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The igneous complex of Ballachulish is a composite calc-alkalinepluton of Caledonian age (412 ? 28 Ma), emplaced in Dalradianmetasediments at a pressure of 3 ? 0–5 kb (c. 10 km depth).The 4 by 7 km intrusion is composed of a zoned monzodiorite-quartzdiorite envelope with a distinct flowand deformation-foliation,surrounding a younger core of porphyritic granite. Two-pyroxene thermometry, Fe-Ti oxide thermobarometry, and stabilityrelationships of ternary feldspars, biotite, and amphibolesare used to calibrate the 3 kb isobaric crystallization sequencewith respect to the following parameters: the fractionationstage of the host rocks, the water content of the magmas, phasecompositions, and oxygen fugacity. Plagioclase, augite, andoxides generally yielded submagmatic temperatures due to theextensive recrystallization and re-equilibration of these phasesin the 900–l550?C subsolidus range. The ‘dry’monzodiorites apparently contained less than 1 wt. % initialmagmatic water, and remained H2O-deficient and vapor-absentthroughout their entire crystallization range. In contrast,2.5–3 wt.% initial H2O is estimated for the more fractionatedquartz diorites and the younger granites. The main crystallizationinterval for Opx–Cpx–Plg primocrysts in the dioritescovers c. 1100–950?C. Late-magmatic biotite and alkalifeldspar join the paragenetic sequence below 980?860?C, at fO2near NNO. A solidus temperature of c. 900?C is inferred forthis ‘dry’ system, in which amphiboles are entirelysubsolidus. At the present level of emplacement, crystallizationintervals of {small tilde} 1050–690?C and{small tilde}900–680?C are suggested for the quartz diorites and thegranites, which probably terminated crystallization in the presenceof a hydrous fluid.  相似文献   

A high-grade metamorphic terrane in the southern part of theCalabrian massif (South Italy) has been petrographically mappedand the dominant rock types petrologically investigated. Bothmethods of investigation have led to the recognition of a continuoussection through a former lower crust which is 7 km thick. Itslower part consists predominantly of metabasic rocks togetherwith minor felsic granulites, its upper part of metapeliteswith minor metabasic and metacarbonate rocks. The rocks experienced a common two-stage prograde metamorphicevolution in which the second stage occurred after the lastpenetrative deformation. The prograde metamorphism which, accordingto radiometric dates, ended in late Hercynian time, was of themedium-pressure type of Miyashiro (1961), and equilibrationoccurred in the ‘medium-pressure granulite field’(characterized by the instability of olivine-plagioclase aswell as garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz). Estimates of the highestPT conditions of prograde metamorphism give 7–8kb and approximately 800°C at the base, but 5–6 kband 650–700°C at the top of the section, at whichthe paragenesis staurolite-quartz indicates the transition tothe amphibolite facies. The existence of a metamorphic gradientin the lower crust section is demonstrated by the systematicchange in the compositions of ferro-magnesian minerals in divariantmetapelitic assemblages. The metamorphic evolution during the excavation history of theformer lower crust has been reconstructed using the numerousdisequilibrium reaction textures preserved in most rock types.The highest metamorphic conditions ended with a pressure decreaseof approximately 1.5 to 2 kb, which was followed by a periodof quasi-isobaric cooling in the middle crust. During this cooling,the stability field of the ‘high-pressure granulites’(garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz) was reached. The pressure decrease, which induced the end of the high-temperaturehistory of the lower crust, is interpreted as reflecting theerosion of the uppermost crustal levels as a response to overlappingof large crustal segments during the Hercynian orogeny. Consequently,the deduced PT path of the upper, i.e. overthrust crustalsegment is thought to have been tectonically controlled.  相似文献   

High-pressure metamorphic rocks form a coastal belt, 175 kmby 35 km, in northeastern New Caledonia. Metamorphic grade rangesfrom lawsonite-albite schists through glaucophane-epidote schiststo omphacite-garnet-quartz gneisses. In the eclogitic terrane,metabasites, locally containing relict pillow structure andigneous textures, with well-preserved eclogitic mineral assemblages,are intercalated with metasedimentary gneisses containing albite-epidote-garnet? glaucophane and barroisite. Omphacite is partly retrogressedto albite and ferromagnesian minerals in almost every paragneiss.The paragneisses show strong evidence of penetrative foldingand microfracturing and were more permeable to metamorphic fluidsthan were the metabasites. The metabasites are inferred to havebeen relatively ‘dry’ and free of penetrative deformationduring the latter stages of metamorphism and thus were preservedmetastably during uplift, erosion, and cooling. Fe-Mg exchange thermometry between omphacite and garnet suggeststemperatures between 520 and 600 ?C. Omphacite + quartz (molper cent jadeite = 37–43) does not coexist stably withalbite suggesting minimum pressures near 12 kb at 550 ?C. Remnantsof more jadeite-rich pyroxenes in paragneisses (jd50–60)suggest even higher pressure. The stable coexistence of chloritoidalmandine-quartz in paragneisses suggests relatively H2O-rich fluids werein equilibrium with this assemblage. The widespread stable occurrenceof sphene suggests relatively low fco2 during metamorphism.Late stage healed fractures in quartz contain H2O-rich fluidinclusions with relatively low density isochores. Limited geochronologicdata combined with these petrologic data suggest a fairly rapidinitial rate of uplift followed by a much slower rate of uplift  相似文献   

