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The early Jurassic Dashipo-Heishantuo batholith in Beijing, which consists of the Dashipo hornblende-biotite syenite and Heishantuo granite, exposed in the western Yanshan orogenic belt, eastern North China Craton. The Dashipo syenite is magnesian potassic intermediate rock enriched in large ion lithophile elements such as Rb, Ba, Sr, Pb and LREE, and relatively depleted in high field strength elements such as Nb, Ta, U, Th, Zr, Hf as well as P and Ti, with εNd(t) values from -12.1 to -12.2 and ISr values of 0.70506-0.70464. The Heishantuo granite is magnesian peraluminous high K calc-alkaline, with an enrichment of large ion lithophile elements and radioactive elements such as Rb, Ba, Th, U and Pb, and a depletion of HREE and high field strength elements such as Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf as well as Sr, P and Ti, with εNd(t) values from -15.5 to -18.0 and ISr values of 0.70516-0.70593. The magma of the Dashipo syenite is produced by fractional crystallization of mantle-derived K-rich mafic magma under high pressure. The partial melting of the lower crust, which was heated and metasomatised by the mantle-derived magma, produced granitic magma that intruded into the unconsolidated Dashipo syenite to form the concentric batholith. The petrology and geochemistry of the Dashipo hornblende-biotite syenite indicate that the water weakening was important for the lithospheric destruction within the interior part of the North China Craton. Meanwhile, the partial melting related to the double-diffusion of energy and chemical composition between mantle-derived magma and crustal rocks was an important mechanism for the Mesozoic calc-alkaline felsic magmatism occurred in the interior of the North China Craton. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

马力  韦志刚  李娴茹  王欢  郭仕侗 《冰川冻土》2022,44(6):1757-1772
Based on the daily minimum temperature data in China from 1961 to 2018, using n-order polynomial fitting, sliding t-test, empirical Orthogonal Function analysis, Morlet wavelet transform and other methods, this paper reveals the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the number of cold surge (CS) day, CS frequency and CS intensity by time and region. The results are as follows. On a national level, the number of CS day, CS frequency, and CS intensity decreased from 1962 to 2000. Specifically, the trend of every element of CS has changed from a previous decrease trend to an increase trend, and the inflection point was around 2000. The CS activity occurred more frequently, became more strengthen, and last for longer time after 2000. There are obvious spatial differences in the number of CS days, CS frequency, CS intensity and their changing trends in China. The number of CS days and CS frequency reach the maximum value in northeast China and northern Inner Mongolia. Meanwhile, the CS intensity value is low in the southeast China and high in the northwest China, with the exception of southern Xinjiang. The changes in the number of CS day and the CS frequency are mainly manifested as the “Northeast, Southwest Reverse Pattern”, the CS intensity is mainly manifested as the “Uniform Change Pattern”. The number of CS day, CS frequency, and CS intensity did not change significantly after, but a significant transition point was detected in 1980. On a regional scale, from 1962 to 2018, the number of CS day, frequency and intensity of cold surge in all regions showed a decreasing trend, while they increased after 2000. In the northern and northeastern of China, mean of three elements of cold surge increased after 2000. The transition year was different in different regions. The transition year of three elements of cold surge in Northeast China were the earliest. Mean value of the number of CS day, CS frequency, and CS intensity have an oscillation period of 3~5 years in total China and all regions. In addition, the periodic oscillations of the number of CS day and CS frequency in all regions are basically the consistent. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

