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We estimate the extent to which there is an evolutionary relationship between detached main-sequence binaries and ~KW, KW, and KP contact binaries in the first mass-exchange phase. The current and initial distributions of close binaries of these types are calculated per unit volume of space in the vicinity of the Sun and used to demonstrate evolutionary transitions from low-mass, short-period, detached systems to contact binaries.  相似文献   

Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park (KAHO) is a coastal sanctuary on the western side of the Island of Hawai‘i that was established in 1978 to preserve, interpret, and perpetuate traditional Native Hawaiian culture and activities. KAHO contains a variety of culturally and ecologically significant water resources and water-related habitat for species that have been declared as threatened or endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or are candidate threatened or endangered species. These habitats are dependent on coastal unconfined groundwater in a freshwater-lens system. The coastal unconfined-groundwater system is recharged by local infiltration of rainfall but also may receive recharge from an inland groundwater system containing groundwater impounded to high altitudes. The area inland of and near KAHO is being rapidly urbanized and increased groundwater withdrawals from the inland impounded-groundwater system may affect habitat and water quality in KAHO, depending on the extent of connection between the coastal unconfined groundwater and inland impounded-groundwater. An investigation of the geochemistry of surface-water and groundwater samples in and near KAHO was performed to evaluate the presence or absence of a connection between the inland impounded- and coastal unconfined-groundwater systems in the area. Analyses of major ions, selected trace elements, rare-earth elements, and strontium-isotope ratio results from ocean, fishpond, anchialine pool, and groundwater samples were consistent with a linear mixing process between the inland impounded and coastal unconfined-groundwater systems. Stable isotopes of water in many samples from the coastal unconfined-groundwater system require an aggregate recharge altitude that is substantially higher than the boundary between the coastal unconfined and inland impounded systems, a further indication of a hydrologic connection between the two systems. The stable isotope composition of the freshwater component of water samples from KAHO indicates that about 25–70% of the freshwater is derived from the inland impounded system.  相似文献   

The partition coefficients KD=cfluid/cmelt of Cu, Sn, Mo, W, U, and Th between aqueous fluid and melt were measured in the systems haplogranite-H2O–HCl and haplogranite-H2O–HF at 2kbars, 750°C, and Ni–NiO buffer conditions using rapid-quench cold seal bombs, with many reversed runs. Concentrations of trace elements (1–1000 ppm) in the quenched aqueous fluid and in the glass were determined by plasma emission spectrometry (DCP). KD of F is close to 1 in the system studied. KD of Cu and Sn strongly increases with increasing Cl concentration due to the formation of chloride complexes in the aqueous fluid, while HF has no effect. However, in 2M HCl, KD of Cu approaches 100, while KD of Sn is below 0.1 under the same conditions. The partition coefficients of Mo and W are high if water is the only volatile present (Mo: 5.5, W: 3.5), but strongly decrease with increasing HCl and HF, due to the destabilization of hydroxy complexes. KD of U and Th is very low in the absence of complexing agents, but strongly increases with increasing HF concentration. KD of U also increases with increasing HCl concentration and with increasing CO2 concentration in the system haplogranite-H2O–CO2, indicating the stability of chloride and carbonate complexes of U at magmatic temperatures. The data suggest a stoichiometric ratio of Cl: U=3:1 and of F:U=2:1 in these complexes. Cl-rich fluids are responsible for the formation of porphyry Cu deposits, but are much less effective in the transport of Sn. F appears not to be essential for the concentration of Mo and W in fluids evolving from a granitic magma. The different complexing behavior of U and Th in aqueous fluids may account for their fractionation during magma genesis.  相似文献   

二连浩特一带境内外构造-成矿带的衔接问题浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
蒙古南戈壁地区在寻找斑岩型铜多金属矿方面取得丰硕成果.位于该地区东延长线上的二连浩特一东乌旗地区虽.开展了多年勘查和研究工作,但未能实现铜多金属矿的勘探突破,因此,确定两者是否属于同一成矿带具有非常重要的意义.文中在系统分析该问题研究背景、现状的基础上.通过对比分析该地区航磁特征、遥感影像特征和部分地区布格重力异常特征...  相似文献   