The northern margin of the Inland Branch of the Pan-AfricanDamara Orogen in Namibia shows dramatic along-strike variationin metamorphic character during convergence between the Congoand Kalahari Cratons (M3 metamorphic cycle). Low-P contact metamorphismwith anticlockwise PT paths dominates in the westerndomains (Ugab Zone and western Northern Zone), and high-P Barrovianmetamorphism with a clockwise PT path is documented fromthe easternmost domain (eastern Northern Zone). The sequenceof M3 mineral growth in contact aureoles shows early growthof cordierite porphyroblasts that were pseudomorphed to biotite–chlorite–muscoviteat the same time as an andalusite–biotite–muscovitetransposed foliation was developed in the matrix. The peak-Tmetamorphic assemblages and fabrics were overprinted by crenulationsand retrograde chlorite–muscovite. The KFMASH PTpseudosection for metapelites in the Ugab Zone and western NorthernZone contact aureoles indicates tight anticlockwise PTloops through peak metamorphic conditions of 540–570°Cand 2·5–3·2 kbar. These semi-quantitativePT loops are consistent with average PT calculationsusing THERMOCALC, which give a pooled mean of 556 ± 26°Cand 3·2 ± 0·6 kbar, indicating a high averagethermal gradient of 50°C/km. In contrast, the eastern NorthernZone experienced deep burial, high-P/moderate-T Barrovian M3metamorphism with an average thermal gradient of 21°C/kmand peak metamorphic conditions of c. 635°C and 8·7kbar. The calculated PT pseudosection and garnet compositionalisopleths in KFMASH, appropriate for the metapelite sample fromthis region, document a clockwise PT path. Early plagioclase–kyanite–biotiteparageneses evolved by plagioclase consumption and the growthof garnet to increasing XFe, XMg and XCa and decreasing XMncompositions, indicating steep burial with heating. The developedkyanite–garnet–biotite peak metamorphic parageneseswere followed by the resorption of garnet and formation of plagioclasemoats, indicating decompression, which was followed by retrogressivecooling and chlorite–muscovite growth. The clockwise PTloop is consistent with the foreland vergent fold–thrustbelt geometry in this part of the northern margin. Earlier formed(580–570 Ma) pervasive matrix foliations (M2) were overprintedby contact metamorphic parageneses (M3) in the aureoles of 530± 3 Ma granites in the Ugab Zone and 553–514 Magranites in the western Northern Zone. Available geochronologicaldata suggest that convergence between the Congo and KalahariCratons was essentially coeval in all parts of the northernmargin, with similar ages of 535–530 Ma for the main phaseof deformation in the eastern Northern Zone and Northern Platformand 538–505 Ma high-grade metamorphism of the CentralZone immediately to the south. Consequently, NNE–SSW-directedconvergent deformation and associated M3 metamorphism of contrastingstyles are interpreted to be broadly contemporaneous along thelength of the northern margin of the Inland Branch. In the westheat transfer was dominated by conduction and externally drivenby granites, whereas in the east heat transfer was dominatedby advection and internally driven radiogenic heat production.The ultimate cause was along-orogen variation in crustal architecture,including thickness of the passive margin lithosphere and thicknessof the overlying sedimentary succession. KEY WORDS: Pan-African Orogeny; PT paths; pseudosections; low-P metamorphism; contact metamorphism; Barrovian metamorphism  相似文献   

