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We present new high-dispersion spectroscopic data for the Be star ε Cap. The purpose of these data is to study the short-period line profile variations. By using a two-dimensional period-finding technique, we confirm that the photometric period of 0.99 d is present in the helium line profiles. We show that the variations are not easily explained by non-radial pulsation and suggest that corotating circumstellar material is responsible.  相似文献   

We present the results of a multisite spectroscopic and photometric campaign on the Be star ω Orionis. From the photometry and radial velocity variation of several spectral lines, we confirm that the star is a variable with period     . Only one period can be extracted from both the photometric and radial velocity observations. We find that the projected rotational velocity from the helium lines     is considerably smaller than from the metal lines     . The line profiles show an excess absorption feature moving from blue to red for half the period and from red to blue for the other half of the period. Another excess absorption feature moves exactly out of phase. The excess absorption features are present in photospheric lines as well as in lines which are significantly affected by circumstellar material, such as H β . From this we conclude that the periodic variations are most probably associated with corotating circumstellar material.  相似文献   

We present three seasons of photometric observations and one season of intensive high-dispersion spectroscopic observations of the Be star λ Eridani. We show that only one period,   P =0.70173 d  , is present in the photometry, although there are large light amplitude variations from season to season. We confirm a suspicion that light outbursts repeat at intervals of about 475 d. A total of 348 echelle spectra of the star were obtained over a 2-week observing run. We show that the periodic variations are present in the emission wings of the helium lines, in the emission wings of the H α line and in the absorption cores of H β and H γ . Together with the fact that the periodic variations appear outside the projected rotational velocity limit, this indicates that they are associated with circumstellar material immediately above the photosphere and supports the idea of corotating gas clouds. We present evidence in support of a true rotational period of  2 P =1.40346 d  and suggest that the mass loss in Be stars is caused by centrifugal magnetic acceleration.  相似文献   

We analyse a series of line profile observations of the He  i 6678 line in ζ Oph. A period analysis on these data using the mode and moments of the line profile confirms the two previously known periods. We describe a new method of mode identification for pulsating stars in which the calculated profiles are directly fitted to observed profiles. The method yields the full set of pulsational parameters including the spherical harmonic degree, ℓ, and azimuthal number, m . Application of the method to these data confirms the mode identifications previously suggested for the two periodicities. We find that the derived pulsational parameters are physically realistic and conclude that non-radial pulsation is the most likely explanation for the travelling subfeatures. However, a unique mode identification is still not possible – several non-sectorial modes fit the data as well as the usually adopted sectorial identifications. The predicted photometric amplitudes are in good accord with upper limits derived from photometric observations. We conclude that ζ Oph is a star in the β Cep instability strip in which two modes of high degree (probably ℓ=4 and ℓ=8) are excited. We present an interpretation of these findings in which the cause of the low-order line profile and light variations in periodic Be stars is corotating photospheric clouds, while the travelling subfeatures are incidental to the Be phenomenon and are a result of non-radial pulsation.  相似文献   

Papers published in recent years have contributed to resolve the enigma of the hypothetical Be nature of the hot pulsating star β Cephei. This star shows variable emission in the Hα line, typical for Be stars, but its projected rotational velocity is very much lower than the critical limit, contrary to what is expected for a typical Be star. The emission has been attributed to the secondary component of the β Cephei spectroscopic binary system.
In this paper, using both our and archived spectra, we attempt to recover the Hα profile of the secondary component and to analyse its behaviour with time for a long period. To accomplish this task, we first derive the atmospheric parameters of the primary,   T eff= 24 000 ± 250 K  and  log  g = 3.91 ± 0.10  , and then we use these values to compute its synthetic Hα profile, and finally we reconstruct the secondary's profile disentangling the observed one.
The secondary's Hα profile shows the typical two-peak emission of a Be star with a strong variability. We also analysed the behaviour versus time of some linewidth parameters: equivalent width, ratio of blue to red peak intensities, full width at half-maximum, peak separation and radial velocity of the central depression.
The projected rotational velocity  ( v sin  i )  of the secondary and the dimension of the equatorial surrounding disc have also been estimated.  相似文献   