Multi‐method thermochronology along the Vakhsh‐Surkhob fault zone reveals the thermotectonic history of the South Tian Shan–Pamirs boundary. Apatite U/Pb analyses yield a consistent age of 251 ± 2 Ma, corresponding to cooling below ~550–350°C, related to the final closure of the Palaeo‐Asian Ocean and contemporaneous magmatism in the South Tian Shan. Zircon (U–Th–Sm)/He ages constrain cooling below ~180°C to the end of the Triassic (~200 Ma), likely related either to deformation induced by the Qiangtang collision or to the closure of the Rushan Ocean. Apatite fission track thermochronology reveals two low‐temperature (<120°C) thermal events at ~25 Ma and ~10 Ma, which may be correlated with tectonic activity at the distant southern Eurasian margin. The late Miocene cooling is confirmed by apatite (U–Th–Sm)/He data and marks the onset of mountain building within the South Tian Shan that is ongoing today.  相似文献   

Tang  Yong  Zhang  Hui 《中国地球化学学报》2015,34(2):194-200
Acta Geochimica - The partition coefficients of W, Nb, and Ta between the P-rich peraluminous granitic melt and the coexisting aqueous fluid were determined at 800–850&nbsp;°C and...  相似文献   

Coal-seam gas production requires groundwater extraction from coal-bearing formations to reduce the hydraulic pressure and improve gas recovery. In layered sedimentary basins, the coalbeds are often separated from freshwater aquifers by low-permeability aquitards. However, hydraulic connection between the coalbed and aquifers is possible due to the heterogeneity in the aquitard such as the existence of conductive faults or sandy channel deposits. For coal-seam gas extraction operations, it is desirable to identify areas in a basin where the probability of hydraulic connection between the coalbed and aquifers is low in order to avoid unnecessary loss of groundwater from aquifers and gas production problems. A connection indicator, the groundwater age indictor (GAI), is proposed, to quantify the degree of hydraulic connection. The spatial distribution of GAI can indicate the optimum positions for gas/water extraction in the coalbed. Depressurizing the coalbed at locations with a low GAI would result in little or no interaction with the aquifer when compared to the other positions. The concept of GAI is validated on synthetic cases and is then applied to the north Galilee Basin, Australia, to assess the degree of hydraulic connection between the Aramac Coal Measure and the water-bearing formations in the Great Artesian Basin, which are separated by an aquitard, the Betts Creek Beds. It is found that the GAI is higher in the western part of the basin, indicating a higher risk to depressurization of the coalbed in this region due to the strong hydraulic connection between the coalbed and the overlying aquifer.  相似文献   

The Nellore Schist Belt (NSB) is a curvilinear Archaean schist belt, approximately 350 km long and 8–50 km wide. The Nellore Schist Belt is considered to be Neoarchean in age and stratigraphically NSB is classified as the western Udayagiri group (dominated by metasediments) and underlying eastern Vinjamuru group (dominated by metabasalts). There is a long controversy regarding the contact relationship between Udayagiri and Vinjamuru groups. Earlier researchers regarded the contact between two groups as tectonic on the basis of metamorphism. A shear zone and a possible thrust contact between the two groups have also been reported. On the basis of present study, an NNW–SSE trending, westerly dipping inclined transpressional zone is found at the contact between Udayagiri and Vinjamuru groups in the central western part of the NSB. Kinematic analysis of both the hanging wall and foot wall of the westerly dipping thrust zone shows presence of strong S1 schistosity, shear bands and S-C fabric in both strike and dip section along with east-verging overturned fold, westerly dipping inverted beds, suggesting partitioning of non-coaxial deformation in strike-slip and dip-slip component along with a pure shear component. Strike-slip is more prominent in the northern part of the contact than the southern part. The presence of steep to moderate northerly plunging non-orthogonal stretching/mineral elongation lineation all along the contact and clockwise shift of plot of the same in stereo net from its orthogonal position and presence of other kinematic indicators in plan suggests a right lateral strike-slip component. As a whole, it is suggested that Udayagiri group is thrusted over Vinjamuru group along a westerly dipping thrust plane with a right lateral strike-slip motion and simultaneous E–W contraction.  相似文献   

