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梁磊  周启  任东宇  文学虎 《测绘通报》2021,(12):124-129
从第三次国土调查数据库快速缩编派生出多尺度数据库,是地图制图的重要任务。本文针对大量图斑,首先通过研究图斑栅格综合,减少碎图斑数量;然后构建图斑语义邻近度模型、空间几何拓扑模型,分析了顾及拓扑和地区地理特征约束下的地类图斑制图综合方法;最后形成了自动化图斑缩编生产工艺流程。基于上述方法,采用计算机编程技术研发国土三调缩编系统,并应用于四川省某县23万图斑量的三调数据并试验验证。试验结果表明,通过本文方法的成果符合专题制图要求,极大地提高了三调图斑的自动综合效率。  相似文献   

融解是图斑综合过程中的一种常见操作,涉及大量计算。面对传统方法受机器计算能力所限,难以对大范围海量图斑进行处理的问题,引入分块策略开展图斑融解,并就块与块之间边界处狭长图斑分裂线拓扑变化问题,提出了一种狭长图斑分块融解方法。首先归纳了狭长图斑分块时在格网边界处出现的4种拓扑变化模式,并针对每种模式提出了相应的分裂线拓扑变化恢复方法;然后利用中国贵州省赤水市地理国情普查实际数据进行了验证。试验结果表明,该方法不仅可以处理海量图斑数据,可以极大地提高融解效率,而且融解结果与整体处理结果保持高度一致,具有良好的可行性。  相似文献   

针对地理国情普查成果制图的实际需求,提出了一种顾及图斑原有拓扑关系的化简方法。通过对图斑数据进行拓扑构建,将对图斑的化简转化为对共享弧段的化简;同时对弧段进行分类,对不同类型的弧段采用相应的化简方法。通过实例验证表明,该方法能够保持图斑化简前的形态结构,并保持图面整洁,符合地图制图要求,取得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

针对森林资源二类调查内业流程,利用空间拓扑分析,解决图斑面属性赋值的难题,并且分析其一一对应关系,记录查错信息。在VB编程环境下,采用ArcEngine组件库,提出林地图斑拓扑查错算法流程,按照空间包含关系,将属性点记录的属性信息一一赋值到满足条件的图斑面内,自动获取包含属性信息的林地图斑面数据。  相似文献   

从计算几何的角度提出了一种改进的图斑合并(聚合和融合)方法。图斑聚合采用缓冲区合并的思想,可以有效地合并"桥梁"区域,并保持图斑的自然弯曲形态;图斑融合通过骨架线剖分小图斑,以共享边和地类为共同作用因子,将小图斑逐个合并到原始图斑的拓扑相邻图斑中。此算法有效地维持了图斑边界的自然弯曲,并顾及了图上显示地类的父类整体变化情况。  相似文献   

土地利用图斑聚合需要顾及权属、语义、空间区域划分、邻近关系、拓扑、精度等多种因素的约束,其中,顾及空间区域划分约束是图斑自动聚合的难点。本文提出了一种矢量与栅格数据模型相结合的方法。先将各种几何类型的矢量约束地物统一转化为栅格"障碍物";然后将权属、语义、邻近关系、栅格"障碍物"等共同作为约束条件,对图斑实施自动空间聚类分析;接着对聚类区域的图斑实施顾及多重约束的自动聚合。试验结果表明,本文提出的方法能够实现图斑的自动聚合,并能有效地顾及聚合的多重约束条件。  相似文献   

以东莞市为例,通过土地调查试点工作,提出了线状地物图斑化以及拓扑处理的方法;分析了线状地物图斑化的两种方法和入库技术流程,并针对拓扑问题进行了详细论述,形成了一套全面的试点经验,为全市土地调查工作提供了重要的实践参考。  相似文献   

针对土地利用图斑综合过程中,现行方法多对同一地类采用同一指标,而未考虑区域差异的问题,本文提出了分区域设置面状图斑上图指标的方法,以北京市朝阳区、昌平区和密云县为例,分别采用统一和分区域设置面状图斑选取指标的方法,对三个区域土地利用现状图进行1:50000到1:100000的制图综合。结果表明:分区域设置面状图斑选取指标,在保持制图综合前后各地类面积相对均衡方面可行,且在保持各地类在不同区域间土地利用结构对比关系方面,明显优于统一设置面状图斑面积指标的方法。  相似文献   

在土地利用动态遥感监测中,需要对提取的遥感监测成果进行质量检查,而人工检查存在错误率高、效率低下等问题,商业软件检查也存在细小差异性问题漏检问题。基于欧拉数的集合操作算子方法检查目标图斑的覆盖重合情况,结合图斑面积与交叉镶嵌块的几何拓扑关系,能够快速检查所有图斑属性错误问题,较好地解决了与多个镶嵌块相交的图斑时相属性赋值问题。基于以上算法,开发了一套遥感监测产品质量检查软件,能够快速准确地发现并定位遥感监测产品的质量问题。  相似文献   

基于图斑空间关系的遥感专家分类方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以光谱均质单元——图斑作为空间对象粒度的基本单元,采用图斑邻域搜索算法,获取不同类别图斑间的空间关系。在ERDAS专家分类系统中,根据图斑相邻关系以及DEM信息对初始分类结果进行了修正,提高了湿地、草地和农业用地的分类精度。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionDatabasegeneralizationcanbeconsideredasthetransformationofthecontentofaspatialdatabasefromhighresolution (withmoredetail)toalowerresolution (withlessdetail)terrainrepresentation(Molenaar ,1 996 ) .Inotherwords ,thistransforma tionisdeemedaschangin…  相似文献   

