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Geological evidence for overpressure is common worldwide, especially in petroleum-rich sedimentary basins. As a result of an increasing emphasis on unconventional resources, new data are becoming available for source rocks. Abnormally high values of pore fluid pressure are especially common within mature source rock, probably as a result of chemical compaction and increases in volume during hydrocarbon generation. To investigate processes of chemical compaction, overpressure development and hydraulic fracturing, we have developed new techniques of physical modelling in a closed system. During the early stages of our work, we built and deformed models in a small rectangular box (40 × 40 × 10 cm), which rested on an electric flatbed heater; but more recently, in order to accommodate large amounts of horizontal shortening, we used a wider box (77 × 75 × 10 cm). Models consisted of horizontal layers of two materials: (1) a mixture of equal initial volumes of silica powder and beeswax micro-spheres, representing source rock, and (2) pure silica powder, representing overburden. By submerging these materials in water, we avoided the high surface tensions, which otherwise develop within pores containing both air and liquids. Also we were able to measure pore fluid pressure in a model well. During heating, the basal temperature of the model surpassed the melting point of beeswax (∼62 °C), reaching a maximum of 90 °C. To investigate tectonic contexts of compression or extension, we used a piston to apply horizontal displacements.In experiments where the piston was static, rapid melting led to vertical compaction of the source layer, under the weight of overburden, and to high fluid overpressure (lithostatic or greater). Cross-sections of the models, after cooling, revealed that molten wax had migrated through pore space and into open hydraulic fractures (sills). Most of these sills were horizontal and their roofs bulged upwards, as far as the free surface, presumably in response to internal overpressure and loss of strength of the mixture. We also found that sills were less numerous towards the sides of the box, presumably as a result of boundary effects. In other experiments, in which the piston moved inward, causing compression of the model, sills also formed. However, these were thicker than in static models and some of them were subject to folding or faulting. For experiments, in which we imposed some horizontal shortening, before the wax had started to melt, fore-thrusts and back-thrusts developed across all of the layers near the piston, producing a high-angle prism. In contrast, as soon as the wax melted, overpressure developed within the source layer and a basal detachment appeared beneath it. As a result, thin-skinned thrusts propagated further into the model, producing a low-angle prism. In some experiments, bodies of wax formed imbricate zones within the source layer.Thus, in these experiments, it was the transformation, from solid wax to liquid wax, which led to chemical compaction, overpressure development and hydraulic fracturing, all within a closed system. According to the measurements of overpressure, load transfer was the main mechanism, but volume changes also contributed, producing supra-lithostatic overpressure and therefore tensile failure of the mixture.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the utilization of 2D basin models to address overpressure development due to compaction disequilibrium in supra-allochthonous salt mini-basins with very high sedimentation rates in the Gulf of Mexico. By properly selecting 2D line sections with moderate stratigraphic resolution, it is possible to predict timing of overpressure development and approximate present-day overpressure distributions in the mini-basin. This study shows that even low resolution models with approximate information on the net-to-gross (sand:shale ratio) can average ±0.4 ppg with a maximum error of 1.0 ppg relative to pressure measurements in sandstones. The models based on age, depth, approximate lithology and an interpretation of complicated salt movement are adequate to evaluate pressure to address issues around trap containment and may be used for preliminary well planning. This study tested the results of overpressure prediction utilizing different stratigraphic resolutions and shows the sensitivity of overpressure modeling to 2D line selection. Also, three models were built to investigate how the permeability of salt welds affects overpressure development in an adjacent salt mini-basin. These results indicate that even a salt weld permeability reduction of 1.5 log mD results in a pressure difference between neighboring mini-basins. Additionally, these models qualitatively reproduced the seismic velocity volume which is supporting evidence that the salt welds in this mini-basin are at least partially sealing.  相似文献   

Natural fractures observed within the Lower Jurassic shales of the Cleveland Basin show evidence that pore pressure must have exceeded the lithostatic pressure in order to initiate horizontal fractures observed in cliff sections. Other field localities do not show horizontal fracturing, indicating lower pore pressures there. Deriving the burial history of the basin from outcrop, VR and heat-flow data gives values of sedimentation rates and periods of depositional hiatus which can be used to assess the porosity and pore pressure evolution within the shales. This gives us our estimate of overpressure caused by disequilibrium compaction alone, of 11 MPa, not sufficient to initiate horizontal fractures. However, as the thermal information shows us that temperatures were in excess of 95 °C, secondary overpressure mechanisms such as clay diagenesis and hydrocarbon generation occurred, contributing an extra 11 MPa of overpressure. The remaining 8.5 MPa of overpressure required to initiate horizontal fractures was caused by fluid expansion due to hydrocarbon generation and tectonic compression related to Alpine orogenic and Atlantic opening events. Where horizontal fractures are not present within the Lower Jurassic shales, overpressure was unable to build up as high due to proximity to the lateral draining of pressure within the Dogger Formation. The palaeopressure reconstruction techniques used within this study give a quick assessment of the pressure history of a basin and help to identify shales which may currently have enhanced permeability due to naturally-occurring hydraulic fractures.  相似文献   