Lancang Group within the Changning-Menglian complex belt in the Sanjiang area, Yunnan Province involves many kinds of meta-sediments, including staurolite-kyanite-bearing garnet-mica schist, garnet-mica schist, chloritoid-white mica schist and chlorite-glaucophane-albite schist. Detailed petrographic observation, mineral chemistry analysis and phase equilibrium modelling have shown that these meta-sediments preserve distinctly metamorphic evolutions. The staurolite-kyanite-bearing garnet-mica schist records the decompression and cooling histories related to retrograded metamorphic processes from middle-temperature eclogite facies to amphibolite facies with a peak mineral assemblage of garnet + kyanite + phengite + jadeite formed at the P-T condition of about 19 similar to 30kbar and 600 similar to 750 degrees C. For the garnet-mica schist, the peak metamorphic mineral association constrained by X-Prp and X-Grs in garnet, and Si content in phengite includes garnet + phengite + omphacite + lawsonite + paragonite and the related P-T condition is around 17 similar to 19. 5kbar and 430 similar to 475 degrees C . The chloritoid-white mica schist is characterized by the mineral assemblage of chloritoid + phengite + paragonite + chlorite whereas the peak mineral assemblage includes phengite + paragonite + carpholite. The peak P-T condition defined by Si content in phengite is limited in the range of 17 similar to 19kbar and 300 similar to 330 degrees C. Both garnet-mica schist and chloritoid-white mica schist consistently record heating and decompression processes from lawsonite-blueschist facies to epidote-blueschist facies. Metamorphic reactions and mineralogy of chlorite-glaucophane-albite schist roughly give the P-T condition of 9 similar to 11kbar and 430 similar to 520 degrees C. Studies on the geochemistry of Lancang Group reveal that these meta-sediments show the geochemistry affinity to the continental arc, active continental margin and upper crust sediments. The protoliths are mainly mud rock and sandstone with low maturity and a little of mafic-intermediate volcanic rock. The sediment sources are predominantly intermediate-acid magmatic rocks with old sedimentary contamination to different degree. Tectonic discrimination diagrams show that meta-sediments in the Lancang Group are mainly derived from the continental island arc or active continental margin tectonic setting. Combined with the metamorphism and geochemistry characteristics of these rocks in the Changning-Menglian complex belt, it is therefore inferred that the meta-sediments of Lancang Group display various metamorphic evolutions. Lancang Group are considered to have experienced multi-phase/stage and complex tectonic evolution histories.  相似文献   

内蒙古东七一山钨多金属矿位于北山造山带东段,是一个以钨为主,共伴生锡、钼、铷、铍、铌、钽、铁和萤石的综合型矿床。本次工作对含矿花岗质杂岩开展了岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb及辉钼矿Re-Os年代学研究。富W-Sn-Mo花岗岩岩性为细粒似斑状二长花岗岩、中细粒似斑状二长花岗岩、花岗斑岩,结晶年龄分别为220.6±1.6Ma、220.4±1.3Ma和220.0±1.1Ma。富Rb-Be-Nb-Ta花岗岩岩性为中粗粒钠长石化似斑状二长花岗岩,结晶年龄为219.9±1.9Ma。辉钼矿Re-Os定年获得加权平均年龄为211±1Ma(MSWD=0.83),说明成岩成矿发生在晚三叠世。含矿花岗质杂岩均具有高硅、富碱、贫铁镁钙特征,为高钾钙碱性花岗岩。其中,富W-Sn-Mo花岗岩为准铝质-过铝质花岗岩;而富Rb-Be-Nb-Ta花岗岩为强过铝质花岗岩。杂岩体轻重稀土具一定分馏,呈现显著的负Eu异常,均富集Rb、K、U、Ta,强烈亏损Ba、Nb、Sr、P、Ti、Zr、Hf。与富W-Sn-Mo花岗岩相比,富Rb-Be-Nb-Ta花岗岩具更低的稀土总量,更显著的Eu负异常,并显示微弱的稀土四分组效应,更高的Li、Ta含量,更低的P、Ti、Zr、Hf、W、Mo、Bi含量。时空关系和地球化学特征表明,杂岩体为同一次岩浆活动不同演化阶段的产物,均经历了较高程度的结晶分异和较强的熔体-流体相互作用。相比而言,富Rb-Be-Nb-Ta花岗岩比富W-Sn-Mo花岗岩结晶分异程度更高,熔体-流体作用更强,花岗质岩浆的高程度分离结晶和熔体-流体相互作用是形成该杂岩体并促使成矿的重要控制因素。  相似文献   