The rocks of the Maru and Anka regions of northwestern Nigeria comprise a polycyclic, migmatite-gneiss, basement sequence with an infolded cover of low grade metasediments. Both basement and cover are intruded by a suite of syn-tectonic to latetectonic granites and granodiorites.Evidence from contrasting lithologies and geochronological data suggest that at least three depositional cycles may be represented in the Anka and Maru Belts of low-grade metasediments. An attempt is made to correlate these three cycles with the Kibaran (c. 1100 m. y.) and Pan-African (c. 550 m. y.) events.Structural similarities between the two belts are explained by continued reactivation of Kibaran basement structures during Pan-African times.Calc-alkaline volcanics of late Pan-African age are restricted to the Anka Belt. Recent work shows that volcanism in the Anka Belt is not all of late-orogenic type: a volcano-sedimentary pile, containing possible crystal tuff units, being intruded by acid-intermediate dykes and sills, and deformed during the Pan-African event. Syenitic plutonism restricted to the Maru Belt is shown to be post-tectonic.The recognition of a significant Kibaran event in the basement of northwestern Nigeria is in accord with workers who record a similar event in other parts of the Nigerian basement and in the Precambrian basements of Mali and the Ahaggar.
Zusammenfassung Die Gesteine der Maru- und Anka-Region im nordwestlichen Nigeria umfassen eine Grundgebirgsserie mit Migmatit-Gneisen, in die eine schwach metamorphe Metasedimentserie eingefaltet ist. Beide Serien werden von synbis spättektonischen Graniten und Granodioriten durchdrungen.Aus der abweichenden Lithologie und den Altersdatierungen folgt, da mindestens 3 sedimentäre Zyklen in den Metasedimenten von Anka und Maru vorliegen. Es wird versucht, diese 3 Zyklen mit der Kibaran (ca. 1100 m. y.) und der Pan African Orogenese (ca. 550 m. y.) zu korrelieren.Strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den beiden Regionen erklären sich aus einer Reaktivierung des Kibaran-Grundgebirges während der Pan-African-Orogenese.Kalkalkali-Vulkanite von Pan-African-Alter sind auf die Anka-Region beschränkt. Der Vulkanismus der Anka-Region ist nicht nur von einer spätorogenen Phase geprägt, es liegen vielmehr vulkano-sedimentäre Serien vor, die von sauren bis intermediären Gängen durchdrungen werden, die wiederum von der Pan-African Orogenese erfaßt werden. Ein syemitischer Plutonismus ist auf die Maru-Region beschränkt und dort als posttektonisch anzusehen.Das Auftreten einer Kibaran-Orogenese im Grundgebirge von NW-Nigeria steht im Einklang mit Beobachtungen aus anderen Teilen Nigerias, Malis und Ahaggars.

Résumé Les roches des régions de Maru et d'Anka du nord-ouest de la Nigérie comprennent une série de socle polycyclique avec gneiss migmatitiques, au sein de laquelle une couverture de métasédiments faiblement métamorphiques est impliquée par plissement. Socle et couverture sont recoupés par une série d'intrusions granitiques et granodioritiques, snytectoniques á tardi-tectoniques.Le contraste des lithologies et les données géochronologiques permettent de penser qu'au moins 3 périodes de dépôt pourraient être représentées parmi les métasédiments peu métamorphiques de la région de Maru et d'Anka. Un essai est tenté de corréler ces 3 cycles avec de Kibarien (c. 1100 M.) et le Panafricain (c. 550 M.).On peut expliquer les ressemblances structurales entre les deux zones par une réactivation des structures du socle kibarien pendant l'époque panafricaine.Les volcanites cale-alcalines du Panafricain tardif se limitent à la zone d'Anka. Les travaux récents montrent que le volcanisme de la zone d'Anka n'est pas du tout d'un type orogénique tardif; il s'agit d'en ensemble volcano-sédimentaire pouvant renfermer des tuffs cristalins, récoupé par des filons et des sills acides à intermédiaires, et déformé au cours du Panafricain. Le plutonisme syénitique confiné à la zone de Maru apparaît comme post-tectonique.L'enregistrement d'un évènement kibarien dans le socle du nord-ouest de la Nigérie est en accord avec les résultats des recherches mentionnant un évènement semblable dans d'autres parties du socle nigérien et dans les socles précambriens du Mali et d'Ahaggar.

- - . , - - . . — 1100 — — 550 . - .- - . , - : - , , - . - . - , .