In the southern periphery of the Sausar Mobile Belt (SMB), thesouthern component of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ),a suite of felsic and aluminous granulites, intruded by gabbro,noritic gabbro, norite and orthopyroxenite, records the polymetamorphicevolution of the CITZ. Using sequences of prograde, peak andretrograde reaction textures, mineral chemistry, geothermobarometricresults and petrogenetic grid considerations from the felsicand the aluminous granulites and applying metamorphosed maficdyke markers and geochronological constraints, two temporallyunrelated granulite-facies tectonothermal events of Pre-Grenvillianage have been established. The first event caused ultrahigh-temperature(UHT) metamorphism (M1) (T 950°C) at relatively deepercrustal levels (P 9 kbar) and a subsequent post-peak near-isobariccooling PT history (M2). M1 caused pervasive biotite-dehydrationmelting, producing garnet–orthopyroxene and garnet–rutileand sapphirine–spinel-bearing incongruent solid assemblagesin felsic and aluminous granulites, respectively. During M2,garnet–corundum and later spinel–sillimanite–biotiteassemblages were produced by reacting sapphirine–spinel–sillimaniteand rehydration of garnet–corundum assemblages, respectively.Applying electron microprobe (EMP) dating techniques to monazitesincluded in M1 garnet or occurring in low-strain domains inthe felsic granulites, the UHT metamorphism is dated at 2040–2090Ma. Based on the deep crustal heating–cooling PTtrajectory, the authors infer an overall counterclockwise PTpath for this UHT event. During the second granulite event,the Palaeoproterozoic granulites experienced crustal attenuationto 6·4 kbar at T 675°C during M3 and subsequentnear-isothermal loading to 8 kbar during M4. In the felsic granulites,the former is marked by decomposition of M1 garnet to orthopyroxene–plagioclasesymplectites. During M4, there was renewed growth of garnet–quartzsymplectites in the felsic granulites, replacing the M3 mineralassemblage and also the appearance of coronal garnet–quartz–clinopyroxeneassemblages in metamorphosed mafic dykes. Using monazites frommetamorphic overgrowths and metamorphic recrystallization domainsfrom the felsic granulite, the M4 metamorphism is dated at 1525–1450Ma. Using geochronological and metamorphic constraints, theauthors interpret the M3–M4 stages to be part of the sameMesoproterozoic tectonothermal event. The result provides thefirst documentation of UHT metamorphism and Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoicmetamorphic processes in the CITZ. On a broader scale, the findingsare also consistent with the current prediction that isobaricallycooled granulites require a separate orogeny for their exhumation. KEY WORDS: Central Indian Tectonic Zone; UHT metamorphism; counterclockwise PT path; monazite chemical dating  相似文献   

The O'okiep Copper District is underlain by voluminous 1035–1210Ma granite gneiss and granite with remnants of metamorphosedsupracrustal rocks. This assemblage was intruded by the 1030Ma copper-bearing Koperberg Suite that includes jotunite, anorthosite,biotite diorite and hypersthene-bearing rocks ranging from leuconoriteto hypersthenite. New sensitive high-resolution ion microprobeage data demonstrate the presence of 1700–2000 Ma zirconas xenocrysts in all of the intrusive rocks, and as detritalzircon in the metasediments of the Khurisberg Subgroup. Thesedata are consistent with published Sm–Nd model ages ofc. 1700 Ma (TCHUR) and c. 2000 Ma (TDM) of many of the intrusivesthat support a major crust-forming event in Eburnian (Hudsonian)times. In addition, U–Th–Pb analyses of zirconsfrom all major rock units define two tectono-magmatic episodesof the Namaquan Orogeny: (1) the O'okiepian Episode (1180–1210Ma), represented by regional granite plutonism, notably theNababeep and Modderfontein Granite Gneisses and the Concordiaand Kweekfontein Granites that accompanied and outlasted (e.g.Kweekfontein Granite) regional tectonism [F2(D2)] and granulite-faciesmetamorphism (M2); (2) the Klondikean Episode (1020–1040Ma), which includes the intrusion of the porphyritic RietbergGranite and of the Koperberg Suite that are devoid of regionalplanar or linear fabrics. Klondikean tectonism (D3) is reflectedby major east–west-trending open folds [F3(D3a)], andby localized east–west-trending near-vertical ductilefolds [‘steep structures’; F4(D3b)] whose formationwas broadly coeval with the intrusion of the Koperberg Suite.A regional, largely thermal, amphibolite- to granulite-faciesmetamorphism (M3) accompanied D3. This study demonstrates, interalia, that the complete spectrum of rock-types of the KoperbergSuite, together with the Rietberg Granite, was intruded in ashort time-interval (<10 Myr) at c. 1030 Ma, and that therewere lengthy periods of about 150 Myr of tectonic quiescencewithin the Namaquan Orogeny: (1) between the O'okiepian andKlondikean Episodes; (2) from the end of the latter to the formalend of Namaquan Orogenesis 800–850 Ma ago. KEY WORDS: U–Pb, zircon; O'okiep, Namaqualand; granite plutonism; granulite facies; Koperberg Suite; Namaquan (Grenville) Orogeny  相似文献   

