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农业地质学是地质科学向农业拓展并交融渗透构建的一门新的边缘学科。其研究对象为农业地质背景、农业土壤地质以及促进农业发展的农用矿质养分。上世纪70年代,农业地质学逐步在我国兴起,起始主要集中在为农业服务的区域地质、区域水文地质、农药农肥矿产勘查等传统地质领域;80年代发展为以地层、岩石和地貌等农业背景条件为研究对象的农业地质背景(系统);90年代,随着我国建设可持续发展农业、  相似文献   

本报讯 林口县国土资源局立足实际,以实施基本农田土地整理项目为牵动,积极助推新农村建设,将为农业增效、农民增收提供耕地保障。  相似文献   

富裕县国土资源局以土地市场治理整顿为契机,从健全机制,完善制度和加强管理人手,大力推进土地集约利用,严格管理项目供地,不断优化土地利用结构,提高土地利用效益,促进了县域经济全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

象山县为严格土地管理,提高土地利用效率,对全县1999年至2005年所有转而未供项目进行清理,共清理出162只项目,总面积610.6978公顷(9160.5亩),分门别类采取措施,切实加快供地速度。一是加快所有转而未供项目供地速度。向所有项目用地单位发出《限期供地通知书》,限期办理用地手续。  相似文献   

针对现在城市盲目扩张,农村的土地以兴建度假村、开发区、科技农业为名被大量地“廉价”征用,导致农民失地、失业,有媒体称其为“新圈地运动”。  相似文献   

大庆市经营陛土地招标、拍卖、挂牌工作,以服务发展为第一要务,以节约集约用地为核心,以实现土地效益最大化为目标,坚持“统一规划、连片开发、总量控制、政府垄断、净地出让、招标拍卖”方针,建立供地有目录、用地有指标、交易有规则、市场有监管的管理机制,求真务实、脚踏实地、真抓实干,全力抓好土地出让工作,有力地促进了全市经济和社会的可持续发展。2003年以来,全市共招拍挂出让经营性用地54宗,面积346.7公顷,收取出让金6.79亿元。工作中的主要做法是:  相似文献   

畜禽饲养用地、设施农业用地和养殖水面用地被简称为“三项农用地”。“三项农用地”属于新的《土地分类》中,农用地二级地类中其他农用地八种三级地类中的三种用地类型。近年来,随着农业生产结构的调整和农业经营产业化、规模化、现代化的推进,以“三项农用地”为主的养殖用地面积迅速扩大,土地的产出效益也大大提高,已引起各级  相似文献   

介绍了基于大数据分析的临沂市国土资源转征供用动态监管系统的建设目标及系统框架,实现了国土资源的批、征、供、用、补、查全程管理,从"以台账管地"到"以图形管地"、"以数据管地"的转变,为领导决策提供辅助支持,为社会化信息服务提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

毛主席教导说:“农业的根本出路在于机械化”。全国农业学大寨会议确定要在一九八○年基本上实现农业机械化,这是一个激动人心的大事。会议又指出:各行各业要为普及大寨县作出贡献。我们教育事业同样要为渔业现代化服务。多用途电容量测量仪是应用电子技术为渔业生产服务的一个尝试。应用这一仪器的工作原理可以装成电容量测试仪,供渔村维修电台、广播设备等之用;稍加改装后,可以作为渔船舵角指示器、油箱液面指示器以及传令钟等用。在渔业公社台风站,可以装成风向仪、风速仪等。  相似文献   

台州市路桥区自新《土地管理法》实施,严格土地用途管制以来,经济发展速度快和发展空间狭窄,农转用速度快和土地供应速度慢的矛盾一直困扰着土地管理部门。为扭转供地落后局面,我局认真贯彻落实省国土资源厅《关于加快建设用地供给速度提高土地使用效率的意见》,开拓思路,狠抓供地工作。经过不懈努力,目前全区土地供应速度明显加快。2002年的供地率为67.5%,顺利完成了省市下达的该年度50%以上的供地考核任务。我们的做法主要有。  相似文献   