Regional extension which initiates and promotes the rise of salt diapirs can also make diapirs fall once the supply of salt from its source is restricted. New observations on the 3D seismic data from a salt diapir in the Sørvestsnaget Basin suggest that salt moves until the end of the Eocene and is subtle to minor readjustments afterwards, revealing a more complex kinematics that previously described. Observations such as salt horns and sags and an antithetic fault linked to the western flank of the diapir suggest that salt syn-kinematics during Middle-Late Eocene included passive rising of the salt, followed by a fall. The salt horns are remnants of a taller salt diapir that, together with the indentation of the Middle-Late Eocene syn-kinematic sediment overburden above the salt, indicate diapiric fall due to restriction of salt supply by extension. Post-kinematic readjustments did not include diapiric reactivation by tectonic compression as previously thought, but minor salt rise by shortening due to gravity gliding after the tilting of the margin during Plio-Pleistocene glacial sediment loading and differential compaction of surrounding sediments. The salt diapir appears to be presently inactive and salt supply may have been restricted from its source already since Late Eocene.  相似文献   

Various studies have demonstrated the intrinsic interrelationship between tectonics and sedimentation in salt-related rift basins during extension as well as during their inversion by compression. Here, we present seven brittle–ductile analogue models to show that the longitudinal or transverse progradation of sediment filling an elongate extensional basin has a substantial impact on the growth of diapirs and their lateral geometrical variations. We use five extensional models to reveal how these prograding systems triggered diapir growth variations, from proximal to distal areas, relative to the sedimentary source. In the models, continuous passive diapir walls developed, after a short period of reactive–active diapiric activity, during syn-extensional homogeneous deposition. In contrast, non-rectilinear diapir walls grew during longitudinal prograding sedimentation. Both longitudinal and transverse post-extensional progradation triggered well-developed passive diapirs in the proximal domains, whereas incipient reactive–active diapirs, incipient roller-like diapirs, or poorly developed diapirs were generated in the distal domains, depending on the modelled sedimentary pattern. Two models included final phases of 6% and 10% shortening associated with basin inversion by compression, respectively, to discriminate compressional from purely extensional geometries. With the applied shortening, the outward flanks of existing diapir walls steepened their dips from 8°–17° to 30°–50°. Likewise, 6% of shortening narrowed the diapir walls by 32%–72%, with their fully closing (salt welds) with 10% of shortening. We compare our results with the distribution of salt walls and minibasins of the Central High Atlas diapiric basin in Morocco, which was infilled with a longitudinally prograding mixed siliciclastic and carbonatic depositional sequence during the Early–Middle Jurassic with a minimum thicknesses of 2.5–4.0 km.  相似文献   

We compare an evolutionary with a static approach for modeling stress and deformation around a salt diapir; we show that the two approaches predict different stress histories and very different strains within adjacent wall rocks. Near the base of a rising salt diapir, significantly higher shear stresses develop when the evolutionary analysis is used. In addition, the static approach is not able to capture the decrease in the hoop stress caused by the circumferential diapir expansion, nor the increase in the horizontal stress caused by the rise of the diapir. Hence, only the evolutionary approach is able to predict a sudden decrease in the fracture gradient and identify areas of borehole instability near salt. Furthermore, the evolutionary model predicts strains an order of magnitude higher than the strains within the static model. More importantly, the evolutionary model shows significant shearing in the horizontal plane as a result of radial shortening accompanied by an almost-equivalent hoop extension. The evolutionary analysis is performed with ELFEN, and the static analysis with ABAQUS. We model the sediments using a poro-elastoplastic model. Overall, our results highlight the ability of forward evolutionary modeling to capture the stress history of mudrocks close to salt diapirs, which is essential for estimating the present strength and anisotropic characteristics of these sediments.  相似文献   

