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杜德文  孟宪伟  韩贻兵 《地质论评》2000,46(Z1):254-260
混合源沉积物中,各种物源物质的成分及其百分含量是地质研究的重要基础信息.本文提出用成分数据统计分析算法,分析处理沉积物样品的地球化学数据,定量提取沉积物中各物源端元的平均化学成分及其百分含量;将该方法用于已知端元成分和端元含量的实验样品数据,计算结果与实际非常吻合;将该方法用于某海区实测沉积物地球化学数据,成功地分离出了陆源、火山源、生物源物质成分和含量.该方法也适合于岩石学、环境污染研究等领域.  相似文献   

In the present work, we evaluated the origin of organic matter in the tropical estuarine-lagoon system of Mundaú–Manguaba, NE Brazil, by considering the bulk (organic carbon and chlorophyll-a) and lipidic (n-alcohols and sterols) composition of suspended particles. Water samples were collected in August 2006 from 24 stations covering the salinity gradient from the rivers down to the sea outlet. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) varied from 22.7 to 134.1 μg L−1 in the lagoons, indicating eutrophic to hypertrophic conditions at the time of sampling. The high correlation between Chl-a and phytol together with the molar C:N ratio indicated the presence of fresh and recently produced autochthonous particulate organic matter throughout the system, except for the river samples. The elevated concentrations of short-chain n-alcohols and phytosterols, mainly 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol, also corroborated the predominance of autochthonous organic matter in the lagoons but were generated by distinct sources: cianobacteria in the freshwater Manguaba lagoon and diatoms in the brackish Mundaú lagoon compartments. Input of terrestrial organic matter was only detected in the rivers themselves or at the upper river–lagoon interfaces. Coprostanol indicated contamination by sewage in Mundaú lagoon and in some rivers, but at lower levels when compared to other Brazilian coastal lagoons and estuaries.  相似文献   

洱海沉积物中有机质和DNA的分布特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
测定了洱海沉积物中有机碳、氮,提取了沉积物中的DNA。有机碳氮呈现相同的变化趋势降解主要发生在表层10cm;7cm前后氧化-还原条件变化,微生物电子受体改变,所以有机质的降解方式不同,出现不同的特征。利用分子生物学和地球化学相结合的方法,能更全面的认识和理解早期成岩过程。  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中有机质早期成岩矿化路径及其相对贡献   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
陆架边缘海沉积物是重要的生物地球化学反应器,海洋中90%以上的有机质沉积于此并在早期成岩作用过程中矿化.其矿化路径包括有氧呼吸、反硝化、锰氧化物还原、铁氧化物还原、SO4(-2)还原和CO2还原,并按生成自由能减少的顺序依次发生,构成理想的氧化还原序列.定量研究有机碳矿化路径及其对有机质矿化的相对贡献对揭示能量分配和碳...  相似文献   

Aerobic mineralisation of Corg in surface sedimentsof the deep (>2000 m water depth) eastern Mediterranean Sea has been quantified by analysis of detailedbox core Corg concentration versus depth profiles and the modelling environment for early diageneticproblems MEDIA. The reactive fraction comprises 60–80% of the total Corg reachingthe sediments and is largely oxidised within the surficial 10 cm. A non-reactive C orgfraction (GNR) dominates at depths >10 cm, and makes up20–40% of the total C org flux to the sediments. First-order rateconstants for decomposition of the reactive fraction calculated from theC org profiles range from 5.4 × 10-3 to8.0 × 10-3 y-1 to 8.0 × 10-3 y-1. Total mineralization rates in thesurface sediment are between 1.7 and 2.6 mol C cm-2 y-1 and thus are typical for oligotrophic, deep-seaenvironments. The low fluxes and rapid remineralisation of C org are accompanied by210Pbexcess surface mixed layers which are only 2 cm deep, among the thinnest reported for oxygenated marine sediments.Model results indicate a mismatch between the C org profiles and O2 microprofileswhich were measured onboard ship. This can be attributed to a combination of decompression artefactsaffecting onboard measurement of the O2 profiles or the leakage ofoxygen into the core during handling on deck. Furthermore, the used Db values, based on 210Pb, may not befully appropriate; calculations with higher Db values improve the O2 fits. The surficial sediment13C org values of -22 become less negative with increasing depth and decreasing C orgconcentrations. The major 13C change occurs in the top 3 to 4 cm and coincides with the interval weremost of the organic carbon oxidation takes place. This indicates that the reactive fractionof organic matter, commonly assumed to be marine, has a more negative 13C orgthan the refractory fraction, usually held to be terrestrial. Palaeoproductivity estimates calculated from thesediment data by means of literature algorithms yield low surface productivities(12–88 gC m-2 y-1), which are in good agreement with field measurements of primary productivity in otherstudies. Such values are, however, significantly lower than those indicated by recent productivitymaps of the area derived from satellite imagery (>100 gC m-2 y-1).  相似文献   