Agricultural innovation is important for the green transformation of agriculture. Based on the perspective of technology transformation, this paper builds a theoretical analysis framework and evaluation index system for green efficiency of agricultural innovation,and discusses the evolution laws and influencing factors of the green efficiency of China's agricultural innovation from 2005 to 2017 utilizing the DEA model, Malmquist index, and Tobit regression analysis. The results show that: 1) The overall green efficiency of China's agricultural innovation is not high, the green efficiency of agricultural innovation in eastern China is mainly driven by pure technical efficiency, while that in central and western China is mainly driven by the scale efficiency. The green efficiency of agricultural innovation shows significant spatial differences, and the low efficiency and relatively low-efficiency regions moved to central and southeastern China. 2) Technical progress is the main force affecting the change of green total factor productivity of China's agricultural innovation, seeing a trend of decrease followed by an increase. Pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency exhibit an increasing-decreasing trend, and gradually transform into key factors that restrict the improvement of the green total factor productivity of agricultural innovation. 3) Agricultural technologies' diffusion, absorption, and implementation are three influencing factors of the green efficiency of agricultural innovation. The local level of informatization, the number of agricultural technicians in enterprises and institutions, average education level of residents, and the level of agricultural mechanization have positive impacts on the promotion of the green efficiency of agricultural innovation, promoting the diffusion, absorption and implementation of agricultural innovation technology can significantly improve the green efficiency of agricultural innovation.  相似文献   

随着我国农业现代化发展,传统农业逐步向现代农业转变,尤其是近年来农村土地承包经营权流转进程加快,农业生产经营规模不断扩大,农业设施快速增加,势必要占用大量的农用地。因此,为适应现代农业发展需求,必须加强和完善设施农用地管理,防止以发展设施农业为名,滥占乱用土地,促进耕地保护和设施农业的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

蔬果农产品可追溯物流信息系统的构建与应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
蔬果农产品是人们生活的必需品,其安全问题关系着国计民生。北京2008年奥运会的食品安全问题引起各级政府的普遍关注。本文将蔬果物流过程与可追溯相结合,提出了可追溯物流的概念,并从技术层面对物流过程可追溯的实施进行了分析,提出了一个利用IC卡记录、存储蔬果物流信息的可追溯信息传递方案,并对系统原型进行了构建,最后以北京市数据为基础对系统进行了应用。实践证明,利用GIS技术辅助实现蔬果农产品物流过程的可追溯方案是高效可行的,它为我国建立可靠实用的质量跟踪和可追溯蔬果物流体系提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

China is a great agricultural country with large population,limited soil resources and traditional farming mode,so the central government has been attaching great importance to the development of agriculture and put forward a new agricultural technology revolution-the transformation from traditional agricultrure to modern agriculture and from exten-sive farming to intensive farming,Digital agriculture is the core of agricultural informatization.The enforcement of digital agriculture will greatly promote agricultural technology revolution.two agricultural transformations and its rapid develop-ment,and enhance China‘s competitive power after the entrance of WTO.To carry out digital agriculture,the frame sys-tem of digital agriculture is required to be studied in the first place,In accordance with the theory and technology of digi-tal earth and in combination with the agricultural reality of China,this artile outlines the frame system of digital agricul-ture and its main content and technology support.  相似文献   

Rural off-farm employment, rapid loss of agricultural land, and advanced technology popularization had led agricultural production in Chinese typical rural areas come at a critical transformation and upgrade stage. Based on sample survey data gathered from 401 households in Yucheng City, Shandong Province, this paper focuses on the characteristics and mechanism of agricultural transformation in typical rural areas of the eastern China. It was found that 74.3% of households surveyed kept at least one member engaging in off-farm employment, and 57.1% looked forward to expanding the operational scale of arable land, while just 13.7% had actually transferred their agricultural land. Since growing off-farm employment does not result in the collapse of traditional subsistence agriculture, therefore, agricultural production in Yucheng City is at an incomplete transformation phase from traditional small-holder farming to modern scale economy. It is caused by both macro environments and family characteristics, while urban-rural dual structure, imperfect rural development policy and agricultural technology popularization make peasant economy strengthen upon maintenance, and small-holder farming becomes peasant’s natural response owing to pluriactivity, local off-farm employment, reverse elimination, etc. In order to achieve smooth agricultural transformation of typical rural areas in the eastern China, it needs to promote professional differentiation among peasants, under clear policies adopted by central government. Providing comprehensive services for agricultural production and improving production skills and knowledge of farmers who are still living in the countryside will effectively stimulate the process of agricultural transformation.  相似文献   