We model the evolution of a salt diapir during sedimentation and study how deposition and salt movement affect stresses close to the diapir. We model the salt as a solid visco-plastic material and the sediments as a poro-elastoplastic material, using a generalized Modified Cam Clay model. The salt flows because ongoing sedimentation increases the average density within the overburden sediments, pressurizing the salt. Stresses rotate near a salt diapir, such that the maximum principal stress is perpendicular to the contact with the salt. The minimum principal stress is in the circumferential direction, and drops near the salt. The mean stress increases near the upper parts of the diapir, leading to a porosity that is lower than predicted for uniaxial burial at the same depth. We built this axisymmetric model within the large-strain finite-element program Elfen. Our results highlight the fact that forward modeling can provide a detailed understanding of the stress history of mudrocks close to salt diapirs; such an understanding is critical for predicting stress, porosity, and pore pressure in salt systems.  相似文献   

The complex fluvial sandstones of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation are the host reservoir for a number of high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) fields in the Central Graben, North Sea. All the reservoir sandstones in this study comprise of fine-grained to medium-grained sub-arkosic to arkosic sandstones that have experienced broadly similar burial and diagenetic histories to their present-day maximum burial depths. Despite similar diagenetic histories, the fluvial reservoirs show major variations in reservoir quality and preserved porosity. Reservoir quality varies from excellent with anomalously high porosities of up to 35% at burial depth of >3500 m below seafloor to non-economic with porosities <10% at burial depth of 4300 m below seafloor.This study has combined detailed petrographic analyses, core analysis and pressure history modelling to assess the impact of differing vertical effective stresses (VES) and high pore fluid pressures (up to 80 MPa) on reservoir quality. It has been recognised that fluvial channel sandstones of the Skagerrak Formation in the UK sector have experienced significantly less mechanical compaction than their equivalents in the Norwegian sector. This difference in mechanical compaction has had a significant impact upon reservoir quality, even though the presence of chlorite grain coatings inhibited macroquartz cement overgrowths across all Skagerrak Formation reservoirs. The onset of overpressure started once the overlying Chalk seal was buried deeply enough to form a permeability barrier to fluid escape. It is the cumulative effect of varying amounts of overpressure and its effect on the VES history that is key to determining the reservoir quality of these channelised sandstone units. The results are consistent with a model where vertical effective stress affects both the compaction state and subsequent quartz cementation of the reservoirs.  相似文献   

The Kuqa Foreland Basin (KFB) immediately south of the South Tianshan Mountains is a major hydrocarbon producing basin in west China. The Kelasu Thrust Belt in the basin is the most favorable zone for hydrocarbon accumulations. Widespread overpressures are present in both the Cretaceous and Paleogene reservoirs with pressure coefficients up to 2.1. The tectonic compression process in KFB resulted from the South Tianshan Mountains uplift is examined from the viewpoint of the overpressure generation and evolution in the Kelasu Thrust Belt. The overpressure evolution in the reservoir sandstones were reconstructed through fluid inclusion analysis combined with PVT and basin modeling. Overpressures at present day in the mudstone units in the Kelasu Thrust Belt and reservoir sandstones of the Dabei Gas Field and the Keshen zone are believed to have been generated by horizontal tectonic compression. Both disequilibrium compaction and horizontal tectonic compression are thought to contribute to the overpressure development at present day in the reservoir of the Kela-2 Gas Field with the reservoir sandstones showing anomalously high primary porosities and low densities from wireline log and core data. The overpressure evolution for the Cretaceous reservoir sandstone in the Kelasu Thrust Belt evolved through four stages: a normal hydrostatic pressure (>12–5 Ma), a rapidly increasing overpressure (∼5–3 Ma), an overpressure release (∼3–1.64 Ma) and overpressure preservation (∼1.64–0 Ma). Overpressure developed in the second stage (∼5–3 Ma) was generated by disequilibrium compaction as tectonic compression due to the uplift of the Tianshan Mountains acted at the northern monocline of KFB from 5 Ma to 3 Ma, which provided abundant sediments for the KFB and caused the anomalously high sedimentation rate during the N2k deposition. From 3 Ma to 1.64 Ma, the action of tectonic compression extended from the northern monocline to the Kelasu Thrust Belt and returned to the northern monocline of KFB from 1.64 Ma to present day. Therefore, the horizontal tectonic compression was the dominant overpressure mechanism for the overpressure generation in the third stage (∼3–1.64 Ma) and overpressure caused by disequilibrium compaction from 5 Ma to 3 Ma was only preserved in the Kela-2 Gas Field until present day.  相似文献   

