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In the salinity affected lower Atrai floodplain aquifer in the NW Bangladesh, geoelectric resistivity survey and hydrochemical analysis are carried out with an aim to identify fresh and saline groundwater zones; investigate the status of salinity; evaluate hydrochemical processes involved and suggest management approaches for irrigation. Here a two-fold aquifer system, inter-layered by silt, clay and silty-clay aquitard and aquiclude is classified as: upper aquifer — spatially affected by salinity of varying degrees; and lower aquifer — generally characterized by high salinity. The aquifer with resistivity values greater than 69 Ωm is safe for irrigation use. Concentrations of major ions vary as: Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+ and HCO3>Cl>NO3>SO4 2?. Groundwater is dominated by Na-Ca to Ca-Na, HCO3-Cl-SO4, Cl-SO4-HCO3 and Cl-SO4 2? facies where Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2?, HCO3 ?, Cl? and NO3 2? ion concentrations are statistically dominant and water is of Ca-Mg, HCO3-SO4-Cl and NO3 types. Geochemically, groundwater is hard and saline to fresh water type. Salinity increases with depth, but spatially towards the southern part. Groundwater quality is a product of water-rock interaction, direct mixing and marine spraying, or fall-out of airborne marine salts, where silicate weathering is the primary source of bivalent cations. Sediment provenance of alkaline earth silicates and higher concentrations of alkalis are derived from sources other than precipitation. In general partially or fully salinity affected upper and lower aquifers in the area except in its eastern part are not suitable for tubewell irrigation. As groundwater demand for irrigation is increasing, the saline water has progressively invaded relatively fresher parts of the aquifer by upconning. So, special salinity control management approaches can be adopted through engineering techniques such as groundwater abstraction optimization, as also through scientific behavioral approaches like groundwater demand management, salt tolerant crops production. In this context, surface water conservation and rain water harvesting for domestic and irrigational uses are recommended in the salinity affected area.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical and environmental isotope methods were used to characterize the groundwater quality in ten wells belonging to the Euphrates alluvial aquifer in Syria, with the aim to assess the origin and dynamic of groundwater salinization in this system. The Euphrates River (ER) water along its entire course in Syria is rather fresh (TDS < 0.5 g/L), and thus, it is suitable for drinking and irrigation purposes. Groundwater salinity progressively increases from north to south, changing from almost freshwater (TDS < 0.6 g/L), with a Ca–Mg and HCO3 type near the Syrian–Turkish border to brackish water (1 < TDS < 3 g/L), with a Ca–Mg or Na–Ca–Mg and SO4–HCO3 type in the vicinity of Al-Raqqa, and hence it can safely be used for irrigation. Downstream Deir-Ezzor the groundwater quality becomes fairly saline to very saline (3 < TDS < 29 g/L), with a Na–Cl type, and therefore it has an absolute hazard (SAR > 5) for irrigation uses. This pattern of chemical evolution, which is also clearly reflected in the variations of groundwater ionic ratios, completely agrees with the thermodynamic simulation results obtained by an experimental evaporation essay of a water sample taken from the ER near Deir-Ezzor. Stable isotopes permit the distinction between three main evaporation processes: under high, intermediate and low humidity conditions. Radioisotopes (3H and 14C) indicate the recent age and renewability of groundwater in this aquifer and confirm that its origin is entirely belonged to the ER water, either by direct bilateral interconnection or by vertical infiltration of the irrigation water totally taken from the ER. Relationships between major ions and δ18O values of the groundwater allow to differentiate between two main enrichment processes: either evaporation only or evaporation plus dissolution, that can explain altogether the development of groundwater salinity in such a dry area.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological and hydrochemical study was conducted on a shallow alluvial aquifer, Wadi Wajj, in western Saudi Arabia to assess the influence of protection measures on groundwater quality. The hydrochemistry was assessed up-gradient and down-gradient from potential contamination sources in the main city in dry and wet seasons prior to and after the installation of major drainage and wastewater facilities. Wadi Wajj is an unconfined aquifer where water is stored and transmitted through fractured and weathered bedrock and the overlying alluvial sediments. Natural recharge to the aquifer is about 5% of rainfall-runoff. Hydrochemistry of the aquifer shows temporal and seasonal changes as influenced by protection measures and rainfall runoff. Both groundwater and runoff showed similar chemical signature, which is mostly of chloride-sulfate-bicarbonate and sodium-calcium type. Groundwater downstream of the city, though of poorer quality than upstream, showed significant improvement after the installation of a concrete runoff tunnel and a wastewater treatment plant. Concentrations of many of the groundwater quality indicators (e.g., TDS, coliform bacteria, and nitrate) exceed US Environmental Protection Agency drinking-water standards. Heavy metal content is, however, within allowable limits by local and international standards. The chemical analyses also suggest the strong influence of stream runoff and sewage water on the groundwater quality.