钪(Sc)是世界各国竞相争夺的关键金属矿产资源之一。滇中牟定大弯山变质玄武岩厚度>36.5m,出露面积0.5km^(2),形成时代为新元古代南华纪(781.3±1.9Ma)。本文对该变质玄武岩开展了全岩地球化学分析、全自动矿物分析(TESCAN TIMA)观测、NPPM薄片区域面扫和单矿物原位LA-ICPMS分析等研究,结果显示变质玄武岩全岩Sc含量为47.0×10^(-6)~97.9×10^(-6),平均含量为69.1×10^(-6),钪氧化物(Sc_(2)O_(3))平均含量为106×10^(-6),变质玄武岩空间Sc矿化特征稳定,具有形成钪矿资源的潜力。同时,变质玄武岩共伴生有钛和铁矿化,全岩TiO_(2)含量为2.57×10^(-2)~6.13×10^(-2),平均为4.25×10^(-2);TFe含量为13.3×10^(-2)~23.7×10^(-2),平均为17.7×10^(-2)。Sc可能存在类质同象和离子相两种赋存形式,类质同象形式Sc主要赋存于钛铁矿和金红石矿物中,钛铁矿中Sc含量为70.0×10^(-6)~168×10^(-6),平均值为108×10^(-6);金红石中Sc含量高达297×10^(-6);而磁铁矿、黑云母等矿物中Sc含量较低,均低于全岩Sc含量,对全岩Sc矿化贡献较小。牟定大弯山Sc矿化与以往报道侵入岩及其风化壳中Sc矿化在富集特征、赋存岩性和载体矿物等方面不同,是变质火山岩中新发现的Sc矿化信息,显示了较好的找矿潜力,对Sc资源勘查和研究具有重要指示意义。  相似文献   

多年冻土区活动层的冻融过程显著影响地-气间的水热交换、地表水文过程、冰缘地貌演变及寒区工程建设。活动层厚度的空间分异规律及其空间分布的准确模拟计算是冻土学研究的基础和核心问题之一。作为青藏高原中部东西走向最大的山脉和青藏高原多年冻土的主要分布区,唐古拉地区是青藏高原南部湿润区与北部干旱区的过渡区,该地区的活动层厚度空间分异规律研究对于揭示青藏高原多年冻土区活动层厚度整体空间分布规律具有重要意义。利用唐古拉地区南、北坡两个区域野外实测活动层厚度分布数据,分析了该区域活动层厚度的空间分异特征及其主要影响因素。结果表明,活动层厚度分布的突出特点是空间分异巨大,最小值仅为1.2 m,最大值达到5.6 m。以不同植被类型区活动层的平均厚度为对比标准,其分布特征为:沼泽草甸<高寒草甸<高寒荒漠<高寒草原,高寒草原的平均活动层厚度最大。对比南、北坡,南坡活动层厚度普遍大于北坡。Stefan方程的计算结果表明,活动层厚度的变化速率随土壤含水率的变化最大,其次为土壤热导率,而随地表融化指数的变化最小。实测土壤含水率、探坑数据及地表融化指数与活动层厚度分布关系表明,影响活动层厚度空间分异的最为敏感的因素为土壤含水率,其次为土壤热导率,地表融化指数的敏感性最小。  相似文献   

世界上绝大部分Re赋存在斑岩型矿床的辉钼矿之中,且分布极不均匀。在矿床-矿石-矿物颗粒等不同尺度上,Re含量均存在较大差异,但造成这些差异的因素目前尚不清楚。本文以德兴矿田中富家坞和铜厂二个矿床的辉钼矿为研究对象,在细致的矿相学研究的基础上,对其开展了EPMA、LA-ICP-MS和XRD分析,同时结合前人研究资料,详细探讨了Re在这两个矿床辉钼矿中的分布规律及差异性富集机制。结果显示:富家坞和铜厂均普遍发育两种形态的辉钼矿(细粒集合体型和粗粒片状型),Re在两种辉钼矿中的分布均极为不均,但细粒集合体型相对更富Re,而同一形态辉钼矿铜厂矿床则具有更高的Re含量;同一矿床中辉钼矿结晶越晚,往往越富集Re;个别辉钼矿可见扭结现象,且扭结部位的Re含量更低,暗示后期构造变形可能导致了Re的丢失;两个矿床高Re辉钼矿和低Re辉钼矿的结构均为2H多型,表明Re含量与辉钼矿晶体结构无关。结合前人资料,本文认为成矿流体性质(如温度、盐度等)是导致铜厂和富家坞辉钼矿Re含量差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