Pore pressure prediction is needed for drilling deepwater wildcats in the Sea of Japan because it is known from past experience that there can be drilling problems can arise due to overpressure at shallow depths. The “Joetsu Basin” area is located offshore to the southwest of Sado Island on the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan. The sedimentary succession of the Neogene is mainly composed of turbidite sediments which contained smectite-rich mudstones. The cause of overpressure in the study area is expected to be a combination of mechanical disequilibrium compaction and chemical compaction, especially from the illitization of smectite.We have constructed basin models and performed numerical simulations by using 1D and 3D PetroMod to understand clearly the history of fluid flow and overpressure development in the lower Pliocene Shiya Formation and Middle to Upper Miocene Teradomari Formations. A compaction model coupled with both mechanical and chemical compaction for smectite-rich sediments is used for pore pressure calibration. We have examined three key relationships: porosity-effective stress, porosity-permeability, and the kinetics of smectite-illite transformation. We determined the ranges for the parameter values in those relationships that allow a good fit between measured and modelled pore pressures to be obtained. Results showed that for the most likely case, high pore pressure in the Lower and Upper Teradomari developed since 8.5 Ma and 5.5 Ma, respectively. Pore pressures in studied structures have approximately doubled since 1 Ma due to the high deposition rate of the Pleistocene Haizume Formation and smectite-illite transformation in the lower Pliocene-Shiya and Middle to Upper Miocene- Lower and Upperr Teradomari formations. In three cases (high case, most likely case and low case), the overpressures in the Shiya, Upper and Lower Teradomari Formations are less than 1 MPa, 15 and 30 Ma, respectively.The results provide a basis for planning future wells in the “Joetsu Basin” area and in other basins where geological conditions are similar, i.e., deepwater, high sedimentation rate, high geothermal gradient and smectite-rich sediments.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the full present-day stress tensor and pore pressure has significant applications in the exploration and production of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. The Darling Basin of New South Wales, Australia, is an old sedimentary basin (Late Cambrian/Silurian to Early Carboniferous) in which there was limited information about the present-day stress field prior to this study. In this paper we evaluate the contemporary stress field of the Darling Basin using a dataset from recent exploration wells and perform a geomechanical risk assessment with respect to borehole stability, fracture/fault generation and reactivation. Our interpretations of borehole failures in borehole image logs reveal a prevailing east-west orientation of the maximum horizontal stress throughout the Darling Basin. The estimates of the magnitudes for the vertical, minimum and maximum horizontal stress in the studied wells indicate a transition between thrust and strike-slip faulting stress regime at 600–700 m depths, where the magnitude of vertical stress and minimum horizontal stress are close to each other. However, the presence of borehole breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures, that we observe in the image logs at greater depths (900–2100 m) indicate a transition into a strike-slip tectonic stress regime below a depth range of approximately 700–900 m. These findings are in agreement with overcoring stress measurements east and west of the investigated wells. Furthermore, there are several Neogene-to-Recent geological structures in the study area that indicate thrust faulting with an east-west oriented maximum horizontal stress orientation around this old sedimentary basin. The consistency between the orientation of maximum horizontal stress determined from wellbore data and neotectonic structures is significant, and implies that horizontal stress orientations derived from very recent geological features may be valuable inputs to geomechanical models in the absence of wellbore or other data. However, the recent surface geological structures suggest a thrust faulting stress regime that is in slight contrast to the transition between thrust and strike-slip stress regime (SH > Sh ∼ Sv) indicated by petroleum data, and highlights a potential pitfall of using neotectonic structures in geomechanical models. In particular, careful attention and verification should be made when using neotectonic structures for input, calibration or confirmation of geomechanical models, especially in intraplate tectonic settings such as Australia.  相似文献   

Regional extension of a brittle overburden and underlying salt causes differential loading that is thought to initiate the rise of reactive diapirs below and through regions of thin overburden. We present a modern example of a large salt diapir in the Dead Sea pull-apart basin, the Lisan diapir, which we believe was formed during the Quaternary due to basin transtension and subsidence. Using newly released seismic data that are correlated to several deep wells, we determine the size of the diapir to be 13×10 km, its maximum depth 7.2 km, and its roof 125 m below the surface. From seismic stratigraphy, we infer that the diapir started rising during the early to middle Pleistocene as this section of the basin underwent rapid subsidence and significant extension of the overburden. During the middle to late Pleistocene, the diapir pierced through the extensionally thinned overburden, as indicated by rim synclines, which attest to rapid salt withdrawal from the surrounding regions. Slight positive topography above the diapir and shallow folded horizons indicate that it is still rising intermittently. The smaller Sedom diapir, exposed along the western bounding fault of the basin is presently rising and forms a 200 m-high ridge. Its initiation is explained by localized E–W extension due monoclinal draping over the edge of a rapidly subsiding basin during the early to middle Pleistocene, and its continued rise by lateral squeezing due to continued rotation of the Amazyahu diagonal fault.  相似文献   

