulting from overburden rocks of Upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic Upper Cretaceous and Middle-Upper Eocene thrusts occurred in the region.  相似文献   

We have conducted elemental, isotopic, and Rock-Eval analyses of Cenomanian–Santonian sediment samples from ODP Site 1138 in the southern Indian Ocean to assess the origin and thermal maturity of organic matter in mid-Cretaceous black shales found at this high-latitude location. Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations range between 1 and 20 wt% in black to medium-gray sediments deposited around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary. Results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis indicate that the organic matter is algal Type II material that has experienced modest alteration. Important contributions of nitrogen-fixing bacteria to the amplified production of organic matter implied by the high TOC concentrations is recorded in δ15N values between −5 and 1‰, and the existence of a near-surface intensified oxygen minimum zone that favored organic carbon preservation is implied by TOC/TN ratios between 20 and 40. In contrast to the marine nature of the organic matter in the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary section, deeper sediments at Site 1138 contain evidence of contributions land-derived organic matter that implies the former presence of forests on the Kerguelen Plateau until the earliest Cenomanian.  相似文献   

Seeking to identify the oils groups accumulated in the Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin and the source rock of each group, stable carbon isotope and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry analyses were performed in oils and oil shows from the main discoveries, and on representative organic extracts from the potential source rocks, selected based on previous works and data obtained by total organic carbon and Rock-Eval pyrolysis techniques. The geochemical comparison between the oils, and between the oils and the organic extracts, allowed the identification of three oil groups, whose differences depend on their source rocks: oils generated at the Coimbra Formation (lower-upper Sinemurian) and accumulated in the same formation and in the Água de Madeiros Formation (upper Sinemurian-lower Pliensbachian) in the northern sector of the basin; oils originated from the top of the Cabaços Formation (middle Oxfordian) and accumulated in the Montejunto (middle-upper Oxfordian) and Abadia (lower-upper Kimmeridgian) formations, in the central and southern sectors of the basin; and oil generated and accumulated at the base of the Montejunto Formation in the central sector of the basin. The geochemical correlations between the oils and the organic extracts allowed the identification of the source rocks of the different accumulations of the Jurassic succession, allowing further guidance to the petroleum exploration in the Lusitanian Basin.  相似文献   

Crude oil samples from Cretaceous and Tertiary reservoir sections in the Zagros Fold Belt oil fields, southern Iraq were investigated using non-biomarker and biomarker parameters. The results of this study have been used to assess source of organic matter, and the genetic link between oils and their potential source rocks in the basin. The oils are characterized by high sulphur and trace metal (Ni, V) contents and relatively low API gravity values (17.4–22.7° API). This indicates that these oils are heavy and generated from a marine source rock containing Type II-S kerogen. This is supported by their biomarker distributions of normal alkanes, regular isoprenoids, terpanes and steranes and the bulk carbon isotope compositions of their saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons. The oils are characterized by low Pr/Ph ratios (<1), high values of the C35 homohopane index and C31-22R/C30 hopane ratios, relatively high C27 sterane concentrations, and the predominance of C29-norhopane. These biomarkers suggest that the oils were generated predominantly from a marine carbonate source rock, deposited under reducing conditions and containing plankton/algal and microorganisms source input. The presence of gammacerane also suggests water column stratification during source rock deposition.The biomarker characteristics of the oils are consistent with those of the Middle Jurassic Sargelu carbonate as the effective source rock in the basin. Biomarker maturity data indicate that the oils were generated from early maturity source rocks.  相似文献   

白令海、西北冰洋等高生产力海域在北冰洋"生物泵"中起到重要作用;海水升温、海冰消退等北极快速变化,将强烈影响该海域"生物泵"的结构与规模,并在沉积物中有机质的来源与新鲜程度上有所体现,可用脂肪酸加以指征。对第五次、第六次中国北极科学考察在以上海域采集的表层沉积物进行脂肪酸含量(以沉积物干重计)及组成分析,结果显示楚科奇海陆架总脂肪酸含量非常高((97.15±55.31)μg/g),白令海盆最低((15.00±1.30)μg/g),加拿大海盆、楚科奇海陆坡、白令海陆架居中(分别为(88.65±3.52)μg/g,(70.35±11.32)μg/g与(38.28±14.89)μg/g)。海源脂肪酸占总脂肪酸比例最高(86.82%±7.08%),陆源次之(8.45%±6.62%),细菌最低(4.63%±2.24%);硅藻指数(16:1ω9/16:0)在楚科奇海陆架(> 0.82)、白令海陆架边缘(> 0.65)较高,其他区域均较低。脂肪酸结果表明:(1)该海域沉积有机质主要来自海源,陆源贡献小;在北部、南部楚科奇海陆架、白令海陆架边缘,硅藻生物量占主要优势;细菌脂肪酸比例显著低于...  相似文献   