Based on the daily precipitation data of 16 national meteorological observation stations on the north⁃ ern slope of Tianshan Mountains from 2000 to 2020(September to April the following year),28 blizzard weath⁃ er processes were screened out. Then NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and HYSPLIT model were used to simulate backward tracking of the water vapor during the snowstorm,analysis of the circulation background of the snow⁃ storm process on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains,as well as the main sources and transport of wa⁃ ter vapor and its contribution to the snowstorm. The research showed that the snowstorm area in the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains was located on the right side of the axis of the southwest jet at 300 hPa high,the southwest airflow in front of the West Siberia trough at 500 hPa,the front convergence of the exit area of the southwest jet at low level at 700 hPa,and the convergence area of water vapor flux divergence and the overlap near the ground cold front area. The water vapor affecting the blizzard on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains mainly came from the Mediterranean Sea,the Black Sea and its vicinity,Southwest Asia,Central Asia,the Atlantic Ocean and its coasts,as well as the 850 hPa water vapor in Europe and northern Xinjiang. The water vapor from North America and other places had a relatively small contribution to the blizzard;after each water vapor source reaches the key area with the westerly airflow,under suitable circulation conditions. It mainly entered the blizzard area along the westward(southwest)and the northwest paths. But there were some differences between the layers. Based on the above characteristics,the structure of the source and transport of wa⁃ ter vapor in the snowstorm process on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains was established and the char⁃ acteristics of vapor transport at various heights were revealed. © 2023 The Author(s).  相似文献   

国内外学者对发育于弧环境和碰撞造山环境的斑岩铜矿成岩机制已取得了深刻的理解,但对产出在克拉通内部的斑岩铜矿成岩机制在认识上还有所欠缺。本文报道了侵位于144Ma木吉村斑岩铜矿内的含矿闪长玢岩的岩石地球化学资料,以揭示木吉村斑岩铜矿的含矿斑岩成因。岩石地球化学资料显示:含矿闪长玢岩具有较低的(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)i值(0.70599~70690)和εNd(t)值(-19.4~-14.9),富集轻稀土元素(LREEs)和大离子亲石元素(LILEs),相对亏损元素Y和Yb。木吉村含矿斑岩与王安镇杂岩体镁铁质岩(辉石岩、角闪石岩、辉长岩、辉长闪长岩、安山岩)具有相似的微量元素配分模式、Sr-Nd同位素组成及亲EMⅠ地幔特征,这些岩浆岩呈现持续性的成份演化趋势,反映出它们的同源性。木吉村含矿斑岩及相关的镁铁质岩石具有相对较低的(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)i值(0.70564~706897)和εNd(t)值(-19.4~-13.8),显著区别于中上地壳同位素区域。含矿斑岩起源于伸展背景下富集地幔部分熔融形成的玄武质岩浆,其上升过程中遭受了一定程度的下地壳混染。玄武质岩浆在深部岩浆房发生堆晶作用形成具典型堆晶结构的角闪石岩等基性岩,随后在浅部岩浆房经历两阶段辉长岩-辉长闪长岩、安山岩-闪长玢岩系列分离结晶作用形成含矿斑岩。此过程可能是形成华北克拉通木吉村斑岩铜矿含矿斑岩的机制和动力诱因。  相似文献   