We have calculated the total flux emitted in H α , P α and Br α by the circumstellar envelope of both an early Be star, γ Cas, and a late Be star, 1 Delphini, assuming the central star is the only source of energy input into the circumstellar envelope. These estimates are based on the Be-star models of Millar & Marlborough which have self-consistent temperature distributions determined by equating the local rates of energy gain and energy loss in the envelopes. We find that an additional source of ionizing photons, as argued by Apparao, is not necessary to account for the observed emission.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectral data of the Fe  II 5318 Å line in the γ Doradus star HD 164615 are presented. These show systematic changes in the spectral lineshapes with the photometric period of 0.8133 d which are modelled using either non-radial pulsations or cool star-spots. The non-radial modes that can fit the lineshape changes have m degree of 2–4. However, only the m = 2 mode seems to be consistent with the amplitude of the radial velocity variations measured for this star. The star-spot model, although it can qualitatively fit the lineshape changes, is excluded as a possible hypothesis on the basis of (1) poorer fits to the observed spectral line profiles, (2) an inability to account for the large changes in the spectral linewidth as a function of phase, (3) a predicted radial velocity curve that looks qualitatively different from the observed one, and (4) a predicted photometric curve that is a factor of 5 larger than the observed light curve (and with the wrong qualitative shape). Finally, a 'Doppler image' (assuming cool spots) derived from a sequence of synthetic line profiles having non-radial pulsations results in an image that is almost identical to the Doppler image derived for HD 164615. These results provide strong evidence that non-radial pulsations are indeed the explanation for the variability of HD 164615 as well as the other γ Dor variables.  相似文献   

Lenorzer et al. introduce ratios of hydrogen infrared recombination lines as a diagnostic tool to constrain the spatial distribution and physical condition of circumstellar material around hot massive stars. They demonstrate that the observed line flux ratios Hu14/Brα and Hu14/Pfγ from different types of objects associated with circumstellar material, such as Be stars, B[e] stars, and Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) stars are well separated in a diagnostic diagram. In this paper, we investigate this diagnostic tool using a non-LTE disc code developed by Sigut & Jones focusing on Be discs. We find good agreement between the empirical and predicted locations of Be stars in the Hu14/Brα versus Hu14/Pfγ diagram and show that indeed this diagnostic tool can be used to constrain basic properties of the discs of these stars.  相似文献   

X-ray line-profile analysis has proved to be the most direct diagnostic of the kinematics and spatial distribution of the very hot plasma around O stars. The Doppler-broadened line profiles provide information about the velocity distribution of the hot plasma, while the wavelength-dependent attenuation across a line profile provides information about the absorption to the hot plasma, thus providing a strong constraint on its physical location. In this paper, we apply several analysis techniques to the emission lines in the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) spectrum of the late-O supergiant ζ Ori (O9.7 Ib), including the fitting of a simple line-profile model. We show that there is distinct evidence for blueshifts and profile asymmetry, as well as broadening in the X-ray emission lines of ζ Ori. These are the observational hallmarks of a wind-shock X-ray source, and the results for ζ Ori are very similar to those for the earlier O star, ζ Pup, which we have previously shown to be well fit by the same wind-shock line-profile model. The more subtle effects on the line-profile morphologies in ζ Ori, as compared to ζ Pup, are consistent with the somewhat lower density wind in this later O supergiant. In both stars, the wind optical depths required to explain the mildly asymmetric X-ray line profiles imply reductions in the effective opacity of nearly an order of magnitude, which may be explained by some combination of mass-loss rate reduction and large-scale clumping, with its associated porosity-based effects on radiation transfer. In the context of the recent reanalysis of the helium-like line intensity ratios in both ζ Ori and ζ Pup, and also in light of recent work questioning the published mass-loss rates in OB stars, these new results indicate that the X-ray emission from ζ Ori can be understood within the framework of the standard wind-shock scenario for hot stars.  相似文献   

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