Isotopes have often been used to discern riverine subsidies to coastal food chains, but there are few direct measurements of nutritional quality of riverine particulates. We tested for nutritionally enriched organic matter in the Mississippi River suspended sediment and evidence for its delivery to Louisiana coastal sediments by measuring enzymatically hydrolysable amino acids (EHAA). Riverine suspended sediments contained EHAA concentrations of up to 5 mg g?1, higher than reported in any coastal sediment. Pigment concentrations indicated that EHAA in some river samples were dominated by phytoplankton, but many samples contained significant non-algal EHAA. Coastal sediments showed EHAA concentrations lower than riverine sediments but still higher than most reported shelf values. Incubation of riverine sediment showed losses of 28–34% of their EHAA over 6 days, similar to differences found between riverine and coastal sediments. EHAA concentrations decreased more rapidly than total nitrogen, indicating the relative lability of this pool of material in the studied region. These EHAA-enriched materials provide fuel for various coastal biota whose composition likely depends on factors such as disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

哈素海沉积物中氮和有机质的分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈丽丽  何江  吕昌伟  孙英 《沉积学报》2010,28(1):158-165
针对哈素海富营养化日趋严重的现实,系统开展了湖泊沉积物中不同形态氮及有机质的空间分布和污染特征研究。结果表明,表层沉积物中TN、Org N、NH+4 N及有机质的水平分布均表现经向分异特征,Org N的分布特征主导了TN的水平分布格局,有机质与TN具有强相关性。沉积柱芯中TN随深度增加而递减,有机质和Org N与TN的垂向分布相似,尽管 NH+4 N的垂直变化分异较大,但仍表现于表层富集的特点。Org N为表层沉积物和沉积柱芯中氮的主导形态,NH+4 N为无机氮的主导形态,成岩过程中,沉积物中TN只有极少部分在发生矿化。沉积物中有机质主要来源于湖中芦苇等大型挺水植物及陆源输入。哈素海表层沉积物的氮污染对底栖生物已经产生了严重的生态毒性效应,对底栖生物群落及整个水生生态系统构成了严重威胁。  相似文献   

Using some uranium deposits and recent U-bearing sediments as examples, it is shown that all U-bearing rocks are characterized by an association of organic matter and calcium phosphate, irrespective of the quantitative relationship between these components. A considerable proportion of these components was delivered into sediments with remains of marine planktonic and nektonic organisms. Along with organic matter, calcium phosphate played a significant role in uranium concentration. This is related to a high sorption ability of the calcium phosphate. Uranium accumulated during diagenesis as a result of diffusion exchange between bottom and interstitial waters. The combination of anoxic bottom environment with high bioproductivity in upper aerated waters, a typical phenomenon in oceanic upwelling zones, is the most favorable factor of uranium concentration in the sedimentary process. This determines the stable paragenetic association of organic matter, phosphorus, and uranium in marine sediments, such as black shales and organogenic phosphate deposits.  相似文献   