兴蒙造山带属于中亚造山带的东段,关于其演化过程存在两种主要观点:一种观点认为它是由古亚洲洋经历整个古生代的连续俯冲-碰撞过程后在早三叠世形成;另一种观点则认为古亚洲洋在晚泥盆世之前就通过俯冲-碰撞过程闭合,形成早-中古生代造山带,随后在石炭-二叠纪又经历了从陆内伸展到再次闭合的过程,并形成陆内造山带。蒙古国东南部扎门乌德地区出露各类古生代沉积岩和岩浆岩,可以为解决上述争议提供典型研究实例。本文通过沉积学、年代学和地球化学等多种手段综合研究,取得以下研究成果:(1)根据年代学和岩性特征,在该地区识别出三类古生代岩石组合,第一类是以黑云母二长花岗岩为代表的中志留世侵入岩,第二类是中泥盆世大套的粗碎屑岩-火山岩沉积旋回,第三类是不整合地沉积于早期造山带之上的二叠纪巨厚火山-沉积岩系。这三类岩石组合分别属于俯冲阶段的大陆边缘岛弧带岩浆岩、碰撞造山后期的上叠盆地以及叠加在早期造山带岩石圈之上的晚古生代陆内伸展时期的裂谷盆地的沉积。(2)利用研究区所有古生代碎屑锆石和岩浆岩全岩资料,揭示了该地区古生代时期地壳厚度变化趋势如下:500~425Ma的俯冲-碰撞过程造成地壳加厚;425~375Ma的碰撞造山后伸展过程使地壳变薄;375~350Ma地壳再次加厚,可能与造山带物质堆叠有关;350~275Ma地壳再次减薄,对应于广泛而强烈的晚石炭世-早二叠世火山岩,证明此时期岩浆活动的构造背景是区域伸展而不是挤压作用。(3)根据研究区出现的三类岩石组合特点,结合研究区以南的艾力格庙地区已有的研究成果,可以划分出五个早-中古生代造山带构造单元和两个叠加其上的晚古生代陆内造山带构造单元,揭示蒙古国扎门乌德地区经历了早-中古生代加积造山带和晚古生代陆内造山带等两个构造演化过程。本文研究为认识兴蒙造山带的两阶段构造发展提供了新资料。  相似文献   

滇西保山地块是东特提斯构造域的主要微陆块之一,但对其物源和古地理位置仍存在较大争议。本文通过对保山地块西缘早古生代地层进行碎屑锆石U-Pb定年来约束其物源及古地理位置,并进一步探讨原特提斯洋早古生代构造演化模式。保山地块西缘早古生代地层具有相似的年龄分布模式,主年龄峰期为-0.95Ga、次级年龄峰期为-1.2Ga和-2.5Ga。寒武系公养河群最小锆石年龄为526Ma,结合其上部年龄为499.2Ma的火山岩夹层,约束其沉积时代为早寒武世早期。对比保山地块不同区域早古生代地层的碎屑锆石年龄数据,它们都具有相似的锆石年龄分布模式和年龄峰值。-0.95Ga主年龄峰期和-2.5Ga的次级年龄峰期指示保山地块早古生代的沉积物主要来自于印度大陆,而-1.2Ga的次级年龄峰期表明有部分沉积物来自于西澳大利亚,其早古生代古地理位置位于印度和西澳大利亚之间。结合沉积学证据及滇西地区广泛发育的早古生代岩浆作用,本文认为早古生代冈瓦纳大陆北缘为活动大陆边缘。  相似文献   

老厂矿床是昌宁-孟连缝合带内唯一大型矿床,本文报道了老厂矿床Ag-Pb-Zn矿体中Ⅰ号矿体群下部块状矿体和上部网脉状矿体的方解石C-O同位素组成,以及Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ三个矿体群内闪锌矿的Zn同位素组成。Ⅰ号矿体群下部块状矿体和上部网脉状矿体方解石δ13CPDB的范围分别为-6.17‰~2.71‰和-2.18‰~3.87‰,δ18OPDB的范围分别为-19.57‰~-17.23‰和-22.10‰~-16.21‰;计算获得对应成矿流体的δ13CCO2为-6.16‰~1.53‰和-2.39‰~6.43‰,δ18OH2O分别为1.62‰~7.62‰和4.36‰~16.92‰,通过与岩浆CO213C=-2‰~-8‰)和围岩灰岩(δ13C=-1.6‰~4.0‰)的δ13C值相比较,指示块状矿体成矿流体中的碳主要来自岩浆,网脉状矿体成矿流体中...  相似文献   