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Résumé Une étude hydrogéologique et géochimique a été menée sur l’aquifère phréatique alluviale Wadi Wajj dans l’Ouest de l’Arabie Saoudite afin d’évaluer l’influence de mesures de protection sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine. L’hydrogéochimie de l’eau a été étudiée en amont et en aval de sources potentielles de contamination dans la ville principale, pendant les saisons sèches et humides, avant et après l’installation de réseaux majeurs de drainage et d’eaux usées. L’aquifère Wadi Wajj est libre, l’eau est stockée et s’écoule dans les sédiments alluviaux et dans le socle fracturé et altéré sous-jacent. La recharge naturelle de l’aquifère représente 5% des eaux de pluie et de ruissellement. L’hydrogéochimie de l’eau de l’aquifère montre que les changements saisonniers et temporaires sont influencés par les mesures de protection et par le ruissellement des eaux pluviales. L’eau souterraine et l’eau de ruissellement ont présenté le même faciès chimique, de type bicarbonatée-sulfatée-chlorée et calco-sodique. En aval de la ville, l’eau souterraine, bien que de moins bonne qualité qu’en amont, a présenté une nette amélioration après l’installation d’un système de récupération et d’une station de traitement des eaux usées. Les concentrations de plusieurs paramètres indicateurs de la qualité de l’eau (tels que la charge totale dissoute, les coliformes, et les nitrates) dépassent les normes de potabilité de l’eau de consommation de l’agence américaine de la protection de l’environnement. Les teneurs en métaux lourds en revanche n’excèdent pas les normes locales et internationales. Les analyses chimiques indiquent aussi l’influence importante de l’écoulement par ruissellement et des eaux usées sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine.

Resumen Un estudio hidrogeológico e hidroquímico fue hecho en un acuífero somero de Wadi Wajj, en Arabia Saudi oeste para evaluar la influecia de medidas de protección en la calidad del agua subterránea. La hidroquímica fue evaluada gradiente-arriba y gradiente-abajo de las fuentes potenciales de contaminación de la ciudad principal durante las estaciones seca y lluviosa, antes y después de la instalación de sistemas principales de drenaje y aguas servidas. Wadi Wajj es un acuífero no-confinado donde el agua es almacenada y transmitida a través de roca fracturada y meteorizada, y los sedimentos aluviales que le sobreyacen. La recarga natural del acuífero es de cerca del 5% de la precipitación-escorrentía. La hidroquímica del acuífero muestra cambios temporales y estacionales influenciados por las medidas de protección y la escorrentía de precipitación. Ambas, agua subterránea y escorrentía mostraron composición química similar, siendo mayoritariamente de tipos cloruro-sulfato-bicarbonato y sodio-calcio. El agua subterránea aguas arriba de la ciudad, aunque de calidad más pobre que aguas abajo, mostró significante mejoría después de la instalación de un tunel de concreto para escorrentía y una planta de tratamiento de aguas servidas. Las concentraciones de muchos de los indicadores de calidad de agua subterránea (e.g., STD, coliformes, y nitrato) exceden los estándares de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental USA para agua potable. El contenido de metales pesados está, sin embargo, dentro de los límites permisibles de los estándares locales e internacionales. Los análisis químicos también sugieren la fuerte influencia de la escorrentía y aguas residuales en la calidad del agua subterránea.