Based on the provincial units evaluation,this paper makes an assessment for sustainable developing capability of the integrated agricultural regionalization in China.At first ,an index system of agricultural sustainable development in China is built up,which includes 5 supporting subsystems of agricultural resources,agricultural develop-ment ,environment and ecosystem,rural society,sciences-esucation and management.We selected 95 factors on provin-cial level as basic indexes.Second,a relative assets/debt assessing method is used to gain relative net assets values (relative superiority) of every provincial unit,which are as supporting data for assessment.We also overlaid the Administra-tive Divisions Map of China and the Map of Integrated Agricultural Regionalization of China by Geography Information Sys-tem(GIS) to gain the area units of assessment.Third,according to the relative coherence principle of regionalization,we transform administration units to natural units through homogenizing all provincial relative net assets values in every agricultural assessing unit.After making order and grade,we complete the sustainable developing capability assessment to integrated agricultural regionalization in China.The assessing outcome shows that the total sustainable agricultural devdelop-ing capability of China is not high.Only about 1/3 in number or in area has reached the level of agricultural sustainable development.The relative net assets values exists a reducing trend from East China to West China.It needs a long period and great efforts to realize sustainable agricultural development over all China.Finally,there is a discussion to the study method.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of agricultural informalization in the world, the demand of agricultural information has been a focus in the international agriculture and information fields. Based on the investigation, this paper presented the four characteristics of the demand of agricultural information in China, includingregionality, seasonality, great potential demand and variation in kind and level. The factors infuencing the demand of agricultural information were analyzed by the Optimized Less Square (OLS) method. The result shows that, of all factors influcing agricultural information demand, the most important one is economy, the second is facility of information pass, and knowledge and education of user, credit of agricultural information service system and production situation follow. Taking Jilin Province as an example, this article also elaborated the agricultural information demand status, and deduced the regression model of agricultural information demand and verified it by the survey in rural Jilin.  相似文献   

农产品质量溯源系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要针对传统农产品质量追溯系统存在的广度较窄、精度不细致等问题,依托"热带特色农产品溯源系统"项目,利用无线射频识别技术,设计并实现农产品质量溯源系统,给出农产品质量溯源系统总体架构以及主要设计流程,并对标签转换、数据同步等关键技术进行阐述。  相似文献   

Improving comprehensive agricultural productivity is an important measure to realize agricultural modernization.Based on the data from Jilin Statistical Yearbook,this study analyzed the spatial and temporal characteristics of comprehensive agricultural productivity discrepancy in the main agricultural production areas of Jilin Province,China.The comprehensive agricultural productivity of 25 county-level administrative units were evaluated by a comprehensive index system based on five aspects which included 20 indicators from 2004 to 2017.The pattern of the discrepancy was analyzed by the spatial differentiation indices and spatial convergence theory.The results were as follows:1) the overall comprehensive agricultural productivity was in a 'W-type' rising trend;2) the discrepancy was in'inverted W-type' trend;3) the spatial distribution characteristics were mainly discrete plaque and 'inverted V-type';4) the formation of differences was forced by a combination of internal and external driving forces.Our study demonstrates the effectiveness of rising agricultural productivity and the level of economic and social developments in different counties in Jilin Province.  相似文献   

对黄河下游第四系覆盖区的综合地质调查是山东省国土资源大调查的重点.根据该地区的地质情况,其调查内容主要包括土地资源调查、基础地质调查、农业地质调查、农业地质区划、农用矿产调查、水工环地质调查、旅游地质及城市地质调查.在调查过程中要力争解决国土资源调查评价与利用新技术和新方法过程中面临的新问题,建立国土资源调查与评价的综合体系,为黄河下游第四系覆盖区工农业生产提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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