It is usually very difficult to identify and quantify the relative influence of tectonics, eustasy and climate on carbonate system evolution from sedimentary records. In order to improve our understanding of these mechanisms, we have traced for the first time, the evolution of the eastern Paris Basin platform throughout the entire Jurassic period. This carbonate platform underwent eight successive growth and demise phases, with different depositional profiles ranging from ramps to flat-topped geometries. The eight carbonate growth periods are compared with the standard sea-level curves, local tectonic regimes and recently published oxygen-isotope and/or clay mineralogy databases. Prograding heterozoan facies along ramp profiles mark periods dominated by second-order eustatic sea-level rise, relatively cool sea surface temperatures, and mesotrophic and humid conditions (Hettangian, Pliensbachian, late Oxfordian, Tithonian). During these periods, variable detrital contents in the sedimentary succession hampered the efficiency of shallow-marine carbonate factories. Higher sea surface temperatures, oligotrophic and humid conditions associated with either eustatic sea-level rise or very high local subsidence occurred during the early Bajocian and the mid-Oxfordian. These seawater properties seem to have favoured the aggradation of scleractinian corals forming dome-shaped bioherm buildups. An oolitic and lime-mud carbonate system, deposited during the Bathonian second-order eustatic sea-level fall, is characterised by miliolid-rich micritic facies on a rimmed-ramp under stable, cooler and drier conditions. The second-order maximum flooding associated with a sea surface temperature decline and/or a seawater eutrophication caused at least five carbonate demise periods (i.e. Toarcian, earliest late Bajocian, Callovian/Oxfordian transition, earliest late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian).  相似文献   

A suite of seep samples from the vicinity of the Marco Polo field in the Green Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico provides an exceptional opportunity to study the impact of interference from sediment background organic matter and alteration by biodegradation on thermogenic hydrocarbons from seafloor seeps. These seep samples contain a range in both the concentration of seeped hydrocarbons present and level of biodegradation experienced. In addition, the subsurface oil that sources the seepage was available for comparison.  相似文献   

The lacustrine black shales in the Chang7 Member from the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation of the Ordos Basin in Central China are considered one of the most important hydrocarbon source rocks. However, the mechanism of organic accumulation in the black shales remains controversial. To resolve the controversy, with the former paleontological data of Yanchang Formation and sedimentation rate data of the Chang7 black shales, we investigated the typical intervals of the Chang7 black shales (TICBS) which were obtained by drilling in Yaowan at the southern margin of the Ordos Basin and performed various sedimentary, isotopic and geochemical analysis, including the sedimentary petrography, pyrite morphology, total organic carbon (TOC) and total sulfur (TS), the ratio of pyritic Fe to total Fe (DOPT), major and trace elements, together with pyritic sulfur isotopes (δ34Spy). The high sulfur content, enrichment of redox-sensitive trace metals, and the lower sedimentation rate of the TICBS in addition to the presence of marine spined acritarchs and coelacanth fossils indicate that the TICBS were deposited in a lacustrine environment possibly influenced by seawater. The petrographic observations show a thick layer of black shale with interlayers of thin layered siltstone (silty mudstone) and laminated tuff, which were related to the turbidity currents and volcanism, respectively. The U/Th, C-S, and Mo-U covariations, pyrite morphology, DOPT, combined with the δ34Spy, suggest that the deposition occurred beneath the anoxic-sulfidic bottom waters, which was intermittently influenced by the oxygen-containing turbidity. The Ni/Al and Cu/Al possibly show extremely high to high primary productivity in the water column, which might be connected with the substantial nutrients input from seawater or frequently erupted volcanic ash entering the lake. In addition, the coincidence of an increased abundance of TOC with increased P/Al, Ni/Al, Cu/Al and U/Th, as well as relatively consistent Ti/Al suggest that the accumulation of the organic matter might be irrelevant to the clastic influx, and was mainly controlled by the high primary productivity and anoxic-sulfidic conditions. Further, the covariations of TOC vs. P/Al and TOC vs. Ba/Al indicate that the high primary productivity led to the elevated accumulation and burial of organic matter, while the anoxic to sulfidic conditions were likely resulted from an intense degradation of the organic matter during the early diagenesis. In summary, the organic matter accumulation is ultimately attributed to the high primary productivity possibly resulted from seawater or volcanic ash entering the lake.  相似文献   