长期以来,陇山杂岩的归属问题一直存在争议。本文对出露于秦岭-祁连山结合部位的陇山杂岩中石榴黑云斜长片麻岩和石榴斜长角闪岩进行了详细的岩石学、P-T温压计算、独居石和榍石U-Pb年代学研究。通过详细的岩相学观察,石榴黑云斜长片麻岩的变质峰期矿物组合为石榴子石+黑云母+斜长石+石英;石榴斜长角闪岩中则识别出了以石榴子石+单斜辉石+角闪石+斜长石+石英为峰期的变质矿物组合。通过传统温压计计算,石榴黑云斜长片麻岩(样品21LS40)和石榴斜长角闪岩样品(样品21LS42-1)的峰期变质P-T条件分别为700℃、0.72GPa和710℃、0.74GPa。激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb数据表明,石榴黑云斜长片麻岩中独居石的206Pb/238U的加权平均年龄为407~435Ma。石榴斜长角闪岩中榍石的下交点年龄分别为410±7Ma、409±5Ma和426±10Ma,榍石中Zr含量温度计的计算结果分别为750℃、751℃和748℃(假定压力为0.7GPa)。本文从变质作用的角度出发,将陇山杂岩与秦岭杂岩进行温压条件和变质时代对比研究,认为陇山杂岩与东秦岭杂岩高压-超高压岩石的最后一期退变质作用和西秦岭天水地区的秦岭杂岩麻粒岩相变质作用类似,可能为北秦岭造山带的西延。  相似文献   

As the most important part of the global carbon cycle,soil carbon pool is the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil carbon pool in permafrost regions is the most sensitive carbon pool to climate change. Weak climate change will have a huge impact on the organic carbon production in the shallow soil,and then affect the regional landscape and ecology. As an indicator reflecting the antioxidant capacity of soil organic carbon,oxidation stability affects the quantity and quality of soil organic carbon,and its variation has a certain regularity in the alpine permafrost region under the influence of climatic factors. In order to explore the distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon and its oxidation stability in frozen soil,based on the experimental data and the climatic data from 2011 to 2019,the random forest model was used to conduct multi-factor digital mapping on soil organic carbon content,soil organic carbon components with different oxidation difficulty degrees,and soil organic carbon oxidation stability coefficient and environmental variables(average annual precipitation,average annual sunshine hours,average annual air temperature,and altitude)and analyze the controlling factors. The results showed that the model had an interpretation degree of more than 54% for the shallow soil organic carbon in frozen soil area of Three River Source Region,and the digital mapping could reflect the distribution of soil organic carbon well. Soil organic carbon was mainly affected by precipitation and sunshine duration,and temperature took second place. The spatial distribution of components with different oxidation difficulty is different,but the oxidation stability has the distribution characteristics of high in the north and low in the south. Cold and dry are conducive to improving the oxidation stability of organic carbon in shallow soil of frozen soil area. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

Water accumulation associated with water migration is closely related with the ice segregation,but their coupling relationship is still unclear. To decoupling the relationship of water accumulation and ice segrega⁃ tion,herein,the dynamics of water migration and ice segregation during the freezing and thawing of different soil types under different water supplying conditions have been investigated based on pore water pressure mea⁃ surement and layer-scanning technique. Results showed that apparent water accumulation near the freezing front during the freezing of silty clay and loess tested here,but there exist differences in modes. During loess freezing under closed system,no ice segregation was observed,the pore water pressure increased,and there existed ap⁃ parent liquid water accumulation during the early stage of freezing;while during the freezing of silty clay,there existed ice segregation,the pore water pressure decreased,and no apparent liquid water accumulation occurred during the early stage of freezing. The results implied that there exist two modes of water accumulation near the freezing front during soil freezing:one is the water accumulation induced by water pressure gradient induced by pore ice which results in water flowing from the frozen zone and unfrozen zone to the location near the freezing front;the other is the water accumulation induced by cryo-suction of segregation ice which results in the water flowing from the unfrozen zone to the location near the freezing front. Notably,the contribution from each mode associated with water accumulation of soil freezing depends on whether the ice segregation exists. As no ice seg⁃ regation forms,water accumulation induced water pressure gradient predominates during the early stage of freez⁃ ing. As there exists ice segregation during freezing,water accumulation induced cryo-suction predominates dur⁃ ing the later stage of freezing. Investigating on different modes of water accumulations will be helpful for the ex⁃ ploring the mechanisms of freeze-thaw diseases and the ground ice in the cold regions. © 2023 Chinese Journal of General Practitioners. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