This study aims to characterise the hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of the Parmelia aquifer and to understand controls on recent water-level changes as these are needed to underpin a quantitative analysis of recharge. The Parmelia aquifer, a layered sequence of sand, silt and discontinuous lenses of clay, receives diffuse rainfall recharge on its outcrop and groundwater recharge occurs across the Dandaragan Plateau at different rates. Water levels have risen steadily over the last three decades between 10 and 55 cm/y in response to the replacement of native vegetation with pasture and annual crops. The mean aquifer properties from sediment analyses indicate a very wide range of porosity (8.9 – 49.5 %) with an arithmetic mean of 26% and consequently a very broad range of specific yield (0.0004 – 0.4) with an arithmetic mean of 0.14. Groundwater in the Parmelia aquifer has an underlying meteoric origin with compositional changes due to reactions with silicate minerals and leaching of chloride that has concentrated in the soil by evapotranspiration. The hydrochemistry sampled at different depths and locations in the aquifer indicates that the groundwater is not well mixed, and variations arise due to relatively recent recharge that has undergone evaporation in some areas.  相似文献   

The hydrochemical composition of surface water and groundwater is a key parameter for understanding the evolution of water and its quality.In particular, little is known about the impact of transferred water on surface water and groundwater.In this study, Baiyangdian Lake was selected as a typical area for extensive groundwater exploration and surface water transfer in the North China Plain.Surface water and groundwater samples were sampled in dry/wet seasons and then analyzed before/after the water transfer, respectively.Generally, surface water and groundwater are extensively hydrologically connected based on hydrochemical evidence.It was found that the hydrochemical composition of the shallow groundwater is affected by the surface water and that the water quality of the deep groundwater is stable.However, inter-aquifer recharge processes from the shallow groundwater to the deep groundwater existed in the anthropogenic region impacted with high nitrate-ion concentrations.Also, the hydrochemical composition of the surface water and groundwater was dominated by rock-weathering and evaporation-precipitation processes.Due to the existence of the deep vadose zone in the alluvial fan, Na~+was exchanged into soil matrices during the leakage of the surface water.In addition, the transferred water resulted in surface water with good quality, and it also played as an important recharge source to groundwater.As the most important water resource for irrigation and drinking, deep groundwater should be paid more attention in the alluvial fan with frequent water transfer and extensive groundwater exploration.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important natural resource used for drinking by many people around the world, especially in rural areas. In Tunisia, since the quantity and the quality of water available for different uses is variable from one place to another, groundwater quality in El Khairat deep aquifer was evaluated for its suitability for drinking purposes. To this end, an attempt has been made for the first time in order to determine spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters and to identify places with the best quality for drinking within the study area based on: (1) an integrated analysis of physical?Cchemical parameters, (2) use of Geographical Information System, and (3) Water Quality Index (WQI) calculation. The physical?Cchemical results were compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for drinking and public health, in order to have an overview of the present groundwater quality. According to the overall assessment of the basin, almost all the parameters analyzed are above the desirable limits of WHO. Using GIS contouring methods with Arcview 3.2a, spatial distribution maps of pH, TDS, EC, TH, Cl, HCO3, SO4, NO3, Ca, Mg, Na, and K have been created. The spatial analysis of groundwater quality patterns of the study area shows that the TDS value increases from north-west to south-east following the general trend of the Khairat aquifer flow direction. The spatial distribution map of TH shows that a majority of the groundwater samples falls in the very hard category. WQI was used to assess the suitability of groundwater from the study area for human consumption. From the WQI assessment, over 82% of the water samples fall within the ??Poor?? and ??Very poor?? categories, suggesting that groundwater from the south-eastern of the El Khairat deep aquifer is unsuitable for drinking purposes.  相似文献   