Sapphirine granulite occurring as lenses in charnockite at Anantagiri,Eastern Ghat, India, displays an array of minerals which developedunder different P-T-X conditions. Reaction textures in conjunctionwith mineral chemical data attest to several Fe-Mg continuousreactions, such as
  1. spinel+rutile+quartz+MgFe–1=sapphirine+ilmenite
  2. cordierite=sapphirine+quartz+MgFe–1
  3. sapphirine+quartz=orthopyroxene+sillimanite+MgFe–1
  4. orthopyroxene+sapphirine+quartz=garnet+MgFe–1
  5. orthopyroxene+sillimanite=garnet+quartz+MgFe–1
  6. orthopyroxene+sillimanite+quartz+MgFe–1=cordierite.
Calculated positions of the reaction curves in P-T space, togetherwith discrete P-T points obtained through geothermobarometryin sapphirine granulite and the closely associated charnockiteand mafic granulite, define an anticlockwise P-T trajectory.This comprises a high-T/P prograde metamorphic path which culminatedin a pressure regime of 8?3 kb above 950?C, a nearly isobariccooling (IBC) path (from 950?C, 8?3 kb, to 675?C, 7?5kb) anda terminal decompressive path (from 7?5 to 4?5 kb). Spinel,quartz, high-Mg cordierite, and sapphirine were stabilized duringthe prograde high-T/P metamorphism, followed by the developmentof orthopyroxene, sillimanite, and garnet during the IBC. Retrogradelow-Mg cordierite appeared as a consequence of decompressionin the sapphirine granulite. Deformational structures, reportedfrom the Eastern Ghat granulites, and the available geochronologicaldata indicate that prograde metamorphism could have occurredat 30001?00 and 2500?100 Ma during a compressive orogeny thatwas associated with high heat influx through mafic magmatism. IBC ensued from Pmax and was thus a direct consequence of progrademetamorphism. However, in the absence of sufficient study onthe spatial variation in P-T paths and the strain historiesin relation to time, the linkage between IBC and isothermaldecompression (ITD) has remained obscure. A prolonged IBC followedby ITD could be the consequence of one extensional mechanismwhich had an insufficient acceleration at the early stage, orITD separately could be caused by an unrelated extensional tectonism.The complex cooled nearly isobarically from 2500 Ma. It sufferedrapid decompression accompanied by anorthosite and alkalinemagmatism at 1400–1000 Ma.  相似文献   

Garnet-orthopyroxene bearing granulite assemblages from theArchaean Napier Complex, Enderby Land, Antarctica, display avariety of exsolution, recrystallization and corona textureswhich result both from near-isobaric cooling from the peak ofmetamorphism and from later overprinting. Compositional dataon distinct generations of phases and on zoning patterns incoexisting minerals, have been used to estimate (a) peak metamorphicconditions attained between the first and second major deformationphases (Dl and D2); (b) cooling paths from this peak, and (c)ambient metamorphic conditions at the time of a later deformation(D3). Experimentally calibrated geothermobarometers indicateinitial metamorphism at 900–950?C and 7–10 kb duringand subsequent to Dl and D2, at 3100–3000 Ma. The presentlyexposed granulites indicate a regional increase in the pressuresof this metamorphism south-west to the Scott Mountains-CaseyBay region, where minimum crustal thicknesses of 10 kb wereattained at c. 3000 Ma. Subsequently, the Napier Complex granulitesevolved through a prolonged period of near-isobaric coolingprior to further metamorphism at 600–750 and 4–8kb during D3 at c. 2500 Ma. The near-isobaric pressure-temperature-timepath (P-T-t) suggests that the Napier Complex acted as an essentiallystable craton as early as 3000 Ma, and that the major magmaticand tectonic crustal thickening events associated with Dl precededthe thermal peak represented by the earliest recognized metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Hwacheon granulite complex (HGC), occupying the northeasternmargin of the Gyeonggi massif, consists mainly of garnetiferousleucocratic gneiss and leucogranite together with minor kyanite–garnetgneiss, aluminous gneiss, mafic granulite and garnet amphibolite.Mineral assemblages and reaction textures in various rock typesof the HGC document five distinct metamorphic stages: pre- (M1)and peak (M2) granulite-facies metamorphism; lower temperature,high (M3) and low (M4) pressure upper amphibolite-facies metamorphism;and local retrogression (M5) producing andalusite-bearing assemblages.Each metamorphic stage can be integrated to give a compositeP–T path consisting of two distinct trajectories, characterizedby clockwise P–T loops at relatively high and low temperatures,respectively. The first P–T trajectory (M1–M3) correspondsto a Palaeoproterozoic tectonometamorphic event responsiblefor the formation of the granulite complex at  相似文献   

