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泳池式反应堆(简称泳池堆)是环境友好型的新型供热源,不同地基条件下反应堆厂房结构的地震响应是进行抗震设计的关键技术参考。以某堆型泳池式反应堆厂房为研究对象,基于ANSYS软件及UPFs的二次开发特点,建立考虑液晃效应的泳池堆-地基三维动力相互作用模型,其中,通过创建黏弹性边界单元来考虑散射波的能量耗散,采用Housner等效力学模型模拟动液压效应,从而开展不同地基对泳池堆厂房结构地震响应的影响分析。分析结果表明:当地基土的坚硬度、刚度逐渐减小时,泳池堆的地震响应变化明显,特别是由岩性地基逐渐变为土质地基时,结构的主应力和层间位移角逐渐增大,而加速度反应谱则逐渐减小。研究成果可为不同型号泳池堆的抗震设计提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

地铁车站多采用基于地下连续墙(简称:地连墙)的明挖施工方法,施工后地连墙作为永久结构与车站共同受力。在车站结构抗震分析中,考虑到地连墙可能对结构抗震的有利作用,出于安全储备考虑通常忽略地连墙的存在,但地连墙对车站结构地震响应的影响规律和机理仍有待深入研究。以某典型两层三跨地铁车站结构为对象,基于近场波动有限元方法并结合黏弹性人工边界条件,开展有无地连墙情况车站结构地震响应特性对比研究,揭示不同场地条件下地连墙对车站结构地震响应的影响规律,阐明地连墙的影响机理。研究结果表明:地连墙具有减小车站结构总体层间位移效应,有利于侧墙和底层中柱抗震,但同时放大了顶底板与侧墙连接处的弯矩和正应力;地连墙对结构顶层中柱端部及中跨中板板端的内力和正应力的影响与场地条件相关,坚硬和中硬场地条件下具有减小效应,软弱场地下略有增大作用。上述结构响应规律的原因可归结为地连墙增加了结构侧墙刚度,降低了结构整体侧向变形,但限制了侧墙的弯曲变形,导致结构顶底板与侧墙交接处的弯曲变形和内力增大。  相似文献   

以苏通长江公路大桥为研究对象,将斜拉索分成若干等长度的单元模拟斜拉索局部振动,以探讨其对结构地震响应的影响。计算结果表明:考虑斜拉索局部振动后,结构的自振频率变化较小;由于斜拉索基频与结构基频相近,斜拉索在地震动作用下,大幅振动,同时索—梁耦合振动明显,主梁和主塔内力降低,主塔根部弯矩明显减小。  相似文献   

为研究斜腿夹角对V形墩连续刚构桥地震响应的影响及合理斜腿夹角角度,以一座典型V形墩预应力混凝土连续刚构桥为研究对象,采用有限元分析方法研究了斜腿夹角θ对桥梁内力及位移的影响,得出了θ对结构地震响应的影响规律和变化曲线。研究结果表明:随着斜腿夹角的增加,在纵向地震力作用下,墩底纵向弯矩逐渐减小,墩顶和主梁墩顶支撑处纵向弯矩逐渐增大;在横向地震力作用下,跨中横向弯矩逐渐减小,墩底横向弯矩逐渐增大,墩顶横向弯矩基本不变;在竖向地震力作用下,墩底和墩顶竖向弯矩逐渐增大,主梁支撑处竖向弯矩逐渐减小;斜腿夹角对纵向或横向地震力作用下结构位移影响不大,对竖向地震力作用下的位移影响较大。在满足静力设计的前提下,当两斜腿夹角为90°时,结构地震响应相对较小,受力合理性最优。研究成果可为该类桥梁的抗震设计与斜腿夹角角度选取提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