The role of internal and external forcing of sedimentation in turbidite systems remains a subject of debate. Here we propose new insights from the quantitative analysis of architectural parameters of the Congo Axial Fan.Fifty-two channel-levee-lobe systems, spanning the last ca. 200 ka, are visible on the seafloor, most of them having slightly elongated lobe complexes at their termination. Volumes of lobe complexes (usually 3–196 km3) are highly variable in time and space. The cumulative volume of the lobe complexes represents approximately 30% of the volume of the Axial Fan.The Axial Fan is sequentially divided into periods of increasing/decreasing channel lengths and basinward/landward migrations of avulsion points, representing successive prograding/retrograding architectural patterns called architectural cycles. These cycles are either symmetrical saw toothed and bell-shaped with progressive progradation and retrogradation phases, or asymmetrical, with long-lasting progradation phases and abrupt retrogradation phases that correspond to channel avulsions occurring high up on the fan.Our study points to the interplay between internal and external factors controlling the architecture of the Congo Axial Fan. The local topographic constraint is a major factor in the fan's stacking pattern. However, cyclic evolution of the architecture reveals major shifts in the deposition site that are linked to very upfan avulsion events. These events are interpreted to be driven by external factors (e.g. climate and/or eustatic sea-level change) that were able to drastically increase and/or coarsen the sediment supply to the fan.  相似文献   

The Jabal Qusaybah Anticline, in north Oman, is affected by syn-folding strike-slip and extensional fault zones developed during foreland deformation ahead of the Northern Oman Mountains thrust wedge, in Cenozoic times. Migration of fluids in fault-damage zones is recorded in complex calcite vein networks. By employing the microthermometric and compositional microanalysis of the fluid inclusions (crush-leach), two distinct generations of veins have been studied. The aim was to determine the source of elevated salinity in fluids involved in their cementation and explain their compositional evolution through fluid-rock interactions. The ionic ratios (Na/Br and Cl/Br) obtained from crush-leach analysis give supporting evidence that the elevated salinity of fluid inclusions in both vein groups originated from an evaporated seawater beyond the onset of halite precipitation (residual brines). The results reveal a gradual increase in salinity of the fluids, F/Cl molar ratios, as well as Li/Cl molar ratios. These results imply the progressively increasing contribution of evaporitic residual brines and fluids that interacted with, or were derived from siliciclastic rocks. We suggest that the most likely origin of the former fluids is provided by residual brines associated with precipitation of the Ara evaporites (Cambrian). The regional driving mechanism for such a significant fluid migration is believed to be compaction-driven upward flow that was channeled into faults and fractures during major deformational events.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) contents and corresponding isotope ratios were determined in surficial sediment (0–3 cm) at 94 stations ranging from 21 to 1995 m water depth off Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan, to elucidate the distribution and source of sedimentary organic matter. Suspended particulate organic matter (POM) in the seawater and suspended POM and sediment in the Tokachi River were also examined. δ13C, δ15N and C / N ratios of the samples in the Tokachi River suggest that the spring snowmelt is an important process for the transport of terrestrial organic matter to the coastal waters. δ13C values of suspended POM in the surface seawater were higher in May and November than in August, while δ15N values of the POM were higher in May and August than in November. These changes are attributed to seasonal changes in phytoplankton growth rate and nitrate availability. δ13C and δ15N values in the sediments off Tokachi were lowest near the Tokachi River mouth, and increased offshore to constant values that persisted from 134 to 1995 m water depth. The spatial variation in C / N ratios in the sediment mirrored those of δ13C and δ15N. Comparison of δ13C, δ15N and C / N ratios in the sediments off Tokachi with those in the Tokachi River and seawater indicates that about half of the organic matter in the sediment was of terrestrial origin near the Tokachi River mouth, and the sedimentary organic matter from 134 to 1995 m water depth was of marine origin. The organic C content in the sediment was high near the Tokachi River mouth, and also around 1000 m water depth. The C content was significantly correlated with silt plus clay content, with different regression lines for those stations shallower and deeper than 134 m, owing to several stations of higher C content with the elevated C / N ratio on the inner shelf. These results suggest that transport and deposition of organic-rich fine sediment particles by hydrodynamic processes were major factors controlling C content off Tokachi. In addition, the supply of a fraction of terrestrial organic matter with high C / N probably also affected C content on the inner shelf.  相似文献   