There is increasing realisation of the importance of groundwater–surface water (GW–SW) interactions in understanding freshwater ecology. A study that assessed the influence of local GW–SW interactions on shallow (<250 mm) hyporheic water quality at two contrasting salmon spawning locations in Scotland, UK is reported. At a groundwater-dominated site, continuous logging sensors revealed that hyporheic dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations changed rapidly in response to changing hydrological conditions. Low volume (25 ml) spot samples revealed fine-scale spatial variability (<0.05 m) consistent with a vertically shifting boundary layer between source waters. At a surface-water-dominated location, hyporheic water was typically characterised by high DO and electrical conductivity values, characteristic of surface water. Small reductions in DO at this site are hypothesised to be associated with short residence hyporheic discharge. A comparison between in-situ (logging DO sensor data) and ex-situ (small volume sampling) methods revealed good agreement, potentially allowing deployment of the two methods in stratified sampling programmes. This study demonstrates that hyporheic water quality varies over fine spatial and temporal scales and that future studies need to design sampling strategies that consider the scales appropriate to both the ecology and the hyporheic processes of interest.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to delineate the pollution vulnerability of the Quaternary aquifer in two areas, Imbaba and Shobra El-Khima, near Cairo, Egypt. Environmental isotopes combined with hydrochemistry were used for this purpose. The groundwater in the Imbaba area (average total dissolved solids about 900 mg/L; sodium/chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate water types) is more mineralized than groundwater in the Shobra El-Khima area (average total dissolved solids 500 mg/L; calcium and sodium/bicarbonate water type). A high nitrate content and significant mineralization in the groundwater are probably due to contamination of recharge to the aquifer by irrigation drainage, deteriorated sewage networks, and septic tanks. The deuterium and oxygen-18 compositions of the groundwater are depleted compared to Nile River water, which is the main source of aquifer recharge. This less isotopically enriched water probably represents older Nile water recharge that flooded the region before construction of the Aswan High Dam in 1963, or it is a mixture of a young water and originally deposited paleowater that was in deeper horizons at a time of cooler and more humid climate. Intensive pumping has moved the paleowater higher in the aquifer. Groundwater in the Shobra El-Khima area has higher residence time, based on the tritium concentration, than groundwater in the Imbaba area. The percentage of the isotopically depleted water equals 75% in the Shobra El-Khima and 35% in Imbaba, and the thickness of the clay cap above the aquifer is 38 m in Shobra El-Khima and 20 m in Imbaba. These factors are indicative of the rate of recharge to the aquifer and were used to evaluate the pollution vulnerability in the two areas. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Arsenic release from aquifers can be a major issue for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) schemes and understanding the processes that release and attenuate As during ASR is the first step towards managing this issue. This study utilised the first and fourth cycles of a full scale field trial to examine the fate of As within the injectant plume during all stages of the ASR cycle, and the resultant water quality. The average recovered As concentration was greater than the source concentration; by 0.19 μmol/L (14 μg As/L) in cycle 1 and by 0.34 μmol/L (25 μg As/L) in cycle 4, indicating that As was being released from the aquifer sediments during ASR and the extent of As mobilisation did not decline with subsequent cycles. In the injection phase, As mobilisation due to oxidation of reduced minerals was limited to an oxic zone in close proximity to the ASR well, while desorption from Fe oxyhydroxide or oxide surfaces by injected P occurred further in the near well zone (0–4 m from the ASR well). With further aquifer passage during injection and greater availability of sorption sites there was evidence of attenuation via adsorption to Fe oxyhydroxides which reduced concentrations on the outer fringes of the injectant plume. During the period of aquifer storage, microbial activity resulting from the injection of organic matter resulted in increased As mobility due to reductive Fe oxyhydroxide dissolution and the subsequent loss of sorption sites and partial reduction of As(V) to the more mobile As(III). A reduced zone directly around the ASR well produced the greatest As concentration and illustrated the importance of Fe oxyhydroxides for controlling As concentrations. Given the small spatial extent of this zone, this process had little effect on the overall recovered water quality.  相似文献   