Diagenetically altered mudstones compact mechanically and chemically. Consequently, their normal compaction trends depend upon their temperature history as well as on the maximum effective stress they have experienced. A further complication is that mudstones are commonly overpressured where clay diagenesis occurs, preventing direct observation of the hydrostatic normal compaction trend. A popular way to estimate pore pressure in these circumstances is to calculate the sonic normal compaction trend in a well with a known pressure–depth profile by applying Eaton's method in reverse, and then to estimate pore pressure in offset wells using Eaton's method conventionally. We tested this procedure for Cretaceous mudstones at Haltenbanken. The results were inconsistent because the sonic log responds differently to disequilibrium compaction overpressure and unloading overpressure, and their relative contributions vary across the basin. In theory, a two-step method using the density and sonic logs could estimate the contributions to overpressure from disequilibrium compaction and unloading. The normal compaction trend for density should be the normal compaction trend at the maximum effective stress the mudstones have experienced, not at hydrostatic effective stress. We advocate the Budge-Fudge approach as a starting point for pore pressure estimation in diagenetically altered mudstones, a two-step method that requires geological input to help estimate the overpressure contribution from disequilibrium compaction. In principle, the Budge-Fudge approach could be used to estimate the normal compaction trend for mudstones at the maximum effective stress they have experienced, and so form the basis of the full two-step method through the use of offset wells. Our initial efforts to implement the full two-step method in this way at Haltenbanken produced inconsistent results with fluctuations in estimated pore pressure reflecting some of the fluctuations in the density logs. We suspect that variations in the mineralogical composition of the mudstones are responsible.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the in situ, or contemporary stress field is vital for planning optimum orientations of deviated and horizontal wells, reservoir characterization and a better understanding of geodynamic processes and their effects on basin evolution.This study provides the first documented analysis of in situ stress and pore pressure fields in the sedimentary formations of the Cuu Long and Nam Con Son Basins, offshore Vietnam, based on data from petroleum exploration and production wells.In the Cuu Long Basin, the maximum horizontal stress is mainly oriented in NNW–SSE to N–S in the northern part and central high. In the Nam Con Son Basin, the maximum horizontal stress is mainly oriented in NE–SW in the northern part and to N–S in the central part of the basin.The magnitude of the vertical stress has a gradient of approximately 22.2 MPa/km at 3500 m depth. Minimum horizontal stress magnitude is approximately 61% of the vertical stress magnitude in normally pressured sequences.The effect of pore pressure change on horizontal stress magnitudes was estimated from pore pressure and fracture tests data in depleted zone caused by fluid production, and an average pore pressure–stress coupling ratio (ΔShPp) obtained was 0.66. The minimum horizontal stress magnitude approaches the vertical stress magnitude in overpressured zones of the Nam Con Son Basin, suggesting that an isotropic or strike-slip faulting stress regime may exist in the deeper overpressured sequences.  相似文献   

The vertical or lithostatic stress is an important factor in tectonic and geomechanical studies and is commonly used in the prediction of pore pressures and fracture gradients. However, the vertical stress is not always calculated in situ and the approximation of 1.0 psi/ft (22.63 MPa/km) is often used for the vertical stress gradient. Vertical stress has been determined in 24 fields in the Baram Basin, Brunei, using density log and checkshot velocity survey data. The Baram Basin shows a variation in vertical stress gradient between 18.3 and 24.3 MPa/km at 1500 m depth below the surface. This variation has a significant effect on in situ stress related issues in field development such as wellbore stability and fracture stimulation. The variation is caused by a bulk rock density change of 2.48–2.07 g/cm3 from the hinterland of the delta to its front. Differential uplift and erosion of the delta hinterland and undercompaction associated with overpressure are the interpreted causes of the density and hence vertical stress variation.  相似文献   

南黄海盆地地质演化及构造样式地震解释   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
南黄海盆地奠基于前南华纪变质基底之上,盆地演化历经南华纪—早、中三叠世海相地层发育期、晚白垩世—古近纪箕状断陷发育期和新近纪—第四纪坳陷发育期,为一典型地台—断陷-坳陷多层结构的复合盆地。受不同时期地质营力及区域应力场变化的影响,南黄海盆地形成多种构造样式,可分为伸展构造、挤压构造、反转构造和底辟构造4类,前3类构造样式是地壳水平运动的结果,后一类是地壳垂直运动的结果。  相似文献   