青海共和盆地干热岩经历的热历史过程、热源是了解干热岩地热藏形成亟待解决的难题,不同时期、不同类型的脉体可为其经历的热过程、热源提供证据。经调查发现,盆地东北当家寺岩体及井下干热岩中电气石脉体与该区后期断裂产状相近,是否代表后期热事件需要确定。本研究选择对GR1井、DR3井中酸性侵入岩岩芯和当家寺露头岩体中发现的电气石脉体开展了岩相学、锆石年代学、电子探针、LA-MC-ICPMS原位微量元素及B同位素分析,以约束电气石脉体的成因和源区。结果表明,GR1、DR3井岩芯及当家寺岩体含有电气石脉体的岩性分别是碱长花岗岩、高镁闪长岩及二长花岗岩;其中露头区花岗岩体中电气石脉的宽度约20cm,产状直立,其围岩的形成时代为239~241Ma。背散射及显微图像特征揭示,GR1井和DR3井下中酸性侵入岩及当家寺岩体中电气石为碱族的黑电气石和镁电气石,具有远近不同的多个流体来源。δ^(11)B分布在-11.50‰~-11.93‰,与大陆地壳平均的同位素组成δ^(11)B值(-10‰±3‰)相近。结合区域地质资料,认为在晚三叠世时期,该区域整体处于碰撞期或后碰撞期,陆壳加厚发生部分熔融形成S型花岗岩(~220Ma),其中含硼的热液流体侵位于早期具有俯冲背景的I型花岗岩(~240Ma)中形成电气石脉。  相似文献   

世界上绝大部分锡矿床均与富F、Cl、Li、B等挥发份的高分异花岗岩有关,前人对F、Cl、Li等组份在花岗质岩浆演化及锡成矿过程中的作用已有较为深入的认识,但对挥发份B关注较少。南岭中段的芙蓉超大型锡矿床是我国重要锡矿产地,我们首次在该矿床发现了硼硅酸盐矿物中罕见的斧石,为研究挥发份B对锡成矿的作用提供了机会。通过详细的岩石学、矿物学和地球化学研究,揭示了斧石的产出特征、晶体结构和化学成分特征,进而探讨了挥发份B与该区花岗岩成岩成矿的关系。芙蓉锡矿床新发现的斧石为丁香褐色、块状构造、硬度较大,显微镜下呈无色、浅黄色等,主要为自形尖劈状的楔形、长条状等自形结构、正高突起、干涉色较低,与符山石、萤石、石榴子石、榍石等矿物共生。电子探针分析表明,芙蓉矿床的斧石属铁斧石,其平均化学式为Ca_(2.22)(Fe_(0.52),Mn_(0.41),Mg_(0.13))1.06Al_(2.11)B_(0.72)Si_(3.98)O_(15.5)。结合前人研究成果,芙蓉矿床斧石、电气石、硼镁铁矿等富B矿物的广泛产出,指示了骑田岭花岗岩富含挥发份B;硅酸盐熔体中挥发份B的存在,能降低岩浆粘度,增加岩浆的结晶分异程度,延长岩浆寿命,进而有利于Sn等不相容元素在岩浆演化过程中向残余熔体富集。B与锡成矿的关系密切,岩浆中的B能提高源区Sn的萃取效率,增加原始岩浆中Sn的含量;B能形成锡的络合物,有利于锡的长距离运移;B与Sn具有相似的地球化学行为,在岩浆演化过程中,富集于残余熔体中,进一步演化后富集于成矿流体中。此外,在芙蓉锡矿床,随着含B矿物的不断被发现,表明该矿床可能具有寻找伴生硼矿的潜力。  相似文献   