填充墙具有显著的刚度和承载力贡献。建筑结构震害调查发现,不开洞横墙的破坏程度远小于开洞纵墙的破坏程度,从宏观现象可判断大部分多层建筑的破坏主要由结构纵向运动造成。为研究横墙在地震作用下的性能及其对结构整体动力响应的影响,以经受2021年5月21日云南漾濞6.4级地震震害的花椒园小学教学楼为研究对象,按当地抗震计算参数进行弹塑性时程分析。采用等效斜压杆模拟横向填充墙,设置无填充墙框架结构、带黏土砖墙的框架结构、带空心砖墙的框架结构和带加气混凝土砌块填充墙的框架结构模型,选取10组地震波横向输入。研究结果表明,4种结构自振周期均处于具有统计学意义的平台段,平均加速度响应较接近,质量和刚度变化不会使结构加速度产生规律的变化;受结构自重影响,无填充墙的框架结构底部剪力小于带填充墙的框架结构,带填充墙的框架结构位移远小于无填充墙的框架结构;带有多道不开洞横墙的多层框架结构的破坏主要是由结构纵向破坏引起的。  相似文献   

地质条件对隧道的地震响应的影响因素研究,目前已有较多研究者开展,但多数研究者关注单因素研究,但对多因素及各因素间相互作用关注较少.本文以华丽高速公路典型隧道为工程背景,将其抽象为数值算例,并基于正交设计及均匀设计等试验方法,分别研究地质条件中岩体的力学效应、应力状态效应、结构面的力学效应对隧道的影响.研究结果表明:对于...  相似文献   

高烈度区隧道洞口段地震响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皇民  高波  魏来 《地震研究》2008,31(2):180-185
在地震高烈度区,公路隧道有可能遭受严重震害,尤其是洞口段,为抗震薄弱区.采用FLAC3D软件,从土-结构相互作用模型出发,运用数值分析方法对隧道洞口段进行了动力时程分析.分析认为,在抗震设计中应重视隧道仰拱以及墙脚处于不利位置的情况,加强配筋;在施工中要充分重视围岩的作用,使其能与结构共同作用,减轻结构的损害.  相似文献   

韩鹏飞  隋孝民 《地震工程学报》2015,37(2):585-593,611
介绍基于性能抗震设计的核心理念,以支挡结构震害调查分析为背景,阐述开展高烈度区重力式挡墙基于性能抗震设计研究的必要性;构建重力式挡墙基于性能的抗震设计框架,归类分析现行规范与基于性能抗震设计的关键技术问题;依据支挡结构震害调查及大型振动台模型试验,提出位移指数可作为衡量挡墙抗震性能的量化指标,确定重力式挡墙基于性能抗震设计的性能准则及流程;经对比计算基于性能与规范抗震设计的挡墙算例,显示基于性能抗震设计的优越性,为高烈度区重力式挡墙基于性能抗震设计的工程应用提出建议。  相似文献   

地震动入射角度对地下结构地震响应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑土-结构接触面效应和场地初始静应力影响,基于大型商用有限元软件ANSYS和粘弹性人工边界条件,采用动力松弛法的分析思路,建立了一种地震动斜入射条件下地下结构的接触非线性动力反应分析模型和方法,并讨论了地震动入射角度对地下结构动力反应的影响。结果表明:地震波斜入射使得结构的整体反应发生明显变化;随着入射角度的增加,节点的水平向应力反应明显增大,竖向应力峰值较小,增大程度也相对较小;节点的位移峰值随输入加速度峰值的增大也有一定的变化。因此,在分析近源地震作用下的地下结构动力响应时,需要考虑地震动的非一致输入问题。  相似文献   

为研究地震波斜入射对高面板坝地震反应的影响,根据地震波动入射理论,采用FORTRAN进行波动荷载的编程计算,并与大型通用有限元软件ADINA相结合,实现基于黏弹性人工边界的地震波斜入射,研究P波和SV波分别以不同角度入射对高面板堆石坝地震反应的影响。结果表明,地震波斜入射时大坝地震动反应与垂直入射时明显不同,常规垂直入射的结果偏于不安全,因此在高面板坝地震反应分析和抗震设计中应考虑地震波斜入射的影响。  相似文献   