Overpressure generation is a function of the rates of sedimentation, compaction, fluid generation from kerogen and dehydration of minerals, and most importantly the lateral distribution of permeability within a basin as this controls lateral drainage. Sedimentary basins, however, are typically highly heterogeneous with respect to primary sedimentary facies, diagenesis and tectonic development. While fluid flow models based on idealised homogeneous basins may further our understanding of the processes that influence overpressure development, the results are very sensitive to the distribution of rock properties, particularly permeability. The absolute permeability of sedimentary rocks varies from more than 1 Darcy to less than 0.01 nanodarcy (nD) (10−11 Darcy).  相似文献   

Differences in fluids origin, creation of overpressure and migration are compared for end member Neogene fold and thrust environments: the deepwater region offshore Brunei (shale detachment), and the onshore, arid Central Basin of Iran (salt detachment). Variations in overpressure mechanism arise from a) the availability of water trapped in pore-space during early burial (deepwater marine environment vs arid, continental environment), and b) the depth/temperature at which mechanical compaction becomes a secondary effect and chemical processes start to dominate overpressure development. Chemical reactions associated with smectite rich mud rocks in Iran occur shallow (∼1900 m, smectite to illite transformation) causing load-transfer related (moderate) overpressures, whereas mechanical compaction and inflationary overpressures dominate smectite poor mud rocks offshore Brunei. The basal detachment in deepwater Brunei generally lies below temperatures of about 150 °C, where chemical processes and metagenesis are inferred to drive overpressure development. Overall the deepwater Brunei system is very water rich, and multiple opportunities for overpressure generation and fluid leakage have occurred throughout the growth of the anticlines. The result is a wide variety of fluid migration pathways and structures from deep to shallow levels (particularly mud dykes, sills, laccoliths, volcanoes and pipes, fluid escape pipes, crestal normal faults, thrust faults) and widespread inflationary-type overpressure. In the Central Basin the near surface environment is water limited. Mechanical and chemical compaction led to moderate overpressure development above the Upper Red Formation evaporites. Only below thick Early Miocene evaporites have near lithostatic overpressures developed in carbonates and marls affected by a wide range of overpressure mechanisms. Fluid leakage episodes across the evaporites have either been very few or absent in most areas. Locations where leakage can episodically occur (e.g. detaching thrusts, deep normal faults, salt welds) are sparse. However, in both Iran and Brunei crestal normal faults play an important role in the transmission of fluids in the upper regions of folds.  相似文献   

This study describes a new type of pockmark association from the Lower Congo Basin offshore West Africa, consisting of up to 8 stacked paleopockmarks separated by intervals of drape and onlap fill. The stacked paleopockmarks occur within the depocentres of polygonally-faulted Plio-Pleistocene sediments and are distributed evenly in the downslope parts of two salt mini-basins. The majority of the stacked pockmarks initiated synchronously in the late Pliocene (~ 3 Ma) with a subordinate initiation phase in the mid Pliocene (~ 4 Ma). The primary agents in pockmark formation are interpreted to be pore water expelled during early-stage compaction together with biogenic methane. Bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) associated with free gas overlain by gas hydrates are currently found in the area. It is speculated that biogenic methane accumulated within and below a clathrate cap, which was repeatedly breached, forming pockmarks at discrete horizons separated by intervals of draping sedimentation. The mid and late Pliocene pockmark initiations appear to coincide with sea-level falls following periods of relatively stable highstand conditions. Several subsequent pockmark horizons may similarly correlate with subsequent sea-level falls during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. The stacked paleopockmarks are completely surrounded by polygonal faults and consistently occur within polygonal fault cells that crosscut the succession containing the stacked pockmarks. Early-stage compaction and dewatering of the Pliocene sediments thus preceded polygonal faulting, providing a constraint on the conditions leading to polygonal faulting of the fine-grained host sediments. The relationship documented here is interpreted as due to the presence of a hydrate cap in the Plio-Pleistocene mini-basins which may have retarded the normal compaction processes and facilitated pockmark formation by allowing the build up of gas hydrate and free gas in the basin centres. The relative timing and spatial relationships implies that fluids expelled due to polygonal faulting were not implicated in pockmark formation in this area.  相似文献   

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