基于AMS14C测年、有机碳、氮含量及其同位素等指标分析,探讨了冲绳海槽中南部OKT-3孔末次冰消期以来沉积物有机质来源及其对古海洋环境演化的响应。结果显示,OKT-3孔沉积物中有机质主要由中国大陆和中国台湾等陆源有机质,以及海洋自生有机质组成。末次冰消期至全新世晚期(17.3~4 ka B.P.),中国大陆源有机质贡献逐渐下降,中国台湾源有机质贡献逐渐上升,表明海平面变化、黑潮变动是该阶段有机质来源的主要控制因素。4~1.5 ka期间,陆源有机质供给变化趋势与黑潮变动不一致,表明该时期陆源输入非黑潮单一控制,还可能受季风降雨等变化影响。值得注意的是,OKT-3孔海源有机质贡献在B-A和PB时期高、YD时期低,与北太平洋地区的生产力变化相似,反映了北太平洋中层水(NPIW)对海水表层生产力的控制作用,NPIW是连通冲绳海槽与北太平洋的重要纽带。  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic data for the uppermost 1.2 m of the sediments of the central Santa Monica Basin plain were examined to better understand organic matter deposition and recycling at this site. Isotopic signatures (Δ14C and δ13C) of methane (CH4) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) indicate the occurrence of anaerobic oxidation of CH4 that is fueled by CH4 supplied from a relict reservoir that is decoupled from local organic carbon (Corg) degradation and methanogenesis. This finding was corroborated by a flux budget of pore-water solutes across the basal horizon of the profile. Together these results provide a plausible explanation for the anomalously low ratio between alkalinity production and sulfate consumption reported for these sediments over two decades ago. Shifts in Δ14C and δ13C signatures of Corg have previously been reported across the 20-cm depth horizon for this site and attributed to a transition from oxic to anoxic bottom water that occurred ~350 years BP. However, we show that this horizon also coincides with a boundary between the base of a hemipelagic mud section and the top of a turbidite interval, complicating the interpretation of organic geochemical data across this boundary. Radiocarbon signatures of DIC diffusing upward into surface sediments indicate that remineralization at depth is supported by relatively 14C-enriched Corg within the sedimentary matrix. While the exact nature of this Corg is unclear, possible sources are hemipelagic mud sections that were buried rapidly under thick turbidites, and 14C-rich moieties dispersed within Corg-poor turbidite sections.  相似文献   

There are various types of Organic Matter (OM) in marine sediments, and it is of great significance to accurately estimate the source of them. The methods used in most researches include element ratio (C/N), stable isotopes (δ13C) and biomarkers (BIT), all of which are used for the whole sample as objects and calculated by end-member of terrestrial and marine source OM, respectively. However, OM is preserved in different ways, such as on its own recalcitrance or combining with inorganic minerals. Preservation differences make their respective parameter values change. After differential sedimentary by gravity or other factors,different preservation types of OM are enriched or dispersed, making some parameters distorted and even meaningless in some areas. Therefore, the parameters of OM measured by the whole sample are influenced by the source of OM and the way of deposition and preservation. Therefore, it is unreliable to use these parameters to study the source of OM without considering the way of preservation. Based on this, this paper put forward a method of particle separation to separate the sediment in different propertied and preservation types. According to the composition and characteristics of the OM at the specific grain level, the corresponding index and end-members value were used to calculate more accurate proportion of the OM. It is of profound significance to understand the production, aggregation, occurrence, migration and deposition of OM and its evolution in the entire carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were sampled from Xiamen Western Bay at five sites during the summer and winter of 2006 and Hg–Au microelectrodes were used to make on board measurements of the concentration gradients of dissolved oxygen, Mn2+, and Fe2+ within the sediments. The O2 concentrations decreased sharply from about 200 μmol L−1 in the bottom seawater to zero within a depth of a few millimeters into the sediment. Dissolved Mn2+ was detected below the oxic zones with peak concentrations up to 600 μmol L−1, whereas dissolved Fe2+ had peak concentrations up to 1,000 μmol L−1 in deeper layers. The elemental contents of organic carbon and nitrogen within the sediments were analyzed and their C/N ratios were in the range of 9.0 to 10.1, indicative of heavy terrestrial origin. Sediments from two sites near municipal wastewater discharge outlets had higher organic contents than those from the other sites. These high organic contents corresponded to shallow O2 penetration depths, high dissolved Mn2+ and Fe2+ concentrations, and negative redox potentials within the sediments. This indicated that the high organic matter content had promoted microbial respiration within the sediments. Overall, the organic content did not show any appreciable decrease with increasing sediment depths, so a quadratic polynomial function was used to fit the curve of O2 profiles within the sediments. Based on the O2 profiles, O2 fluxes across the seawater and sediment interface were estimated to be in the range 6.07 to 14.9 mmol m−2 day−1, and organic carbon consumption rates within the surface sediments were estimated to be in the range 3.3 to 20.8 mgC cm−3 a−1. The case demonstrated that biogeochemistry within the sediments of the bay was very sensitive to human activities such as sewage discharge.  相似文献   

Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) is one of important ocean color factors. In the background of “Jiangsu Coastal Development”, it is important to monitor the water quality and pollution status of coastal waters by analyzing its spatial and temporal distribution characteristics with remote sensing data. This paper was based on the high temporal resolution of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) image downloaded from Korea Ocean Satellite Center. The temporal-spatial distribution of CDOM in Jiangsu coastal waters was analyzed on daily, weekly and monthly time scales from April, 2011 to May, 2016. CDOM in Jiangsu coastal waters are mainly terrigenous, and higher inshore than that of offshore. The monthly average concentration of CDOM in the western coast of the South Yellow Sea was 0.167~0.201 m-1, and those of central and southern regions were 0.086~0.187m-1. The maximum values were outside the maximum turbidity zone of the Yangtze River Estuary, which was 0.180~0.206 m-1 (absorption coefficient at 440 nm). The diurnal variation of CDOM in near shore waters was found to coincide with the change of tide, which decreased at first and then increased in the sea area. By fitting the monthly mean using cosine function, significantly cyclical variation of mean CDOM was found in the South Yellow Sea. The central region of the South Yellow Sea waters fitting coefficient was 0.823. Affected by the Yellow Sea cold water mass, the sub-regions of the South Yellow Sea changed seasonally, whose CDOM concentration in winter and spring was higher than that in summer and autumn. Because of Changjiang Diluted Water and other water masses, seasonal variation of the Yangtze River Estuary was contrary to that of the South Yellow Sea. On monthly scale, CDOM concentration was positively correlated with total suspended matter, with correlation coefficient r being 0.72. The trend of the central and southern region was more significant.  相似文献   

High sedimentation rates along river-dominated margins make these systems important repositories for organic carbon derived from both allochthonous and autochthonous sources. Using elemental carbon/nitrogen ratios, molecular biomarker (lignin phenol), and stable carbon isotopic (bulk and compound-specific) analyses, this study examined the sources of organic carbon to the Louisiana shelf within one of the primary dispersive pathways of the Mississippi River. Surface sediment samples were collected from stations across the inner, mid, and outer Louisiana shelf, within the Mississippi River plume region, during two cruises in the spring and fall of 2000. Lignin biomarker data showed spatial patterns in terrestrial source plant materials within the river plume, such that sediments near the mouth of the Mississippi River were comparatively less degraded and richer in C4 plant carbon than those found at mid-depth regions of the shelf. A molecular and stable isotope-based mixing model defining riverine, marsh, and marine organic carbon suggested that the highest organic carbon inputs to the shelf in spring were from marine sources (55?C61% marine organic carbon), while riverine organic carbon was the highest (63%) in fall, likely due to lower inputs of marine organic carbon at this time compared with the spring season. This model also indicated that marsh inputs, ranging from 19 to 34% and 3?C15% of the organic carbon in spring and fall, respectively, were significantly more important sources of organic carbon on the inner Louisiana shelf than previously suggested. Finally, we propose that the decomposition of terrestrial-derived organic carbon (from the river and local wetlands sources) in mobile muds may serve as a largely unexplored additional source of oxygen-consuming organic carbon in hypoxic bottom waters of the Louisiana shelf.  相似文献   

南黄海中部表层沉积物有机质分布与分子组成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析南黄海中部501个站位表层沉积物通沉积物有机质、粒度及常量元素特征,了解有机质分布特征及影响因素,并进一步对其中64个站位的进行气相色谱(GC-FID)分析,探讨有机质分子组成。分析表明:南黄海中部总有机碳受水动力影响呈分布西低东高分布,总有机碳与Al2O3含量中值粒径依次相关特性;正构烷烃组成表明有机质主要来源于陆源高等植物,海洋浮游藻类贡献次之,陆源植物中草本植物与木本植物贡献相当,类异戊二烯烃反映了短链正构烷烃明显海洋还原沉积环境;常量元素与正构烷烃参数综合分析表明,南黄海中部陆源有机质主要来自于现代黄河、苏北古黄河输入,体现无机-有机综合分析对有机质物源判断;部分样品具有明显石油源输入特征,细菌对沉积物有机质贡献普遍存在。  相似文献   

林清  王国尚 《冰川冻土》1999,21(3):220-224
青藏高原清水河冻结湖相沉积有机质以内源为主并保存较好;钻孔50 ̄400cm深度样品中有机质组成特征参数具有相同的变化趋势,可溶有机质/有机碳和烷烃/非烃分别为5% ̄13%和0.2 ̄0.5,这些比值作为指示水生高等植物和浮游生物对总有机质的贡献大小的指标,可用以指示古湖泊水深的相对变化。  相似文献   