面向过程的建设用地全程监管时空数据组织模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对建设用地全程监管多环节、多数据及关系复杂等特点,基于全程监管业务过程和业务需求,提出了面向过程的建设用地全程监管时空数据组织管理模型,探讨了模型组织与存储方式以及回溯与重建操作的实现方法。该模型实现了对建设用地全程监管时空数据语义的一体化组织和表达,可以通过增加辅助表的方式在关系型数据中实现,并能够简单高效的支持用地地块和用地项目的回溯与重建操作,提高建设用地全程监管的效率。  相似文献   

Automation of map generalization requires facilities to monitor the spatial relationships and interactions among multiple map objects. An experimental map generalization system has been developed which addresses this issue by representing spatial objects within a simplicial data structure (SDS) based on constrained Delaunay triangulation of the source data. Geometric generalization operators that have been implemented include object exaggeration, collapse, amalgamation, boundary reduction and displacement. The generalization operators exploit a set of primitive SDS functions to determine topological and proximal relationships, measure map objects, apply transformations, and detect and resolve spatial conflicts. Proximal search functions are used for efficient analysis of the structure and dimensions of the intervening spaces between map objects. Because geometric generalization takes place within a fully triangulated representation of the map surface, the presence of overlap conflicts, resulting from individual operators, can be detected due to the introduction of singularities in the triangulation, the structure of which is used to generate displacement vectors to resolve the conflict. Examples of the application of the implemented operators are described and illustrated using large scale topographic map data.  相似文献   

A proper characterization of land-use types is critical for constructing generalization constraints to guide and control landuse data generalization. This paper focused on identification and utilization of their importance based upon land-use distributions and application themes. First, this importance was identified using a three-step method that links a diversity index, a multiple attribute decision model and a spatial association analysis. Second, with the importance, a mathematical function was designed to determine minimum area thresholds of land-use polygons as an example of generalization constraints. Third, the importance was used to assist in the selection of generalization operators and evaluation of generalization outcomes. Fourth, a land-use dataset at 1:10 000, describing the land use of a typical rural area in Hubei province of China, was generalized towards a 1:50 000 dataset to verify the effects of the presented method and function. Three additional tests were implemented to analyze the sensitivity of the importance of land-use types on setting the minimum area threshold and generalization operations. The outcome showed that the proposed methods and functions make land-use data generalization more adaptable for in-use datasets and applications.  相似文献   

Spatial database generalization deals not only with geometrical simplification, but also with changes in database schema and content. The purpose of this research is to suggest methods for database generalization through the abstraction of a detailed spatial database. To accomplish this goal, this study suggests a framework for database generalization, and then defines operators that reflect the changes in database schema and content within the generalization process. A set of operator sequences (workflows) is used to specify and arrange the operators required to abstract a given feature. In order to assess the validity of the suggested method, a prototype system is developed. The results show that the efficiency of generalization can be improved, and data loss or distortion reduced as well.  相似文献   

基于矢量数据模型的模糊地理对象建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了模糊地理对象建模的空间建模方法,首先以对象建模方法定义模糊地理对象,以矢量数据模型为基础,用UML设计模糊对象类和模糊地理对象类,然后以统一的UML图表示基本模糊地理对象的概念模型,尤其是模糊拓扑关系,最后将UML图直接导入通用关系数据库,完成数据库的设计。  相似文献   

以农用地分等数据库综合为例,提出了图斑归并同时顾及几何距离和多种专题属性的层次性邻近分析方法,及基于层次性邻近分析的多边形聚合和融合方法,并以实例验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

为了有效地管理和使用国土资源大调查中的土地利用动态监测成果数据 ,将监测成果及时有效地应用于日常的土地管理和规划中 ,需要建立动态监测数据库。本文阐述了在建立数据库过程中 ,如何将动态监测成果的栅格数据矢量化以及如何将栅格数据和矢量数据统一到一个地理数据库系统中的方法  相似文献   

我国长期以来都存在着用地粗放的问题,导致用地结构不合理,土地闲置与浪费现象,文章在国土资源部土地潜力评价的基础上,引入地理信息系统技术,变定性评价为定量评价。通过构建土地潜力评价数据库,采用数据挖掘技术和数据抽取技术,搭建土地潜力评价的时间结构分异模型,从空间和时间两个角度及横向和纵向两个方面分析导致土地潜力变化的主导因素,实现土地资源利用方面的高效益的分工与协作共同发展。  相似文献   

The automatic selection of railway marshaling lines is an important procedure in the generalization of road network data. The line selection results must be geometrically consistent with the topological features of the external/internal structural and topological connectivity of the railway stations. When current methods are used to process the lines at railway marshaling stations, which exhibit crisscrossing, dense, non‐hierarchical, and complex characteristics, the selected lines tend to be topologically and structurally erroneous. In this article, we propose an automated method for the selection and generalization of complex railway lines that accounts for multiple feature constraints. First, we identify four types of line structures in accordance with the spatial and topological features of railway stations. Then, based on length and spacing thresholds specified for the generalization process, line selection is performed while accounting for constraints regarding structural robustness and topological extensibility. Finally, we report the validation of our method on a dataset relating to Chengdu Railway Station, China. The results indicate that our method successfully preserves the external and internal structural features and connectivity of railway stations.  相似文献   

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