The petrography and mineralogy of a coarse-grained eclogitelens from the La Rinconada Group of northeastern Margarita Island,Venezuela, reflect the metamorphic evolution of the rock. Omphacite+ garnet + paragonite + barroisite + epidote + rutile/ilmenite+ quartz + pyrite + apatite represents the stable assemblagemarking the culmination of a single metamorphic episode. Electronmicroprobe analyses of the major minerals indicate an affinitywith Smulikowski's low-temperature ‘ophiolitic’type. Schreinemakers relationships among the mineral phasesallow the observed complex reaction relations to be explainedas late-stage depressurization effects. The crystallizationof eclogite instead of amphibole gneiss, as in the chemicallyidentical country rock, must be related to a lower H2O in theaqueous fluid phase attending metamorphism. It is inferred frommineralogical stability data that the ‘culmination assemblage’was stable at approximately 450–525 °C and 11.5–13.5kb load pressure, and that depressurization to less than 5 kboccurred at slightly increasing metamorphic temperatures.  相似文献   

The mineral assemblages of greenschist to amphibolite faciesmetabasites may usually be represented in a system of principalcomponents: CaO–Al2O3–(Fe2O3)–FeO–MgO–Na2O–SiO2–CO2–H2O Assemblages co-existing with quartz, ‘albite’, ‘epidote’and a fluid of restricted composition, may be shown by projectionin a CAFM subsystem from ‘epidote’ onto an extendedAFM plane. This projection is analogous to the Thompson projectionfor pelites and is particularly useful in displaying the effectsof Fe/Mg and Al substitution in the silicates as well as incorporatingCaO; it is illustrated by plotting assemblages from the SouthernAlps of New Zealand and the Scottish Highlands and demonstrateschanges occurring with grade in the assemblages. Some commonisograds and facies boundaries are seen to be strongly dependenton bulk rock composition. In some cases MnO must be consideredas an additional component. A model of Psolids=Pfluid, where the fluid is composed of CO2+H2Ois consistent with many greenschist to amphibolite facies metabasicassemblages. Natural assemblages indicate this fluid phase tohave restricted mobility. Theoretical consideration of mineralreactions resulting from increasing Xco2, in conjunction withdata from natural mineral assemblages, leads to the distinctionof five principal types of assemblage which may be expectedas a function of varying XCo2. Recognition of these assemblagetypes provides a useful guide to relative XCo2 during metamorphism. * Present Address: Department of Geology, University of California, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90024.  相似文献   

The results of recent investigations on the stability limitsof staurolite have been combined together with those of thepresent study to develop a semi-quantitative model of the P–T–fo2–Xrelations of staurolite±quartz±magnetite. Theproblem with respect to the hydroxyl content of staurolite hasbeen analysed; it is concluded that no evidence has yet beenmustered to discount the idealised stoichiometry proposed byNaray-Szabó & Sasvari (1958), at least as a limitingcomposition. The stability limits of staurolite±magnetitehave been calculated from the experimental data for the equilibriainvolving quartz. Also the conditions over which the assemblagecordierite+magnetite+quartz could be stable, as well as a quantitativemodel for the fo2-P stability of almandine ± quartz havebeen deduced theoretically. An analysis is presented of the paragenetic relations of staurolitein common pelitic schists. It is suggested that the formationof staurolite at the expense of either chloritoid or chlorite,rather than the unqualified first appearance of staurolite asproposed by Winkler (1970), should define a ‘staurolite-in’isograd in the range of 500–575 °C. In regional metamorphism,chloritoid, staurolite, and aluminum silicates should, underequilibrium conditions, be unstable relative to almandine ingraphitic pelitic schists involving magnetite (chloritoid/staurolite/Al2SiO6+magnetite+quartzalmandine+O2+H2O).The limits of P-T conditions over which staurolite and cordieritemay coexist in natural assemblages have been deduced; it isrestricted, almost entirely within the field of andalusite,between 500–700 °C, and 2–6 kbars, thus definingthe range of P-T conditions for the ‘low-pressure intermediate’—or ‘Buchan’–type amphibolite facies discussedby Miyashiro (1961). In assemblages involving staurolite andandalusite, cordierite rather than almandine should usuallybe stable; the reverse holds for assemblages involving stauroliteand sillimanite.  相似文献   

The Diahot terrane of NE New Caledonia contains an interbeddedsequence of Cretaceous to Eocene metasediments, felsic and maficmetavolcanics that experienced c. 40 Ma high-P/T metamorphism.Metabasaltic assemblages define two prograde events (M1 andM2) and a tectonically disrupted crustal profile that extendsfrom lawsonite–blueschist conditions in the SW to paragonite–eclogiteconditions in the NE. Weakly deformed metabasalts from lowest-gradeparts of the Diahot terrane contain M1 omphacite, chlorite,lawsonite and glaucophane-bearing assemblages that partiallypseudomorph igneous plagioclase and augite, and reflect P =0·7–1·0 GPa and T = 350–400°C.M1 assemblages are enveloped by a steeply SW-dipping S2 foliationthat becomes progressively more intense towards the NE overa distance of c. 15 km. S2 assemblages are divided into fourzones: (1) lawsonite–omphacite; (2) lawsonite–clinozoisite–spessartine;(3) clinozoisite–hornblende–almandine; (4) almandine–omphacite.S2 assemblages reflect a PT gradient that spans the exposed15 km of the Diahot terrane from P = 0·8–1·0GPa and T = 350–400°C (Zone 1) to P = 1·6–1·7GPa and T = 550–600°C (Zone 4). The systematic mineralogicalchanges reflect parts of a PT array between 1·0and 1·7 GPa that was extensively disrupted by tectonicthinning during exhumation. KEY WORDS: blueschist; eclogite; New Caledonia; CNFMASH; pseudosection  相似文献   