The retrieval of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) distribution by remote sensing is mainly based on the empirical relationship of DOC concentration and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration in many literatures. To investigate the nature of this relationship, the distributions and mixing behaviors of DOC and CDOM are reviewed in the world’s major estuaries and bays. It is found that, generally, the CDOM concentration is well correlated with the salinity in most estuaries, while DOC usually shows a nonconservative behavior which leads to a weak correlation between the DOC concentration and the CDOM concentration. To establish a good satellite reversion of the DOC concentration, the East China Sea(ECS) was taken as an example, and the mixing behavior of DOC and CDOM as well as the influence of biogeochemical processes were analyzed except for the physical mixing process with the data from late autumn (November, 2010) and winter (December, 2009) cruises. In the two ECS cruises, the CDOM concentration was found to be tightly correlated with the salinity, influenced little by the photochemical or biological processes. The data from the winter cruise show that DOC followed a conservative mixing along the salinity gradient, while in the late autumn cruise it was significantly affected by the biological activities, resulting in a poor correlation between the DOC and the CDOM. Accordingly, an improved DOC algorithm (CSDM) was proposed: when the biological influence was significant (Chl a greater than 0.8 μg/dm3 ), DOC was retrieved by the conservative and biological model, and if the conservative mixing was dominant (Chl a less than 0.8 μg/dm3 ), the direct DOC concentration and CDOM concentration relationship was used. Based on the proposed algorithm, a reasonable DOC distribution for the ECS from satellite was obtained in this study, and the proposed method can be applied to the other large river-dominant marginal sea.  相似文献   

The Es3L (lower sub-member of the third member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation) shale in the Jiyang Depression is a set of relatively thick and widely deposited lacustrine sediments with elevated organic carbon, and is considered to be one of the most important source rocks in East China. We can determine the mineralogy, organic and inorganic geochemistry of the Es3L shale and calculate paleoclimate indexes by using multiple geochemical proxies based on organic chemistry (total organic carbon [TOC] and Rock-Eval pyrolysis), major and trace elements, X-Ray diffraction, and carbon and oxygen isotope data from key wells alongside ECS (Elemental Capture Spectroscopy) well log data. These indicators can be used to analyze the evolution of the paleoenvironment and provide a mechanism of organic matter (OM) accumulation. The Es3L oil shale has high TOC abundance (most samples >3.0%) and is dominated by Type I kerogens. Additionally, the organic-rich shale is rich in CaO and enrichment in some trace metals is present, such as Sr, Ba and U. The positive δ13C and negative δ18O values, high Sr/Ba, B/Ga and Ca/Ca + Fe ratios and low C/S ratios indicate that the Es3L shales were mainly deposited in a semi-closed freshwater-brackish water lacustrine environment. The consistently low Ti/Al and Si/Al ratios reflect a restricted but rather homogeneous nature for the detrital supply. Many redox indicators, including the Th/U, V/(V + Ni), and δU ratios, pyrite morphology and TOC-TS-Fe diagrams suggest deposition under dysoxic to suboxic conditions. Subsequently, the brackish saline bottom water evolved into an anoxic water body under a relatively arid environment, during which organic-lean marls were deposited in the early stage. Later, an enhanced warm-humid climate provided an abundant mineral nutrient supply and promoted the accumulation of algal material. OM input from algal blooms reached a maximum during the deposition of the organic-rich calcareous shale with seasonal laminations. High P/Ti ratios and a strongly positive relationship between the P and TOC contents indicate that OM accumulation in the oil shale was mainly controlled by the high primary productivity of surface waters with help from a less stratified water column. Factors such as the physical protection of clay minerals and the dilution of detrital influx show less influence on OM enrichment.  相似文献   