Shallow aquifer vulnerability has been assessed using GIS-based DRASTIC model by incorporating the major geological and hydrogeological factors that affect and control the groundwater contamination in a granitic terrain. It provides a relative indication of aquifer vulnerability to the contamination. Further, it has been cross-verified with hydrochemical signatures such as total dissolved solids (TDS), \(\hbox {Cl}^{-},\, \hbox {HCO}_{3}^{-},\, \hbox {SO}_{4}^{2-}\) and \(\hbox {Cl}^{-}/\hbox {HCO}_{3}^{-}\) molar ratios. The results show four zones of aquifer vulnerability (i.e., negligible, low, moderate and high) based on the variation of DRASTIC Vulnerability Index (DVI) between 39 and 132. About 57% area in the central part is found moderately and highly contaminated due to the 80 functional tannery disposals and is more prone to groundwater aquifer vulnerability. The high range values of TDS (2304–39,100 mg/l); \(\hbox {Na}^{+}\)(239– 6,046 mg/l) and \(\hbox {Cl}^{-}\) (532–13,652 mg/l) are well correlated with the observed high vulnerable zones. The values of \(\hbox {Cl}^{-}/\hbox {HCO}_{3}^{-}\) (molar ratios: 1.4–106.8) in the high vulnerable zone obviously indicate deterioration of the aquifer due to contamination. Further cumulative probability distributions of these parameters indicate several threshold values which are able to demarcate the diverse vulnerability zones in granitic terrain.  相似文献   

 The release of metals during weathering has been studied in order to assess its geochemical controls and possible effects on environmental health in Bangladesh. A total of 27 soil samples and 7 surface water samples were collected from four locations covering three major regions in the country. Results show that weathering effects are a strong function of climatic conditions. Surface waters are typically enriched in Al, Mg, Ca, Na, K, As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. The solubility of metal ions, organometallic complexes, co-precipitation or co-existence with the colloidal clay fraction are the main processes that lead to metal enrichment in lake and reservoir water. Aluminium concentrations exceed World Health Organization (WHO) drinking-water standards in all samples, and in two regions, arsenic concentrations also significantly exceed WHO standards. The elevated levels of As indicate that arsenic contamination of water supplies in Bangladesh is not confined to groundwater. Received: 4 June 1999 · Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial characteristics of groundwater recharge in urban environments remain poorly understood. Depth-specific monitoring of groundwater quality in the Triassic Sandstone underlying the city of Nottingham, UK, indicates that contamination results primarily from sewage and atmospheric sources. The temporal and depth-specific characteristics of microbial and inorganic (e.g. nitrate, chloride, sulphate) contamination over the investigation period differ significantly and reflect the contrasting transport characteristics of surface-loaded solutes and particulate microbial species (bacteria and viruses) in the Triassic Sandstone. Differences result from a variety of factors, which include microbial die-off, dilution, and the contaminant-source characteristics. Observations in this study show that low levels of microbial contamination should be expected at depth in fissured sandstone due to aquifer heterogeneities such as fissuring and the occurrence of mudstone bands, though the magnitude of this contamination will vary over time. Furthermore, urban groundwater-protection measures based on solute-transport estimates may not be applicable to microbial contamination. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The chemical quality of groundwater of western Haryana, India was assessed for its suitability for drinking purposes. A total of 275 water samples were collected from deep aquifer based hand-pumps situated in 37 different villages/towns of Bhiwani region. The water samples were analyzed for different physico-chemical properties, e.g., pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total harness (TH), total alkalinity (TA), calcium, magnesium, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulphate, chloride and fluoride concentrations. In this study, the average TDS content was greater ranging 1,692 (Bhiwani block) to 2,560 mg l−1 (Siwani block), and other important parameters of water, e.g., TA (442–1,232 mg l−1), TH (437–864 mg l−1) and bicarbonate (554–672 mg l−1), were also higher than maximum permissible limit by WHO or BIS. The fluoride appeared as a major problem of safe drinking water in this region. We recorded greater fluoride concentration, i.e., 86.0 mg l−1 from Motipura village that is highest fluoride level ever recorded for Haryana state. The average fluoride concentration ranged between 7.1 and 0.8 mg l−1 in different blocks of western Haryana. On the basis of fluoride concentration, Siwani block showed the maximum number of water samples (84% of total collected samples) unsuitable for drinking purposes (containing fluoride >1.5 mg l−1) followed by Charki Dadri block (58%), Bhiwani block (52%), Bawani Khera block (33%) and Loharu block (14%). This study clearly suggest that some health deteriorating chemicals in drinking water were at dangerous level and; therefore, water quality could be a major health threat for local residents of western Haryana. The high fluoride level in drinking water has posed some serious dental health risks in local residents.  相似文献   