安徽宣城茶亭斑岩铜金矿床金的赋存状态及金铜成因联系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安徽宣城茶亭铜金矿床是长江中下游成矿带中新发现的一个大型斑岩型矿床。本文在矿相学观察和研究的基础上,开展了矿石组成矿物的成矿金属元素化学分析和电子探针(EPMA)分析,以了解矿床矿石中金的赋存状态,确定金与铜的成因联系。茶亭铜金矿床的热液成矿期可以划分为4个阶段,应用单矿物火试金法化学分析显示,第2阶段黄铁矿(Py II)和第3阶段黄铁矿(Py III)以及相应阶段的黄铜矿均富含金,各阶段石英及第3阶段硬石膏基本不含金。矿相学观察发现"可见金",金的嵌布形式主要为包裹金、粒间金,少量裂隙金。电子探针分析表明这些"可见金"主要为银金矿,其次为自然金。"不可见金"以不均匀形式分布于黄铜矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、斑铜矿等硫化物矿物中,"不可见金"主要为纳米级自然金。金与铜的相关性以及金的赋存状态表明,金与铜具有密切的成因联系。Simon实验研究结果表明高温环境下铜-铁硫化物中Au的溶解度更大,结合矿物共生组合及流体包裹体均一温度测定结果可以推测,茶亭铜金矿床的成矿作用经历了从较高温度到较低温度的演化过程,随着温度的降低部分Au从铜-铁硫化物中出溶并富集为"可见金",而另一部分金仍然以"不可见金"形式分散保存于黄铜矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿以及其它含铜硫化物矿物中。  相似文献   

Two Palaeogene fluvial fan systems linked to the south‐Pyrenean margin are recognized in the eastern Ebro Basin: the Cardona–Súria and Solsona–Sanaüja fans. These had radii of 40 and 35 km and were 800 and 600 km2 in area respectively. During the Priabonian to the Middle Rupelian, the fluvial fans built into a hydrologically closed foreland basin, and shallow lacustrine systems persisted in the basin centre. In the studied area, both fans are part of the same upward‐coarsening megasequence (up to 800 m thick), driven by hinterland drainage expansion and foreland propagation of Pyrenean thrusts. Fourteen sedimentary facies have been grouped into seven facies associations corresponding to medial fluvial fan, channelized terminal lobe, non‐channelized terminal lobe, mudflat, deltaic, evaporitic playa‐lake and carbonate‐rich, shallow lacustrine environments. Lateral correlations define two styles of alluvial‐lacustrine transition. During low lake‐level stages, terminal lobes developed, whereas during lake highstands, fluvial‐dominated deltas and interdistributary bays were formed. Terminal lobe deposits are characterized by extensive (100–600 m wide) sheet‐like fine sandstone beds formed by sub‐aqueous, quasi‐steady, hyperpycnal turbidity currents. Sedimentary structures and trace fossils indicate rapid desiccation and sub‐aerial exposure of the lobe deposits. These deposits are arranged in coarsening–fining sequences (metres to tens of metres in thickness) controlled by a combination of tectonics, climatic oscillations and autocyclic sedimentary processes. The presence of anomalously deeply incised distributary channels associated with distal terminal lobe or mudflat deposits indicates rapid lake‐level falls. Deltaic deposits form progradational coarsening‐upward sequences (several metres thick) characterized by channel and friction‐dominated mouth‐bar facies overlying white‐grey offshore lacustrine facies. Deltaic bar deposits are less extensive (50–300 m wide) than the terminal lobes and were also deposited by hyperpycnal currents, although they lack evidence of emergence. Sandy deltaic deposits accumulated locally at the mouths of main feeder distal fan streams and were separated by muddy interdistributary bays; whereas the terminal lobe sheets expand from a series of mid‐fan intersection points and coalesced to form a more continuous sandy fan fringe.  相似文献   

流量衰减分析是地下河系统研究中常用的方法之一.为深入流量衰减分析研究,在对地下河系统概化的基础上,使用作者编制的地下河系统水流运动数值模拟程序UGRFLOW09分析了孔隙-管道型地下河系统特征与衰减特征之间的关系.结果表明:第一段衰减系数与渗透系数、衰减含水层厚度、模型宽度及面积、管网密度和管道流量系数均成幂函数关系,随着其数值的增加而减小;第一段衰减系数与给水度关系不明显;第二段衰减系数与渗透系数和管网密度成直线关系,随着其数值的增加而增加;第二段衰减系数与给水度、衰减含水层厚度、模型宽度及面积成幂函数关系,随着其数值的增加而减小;管道衰减系数与渗透系数、衰减含水层厚度和管网密度均成幂函数关系,随着其数值的增加而减小,与相应的管道流量系数也为幂函数关系,管道衰减系数与给水度和含水层宽度关系不明显.  相似文献   