中生代和新生代多期次的新老构造活动叠加造成了龙门山现今地震频发和复杂的构造格局。沿2008年汶川地震断裂带出露有多种断裂岩组合,为直接开展断裂带热年代学研究提供了重要素材。本研究首次尝试针对映秀-北川断裂带出露的假玄武玻璃开展^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar年龄的多重扩散域(MDD)模拟研究。与钾长石相似的阶梯状上升的年龄谱图表明假玄武玻璃同样具有开展MDD模拟的应用潜力。模拟结果显示,映秀-北川断裂带分别经历了~230Ma和~180Ma起始的构造热事件,对应青藏高原东缘中-晚三叠世统一的挤压造山运动和造山后的伸展垮塌。断裂带内新获得的断层角砾岩磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)结果与上、下盘已有结果共同组成了较为完整的年龄-高程剖面,揭示出年龄拐点出现在~13Ma,位于~1100m的海拔高度,与热历史反演结果一致,对应映秀-北川断裂带的出露位置,直接证实断裂活动在中中新世以来龙门山的隆升过程中发挥了重要作用。进入中中新世以来,龙门山断裂带的快速剥蚀和地温梯度的显著降低很可能暗示了构造活动机制上的重要转变。  相似文献   

石灰土作为路基填料代替宕渣是一种较为经济的方案,但灰土初始强度低、硬化速率慢、碳化时间长,不利于快速施工,需要进行改良研究。利用偏高岭土与石灰发生火山灰反应的原理改良灰土,通过单轴压缩试验和三轴压缩试验,分析改良灰土冻融循环条件下力学参数变化规律,利用图像处理技术提取改良灰土图像表面孔隙,建立孔隙率与强度的关系,并通过研究龄期、石灰含量和含水率变化规律,分析偏高岭土改良灰土的机制。结果表明:偏高岭土能够有效提高灰土材料反应速率,改善灰土力学特性;偏高岭土在一定程度上能够恢复冻融循环导致的灰土力学性能损失,降低冰晶体产生的孔隙;灰土强度达到最优后,其强度随着石灰的增加而降低,而经偏高岭土改良后其强度将继续增加;火山灰反应比灰土碳化过程消耗更多的水分,有效提高了灰土的抗冻性能。  相似文献   

黄铁矿特征研究可为页岩沉积环境恢复与页岩气富集保存规律预测提供依据。以贵州岑巩地区岑页1井牛蹄塘组为研究对象,基于岩心、薄片、扫描电镜及微量元素、硫同位素地球化学,确定牛蹄塘组页岩沉积环境及页岩气富集地质条件。研究表明,牛蹄塘组页岩黄铁矿发育为草莓状、自形-半自形及他形(主要为胶状他形)三种形态,不同形态的黄铁矿形成于不同沉积环境,草莓状黄铁矿形成于缺氧还原环境,自形-半自形黄铁矿形成于贫氧环境,胶状他形黄铁矿指示沉积过程有热液活动的参与。测试井牛蹄塘组整体处于较开放的沉积水体,上段为含氧-贫氧环境,硫同位素整体变轻且发生负漂;中段为较缺氧环境,硫同位素跨度大且发生正漂;下段为还原性更强的沉积环境,硫同位素小幅度负漂。黄铁矿含量与有机质富集密切相关,与黄铁矿有关的孔隙为页岩气吸附、保存及运移提供载体,且草莓状黄铁矿指示的缺氧硫化环境更利于有机质保存。研究工作系统梳理了黄铁矿对牛蹄塘组页岩沉积环境及储层页岩气富集的指示作用,为页岩气勘探提供指示。  相似文献   

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