A new population of vestimentiferan tubeworms was discovered during a recent expedition to a mud volcano field in the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean Sea. Morphological data and mitochondrial cytochrome-c-oxidase subunit 1 (COI) sequences show that the Alboran tubeworm is essentially identical to Lamellibrachia sp. found in the eastern Mediterranean. This is the first record of a vestimentiferan species in the western basin of the Mediterranean, an area with direct connection to the Atlantic via the Strait of Gibraltar and therefore of great importance to the study of distributional patterns and evolution of Mediterranean species. We examine the current hypotheses on the biogeographic distribution of vestimentiferan species in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea and conclude that independently of when Lamellibrachia colonized the Mediterranean, neither the present hydrological settings of both Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, nor vestimentiferans reproductive biology are impeditive to the presence of the Mediterranean species of Lamellibrachia in the NE Atlantic. The West African and Lusitanian margins are the most likely places to find living populations of this species in the NE Atlantic.  相似文献   

阳江-一统东断裂是珠江口盆地西部一条重要的NW向区域大断裂,是盆地东西分块的重要分界线。南海北部陆缘在新生代经历了大陆裂谷-裂离-海底扩张-热沉降的过程,阳江-一统东断裂在新生代的活动是这一复杂过程的一部分。对分处断裂两侧的从陆架延伸至洋陆边界的两条NNW向多道地震剖面进行了地质解释,研究了珠江口西部的构造和沉积特征。利用2D-Move软件及构造回剥法建立了平衡剖面模型,计算了断层活动速率,结合构造位置、构造演化史、标志构造和应力分析推断了阳江-一统东断裂在新生代的活动史。结果表明,阳江-一统东断裂可以中部坳陷带为界分为两段,从65Ma到32Ma,断裂整体表现为左旋活动,继承了断裂在中生代时期的先存左旋走滑,其中,在此时期断裂南段主要表现为伸展活动,伴随着轻微的左旋走滑,这种伸展活动控制了云开低凸起的形成和演化;从32Ma到23.8Ma,断裂北段的左旋走滑活动持续,而南段逐渐转为轻微的右旋走滑或左旋活动停止。在23.8Ma之后,断裂南段的右旋走滑活动持续,北段的左旋走滑逐渐停止,或转为轻微的右旋走滑。阳江-一统东断裂的这种走滑旋向的转变可能与在珠江口盆地南部洋陆过渡带区域的岩浆底侵作用有关。根据对盆地构造活动强度和裂谷格架的分析,认为阳江-一统东断裂的新生代活动在珠江口盆地裂谷伸展过程中起到了应力调节的作用。  相似文献   

Using recently gathered onland structural and 2D/3D offshore seismic data in south and central Palawan (Philippines), this paper presents a new perspective in unraveling the Cenozoic tectonic history of the southeastern margin of the South China Sea. South and central Palawan are dominated by Mesozoic ophiolites (Palawan Ophiolite), distinct from the primarily continental composition of the north. These ophiolites are emplaced over syn-rift Eocene turbidites (Panas Formation) along thrust structures best preserved in the ophiolite–turbidite contact as well as within the ophiolites. Thrusting is sealed by Early Miocene (∼20 Ma) sediments of the Pagasa Formation (Isugod Formation onland), constraining the younger limit of ophiolite emplacement at end Late Oligocene (∼23 Ma). The onset of ophiolite emplacement at end Eocene is constrained by thrust-related metamorphism of the Eocene turbidites, and post-emplacement underthrusting of Late Oligocene – Early Miocene Nido Limestone. This carbonate underthrusting at end Early Miocene (∼16 Ma) is marked by the deformation of a seismic unit corresponding to the earliest members of the Early – Middle Miocene Pagasa Formation. Within this formation, a tectonic wedge was built within Middle Miocene (from ∼16 Ma to ∼12 Ma), forming a thrust-fold belt called the Pagasa Wedge. Wedge deformation is truncated by the regionally-observed Middle Miocene Unconformity (MMU ∼12 Ma). A localized, post-kinematic extension affects thrust-fold structures, the MMU, and Late Miocene to Early Pliocene carbonates (e.g. Tabon Limestone). This structural set-up suggests a continuous convergent regime affecting the southeastern margin of the South China Sea between end Eocene to end Middle Miocene. The ensuing structures including juxtaposed carbonates, turbidites and shallow marine clastics within thrust-fold belts have become ideal environments for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. Best developed in the Northwest Borneo Trough area, the intensity of thrust-fold deformation decreases towards the northeast into offshore southwest Palawan.  相似文献   

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