Parametric studies based on finite element simulations were conducted to establish the fundamental mechanisms by which tied-back walls respond to travelling displacement pulses. Considering first linear elastic soil behaviour, we observed that the flexural stiffness of the wall hardly affects maximum transient displacements. Rather, the transient response is determined mainly by the ratio of pulse wavelength to wall height. The maximum load carried by the anchor was found to increase with increasing anchor stiffness. For short wavelengths, on the order of less than two times the wall height, the maximum displacements and displaced shapes are affected significantly by the inclination of the anchor. The importance of the anchor stiffness suggested by the linear elastic analysis was confirmed by the non-linear analysis. A stiff anchor suppressed permanent displacements in the vicinity of the anchor, but did not substantially reduce permanent displacements elsewhere. As peak accelerations increased from 0.1 g to 0.4 g, permanent wall displacements increased significantly.  相似文献   

While limiting-equilibrium Mononobe–Okabe type solutions are still widely used in designing rigid gravity and flexible cantilever retaining walls against earthquakes, elasticity-based solutions have been given a new impetus following the analytical work of Veletsos and Younan [23]. The present paper develops a more general finite-element method of solution, the results of which are shown to be in agreement with the available analytical results for the distribution of dynamic earth pressures on rigid and flexible walls. The method is then employed to further investigate parametrically the effects of flexural wall rigidity and the rocking base compliance. Both homogeneous and inhomogeneous retained soil is considered, while a second soil layer is introduced as the foundation of the retaining system. The results confirm the approximate convergence between Mononobe–Okabe and elasticity-based solutions for structurally or rotationally flexible walls. At the same time they show the beneficial effect of soil inhomogeneity and that wave propagation in the underlying foundation layer may have an effect that cannot be simply accounted for with an appropriate rocking spring at the base.  相似文献   

Seismic stability of retaining walls with surcharge   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The use of pseudo-static methods for the computation of soil thrust acting on retaining walls under seismic condition is well established in the design of such structures. Although different methods, based on the limited displacement concept, have been developed in the last 20 years, the most common design method is still the method derived from the theory developed by Mononobe and Okabe. However, the Mononobe–Okabe method presents a basic shortcoming: the solution is based on the limit equilibrium of the soil wedge without taking into account the presence of the wall. In the paper a new solution based on the pseudo-static equilibrium of the soil–wall system is presented. The developed solution takes into account the effect of the presence of the wall and it is applied to soil–wall systems with surcharged backfills. Formulas are provided to calculate directly the yield acceleration and the inclination of the failure surface. The effect of the intensity of the surcharge and of its distance from the wall is investigated and the results are compared to those obtained in the case of soil–wall systems without surcharge.  相似文献   

Seismic stability analysis of gravity retaining walls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new approach based on the category of upper bound theorem of limit analysis is presented in this study to consider the seismic stability of gravity retaining walls. The retaining wall and the backfill soil were taken as a whole system. For a translational failure mechanism assumed, formulas are provided to calculate directly the yield acceleration and the inclination of the failure surface. An example is shown to illustrate the method. Comparisons are made with limit equilibrium method, and the results are found consistent. Based on a limited parametric study, it is shown that the wall roughness has remarkable influence on the yield acceleration.  相似文献   

The static and seismic sliding limit equilibrium condition of retaining walls is investigated, and analytical solutions for the angle of the active slip surface, the critical acceleration coefficient and the coefficient of active earth pressure are provided for different surcharge conditions. In particular, walls retaining a horizontal backfill without surcharge, walls supporting an extended uniform surcharge applied at different distances from the wall and walls supporting a limited uniform surcharge or linear uniform surcharge parallel to the wall are considered in the analysis.The solutions have been derived in the framework of the limit equilibrium approach, considering the effect of the wall through its weight, and accounting for the shear resistance at the base of the wall and the inertia force arising in the wall under seismic conditions.For the wall without surcharge the effect of the vertical component of the seismic acceleration as well as the effects of the inclination of the wall internal face and of the soil–wall friction were also investigated.The angle of the slip plane, the critical seismic acceleration coefficient and the coefficient of active earth pressure are given as functions of dimensionless parameters and the boundary conditions for the applicability of each solution are specified. The influence of soil weight, surcharge conditions and inertia forces on the active earth pressure coefficient is analysed.  相似文献   