Relations characterizing the chemical, physical, and mechanical changes resulting from metasomatic hydrochemical processes are developed using mass balance models which formally link chemical composition to bulk density, mineral density, volumetric properties, porosity, and amount of deformation (strain). Rigorous analysis of aqueous solute transport effects is then made possible in a variety of porous media flow environments including chemical weathering, pedogenesis (soil formation), diagenesis, ore deposition and enrichment, and metamorphism. Application of these linear constitutive relations to chemical weathering profiles shows that immobile and locally mobile chemical elements, with masses conserved on the scale of soil profiles, can be accurately identified from analysis of appropriate data arrays and then used as natural geochemical tracers to infer the nature and extent of hydrochemical weathering processes and volume changes during pedogenesis. Assumptions commonly made in the past about the supposed immobility of certain elements, e.g., Ti and Zr, become unnecessary. Quantitative differentiation between the effects of residual and supergene fractionation is then easily made.These methods are applied to Ni-rich laterites developed by weathering of ultramafic rocks, showing that during ordinary residual enrichment, Ni is concentrated by as much as 4× protolith peridotite concentrations. This occurs simply by silicate mineral dissolution and removal of chemical elements other than Ni (e.g., Mg) with a corresponding reduction in saprolite density and increase in bulk porosity without significant deformation. In contrast, laterites with mineable concentrations of Ni which are similarly undeformed (such as the Nickel Mountain Mine in Riddle, Oregon) have experienced, in addition to residual enrichment, strong supergene enrichment by fractionation of ore elements between a leached zone from which Ni is extracted and a complementary enriched zone positioned farther along the direction of ground water flow.Soil-forming processes in podzol chronosequences developed on sandy beach terraces of the Mendocino Coast of California involved soil column collapse of 60 percent by dissolution of silicate minerals in the albic horizon of Al and Fe leaching, and 70 percent dilation (expansion) in the overlying organic-rich layer by root growth. The amount of erosion based upon paleosurface reconstructions using the excess mass of Fe, Al, Pb, Ga, and Cu in the zone of supergene enrichment (spodic horizon) below the ground water table indicates that subsurface erosion by dissolutional collapse is three times that of surficial erosion.Finally, using published chemical data for Ti, Zr, and Cr on major bauxite deposits in Australia where erosion rates are thought to be low, we infer that there may have been major amounts of dissolutional collapse to explain the upwards increase of detrital zircon and rutile in weathering profiles.  相似文献   

In the Mt. Franks area of the Willyama Complex, microfabric evidence suggests that the alteration of andalusite to sillimanite has taken place by a process similar to that suggested by Carmichael (1969). Andalusite is pre- to syn-S2 in age. Alteration to “sericite” has resulted in the formation of “sericite” laths, some of which are crenulated about S2, and some which are syn- and post-S2. “Fibrolite” occurs in these andalusite—“sericite” aggregates within the sillimanite zone and is wholly embedded in “sericite”. “Fibrolite” is pre- to syn-S2 in age. This evidence is interpreted as suggesting that the formation of sillimanite from andalusite took place via a “sericite” phase.Further microfabric observations are interpreted to imply constant volume for the reaction aluminosilicate → “sericite”. This suggests a situation in which Al3+ is relatively mobile but Al4+ is relatively immobile. This suggestion differs from Carmichael's (1969) idea of Al3+ immobility.  相似文献   