赵各庄矿14水平的提升高度为-1 200 m,而奥灰水头压力为11.76 MPa.通过研究赵各庄矿底板隔水层厚度及其阻隔水能力,讨论了充分利用有效隔水层,采用局部实施疏水降压开采等防治水技术的可能性;采用突水系数法及弹塑性力学分析法,论证了赵各庄矿深部带压开采煤炭资源的可行性.  相似文献   

Aquifer vulnerability and water quality were assessed in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca (Mexico) using the SINTACS method, based on a geographic information system. SINTACS layers were prepared using data such as climate (rainfall and temperature), water table, hydraulic conductivity, geology, soil type and topographic model. Maps for water quality index (WQI), contamination index and pollution sources index (PSI) were also obtained by this work. Groundwater quality in the Central Valleys may be affected by two factors, those with an anthropogenic origin and those with natural origin. High vulnerability values are located in the valleys of the basin, where granular sediments are exposed. Low vulnerability values are distributed in the basin??s ranges, where metamorphic rocks are found. Given that many of the zones with the highest groundwater vulnerability values correspond to zones with the greatest PSI values, there is great risk of groundwater contamination for the area of study because external (indicated by PSI) and internal (indicated by SINTACS) factors that cause pollution can be frequently observed in the same place. Geographic weighted regression (GWR) is used to test the dependency between WQI as dependent variable and SINTACS, PSI, Urban localities, Agriculture, Pastures and Rivers as predictors. The results indicate the non-stationary behavior of the dependent variable with respect to the predictors. While the obtained GWR models used to model WQI cannot be used in practical situations to predict the behavior of said variable, they can be used to estimate the degree to which the predictors influence the variable of interest.  相似文献   

We examined high frequency fluctuations in water quality parameters in two tropical coastal plain estuaries in response to changing tidal flow conditions. The variability in total suspended sediments (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations, and indicators of water quality, including pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen, over one spring tidal cycle during the early wet monsoon season was measured in two estuaries in eastern Sumatra. The relatively high rainfall experienced throughout the year, in combination with the recent extensive vegetation clearing and modification of the landscape, resulted in significant concentrations of TSS, VSS, and TOC being discharged to coastal waters. Maximum values are reached on the ebb tide (TSS > 1,013 mg l−1; VSS > 800 mg l−1; TOC >60 mg l−1). The influence of freshwater discharge and tidal flow on water properties of the lower estuaries is also marked by the variability in salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH over the tidal cycle, with minimum values for each of these parameters following maximum current velocities and after the completion of the strong ebb tide. Estimation of seaward sediment fluxes, which are of significant interest in a region where rapid environmental change is occurring, would require further examination of sedimentary processes, such as resuspension and advection of sediment, as well as a consideration of neap-spring tidal variations and the effect of seasonality on estuarine circulation.  相似文献   

Dissolved major ions and important heavy metals including total arsenic and iron were measured in groundwater from shallow (25–33 m) and deep (191–318 m) tube-wells in southeastern Bangladesh. These analyses are intended to help describe geochemical processes active in the aquifers and the source and release mechanism of arsenic in sediments for the Meghna Floodplain aquifer. The elevated Cl and higher proportions of Na+ relative to Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ in groundwater suggest the influence by a source of Na+ and Cl. Use of chemical fertilizers may cause higher concentrations of NH4+ and PO43− in shallow well samples. In general, most ions are positively correlated with Cl, with Na+ showing an especially strong correlation with Cl, indicating that these ions are derived from the same source of saline waters. The relationship between Cl/HCO3 ratios and Cl also shows mixing of fresh groundwater and seawater. Concentrations of dissolved HCO3 reflect the degree of water–rock interaction in groundwater systems and integrated microbial degradation of organic matter. Mn and Fe-oxyhydroxides are prominent in the clayey subsurface sediment and well known to be strong adsorbents of heavy metals including arsenic. All five shallow well samples had high arsenic concentration that exceeded WHO recommended limit for drinking water. Very low concentrations of SO42− and NO3 and high concentrations of dissolved Fe and PO43− and NH4+ ions support the reducing condition of subsurface aquifer. Arsenic concentrations demonstrate negative co-relation with the concentrations of SO42− and NO3 but correlate weakly with Mo, Fe concentrations and positively with those of P, PO43− and NH4+ ions.  相似文献   

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