In this study, a validated Finite Element procedure was used to investigate the similarities and differences of seismic performances between single- and multi-tiered reinforced soil walls. Three-tiered walls at a total height of 9 m were analyzed together with vertical walls at the same height. It was found from the Finite Element analyses that the resonant frequency of reinforced soil walls might increase with an increase in the tier-offset. The multi-tiered configuration could considerably reduce the residual lateral facing displacement and the average reinforcement load, and the reinforcement load distribution with height was different from that in vertical walls. With the same reinforcement length and spacing, the multi-tiered walls resulted in smaller reinforcement connection loads with the facing blocks. The study filled the gap of seismic behavior of multi-tiered reinforced soil retaining walls and revealed a few unique dynamic properties of this type of earth structures.  相似文献   

At present, methods based on allowable displacements are frequently used in the seismic design of earth retaining structures. However, these procedures ignore both the foundation soil deformability and the seismic amplification of the soil placed behind the retaining wall. Thus, they are not able to predict neither a rotational failure mechanism nor seismic induced lateral displacements with an acceptable degree of accuracy for the most general case. In this paper, a series of 2D finite-element analyses were carried out to study the seismic behavior of gravity retaining walls on normally consolidated granular soils. Chilean strong-motion records were applied at the bedrock level. An advanced non-linear constitutive model was used to represent both the backfill and foundation soil behavior. This elastoplastic model takes into account both the stress dependency of soil stiffness and coupling between shear and volumetric strains. In unloading–reloading cycles, the non-linear shear-modulus reduction with shear strain amplitude is considered. Interface elements were used to model soil–structure interaction. Routine-design charts were derived from the numerical analyses to predict the lateral movements at the base and top of gravity retaining walls located at sites with similar seismic characteristics to the Chilean subduction zone. Thus, wall seismic rotation can also be obtained. The developed charts consider wall dimensions, granular soil properties, bedrock depth, and seismic input motion characteristics. As shown, the proposed charts match well with available experimental data.  相似文献   

地震诱发的海啸对沿海围护结构的破坏具有强度大的特点。滨水挡土墙作为重要的围护结构,海啸与地震的联合作用极易造成其发生绕墙踵的被动破坏。采用条分法,将土楔体分割成无数平行于破裂面的刚性土条,并建立绕墙踵转动的挡墙与刚性土条之间的速度容许场。基于极限上限理论,依据外力做功功率等于其内能耗散功率,推导了地震加速度系数的表达式。与经典极限平衡理论相比,该方法考虑了挡墙的位移模式,且无需假设地震土压力的作用位置。分析了浪高与海平面高度之比,内摩擦角φ及墙土摩擦角δ对滨水挡土墙稳定性的影响。  相似文献   

Knowledge of seismic active earth pressure behind rigid retaining wall is very important. Commonly used Mononobe–Okabe method considers pseudo-static approach, which gives the linear distribution of seismic earth force. In this paper, the pseudo-dynamic approach, which considers the effect of primary and shear wave propagations, is adopted to calculate the seismic active force. Considering the planar rupture surface, the effect of wide range of parameters like inclination of retaining wall, inclination of backfill surface, wall friction and soil friction angle, shear wave and primary wave velocity, horizontal and vertical seismic coefficients are taken into account to evaluate the seismic active force. Results are presented in terms of seismic coefficients in tabular form and variation of pressure along the depth.  相似文献   

Observations from recent earthquakes show that retaining structures with non-liquefiable backfills perform extremely well; in fact, damage or failures related to seismic earth pressures are rare. The seismic response of a 6-m-high braced basement and a 6-m free-standing cantilever wall retaining a compacted low plasticity clay was studied in a series of centrifuge tests. The models were built at a 1/36 scale and instrumented with accelerometers, strain gages and pressure sensors to monitor their response. The experimental data show that the seismic earth pressure on walls increases linearly with the free-field PGA and that the earth pressures increase approximately linearly with depth, where the resultant acts near 0.33 H above the footing as opposed to 0.5–0.6 H, which is suggested by most current design methods. The current data suggest that traditional limit equilibrium methods yield overly conservative earth pressures in areas with ground accelerations up to 0.4g.  相似文献   

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