Experiments in the systems diopside-albite (Di-Ab) and diopside-albite-dolomite (Di-Ab-Dmt), doped with a wide range of trace elements, have been used to characterise the difference between clinopyroxene-silicate melt and clinopyroxene-carbonate melt partitioning. Experiments in Di-Ab-Dmt yielded clinopyroxene and olivine in equilibrium with CO2-saturated dolomitic carbonate melt at 3 GPa, 1375 °C. The experiments in Di-Ab were designed to bracket those conditions (3 GPa, 1640 °C and 0.8 GPa, 1375 °C), and so minimise the contribution of differential temperature and pressure to partitioning. Partition coefficients, determined by SIMS analysis of run products, differ markedly for some elements between Di-Ab and Di-Ab-Dmt systems. Notably, in the carbonate system clinopyroxene-melt partition coefficients for Si, Al, Ga, heavy REE, Ti and Zr are higher by factors of 5 to 200 than in the silicate system. Conversely, partition coefficients for Nb, light REE, alkali metals and alkaline earths show much less fractionation (<3). The observed differences compare quantitatively with experimental data on partitioning between immiscible carbonate and silicate melts, indicating that changes in melt chemistry provide the dominant control on variation in partition coefficients in this case. The importance of melt chemistry in controlling several aspects of element partitioning is discussed in light of the energetics of the partitioning process. The compositions of clinopyroxene and carbonate melt in our experiments closely match those of near-solidus melts and crystals in CMAS-CO2 at 3 GPa, suggesting that our partition coefficients have direct relevance to melting of carbonated mantle lherzolite. Melts so produced will be characterised by elevated incompatible trace element concentrations, due to the low degrees of melting involved, but marked depletions of Ti and Zr, and fractionated REE patterns. These are common features of natural carbonatites. The different behaviour of trace elements in carbonate and silicate systems will lead to contrasted styles of trace element metasomatism in the mantle. Received: 15 July 1999 / Accepted: 18 February 2000  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(2):241-254
The hydrochemistry in the largest polder of the Oder River, named Oderbruch, is affected by long-term infiltration of water from the Oder into the aquifer below an alluvial loamy top layer of the polder. These exceptional hydraulic conditions are a result of dyke constructions which were built more than 250 a ago. The objective of this investigation is a better understanding and a characterisation of the contact zone between the anaerobic groundwater and the surface water of a vast drainage system. Induced by changing water levels, different hydraulic conditions occur, which strongly influence the hydrochemistry of the shallow aquifer and therefore the natural sink function of the polder area.Field investigations with a hydrochemical and hydraulic characterisation of selected drainage ditch locations show considerable chemical interactions between groundwater and surface water. Depending on the drainage ditch type, which is defined by the hydraulic situation, the redox processes create a chemical gradient combined with a distinct enrichment of Fe and Mn. The source of the high amounts of Fe and Mn in the groundwater are reduced Fe- and Mn-hydroxides from the aquifer sediments.Under exfiltrating conditions interrupted by dry phases, more than 50 g kg−1 Fe and 0.25 g kg−1 Mn have accumulated in the drainage ditch floor sediments since the construction of the drainage ditches 35 a ago. The results show a very effective fixation of trace metals in the drainage ditch sediments under these conditions. Under permanent exfiltration conditions, the enrichment of Fe and Mn is relatively low. The maximum Fe content was 4 g kg−1 sediment and the Mn content reached only 0.4 g kg−1. This is less than 10% of the mobile Fe2+ and less than 1% of the Mn2+ which migrates from the aquifer into the surface water.  相似文献   

The boundary zone between two Penninic nappes, the eclogite-facies to ultrahigh-pressure Zermatt-Saas zone in the footwall and the blueschist-facies Combin zone in the hanging wall, has been interpreted previously as a major normal fault reflecting synorogenic crustal extension. Quartz textures of mylonites from this fault were measured using neutron diffraction. Together with structural field observations, the data allow a refined reconstruction of the kinematic evolution of the Pennine nappes. The main results are: (1) the contact is not a normal fault but a major thrust towards northwest which was only later overprinted by southeast-directed normal faulting; (2) exhumation of the footwall rocks did not occur during crustal extension but during crustal shortening; (3) the Sesia-Dent Blanche nappe system originated from a continental fragment (Cervinia) in the Alpine Tethys ocean, and the Combin zone ophiolites from the ocean basin southeast of Cervinia; (4) out-of-sequence thrusting played a major role in the tectonic evolution of the Penninic nappes. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

刘畅 《地质与勘探》2020,56(3):465-477
与高硅富氟火成岩(流纹岩或花岗斑岩)有关的铍矿床中常伴有铀矿化,其成矿特色明显,是认识岩浆-岩浆热液-热液演化过程中铍与铀地球化学行为异同的理想对象,但其中铍与铀成矿的时空关系及成因关系尚不清楚。为了理解该类矿床中铍与铀的成生关系,并为区域内铍与铀的找矿勘查提供理论支撑,本文选取该类矿床的典型代表—西准噶尔白杨河铍铀矿床为研究对象,通过镜下观察、扫描电镜能谱和激光拉曼光谱分析,对矿区内单铍矿石、单铀矿石和铍铀矿石开展了系统的岩相和矿相学研究。结果显示,与铍矿化相关的围岩蚀变为钠长石化、电气石化、白云母化、萤石化、碳酸盐化和绿泥石化,与铀矿化相关的围岩蚀变为硅化、赤铁矿化、萤石化、伊利石化和锰矿化(含少量铅),且铍铀矿石中可见沥青铀矿切穿羟硅铍石的现象。结合铍与铀的地球化学行为和前人研究成果,认为白杨河铍铀矿床中铍矿化与铀矿化应是不同期热液作用的结果:铍矿化可能是花岗斑岩深部岩浆房分异的岩浆热液在不断演化过程中形成的,而铀矿化可能与后期流体(如幔源流体、加热循环的大气降水等)的淋滤作用有关。  相似文献   

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