SAJEEV  K.; OSANAI  Y. 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(9):1821-1844
Mg- and Al-rich granulites of the central Highland Complex,Sri Lanka preserve a range of reaction textures indicative ofa multistage PT history following an ultrahigh-temperaturemetamorphic peak. The granulites contain a near-peak assemblageof sapphirine–garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite–quartz–K-feldspar,which was later overprinted by intergrowth, symplectite andcorona textures involving orthopyroxene, sapphirine, cordieriteand spinel. Biotite-rims, kornerupine and orthopyroxene-rimson biotite are considered to be late assemblages. Thermobarometriccalculations yield an estimated PT of at least 1100°Cand 12 kbar for the near-peak metamorphism. Isopleths of Al2O3in orthopyroxene are consistent with a peak temperature above1150°C. The PT path consists of four segments. Initialisobaric cooling after peak metamorphism (Segment A), whichproduced the garnet–sapphirine–quartz assemblage,was followed by near-isothermal decompression at ultrahigh temperature(Segment B), which produced the multiphase symplectites. Furtherisobaric cooling (Segment C) resulted in the formation of biotiteand kornerupine, and late isothermal decompression (SegmentD) formed orthopyroxene rims on biotite. This evolution canbe correlated with similar PT paths elsewhere, but thereare not yet sufficient geochronological and structural dataavailable from the Highland Complex to allow the tectonic implicationsto be fully assessed. KEY WORDS: central Highland Complex; granulites; multistage evolution; Sri Lanka; UHT metamorphism  相似文献   

Boninites are an important ‘end-member’ supra-subductionzone magmatic suite as they have the highest H2O contents andrequire the most refractory of mantle wedge sources. The pressure–temperatureconditions of boninite origins in the mantle wedge are importantto understanding subduction zone initiation and subsequent evolution.Reaction experiments at 1·5 GPa (1350–1530°C),2 GPa (1400–1600°C) and 2·5 GPa (1450–1530°C)between a model primary high-Ca boninite magma composition anda refractory harzburgite under anhydrous and H2O-undersaturatedconditions (2–3 wt % H2O in the melt) have been completed.The boninite composition was modelled on melt inclusions occurringin the most magnesian olivine phenocrysts in high-Ca boninitesfrom the Northern Tongan forearc and the Upper Pillow Lavasof the Troodos ophiolite. Direct melting experiments on a modelrefractory lherzolite and a harzburgite composition at 1·5GPa under anhydrous conditions (1400–1600°C) havealso been completed. Experiments establish a P, T ‘meltinggrid’ for refractory harzburgite at 1·5, 2 and2·5 GPa and in the presence of 2–3 wt % H2O. Theeffect of 2–3 wt % dissolved H2O produces a liquidus depressionin primary boninite of  相似文献   

HARLEY  SIMON L. 《Journal of Petrology》1988,29(5):1059-1095
Granulites from the Rauer Group, East Antarctica, were metamorphosedat 860?40?C during a high-grade tectonothermal episode youngerthan 1400 Ma and probably close to 1000 Ma in age. A spatialvariation of pressures of metamorphism at the thermal peak iscalculated for felsic and mafic granulites preserving garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclaseassemblages with or without additional clinopyroxene and quartz.Pressures of 6 to 7.5 kb are derived for the northern partsof the Rauer Group, whereas 7–8?5 kb pressures are calculatedfor similar granulites some 10–20 km further south. Post-deformational reaction textures including orthopyroxene-plagioclasesymplectites after garnet in basic granulites and plagioclasemoats or rims on garnet and orthopyroxene in felsic granulitesindicate a decompressional pressure-temperature-time evolution(P-T-t) which is confirmed by garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase-quartzand garnet-orthopyroxene barometry of zoned and regrown minerals.A pervasive decompression through c. 2 to 3–5 kb in thenorthern Rauer Group and to 5–6 kb in the southern partof the region occurred at temperatures above 700?C and probablyin excess of 750?C. This P-T evolution, which indicates a uniformunroofing of some 6–9 km while quite high mid- to lower-crustaltemperatures only decreased by c. 100?C, is consistent withthe later stages of a prolonged collision-related thermal evolution.Comparisons of the P-T-t paths of the late Proterozoic granulitesfrom the Rauer Group and elsewhere in East Antarctica with calculatedP-T paths for simple collisional models where erosion terminatesthe heating phase show that externally- derived magmatic additionsand an enhanced total heat budget are necessary to produce theobserved high-temperature evolution.  相似文献   