藏南白垩系黑-红层沉积岩有机质组成分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对藏南江孜县床得剖面白垩系黑层和红层沉积岩进行的有机地球化学研究表明,黑层有机碳含量高于红层5~10倍,红层和黑层饱和烃主峰碳数分别为nC25和nC23;黑层和红层沉积有机质的母质来源都以水生植物和菌藻类等低等生物为主,陆源有机质的输入非常有限;但饱和烃的分布和主峰碳数的差异可能反映了有机母源物质在种群方面的差异,而这种差异可能主要是水体温度存在差异造成的,即红层发育时期水体温度可能高于黑层沉积时期.而在高温度条件下,水生生物和陆生植物的生长发育受到限制,造成原始有机质产率和有机质沉积保存量低可能是红层沉积岩形成的主要原因.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of spatial and temporal fluctuations are different in shaping natural communities in a tropical coastal/estuarine system. Understanding how coastal communities respond to these fluctuations is still equivocal, and thus, available data are rare. Here, multiple analytical approaches were used to identify key spatial and temporal factors, and to quantify their relative roles in shaping a macrobenthic community through space (contamination degree, physical parameters, and sediment characteristics) and time (climatic factors, season, and year). A dataset of eight sampling times was analyzed over a period of 2 years, in which macrobenthic species abundances were sampled. A total of 33 species were identified, including 18 bivalves, 5 gastropods, and 4 crustaceans. The other taxa were less diverse. The results show that there were no significant temporal changes of macrobenthic community structure, but spatial changes were significant and synchronized with environmental factors (i.e., sediment characteristics, water depth, and the distance from anthropogenic sources). This study demonstrates that spatial factors played a primary role in structuring of macrobenthic assemblages, whereas the influence of temporal factors appeared less across geographically distinct sites. Thus, temporal variation of a coastal macrobenthic community appears to be controlled by partly different processes at different scales.  相似文献   

Sulfide Inhibition of Nitrate Removal in Coastal Sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microbial nitrate (NO3) removal via denitrification (DNF) at high sulfide (H2S) concentrations was compared in sediment from a coastal freshwater pond in a developed area that receives salt-water influx during storm events, and a saline pond proximal to an undeveloped estuary. Sediments were incubated with added SO42− (1,000 μg per gram dry weight basis (gdw)) to determine whether acid volatile sulfides (AVS) were formed. DNF in the sediments was measured with NO3–N (300 μg gdw−1) alone, and with NO3–N and H2S (1,000 μg S2− gdw−1). SO42− addition to the freshwater sediments resulted in AVS formation (970 ± 307 μg S gdw−1) similar to the wetland with no added SO42− (986 ± 156 μg S gdw−1). DNF rates measured with no added H2S were greater in the freshwater than the wetland site (10.6 ± 0.6 vs. 6.4 ± 0.1 μg N2O–N gdw−1 h−1, respectively). High H2S concentrations retained NH4–N in the undeveloped wetland and retained NO3–N in the developed freshwater site, suggesting that potential salt-water influx may reduce the ability of the freshwater sediments to remove NO3–N.  相似文献   

山东半岛海岸带面临着各类复杂的环境问题,尤其是受到了多环芳烃(PAHs)等持久性有机物的污染,本文研究了整个山东半岛典型海岸带62个站点表层沉积物中PAHs的含量及其分布特征,并对其来源和潜在风险进行解析与评价。研究表明,该地区表层沉积物中16种PAHs总含量为0.06~3191.40 ng/g(平均值262.08 ng/g),与国内外海岸带相比,山东半岛海岸带表层沉积物中PAHs整体污染状况处于较低水平,但个别站点的PAHs含量偏高。运用特征比值法、相关性分析及主成分分析法解析研究区PAHs主要来源为木柴、煤炭、油类的燃烧以及油类泄露的联合作用。采用效应区间低值法(ERL)和中值法(ERM)对PAHs进行生态风险评价,结果表明莱州湾周边所有站点及威海、青岛周边个别站点苊、芴浓度位于ERL值与ERM值之间,但多数站点对生态环境潜在负面效应很小。山东半岛典型海岸带中PAHs对生物的毒副作用尚在安全可控范围内,极少对生态环境产生负面效应。  相似文献   

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