Archean tonalitic-granodioritic orthogneisses bordering theSkaergaard Intrusion contain widespread boudins and lenses ofgarnet-biotite schist, quartzite, amphibolite, and ultramaficrocks. These rocks are similar to and locally gradational withnarrow intact supracrustal belts in the region. We correlateearliest isoclinal folds in supracrustal belt rocks and in earliesttonalitic-trondhjemitic-granitic (TTG1) orthogneisses with regionallydeveloped (D2) deformation. We also correlate strong foliation(Ssp1) in the supracrustal rocks and banding (Sbgn1) in earliestorthogneisses with D2 deformation which followed and overlappedearliest M1 metamorphism. Ssp1 foliation is in part axial planarwith D2 isoclinal folds transposing compositional and subparallelmetamorphic banding in the hinge areas. Ssp1 assemblages inmetapelites consist of folia of coexisting sillimanite-biotite-quartzand correspond roughly to metamorphism at the second sillimaniteisograd. We correlate syntectonic emplacement of a later generationof orthogneisses (TTG2) with strong D3 shearing-cataclasis associatedwith tectonic intercalation of supracrustal rocks and earliestorthogneisses. The latest metamorphic assemblages (M2) consistof granoblastic and porphyroblastic minerals that overprintSsp1 (M1) foliation and D3 fabrics. These assemblages formedduring largely static regional metamorphism about 2900 Ma agoand are locally aligned with fabric elements of D4 folding. Temperatures during M2 metamorphism equalled or exceeded thestability of biotite-sillimanite-quartz in metapelites and chlorite-orthopyroxene-olivine-spinel-hornblendein ultramafic rocks. Fe-Mg biotite-garnet exchange, and thepressure-dependent garnet-plagioclase-sillimanite-quartz equilibriumassemblage in metapelites yield temperature and pressure estimatesfor M2 metamorphism of 650–700?C and 3–4 kb. Thesedata suggest that M2 assemblages formed as results of dehydrationreactions at water partial pressures that were less than thetotal pressure. The temperature-dependent equilibrium assemblagechlorite-orthopyroxene-olivine-spinel-vapor (+hornblende), adjustedfor observed phase compositions, is consistent with the Fe-Mgbiotitegarnet exchange geothermometer. Rare-earth element, Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb isotopic, and other compositionalcharacteristics of the orthogneisses are generally consistentwith a multiple stage magmatic origin of their protoliths. OlderTTG1 orthogneisses have compositions generally consistent withformation of the magmas parental to their protoliths by partialmelting of garnetiferous source rocks such as eclogite, or lowercrust. Younger TTG2 orthogneisses have compositions that areconsistent with their formation as water-saturated second meltsin equilibrium with a hornblende-rich residuum. Their formationoccurred within a few 107 y after crustal emplacement of TTG1orthogneisses. The source of water for the formation of later(TTG2) melts may have been M2 dehydration reactions deeper withinthe supracrustal pile.  相似文献   

Both high- and medium-pressure granulites have been found asenclaves and boudins in tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioriticgneisses in the Hengshan Complex. Petrological evidence fromthese rocks indicates four distinct metamorphic assemblages.The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved only in thehigh-pressure granulites and represented by quartz and rutileinclusions within the cores of garnet porphyroblasts, and omphacitepseudomorphs that are indicated by clinopyroxene + sodic plagioclasesymplectic intergrowths. The peak assemblage (M2) consists ofclinopyroxene + garnet + sodic plagioclase + quartz ±hornblende in the high-pressure granulites and orthopyroxene+ clinopyroxene + garnet + plagioclase + quartz in the medium-pressuregranulites. Peak metamorphism was followed by near-isothermaldecompression (M3), which resulted in the development of orthopyroxene+ clinopyroxene + plagioclase symplectites and coronas surroundingembayed garnet grains, and decompression-cooling (M4), representedby hornblende + plagioclase symplectites on garnet. The THERMOCALCprogram yielded peak (M2) P–T conditions of 13·4–15·5kbar and 770–840°C for the high-pressure granulitesand 9–11 kbar and 820–870°C for the medium-pressuregranulites, based on the core compositions of garnet, matrixpyroxene and plagioclase. The P–T conditions of pyroxene+ plagioclase symplectite and corona (M3) were estimated at  相似文献   

Metapelitic rock samples from the NE Shackleton Range, Antarctica,include garnet with contrasting zonation patterns and two agespectra. Garnet porphyroblasts in K-rich kyanite–sillimanite–staurolite–garnet–muscovite–biotite schistsfrom Lord Nunatak show prograde growth zonation, and give Sm–Ndgarnet, U–Pb monazite and Rb–Sr muscovite ages of518 ± 5, 514 ± 1 and 499 ± 12 Ma, respectively.Geothermobarometry and PT pseudo-section calculationsin the model system CaO–Na2O–K2O– TiO2–MnO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2Oare consistent with garnet growth during prograde heating from540°C/7 kbar to 650°C/7·5 kbar, and partial resorptionduring a subsequent PT decrease to <650°C at <6kbar. All data indicate that rocks from Lord Nunatak were affectedby a single orogenic cycle. In contrast, garnet porphyroblastsin K-poor kyanite–sillimanite– staurolite–garnet–cordierite–biotite-schistsfrom Meade Nunatak show two growth stages and diffusion-controlledzonation. Two distinct age groups were obtained. Laser ablationplasma ionization multicollector mass spectrometry in situ analysesof monazite, completely enclosed by a first garnet generation,yield ages of c. 1700 Ma, whereas monazite grains in open garnetfractures and in most matrix domains give c. 500 Ma. Both agegroups are also obtained by U–Pb thermal ionization massspectrometry analyses of matrix monazite and zircon, which fallon a discordia with lower and upper intercepts at 502 ±1 and 1686 ± 2 Ma, respectively. Sm–Nd garnet datingyields an age of 1571 ± 40 Ma and Rb–Sr biotiteanalyses give an age of 504 ± 1 Ma. Integrated geochronologicaland petrological data provide evidence that rocks from MeadeNunatak underwent a polymetamorphic Barrovian-type metamorphism:(1) garnet 1 growth and subsequent diffusive garnet annealingbetween 1700 and 1570 Ma; (2) garnet 2 growth during the RossOrogeny at c. 500 Ma. During the final orogenic event the rocksexperienced peak PT conditions of about 650°C/7·0kbar and a retrograde stage at c. 575°C/4·0 kbar. KEY WORDS: garnet microtexture; PT pseudosection; geochronology; polymetamorphism; Shackleton Range; Antarctica  相似文献   

A suite of garnetiferous amphibolites and mafic granulites occuras small boudins within layered felsic migmatite gneiss in thenorthern part of the Sausar Mobile Belt (SMB), the latter constitutingthe southern component of the Proterozoic Central Indian TectonicZone (CITZ). Although the two types of metabasites are in variousstages of retrogression, textural, compositional and phase equilibriastudies attest to four distinct metamorphic episodes. The earlyprograde stage (Mo) is represented by an inclusion assemblageof hornblende1 + ilmenite1 + plagioclase1 ± quartz andgrowth zoning preserved in garnet. The peak assemblage (M1)consists of porphyroblastic garnet + clinopyroxene ±quartz ± rutile ± hornblende in mafic granulitesand garnet + quartz + hornblende in amphibolites and stabilizedat pressure–temperature conditions of 9–10 kbarand 750–800°C and 8 kbar and 675°C, respectively.This was followed by near-isothermal decompression (M2), andpost-decompression cooling (M3) events. In mafic granulites,the former resulted in the development of early clinopyroxene2A–hornblende2A–plagioclase2Asymplectites at 8 kbar and 775°C (M2A stage), synchronouswith D2 and later anhydrous clinopyroxene2B–plagioclase2B–ilmenite2Bsymplectites and coronal assemblages at 7 kbar, 750°C (M2Bstage) and post-dating D2. In amphibolites, ilmenite + plagioclase+ quartz ± hornblende symplectites appeared during M2at 6·4 kbar and 700°C. During M3, coronal garnet+ clinopyroxene + quartz ± hornblende-bearing symplectitesin metabasic dykes and hornblende3–plagioclase3 symplectitesembaying garnet in mafic granulites were formed. PT estimatesshow near-isobaric cooling from 7 kbar and 750°C to 6 kbarand 650°C during M3. It is argued that the decompressionin the mafic granulites is not continuous, being punctuatedby a distinct heating (prograde?) event. The latter is alsocoincident with a period of extension, marked by mafic dykeemplacement. The combined PT path of evolution has aclockwise sense and provides evidence for a major phase of earlycontinental subduction in parts of the CITZ. This was followedby a later continent–continent collision event duringwhich granulites of the first phase became tectonically interleavedwith younger lithological units. This tectonothermal event,of possibly Grenvillian age, marks the final amalgamation ofthe North and the South Indian Blocks along the CITZ to producethe Indian subcontinent. KEY WORDS: Central Indian Tectonic Zone; clockwise PT path; continental collision; metabasite  相似文献   

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